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20030513: IDD real time statistics reporting (cont.)
- Subject: 20030513: IDD real time statistics reporting (cont.)
- Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 08:00:01 -0600
>From: Unidata Support <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200305121843.h4CIhU7U016942 LDM-6 IDD rtstats
Hi Pete,
Thanks for upgrading f5, mapmaker, and profhorn to LDM-6.0.11.
While looking at the stats being reported by these machines, I noticed
a consistent use of a trailing period ('.') on the machine names
in data requests. This can most easily be seen from the the 'topology'
link listings for any of the feeds for any of the machines. Here is
one example for f5:
Topology for IDS|DDPLUS to f5.aos.wisc.edu
0 f5.aos.wisc.edu
1 unidata2.ssec.wisc.edu. [no stats]
The inclusion of the trailing period is causing the rtstats reporting
software to not recognize unidata2.ssec.wisc.edu. as, in fact, being
unidata2.ssec.wisc.edu and so not recognizing that real time stats are
available (the [no stats] note).
We would appreciate you removing the trailing period on all request
lines for all of the LDM-6 machines that you manage. After the
removal, one will be able to plot the differential latencies from your
machines to their upstream feed hosts by clicking on the machine
name. Also, the topology listing will be augmented by information
on where the upstream feed host gets its data.
Also, do you have any idea of when sunset will be retired? If it
looks like it might be around for some time, and you do not want to
upgrade it to at least LDM-6.0.10, we would appreciate it if you
commented out the 'exec "rtstats ..."' line in ldmd.conf and stop
and restart the LDM. This way sunset's LDM will continue to function
correctly when we upgrade rtstats.unidata.ucar.edu to LDM-6.
Thanks for your help!
>From address@hidden Wed May 14 08:11:49 2003
re: remove trailing periods
>Ok, will do. Seems to me in the olden days ('95?) we were supposed
>to put a period at the end of machine names, but I don't remember
>exactly why that was. It's just there as a legacy, I'll get rid of
>all of them.
re: sunset's retirement/remove rtstats reporting from it
>Sunset will be retired hopefully within a week, but I'll get rid
>of the rtstats line right now.
^ Pete Pokrandt V 1447 AOSS Bldg 1225 W Dayton St^
^ Systems Programmer V Madison, WI 53706 ^
^ V address@hidden ^
^ Dept of Atmos & Oceanic Sciences V (608) 262-3086 (Phone/voicemail) ^
^ University of Wisconsin-Madison V 262-0166 (Fax) ^