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[IDD #KRV-815335]: Ballpark numbers for bandwidth to support Back-up link to South America
- Subject: [IDD #KRV-815335]: Ballpark numbers for bandwidth to support Back-up link to South America
- Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2006 13:06:51 -0700
Hi Pat,
> We have been trying to work the numbers for providing a backup link to
> Brazil /So Am via the NLR and Florida Lambda Rail and its connectivity
> thru Florida International University.
> Our estimates are:
> Current UNF capacity 1Gbps = 450 GB/hr
> (10 Gbps available via FLR, but not yet implemented)
This should be more than enough :-)
> By my guestimates.... CONDUIT DATA
> Link US to SA (reg. US data) = 1.5 -3 GB /hr
> LINK SA to US (reg SA data) = 1 - 3 GB / hr est.
> US to SA test model feed = 3 GB / hr
> SA to US test model feed = 2 GB /hr
These are good working numbers: South American researchers are typically
concerned with only the global GFS model data in CONDUIT; they are not as
interested in the models that cover North America and the US. Even still,
the global GFS data is the largest part of the CONDUIT feed in terms of
volume. The return flow from South America will initially be less than
the numbers you list, but will increase dramatically with Brazilian
participation in TIGGE.
> Total Conduit Data Rate (initially) = 7.5 GB/hr = 7.5/450 = 1.6% lambda
This a good initial working number.
> AWIS LAB future modeling data throughput:
> US Raw datasets = 1.5 GB/hr
> Peter Sheng (UF) Coastal Ocean Model Grids = 1 GB/hr (???)
> Krishnamurti (FSU) Super-Ensemble Grids (thinned) = 5 GB/run (4X day)
> UNF 3 km WRF Model SE US Domain grid output to FSU / UF 5 GB/run
> How are we doing in our estimates of needed CONDUIT thruput...(???)
I would say that your estimates are right on the money!
> Regards,
> Dr. Pat Welsh
> Advanced Weather Information Systems Lab
> University of North Florida
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: KRV-815335
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed