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20030423: IDD realtime stats and host request(s) (cont.)

>From: Robert Mullenax <address@hidden>
>Organization: NMSU/NSBF
>Keywords: 200303292224.h2TMOMB2002251 IDD LDM rtstats

Hi Robert,

re: wxmcidas is still reporting stats as if it was running 6.0.2

>I did have a chance to look at this real quick and everything I see says it is
>pointing to ldm-6.0.10..so I don't know what is going on with wxmcidas:
>/usr/local/ldm% uname -n

On this topic, did you remember to edit the 6.0.10 version of ldmadmin
to set the hostname to the fully qualified: wxmcidas.nsbf.nasa.gov?

>/usr/local/ldm% ls -al *run*
>lrwxrwxrwx   1 ldm      staff         10 Apr 19 05:08 runtime -> ldm-6.0.10/
>/usr/local/ldm/bin% pwd

All I can figure is that you did not stop and restart the LDM after
changing the runtime link.  I have done this exact same thing on
more than one occasion when I am in a hurry.

Perhaps a quick:

<logged on as 'ldm'>
ldmadmin stop
ldmadmin start

would do the trick.
