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[IDDBrasil #XPZ-611749]: Re: 20060609: CONDUIT Latency (cont.)
- Subject: [IDDBrasil #XPZ-611749]: Re: 20060609: CONDUIT Latency (cont.)
- Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 10:52:12 -0600
Hi Waldenio,
I put this email into our new inquiry tracking system so we can better
monitor the effort to reduce the latencies you are experiencing in
your CONDUIT feed.
re: split CONDUIT feed requests into fifths
> I just did these modifications. Let's see if the latencies
> will drop ! These latencies are denying us to send our
> TIGGE data :-(
The preliminary indications are that this has helped some, but it
has not (yet) had the dramatic effects that Y. Yamasaki saw
at Universidade de Averio. As more GFS runs are received
by you (CPTEC), we will get a better idea of how to proceed.
It may be necessary to split the feed requests again, so please
don't be suprised if I send you an email tonight or tomorrow
requesting further modifications.
> The things here are going well. Presently I am in a effort
> to reorganize the Operations Division. I intend to put more
> people working on LDM and unidata systems here. Alex Almeida
> is on vacancies now.
The reorganization sounds like a big job. I am happy to hear
that more people will become familiar with the LDM and other
Unidata systems at CPTEC.
Question: is Alex Almeida the same person as Alexandra?
> Thanks by the AGU presentation.
No worries. My regret was that you were not there to interact with
not only the Brazilian contingent (Pedro Dias, Julia Cohen, Galdino
Mota, Guilherme Chagas, and Elen Cutrim), but also with Claudia
Campatella of the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Soyara Abad-Mota
of the Universidad de Simon Bolivar (Venezuela), Vilma Castro of
the Universidad de Costa Rica, Michael Taylor of the University
of the West Indies (Jamaica), and Volker Gaertner and Marianne Koenig
of EUMETSAT. The prospect of meaningful collaborations looks very good!
> We are installing new machines
> and systems here. Soon the LDM server on the Satellite Division
> will be working. This will be another data provider, for satellite
> imagery (Finally the CPTEC's imagery will be available). I put
> another people (Alexandra) to install the system and teach the
> people on DSA.
> I need return to the TIGGE transfers tests. (I am waiting for
> Alex Almeida return for this). I would like to test some transfers
> using ftp also, to evaluate the bandwidth. Is possible to open
> an ftp channel in yakov for mopora ?
I will have to inquire about this as we have incoming FTP turned off.
By the way, the ability to send data using FTP should be no different
than by using the LDM. The culprit in your data transfer problems
is some sort of artificial limiting (or too small of a network pipe)
somewhere in the link from the US to Brazil. We need to identify
where this bottleneck is and work to resolve/fix it.
> This week we have 2 holidays, and next week we will do another
> complete power down in CPTEC's installations (saturday and sunday).
> We are preparing the special schemes for this stop.
Enjoy your holidays!
> Tom, thanks by all the support that you are providing.
No worries. I am eager to get reliable, high speed data flows
working between South America and the rest of the IDD world.
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642 P.O. Box 3000
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: XPZ-611749
Department: Support IDD Brasil
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed