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19990824: nldn feed to breeze (fwd)
- Subject: 19990824: nldn feed to breeze (fwd)
- Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 14:28:40 -0600 (MDT)
Robb Kambic Unidata Program Center
Software Engineer III Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
address@hidden WWW: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 08:07:52 -0600
From: Unidata Support <address@hidden>
To: address@hidden
Subject: 19990824: nldn feed to breeze
>To: Peter Schmid <address@hidden>
>cc: Unidata Support <address@hidden>
>From: McIDAS <address@hidden>
>Subject: Re: nldn feed to breeze
>Organization: McIDAS proyect
>Keywords: 199908242041.OAA02556
Peter Schmid wrote:
> Hello,
> As requested by Unidata support I have changed Striker's ldm entry for
> breeze to accept NLDN data to the following:
> ALLOW NLDN ^breeze\.uprm\.edu$
> ALLOW NLDN ^breeze\.upr\.clu\.edu$
> ALLOW NLDN ^136\.145\.165\.17
> I have also verified the ldm connected to that machine as below:
> Aug 20 16:02:34 striker breeze[24862]: Connection from breeze.uprm.edu
> Aug 20 16:02:34 striker breeze(feed)[24862]: Starting Up: 19990820150233.795
> TS_ENDT {{NLDN, ".*"}}
> Aug 20 16:02:34 striker breeze(feed)[24862]: topo: breeze.uprm.edu NLDN
> Could you please let me know when the network problems are resolved and only
> one hostname is entered into the DNS tables (forward and reverse). Given the
> tight restrictions imposed by Global Atmospherics on the NLDN data, I would
> really like to limit the ALLOW's for the ldm as much as possible.
> Thanks,
> Pete.
> Peter Schmid
> Sr. Programmer/Analyst SUNY at Albany
> Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
> Phone:(518)-442-4571
> E-Mail:address@hidden
I just spoke with the local administrators just now and sorted out the
confusion with our DNS. Your ldm entry should list breeze.uprm.edu as
our domain and as our IP address.
Karli Lopez
Amos Winter address@hidden
Puerto Rico Climatology Center
P.O. Box 9013
Department of Marine Sciences phone: (787) 265-5416
University of Puerto Rico - Mayaguez fax: (787) 265-2195
Mayaguez, PR 00681-9013