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[IDD #SFG-480039]: Canadian Radar data
- Subject: [IDD #SFG-480039]: Canadian Radar data
- Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2008 09:26:03 -0700
Hi Christian,
re: Canadian radar data
> I thought that they agreed to do it, because of this message:
> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/support/help/MailArchives/gempak/msg05448.html
> It was not definitive?
This certainly seems definitive.
Since I was not directly involved in this effort, I was unaware of an intention
to make the data generally available to the Unidata community in their original
Also, I was under the impression that the data was being ingested and
added to the FNEXRAD base reflectivity composite, but this turns out to not
be the case: it is ingested; it is not being added to the FNEXRAD products in
the IDD; it is being added to experimental products available on a machine
that is used for backup FNEXRAD generation duties.
If you want to get the stations that Pelmorex is making available to Unidata,
please add the following request to your ~ldm/etc/ldmd.conf configuration
file and restart your LDM:
request EXP "^([A-z][A-z][A-z])([0-3][PRS]).TXT.gz" idd.unidata.ucar.edu
Here is an example GEMPAK pqact.conf action for uncompressing the products:
# Canadian radar data via Pelmorex
EXP ^([A-z][A-z][A-z])([0-3][PRS]).TXT.gz
PIPE -close decoders/dcgunzip -f
Please note:
- these products are NOT in the same format as the NEXRAD Level III products;
they are ASCII text
- they are not reflectivities; they are precipitation values. Here are snippits
of headers from the two different types of data I see from Pelmorex:
MajorProductType RADAR
ValidTime 200811151320
DataType GeoReferencedField
FieldType Grid
Projection LatitudeLongitudeGrid
Scale 1
Width 480
Height 480
Interpolation NearestNeighbour
DataFormat Comma_Delim_Ascii,LatLonValue,Suppressed
LatCentre 45.09889
LonCentre -63.70333
HornHeight 22 m
GroundHeight 210 m
Noise 50.8
Originator URP-1 Version 0.1
MinorProductType CAPPI
CAPPIHeight 1.5 km
Precipitation type: rain
Units: mm/hr
MajorProductType RADAR
ValidTime 200811151310
DataType GeoReferencedField
FieldType Grid
Projection LatitudeLongitudeGrid
LatitudeIncrement 0.008994
LongitudeIncrement 0.012741
Scale 1
Width 480
Height 480
Interpolation NearestNeighbour
DataFormat Comma_Delim_Ascii,LatLonValue,Suppressed
LatCentre 45.0989
LonCentre -63.7033
HornHeight 22
GroundHeight 210
Noise 50.95
Originator URP-1 Version 0.1
MinorProductType PRECIP
In order to be combined with the Nexrad Level III products, the rain rates
in the C1P products would need to be converted into reflectivities through
a Z-R relationship. It would seem logical that this relationship would
change throughout the year.
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: SFG-480039
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed