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20041210: CONDUIT setup in LDM
- Subject: 20041210: CONDUIT setup in LDM
- Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 16:03:33 -0700
The CONDUIT grids for GFS are all global grids, so you wouldn't be
able to restrict the incoming data to just CONUS. You could restrict to
specific parameters, levels, etc depending on feedtype, but the grid is
a single size...and the CONDUIT grids are large. Depending on your input
data need, you could restrict the incoming grids to certain forecast times,
but if you don't need the full set of levels and parameters, you may
want to use the data available via the HDS data stream.
There are CONUS GFS grids in the HDS data stream of the IDD.
These would be the #211 grid which is 80km. These are at the same
covereage and resolution as the ETA (aka NAM) and RUC grids available
on grid #211.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User SUpport
>From: Ken Scheeringa <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200412101855.iBAItYlI003044
>I am exploring the use of the GFS model grids as a data
>source for near-term projection of the transport of soybean
>rust spores from the US Gulf Coast states next year into Indiana.
>(Soybean rust is a dreaded soybean disease new to the USA.)
>I am unsure about how to set up a pqact.conf entry to limit
>the forecast grids to just the continental USA. I don't want
>to overwhelm our aged UNIX machine with data outside our
>geographical area of interest.
>I have read your online "IDD feed naming conventions" segment
>as well as your recent emails on the subject. Some of the
>examples begin with:
>CONDUIT /afs/.nwstg.nws.noaa.gov/ftp/SL.us008001......!grib/ncep/....
>and others just have
>CONDUIT MT.gfs....
>while I also find
>HDS | CONDUIT......
>An alternative to LDM might be to download the model output
>from the NWS 'tgftp' web site, but I don't see any options there
>to narrow selections down to the !grib/ncep/96/#003/.....00016
>type of criteria.
>It may be I just don't understand these various request formats
>and grid number assignments. Or maybe I should be using a
>different forecast model?
>Given my objective stated at the beginning, can you recommend
>how I can obtain just the data I really need and perhaps which
>access method would be the most efficient?
> *
>Ken Scheeringa Indiana Climate Page
>State Climatologist http://shadow.agry.purdue.edu
>Agronomy Dept
>Purdue University featuring climate data archives:
>e-mail: address@hidden daily coop stations : 1994+
>fax: 765.496.2926 hourly airport data : Jul 1996+
>phone: 765.494.8105 30-min autostation : 1999+
> updated daily
> Also monthly/daily normals
> *
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