Hi Clint, Brandon, and Todd, Western Connecticut State University is a new Unidata member and is looking for a feed site. The traceroute attachement indicates that both Lamont Doherty and UNL have nice access to Western Conn's machine: rossby.pam.wcsu.edu I suspect that WCSU would like to start with the standard UNIDATA feedtype group..Todd please see: http://unidata.ucar.edu/packages/ldm/feedtypes/index.html and inform us if this is not a correct assumption. I was hoping that UNL's papagayo.unl.edu could be the primary feed and LDEO's shortfin.ldgo.columbia.edu could be the failover. Clint and Brandon, Is this AOK with you to place an allow for WCSU's machine? Clint, I do not see you on our NNEXRAD topology, are you slurping that off of the dish? Can you propogate downstream? I suspect that Todd will want NNEXRAD (some subset thereof, Todd we are currently asking people to limit there request to 3 sites at a time or a few products from a "region") PLease see: http://unidata.ucar.edu/packages/ldm/feedtypes/nnexrad.html NMC3 or the "floater feed" carries radar products over areas of interest and may be enough for your needs...We can alway s add more but sometimes requesting too much can lead to bandwidth/latency issues. Todd, If we get an OK from these sites, point your request to the upstream site, and data should begin to flow.. Thanks everyone for considering this request, and please cc me on any future correspondence along this thread. <NEW SITE> Site Name: Western Connecticut State University Technical Contact Administrator: Todd P. McInerney Email Address: address@hidden Phone Number: (203) 837-8383 Hostname: rossby.pam.wcsu.edu Academic Contact Ronald Weglarz, Ph.D. address@hidden (203) 837-8670 ------------------------------------- Thank you, -Jeff ____________________________ _____________________ Jeff Weber address@hidden Unidata Support PH:303-497-8676 NWS-COMET Case Study Library FX:303-497-8690 University Corp for Atmospheric Research 3300 Mitchell Ln http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/jweber Boulder,Co 80307-3000 ________________________________________ ______________________
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