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[Miscellaneous #OHN-840015]: Request from Colombia!
- Subject: [Miscellaneous #OHN-840015]: Request from Colombia!
- Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 09:59:21 -0600
Hola Gloria,
> I am sending to you a short description of a Pilot Project in Colombia
> that Empresas Públicas de Medellin.E.S.P (EE.PP.M.E.S.P) is developing
> and it is supported by OMM. I am sending to you a document that describes
> the hydrometeorological system that EEPPM.E.S.P has and the objectives and
> awaited benefits of the Pilot Project: "Hydrometeorological System on Nare
> and Guatapé Basins located in Antioquia-Colombia".
This looks like a very interesting project!
> I would like to know if it is possible for UNIDATA to help this project
> specifically in objectives 3 and 4 giving access for a government company
> (EE.PP.M. E.S.P) to the information that Unidata has
If you are asking if we will approve your access to data in our Internet
Data Distribution (IDD) system, then the answer is yes. The objectives of
your Pilot Project fit nicely with the objectives of the IDD. The questions
you need to be able to answer are:
- is there sufficient Internet bandwidth to the EE.PP.M.E.S.P site
- does the EE.PP.M.E.S.P have a machine running Unix/Linux on which
it can install and operate the Unidata Local Data Manager (LDM)
software. The LDM is the software on top of which the IDD is built
> and allowing it to have some of your models like McIDAS.
This portion of your question is a bit puzzling since McIDAS is a display
and analysis tool, not a numerical model. The confusion may be due to
a difference in language; please forgive me if I am misunderstanding
what you are asking for here.
If you are asking if you can be allowed access to McIDAS, then I will need
to consult with the package's owners, the Space Science and Engineering
Center (SSEC) of the University of Wisconsin (UW) at Madison. Our license
with SSEC specifically allows us to distribute McIDAS to educational
worldwide. It does not allow us to distribute McIDAS to government agencies
or commercial entities except under specific circumstances.
Question: are there any universities involved in your Pilot Project activities?
If the answer is yes, then I feel confident that we can provide McIDAS to the
university(s) and that it could be used in your project.
Please note that McIDAS is the only display/analysis package we offer that has
restrictions for who can get access. Our other packages, GEMPAK and the IDV
do not have these restrictions.
> And if it is possible, I would like to know in what way it could be done, I
> mean, if it is necessary some document from EE.PP.M.E.S.P, or anything else?
First, we need to understand exactly what you are asking for. If you are
access to the realtime data available in the IDD, there are no problems. If
you are asking for access to our distribution of McIDAS, then we will need a
more information on the EE.PP.M.E.S.P (a reference to a web page that describes
it, for instance) and what, if any, role universities will play in the Pilot
> Thank you a lot for any information that you can give me
No worries.
> and if you need more information please tell me.
As soon as we fully understand what you are looking to get from us, we can
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: OHN-840015
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed