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20020423: NLDN routing (fwd)
- Subject: 20020423: NLDN routing (fwd)
- Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 14:42:49 -0600 (MDT)
Hi Tom,
A heads up on your ldmd.conf file.
Since you are getting the NLDN data, and it is propriatary data, you
should place an ALLOW ANY-NLDN ....
instead of ALLOW ANY
UAH has been getting NLDN data from you, this is NOT OK, it could
jeopardize the entire feed. So, please make the appropriate changes to
If you desire to get the NLDN feed this needs to be set up with David
Knight at SUNY-Albany:
ALL NLDN feeds are point to point and not part of
the IDD feed.
Thank you for your cooperation,
____________________________ _____________________
Jeff Weber address@hidden
Unidata Support PH:303-497-8676
NWS-COMET Case Study Library FX:303-497-8690
University Corp for Atmospheric Research 3300 Mitchell Ln
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/jweber Boulder,Co 80307-3000
________________________________________ ______________________
While trying to ascertain the topology of the MCIDAS feed for the
replacement machine at Wisconsin, Tom and I ran across a topology
problem in the feed of data from yin.engin.umich.edu to
Looking at the ~ftp/pub/idd/latency.input.1 file, you see that
striker is not feeding a host at uah.edu.
However, the topo message from umich.edu shows they are feeding "ANY" to
uah.edu, while at the same time, umich is receiving NLDN on that machine:
no_runtime_link yin.engin.umich.edu 2002042318 HDS 1125 6544993 +
20020423183456 noaaport.unidata.ucar.edu 0.55 17@1823
no_runtime_link yin.engin.umich.edu 2002042318 IDS|DDPLUS 4249 4576631 +
20020423183457 noaaport.unidata.ucar.edu 0.68 17@1823
no_runtime_link yin.engin.umich.edu 2002042318 MCIDAS 7 3575889 +
20020423183407 gold.ssec.wisc.edu 18.91 30@1758
no_runtime_link yin.engin.umich.edu 2002042318 FSL2 7 1226676 +
20020423183429 hero.fsl.noaa.gov 4.64 8@0454
no_runtime_link yin.engin.umich.edu 2002042318 NLDN 6 504 +
20020423183100 striker.atmos.albany.edu 16.01 16@3100
no_runtime_link yin.engin.umich.edu 2002042318 NNEXRAD 261 1725587 +
20020423183456 sunshine.ssec.wisc.edu 0.28 5@2204
no_runtime_link yin.engin.umich.edu 2002042317 HDS 5649 49428744 +
20020423175955 noaaport.unidata.ucar.edu 656.72 1218@0645
no_runtime_link yin.engin.umich.edu 2002042317 IDS|DDPLUS 6269 5334235 +
20020423175959 noaaport.unidata.ucar.edu 503.33 1215@0422
no_runtime_link yin.engin.umich.edu 2002042317 MCIDAS 5 3486727 +
20020423173732 gold.ssec.wisc.edu 100.45 257@3205
no_runtime_link yin.engin.umich.edu 2002042317 FSL2 11 1926108 +
20020423175818 hero.fsl.noaa.gov 7.63 38@1110
no_runtime_link yin.engin.umich.edu 2002042317 NLDN 10 840 +
20020423175500 striker.atmos.albany.edu 32.43 104@3100
no_runtime_link yin.engin.umich.edu 2002042317 NNEXRAD 557 3780644 +
20020423175959 sunshine.ssec.wisc.edu 0.24 5@3206
yin.engin.umich.edu aqua.nsstc.uah.edu ANY
unknown unknown
yin.engin.umich.edu heron.nmt.edu WMO|SPARE
unknown unknown
And, finally, you see that uah.edu is receiving that NLDN data:
ldm-5.1.4 aqua.nsstc.uah.edu 2002042319 HDS 4216 24032165 +
20020423193455 noaaport.unidata.ucar.edu 2.09 34@1806
ldm-5.1.4 aqua.nsstc.uah.edu 2002042319 IDS|DDPLUS 3567 3426336 +
20020423193456 noaaport.unidata.ucar.edu 2.07 33@1805
ldm-5.1.4 aqua.nsstc.uah.edu 2002042319 MCIDAS 7 3658816 +
20020423193411 gold.ssec.wisc.edu 33.81 60@1738
ldm-5.1.4 aqua.nsstc.uah.edu 2002042319 FSL2 7 1183956 +
20020423193433 hero.fsl.noaa.gov 7.13 17@1812
ldm-5.1.4 aqua.nsstc.uah.edu 2002042319 NLDN 6 560 +
20020423193100 striker.atmos.albany.edu 18.12 19@2500
ldm-5.1.4 aqua.nsstc.uah.edu 2002042319 NNEXRAD 260 1479708 +
20020423193444 sunshine.ssec.wisc.edu 0.81 15@1812
ldm-5.1.4 aqua.nsstc.uah.edu 2002042318 HDS 4666 39995448 +
20020423185959 noaaport.unidata.ucar.edu 6.43 41@5137
ldm-5.1.4 aqua.nsstc.uah.edu 2002042318 IDS|DDPLUS 6415 7144726 +
20020423185959 noaaport.unidata.ucar.edu 2.16 40@5137
ldm-5.1.4 aqua.nsstc.uah.edu 2002042318 MCIDAS 10 6197559 +
20020423183716 gold.ssec.wisc.edu 26.63 56@3716
ldm-5.1.4 aqua.nsstc.uah.edu 2002042318 FSL2 11 1776588 +
20020423185839 hero.fsl.noaa.gov 7.20 19@5249
ldm-5.1.4 aqua.nsstc.uah.edu 2002042318 NLDN 10 840 +
20020423185500 striker.atmos.albany.edu 16.52 18@4900
ldm-5.1.4 aqua.nsstc.uah.edu 2002042318 NNEXRAD 435 2818279 +
20020423185948 sunshine.ssec.wisc.edu 1.95 31@5152
aqua.nsstc.uah.edu LeafNode NONE
None None