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20030516: LDM-6.0.11 use and real time statistics reporting (cont.)
- Subject: 20030516: LDM-6.0.11 use and real time statistics reporting (cont.)
- Date: Fri, 16 May 2003 15:31:56 -0600
>From: Arnold Hori <address@hidden>
>Organization: U Hawaii
>Keywords: 200305121843.h4CIhU7U016942 LDM-6 IDD rtstats
Hi Arnold,
>The U.Hawaii Meteorology computer at vapor.soest.hawaii.edu is running the
>ldm software. But there was a change in our setup since the installation
>which was preventing the statistics from getting emailed to
>Last month, Steve Emmerson checked our LDM (verion 6.10) machine and fixed
>a problem we had with statistics (attch ldm6p10 file). The statistics
>were showing up in the
> http://my.unidata.ucar.edu/content/software/idd/rtstats
>pages for vapor. But sometime between then (in April) and now the
>statistics stopped getting to you. I have just fixed the problem which
>was because of a bad entry in the IDD's etc/ldmd.conf. I had failed to
>enter the enclosing double-quote character (") on the line with
> exec "rtstats -h rtstats.unidata.ucar.edu"
That must have fun to find :-)
>I just corrected that error and have restarted the ldmadmin script and as
>of 2130utc, the statistics are getting to your statistics again.
>Please excuse my error
No worries. It is good to be getting your stats again.
Thanks for the reply!