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20040121:BGSU data request

Hi Patrick,

About set here, just one question:

Are you familiar with the CONDUIT feed and its volume?

It appears as if you are not on I2, and that ( is a bit
slow...I suspect a firewall at that node.

1  flra-n140 (  0.434 ms  0.295 ms  0.266 ms
 2  gin-n243-80.ucar.edu (  0.529 ms  0.483 ms  0.466 ms
 3  frgp-gw-1.ucar.edu (  1.491 ms  1.548 ms  1.462 ms
 4 (  1.517 ms  10.098 ms  1.884 ms
 5  kscyng-dnvrng.abilene.ucaid.edu (  12.407 ms  12.731 ms
12.286 ms
 6  iplsng-kscyng.abilene.ucaid.edu (  21.396 ms  36.159 ms
30.764 ms
 7  bbq2-pos0-0.ohio-gigapop.oar.net (  26.428 ms  26.161
ms  26.066 ms
 8  dlp3-atm1-0s16.ohio-gigapop.oar.net (  28.604 ms
28.624 ms  28.509 ms
 9  bgsu-atm2-0s103.ohio-gigapop.oar.net (  48.074 ms
47.865 ms  48.133 ms
10 (  308.904 ms  924.050 ms  491.577 ms
11 (  55.933 ms  56.305 ms  60.902 ms
12  * * *
13  * * *

So pushing the entire CONDUIT feed may be problematic given the latencies
at the ( node....but we can sure give it a try.

The CONDUIT feed can be sub-setted if need be, not sure how you are going
to be using the data.

So this is a heads up that we may be struggling w/bandwidth re the CONDUIT


I'll let you know where to pint your requests soon..

Thank you,

Jeff Weber                                    address@hidden        :
Unidata Program Center                        PH:303-497-8676        :
University Corp for Atmospheric Research      3300 Mitchell Ln       :
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/jweber      Boulder,Co 80307-3000  :

On Tue, 20 Jan 2004, Patrick L. Francis wrote:

>  > Welcome aboard!
> thank you :)
>  > Do you have any idea as to what feedtypes you will desire to ingest?
> to start with (can build more later)
> --pps
> --dds
> --uniwisc
> --conduit
> --nnexrad (will set for local in ldm to test at start )
> cheers,
> --patrick
> ------------------------------------------
> Patrick L. Francis
> Department of Geography
> Bowling Green State University
> Office 301-F Hanna Hall
> Phone 419.372.4185
> Fax: 419.372.0588
> Web: http://weather.bgsu.edu/
> ------------------------------------------