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Re: 20050512: Routing from winderground to idd and rtstats


On May 19,  2:19pm, Jeff Masters wrote:
> Subject: Re: 20050512: Routing from wunderground to idd and rtstats
> Hi Mike, I am running ldm 6.2.1, do I need to upgrade?

There's no compelling reason to that with regard to these concerns.

> the ldmd.log file for the machine n8.wunderground.com is available via:
> ftp ftp.wunderground.com
> Name (ftp.wunderground.com:root): ftp
> 331 Anonymous login ok, send your complete email address as your password.
> Password:
> ftp> cd auto
> ftp> get ldmd.log


> You won't be able to get a directory listing for security reasons, you
> have to know the file name and dir.
> It's curious about the "No route to host" thing, I just did some
> traceroutes, and one to rtstats.unidata.ucar.edu failed at the last hop
> (flrb.ucar.edu), but succeeded to idd.unidata.ucar.edu. I was able to ping
> both machines.
>  Thanks, Jeff

>From our end, I now see the same problem.  It looks like all the
authoratative name servers for wunderground.com are giving out a
private address for n8.wunderground.com (ie
