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20041009: problem with atm.geo.nsf.gov
- Subject: 20041009: problem with atm.geo.nsf.gov
- Date: Sat, 09 Oct 2004 14:54:27 -0600
>From: "Jonathan B. Auerbach" <address@hidden>
>Organization: NOAA/FSL/ITS/Systems Support Group
>Keywords: 200410091733.i99HXjUE026348
atm.geo.nsf.gov is currently not accessible to us. We observed that
it dropped off of I2 last night, but it was still accessible by the
commodity Internet at that time.
We have no estimate for when network connectivity will be reestablished
on atm. I just sent out a note to ldm-users listing machines that
sites can failover to. Here are some failover machines that one should
use _if_ specified failover sites are not accessible:
IDD relay node datastreams available
emo.unidata.ucar.edu all non-restricted feeds
oliver.unidata.ucar.edu all non-restricted feeds
thelma.ucar.edu all non-restricted feeds
Sorry for the interruption...
Tom Yoksas
>We are having ldm connection problem to atm.geo.nsf.gov. Here are
>details from our conduit server (and ldm info):
>conduita:/usr/local/ldm/logs> ldmping atm.geo.nsf.gov
>Oct 09 17:25:20 State Elapsed Port Remote_Host rpc_stat
>Oct 09 17:25:30 SVC_UNAVAIL 9.992262 0 atm.geo.nsf.gov h_clnt_create(a
> tm.geo.nsf.gov): Timed out while creating connection
>Oct 09 17:25:55 ADDRESSED 0.000004 0 atm.geo.nsf.gov h_clnt_create(at
> m.geo.nsf.gov): Timed out while creating connection
>Oct 09 17:26:30 NAMED 10.020295 0 atm.geo.nsf.gov can't contact po
> rtmapper: RPC: Timed out
>conduita:/usr/local/ldm/logs> grep "atm.geo.nsf.gov" ldmd.log | tail -6
>Oct 09 17:16:54 conduita atm[1593]: INFO: ldm_clnt.c:228: Couldn't connect to
> LDM 6 on atm.geo.nsf.gov using port 388; ldm_clnt.c:113: : RPC: Remote system
> error - Connection timed out
>Oct 09 17:20:03 conduita atm[1593]: INFO: ldm_clnt.c:247: Couldn't connect to
> LDM 6 on atm.geo.nsf.gov using portmapper; ldm_clnt.c:113: : RPC: Remote syst
> em error - Connection timed out
>Oct 09 17:20:03 conduita atm[1593]: ERROR: requester6.c:459; ldm_clnt.c:258: C
> ouldn't connect to LDM 6 on atm.geo.nsf.gov
>Oct 09 17:23:42 conduita atm[1593]: INFO: ldm_clnt.c:228: Couldn't connect to
> LDM 6 on atm.geo.nsf.gov using port 388; ldm_clnt.c:113: : RPC: Remote system
> error - Connection timed out
>Oct 09 17:26:51 conduita atm[1593]: INFO: ldm_clnt.c:247: Couldn't connect to
> LDM 6 on atm.geo.nsf.gov using portmapper; ldm_clnt.c:113: : RPC: Remote syst
> em error - Connection timed out
>Oct 09 17:26:51 conduita atm[1593]: ERROR: requester6.c:459; ldm_clnt.c:258: C
> ouldn't connect to LDM 6 on atm.geo.nsf.gov
>Can you please a took a look in to it and lets us know?
>Jonathan Auerbach
>NOAA/FSL/ITS/Systems Support Group
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>From address@hidden Sat Oct 9 15:14:57 2004
Thanks for the update and suggested solution! We are switching over to
thelma... looks like that is doing the trick.