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20010328: FW: Regional Composite for Northeast
- Subject: 20010328: FW: Regional Composite for Northeast
- Date: Tue, 03 Apr 2001 11:16:28 -0600
>From: Richard Clark <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200103281842.f2SIgfL09808
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Richard Clark
>> Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 1:38 PM
>> To: 'address@hidden'
>> Subject: Regional Composite for Northeast
>> Chiz:
>> At the UserComm meeting we discussed the regional archives that you are
>> developing. I'm involved in a research project this summer, 6/23/01 -
>> 8/5/01, and would like to have the NE or midAtlantic (whatever it'll be
>> called) for the project archive. Do you see any problem with having it by
>> then? I'm assuming that once it is available that we can request it
>> automatically through the LDM.
>> Thanks
>> Rich
My plan from the user comm meeting is to create a selectable floater
for injection into the FNEXRAD data stream. The format of the data
in the data stream is likely to be GRIB and/or GINI so that both
GEMPAK as well as McIDAS users will be able to use the products
(as opposed to GEMPAK grid files). Sites will be able to create their
own regional floaters from NEXRAD data locally from GEMPAK
as they need.
As you will find from:
I have implemented a link in the regional composite section to
"Change the floater region". This link to:
currently allows you to enter a station ID (3 letter from the sfstns
gempak table). The floater "GIF" image will automatically be changed
to that region within a few minutes after the next composite is created.
My next step will be to inject the GRIB (and GINI) product into the FNEXRAD
data stream as the product exists.
I have also created a "clickable" interface to retrieve any current
single site nids image:
If you think that Eric and the other students would like to start
playing with selecting the region for composite let me know
(I don't want to dump extra tasks on them if it is too much to
Steve Chiswell