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20050214: NOAAPort data volumnes by feedtype

>From: "Rodger R. Getz" <address@hidden>
>Organization: AWIS Weather Services, Inc.
>Keywords: 200502141456.j1EEuAv2009450 NOAAPORT data volumes

Hi Rodger,

Its been a long time since we chatted...

>I've been trying to find some current statistics of daily volumes of 
>data by feedtype (HDS, NIMAGE, NNEXRAD, and IDS|DDPLUS) being 
>transmitted on NOAAPort. Most of the stats I've found by searching the 
>Unidata web site are either hourly averages or old stats.

Our real time statistics pages should have exactly what you are looking
for.  For instance, the volume and # products summary for the top level
IDD relay node, thelma.ucar.edu, shows information for all of the data
being ingested in the current EFData NOAAPORT broadcast and for feeds
only available over the IDD:


Data Volume Summary for thelma.ucar.edu

Maximum hourly volume   3447.269 M bytes/hour
Average hourly volume   2322.952 M bytes/hour

Average products per hour     126627 prods/hour

Feed                           Average             Maximum     Products
                     (M byte/hour)            (M byte/hour)   number/hour
CONDUIT                1152.432    [ 49.611%]     2136.242    23687.561
CRAFT                   626.019    [ 26.949%]      747.115    48828.220
HDS                     199.650    [  8.595%]      520.762    13388.268
NIMAGE                  154.435    [  6.648%]      345.156      177.146
NNEXRAD                 127.423    [  5.485%]      144.807    21691.488
FNEXRAD                  21.061    [  0.907%]       27.788      491.220
UNIWISC                  20.520    [  0.883%]       32.005       28.171
IDS|DDPLUS               13.224    [  0.569%]       19.570    18282.415
DIFAX                     5.178    [  0.223%]       21.787        6.293
FSL2                      2.220    [  0.096%]        2.323       11.561
GEM                       0.791    [  0.034%]       10.808       34.756

These numbers reflect values recorded during a variable time period
that spans from one to 3 days.  To get the time period information,
simply display the 'volume' plot of one of the feed types; I recommend
using NNEXRAD (NEXRAD Level III products from NOAAPORT):


Some definitinos are in order:

CONDUIT    - high resolution model data from NCEP typically acquired by FTP
CRAFT      - NEXRAD Level II volume data
HDS        - NOAAPORT model data in the NWSTG and OCONUS channels
NIMAGE     - NOAAPORT GOES imagery in GINI format
FNEXRAD    - national composites of NEXRAD Level III products (created by 
UNIWISC    - Unidata-Wisconsin satellite imagery
IDS|DDPLUS - NOAAPORT observational data from NWSTG and OCONUS channels
DIFAX      - DIFAX-like products created by the University of Wisconsin/AOS
FSL2       - NOAA/FSL wind profiler data
GEM        - CMC model data

The target is indeed a moving one.  Some comparative numbers from the
current test DVB-S NOAAPORT broadcast can be seen at:


Data Volume Summary for jackie.unidata.ucar.edu

Maximum hourly volume   1173.393 M bytes/hour
Average hourly volume    554.960 M bytes/hour

Average products per hour      46122 prods/hour

Feed                           Average             Maximum     Products
                     (M byte/hour)            (M byte/hour)   number/hour
HDS                     147.383    [ 26.557%]      350.413    12238.610
NGRID                   141.184    [ 25.440%]      514.211     2494.902
NIMAGE                  128.867    [ 23.221%]      285.226      122.585
NNEXRAD                 126.040    [ 22.712%]      144.791    21463.171
IDS|DDPLUS               11.486    [  2.070%]       17.978     9803.220

The datastream definitions are almost, but not quite, the same:

HDS        - NOAAPORT model data in the NWSTG channel
NGRID      - grid 218 (12 km ETA (oops, NAM ;-) model data in GRIB2 format
NIMAGE     - NOAAPORT GOES imagery in GINI format
IDS|DDPLUS - NOAAPORT observational data from NWSTG channel

Please remember that the DVB-S numbers will change when the NWS goes
operational with this technology on March 31.

>The volume of 
>products being sent has been steadily increasing, so more current stats 
>are needed to assess resource requirements.

Our real time statistics pages are updated when a request is made.  The
data behind the plots is being received semi-continuously (each
minute), so keeping an eye on the volumes being reported by relay nodes
like thelma.ucar.edu or atm.geo.nsf.gov will provide the time history
of datastream volumes.

>Do you guys have any more current daily stats?

Did you look at the real time statistics pages?

>Thanks for any help.

No worries.

>Rodger R. Getz, President and CEO
>AWIS Weather Services, Inc.
>1735 East University Drive, Suite 101
>P.O. Box 3267
>Auburn, AL     36831-3267
>Phone: (334) 826-2149 ext 104
>Fax: (334) 826-2152


Tom Yoksas
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