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20021220:Please stop feeding from sunshine
- Subject: 20021220:Please stop feeding from sunshine
- Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2002 15:49:26 -0700 (MST)
Hello all,
>dusk.ssec.wisc.edu NNEXRAD|WMO
>flood.atmos.uiuc.edu NNEXRAD|FNEXRAD
>ldm.meteo.psu.edu NNEXRAD|FNEXRAD
>pircsl4.agron.iastate.edu IDS
>pircsl4.agron.iastate.edu NNEXRAD
>snow.nrcc.cornell.edu NNEXRAD|FNEXRAD
>thelma.ucar.edu WMO
>unidata2.ssec.wisc.edu ANY
>unidata2.ssec.wisc.edu NNEXRAD|DIFAX|FNEXRAD|WMO
>wxdata.ssec.wisc.edu NNEXRAD|IDS|DDPLUS
You are being contacted because you have or are feeding from:
This machine will soon no longer be feeding data and has been upgraded and
replaced with:
Please re-direct your feeds to this new machine (unidata2.ssec.wisc.edu)
and start and stop your ldm in the near future to have this change take
affect. All of your feeds ~should be now allowed on this new machine.
This could improve your reception, and the feed from sunshine will no
longer be considered operational, so it is in your best interest to make
this change at your earliest convenience.
Thank you,
____________________________ _____________________
Jeff Weber address@hidden
Unidata Support PH:303-497-8676
COMET Case Study Library FX:303-497-8690
University Corp for Atmospheric Research 3300 Mitchell Ln
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/jweber Boulder,Co 80307-3000
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