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19990617: ACARS products
- Subject: 19990617: ACARS products
- Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 11:28:36 -0600
>From: Paul Ruscher <address@hidden>
>Organization: .
>Keywords: 199906171618.KAA25082
>Hi, we among other sites use the weather command to help us manage our WMO
>text bulletins, and the default distribution has a file type of "ACARS",
>which receives all PIREPs, AIREPs, and AMDAR reports sent over normal FOS.
>Unfortunately, someone in the airline community apparently thinks that we
>among other Unidata sites are distributing the *real* FSL ACARS data for
>free on our web sites, that is not the case, obviously!
>I found this out from a former ass't sysadmin of ours who now works for
>NWS at a WFO, and in their AWIPS class they were told that FSU and a
>number of other sites are not complying. Do you folks know anything about
>this? Of course we live for compliance with WMO Resolution 40 and all
>other such issues!
>Thanks in advance...If you wish to check what we have, you can go to my
>"EZTAF+" page at
> http://www.met.fsu.edu/Classes/Met4159-3/ezavwx.html
>and pull up "pilot reports" to see what we have under our "ACARS" reports.
>I think in labelling the file as ACARS we are causing gas bubbles for the
>private sector. They need some more Rolaids I think.
>I don't see where our ACARS directory is even on our WWW/ftp site?
>Perhaps Chris or someone else in our group can help here?
Peter Neilley at RAP wrote and maintains the weather program.
I think that the name use of ACARS for the pireps and aireps is
a confusing choice, and you can file to some other name in the LDM
if needed to ease you conscience. I suppose you would want to
make corresponding changes to the weather program menu.
At least you can save yourself the time of having to
answer uninformed NWS trainees/trainers.
At any rate, those are not the ACARS data which Linda Miller announced
availability to Unidata sites in her message this week. The FSL data is
distributed in NetCDF format, and I have a gempak decoder along
with a gui display program (called Nsharp) which I modified
here to allow used of acars, model, and standard upperair data.
Dcacars and Nsharp are in the pl11 gempak tarfile on our ftp server.
You will have to contect FSL as per Linda's message if you desire
the ARINC ACARS data.
Steve Chiswell