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[IDD #WLO-779174]: Goes 12 imagen
- Subject: [IDD #WLO-779174]: Goes 12 imagen
- Date: Fri, 11 May 2007 15:21:29 -0600
Hi Gustavo,
Sorry for the delayed response. I didn't notice your new inquiry before now.
> Our WS crashed. It had to do with a probable electrical crash and then the
> problem was with filesystems unexpected inconsistency. I think it was
> necessary to run fsck manually or some thing like that.
> Well, what you did, it’s working all right.
Very good.
> On the other hand this is
> very useful and let's us optimize this unidata’s software. I have some
> additional questions.
re: my comment that maintaining one script is easier than maintaining three
> I agreed! Thank.
No worries.
re: I commented out execution of your three scripts in ...
> Ok.
re: it is a bad idea to create a directory within the hierarchy of a
> I’m going to move that directory, under /home/gempak as you wrote.
> It’ll
> take time since by now we are running almost all there.
Sounds good.
re: It seems to me that the things that are done in une.bat might better be
done by the script now being run by pqact, ~ldm/util/sat-solo.sh --
> Yes, but It's no clear for me how to change what une.bat”is doing into
> pqact.
I would add logic into the script that pqact is now running that does the
work that is currently being done in /home/gempak/web/sat/une.bat. The
difference would be that it would do the work for a single type of image
each time the script is run.
> It’s very important if one can make available images as soon as
> possible.
> There is an additional question about it above.
I didn't see a question above...
re: LDM and McIDAS were upgraded. There is a new GEMPAK release
> Thank you. When changing this directory I’ll ask.
> It seems all it’s working very well.
> About sa-solo.sh
> [ldm@unidata util]$ more sat-solo.sh
> #!/bin/sh
> # Insure the script is run from the Bourne shell
> SEHLL=/bin/sh
> export SHELL
SEHLL is a typo. It should be SHELL. I just changed it.
> # Set GEMPAK environment
> . /home/gempak/GEMPAK5.9.1/Gemenviron.profile
> # Send all textual output to a log file
> GEMLOG=/home/ldm/logs/gempak.log
> exec 2>$GEMLOG 1>&2
> # Set a variety of internal variables from the file name passed in
> cursat=$1
> fname=`basename $cursat`
> imgtyp=`echo $fname | cut -d_ -f1`
> curdate=`echo $fname | cut -d_ -f2`
> curtim=`echo $fname | cut -d_ -f3`
> curyear=`echo $curdate | cut -b 1-4`
> ................
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> cursat=$1 is given outside of the script, right?
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [ldm@unidata etc]$ more pqact.gempak_images
> .......
> # Local addition(s) that run GEMPAK shell scripts to produce GIF files
> #
> MCIDAS ^pnga2area Q. (U[^ACXY1]) (.*) (.*)_IMG (0.65)um (.*) (........)
> (....)
> util/sat-solo.sh /data/ldm/gempak/images/sat/\3/\5/VIS/VIS_\6_\7
> MCIDAS ^pnga2area Q. (U[^ACXY1]) (.*) (.*)_IMG (6..)um (.*) (........) (....)
> util/sat-solo.sh /data/ldm/gempak/images/sat/\3/\5/WV/WV_\6_\7
> MCIDAS ^pnga2area Q. (U[^ACXY1]) (.*) (.*)_IMG (10.7)um (.*) (........)
> (....)
> util/sat-solo.sh /data/ldm/gempak/images/sat/\3/\5/IR/IR_\6_\7
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> for me it’s no clear what means
> MCIDAS ^pnga2area Q. (U[^ACXY1]) (.*) (.*)_IMG (0.65)um (.*) (........)
> (....)
> Do it depend on which channel is?
There are three actions at the end of ~ldm/etc/pqact.gempak_images, one for each
of the image types you want to create GIFs from. The regular expression in
the pqact.gempak_images action specifies the type of image by matching on
a header for the product being received:
(0.65)um -> the visible image (the wavelength of the the visible image is 0.65
(6..)um -> the water vapor images (this part of the pattern will match both
6.8 um
and 6.5 um. When GOES-West was GOES-10, this pattern was used to
match its 6.8 um wavelength; GOES-East is 6.5 um
(10.7)um -> the thermal IR image (the wavelength of the thermal IR is 10.7 um)
You can see what the product headers look like using the LDM 'notifyme' utility:
<logged in as 'ldm'>
notifyme -vxl- -f MCIDAS -o 3600
> And with
> util/sat-solo.sh /data/ldm/gempak/images/sat/\3/\5/VIS/VIS_\6_\7
> Here you are saying what cursat is (on sat-solo.sh), isn’t it?
Yes. The expression '/data/ldm/gempak/images/sat/\3/\5/VIS/VIS_\6_\7' is
the full pathname of the image that will be written.
> I don't understand the last part:
> /\3/\5/VIS/VIS_\6_\7
This requires some more knowledge of the LDM. The expressions '\3', '\4',
'\5', '\6', and '\7' get replaced by the values in the header specified
by the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh set of parentheses:
MCIDAS ^pnga2area Q. (U[^ACXY1]) (.*) (.*)_IMG (0.65)um (.*) (........) (....)
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
^_____ \7
| | | | |
|________________ \6
| | | |
|_____________________ \5
| | |
|______________________________ \4
| |
|_______________________________________ \3
|____________________________________________ \2
|_______________________________________________________ \1
So, for a header that looks like:
pnga2area Q1 UV 140 GOES-12_IMG 0.65um 4km 20070511 2015
The values extracted would be:
\1 == UV
\2 == 140
\3 == GOES-12
\4 == 0.65
\5 == 4km
\6 == 20070511
\7 == 2015
> Or from another point of view, let's say one wants to use
> /data/ldm/gempak/syn/20070508_syn.gem
> how do you say this?
I'm sorry... use /data/ldm/gempak/syn/20070508_syn.gem for what?
> I mean in order to run more things as you showed, I need to create
> additional script that run from the Bourne shell (this is *.sh files).
> This point is more or less clear. The principal difficulty for me seems to
> change or add more instruction on pqact.gempak_images how this works.
OK, I understand. What you should do first is read through the LDM workshop
materials that are online in our website:
Unidata HomePage
LDM 6.6.3 HomePage
2006 LDM Training Workshop
> As last question, to run .spf’s files is there a direct way using more
> pqact?
I am sorry, but I don't know what .spf files are.
> I hope you can help us. Thank you again!
I think that the first place to start is to read through the online LDM
documentation and workshop materials. This should give you a better idea
of how the LDM works and what you can do with it.
The next step after reading the LDM documentation is to go through the
actions I added to the ~ldm/etc/pqact.gempak_images file and study them
carefully applying what you learned from your reading of the LDM documentation.
The next step is to review the contents of ~ldm/util/solo-sat.sh until
you are comfortable with what is being done. This should be very easy for
you since it was created from the scripts you wrote.
Finally, after you feel comfortable with what has been done, try adding
new actions to do new things. We should talk again when you get to this
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage http://www.unidata.ucar.edu
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: WLO-779174
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed