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20020808: IDD Status on Plaza
- Subject: 20020808: IDD Status on Plaza
- Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2002 17:06:15 -0600
Missing out on all of the previous conversation so I'll surely ignore all
previous conversations.
Once sites have upgraded their LDM's to LDM 5.2 and have started sending in
real-time stats using the rtstats program (described in the LDM 5.2 release
notes Russ put together, and in my IIPS presentation at AMS in Orlando),
then we will be able to create up to date depictions of the IDD
topology and individual site performance as shown currently at:
The old topology graphs I am creating from the mailed in stats
are still available (there is a viscocity of about 2 days in
the logs you mail in by cron):
Once we have enough sites sending the real time stats, we can
start producing up to the minute topologies since your upstream
host will be identified for every product you receive.
So here is the puch to get all UserComm members to get rtstats up
and running once they upgrade their LDM.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
On Thu, 8 Aug 2002, Joanne Graham wrote:
> Hi all:
> I had a short chat with Russ about getting something together that would
> allow users of the plaza to have access to the status of their LDM (or
> the LDM that they depend on)in some sort of visual application on the
> web. It seems that Chiz has already done most of the work to get us
> there (from what it sounds from Russ, I haven't actually talked to
> Chiz). I think that for now we can probably put a link on the home page
> where folks can check their latencies -- in the future, we can probably
> make that part of the personalization (i.e.: people can select a
> particular site to monitor), though Russ isn't sure that that would be
> better than having access to all of the LDM stats.
> Tony, can you restate exactly what it was you requested? It was a great
> idea, but I'm not sure that I can reiterate it fully, but I'm pretty
> sure there was more you were after than latencies.
> Any way, I think what we will try to do from here is start from the most
> basic (a link to all site stats.) and add on functionality/coolness as
> time and resources permit. Having that in formation from you, Tony,
> would be really great -- when we start moving on it it could be
> something that we discuss further in Usercomm.
> Joanne Graham
> P.S. - Russ, Chiz, feel free to jump in here, I may be vastly
> misrepresenting Russ.