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20040915:fis.ua.pt feed
- Subject: 20040915:fis.ua.pt feed
- Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 13:58:01 -0600 (MDT)
I need to know what data you want before a upstream feed can be assigned.
Please answer the question set forth in the previous e-mail..
Thank you,
Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2004 09:53:42 -0600 (MDT)
From: Jeff Weber <address@hidden>
To: Yoshihiro Yamasaki <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: your mail
Hello Yoshihiro,
Do you know what data types you are interested in getting?
Please see:
As you probably already now, the Spanish Met Agency is currently using the
LDM for their data distribution. How did you hear about us?
Jeff Weber address@hidden :
Unidata Program Center PH:303-497-8676 :
University Corp for Atmospheric Research 3300 Mitchell Ln :
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/jweber Boulder,Co 80307-3000 :
Jeff Weber address@hidden :
Unidata Program Center PH:303-497-8676 :
University Corp for Atmospheric Research 3300 Mitchell Ln :
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/jweber Boulder,Co 80307-3000 :
On Wed, 15 Sep 2004, Yoshihiro Yamasaki wrote:
> Dear sir,
> I am still waiting for a contact to receive further
> information to find out who will be my upstream feed
> site(s). I really do not know if should I wait for my
> request or to contact directly the "future" upstream feed
> site responsible.
> best regards,
> yyamazaki
> --- the forwarded message follows ---