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20040614: New LDM sites at CPTEC
- Subject: 20040614: New LDM sites at CPTEC
- Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2004 06:57:47 -0600
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Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2004 08:30:36 -0300
From: Waldenio Almeida <address@hidden>
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To: David Garrana Coelho <address@hidden>,
Tom Yoksas <address@hidden>
CC: Luiz Americo de Carvalho - posdoc <address@hidden>,
sergio henrique ferreira <address@hidden>
Subject: New LDM sites at CPTEC
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Hello David, Hello Tom,
I am very busy installing the new systems,
and this work is not complete yet, but now I
announce the "debut" of the new setup for LDM at
CPTEC. Now are 3 machines, 2 Pentium-4 and 1 P-III
Our new "top Relay" is MOINGOBE - PIV, 512 RAM, FreeBSD
Our "Internal Server" is MONHANE - PIV, 128 RAM, FreeBSD
And the MOANGA now is a dedicated machine for wheather forecast team.
PIII - 256 RAM, RedHat 8.0
From Now, every data request on CPTEC must be directed
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