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20011115: Radar mosaic on FNEXRAD (fwd)
- Subject: 20011115: Radar mosaic on FNEXRAD (fwd)
- Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 15:10:24 -0700 (MST)
Hi Patrick,
This should help you....
Let me know if you run into any problems.
Thank you,
____________________________ _____________________
Jeff Weber address@hidden
Unidata Support PH:303-497-8676
NWS-COMET Case Study Library FX:303-497-8690
University Corp for Atmospheric Research 3300 Mitchell Ln
http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/jweber Boulder,Co 80307-3000
________________________________________ ______________________
I provide a program called GDRADR in GEMPAK which can create radar
mosaics from the individual site nexrad products found in the
NEXRAD data feed:
I also provide 2 N0R (reflectivity) mosaics in the FNEXRAD data feed
which I create here. One is a national 6km mosaic. The other
is a regional 1km mosaic that is selected based on
interesting weather conditions. These are the products
used to create the images at:
The mosaic products in the FNEXRAD feed are in GRIB format
and may be decoded into GEMPAK grid files with the following
pqact.conf actions for dcgrib2:
# MOSAIC Grids
FNEXRAD ^radar_mosaic_national
PIPE -close decoders/dcgrib2 -d data/gempak/logs/dcgrib_radar.log
-e GEMTBL=/home/gempak/NAWIPS/gempak/tables
FNEXRAD ^radar_mosaic_regional_(.*) !.*!
PIPE -close decoders/dcgrib2 -d
-e GEMTBL=/home/gempak/NAWIPS/gempak/tables
You must be running dcgrib2 from GEMPAK 5.6.d, or will have to
create the $GEMTBL/grid/ncargrib2.tbl table with the lines:
! NCARGRIB2.TBL -- GRIB 1 parameter conversion table version 2
201 Base reflectivity tile 0 dBZ N0R 0
255 Missing - MISS 0
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support