Index of idd support queries, sorted by date

August 05, 2024
10:29 [IDD #FRM-575083]: Unidata IDD Unidata IDD Support
10:29 [IDD #FRM-575083]: Unidata IDD Unidata IDD Support
July 29, 2024
08:43 [IDD #ADX-836922]: Upstream LDM for weather enthusiasts Unidata IDD Support
July 18, 2024
10:50 [IDD #VAU-279996]: RE: [ldm-users] Upcoming Changes to NOAAPort/SBN Feeds - July 15th Unidata IDD Support
10:43 [IDD #VAU-279996]: RE: [ldm-users] Upcoming Changes to NOAAPort/SBN Feeds - July 15th Unidata IDD Support
July 16, 2024
15:01 [IDD #ZLS-959976]: Unidata Wisconsin, historical archive Unidata IDD Support
14:35 [IDD #ZLS-959976]: Unidata Wisconsin, historical archive Unidata IDD Support
May 14, 2024
15:25 [LDM #GJS-316993]: Issue Ingesting NationalBlend Data on AWS Cloud Instance Unidata LDM Support
15:11 [LDM #GJS-316993]: Issue Ingesting NationalBlend Data on AWS Cloud Instance Unidata LDM Support
14:12 [LDM #GJS-316993]: Issue Ingesting NationalBlend Data on AWS Cloud Instance Unidata LDM Support
May 13, 2024
15:14 [LDM #GJS-316993]: Issue Ingesting NationalBlend Data on AWS Cloud Instance Unidata LDM Support
15:12 [LDM #GJS-316993]: Issue Ingesting NationalBlend Data on AWS Cloud Instance Unidata LDM Support
January 05, 2024
15:58 [LDM #TYP-174654]: Getting mini radar files from LDM Unidata IDD Support
November 15, 2023
13:30 [IDD #MGQ-321844]: ldm/idd feed down? Unidata IDD Support
November 14, 2023
18:14 [IDD #MGQ-321844]: ldm/idd feed down? Unidata IDD Support
August 22, 2023
09:37 [IDD #KMA-779997]: Land and Ship data feed enquiry Unidata IDD Support
June 12, 2023
15:17 [IDD #FBF-733411]: Lost Access to IDD for LDM Feed Unidata IDD Support
11:29 [IDD #FBF-733411]: Lost Access to IDD for LDM Feed Unidata IDD Support
January 23, 2023
08:55 [IDD #VAI-327733]: Fwd: [thredds] 20220617: upcoming product addition to the IDD NIMAGE feed Unidata IDD Support
November 07, 2022
15:58 [IDD #FAO-531757]: Data Outage? Unidata IDD Support
October 10, 2022
13:00 [LDM #JZA-428953]: Server Setup Unidata LDM Support
September 25, 2022
21:53 [IDD #FZU-315021]: GeoColor Imagery Unidata IDD Support
September 21, 2022
13:41 [IDD #ITX-397379]: 20220921: GeoColor Unidata IDD Support
12:28 [IDD #ITX-397379]: 20220921: GeoColor Unidata IDD Support
09:34 [IDD #ITX-397379]: 20220921: GeoColor Unidata IDD Support
September 12, 2022
13:19 [IDD #AYS-505040]: Recent NEXRAD2 IDD latencies with idd.unidata Unidata IDD Support
09:33 [IDD #AYS-505040]: Recent NEXRAD2 IDD latencies with idd.unidata Unidata IDD Support
September 01, 2022
12:26 [IDD #SMS-781072]: 20220901: Nexrad imagery via ldm Unidata IDD Support
August 23, 2022
10:42 [IDD #ADB-747400]: 20220822: Request advice on ldm setup for file transfer Unidata IDD Support
August 11, 2022
13:52 [IDD #GVW-386836]: 20220811: Product in wxwire feed issue Unidata IDD Support
13:40 [IDD #GVW-386836]: 20220811: Product in wxwire feed issue Unidata IDD Support
August 03, 2022
15:29 [IDD #CMJ-104491]: GOES-17 Feed stopped Unidata IDD Support
14:50 [IDD #CMJ-104491]: GOES-17 Feed stopped Unidata IDD Support
13:47 [IDD #CMJ-104491]: GOES-17 Feed stopped Unidata IDD Support
June 30, 2022
08:01 [IDD #JFL-929851]: GLM lightning flash density Unidata IDD Support
07:43 [IDD #JFL-929851]: GLM lightning flash density Unidata IDD Support
June 29, 2022
11:08 [IDD #LFO-343862]: No GFS 0.5degree since yesterday Unidata IDD Support
11:01 [IDD #LFO-343862]: No GFS 0.5degree since yesterday Unidata IDD Support
June 07, 2022
17:33 [IDD #JFL-929851]: GLM lightning flash density Unidata IDD Support
12:24 [IDD #JFL-929851]: GLM lightning flash density Unidata IDD Support
11:31 [IDD #JFL-929851]: GLM lightning flash density Unidata IDD Support
April 08, 2022
11:17 [Staging #XXB-225501]: Fwd: SBN feed request Unidata IDD Support
March 07, 2022
12:42 Re: Latency/Bandwidth issues from idd.unidata ? Herzmann, Daryl E [AGRON]
12:20 Re: Latency/Bandwidth issues from idd.unidata ? Pete Pokrandt
October 06, 2021
16:24 [IDD #JKA-696217]: LDM problem? Unidata IDD Support
15:14 [IDD #JKA-696217]: LDM problem? Unidata IDD Support
September 24, 2021
13:00 [IDD #FXV-631344]: Are the tsunami products supported on the IDD? Unidata IDD Support
11:55 [IDD #FXV-631344]: Are the tsunami products supported on the IDD? Unidata IDD Support
September 23, 2021
13:42 [IDD #XYF-604373]: Level2_KCXX_20210921_2205.ar2v Unidata IDD Support
12:53 [IDD #XYF-604373]: Level2_KCXX_20210921_2205.ar2v Unidata IDD Support
12:49 [IDD #FXV-631344]: Are the tsunami products supported on the IDD? Unidata IDD Support
September 16, 2021
09:10 [IDD #RIB-722616]: Corrupted Nexrad Level2 data Unidata IDD Support
08:21 [IDD #RIB-722616]: Corrupted Nexrad Level2 data Unidata IDD Support
August 30, 2021
13:13 [IDD #JPM-930925]: missing NEXRAD3 products Unidata IDD Support
August 18, 2021
11:45 [IDD #EEC-117639]: Missing, and slow satellite data Unidata IDD Support
August 09, 2021
12:51 [IDD #BDI-646847]: gfs grids on ldm Unidata IDD Support
July 26, 2021
09:51 [LDM #GHA-946718]: Lost connectivity to at 10:41 UTC Unidata IDD Support
09:26 [LDM #GHA-946718]: Lost connectivity to at 10:41 UTC Unidata IDD Support
09:15 [LDM #GHA-946718]: Lost connectivity to at 10:41 UTC Unidata IDD Support
08:39 [LDM #GHA-946718]: Lost connectivity to at 10:41 UTC Unidata IDD Support
July 21, 2021
19:09 [LDM #PFH-426407]: LDM Connection Unidata IDD Support
13:32 [LDM #PRY-687234]: Radar feed down Unidata IDD Support
13:20 [LDM #PRY-687234]: Radar feed down Unidata IDD Support
13:14 [LDM #PFH-426407]: LDM Connection Unidata IDD Support
07:29 [IDD #QNT-569147]: Status of NEXRAD Level 2 data feed Unidata IDD Support
July 20, 2021
08:54 [LDM #PRY-687234]: Radar feed down Unidata IDD Support
June 03, 2021
12:13 [IDD #UKH-883070]: American Nexrad3 issue? Unidata IDD Support
June 02, 2021
09:51 [IDD #BVD-174981]: RE: MRMS products Unidata IDD Support
June 01, 2021
12:58 [IDD #NSA-980986]: Data Product Frequency Unidata IDD Support
May 31, 2021
12:11 [IDD #BXW-538056]: Data Gap. Unidata IDD Support
May 27, 2021
17:32 [IDD #BVD-174981]: RE: MRMS products Unidata IDD Support
16:28 [IDD #BVD-174981]: RE: MRMS products Unidata IDD Support
16:00 [IDD #BVD-174981]: RE: MRMS products Unidata IDD Support
14:40 [IDD #BVD-174981]: RE: MRMS products Unidata IDD Support
12:00 [IDD #BVD-174981]: RE: MRMS products Unidata IDD Support
May 26, 2021
11:21 [IDD #BVD-174981]: RE: MRMS products Unidata IDD Support
10:55 [IDD #BVD-174981]: RE: MRMS products Unidata IDD Support
10:42 [IDD #BVD-174981]: RE: MRMS products Unidata IDD Support
May 24, 2021
13:02 [IDD #IZG-283805]: Fwd: [ldm-users] 20210521: upcoming change to the IDD FNEXRAD datastream Unidata IDD Support
12:34 [IDD #IZG-283805]: Fwd: [ldm-users] 20210521: upcoming change to the IDD FNEXRAD datastream Unidata IDD Support
May 22, 2021
08:40 [IDD #HYB-960509]: RE: upcoming change to the IDD FNEXRAD datastream Unidata IDD Support
May 21, 2021
18:17 [IDD #HYB-960509]: RE: upcoming change to the IDD FNEXRAD datastream Unidata IDD Support
18:07 re:20210521: upcoming change to the IDD FNEXRAD datastream - Correction Unidata Datastream Support
18:01 [IDD #HYB-960509]: RE: upcoming change to the IDD FNEXRAD datastream Unidata IDD Support
May 11, 2021
13:19 [IDD #OUN-544568]: radar composite base reflectivity is old Unidata IDD Support
May 10, 2021
10:26 [IDD #GEH-202313]: FNEXRAD Composites Unidata IDD Support
10:03 [IDD #GEH-202313]: FNEXRAD Composites Unidata IDD Support
May 09, 2021
17:35 [IDD #GEH-202313]: FNEXRAD Composites Unidata IDD Support
May 07, 2021
13:49 [IDD #PBV-813060]: Nexrad composite 1km Unidata IDD Support
11:01 20210507: [Ncep.list.idp.mrms.users] Any MRMS LDM users wish to chime in on missed data products? Unidata User Support
May 06, 2021
13:41 [LDM #WFA-344565]: N0R radar product feed Unidata IDD Support
April 27, 2021
16:40 [IDD #YBK-937568]: GOES-16 L2 products Unidata IDD Support
April 22, 2021
16:16 [IDD #YBK-937568]: GOES-16 L2 products Unidata IDD Support
April 12, 2021
16:54 [IDD #CWR-357624]: LDM queue keeps growing Unidata IDD Support
15:17 [IDD #CWR-357624]: LDM queue keeps growing Unidata IDD Support
15:06 [IDD #CWR-357624]: LDM queue keeps growing Unidata IDD Support
14:02 [IDD #CWR-357624]: LDM queue keeps growing Unidata IDD Support
11:14 [IDD #CWR-357624]: LDM queue keeps growing Unidata IDD Support
April 11, 2021
16:10 [IDD #CWR-357624]: LDM queue keeps growing Unidata IDD Support
16:10 [IDD #CWR-357624]: LDM queue keeps growing Unidata IDD Support
10:54 [IDD #CWR-357624]: LDM queue keeps growing Unidata IDD Support
10:00 [IDD #CWR-357624]: LDM queue keeps growing Unidata IDD Support
April 10, 2021
18:52 [IDD #CWR-357624]: LDM queue keeps growing Unidata IDD Support
March 29, 2021
08:39 [LDM #XWH-921376]: lightning data in LDM Unidata IDD Support
March 23, 2021
11:50 [IDD #MME-872557]: 20210223: GOES Derived Products on NOAAport Unidata IDD Support
February 23, 2021
11:04 [Support #QEW-316642]: log rotate Unidata IDD Support
09:33 [Support #QEW-316642]: log rotate Unidata IDD Support
January 05, 2021
13:30 [IDD #RKJ-657152]: Question from SJSU Meteorology Unidata IDD Support
13:00 [IDD #RKJ-657152]: Question from SJSU Meteorology Unidata IDD Support
12:28 [IDD #RKJ-657152]: Question from SJSU Meteorology Unidata IDD Support
December 22, 2020
09:20 [IDD #WRI-902763]: ECMWF on IDD Unidata IDD Support
09:04 [IDD #WRI-902763]: ECMWF on IDD Unidata IDD Support
December 15, 2020
13:50 [IDD #VUT-254551]: NBM on IDD? Unidata IDD Support
December 03, 2020
11:22 [IDD #LEH-889399]: 20201202: LDM log warnings Unidata IDD Support
08:24 [IDD #LEH-889399]: 20201202: LDM log warnings Unidata IDD Support
November 12, 2020
09:24 [LDM #EOT-784687]: LDM Access request Unidata IDD Support
November 11, 2020
13:26 [LDM #EOT-784687]: LDM Access request Unidata IDD Support
11:23 [LDM #EOT-784687]: LDM Access request Unidata IDD Support
November 10, 2020
14:58 [LDM #EOT-784687]: LDM Access request Unidata IDD Support
14:28 [LDM #EOT-784687]: LDM Access request Unidata IDD Support
November 09, 2020
16:47 [LDM #EOT-784687]: LDM Access request Unidata IDD Support
November 07, 2020
09:14 [LDM #EOT-784687]: LDM Access request Unidata IDD Support
November 06, 2020
17:16 [LDM #EOT-784687]: LDM Access request Unidata IDD Support
October 28, 2020
14:35 backed up LDM queues on Jesse Marks - NOAA Affiliate
October 27, 2020
15:34 [IDD #QTI-640988]: soundings from Brazil Unidata IDD Support
14:26 [IDD #QTI-640988]: soundings from Brazil Unidata IDD Support
14:15 [IDD #QTI-640988]: soundings from Brazil Unidata IDD Support
October 23, 2020
15:59 [LDM #SER-849220]: Request for adding new IPs to allowed LDM connection Unidata LDM Support
October 22, 2020
16:13 [IDD #HUE-367764]: LDM Access denied. Unidata IDD Support
13:56 [IDD #HXN-593956]: Bad images in the GOES 16 GRB feed? Unidata IDD Support
13:22 [IDD #HXN-593956]: Bad images in the GOES 16 GRB feed? Unidata IDD Support
10:53 [IDD #HXN-593956]: Bad images in the GOES 16 GRB feed? Unidata IDD Support
09:43 [IDD #FIH-274206]: LDM NIMAGE missing L1b GOES-17 imagery Unidata IDD Support
October 19, 2020
15:00 [LDM #SER-849220]: Request for adding new IPs to allowed LDM connection Unidata IDD Support
14:39 [LDM #SER-849220]: Request for adding new IPs to allowed LDM connection Unidata LDM Support
October 09, 2020
08:54 [LDM #SER-849220]: Request for adding new IPs to allowed LDM connection Unidata IDD Support
08:35 [LDM #SER-849220]: Request for adding new IPs to allowed LDM connection Unidata IDD Support
October 08, 2020
13:00 [LDM #SER-849220]: Request for adding new IPs to allowed LDM connection Unidata IDD Support
12:48 [LDM #SER-849220]: Request for adding new IPs to allowed LDM connection Unidata IDD Support
11:51 [LDM #SER-849220]: Request for adding new IPs to allowed LDM connection Unidata IDD Support
11:38 [LDM #SER-849220]: Request for adding new IPs to allowed LDM connection Unidata IDD Support
09:40 [LDM #SER-849220]: Request for adding new IPs to allowed LDM connection Unidata IDD Support
September 29, 2020
16:44 [IDD #BTM-888056]: GEFS Unidata IDD Support
September 28, 2020
14:12 [IDD #GJD-600418]: ldmd.conf request line Unidata IDD Support
11:39 [IDD #GJD-600418]: ldmd.conf request line Unidata IDD Support
September 24, 2020
09:19 [IDD #BTM-888056]: GEFS Unidata IDD Support
09:08 [IDD #KXW-860550]: new GEFS data flow Unidata IDD Support
September 08, 2020
12:19 [IDD #RCP-359244]: ESRL ldm client migration Unidata IDD Support
September 04, 2020
09:15 [IDD #OWZ-603499]: Error downloading radar data Unidata IDD Support
August 24, 2020
09:12 [LDM #VBI-508834]: Acquiring LIGHTNING/NLDN data on new server Unidata IDD Support
August 21, 2020
19:17 [IDD #ZDZ-619567]: Configuring LDM to receive select AWIPS products Unidata IDD Support
18:10 [IDD #ZDZ-619567]: Configuring LDM to receive select AWIPS products Unidata IDD Support
August 18, 2020
09:08 [LDM #NTO-640607]: HRRR access through ldm Unidata IDD Support
08:29 [LDM #NTO-640607]: HRRR access through ldm Unidata IDD Support
August 14, 2020
10:35 [LDM #NTO-640607]: HRRR access through ldm Unidata IDD Support
August 05, 2020
18:42 [IDD #HDV-661272]: idd stats curiosity Unidata IDD Support
14:51 [IDD #NRL-751259]: Joining IDD Unidata IDD Support
August 03, 2020
21:15 [IDD #NRL-751259]: Joining IDD Unidata IDD Support
13:29 [IDD #OII-423146]: suggestion for getting list of products via pqact Unidata IDD Support
13:26 [IDD #NRL-751259]: Joining IDD Unidata IDD Support
August 01, 2020
07:53 [IDD #EJH-553165]: iddb LDM unreachable since 1147z this morning Unidata IDD Support
July 31, 2020
16:45 [IDD #OII-423146]: suggestion for getting list of products via pqact Unidata IDD Support
16:16 [IDD #OII-423146]: suggestion for getting list of products via pqact Unidata IDD Support
10:31 [IDD #OII-423146]: suggestion for getting list of products via pqact Unidata IDD Support
July 24, 2020
15:04 [IDD #HDV-661272]: idd stats curiosity Unidata IDD Support
July 21, 2020
11:58 [IDD #NRL-751259]: Joining IDD Unidata IDD Support
July 20, 2020
09:02 [IDD #AIZ-345619]: LDM: pattern in ldmd.conf and pact.conf no longer works for CONDUIT?? Unidata IDD Support
July 19, 2020
13:34 [IDD #AIZ-345619]: LDM: pattern in ldmd.conf and pact.conf no longer works for CONDUIT?? Unidata IDD Support
July 18, 2020
11:43 [IDD #AIZ-345619]: LDM: pattern in ldmd.conf and pact.conf no longer works for CONDUIT?? Unidata IDD Support
09:57 [IDD #AIZ-345619]: LDM: pattern in ldmd.conf and pact.conf no longer works for CONDUIT?? Unidata IDD Support
July 17, 2020
16:58 [IDD #AIZ-345619]: LDM: pattern in ldmd.conf and pact.conf no longer works for CONDUIT?? Unidata IDD Support
13:50 [IDD #AIZ-345619]: LDM: pattern in ldmd.conf and pact.conf no longer works for CONDUIT?? Unidata IDD Support
July 16, 2020
11:39 [IDD #AIZ-345619]: LDM: pattern in ldmd.conf and pact.conf no longer works for CONDUIT?? Unidata IDD Support
July 15, 2020
10:51 [IDD #AIZ-345619]: LDM: pattern in ldmd.conf and pact.conf no longer works for CONDUIT?? Unidata IDD Support
July 14, 2020
14:40 [IDD #MVK-912520]: no connection to Unidata IDD Support
July 11, 2020
12:25 [IDD #UNS-664908]: Re: [ldm-users] 20200709: outage earlier today Unidata IDD Support
12:13 [IDD #AKV-360208]: LDM connection problem Unidata IDD Support
11:57 [LDM #JXP-631388]: No longer able to ldmping Unidata IDD Support
11:51 [IDD #UNS-664908]: Re: [ldm-users] 20200709: outage earlier today Unidata IDD Support
08:47 [IDD #UNS-664908]: Re: [ldm-users] 20200709: outage earlier today Unidata IDD Support
July 10, 2020
19:23 [IDD #UNS-664908]: Re: [ldm-users] 20200709: outage earlier today Unidata IDD Support
17:00 [LDM #JXP-631388]: No longer able to ldmping Unidata IDD Support
15:58 [IDD #AKV-360208]: LDM connection problem Unidata IDD Support
08:49 [LDM #JXP-631388]: No longer able to ldmping Unidata IDD Support
08:19 [LDM #JXP-631388]: No longer able to ldmping Unidata IDD Support
08:14 [IDD #SNE-719412]: Lag Thursday between 16Z and 18Z Unidata IDD Support
00:22 [IDD #AKV-360208]: LDM connection problem Unidata IDD Support
July 09, 2020
12:04 20200709: outage earlier today support
11:20 [IDD #KKC-827781]: idd.unidata does not appear to be reachable Unidata IDD Support
June 25, 2020
10:43 [LDM #TDC-646361]: Grabbing .status. messages from CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
June 24, 2020
09:28 [IDD #THH-325883]: ldm access? Unidata IDD Support
June 23, 2020
09:22 [IDD #THH-325883]: ldm access? Unidata IDD Support
June 02, 2020
12:39 [IDD #LYS-556220]: Question Unidata IDD Support
May 29, 2020
11:08 [IDD #BXN-896443]: FW: NOAAPORT2 Unidata IDD Support
May 26, 2020
17:11 [IDD #EXA-585333]: In search of GOES-17 L2 Products Unidata IDD Support
May 22, 2020
09:09 [IDD #XDY-341129]: Question on NAM 3km, NBM, and GOES-17 data Unidata IDD Support
May 21, 2020
15:45 [IDD #XDY-341129]: Question on NAM 3km, NBM, and GOES-17 data Unidata IDD Support
14:01 [IDD #XDY-341129]: Question on NAM 3km, NBM, and GOES-17 data Unidata IDD Support
May 20, 2020
15:57 [LDM #SER-849220]: Request for adding new IPs to allowed LDM connection Unidata IDD Support
14:14 [LDM #SER-849220]: Request for adding new IPs to allowed LDM connection Unidata IDD Support
13:56 [LDM #SER-849220]: Request for adding new IPs to allowed LDM connection Unidata IDD Support
13:20 [LDM #SER-849220]: Request for adding new IPs to allowed LDM connection Unidata IDD Support
12:22 [LDM #SER-849220]: Request for adding new IPs to allowed LDM connection Unidata IDD Support
May 19, 2020
09:40 [LDM #SER-849220]: Request for adding new IPs to allowed LDM connection Unidata IDD Support
May 07, 2020
19:36 [IDD #WRL-324747]: LDM/IDD contact at Plymouth? Unidata IDD Support
May 06, 2020
16:47 [IDD #WRL-324747]: LDM/IDD contact at Plymouth? Unidata IDD Support
April 13, 2020
09:30 [IDD #ZTE-330234]: 20200413: GOES-17 outages April 2020? Unidata IDD Support
April 09, 2020
17:24 [LDM #AYS-975649]: notifyme works for one server but not the other ... Unidata LDM Support
15:27 [LDM #AYS-975649]: notifyme works for one server but not the other ... Unidata IDD Support
08:59 [LDM #AYS-975649]: notifyme works for one server but not the other ... Unidata LDM Support
April 08, 2020
23:01 [LDM #AYS-975649]: notifyme works for one server but not the other ... Unidata LDM Support
April 07, 2020
08:33 [IDD #SKK-988016]: new ldm idd server Unidata IDD Support
08:18 [IDD #SKK-988016]: new ldm idd server Unidata IDD Support
April 06, 2020
23:42 [IDD #SKK-988016]: new ldm idd server Unidata IDD Support
April 03, 2020
15:22 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
14:02 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
12:52 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
11:01 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
09:28 [IDD #TVF-418576]: LDM data feed Unidata IDD Support
09:18 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
April 02, 2020
17:04 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
March 31, 2020
09:44 [LDM #MBO-227000]: NBM product Unidata IDD Support
March 30, 2020
14:33 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
12:56 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
12:47 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
11:06 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
09:37 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
March 27, 2020
14:51 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
March 25, 2020
13:18 [LDM #MBO-227000]: NBM product Unidata IDD Support
March 24, 2020
13:38 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
10:58 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
10:08 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
09:28 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
08:47 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
March 23, 2020
15:35 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
14:04 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
13:33 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
12:00 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
10:34 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
09:37 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
09:00 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
March 20, 2020
12:28 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
10:16 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
March 17, 2020
10:27 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
March 16, 2020
17:42 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
16:14 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
14:46 [IDD #SET-184160]: GOES-W AREA Files Unidata IDD Support
March 12, 2020
10:42 [LDM #WTA-648206]: AK wind profiler data via LDM FSL2 Unidata IDD Support
10:24 [IDD #TVO-907725]: UNIWISC ingest stopped working Unidata IDD Support
09:21 [LDM #NQZ-440584]: New Feed Type Unidata IDD Support
09:09 [IDD #TVO-907725]: UNIWISC ingest stopped working Unidata IDD Support
March 11, 2020
15:03 [IDD #TVO-907725]: UNIWISC ingest stopped working Unidata IDD Support
March 09, 2020
12:41 [LDM #NQD-449489]: MADIS LDM Unidata IDD Support
10:51 [LDM #NQD-449489]: MADIS LDM Unidata IDD Support
09:22 [LDM #NQD-449489]: MADIS LDM Unidata IDD Support
March 06, 2020
08:33 [IDD #RTY-317977]: Recent troubles with delayed 18 UTC METAR data over the IDD Unidata IDD Support
March 05, 2020
17:16 [IDD #RTY-317977]: Recent troubles with delayed 18 UTC METAR data over the IDD Unidata IDD Support
15:14 [IDD #RTY-317977]: Recent troubles with delayed 18 UTC METAR data over the IDD Unidata IDD Support
February 19, 2020
09:13 [IDD #KGB-876868]: UNIWISC REQUEST line in ldmd.conf Unidata IDD Support
08:38 [IDD #KGB-876868]: UNIWISC REQUEST line in ldmd.conf Unidata IDD Support
February 14, 2020
11:58 [LDM #WTA-648206]: AK wind profiler data via LDM FSL2 Unidata IDD Support
February 11, 2020
17:07 [IDD #GVO-308276]: Feed requests for WMO, HDS and NGRID Unidata IDD Support
15:13 [IDD #GVO-308276]: Feed requests for WMO, HDS and NGRID Unidata IDD Support
14:58 [LDM #WTA-648206]: AK wind profiler data via LDM FSL2 Unidata LDM Support
February 05, 2020
13:21 [LDM #JXO-344446]: Alaska profiler data Unidata IDD Support
January 29, 2020
13:58 [LDM #QKB-524831]: filenames Unidata IDD Support
January 21, 2020
12:34 [IDD #GGK-822233]: IDD LDM ip address change Unidata IDD Support
11:26 [IDD #YKH-201823]: MRMS Data Unidata IDD Support
January 16, 2020
13:15 [LDM #VQU-262651]: FSL2 HRRR feed seems to be down Unidata IDD Support
12:12 [LDM #VQU-262651]: FSL2 HRRR feed seems to be down Unidata IDD Support
11:21 [LDM #VQU-262651]: FSL2 HRRR feed seems to be down Unidata IDD Support
January 09, 2020
13:22 [IDD #NRL-751259]: Joining IDD Unidata IDD Support
January 07, 2020
12:26 [THREDDS #WOW-825479]: FNMOC products not accessible Unidata THREDDS Support
12:24 [THREDDS #WOW-825479]: FNMOC products not accessible Unidata THREDDS Support
11:58 [THREDDS #WOW-825479]: FNMOC products not accessible Unidata THREDDS Support
December 12, 2019
11:23 [IDD #PSZ-278843]: [ldm-users] UNIWISC via Unidata IDD Support
08:13 [IDD #PSZ-278843]: [ldm-users] UNIWISC via Unidata IDD Support
November 21, 2019
08:46 [IDD #MVE-554056]: LDM example pattern of '/ABI/' on NIMAGE webpage Unidata IDD Support
November 20, 2019
12:44 [IDD #DYW-949238]: 20191112: GOES-16 outage from 18:30 to 18:50 UTC today Unidata IDD Support
November 13, 2019
12:27 [IDD #DYW-949238]: 20191112: GOES-16 outage from 18:30 to 18:50 UTC today Unidata IDD Support
November 12, 2019
13:35 [IDD #DYW-949238]: 20191112: GOES-16 outage from 18:30 to 18:50 UTC today Unidata IDD Support
November 08, 2019
08:27 [IDD #HRN-488992]: Network issues at UW-Madison AOS Unidata IDD Support
October 30, 2019
14:22 [IDD #QBL-783661]: split LDM REQUEST for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
October 29, 2019
16:27 [IDD #QBL-783661]: split LDM REQUEST for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
15:31 [IDD #QBL-783661]: split LDM REQUEST for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
October 24, 2019
09:00 [netCDF #JRG-517483]: second LDM server? Unidata IDD Support
October 16, 2019
07:37 [IDD #QBL-783661]: split LDM REQUEST for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
October 10, 2019
08:37 [IDD #QBL-783661]: split LDM REQUEST for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
October 04, 2019
07:42 [IDD #JYB-119414]: LDM REQUEST to Unidata IDD Support
October 03, 2019
14:13 [IDD #JIX-688122]: 20191003: trying to REQUEST CONDUIT from Unidata IDD Support
08:22 [IDD #QBL-783661]: split LDM REQUEST for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
October 02, 2019
12:47 [IDD #QBL-783661]: split LDM REQUEST for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
12:17 [IDD #QBL-783661]: split LDM REQUEST for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
11:26 [IDD #QBL-783661]: split LDM REQUEST for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
11:20 [IDD #QBL-783661]: split LDM REQUEST for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
10:26 [IDD #QBL-783661]: split LDM REQUEST for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
10:26 [IDD #QBL-783661]: split LDM REQUEST for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
10:07 [IDD #QBL-783661]: split LDM REQUEST for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
September 30, 2019
16:25 [IDD #QBL-783661]: split LDM REQUEST for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
14:43 [IDD #QBL-783661]: split LDM REQUEST for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
13:57 [IDD #QBL-783661]: split LDM REQUEST for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
13:03 [IDD #QBL-783661]: split LDM REQUEST for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
12:54 [IDD #BOC-401091]: pqinsert data loss Unidata IDD Support
September 26, 2019
14:45 [IDD #UQG-528842]: Puzzling IDD latencies from idd.unidata to Unidata IDD Support
09:34 [IDD #QBL-783661]: split LDM REQUEST for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
08:36 [IDD #QBL-783661]: split LDM REQUEST for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
08:22 [IDD #QBL-783661]: split LDM REQUEST for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
September 25, 2019
12:30 [LDM #HHO-369434]: GOES-15 data stopped Unidata IDD Support
10:35 [LDM #HHO-369434]: GOES-15 data stopped Unidata IDD Support
September 24, 2019
11:20 [IDD #QBL-783661]: split LDM REQUEST for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
September 23, 2019
14:39 [IDD #QBL-783661]: split LDM REQUEST for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
14:36 [IDD #QBL-783661]: split LDM REQUEST for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
08:32 [IDD #UQG-528842]: Puzzling IDD latencies from idd.unidata to Unidata IDD Support
08:11 [IDD #UQG-528842]: Puzzling IDD latencies from idd.unidata to Unidata IDD Support
September 20, 2019
13:56 [IDD #QBL-783661]: split LDM REQUEST for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
September 19, 2019
14:28 [IDD #QBL-783661]: split LDM REQUEST for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
13:38 [IDD #QBL-783661]: split LDM REQUEST for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
09:48 [IDD #HZG-123557]: NEXRAD3 Unidata IDD Support
09:46 [IDD #HZG-123557]: NEXRAD3 Unidata IDD Support
September 16, 2019
21:36 [IDD #QBL-783661]: split LDM REQUEST for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
August 30, 2019
14:32 [LDM #CBT-761337]: GOES-17 data Unidata LDM Support
13:14 [LDM #CBT-761337]: GOES-17 data Unidata LDM Support
12:43 [LDM #CBT-761337]: GOES-17 data Unidata LDM Support
12:01 [LDM #CBT-761337]: GOES-17 data Unidata LDM Support
11:47 [LDM #CBT-761337]: GOES-17 data Unidata LDM Support
10:58 [LDM #CBT-761337]: GOES-17 data Unidata LDM Support
August 29, 2019
17:34 [LDM #CBT-761337]: GOES-17 data Unidata LDM Support
August 24, 2019
10:02 [IDD #FEH-410475]: Question about GOES 17 data availability via LDM Unidata IDD Support
August 23, 2019
10:48 [LDM #UXW-472222]: NR2 Unidata IDD Support
August 22, 2019
16:56 [LDM #UXW-472222]: NR2 Unidata IDD Support
16:30 [LDM #UXW-472222]: NR2 Unidata IDD Support
16:16 [LDM #UXW-472222]: NR2 Unidata IDD Support
15:52 [IDD #PTX-634130]: is up? Unidata IDD Support
14:15 [IDD #OSS-839566]: IP address change for Unidata IDD Support
13:27 [IDD #OSS-839566]: IP address change for Unidata IDD Support
August 21, 2019
15:29 [IDD #OSS-839566]: IP address change for Unidata IDD Support
15:14 [IDD #OSS-839566]: IP address change for Unidata IDD Support
August 20, 2019
13:01 20190820: move of Unidata User Support
August 19, 2019
15:29 [IDD #QDB-949076]: RAL machines feeding directly from iddb cluster node Unidata IDD Support
15:12 [IDD #QDB-949076]: RAL machines feeding directly from iddb cluster node Unidata IDD Support
14:11 [IDD #QDB-949076]: RAL machines feeding directly from iddb cluster node Unidata IDD Support
August 17, 2019
09:47 [IDD #XAT-524030]: GOES-16 and -17 imagery Unidata IDD Support
August 15, 2019
11:54 [IDD #XAT-524030]: GOES-16 and -17 imagery Unidata IDD Support
August 12, 2019
14:31 [IDD #XAT-524030]: GOES-16 and -17 imagery Unidata IDD Support
August 10, 2019
08:30 [IDD #ISJ-658184]: NIMAGE feed - big lags from idd.unidata starting ~16 UTC Monday August 5? Unidata IDD Support
August 09, 2019
15:10 [IDD #ISJ-658184]: NIMAGE feed - big lags from idd.unidata starting ~16 UTC Monday August 5? Unidata IDD Support
August 08, 2019
13:28 [IDD #ISJ-658184]: NIMAGE feed - big lags from idd.unidata starting ~16 UTC Monday August 5? Unidata IDD Support
August 05, 2019
16:40 20190804: Re: New Ticket - [LDM !LYW-530255]: New ldm platform Tom Yoksas
16:09 20190804: Re: New Client Reply - [IDD !ISJ-658184]: NIMAGE feed - big lags from idd.unidata starting ~16 UTC Monday August 5? Tom Yoksas
July 30, 2019
16:22 [LDM #VOZ-961042]: filing GOES ABI data Unidata IDD Support
16:13 [LDM #VOZ-961042]: filing GOES ABI data Unidata IDD Support
11:38 [LDM #VOZ-961042]: filing GOES ABI data Unidata IDD Support
June 27, 2019
15:11 [IDD #WED-630974]: Back with another problem... Unidata IDD Support
June 25, 2019
13:50 [IDD #UQG-528842]: Puzzling IDD latencies from idd.unidata to Unidata IDD Support
June 21, 2019
08:28 [IDD #UQG-528842]: Puzzling IDD latencies from idd.unidata to Unidata IDD Support
June 20, 2019
13:20 [IDD #UQG-528842]: Puzzling IDD latencies from idd.unidata to Unidata IDD Support
13:11 [IDD #UQG-528842]: Puzzling IDD latencies from idd.unidata to Unidata IDD Support
June 14, 2019
10:38 [IDD #UQG-528842]: Puzzling IDD latencies from idd.unidata to Unidata IDD Support
09:08 [IDD #UQG-528842]: Puzzling IDD latencies from idd.unidata to Unidata IDD Support
June 05, 2019
14:01 [IDD #QEC-423774]: Need to register a new LDM server Unidata IDD Support
12:34 [IDD #QEC-423774]: Need to register a new LDM server Unidata IDD Support
May 22, 2019
16:06 [IDD #WED-630974]: Back with another problem... Unidata IDD Support
15:49 [IDD #WED-630974]: Back with another problem... Unidata IDD Support
15:35 [IDD #WED-630974]: Back with another problem... Unidata IDD Support
14:08 [IDD #WED-630974]: Back with another problem... Unidata IDD Support
May 14, 2019
11:57 [Datastream #SVQ-136957]: GLM Lightning Grids for Unidata's AWIPS Unidata Datastream Support
10:30 [IDD #KCH-279495]: GOES-R/GOES-S and GEMPAK7.5.1 Unidata IDD Support
10:16 [Datastream #SVQ-136957]: GLM Lightning Grids for Unidata's AWIPS Unidata Datastream Support
May 01, 2019
10:46 [IDD #QRQ-873801]: NEXRAD3 products Unidata IDD Support
09:44 [IDD #QRQ-873801]: NEXRAD3 products Unidata IDD Support
April 26, 2019
16:04 [IDD #EFM-179238]: GOES-16/17 pqact.conf and ldmd.conf files? Unidata IDD Support
08:08 [IDD #EFM-179238]: GOES-16/17 pqact.conf and ldmd.conf files? Unidata IDD Support
April 22, 2019
14:33 [IDD #CIX-410192]: GOES R script Unidata IDD Support
14:18 [IDD #CIX-410192]: GOES R script Unidata IDD Support
11:35 [IDD #CIX-410192]: GOES R script Unidata IDD Support
11:18 [IDD #BFR-463999]: Hostname change for upstream data feeds Unidata IDD Support
09:49 [IDD #CIX-410192]: GOES R script Unidata IDD Support
08:33 [IDD #BFR-463999]: Hostname change for upstream data feeds Unidata IDD Support
April 19, 2019
13:21 [IDD #CIX-410192]: GOES R script Unidata IDD Support
09:30 [IDD #CIX-410192]: GOES R script Unidata IDD Support
April 18, 2019
14:12 [IDD #TAI-164591]: 20190418: splitting feed REQUESTs Unidata IDD Support
13:57 [IDD #CIX-410192]: GOES R script Unidata IDD Support
13:56 [IDD #TAI-164591]: 20190418: splitting feed REQUESTs Unidata IDD Support
April 17, 2019
23:26 [IDD #CIX-410192]: GOES R script Unidata IDD Support
15:56 [IDD #CIX-410192]: GOES R script Unidata IDD Support
15:54 [IDD #CIX-410192]: GOES R script Unidata IDD Support
March 14, 2019
11:14 [IDD #ZUJ-606770]: NOAAPORT2 March 13 18Zish Unidata IDD Support
March 12, 2019
16:47 [IDD #BVI-819023]: Re: Fwd: [SSEC-SDS #59164] 20min Latency in NOTHER LDM Feed Unidata IDD Support
March 05, 2019
13:42 [IDD #QMV-683924]: Delay in LDM data Unidata IDD Support
13:10 [IDD #ASX-549122]: OR_ABI-L1b-RadF-M3C from LDM? Unidata IDD Support
February 28, 2019
10:45 [IDD #ZGZ-500606]: product gap Unidata IDD Support
February 27, 2019
10:32 [IDD #VVB-942572]: U. Georgia IDD feed Unidata IDD Support
February 25, 2019
09:23 [IDD #GTQ-903655]: NOAAPORT on Feb 19ish Unidata IDD Support
08:37 [IDD #GTQ-903655]: NOAAPORT on Feb 19ish Unidata IDD Support
February 21, 2019
13:53 [IDD #JFQ-559665]: GOES-17 on DIFAX feed stopped Unidata IDD Support
February 20, 2019
14:16 [Support #XOO-931182]: Fwd: Unidata GOES feed Unidata IDD Support
12:36 [Support #XOO-931182]: Fwd: Unidata GOES feed Unidata IDD Support
February 19, 2019
15:41 [Support #XOO-931182]: Fwd: Unidata GOES feed Unidata IDD Support
13:12 [Support #XOO-931182]: Fwd: Unidata GOES feed Unidata IDD Support
February 13, 2019
13:31 [IDD #XYR-916015]: LDM Feed List Unidata IDD Support
January 28, 2019
11:32 [IDDAntarctic #BLJ-455398]: Migration of to new hardware... Unidata IDD-Antarctica Support
January 25, 2019
09:16 [IDD #MOS-406308]: 20190125: GOES-17 on IDD Unidata IDD Support
08:22 [IDD #MOS-406308]: 20190125: GOES-17 on IDD Unidata IDD Support
January 19, 2019
10:25 [IDD #ZHQ-551390]: feeding from Unidata IDD Support
January 08, 2019
10:01 [IDD #BXC-811310]: Re: [ldm-users] 20190103: impending availability of GOES-17 ABI imagery and products Unidata IDD Support
January 07, 2019
16:43 [IDD #BXC-811310]: Re: [ldm-users] 20190103: impending availability of GOES-17 ABI imagery and products Unidata IDD Support
January 03, 2019
14:39 [IDD #ZXX-864247]: Interested in access to IDD and LDM. Unidata IDD Support
14:36 [IDD #JYX-248345]: Lightning Data Access Unidata IDD Support
12:16 [IDD #JYX-248345]: Lightning Data Access Unidata IDD Support
10:04 [IDD #ZXX-864247]: Interested in access to IDD and LDM. Unidata IDD Support
09:18 [IDD #MGW-198908]: Unidata LDM feed for GOES-17 data Unidata IDD Support
December 20, 2018
18:03 [IDD #MGW-198908]: Unidata LDM feed for GOES-17 data Unidata IDD Support
December 19, 2018
14:31 [IDD #MGW-198908]: Unidata LDM feed for GOES-17 data Unidata IDD Support
December 18, 2018
10:33 [IDD #KQX-181169]: responsible for Unidata IDD Support
09:44 [IDD #KQX-181169]: responsible for Unidata IDD Support
09:39 [LDM #LQF-497474]: NEXRAD feed Unidata IDD Support
09:37 [IDD #KQX-181169]: responsible for Unidata IDD Support
09:25 [LDM #LQF-497474]: NEXRAD feed Unidata IDD Support
December 17, 2018
13:21 [LDM #LQF-497474]: NEXRAD feed Unidata IDD Support
December 13, 2018
08:23 [IDD #MGW-198908]: Unidata LDM feed for GOES-17 data Unidata IDD Support
November 28, 2018
15:47 [LDM #MKM-645428]: St. Cloud State University LDM Startup Unidata IDD Support
15:28 [LDM #MKM-645428]: St. Cloud State University LDM Startup Unidata IDD Support
November 07, 2018
13:06 [IDD #ZAJ-969398]: IDD Data is too old Unidata IDD Support
12:07 [IDD #ZAJ-969398]: IDD Data is too old Unidata IDD Support
November 06, 2018
15:01 [IDD #ZAJ-969398]: IDD Data is too old Unidata IDD Support
14:42 [IDD #ZAJ-969398]: IDD Data is too old Unidata IDD Support
November 05, 2018
16:23 [IDD #ZAJ-969398]: IDD Data is too old Unidata IDD Support
15:20 [IDD #ZAJ-969398]: IDD Data is too old Unidata IDD Support
15:11 [IDD #ZAJ-969398]: IDD Data is too old Unidata IDD Support
12:35 [IDD #AUT-250544]: Admin question (networking) Unidata IDD Support
08:34 [IDD #ZJN-359249]: WMO header bulletin explanation Unidata IDD Support
November 02, 2018
12:58 [IDD #AUT-250544]: Admin question (networking) Unidata IDD Support
12:15 [IDD #AUT-250544]: Admin question (networking) Unidata IDD Support
08:31 [IDD #AAI-197813]: Unidata ldm feeds for Alaskan metar & maritime data Unidata IDD Support
October 18, 2018
09:26 [IDD #SRR-821982]: Please provide ldm scripts to NHC Unidata IDD Support
October 15, 2018
12:32 [LDM #KSK-757114]: GOES-16 GRB has partially stopped Unidata IDD Support
11:41 [LDM #KSK-757114]: GOES-16 GRB has partially stopped Unidata IDD Support
11:26 [LDM #KSK-757114]: GOES-16 GRB has partially stopped Unidata LDM Support
October 11, 2018
14:58 [LDM #JEK-162128]: Using scour with Unidata IDD Support
11:39 [IDD #VWD-895844]: LDM downstream server (received the upstream data-feeds) Unidata IDD Support
11:15 [IDD #VWD-895844]: LDM downstream server (received the upstream data-feeds) Unidata IDD Support
11:11 [LDM #JEK-162128]: Using scour with Unidata IDD Support
10:23 [LDM #JEK-162128]: Using scour with Unidata LDM Support
October 02, 2018
12:24 [IDD #WGK-388930]: LDM Unidata IDD Support
October 01, 2018
09:24 [LDM #KSK-757114]: GOES-16 GRB has partially stopped Unidata LDM Support
September 27, 2018
08:50 [IDD #OMZ-874415]: GOESR ldm feed Unidata IDD Support
September 26, 2018
15:16 [IDD #OMZ-874415]: GOESR ldm feed Unidata IDD Support
13:41 [IDD #OMZ-874415]: GOESR ldm feed Unidata IDD Support
08:21 [IDD #OMZ-874415]: GOESR ldm feed Unidata IDD Support
September 25, 2018
16:00 [IDD #OMZ-874415]: GOESR ldm feed Unidata IDD Support
12:29 [IDD #OMZ-874415]: GOESR ldm feed Unidata IDD Support
11:33 [IDD #OMZ-874415]: GOESR ldm feed Unidata IDD Support
11:23 [IDD #OMZ-874415]: GOESR ldm feed Unidata IDD Support
September 08, 2018
15:22 [IDD #JKY-706543]: New addresses for UW IDD nodes Unidata IDD Support
September 06, 2018
10:24 [IDD #AFE-184706]: Questions about subscribing to IDD as client (LDM) Unidata IDD Support
09:26 [IDD #MQV-508069]: Missing TEMP BUFR bulletins Unidata IDD Support
August 08, 2018
14:20 [IDD #DSZ-422019]: Revival of Nat'l Profiler Network Unidata IDD Support
August 02, 2018
17:21 [IDD #MGQ-784340]: COD machine REQUESTing LDM/IDD feed(s) from Unidata IDD Support
15:34 [IDD #MGQ-784340]: COD machine REQUESTing LDM/IDD feed(s) from Unidata IDD Support
12:43 [IDD #MGQ-784340]: COD machine REQUESTing LDM/IDD feed(s) from Unidata IDD Support
July 23, 2018
12:44 [IDD #GPC-601140]: new extended hours of HRRR via LDM? Unidata IDD Support
July 02, 2018
13:27 [IDD #VHL-425950]: GOES-16 Data Request Unidata IDD Support
10:44 [IDD #VHL-425950]: GOES-16 Data Request Unidata IDD Support
June 20, 2018
15:33 [IDD #VHL-425950]: GOES-16 Data Request Unidata IDD Support
June 13, 2018
15:59 [IDD #OSN-350156]: late products Unidata IDD Support
May 17, 2018
09:17 [IDD #MIP-163818]: apparent repeated data Unidata IDD Support
08:08 [IDD #FCW-166050]: intermittent ldm feed Unidata IDD Support
May 15, 2018
11:17 [Support #PZX-493994]: IDD question Unidata IDD Support
10:38 [Support #PZX-493994]: IDD question Unidata IDD Support
10:05 [Support #PZX-493994]: IDD question Unidata IDD Support
May 14, 2018
15:38 [Support #PZX-493994]: IDD question Unidata IDD Support
April 27, 2018
08:06 [IDD #GQL-934266]: ldm upstream feed Unidata IDD Support
April 26, 2018
17:25 [IDD #GQL-934266]: ldm upstream feed Unidata IDD Support
11:50 [IDD #GQL-934266]: ldm upstream feed Unidata IDD Support
08:54 [IDD #GQL-934266]: ldm upstream feed Unidata IDD Support
April 25, 2018
13:37 [IDD #GQL-934266]: ldm upstream feed Unidata IDD Support
April 24, 2018
10:07 [IDD #GQL-934266]: ldm upstream feed Unidata IDD Support
08:56 [IDD #GQL-934266]: ldm upstream feed Unidata IDD Support
April 23, 2018
16:04 [IDD #GQL-934266]: ldm upstream feed Unidata IDD Support
11:27 [IDD #GQL-934266]: ldm upstream feed Unidata IDD Support
April 20, 2018
10:05 [IDD #MVJ-732722]: Canadian Radar Data Question Unidata IDD Support
April 19, 2018
09:59 [IDD #MVJ-732722]: Canadian Radar Data Question Unidata IDD Support
April 18, 2018
15:11 [IDD #MVJ-732722]: Canadian Radar Data Question Unidata IDD Support
14:02 [IDD #MVJ-732722]: Canadian Radar Data Question Unidata IDD Support
13:24 [IDD #MVJ-732722]: Canadian Radar Data Question Unidata IDD Support
April 16, 2018
10:54 [IDD #WZF-760175]: Lightning Data Unidata IDD Support
10:48 [IDD #GQL-934266]: ldm upstream feed Unidata IDD Support
April 13, 2018
09:22 [IDD #GQL-934266]: ldm upstream feed Unidata IDD Support
08:34 [IDD #GQL-934266]: ldm upstream feed Unidata IDD Support
April 12, 2018
13:50 [IDD #GQL-934266]: ldm upstream feed Unidata IDD Support
April 11, 2018
09:03 [IDD #GQL-934266]: ldm upstream feed Unidata IDD Support
April 04, 2018
12:41 [IDD #EZC-112270]: Re: acars, HDW and GPS MADIS data through LDM Unidata IDD Support
07:46 [IDD #EZC-112270]: Re: acars, HDW and GPS MADIS data through LDM Unidata IDD Support
March 08, 2018
08:50 [IDD #ULH-772772]: IDD --> GTS ? Unidata IDD Support
08:28 [IDD #ULH-772772]: IDD --> GTS ? Unidata IDD Support
March 01, 2018
13:24 [IDD #TMZ-743033]: Help? Our LDM Miami radar latency is too long Unidata IDD Support
12:45 [IDD #TMZ-743033]: Help? Our LDM Miami radar latency is too long Unidata IDD Support
12:04 [IDD #TMZ-743033]: Help? Our LDM Miami radar latency is too long Unidata IDD Support
11:13 [IDD #TMZ-743033]: Help? Our LDM Miami radar latency is too long Unidata IDD Support
10:48 [IDD #TMZ-743033]: Help? Our LDM Miami radar latency is too long Unidata IDD Support
10:40 [IDD #TMZ-743033]: Help? Our LDM Miami radar latency is too long Unidata IDD Support
February 27, 2018
09:13 [LDM #CCZ-778806]: data sharing policies Unidata IDD Support
February 26, 2018
14:59 [IDD #VSG-284829]: Additional IP address for NOHRSC ldm computers Unidata IDD Support
February 23, 2018
08:05 [IDD #IJP-713008]: NCEP data problems Unidata IDD Support
February 22, 2018
10:12 [IDD #HGT-957426]: No Canadian surface obs on IDD? Unidata IDD Support
10:00 [IDD #IJP-713008]: NCEP data problems Unidata IDD Support
February 21, 2018
15:08 [IDD #HGT-957426]: No Canadian surface obs on IDD? Unidata IDD Support
14:24 [IDD #OOM-836612]: No Canadian surface obs since 15 UTC on Februray 20 Unidata IDD Support
13:59 [IDD #HGT-957426]: No Canadian surface obs on IDD? Unidata IDD Support
February 16, 2018
15:52 [IDD #CXW-914463]: GOES 16 data... via LDM? Unidata IDD Support
February 06, 2018
14:25 [IDD #BHD-718687]: Fw: [ldm-users] ECMWF data status Unidata IDD Support
13:39 [IDD #BHD-718687]: Fw: [ldm-users] ECMWF data status Unidata IDD Support
January 19, 2018
13:15 [IDD #UYW-180327]: LDM data feed for COSMIC Unidata IDD Support
January 09, 2018
08:44 [LDM #IMI-394637]: LDM nimage feed -- no TIGE01 files Unidata LDM Support
January 03, 2018
23:37 20180103: POSTPONED: imminent repurposing of IDD DIFAX feed Unidata User Support
12:01 [IDD #VYE-407779]: Re: [ldm-users] 20180102: imminent repurposing of IDD DIFAX feed Unidata IDD Support
January 02, 2018
14:51 20180102: imminent repurposing of IDD DIFAX feed Unidata User Support
December 19, 2017
17:04 [IDD #UHK-970669]: New LDM coming online Unidata IDD Support
16:53 [IDD #UHK-970669]: New LDM coming online Unidata IDD Support
December 18, 2017
16:16 20171218: GOES-16 data availability via the IDD Unidata User Support
14:55 [IDD #ZKK-809489]: GRB broadcast on iddb still happening? Unidata IDD Support
13:18 [IDD #ZKK-809489]: GRB broadcast on iddb still happening? Unidata IDD Support
12:01 [IDD #ZKK-809489]: GRB broadcast on iddb still happening? Unidata IDD Support
December 15, 2017
10:30 [IDD #MKS-896784]: pqqct.conf entry for saving GOES-16 data Unidata IDD Support
December 14, 2017
13:36 [IDD #ZKK-809489]: GRB broadcast on iddb still happening? Unidata IDD Support
11:46 [IDD #ZKK-809489]: GRB broadcast on iddb still happening? Unidata IDD Support
December 12, 2017
14:56 [IDD #LFS-688291]: Fw: GOES-16 to GOES East switchover Unidata IDD Support
13:37 [IDD #LFS-688291]: Fw: GOES-16 to GOES East switchover Unidata IDD Support
December 07, 2017
09:15 [LDM #GNI-590666]: ucar source for IDS|DDPLUS Unidata IDD Support
09:03 [LDM #GNI-590666]: ucar source for IDS|DDPLUS Unidata LDM Support
09:01 [IDD #SJO-708657]: ECMWF in IDD Unidata IDD Support
November 21, 2017
10:25 [IDD #GJH-813065]: Request for another server for UNIDATA LDM access Unidata IDD Support
10:19 [IDD #JFF-686435]: Real Time IDD Statistic Web Site? Unidata IDD Support
November 17, 2017
15:49 [IDD #GJH-813065]: Request for another server for UNIDATA LDM access Unidata IDD Support
October 31, 2017
08:36 [IDD #EFS-695415]: LDM glider data. Unidata IDD Support
October 30, 2017
15:16 [IDD #EFS-695415]: LDM glider data. Unidata IDD Support
October 24, 2017
18:42 [IDD #RIL-545470]: Requested Change to Hostname Unidata IDD Support
October 11, 2017
14:27 [Support #FFU-213127]: RE: IDD feeds question Unidata IDD Support
October 03, 2017
13:58 [IDD #EBR-704030]: Decoding NLDN Unidata IDD Support
September 27, 2017
14:47 [LDM #ANW-550486]: LDM access Unidata IDD Support
September 26, 2017
10:59 [IDD #EBR-704030]: Decoding NLDN Unidata IDD Support
September 25, 2017
14:04 [LDM #VBU-998349]: MRMS data request Unidata IDD Support
September 22, 2017
11:34 [LDM #FLC-412827]: Request for upstream feed suggestions for ldm servers at TAMU ATMO Unidata IDD Support
11:24 [LDM #EWC-270147]: LDM Unidata IDD Support
September 20, 2017
11:09 [LDM #FLC-412827]: Request for upstream feed suggestions for ldm servers at TAMU ATMO Unidata IDD Support
10:58 [LDM #FLC-412827]: Request for upstream feed suggestions for ldm servers at TAMU ATMO Unidata IDD Support
September 12, 2017
10:47 [LDM #LIT-351851]: ipadress in allow Unidata LDM Support
10:16 [LDM #LIT-351851]: ipadress in allow Unidata LDM Support
10:10 [LDM #LIT-351851]: ipadress in allow Unidata LDM Support
10:06 [LDM #LIT-351851]: ipadress in allow Unidata LDM Support
10:04 [LDM #LIT-351851]: ipadress in allow Unidata LDM Support
August 31, 2017
16:49 [IDD #EBR-704030]: Decoding NLDN Unidata IDD Support
August 29, 2017
16:29 [IDD #BLE-413085]: [IDD #ZQK-275228] RE: NLDN data set Unidata IDD Support
15:25 [IDD #BLE-413085]: [IDD #ZQK-275228] RE: NLDN data set Unidata IDD Support
14:06 [IDD #BLE-413085]: [IDD #ZQK-275228] RE: NLDN data set Unidata IDD Support
August 28, 2017
11:26 [IDD #AJZ-159116]: Application for membership of the Suominet Unidata IDD Support
August 24, 2017
12:50 [IDD #KSB-345648]: LDM Glider data. (notifyme) Unidata IDD Support
08:27 [CONDUIT #RTS-611058]: NAVGEM and COAMPS-TC from CONDUIT Unidata CONDUIT Support
August 23, 2017
14:38 [IDD #KSB-345648]: LDM Glider data. (notifyme) Unidata IDD Support
10:02 [IDD #KSB-345648]: LDM Glider data. (notifyme) Unidata IDD Support
August 04, 2017
10:56 [IDD #ECT-202603]: New LDM server testing Unidata IDD Support
10:40 [IDD #RHS-978578]: Simepar - Brazil Unidata IDD Support
July 25, 2017
14:34 [LDM #HHK-349534]: LDM data feed down Unidata IDD Support
July 24, 2017
16:26 [LDM #HHK-349534]: LDM data feed down Unidata IDD Support
15:59 [LDM #HHK-349534]: LDM data feed down Unidata IDD Support
15:42 [LDM #HHK-349534]: LDM data feed down Unidata IDD Support
15:16 [LDM #HHK-349534]: LDM data feed down Unidata IDD Support
15:03 [LDM #HHK-349534]: LDM data feed down Unidata IDD Support
14:49 [LDM #HHK-349534]: LDM data feed down Unidata IDD Support
13:37 [LDM #HHK-349534]: LDM data feed down Unidata IDD Support
12:41 [LDM #HHK-349534]: LDM data feed down Unidata IDD Support
June 27, 2017
16:14 [IDD #UHR-178326]: idd site list contacts, goes-r realtime Unidata IDD Support
June 21, 2017
11:57 [LDM #PGJ-420134]: accessing NDFD ST.expr data Unidata LDM Support
June 15, 2017
09:41 [IDD #TBM-534874]: Upstream LDM Contact Information Unidata IDD Support
June 13, 2017
13:14 [IDD #TBM-534874]: Upstream LDM Contact Information Unidata IDD Support
May 20, 2017
14:33 [IDD #KVV-573035]: Checkup of the idd-cc main node Unidata IDD Support
May 16, 2017
12:17 [IDD #KVV-573035]: Checkup of the idd-cc main node Unidata IDD Support
May 15, 2017
08:58 [IDD #KVV-573035]: Checkup of the idd-cc main node Unidata IDD Support
May 04, 2017
08:54 [IDD #RLQ-413776]: New main node for the IDD-CC Unidata IDD Support
April 24, 2017
11:02 [IDD #NFH-937982]: NetCDF Decoder Unidata IDD Support
10:55 [IDD #NFH-937982]: NetCDF Decoder Unidata IDD Support
April 13, 2017
12:56 [IDD #EGD-231145]: HRRR hawaii Unidata IDD Support
April 12, 2017
09:27 [IDD #NFH-937982]: NetCDF Decoder Unidata IDD Support
09:10 [IDD #NFH-937982]: NetCDF Decoder Unidata IDD Support
08:59 [IDD #NFH-937982]: NetCDF Decoder Unidata IDD Support
March 27, 2017
14:00 [IDD #NFH-937982]: NetCDF Decoder Unidata IDD Support
14:00 [IDD #NFH-937982]: NetCDF Decoder Unidata IDD Support
March 22, 2017
13:01 [IDD #DLB-942503]: 20170320: being replaces as LSU relay Unidata IDD Support
10:42 [IDD #DLB-942503]: 20170320: being replaces as LSU relay Unidata IDD Support
09:11 [IDD #DLB-942503]: 20170320: being replaces as LSU relay Unidata IDD Support
March 21, 2017
14:52 [IDD #DLB-942503]: 20170320: being replaces as LSU relay Unidata IDD Support
14:30 [IDD #DLB-942503]: 20170320: being replaces as LSU relay Unidata IDD Support
12:54 [IDD #DLB-942503]: 20170320: being replaces as LSU relay Unidata IDD Support
11:07 [IDD #DLB-942503]: 20170320: being replaces as LSU relay Unidata IDD Support
08:59 [IDD #NFH-937982]: NetCDF Decoder Unidata IDD Support
March 20, 2017
16:51 [IDD #DLB-942503]: 20170320: being replaces as LSU relay Unidata IDD Support
16:37 [IDD #DLB-942503]: 20170320: being replaces as LSU relay Unidata IDD Support
January 31, 2017
15:46 [IDD #BLE-438345]: LDM and Federal Aviation Administration Stations Unidata IDD Support
13:54 [IDD #ZRZ-733733]: Feed sites for Costa Rica IDD network Unidata IDD Support
December 22, 2016
09:56 [IDD #FPV-741226]: Few quick questions about ldm and decoder. Unidata IDD Support
December 06, 2016
15:24 [IDD #HLA-384418]: CONDUIT down? Unidata IDD Support
15:18 [IDD #HLA-384418]: CONDUIT down? Unidata IDD Support
November 17, 2016
13:31 [IDD #YIA-415801]: Adding feeds to our connection Unidata IDD Support
November 04, 2016
09:27 [IDD #UMS-855434]: Question regarding data access in Central America and Caribbean Unidata IDD Support
November 02, 2016
12:17 [IDD #MEH-284852]: LDM access Unidata IDD Support
October 28, 2016
16:29 Re: quick question about HRRRx Jeff Weber
11:19 [IDD #MEH-284852]: LDM access Unidata IDD Support
October 26, 2016
14:11 [IDD #NVH-684904]: another LDM machine and HRRR products Unidata IDD Support
October 19, 2016
12:47 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
12:43 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
October 18, 2016
13:38 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
October 14, 2016
12:31 [IDD #NKI-876775]: Data Feeds not coming in Unidata IDD Support
08:57 [IDD #NKI-876775]: Data Feeds not coming in Unidata IDD Support
08:51 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
October 13, 2016
16:50 [IDD #KEN-313340]: IDD access Unidata IDD Support
10:37 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
10:35 [IDD #NKI-876775]: Data Feeds not coming in Unidata IDD Support
October 10, 2016
11:45 [IDD #KEN-313340]: IDD access Unidata IDD Support
09:45 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
October 05, 2016
16:25 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
12:12 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
08:36 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
September 30, 2016
13:52 [IDD #OPT-457659]: nuts Unidata IDD Support
13:39 [IDD #OPT-457659]: nuts Unidata IDD Support
September 28, 2016
13:25 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
September 27, 2016
16:24 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
12:24 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
September 23, 2016
13:32 [IDD #DTU-314759]: 20160831: Data Access for Northrup Grumman Unidata IDD Support
September 22, 2016
14:03 [IDD #UDV-113722]: Access denied by remote server Unidata IDD Support
September 20, 2016
16:53 [IDD #HGX-774709]: LDM support Unidata IDD Support
September 16, 2016
12:46 [IDD #UOZ-684486]: Fwd: IRADS data for academic use Unidata IDD Support
12:28 [IDD #HGX-774709]: LDM support Unidata IDD Support
09:10 [IDD #UOZ-684486]: Fwd: IRADS data for academic use Unidata IDD Support
September 15, 2016
14:01 [IDD #HGX-774709]: LDM support Unidata IDD Support
September 14, 2016
13:24 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
12:40 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
September 13, 2016
15:28 [IDD #UOZ-684486]: Fwd: IRADS data for academic use Unidata IDD Support
September 12, 2016
09:18 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
September 09, 2016
13:43 [IDD #SMA-948806]: Unidata IDD Unidata IDD Support
13:28 [IDD #SMA-948806]: Unidata IDD Unidata IDD Support
08:05 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
07:40 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
September 08, 2016
10:16 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
September 06, 2016
10:34 [IDD #DTU-314759]: 20160831: Data Access for Northrup Grumman Unidata IDD Support
10:24 [IDD #GTL-274111]: Obtain upstream data-feeds Unidata IDD Support
10:12 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
September 01, 2016
12:34 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
12:10 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
11:34 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
August 30, 2016
15:14 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
12:34 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
10:32 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
10:06 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
09:54 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
August 29, 2016
09:47 [IDD #RMO-982111]: Unidata IDD Unidata IDD Support
August 24, 2016
09:36 [IDD #ZEM-237169]: Starting LDM Feed Unidata IDD Support
August 23, 2016
10:22 [IDD #ZEM-237169]: Starting LDM Feed Unidata IDD Support
August 22, 2016
15:49 [IDD #ZEM-237169]: Starting LDM Feed Unidata IDD Support
11:02 [IDD #ZEM-237169]: Starting LDM Feed Unidata IDD Support
August 21, 2016
01:28 [IDD #ZEM-237169]: Starting LDM Feed Unidata IDD Support
01:10 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
August 18, 2016
16:13 [IDD #ZEM-237169]: Starting LDM Feed Unidata IDD Support
13:20 [IDD #ZEM-237169]: Starting LDM Feed Unidata IDD Support
09:02 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
August 17, 2016
09:35 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
August 16, 2016
10:28 [LDM #FGZ-978731]: LDM installation and configuration at USNA Unidata IDD Support
August 05, 2016
09:10 [IDD #AQC-617871]: Local Data Manager Question: UCSD aeolus not pulling data Unidata IDD Support
August 03, 2016
12:14 [IDD #AQC-617871]: Local Data Manager Question: UCSD aeolus not pulling data Unidata IDD Support
August 02, 2016
15:42 [IDD #AQC-617871]: Local Data Manager Question: UCSD aeolus not pulling data Unidata IDD Support
14:50 [IDD #AQC-617871]: Local Data Manager Question: UCSD aeolus not pulling data Unidata IDD Support
14:39 [IDD #TZL-477658]: Modified host connection confirmation Unidata IDD Support
14:04 [IDD #AQC-617871]: Local Data Manager Question: UCSD aeolus not pulling data Unidata IDD Support
August 01, 2016
15:43 [IDD #TZL-477658]: Modified host connection confirmation Unidata IDD Support
15:01 [IDDBrasil #UDQ-265194]: IDD feeds for Olympic games in Rio Unidata IDD-Brasil Support
08:50 [IDDBrasil #UDQ-265194]: IDD feeds for Olympic games in Rio Unidata IDD-Brasil Support
08:45 [IDD #AQC-617871]: Local Data Manager Question: UCSD aeolus not pulling data Unidata IDD Support
July 30, 2016
10:38 [IDDBrasil #UDQ-265194]: IDD feeds for Olympic games in Rio Unidata IDD-Brasil Support
July 28, 2016
15:00 [IDD #YYF-400085]: ldm files size Unidata IDD Support
July 27, 2016
12:35 [IDD #YYF-400085]: ldm files size Unidata IDD Support
July 26, 2016
20:31 [LDM #GLG-935498]: CONDUIT GFS data Unidata IDD Support
July 20, 2016
15:48 [IDD #TEO-708619]: data source for CMC NWP data Unidata IDD Support
15:40 [IDD #YYF-400085]: ldm files size Unidata IDD Support
15:33 [IDD #XXK-415930]: Hi and Questions! Unidata IDD Support
July 15, 2016
16:12 [LDM #GLG-935498]: CONDUIT GFS data Unidata IDD Support
15:21 [IDD #XKB-663766]: Getting data for AWIPS II - International access Unidata IDD Support
July 08, 2016
11:39 [IDD #YYF-400085]: ldm files size Unidata IDD Support
July 01, 2016
10:28 [IDD #VJN-703855]: upstream data-feeds Unidata IDD Support
June 30, 2016
13:59 [IDD #VJN-703855]: upstream data-feeds Unidata IDD Support
June 17, 2016
15:39 [LDM #GLG-935498]: CONDUIT GFS data Unidata IDD Support
June 14, 2016
13:10 [LDM #GLG-935498]: CONDUIT GFS data Unidata IDD Support
June 10, 2016
15:27 [LDM #GLG-935498]: CONDUIT GFS data Unidata IDD Support
14:31 [LDM #GLG-935498]: CONDUIT GFS data Unidata IDD Support
June 09, 2016
11:16 [LDM #GLG-935498]: CONDUIT GFS data Unidata IDD Support
June 08, 2016
15:36 [LDM #GLG-935498]: CONDUIT GFS data Unidata IDD Support
12:46 [LDM #YBA-192887]: [LDM] dm not logging to ldmd.log and not receiving data Unidata IDD Support
June 07, 2016
16:04 [LDM #GLG-935498]: CONDUIT GFS data Unidata IDD Support
13:52 [LDM #GLG-935498]: CONDUIT GFS data Unidata IDD Support
10:29 [IDD #JOX-863989]: Question - Feed Provider Unidata IDD Support
June 06, 2016
17:09 [LDM #GLG-935498]: CONDUIT GFS data Unidata IDD Support
16:24 [LDM #GLG-935498]: CONDUIT GFS data Unidata IDD Support
12:20 [LDM #GLG-935498]: CONDUIT GFS data Unidata IDD Support
10:47 [LDM #GLG-935498]: CONDUIT GFS data Unidata IDD Support
10:33 [LDM #YBA-192887]: [LDM] dm not logging to ldmd.log and not receiving data Unidata IDD Support
07:40 [IDD #JOX-863989]: Question - Feed Provider Unidata IDD Support
07:34 [LDM #YBA-192887]: [LDM] dm not logging to ldmd.log and not receiving data Unidata LDM Support
June 04, 2016
10:21 [LDM #GLG-935498]: CONDUIT GFS data Unidata IDD Support
June 03, 2016
16:05 [LDM #GLG-935498]: CONDUIT GFS data Unidata IDD Support
15:45 [LDM #GLG-935498]: CONDUIT GFS data Unidata IDD Support
15:24 [LDM #GLG-935498]: CONDUIT GFS data Unidata IDD Support
14:30 [LDM #GLG-935498]: CONDUIT GFS data Unidata IDD Support
May 27, 2016
11:27 [IDD #TML-937455]: NEXRAD3 delays Unidata IDD Support
May 25, 2016
14:17 [IDD #UPP-807866]: LDM Data for GEMPAK and AWIPS II Unidata IDD Support
May 24, 2016
08:15 [IDD #UPP-807866]: LDM Data for GEMPAK and AWIPS II Unidata IDD Support
May 23, 2016
17:54 [IDD #UPP-807866]: LDM Data for GEMPAK and AWIPS II Unidata IDD Support
May 11, 2016
14:08 [IDD #MPQ-937932]: Local Data Manager Question Unidata IDD Support
May 10, 2016
16:03 [IDD #MPQ-937932]: Local Data Manager Question Unidata IDD Support
09:39 [IDD #TML-937455]: NEXRAD3 delays Unidata IDD Support
May 07, 2016
02:37 [IDD #MPQ-937932]: Local Data Manager Question Unidata IDD Support
May 06, 2016
15:45 [IDD #MPQ-937932]: Local Data Manager Question Unidata IDD Support
May 05, 2016
09:40 [IDD #KUD-512290]: Backup NOAAPort source ? Unidata NOAAPORT Support
May 04, 2016
15:27 [IDD #KUD-512290]: Backup NOAAPort source ? Unidata NOAAPORT Support
14:55 [IDD #KUD-512290]: Backup NOAAPort source ? Unidata NOAAPORT Support
14:09 [IDD #IJO-379928]: FW: To get IDD data Unidata IDD Support
13:55 [IDD #KUD-512290]: Backup NOAAPort source ? Unidata NOAAPORT Support
09:46 [IDD #KUD-512290]: Backup NOAAPort source ? Unidata NOAAPORT Support
May 03, 2016
15:13 [IDD #KUD-512290]: Backup NOAAPort source ? Unidata NOAAPORT Support
12:27 [IDD #KUD-512290]: Backup NOAAPort source ? Unidata NOAAPORT Support
09:35 [IDD #KUD-512290]: Backup NOAAPort source ? Unidata NOAAPORT Support
09:31 [LDM #NSP-325161]: how to retrieve the VOS (volunteer observing ship) data via LDM. Unidata IDD Support
09:06 [IDD #KUD-512290]: Backup NOAAPort source ? Unidata NOAAPORT Support
08:59 [LDM #NSP-325161]: how to retrieve the VOS (volunteer observing ship) data via LDM. Unidata IDD Support
May 02, 2016
16:31 [LDM #NSP-325161]: how to retrieve the VOS (volunteer observing ship) data via LDM. Unidata IDD Support
14:24 [IDD #KUD-512290]: Backup NOAAPort source ? Unidata NOAAPORT Support
14:00 [IDD #KUD-512290]: Backup NOAAPort source ? Unidata NOAAPORT Support
April 28, 2016
10:55 [IDD #KUD-512290]: Backup NOAAPort source ? Unidata IDD Support
08:33 [LDM #CPH-753570]: RADAR data error Unidata IDD Support
April 27, 2016
15:44 [IDD #KUD-512290]: Backup NOAAPort source ? Unidata IDD Support
15:38 [LDM #CPH-753570]: RADAR data error Unidata IDD Support
13:48 [IDD #KUD-512290]: Backup NOAAPort source ? Unidata IDD Support
10:38 [LDM #CPH-753570]: RADAR data error Unidata IDD Support
08:14 [LDM #NSP-325161]: how to retrieve the VOS (volunteer observing ship) data via LDM. Unidata IDD Support
07:54 [LDM #NSP-325161]: how to retrieve the VOS (volunteer observing ship) data via LDM. Unidata IDD Support
April 26, 2016
17:30 [LDM #NSP-325161]: how to retrieve the VOS (volunteer observing ship) data via LDM. Unidata IDD Support
15:55 [LDM #NSP-325161]: how to retrieve the VOS (volunteer observing ship) data via LDM. Unidata IDD Support
13:09 [LDM #NSP-325161]: how to retrieve the VOS (volunteer observing ship) data via LDM. Unidata IDD Support
April 19, 2016
17:26 [IDD #LFN-158105]: LDM/IDD for Universidad de Guadalajara Unidata IDD Support
15:32 [IDD #LFN-158105]: LDM/IDD for Universidad de Guadalajara Unidata IDD Support
13:12 [IDD #LFN-158105]: LDM/IDD for Universidad de Guadalajara Unidata IDD Support
April 18, 2016
16:21 [IDD #YCE-190543]: BGP routes from UNIDATA Unidata IDD Support
14:19 [IDD #LFN-158105]: LDM/IDD for Universidad de Guadalajara Unidata IDD Support
14:16 [IDD #YCE-190543]: BGP routes from UNIDATA Unidata IDD Support
13:32 [IDD #YCE-190543]: BGP routes from UNIDATA Unidata IDD Support
April 04, 2016
11:21 [IDD #LKI-843928]: IDD for Business Use Unidata IDD Support
April 01, 2016
08:23 [IDD #OWF-669902]: NOAA/SRH machine FNMOC REQUEST from Unidata IDD Support
March 31, 2016
16:08 [IDD #OWF-669902]: NOAA/SRH machine FNMOC REQUEST from Unidata IDD Support
13:59 [IDD #OWF-669902]: NOAA/SRH machine FNMOC REQUEST from Unidata IDD Support
12:04 [IDD #OWF-669902]: NOAA/SRH machine FNMOC REQUEST from Unidata IDD Support
March 30, 2016
12:23 [IDD #KUL-673349]: Server Name Change Unidata IDD Support
10:38 [IDD #KUL-673349]: Server Name Change Unidata IDD Support
10:35 [IDD #KUL-673349]: Server Name Change Unidata IDD Support
March 22, 2016
09:40 [IDD #XTZ-273294]: UNIWISC feed redistribution Unidata IDD Support
March 15, 2016
14:27 [IDD #QNC-953870]: What happened to real-time ldm volume stats? Unidata IDD Support
March 11, 2016
11:29 [IDD #YZT-868804]: IDD feed policies for commercial entities Unidata IDD Support
March 09, 2016
14:12 [IDD #ZUW-135633]: Cannot receive message via LDM Unidata IDD Support
08:54 [LDM #VIU-792449]: How to find incoming direct radiation data Unidata IDD Support
March 07, 2016
11:04 [IDD #SUZ-126567]: timescale on IDD latency plots Unidata IDD Support
08:51 [IDD #SUZ-126567]: timescale on IDD latency plots Unidata IDD Support
March 04, 2016
13:53 [LDM #VIU-792449]: How to find incoming direct radiation data Unidata IDD Support
12:38 [IDD #QCI-657529]: GOES-R on LDM/IDD Unidata IDD Support
March 01, 2016
16:07 [IDD #HPT-985091]: NEXRAD2 concatenating with Unidata IDD Support
14:43 [IDD #HPT-985091]: NEXRAD2 concatenating with Unidata IDD Support
11:09 [IDD #SUZ-126567]: timescale on IDD latency plots Unidata IDD Support
February 29, 2016
09:33 [IDD #OQA-104787]: not getting HRRR and NAM 12km data since Feb 23 Unidata IDD Support
February 26, 2016
11:13 [IDD #OQA-104787]: not getting HRRR and NAM 12km data since Feb 23 Unidata IDD Support
February 25, 2016
12:55 [IDD #OQA-104787]: not getting HRRR and NAM 12km data since Feb 23 Unidata IDD Support
10:42 [IDD #OQA-104787]: not getting HRRR and NAM 12km data since Feb 23 Unidata IDD Support
10:25 [IDD #OQA-104787]: not getting HRRR and NAM 12km data since Feb 23 Unidata IDD Support
10:04 [IDD #OQA-104787]: not getting HRRR and NAM 12km data since Feb 23 Unidata IDD Support
09:51 [IDD #OQA-104787]: not getting HRRR and NAM 12km data since Feb 23 Unidata IDD Support
February 22, 2016
14:36 [IDD #HPT-985091]: NEXRAD2 concatenating with Unidata IDD Support
February 16, 2016
15:06 [IDD #HPT-985091]: NEXRAD2 concatenating with Unidata IDD Support
February 08, 2016
15:16 [IDD #UXP-663119]: CONDUIT data access Unidata IDD Support
February 04, 2016
14:05 [LDM #CSW-815764]: back-up cluster for tomorrow Unidata IDD Support
10:18 [LDM #CSW-815764]: back-up cluster for tomorrow Unidata IDD Support
09:54 [IDD #AAL-267939]: Ask for help Unidata IDD Support
February 03, 2016
12:42 [LDM #CSW-815764]: back-up cluster for tomorrow Unidata IDD Support
January 28, 2016
15:29 [LDM #CSW-815764]: back-up cluster for tomorrow Unidata IDD Support
14:17 [IDD #MIY-175774]: "WARN" Log Message in Concatenate NEXRAD2 Script Unidata IDD Support
11:02 [LDM #CSW-815764]: back-up cluster for tomorrow Unidata IDD Support
January 26, 2016
23:46 [IDD #MIY-175774]: "WARN" Log Message in Concatenate NEXRAD2 Script Unidata IDD Support
January 22, 2016
14:51 [IDD #LDE-365303]: Duplicate(?) /pNCRVAX in IDD feed? Unidata IDD Support
14:45 [IDD #MIY-175774]: "WARN" Log Message in Concatenate NEXRAD2 Script Unidata IDD Support
January 20, 2016
17:11 [IDD #MIY-175774]: "WARN" Log Message in Concatenate NEXRAD2 Script Unidata IDD Support
10:36 [IDD #MIY-175774]: "WARN" Log Message in Concatenate NEXRAD2 Script Unidata IDD Support
January 19, 2016
13:34 [IDD #MIY-175774]: "WARN" Log Message in Concatenate NEXRAD2 Script Unidata IDD Support
January 16, 2016
16:05 [IDD #MIY-175774]: "WARN" Log Message in Concatenate NEXRAD2 Script Unidata IDD Support
January 15, 2016
15:48 [IDD #OYW-791113]: OCONUS and NPP feeds from NOAAPORT Unidata IDD Support
15:33 [IDD #ZVT-447547]: MRMS pqact entry Unidata IDD Support
15:15 [IDD #MIY-175774]: "WARN" Log Message in Concatenate NEXRAD2 Script Unidata IDD Support
10:28 [IDD #LGF-656426]: Request for access to CONDUIT data Unidata IDD Support
10:21 [IDD #XNI-709353]: IDD LDM Access Unidata IDD Support
January 08, 2016
14:53 [IDD #TQN-970252]: Issue with pqact Unidata IDD Support
January 07, 2016
14:50 [IDD #BJM-438879]: Some Confusing regarding LDM pqact Unidata IDD Support
08:41 [IDD #BJM-438879]: Some Confusing regarding LDM pqact Unidata IDD Support
January 06, 2016
13:22 [IDD #BJM-438879]: Some Confusing regarding LDM pqact Unidata IDD Support
January 05, 2016
14:43 [IDD #MWQ-760671]: Test Feed Unidata IDD Support
08:51 [IDD #MWQ-760671]: Test Feed Unidata IDD Support
December 31, 2015
08:18 [IDD #MWQ-760671]: Test Feed Unidata IDD Support
December 22, 2015
14:14 [IDD #MWQ-760671]: Test Feed Unidata IDD Support
December 21, 2015
08:21 [IDD #VTM-344109]: IP address change for Peru Unidata IDD Support
December 20, 2015
11:14 [IDD #VTM-344109]: IP address change for Peru Unidata IDD Support
December 18, 2015
15:29 [IDD #MWQ-760671]: Test Feed Unidata IDD Support
December 17, 2015
16:07 [IDD #WNY-584696]: Access to/Use of CMC GEM model data Unidata IDD Support
16:01 [IDD #MWQ-760671]: Test Feed Unidata IDD Support
15:06 [IDD #MWQ-760671]: Test Feed Unidata IDD Support
11:58 [IDD #MWQ-760671]: Test Feed Unidata IDD Support
11:06 [IDD #MWQ-760671]: Test Feed Unidata IDD Support
December 16, 2015
11:52 [IDD #MWQ-760671]: Test Feed Unidata IDD Support
10:03 [IDD #MWQ-760671]: Test Feed Unidata IDD Support
08:58 [IDD #MWQ-760671]: Test Feed Unidata IDD Support
December 15, 2015
16:02 [IDD #MWQ-760671]: Test Feed Unidata IDD Support
13:12 [IDD #MWQ-760671]: Test Feed Unidata IDD Support
December 14, 2015
14:37 [IDD #MWQ-760671]: Test Feed Unidata IDD Support
December 08, 2015
10:13 [IDD #CCF-872549]: Change in the UW relay machine Unidata IDD Support
08:46 [IDD #CCF-872549]: Change in the UW relay machine Unidata IDD Support
08:44 [IDD #MWQ-760671]: Test Feed Unidata IDD Support
December 05, 2015
12:24 [IDD #CCF-872549]: Change in the UW relay machine Unidata IDD Support
December 04, 2015
15:18 [IDD #CCF-872549]: Change in the UW relay machine Unidata IDD Support
November 20, 2015
13:14 [IDD #LSK-251795]: Re: IDD and cloud cover in METARs Unidata IDD Support
13:02 [IDD #LSK-251795]: Re: IDD and cloud cover in METARs Unidata IDD Support
November 13, 2015
09:24 [IDD #MWQ-760671]: Test Feed Unidata IDD Support
November 11, 2015
16:23 [IDD #VWV-357135]: real time idd topology map Unidata IDD Support
09:53 [IDD #VWV-357135]: real time idd topology map Unidata IDD Support
08:47 [IDD #VOE-175439]: estimate on GOES-R data volume Unidata IDD Support
November 07, 2015
09:08 [IDD #MUN-941483]: 20151107: COD Comcast address for LDM feed Unidata IDD Support
November 02, 2015
14:40 [IDD #SPO-216795]: HRRR Data Unidata IDD Support
11:01 [IDD #SPO-216795]: HRRR Data Unidata IDD Support
October 29, 2015
15:56 [IDD #ZDN-294180]: [ldm-users] Pqact FILE writes with custom removal? Unidata IDD Support
October 20, 2015
12:08 [IDD #VVO-154186]: NOAA LDM MADIS Unidata IDD Support
October 13, 2015
12:58 [IDD #VVO-154186]: NOAA LDM MADIS Unidata IDD Support
October 09, 2015
15:22 20151009: service interruption for Saturday, October 11 Unidata User Support
12:35 [IDD #PSQ-892404]: MRMS stream available? Unidata IDD Support
12:30 [IDD #VVO-154186]: NOAA LDM MADIS Unidata IDD Support
October 02, 2015
08:39 [IDD #BBX-177142]: Fwd: [SSEC-TC-req #38799] question Unidata IDD Support
08:36 [IDD #SGN-156002]: SXXX91 KWBC product with \r\r\n\c within it Unidata IDD Support
September 30, 2015
08:42 [IDD #BBX-177142]: Fwd: [SSEC-TC-req #38799] question Unidata IDD Support
September 29, 2015
16:15 [IDD #BBX-177142]: Fwd: [SSEC-TC-req #38799] question Unidata IDD Support
16:08 [IDD #DYH-172672]: LDMs running at COLA Unidata IDD Support
15:55 [IDD #GYB-936146]: NEXRAD2 feed Unidata IDD Support
15:29 [IDD #GYB-936146]: NEXRAD2 feed Unidata IDD Support
15:13 [IDD #GYB-936146]: NEXRAD2 feed Unidata IDD Support
14:38 [IDD #GYB-936146]: NEXRAD2 feed Unidata IDD Support
13:50 [IDD #BBX-177142]: Fwd: [SSEC-TC-req #38799] question Unidata IDD Support
13:40 [IDD #GYB-936146]: NEXRAD2 feed Unidata IDD Support
13:05 [IDD #BBX-177142]: Fwd: [SSEC-TC-req #38799] question Unidata IDD Support
12:45 [IDD #BBX-177142]: Fwd: [SSEC-TC-req #38799] question Unidata IDD Support
08:44 [IDD #GYB-936146]: NEXRAD2 feed Unidata IDD Support
September 28, 2015
09:11 [IDD #GYB-936146]: NEXRAD2 feed Unidata IDD Support
September 24, 2015
17:05 [IDD #LDE-365303]: Duplicate(?) /pNCRVAX in IDD feed? Unidata IDD Support
12:33 [IDD #BBX-177142]: Fwd: [SSEC-TC-req #38799] question Unidata IDD Support
09:19 [IDD #BBX-177142]: Fwd: [SSEC-TC-req #38799] question Unidata IDD Support
09:15 [IDD #BMA-444431]: [ldm] - ELAT/INPE Unidata IDD Support
09:04 [IDD #WNG-587616]: AMPS ldm feed Unidata IDD Support
September 23, 2015
14:12 [IDD #WNG-587616]: AMPS ldm feed Unidata IDD Support
13:01 [IDD #WNG-587616]: AMPS ldm feed Unidata IDD Support
09:28 [IDD #WNG-587616]: AMPS ldm feed Unidata IDD Support
09:03 [IDD #WNG-587616]: AMPS ldm feed Unidata IDD Support
September 22, 2015
16:18 [IDD #LDE-365303]: Duplicate(?) /pNCRVAX in IDD feed? Unidata IDD Support
September 18, 2015
13:05 [IDD #RCE-378402]: Question about level 2 radar feed. Unidata IDD Support
September 15, 2015
16:43 [IDD #ESY-575279]: credentials to access the IDD server Unidata IDD Support
12:28 [IDD #UUD-330404]: Fwd: Local Data Manager Question Unidata IDD Support
September 08, 2015
09:34 [IDD #KZT-246763]: Fwd: LIGHTNING Feed for WIFIRE Unidata IDD Support
September 04, 2015
16:01 [IDD #PMO-154243]: Internet2 vs Internet Unidata IDD Support
September 03, 2015
16:51 [LDM #PNC-837937]: USPLN-NLDN Contamination Unidata IDD Support
August 28, 2015
11:33 [IDD #BWG-508353]: UCAR Computer Outage Last Weekend? Unidata IDD Support
August 25, 2015
12:36 [IDD #KWG-167519]: GLN lightning feed? Unidata IDD Support
12:02 [IDD #KWG-167519]: GLN lightning feed? Unidata IDD Support
10:03 [IDD #KWG-167519]: GLN lightning feed? Unidata IDD Support
August 24, 2015
13:06 [Support #FRG-689031]: [IDD #YCP-290979 ] adding address@hidden to your client list Unidata IDD Support
09:10 [IDD #YCP-290979]: re: not responding Unidata IDD Support
August 21, 2015
16:13 [Support #MHB-874023]: Re: [ldm-users] IDD Downtime Aug 22nd 7:00AM ->4:00PM MDT Unidata IDD Support
15:31 [Support #MHB-874023]: Re: [ldm-users] IDD Downtime Aug 22nd 7:00AM ->4:00PM MDT Unidata IDD Support
14:59 Fwd: [ldm-users] IDD Downtime Aug 22nd 7:00AM ->4:00PM MDT Jeff Weber
12:09 [Support #MHB-874023]: Re: [ldm-users] IDD Downtime Aug 22nd 7:00AM ->4:00PM MDT Unidata IDD Support
August 19, 2015
08:32 [IDD #LDE-365303]: Duplicate(?) /pNCRVAX in IDD feed? Unidata IDD Support
08:08 [IDD #LDE-365303]: Duplicate(?) /pNCRVAX in IDD feed? Unidata IDD Support
August 17, 2015
10:29 [IDD #LDE-365303]: Duplicate(?) /pNCRVAX in IDD feed? Unidata IDD Support
August 13, 2015
13:03 [IDD #JQP-457637]: UCAR upstream LDM that I could connect to? Unidata IDD Support
August 12, 2015
13:11 [IDD #JQP-457637]: UCAR upstream LDM that I could connect to? Unidata IDD Support
August 06, 2015
09:12 [IDD #LOP-532551]: IDD Eligibility Unidata IDD Support
July 27, 2015
15:25 20150727: CONDUIT data volume will increase dramatically July 28 with addition of GFS 0.25° model output Unidata User Support
July 25, 2015
11:35 Re: Lightning Database DaveZ Besson
09:28 Re: Lightning Database Knight, David
July 14, 2015
16:09 [IDD #TUP-838796]: Source of WMO pireps from Unidata IDD Support
July 02, 2015
13:19 [IDD #KVP-682832]: IDD / LDM Connection Request Unidata IDD Support
July 01, 2015
15:40 [IDD #LZQ-171174]: error receiving GFS 0.5 degree files via LDM Unidata IDD Support
June 25, 2015
13:52 [IDD #RIO-194015]: RTSTATS for and Unidata IDD Support
June 19, 2015
11:24 [IDD #QSI-365145]: TDWR Radar data Unidata IDD Support
June 18, 2015
16:03 [IDD #UDG-536221]: GEFS Unidata IDD Support
12:14 [IDD #UDG-536221]: GEFS Unidata IDD Support
June 17, 2015
17:08 [IDD #KVP-682832]: IDD / LDM Connection Request Unidata IDD Support
14:20 [IDD #KVP-682832]: IDD / LDM Connection Request Unidata IDD Support
June 15, 2015
09:08 [IDD #LZQ-171174]: error receiving GFS 0.5 degree files via LDM Unidata IDD Support
June 10, 2015
12:45 [IDD #BOG-106787]: HRRR data request Unidata IDD Support
10:47 [IDD #UDG-536221]: GEFS Unidata IDD Support
10:11 [IDD #UDG-536221]: GEFS Unidata IDD Support
10:09 [IDD #INB-818247]: rtstats Unidata IDD Support
June 09, 2015
14:18 [LDM #CSW-815764]: back-up cluster for tomorrow Unidata IDD Support
14:00 [IDD #BOG-106787]: HRRR data request Unidata IDD Support
13:59 [LDM #CSW-815764]: back-up cluster for tomorrow Unidata IDD Support
May 31, 2015
13:51 [IDD #CVM-815258]: NEXRAD 1KM Stage III Reflectivity Data: Is there an archive? Unidata IDD Support
May 28, 2015
12:11 [IDD #DBH-230045]: nwws to nwws2 effect on idd ldm Unidata IDD Support
May 22, 2015
12:14 [IDD #BOG-106787]: HRRR data request Unidata IDD Support
May 20, 2015
12:36 [IDD #BOG-106787]: HRRR data request Unidata IDD Support
May 19, 2015
23:46 20150519: 20150516: Nexrad 2: Access Unidata User Support
09:35 [LDM #MYR-923744]: LDM and HRRR support Unidata IDD Support
04:05 Re: 20150516: Nexrad 2: Access James Olson
May 18, 2015
23:56 20150516: Nexrad 2: Access Unidata User Support
10:03 RE: 20150516: Nexrad 2: Access James Olson
May 16, 2015
17:50 Re: 20150516: Nexrad 2: Access James Olson
16:45 20150516: Nexrad 2: Access Unidata User Support
13:52 Nexrad 2: Access James Olson
May 15, 2015
08:30 [LDM #MYR-923744]: LDM and HRRR support Unidata IDD Support
May 14, 2015
16:00 [LDM #MYR-923744]: LDM and HRRR support Unidata IDD Support
15:19 [LDM #MYR-923744]: LDM and HRRR support Unidata IDD Support
May 13, 2015
12:42 [IDD #RNR-214402]: Eligiblity to use LDM and IDD network Unidata IDD Support
May 12, 2015
14:32 [IDD #RNR-214402]: Eligiblity to use LDM and IDD network Unidata IDD Support
13:51 [IDD #VBT-248750]: "Do You Want GFS 0.25-Degree Model Output in CONDUIT?" Survey Unidata IDD Support
May 11, 2015
14:20 [IDD #RNR-214402]: Eligiblity to use LDM and IDD network Unidata IDD Support
May 05, 2015
09:45 [LevelII #WCC-236573]: Level II data for education NEXRAD Level II
April 28, 2015
12:22 [IDD #LSK-706023]: UNIWISC feed to UW Unidata IDD Support
April 27, 2015
13:09 [IDD #PZS-945807]: HRRR data on IDD/LDM Unidata LDM Support
12:27 [IDD #PZS-945807]: HRRR data on IDD/LDM Unidata LDM Support
11:19 [IDD #PZS-945807]: HRRR data on IDD/LDM Unidata IDD Support
09:48 [IDD #PZS-945807]: HRRR data on IDD/LDM Unidata IDD Support
07:36 [IDD #HWK-442512]: rtstats is down and idd.unidata troubles Unidata IDD Support
April 25, 2015
16:53 [IDD #DID-243477]: Cannot contact rtstats Unidata IDD Support
April 24, 2015
14:30 [IDD #PZS-945807]: HRRR data on IDD/LDM Unidata IDD Support
10:02 [IDD #PZS-945807]: HRRR data on IDD/LDM Unidata IDD Support
April 22, 2015
13:47 [IDD #PZS-945807]: HRRR data on IDD/LDM Unidata IDD Support
April 18, 2015
17:35 [IDD #EFR-225523]: light nexrad composite data? Unidata IDD Support
11:30 [IDD #ABS-452606]: bug in rtstats labels Unidata IDD Support
11:01 [IDD #WOU-325543]: NEXRCOMP reflectivity errors Unidata IDD Support
April 16, 2015
09:11 [IDD #BZQ-338878]: NEXRAD Level II LDM feed down Unidata IDD Support
09:05 [IDDBrasil #ZYJ-906269]: DNS problem Unidata IDD-Brasil Support
April 14, 2015
17:14 [IDDBrasil #ZYJ-906269]: DNS problem Unidata IDD-Brasil Support
08:06 [IDD #MZW-286070]: (Products Delayed) Unidata IDD Support
April 12, 2015
07:40 [IDD #XXC-555907]: need help with ldm and madis Unidata IDD Support
April 06, 2015
08:37 [IDD #ZGF-708685]: Unable to connect to Unidata LDM Unidata IDD Support
April 05, 2015
10:12 20150405: is down and ETA for return to service is unknown Unidata User Support
10:11 [IDD #PQL-104941]: The connection was reset Unidata IDD Support
10:10 [IDD #ACG-141053]: down Unidata IDD Support
April 03, 2015
09:20 [IDD #PZS-945807]: HRRR data on IDD/LDM Unidata IDD Support
08:41 [IDD #PZS-945807]: HRRR data on IDD/LDM Unidata IDD Support
March 31, 2015
14:11 [IDD #ZGF-708685]: Unable to connect to Unidata LDM Unidata IDD Support
13:47 [LDM #CDE-681099]: Pqact.threddsradar Unidata IDD Support
March 30, 2015
16:52 [LDM #CDE-681099]: Pqact.threddsradar Unidata IDD Support
10:33 [IDD #ZGF-708685]: Unable to connect to Unidata LDM Unidata IDD Support
March 16, 2015
16:05 [IDD #TEN-801918]: GEMPAK decoding assistance request Unidata IDD Support
March 14, 2015
18:01 [IDD #TEN-801918]: GEMPAK decoding assistance request Unidata IDD Support
17:49 [IDD #GCF-438317]: Great Lakes Unidata IDD Support
March 10, 2015
16:03 [IDD #HTV-540274]: Registration for Unidata IDD participation Unidata IDD Support
12:02 [IDD #PMD-399578]: Nexrad 2 Data Question Unidata IDD Support
09:54 [IDD #BTW-355273]: Access to weather data via Internet2 Unidata IDD Support
March 09, 2015
13:50 [IDD #BTW-355273]: Access to weather data via Internet2 Unidata IDD Support
09:57 [IDD #BTW-355273]: Access to weather data via Internet2 Unidata IDD Support
March 08, 2015
17:06 [IDD #DBI-990675]: IDD for Private Company/Developers Unidata IDD Support
16:51 [IDD #HTV-540274]: Registration for Unidata IDD participation Unidata IDD Support
March 02, 2015
14:32 [IDD #TBP-168492]: Relationship of IDD/NOAAPort/AWIPSII Unidata IDD Support
February 28, 2015
05:20 [IDD #ETX-316379]: Radar feed USA Unidata IDD Support
February 17, 2015
12:14 [IDD #QEG-718696]: CMC GEM Feed Down (fwd) Unidata IDD Support
February 16, 2015
11:50 [IDD #QEG-718696]: CMC GEM Feed Down (fwd) Unidata IDD Support
09:37 [IDD #WYD-752856]: Re: [ec-disconbb] NWIS to NetCDF LDM Up and Running Unidata IDD Support
09:25 [IDD #QEG-718696]: CMC GEM Feed Down (fwd) Unidata IDD Support
January 29, 2015
11:03 [IDD #UNV-402209]: Our noaaport machine Unidata IDD Support
10:30 [IDD #UNV-402209]: Our noaaport machine Unidata IDD Support
10:07 [IDD #UNV-402209]: Our noaaport machine Unidata IDD Support
09:56 [IDD #OKS-541262]: Fwd: Re: 20150120: INPE LDM REQUESTs being blocked on Unidata IDD Support
January 28, 2015
16:44 [IDD #TLF-994276]: LDM allow for CIRA Unidata IDD Support
13:00 [IDD #OKS-541262]: Fwd: Re: 20150120: INPE LDM REQUESTs being blocked on Unidata IDD Support
12:41 [IDD #UNV-402209]: Our noaaport machine Unidata IDD Support
January 27, 2015
15:00 [IDD #OKS-541262]: Fwd: Re: 20150120: INPE LDM REQUESTs being blocked on Unidata IDD Support
January 13, 2015
12:28 [CONDUIT #BND-869733]: CONDUIT feed Unidata CONDUIT Support
January 08, 2015
17:34 [IDD #KAR-675101]: NEXRAD2 data Unidata IDD Support
17:16 [IDD #KAR-675101]: NEXRAD2 data Unidata IDD Support
14:52 [IDD #KAR-675101]: NEXRAD2 data Unidata IDD Support
December 29, 2014
16:42 [IDD #NGS-433545]: Request for Data Unidata IDD Support
December 18, 2014
17:25 [IDD #YJU-783842]: information about rtstats web pages Unidata IDD Support
December 16, 2014
15:39 [IDD #YJU-783842]: information about rtstats web pages Unidata IDD Support
15:29 [IDD #YJU-783842]: information about rtstats web pages Unidata IDD Support
15:24 [IDD #DUI-381251]: Fwd: FTG Level II feed down? Unidata IDD Support
December 10, 2014
16:36 [IDD #PEW-246783]: Fwd: Re: [ldm-users] Spotty reception of HRRR data Unidata IDD Support
15:39 [IDD #PEW-246783]: Fwd: Re: [ldm-users] Spotty reception of HRRR data Unidata IDD Support
15:23 [IDD #PEW-246783]: Fwd: Re: [ldm-users] Spotty reception of HRRR data Unidata IDD Support
December 08, 2014
13:53 [IDD #QBY-523276]: UNIWISC feed request Unidata IDD Support
December 03, 2014
17:35 [IDD #IVG-583515]: RE: EXT :20141114: NOAAPort relay Machine Set up at NG Unidata IDD Support
December 01, 2014
12:12 [IDD #IVG-583515]: RE: EXT :20141114: NOAAPort relay Machine Set up at NG Unidata IDD Support
November 25, 2014
11:36 [IDD #IVG-583515]: RE: EXT :20141114: NOAAPort relay Machine Set up at NG Unidata IDD Support
11:22 [IDD #SBH-699039]: ldm data Unidata IDD Support
November 22, 2014
10:27 [IDD #IVG-583515]: RE: EXT :20141114: NOAAPort relay Machine Set up at NG Unidata IDD Support
November 21, 2014
13:40 [IDD #IVG-583515]: RE: EXT :20141114: NOAAPort relay Machine Set up at NG Unidata IDD Support
12:59 [IDD #IVG-583515]: RE: EXT :20141114: NOAAPort relay Machine Set up at NG Unidata IDD Support
12:24 [IDD #IVG-583515]: RE: EXT :20141114: NOAAPort relay Machine Set up at NG Unidata IDD Support
November 20, 2014
14:10 [IDD #IVG-583515]: RE: EXT :20141114: NOAAPort relay Machine Set up at NG Unidata IDD Support
13:59 [IDD #JUA-118744]: recent data outages -- Unidata IDD Support
November 19, 2014
16:51 [IDD #PLT-501218]: Data Feed. Unidata IDD Support
November 18, 2014
14:12 [IDD #IVG-583515]: RE: EXT :20141114: NOAAPort relay Machine Set up at NG Unidata IDD Support
November 17, 2014
12:30 [LDM #ILY-921243]: NOAAport at AMS Unidata LDM Support
November 13, 2014
17:09 [IDD #JUA-118744]: recent data outages -- Unidata IDD Support
13:57 [IDD #JUA-118744]: recent data outages -- Unidata IDD Support
09:38 [IDD #JUA-118744]: recent data outages -- Unidata IDD Support
November 10, 2014
12:40 [IDD #QLY-875657]: Possible problem with Unidata IDD Support
November 06, 2014
10:56 [IDD #CVI-315697]: Duplicate(?) products on the IDD feed from Unidata IDD Support
10:22 [THREDDS #ZGF-914102]: Fwd: [NCEP.list.NOMADS-ftpprd] Revised Proposed Changes to GFS Data in NOMADS Unidata IDD Support
October 25, 2014
09:41 [IDD #KZT-246763]: Fwd: LIGHTNING Feed for WIFIRE Unidata IDD Support
October 24, 2014
12:59 [IDD #KZT-246763]: Fwd: LIGHTNING Feed for WIFIRE Unidata IDD Support
October 23, 2014
14:03 [IDD #YYZ-448816]: LIGHTNING (FT14,NLDN) and HRRR Unidata IDD Support
10:35 [IDD #YYZ-448816]: LIGHTNING (FT14,NLDN) and HRRR Unidata IDD Support
October 22, 2014
14:27 [Datastream #NVL-219514]: NGRID headers Unidata Datastream Support
October 20, 2014
09:39 [IDD #NPX-499274]: LDM Inquiry / Help Unidata IDD Support
08:44 [IDD #MGE-391500]: UNIWISC data Unidata IDD Support
October 14, 2014
15:23 [IDD #HTR-203133]: private use of LDM Unidata IDD Support
14:55 [Datastream #NVL-219514]: NGRID headers Unidata Datastream Support
12:28 [Datastream #NVL-219514]: NGRID headers Unidata Datastream Support
12:23 [IDD #ZQD-728782]: [ldm-users] LDM tries to take Saturday off... Unidata IDD Support
October 12, 2014
18:18 [IDD #ZQD-728782]: [ldm-users] LDM tries to take Saturday off... Unidata IDD Support
October 10, 2014
13:40 [LDM #LJC-128881]: LDM at NOAA Unidata IDD Support
12:54 [LDM #LJC-128881]: LDM at NOAA Unidata LDM Support
October 07, 2014
09:21 [IDD #LAB-620548]: ldm not downloading data Unidata IDD Support
October 02, 2014
13:44 [IDD #UBV-305593]: access to HRRR via the LDM. Unidata IDD Support
September 25, 2014
09:46 [LevelII #AWA-907668]: LDM Level II Feed Tree NEXRAD Level II
09:35 [LevelII #AWA-907668]: LDM Level II Feed Tree NEXRAD Level II
08:20 [LevelII #AWA-907668]: LDM Level II Feed Tree NEXRAD Level II
08:00 [IDD #LAB-620548]: ldm not downloading data Unidata IDD Support
September 24, 2014
16:58 [IDD #LAB-620548]: ldm not downloading data Unidata IDD Support
16:25 [IDD #NPX-499274]: LDM Inquiry / Help Unidata IDD Support
September 23, 2014
09:32 [IDD #UPG-799064]: Access request Unidata IDD Support
September 19, 2014
11:36 [IDD #CUR-105476]: radar data Unidata IDD Support
August 25, 2014
13:49 [IDD #OKB-978019]: IDD Site Contact List: need to update for UC San Diego Unidata IDD Support
13:36 [IDD #OKB-978019]: IDD Site Contact List: need to update for UC San Diego Unidata IDD Support
13:33 [IDD #KNH-802092]: Contact update for Purdue Unidata IDD Support
August 23, 2014
11:15 [IDD #LRB-829354]: Issues with product-queue Unidata IDD Support
09:58 [IDD #DJM-823948]: Feed source for NEXRAD2 Unidata IDD Support
09:44 [IDD #LRB-829354]: Issues with product-queue Unidata IDD Support
August 21, 2014
17:04 [IDD #LRB-829354]: Issues with product-queue Unidata IDD Support
15:58 [IDD #LRB-829354]: Issues with product-queue Unidata IDD Support
14:21 [IDD #LRB-829354]: Issues with product-queue Unidata IDD Support
13:14 [IDD #LRB-829354]: Issues with product-queue Unidata IDD Support
12:25 [IDD #LRB-829354]: Issues with product-queue Unidata IDD Support
11:56 [IDD #LRB-829354]: Issues with product-queue Unidata IDD Support
August 19, 2014
15:46 [IDD #ORW-949630]: pqact file issues Unidata IDD Support
08:38 [IDD #DJM-823948]: Feed source for NEXRAD2 Unidata IDD Support
August 18, 2014
17:14 [IDD #WMT-338636]: Upstream Data Feeds Unidata IDD Support
August 16, 2014
10:56 [IDD #XEC-580619]: IDD Peering request from Unidata Unidata IDD Support
August 15, 2014
08:42 [IDD #XEC-580619]: IDD Peering request from Unidata Unidata IDD Support
August 14, 2014
12:37 [IDD #XEC-580619]: IDD Peering request from Unidata Unidata IDD Support
August 13, 2014
15:12 [IDD #CSG-448538]: Re: NGRID NAM218 3 hourly output file Unidata IDD Support
12:25 [IDD #CSG-448538]: Re: NGRID NAM218 3 hourly output file Unidata IDD Support
August 11, 2014
16:15 [IDD #JRM-232824]: Loss of link to Unidata server Unidata IDD Support
14:41 [IDD #DZN-544812]: trying to get NAM218 grib2 on pqact.conf Unidata IDD Support
12:35 [IDD #JRM-232824]: Loss of link to Unidata server Unidata IDD Support
12:19 [IDD #DZN-544812]: trying to get NAM218 grib2 on pqact.conf Unidata IDD Support
11:53 [IDD #XEC-580619]: IDD Peering request from Unidata Unidata IDD Support
August 08, 2014
14:49 [IDD #DZN-544812]: trying to get NAM218 grib2 on pqact.conf Unidata IDD Support
August 05, 2014
13:39 [IDD #IPO-569833]: Profiler outage Unidata IDD Support
August 04, 2014
16:09 [LDM #OAO-858724]: No GOES VIS imagery Unidata IDD Support
August 03, 2014
18:12 [IDD #WMT-338636]: Upstream Data Feeds Unidata IDD Support
August 02, 2014
10:20 [LDM #OAO-858724]: No GOES VIS imagery Unidata IDD Support
August 01, 2014
09:29 [LDM #OAO-858724]: No GOES VIS imagery Unidata IDD Support
July 31, 2014
17:01 [IDD #WMT-338636]: Upstream Data Feeds Unidata IDD Support
08:05 [IDD #DKY-808081]: information about graphic Unidata IDD Support
July 30, 2014
09:22 [IDD #DKY-808081]: information about graphic Unidata IDD Support
July 29, 2014
16:24 [IDD #WMT-338636]: Upstream Data Feeds Unidata IDD Support
July 28, 2014
16:31 [IDD #WMT-338636]: Upstream Data Feeds Unidata IDD Support
July 27, 2014
15:24 [IDD #ZWD-541374]: gale.unidata appears to be down ( Unidata IDD Support
10:05 [IDD #ZWD-541374]: gale.unidata appears to be down ( Unidata IDD Support
July 17, 2014
09:12 [THREDDS #MRY-727013]: My LDM seems to have missed a model hour? Unidata Datastream Support
July 08, 2014
13:04 [IDD #LNT-232690]: Re: 20130422: Hi and IP Change Unidata IDD Support
June 27, 2014
13:04 [LDM #LRD-467349]: Request to allow HRRR feed Unidata IDD Support
June 26, 2014
16:44 [LDM #LRD-467349]: Request to allow HRRR feed Unidata IDD Support
10:21 [LDM #LRD-467349]: Request to allow HRRR feed Unidata IDD Support
June 25, 2014
17:06 [LDM #LRD-467349]: Request to allow HRRR feed Unidata IDD Support
16:17 [LDM #LRD-467349]: Request to allow HRRR feed Unidata IDD Support
15:59 [LDM #LRD-467349]: Request to allow HRRR feed Unidata IDD Support
June 23, 2014
13:47 Re: 20140623: IDD neartime/archive file counts low Datacenter
June 18, 2014
16:03 [LDM #MAM-895427]: LDM stream not responding Unidata IDD Support
15:46 [LDM #MAM-895427]: LDM stream not responding Unidata IDD Support
14:35 [IDD #GFR-913454]: (gate) LDM appears to be down Unidata IDD Support
14:32 [LDM #MAM-895427]: LDM stream not responding Unidata IDD Support
June 12, 2014
15:31 [IDD #GXK-220586]: WMO Data/NLDN Access Unidata IDD Support
June 11, 2014
17:51 [IDD #GXK-220586]: WMO Data/NLDN Access Unidata IDD Support
June 09, 2014
13:46 [IDD #ZSS-265223]: IDD Feed Volumes Unidata IDD Support
June 05, 2014
14:34 [IDD #LWO-305812]: Re: FSL Profiler data Unidata IDD Support
13:16 Re: FSL Profiler data Jeff Weber
13:03 Re: FSL Profiler data William Pennoyer
12:56 Re: FSL Profiler data Jeff Weber
12:34 [IDD #VKS-413904]: IDD LDM Access Unidata IDD Support
June 04, 2014
13:20 [Staging #ZCW-362646]: Data from a IDD source at UNIDATA Unidata IDD Support
May 30, 2014
16:15 [IDD #AKW-491192]: rtstats server errors Unidata IDD Support
08:11 [IDD #AKW-491192]: rtstats server errors Unidata IDD Support
May 22, 2014
15:23 [IDD #UMU-213011]: No data from Unidata IDD Support
May 11, 2014
18:03 [IDD #GOQ-777351]: LDM on appears to be down Unidata IDD Support
May 08, 2014
12:48 [IDD #BSU-660201]: Sending partial NOAAport feed to UNIDATA Unidata IDD Support
11:52 [IDD #BSU-660201]: Sending partial NOAAport feed to UNIDATA Unidata IDD Support
May 07, 2014
16:41 [IDD #JUO-658551]: Upstream Data Files Unidata IDD Support
May 05, 2014
14:50 [IDD #LSS-398578]: NEXRAD Weather Data Unidata IDD Support
14:43 [IDD #NZC-887525]: LDM at UIB Unidata IDD Support
13:57 [IDD #LSS-398578]: NEXRAD Weather Data Unidata IDD Support
May 01, 2014
09:49 [IDD #CMY-345752]: 20140425: move feed REQUEST(s) from unidata2 to unidata2-new Unidata IDD Support
09:38 [IDD #CMY-345752]: 20140425: move feed REQUEST(s) from unidata2 to unidata2-new Unidata IDD Support
09:21 [IDD #CMY-345752]: 20140425: move feed REQUEST(s) from unidata2 to unidata2-new Unidata IDD Support
09:04 [IDD #CMY-345752]: 20140425: move feed REQUEST(s) from unidata2 to unidata2-new Unidata IDD Support
08:38 [IDD #CMY-345752]: 20140425: move feed REQUEST(s) from unidata2 to unidata2-new Unidata IDD Support
April 29, 2014
13:57 [IDD #IHZ-528380]: 20140425: move feed REQUEST(s) from unidata2 to unidata2-new Unidata IDD Support
13:53 [IDD #IHZ-528380]: 20140425: move feed REQUEST(s) from unidata2 to unidata2-new Unidata IDD Support
13:28 [IDD #IHZ-528380]: 20140425: move feed REQUEST(s) from unidata2 to unidata2-new Unidata IDD Support
13:25 [IDD #NZC-887525]: LDM at UIB Unidata IDD Support
April 28, 2014
12:41 [IDD #NZC-887525]: LDM at UIB Unidata IDD Support
09:07 [IDD #AAX-709279]: LDM issues? Unidata IDD Support
April 26, 2014
09:47 [IDD #AAX-709279]: LDM issues? Unidata IDD Support
April 25, 2014
16:18 [IDD #KXO-519695]: 20140425: ALLOWs for Unidata feed requests on AMRC machines Unidata IDD Support
16:11 [IDD #PDR-841473]: 20140425: move feed REQUEST(s) from unidata2 to unidata2-new Unidata IDD Support
16:01 [IDD #IHZ-528380]: 20140425: move feed REQUEST(s) from unidata2 to unidata2-new Unidata IDD Support
15:57 [IDD #CMY-345752]: 20140425: move feed REQUEST(s) from unidata2 to unidata2-new Unidata IDD Support
15:49 [IDD #PDR-841473]: 20140425: move feed REQUEST(s) from unidata2 to unidata2-new Unidata IDD Support
11:34 [IDD #RFC-237182]: broken link Unidata IDD Support
08:11 [IDD #DQQ-790553]: Request for help with LDM setup Unidata IDD Support
April 24, 2014
15:28 [IDD #RFC-237182]: broken link Unidata IDD Support
April 23, 2014
15:49 [IDD #DQQ-790553]: Request for help with LDM setup Unidata IDD Support
14:05 [IDD #DQQ-790553]: Request for help with LDM setup Unidata IDD Support
13:16 [IDD #DQQ-790553]: Request for help with LDM setup Unidata IDD Support
11:52 [IDD #DQQ-790553]: Request for help with LDM setup Unidata IDD Support
08:35 [IDD #TRW-898526]: LDM setup Unidata IDD Support
April 22, 2014
17:11 [IDD #VWG-840959]: 3-d HRRR fields on FSL2 - where to get? Unidata IDD Support
16:59 [IDD #DQQ-790553]: Request for help with LDM setup Unidata IDD Support
16:46 [IDD #TRW-898526]: LDM setup Unidata IDD Support
April 15, 2014
08:38 [IDD #MVG-419111]: Forward of moderated message Unidata IDD Support
April 14, 2014
15:38 [IDD #MVG-419111]: Forward of moderated message Unidata IDD Support
15:31 [IDD #TJZ-904221]: upgrade Unidata IDD Support
13:05 [IDD #OXC-480822]: Re: text bulletins Unidata IDD Support
13:04 [IDD #MVG-419111]: Forward of moderated message Unidata IDD Support
April 10, 2014
08:49 [IDD #NZC-887525]: LDM at UIB Unidata IDD Support
April 09, 2014
17:19 [IDD #TJZ-904221]: upgrade Unidata IDD Support
11:53 [IDD #TJZ-904221]: upgrade Unidata IDD Support
April 07, 2014
14:54 [IDD #KOV-575304]: NEXRAD2 data Unidata IDD Support
10:27 [IDD #KOV-575304]: NEXRAD2 data Unidata IDD Support
April 03, 2014
18:37 [IDD #KOV-575304]: NEXRAD2 data Unidata IDD Support
April 02, 2014
15:48 [IDD #KOV-575304]: NEXRAD2 data Unidata IDD Support
March 31, 2014
13:32 [IDD #JNJ-664590]: Migrating the NOAA/ESRL/GSD LDM ingest client Unidata IDD Support
March 29, 2014
19:15 [IDD #KOV-575304]: NEXRAD2 data Unidata IDD Support
11:16 [LDM #RGD-701388]: no new data since ~00Z last night Unidata IDD Support
11:15 [IDD #KOV-575304]: NEXRAD2 data Unidata IDD Support
March 28, 2014
15:04 [IDD #UCL-189991]: Re: 20140328: [ldm-users] UQAM LDM Server is in the process of having its IP changed Unidata IDD Support
14:44 [LDM #RGD-701388]: no new data since ~00Z last night Unidata IDD Support
14:26 [IDD #KOV-575304]: NEXRAD2 data Unidata IDD Support
14:21 [LDM #RGD-701388]: no new data since ~00Z last night Unidata IDD Support
March 24, 2014
15:04 [IDD #JBW-476655]: ldm data feeds Unidata IDD Support
March 17, 2014
13:12 [IDD #AFG-861362]: GEM CMC feed Unidata IDD Support
March 13, 2014
08:33 [IDD #OXC-480822]: Re: text bulletins Unidata IDD Support
March 03, 2014
13:17 [Staging #UFH-660934]: Re: Additional Guidance for setting up LDM on Unidata IDD Support
February 26, 2014
13:21 [IDD #AFG-861362]: GEM CMC feed Unidata IDD Support
11:38 [IDD #AFG-861362]: GEM CMC feed Unidata IDD Support
February 20, 2014
15:19 [IDD #BCL-986165]: LDM allow change request Unidata IDD Support
February 07, 2014
14:16 Re: LDM HRRR access Jeff Weber
11:17 Re: LDM HRRR access Jeff Weber
January 27, 2014
14:54 [LevelII #UNW-125809]: WSR88D Level II Data Unidata IDD Support
January 25, 2014
16:27 [IDD #BVK-695331]: Madis data Unidata IDD Support
12:57 [IDD #BVK-695331]: Madis data Unidata IDD Support
January 24, 2014
14:37 [IDD #OXC-480822]: Re: text bulletins Unidata IDD Support
14:29 [Staging #ZCW-362646]: Data from a IDD source at UNIDATA Unidata IDD Support
January 21, 2014
11:18 Data from a IDD source at UNIDATA Jeff Weber
08:18 [IDD #FJV-113222]: IDD for Purdue University Unidata IDD Support
January 15, 2014
13:03 [IDD #HBC-113243]: FNEXRAD not coming in Unidata IDD Support
12:59 [IDD #OFQ-957923]: Missing NEXRAD data Unidata IDD Support
11:03 [IDD #HBC-113243]: FNEXRAD not coming in Unidata IDD Support
10:32 [IDD #HBC-113243]: FNEXRAD not coming in Unidata IDD Support
09:07 [IDD #HBC-113243]: FNEXRAD not coming in Unidata IDD Support
January 13, 2014
17:32 [IDD #FVI-634338]: Fwd: lightning data on UNIDATA2 Unidata IDD Support
January 10, 2014
16:51 [IDD #OXC-480822]: Re: text bulletins Unidata IDD Support
January 08, 2014
17:22 [IDD #SZD-475204]: Real-time WFO data Unidata IDD Support
January 07, 2014
11:51 [IDD #AOZ-430031]: IDD feed at AMS 2014 in Atlanta Unidata IDD Support
January 06, 2014
15:49 [LDM #OYS-347769]: tsunami messages via email Unidata IDD Support
December 18, 2013
12:43 [IDD #YPR-198833]: Educational entity needing meteorological data and software. Unidata IDV Support
December 17, 2013
14:57 [IDD #YPR-198833]: Educational entity needing meteorological data and software. Unidata IDD Support
12:29 [IDD #YPR-198833]: Educational entity needing meteorological data and software. Unidata IDD Support
December 16, 2013
15:14 [IDD #YPR-198833]: Educational entity needing meteorological data and software. Unidata IDD Support
December 12, 2013
14:55 [IDD #YPR-198833]: Educational entity needing meteorological data and software. Unidata IDD Support
08:31 [Datastream #SKX-485134]: Topology maps no longer work Unidata Plaza Support
December 11, 2013
08:07 [IDD #SHU-457897]: Question about NEXRAD Level II data Unidata IDD Support
December 06, 2013
14:13 [IDD #JNJ-664590]: Migrating the NOAA/ESRL/GSD LDM ingest client Unidata IDD Support
December 05, 2013
12:20 [IDD #KMB-253025]: Level II radar data access Unidata IDD Support
November 18, 2013
21:46 [IDD #MAZ-860352]: Request for Access to IDD Unidata IDD Support
November 14, 2013
20:02 [Support #EDS-330074]: RE: Need to obtain upstream data-feeds for Radar data Unidata IDD Support
November 12, 2013
17:07 [LDM #EVQ-966487]: Missing data from Unidata IDD Support
09:12 [IDD #VRK-635010]: idd data Unidata IDD Support
November 11, 2013
12:09 [IDD #VRK-635010]: idd data Unidata IDD Support
November 09, 2013
11:12 [IDD #VRK-635010]: idd data Unidata IDD Support
09:43 [IDD #VRK-635010]: idd data Unidata IDD Support
November 08, 2013
20:53 [IDD #VRK-635010]: idd data Unidata IDD Support
November 07, 2013
12:24 [IDD #VRK-635010]: idd data Unidata IDD Support
November 06, 2013
16:03 [IDD #VRK-635010]: idd data Unidata IDD Support
November 05, 2013
15:36 [IDD #VRK-635010]: idd data Unidata IDD Support
14:34 [IDD #VRK-635010]: idd data Unidata IDD Support
October 29, 2013
15:37 [IDD #VRK-635010]: idd data Unidata IDD Support
14:48 [IDD #MWJ-810617]: LDM troubleshooting Unidata IDD Support
12:09 [IDD #VRK-635010]: idd data Unidata IDD Support
October 28, 2013
15:00 [IDD #VRK-635010]: idd data Unidata IDD Support
11:17 [IDD #VRK-635010]: idd data Unidata IDD Support
October 25, 2013
14:32 [Staging #QHJ-367428]: Real time data for hydrology in Central and South America Unidata IDD Support
14:11 [IDD #VRK-635010]: idd data Unidata IDD Support
October 23, 2013
12:32 [IDD #VRK-635010]: idd data Unidata IDD Support
12:18 [Support #EDS-330074]: RE: Need to obtain upstream data-feeds for Radar data Unidata IDD Support
12:16 [Support #EDS-330074]: RE: Need to obtain upstream data-feeds for Radar data Unidata IDD Support
11:50 [IDD #OSX-818257]: Conduit feed? Unidata IDD Support
October 10, 2013
11:57 [LDM #IOY-903750]: Not receiving data on LDM Unidata IDD Support
October 09, 2013
10:01 Re: Introduction Linda Miller
October 08, 2013
08:40 [Staging #QHJ-367428]: Real time data for hydrology in Central and South America Unidata IDD Support
October 07, 2013
11:47 [LDM #LTH-228651]: METAR Stations in LDM Feed Unidata IDD Support
11:35 [LDM #LTH-228651]: METAR Stations in LDM Feed Unidata IDD Support
11:22 [IDD #DUK-257471]: gempak data feed Unidata IDD Support
October 01, 2013
13:12 [IDD #CQQ-768862]: Upgrade ldm Unidata IDD Support
September 30, 2013
17:17 [IDD #VCD-819322]: FW: Clarification on how LDM, UCAR and Unidata can be used Unidata IDD Support
16:58 [IDD #CQQ-768862]: Upgrade ldm Unidata IDD Support
12:32 [IDD #VCD-819322]: FW: Clarification on how LDM, UCAR and Unidata can be used Unidata IDD Support
12:22 [IDD #CQQ-768862]: Upgrade ldm Unidata IDD Support
September 27, 2013
09:17 [IDD #CQQ-768862]: Upgrade ldm Unidata IDD Support
09:00 [IDD #CQQ-768862]: Upgrade ldm Unidata IDD Support
08:33 [IDD #CQQ-768862]: Upgrade ldm Unidata IDD Support
September 23, 2013
12:41 [Datastream #AEC-150755]: Rapid Refresh model over NOAAPORT Unidata Datastream Support
September 14, 2013
00:58 [IDD #VUO-316269]: Not getting data from Unidata IDD Support
September 12, 2013
19:15 [IDD #UGW-571113]: IDD / CONDUIT access via ldm Unidata IDD Support
September 11, 2013
15:20 [IDD #UGW-571113]: IDD / CONDUIT access via ldm Unidata IDD Support
September 04, 2013
15:40 [IDD #VQM-781176]: New domain for NOHRSC ldm computers Unidata IDD Support
11:34 [IDD #VQM-781176]: New domain for NOHRSC ldm computers Unidata IDD Support
September 03, 2013
09:52 [IDD #XTI-410466]: ldm server down Unidata IDD Support
August 29, 2013
11:20 [IDD #VRK-635010]: idd data Unidata IDD Support
11:01 [IDD #VYN-104801]: please help a gempak user on weather ? Unidata IDD Support
August 28, 2013
12:07 [IDD #VRK-635010]: idd data Unidata IDD Support
11:06 [IDD #VRK-635010]: idd data Unidata IDD Support
11:03 [IDD #VYN-104801]: please help a gempak user on weather ? Unidata IDD Support
August 21, 2013
11:05 [IDD #HTK-741775]: ftp connection Unidata IDD Support
August 19, 2013
16:33 [IDD #UGW-571113]: IDD / CONDUIT access via ldm Unidata IDD Support
14:44 [IDD #XYT-473297]: IP address change SUNY Oswego Unidata LDM Support
13:32 [IDD #HTK-741775]: ftp connection Unidata IDD Support
13:01 [IDD #XYT-473297]: IP address change SUNY Oswego Unidata LDM Support
09:58 [IDD #XYT-473297]: IP address change SUNY Oswego Unidata LDM Support
August 15, 2013
14:37 [LDM #AYR-930263]: LDM Data Feed? Unidata LDM Support
13:22 [LDM #AYR-930263]: LDM Data Feed? Unidata LDM Support
08:46 [IDD #XYT-473297]: IP address change SUNY Oswego Unidata IDD Support
August 01, 2013
15:55 [IDD #QUJ-627660]: Unidata LDM feed for NOAA experimental model dataset? Unidata IDD Support
July 26, 2013
12:50 [LDM #RHW-703095]: Errors: "Upstream LDM says we're not allowed to receive requested products" Unidata IDD Support
July 23, 2013
11:34 [IDD #MWI-552386]: commercial purchase of NEXRAD LDM feed/data Unidata IDD Support
July 18, 2013
14:14 [IDD #DQQ-790553]: Request for help with LDM setup Unidata IDD Support
July 17, 2013
14:16 [IDD #DQQ-790553]: Request for help with LDM setup Unidata IDD Support
July 11, 2013
12:09 [IDD #HUS-393958]: Scripting access to 2km 1 hour raw precipitation radar data (national mosaic) data Unidata IDD Support
July 08, 2013
13:00 [IDD #PPJ-526440]: Request for info Unidata IDD Support
July 05, 2013
15:59 [IDD #GLH-756700]: LDM feed problem Unidata IDD Support
July 04, 2013
10:21 [IDD #VIM-172633]: re: Problem Unidata IDD Support
July 01, 2013
13:06 [IDD #HVD-148444]: Weather Observation Stream Unidata IDD Support
June 28, 2013
13:52 [IDD #HVD-148444]: Weather Observation Stream Unidata IDD Support
12:34 [IDD #HVD-148444]: Weather Observation Stream Unidata IDD Support
June 26, 2013
12:35 [IDD #NJQ-115013]: switching to a new machine for Purdue's ldm Unidata IDD Support
June 17, 2013
11:04 [IDD #SKR-479291]: Unidata IDD Unidata IDD Support
11:01 [IDD #PYD-238878]: [ldm-users] Testing to see if a METAR or RAOB report is included in your LDM Feed Unidata IDD Support
June 10, 2013
17:10 [IDD #QWF-162996]: NEXRAD L3 prods Unidata IDD Support
June 07, 2013
13:22 [IDD #QWF-162996]: NEXRAD L3 prods Unidata IDD Support
11:01 [IDD #QWF-162996]: NEXRAD L3 prods Unidata IDD Support
June 03, 2013
14:40 [IDD #DHE-868834]: MRF Data Unidata IDD Support
May 29, 2013
17:40 [IDD #DLW-777823]: Problems with LDM NLDN configuration Unidata IDD Support
May 26, 2013
12:01 [IDD #DLW-777823]: Problems with LDM NLDN configuration Unidata IDD Support
May 24, 2013
11:21 [LDM #QNV-889642]: How to determine whats in a feed Unidata LDM Support
11:09 [LDM #QNV-889642]: How to determine whats in a feed Unidata LDM Support
May 22, 2013
14:11 [IDD #WHK-499440]: Tier 1/2 provider inquiry/offer Unidata IDD Support
08:16 [IDD #DLW-777823]: Problems with LDM NLDN configuration Unidata IDD Support
May 21, 2013
16:30 [IDD #DLW-777823]: Problems with LDM NLDN configuration Unidata IDD Support
11:17 [IDD #DLW-777823]: Problems with LDM NLDN configuration Unidata IDD Support
08:12 [IDD #DLW-777823]: Problems with LDM NLDN configuration Unidata IDD Support
May 20, 2013
10:24 [IDD #EBJ-284125]: LDM Feed Request Unidata IDD Support
May 17, 2013
14:35 [IDD #DHE-868834]: MRF Data Unidata IDD Support
12:47 [IDD #EBJ-284125]: LDM Feed Request Unidata IDD Support
May 16, 2013
18:34 [LDM #IMU-147472]: Thinking about setting up LDM Unidata LDM Support
15:58 [LDM #IMU-147472]: Thinking about setting up LDM Unidata IDD Support
May 14, 2013
14:12 [IDD #DLW-777823]: Problems with LDM NLDN configuration Unidata IDD Support
08:07 [IDD #DLW-777823]: Problems with LDM NLDN configuration Unidata IDD Support
May 13, 2013
12:24 [IDD #DLW-777823]: Problems with LDM NLDN configuration Unidata IDD Support
May 08, 2013
10:40 [IDD #YIR-860719]: SSEC down again Unidata IDD Support
May 06, 2013
16:35 [LDM #JOF-421815]: Not receiving NEXRAD3 data... Unidata IDD Support
14:39 [GEMPAK #VBF-560457]: Download real-time data into GEMPAK Unidata IDD Support
May 03, 2013
15:02 [IDD #ODN-432624]: FSL2 feed down Unidata IDD Support
May 02, 2013
16:04 [LDM #JOF-421815]: Not receiving NEXRAD3 data... Unidata IDD Support
13:48 [LDM #JOF-421815]: Not receiving NEXRAD3 data... Unidata IDD Support
13:30 [LDM #JOF-421815]: Not receiving NEXRAD3 data... Unidata IDD Support
May 01, 2013
13:39 [LDM #JOF-421815]: Not receiving NEXRAD3 data... Unidata IDD Support
April 30, 2013
15:17 [LDM #JOF-421815]: Not receiving NEXRAD3 data... Unidata IDD Support
14:57 [IDD #DHE-868834]: MRF Data Unidata IDD Support
April 29, 2013
14:19 [IDD #ECU-990662]: Organizing IDV access to my LDM archive of .gem files Unidata RAMADDA Support
April 26, 2013
11:40 [LDM #GXI-553029]: LDM move Unidata IDD Support
11:16 [LDM #GXI-553029]: LDM move Unidata IDD Support
April 24, 2013
13:07 [IDD #ECU-990662]: Organizing IDV access to my LDM archive of .gem files Unidata RAMADDA Support
12:50 [LDM #GXI-553029]: LDM move Unidata IDD Support
11:17 [LDM #GXI-553029]: LDM move Unidata IDD Support
April 22, 2013
21:53 [LDM #JOF-421815]: Not receiving NEXRAD3 data... Unidata IDD Support
April 21, 2013
11:55 [IDD #QVD-362496]: Spring has sprung, and people want NLDN lightning data Unidata IDD Support
April 20, 2013
09:23 [IDD #ECU-990662]: Organizing IDV access to my LDM archive of .gem files Unidata IDD Support
08:59 [IDD #QVD-362496]: Spring has sprung, and people want NLDN lightning data Unidata IDD Support
07:54 [IDD #WKN-228134]: Replacement for stokes? Unidata IDD Support
April 19, 2013
16:31 [IDD #CEN-435713]: looking for pqact entries for a few feeds Unidata IDD Support
April 03, 2013
13:23 [IDD #OBI-925465]: feed requests/information Unidata IDD Support
March 18, 2013
11:23 [IDD #UPM-299664]: GFS .5x.5 grid Unidata IDD Support
08:38 [IDD #UPM-299664]: GFS .5x.5 grid Unidata IDD Support
March 05, 2013
09:19 [IDD #VZA-442965]: ldm configuration tweaks Unidata IDD Support
March 04, 2013
17:10 [IDD #VZA-442965]: ldm configuration tweaks Unidata IDD Support
March 01, 2013
14:25 [IDD #VZA-442965]: ldm configuration tweaks Unidata IDD Support
February 27, 2013
14:49 [IDD #TOU-600965]: upstream data feeds Unidata IDD Support
February 25, 2013
17:46 [Datastream #SYG-389000]: Changing requests based on time Unidata Datastream Support
10:00 [LDM #ZGC-437176]: Dealing with unreadable GRIB files Unidata IDD Support
February 22, 2013
16:49 [LDM #ZGC-437176]: Dealing with unreadable GRIB files Unidata IDD Support
16:31 [LDM #ZGC-437176]: Dealing with unreadable GRIB files Unidata IDD Support
15:10 [LDM #ZGC-437176]: Dealing with unreadable GRIB files Unidata IDD Support
February 20, 2013
15:55 [LDM #YAD-659209]: pqact question Unidata IDD Support
15:06 [LDM #YAD-659209]: pqact question Unidata IDD Support
February 18, 2013
15:09 [IDD #CCB-447316]: ldmadmin watch - for a EREGX Unidata IDD Support
14:37 [IDD #CCB-447316]: ldmadmin watch - for a EREGX Unidata IDD Support
09:50 [IDD #GOR-261226]: Testing new ldm install Unidata IDD Support
09:41 [IDD #SUO-404869]: LDM errors from idd.unidata Unidata IDD Support
08:43 [IDD #SUO-404869]: LDM errors from idd.unidata Unidata IDD Support
08:39 [LDM #NLZ-521997]: missing GOES satellite feeds Unidata IDD Support
08:07 [LDM #NLZ-521997]: missing GOES satellite feeds Unidata IDD Support
February 17, 2013
08:54 [IDD #GOR-261226]: Testing new ldm install Unidata IDD Support
February 16, 2013
21:34 [IDD #GOR-261226]: Testing new ldm install Unidata IDD Support
17:55 [IDD #GOR-261226]: Testing new ldm install Unidata IDD Support
February 15, 2013
00:34 [LDM #NLZ-521997]: missing GOES satellite feeds Unidata IDD Support
January 31, 2013
10:35 [LDM #DFM-474732]: New LDM entry Unidata IDD Support
09:11 [LDM #DFM-474732]: New LDM entry Unidata IDD Support
09:11 [LDM #DFM-474732]: New LDM entry Unidata IDD Support
January 29, 2013
12:25 [LDM #DGN-677559]: 3 LDM Related Goose Chases Unidata LDM Support
January 18, 2013
15:15 [IDD #WCM-594534]: feed containing NCEP BUFR products? Unidata IDD Support
15:08 [IDD #IOW-157635]: Pelmorex Canadian Radar data Unidata IDD Support
January 03, 2013
10:28 [AWIPS #JBU-921613]: AMS IDD Feed Unidata AWIPS Support
December 28, 2012
12:29 [IDD #JWX-703731]: ecuador in IDD Unidata IDD Support
09:08 [IDDBrasil #FOI-513125]: Fwd: INPE access authorization Unidata IDD-Brasil Support
December 27, 2012
09:48 [IDDBrasil #FOI-513125]: Fwd: INPE access authorization Unidata IDD-Brasil Support
08:33 Re: [ldm-users] ldmping and checking connections elowery
December 26, 2012
18:44 Re: [ldm-users] ldmping and checking connections Gerry Creager - NOAA Affiliate
December 23, 2012
14:24 [AWIPS #JBU-921613]: AMS IDD Feed Unidata AWIPS Support
December 21, 2012
10:35 [IDD #SWZ-278421]: iddstats for Unidata IDD Support
December 20, 2012
09:48 [LDM #GXI-553029]: LDM move Unidata IDD Support
December 19, 2012
12:43 [LDM #GXI-553029]: LDM move Unidata IDD Support
09:51 [IDD #AQJ-133406]: [ldm-users] LDM configuration Unidata IDD Support
09:32 [LDM #GXI-553029]: LDM move Unidata LDM Support
December 18, 2012
12:07 Re: NOTE: a power outage will shutdown the TAMU LDM cluster, today at 1800 CST Gerry Creager - NOAA Affiliate
11:24 [IDD #ZMY-207440]: Please add new ldm server to feed from Unidata IDD Support
11:18 [IDD #ZMY-207440]: Please add new ldm server to feed from Unidata IDD Support
December 14, 2012
14:09 [Datastream #NUR-188992]: Peru Meteorology Unidata IDD Support
December 13, 2012
11:02 [IDD #AWT-691526]: NEXRAD Level II feed Unidata IDD Support
December 11, 2012
14:04 [IDDBrasil #MIV-143420]: CPTEC´s DNS issues Unidata IDD-Brasil Support
11:42 [IDDBrasil #MIV-143420]: CPTEC´s DNS issues Unidata IDD-Brasil Support
December 07, 2012
08:43 [IDDBrasil #MIV-143420]: CPTEC´s DNS issues Unidata IDD-Brasil Support
December 04, 2012
15:48 [IDD #MTL-429470]: FW: ECMWF Unidata IDD Support
15:38 [IDD #MTL-429470]: FW: ECMWF Unidata IDD Support
15:34 [IDD #MTL-429470]: FW: ECMWF Unidata IDD Support
15:27 [IDD #MTL-429470]: FW: ECMWF Unidata IDD Support
14:33 [IDD #MTL-429470]: FW: ECMWF Unidata IDD Support
07:12 [IDD #VGQ-402358]: Data feed Unidata IDD Support
December 01, 2012
14:29 [IDDBrasil #OHK-470427]: change allow for idd.cptec feed. Unidata IDD-Brasil Support
13:55 [IDD #MTL-429470]: FW: ECMWF Unidata IDD Support
13:34 [IDD #WKN-228134]: Replacement for stokes? Unidata IDD Support
November 30, 2012
12:50 [IDD #TVX-420935]: Setting up a data stream for LDM for UMBC Unidata IDD Support
12:18 [IDD #MTL-429470]: FW: ECMWF Unidata IDD Support
11:19 [IDD #MTL-429470]: FW: ECMWF Unidata IDD Support
09:07 [IDD #MTL-429470]: FW: ECMWF Unidata IDD Support
November 28, 2012
15:15 [IDD #MTL-429470]: FW: ECMWF Unidata IDD Support
14:33 [IDD #MTL-429470]: FW: ECMWF Unidata IDD Support
09:29 [IDD #MTL-429470]: FW: ECMWF Unidata IDD Support
November 27, 2012
15:53 [IDD #PEB-792265]: IDD rtstats pages Unidata IDD Support
09:39 [IDD #PEB-792265]: IDD rtstats pages Unidata IDD Support
November 21, 2012
13:46 [IDD #CWN-153308]: Status UNIDATA Unidata IDD Support
November 20, 2012
12:58 [IDD #NXZ-279916]: Fwd: LDM age? Unidata IDD Support
10:11 [IDD #NXZ-279916]: Fwd: LDM age? Unidata IDD Support
November 19, 2012
15:10 [Support #IAO-838889]: [Support #VMS-267409] 20120917: FW: SHU Linux Server : Please try SSH2 Unidata User Support
November 14, 2012
16:25 [IDD #RGQ-935055]: Fwd: CONDUIT data from Unidata IDD Support
November 12, 2012
15:47 [IDD #BQY-666666]: using port 388 Unidata IDD Support
November 02, 2012
13:26 [IDD #TSO-178323]: 20120927: need to change LDM/IDD feed REQUEST ASAP Unidata IDD Support
13:22 [IDD #ZJK-109461]: Upstream IDD feeds for LDM at UW-Milwaukee Unidata IDD Support
October 26, 2012
10:34 [IDD #AGE-898572]: What's the best way to find who's requesting data? Unidata LDM Support
10:11 [IDD #AGE-898572]: What's the best way to find who's requesting data? Unidata LDM Support
09:48 [IDD #TSO-178323]: 20120927: need to change LDM/IDD feed REQUEST ASAP Unidata IDD Support
07:52 [IDD #HXV-647872]: Re: [ldm-users] Can now remove old UQAM LDM server from LDM allow entries (fwd) Unidata IDD Support
October 25, 2012
07:39 [IDD #AGE-898572]: What's the best way to find who's requesting data? Unidata IDD Support
October 24, 2012
17:36 [IDD #AGE-898572]: What's the best way to find who's requesting data? Unidata IDD Support
08:55 [IDD #KNP-440610]: re: using port 388 Unidata IDD Support
October 23, 2012
17:16 [IDD #ADD-845815]: Information Unidata IDD Support
14:22 [IDD #BTR-180368]: 20121023: please discontinue feeding from Unidata IDD Support
14:19 [IDD #XLJ-752244]: 20121023: please discontinue feeding from Unidata IDD Support
14:14 [IDD #HBO-868299]: 20121023: please discontinue feeding from Unidata IDD Support
14:12 [IDD #KZD-164978]: 20121023: please discontinue feeding from Unidata IDD Support
13:57 [IDD #IDL-873055]: 20121023: please discontinue feeding from Unidata IDD Support
13:51 [IDD #CAL-800065]: 20121023: please discontinue feeding from Unidata IDD Support
13:37 [IDD #SVM-257839]: 20121017: SRCC NOAAPort ingest and LDM feed REQUESTs Unidata IDD Support
13:30 [IDD #HJF-979941]: 20121023: please discontinue feeding from Unidata IDD Support
October 22, 2012
14:21 [IDD #ADD-845815]: Information Unidata IDD Support
11:46 [IDD #IVA-124665]: old NEXRAD data Unidata IDD Support
11:42 [IDD #TEM-797072]: Cron <ldm@weather3> /bin/bash -l -c 'wasReceived -f "FSL2" -o 3600' || /bin/mail -s 'FSL2 data has not been received in the last hour' sebenste@weathe Unidata IDD Support
October 19, 2012
20:19 [IDD #ADD-845815]: Information Unidata IDD Support
20:08 [IDD #IVA-124665]: old NEXRAD data Unidata IDD Support
14:53 [IDD #TEM-797072]: Cron <ldm@weather3> /bin/bash -l -c 'wasReceived -f "FSL2" -o 3600' || /bin/mail -s 'FSL2 data has not been received in the last hour' sebenste@weathe Unidata IDD Support
13:28 [IDD #TEM-797072]: Cron <ldm@weather3> /bin/bash -l -c 'wasReceived -f "FSL2" -o 3600' || /bin/mail -s 'FSL2 data has not been received in the last hour' sebenste@weathe Unidata IDD Support
13:11 [IDD #TEM-797072]: Cron <ldm@weather3> /bin/bash -l -c 'wasReceived -f "FSL2" -o 3600' || /bin/mail -s 'FSL2 data has not been received in the last hour' sebenste@weathe Unidata IDD Support
13:01 [IDD #TEM-797072]: Cron <ldm@weather3> /bin/bash -l -c 'wasReceived -f "FSL2" -o 3600' || /bin/mail -s 'FSL2 data has not been received in the last hour' sebenste@weathe Unidata IDD Support
09:22 [IDD #XXF-187986]: Internet2 Latencies to Boulder? Unidata IDD Support
October 18, 2012
21:28 [IDD #DAK-977955]: Request data products for LDM Unidata IDD Support
21:16 [IDD #CEI-276188]: IDD feed for MU machine 'monin' Unidata IDD Support
21:13 [IDD #RAU-169993]: New secondary feeds needed Unidata IDD Support
12:07 [IDD #IVA-124665]: old NEXRAD data Unidata IDD Support
10:17 [IDD #SWO-898780]: Problems connecting to Unidata IDD Support
09:27 [IDD #SWO-898780]: Problems connecting to Unidata IDD Support
08:29 [IDD #IVA-124665]: old NEXRAD data Unidata IDD Support
08:21 [IDD #SWO-898780]: Problems connecting to Unidata IDD Support
October 17, 2012
15:07 [IDD #RAU-169993]: New secondary feeds needed Unidata IDD Support
15:05 [IDD #SVM-257839]: 20121017: SRCC NOAAPort ingest and LDM feed REQUESTs Unidata IDD Support
13:28 [LDM #QXS-738090]: ldm questions Unidata IDD Support
13:23 [IDD #RAU-169993]: New secondary feeds needed Unidata IDD Support
13:20 [IDD #SVM-257839]: 20121017: SRCC NOAAPort ingest and LDM feed REQUESTs Unidata IDD Support
13:13 [LDM #QXS-738090]: ldm questions Unidata IDD Support
09:49 [LDM #QXS-738090]: ldm questions Unidata IDD Support
October 16, 2012
17:27 [IDD #RAU-169993]: New secondary feeds needed Unidata IDD Support
08:49 [IDD #CHL-454861]: NCEP RAP output Unidata IDD Support
October 15, 2012
18:02 [IDD #CHL-454861]: NCEP RAP output Unidata IDD Support
12:04 [IDD #CHL-454861]: NCEP RAP output Unidata IDD Support
October 14, 2012
09:13 [IDD #DBA-237075]: re: no radar data since 1030Z Unidata IDD Support
October 12, 2012
08:29 [IDD #ADD-845815]: Information Unidata IDD Support
October 11, 2012
21:24 [IDD #ADD-845815]: Information Unidata IDD Support
10:19 [IDD #ADD-845815]: Information Unidata IDD Support
10:17 [IDD #DAK-977955]: Request data products for LDM Unidata IDD Support
October 05, 2012
13:18 [IDD #NWO-555539]: IP change coming for Unidata IDD Support
October 02, 2012
14:32 [IDD #XTD-908150]: SSEC problems Unidata IDD Support
10:55 [Support #QJY-449914]: Need LDM/IDD access Unidata IDD Support
September 28, 2012
08:21 [IDD #TOP-610401]: 20120927: need to change LDM/IDD feed REQUEST ASAP Unidata IDD Support
September 27, 2012
18:16 [IDD #IJF-287604]: Re: [gembud] 20120926: Unidata services no longer available from NSF machines Unidata IDD Support
09:12 [IDD #ASB-634362]: Re: [gembud] 20120926: Unidata services no longer available from NSF machines Unidata IDD Support
September 26, 2012
16:53 [IDD #VOD-584061]: 20120926: please switch feed(s) from ASAP Unidata IDD Support
15:11 20120926: Unidata services no longer available from NSF machines Unidata User Support
September 25, 2012
13:34 [IDD #GKP-529128]: 20120925: IDD feeds for NWA meeting in Madison, WI Unidata IDD Support
13:08 [IDD #GKP-529128]: 20120925: IDD feeds for NWA meeting in Madison, WI Unidata IDD Support
September 05, 2012
18:23 [IDD #BBT-775736]: Server replacement Unidata IDD Support
16:37 [IDD #BBT-775736]: Server replacement Unidata IDD Support
August 28, 2012
12:37 [IDD #HUN-511239]: Access to CONDUIT Unidata IDD Support
11:01 [IDD #OSZ-844308]: Correct source for NEXRAD2 data. Unidata IDD Support
August 27, 2012
08:41 [IDD #CQT-289482]: pqact.config file Unidata IDD Support
07:55 [IDD #OSZ-844308]: Correct source for NEXRAD2 data. Unidata IDD Support
August 21, 2012
13:15 [IDD #HIF-625790]: No data on idd servers Unidata IDD Support
08:07 [IDD #HIF-625790]: No data on idd servers Unidata IDD Support
August 20, 2012
16:46 [IDD #HIF-625790]: No data on idd servers Unidata IDD Support
15:50 [IDD #HIF-625790]: No data on idd servers Unidata IDD Support
14:58 [IDD #HIF-625790]: No data on idd servers Unidata IDD Support
August 14, 2012
14:01 [IDD #DSM-778794]: LAMP product feed change Unidata IDD Support
August 13, 2012
16:30 [IDD #AVX-916665]: regarding IASNFS NCOM data download Unidata IDD Support
August 08, 2012
17:04 [IDD #DSM-778794]: LAMP product feed change Unidata IDD Support
15:14 [IDD #DSM-778794]: LAMP product feed change Unidata IDD Support
August 02, 2012
11:35 [IDD #CHN-954034]: Ceiling and Visibility from AWIPS/SBN datastream Unidata IDD Support
July 31, 2012
10:07 [IDD #DJM-823948]: Feed source for NEXRAD2 Unidata IDD Support
July 26, 2012
16:19 [LDM #WXT-754815]: Blocked by Jeff Weber Unidata IDD Support
16:08 [LDM #WXT-754815]: Blocked by Jeff Weber Unidata IDD Support
14:31 [LDM #WXT-754815]: Blocked by Jeff Weber Unidata IDD Support
12:57 [LDM #WXT-754815]: Blocked by Jeff Weber Unidata IDD Support
July 24, 2012
13:16 [IDD #DJM-823948]: Feed source for NEXRAD2 Unidata IDD Support
July 23, 2012
11:45 [IDD #DSM-778794]: LAMP product feed change Unidata IDD Support
July 20, 2012
13:31 [IDD #DSM-778794]: LAMP product feed change Unidata IDD Support
July 18, 2012
15:44 [IDD #TUI-865559]: Alaska Level 2 radar data Unidata IDD Support
July 16, 2012
15:49 [IDD #JNL-913661]: Connecting to the IDD Unidata IDD Support
15:44 [IDD #PAO-814465]: Request permission for temporary experimental feed of GOES satellite data Unidata IDD Support
15:08 [IDD #JNL-913661]: Connecting to the IDD Unidata IDD Support
July 12, 2012
15:21 [IDD #HPQ-350296]: HRRR data? Unidata IDD Support
14:17 [IDD #BHG-158317]: Private sector IDD access Unidata IDD Support
14:11 [IDD #HPQ-350296]: HRRR data? Unidata IDD Support
14:06 [IDD #KBZ-624828]: Data-surface synoptic stations Unidata IDD Support
09:41 [IDD #PAO-814465]: Request permission for temporary experimental feed of GOES satellite data Unidata IDD Support
July 05, 2012
12:28 [IDD #FHH-778748]: Authorize additional IP address for IDD Unidata IDD Support
June 28, 2012
08:10 [IDD #AUP-148576]: LDM Server Unidata IDD Support
06:58 [IDD #OAO-715926]: Upstream host for backup LDM Unidata IDD Support
June 22, 2012
15:33 [IDD #YLH-222580]: Feedltype Question Unidata IDD Support
15:11 [IDD #VDF-558272]: Problem getting the NEXRAD Unidata IDD Support
14:57 [IDD #VDF-558272]: Problem getting the NEXRAD Unidata IDD Support
June 20, 2012
14:57 [LDM #YPK-185842]: LDM request TAF, surface and upper air only Unidata IDD Support
14:54 [IDD #CRU-720902]: data-feeds Unidata IDD Support
13:58 [LDM #YPK-185842]: LDM request TAF, surface and upper air only Unidata IDD Support
13:54 [LDM #BBH-396831]: nullproc_6 failure to Unidata IDD Support
11:30 [IDD #FHH-778748]: Authorize additional IP address for IDD Unidata IDD Support
June 18, 2012
10:08 [LDM #BBH-396831]: nullproc_6 failure to Unidata LDM Support
June 17, 2012
18:43 [IDD #MNM-888485]: upstream data-feeds Unidata IDD Support
18:40 [LDM #YPK-185842]: LDM request TAF, surface and upper air only Unidata IDD Support
June 11, 2012
12:33 [LDM #XCE-177756]: Erroneous timestamps generated for surface data: LDM decoder issue? Unidata IDD Support
June 10, 2012
08:21 [IDD #OAO-715926]: Upstream host for backup LDM Unidata IDD Support
June 08, 2012
15:58 [LDM #XCE-177756]: Erroneous timestamps generated for surface data: LDM decoder issue? Unidata IDD Support
June 07, 2012
21:24 [IDD #QVG-827434]: GOES Super Rapid Scan Operations (SRSO) data on IDD? Unidata IDD Support
June 04, 2012
10:38 [IDD #EWP-531091]: LDM NEXRAD II Feed Unidata IDD Support
09:24 [IDD #EWP-531091]: LDM NEXRAD II Feed Unidata IDD Support
June 01, 2012
08:55 [IDD #OAO-715926]: Upstream host for backup LDM Unidata IDD Support
08:02 [IDD #EWP-531091]: LDM NEXRAD II Feed Unidata IDD Support
07:58 [IDD #XUT-980774]: Data Request Unidata IDD Support
May 31, 2012
16:41 [IDD #EWP-531091]: LDM NEXRAD II Feed Unidata IDD Support
May 30, 2012
08:03 [IDD #XUT-980774]: Data Request Unidata IDD Support
08:00 [IDD #MVS-951003]: AWIPS2 and bandwidth requirements Unidata IDD Support
May 29, 2012
17:43 [IDD #XUT-980774]: Data Request Unidata IDD Support
16:07 [IDD #XUT-980774]: Data Request Unidata IDD Support
May 23, 2012
07:33 [Staging #VDJ-799591]: Re: LDM feed ? Unidata IDD Support
May 22, 2012
14:42 [Staging #VDJ-799591]: Re: LDM feed ? Unidata IDD Support
08:07 [IDD #NUN-661415]: [ldm-users] Restoring Service after Firewall failure Unidata IDD Support
May 18, 2012
11:24 [IDD #MVS-951003]: AWIPS2 and bandwidth requirements Unidata IDD Support
May 16, 2012
10:42 [LDM #DQL-151240]: providing ldm feed of NOAAPORT type products to a commercial entity Unidata IDD Support
May 13, 2012
19:14 [IDD #MEK-383850]: LDM feed problem Unidata IDD Support
17:18 [IDD #MEK-383850]: LDM feed problem Unidata IDD Support
08:19 [IDD #MEK-383850]: LDM feed problem Unidata IDD Support
May 10, 2012
14:56 [IDD #XUT-980774]: Data Request Unidata IDD Support
13:12 [IDD #WHP-904867]: dual pol motherlode server Unidata IDD Support
May 04, 2012
15:13 [IDD #EZV-718548]: Slow down receiving NEXRAD3 data Unidata IDD Support
15:08 [LDM #HFB-541734]: misssing NEXRAD2 and NEXRAD3 feed Unidata IDD Support
10:19 [LDM #HFB-541734]: misssing NEXRAD2 and NEXRAD3 feed Unidata IDD Support
08:05 [LDM #HFB-541734]: misssing NEXRAD2 and NEXRAD3 feed Unidata IDD Support
May 02, 2012
12:31 [IDD #XUT-980774]: Data Request Unidata IDD Support
12:05 [IDD #IRS-671589]: Missing FIPSEV and FIPSLD products Unidata IDD Support
11:59 [IDD #XUT-980774]: Data Request Unidata IDD Support
May 01, 2012
17:20 [IDD #XUT-980774]: Data Request Unidata IDD Support
14:14 [IDD #IRS-671589]: Missing FIPSEV and FIPSLD products Unidata IDD Support
13:47 [IDD #XUT-980774]: Data Request Unidata IDD Support
13:44 [IDD #IRS-671589]: Missing FIPSEV and FIPSLD products Unidata IDD Support
April 26, 2012
16:16 [IDD #GRR-720502]: Satellite data feed Unidata IDD Support
13:33 20120426: Unidata system downtime scheduled for Saturday, April 28 Unidata User Support
April 23, 2012
14:40 [Support #IWD-645510]: Unidata participation Unidata IDD Support
April 10, 2012
13:44 [IDD #PDK-778542]: We will be migrating our LDM peer server host next week Unidata IDD Support
April 05, 2012
08:45 [IDD #BJB-483073]: GOES WEST-CONUS 8km WV data Unidata IDD Support
March 20, 2012
12:54 [IDD #VVK-371424]: help with mtr Unidata IDD Support
March 07, 2012
11:45 [IDD #SMI-563724]: LDM data access to NMQ Unidata IDD Support
March 02, 2012
13:37 [IDD #UQI-928042]: New LDM User Unidata IDD Support
08:43 [IDD #UQI-928042]: New LDM User Unidata IDD Support
08:37 [IDD #PFU-615680]: Re: LDM Feed of COSMIC data (fwd) Unidata IDD Support
February 24, 2012
16:11 [IDD #PFU-615680]: Re: LDM Feed of COSMIC data (fwd) Unidata IDD Support
February 20, 2012
12:22 [IDD #AFT-408695]: ldm data feeds Unidata IDD Support
February 13, 2012
12:44 [LDM #GOE-694008]: Request for temporary IDD for NWA Demo Unidata IDD Support
08:19 [LDM #GOE-694008]: Request for temporary IDD for NWA Demo Unidata IDD Support
February 09, 2012
17:25 [LDM #GOE-694008]: Request for temporary IDD for NWA Demo Unidata IDD Support
February 08, 2012
09:29 [IDD #RQP-272807]: unable to connect to Unidata IDD Support
08:21 [IDD #RQP-272807]: unable to connect to Unidata IDD Support
February 06, 2012
16:02 [IDD #SVQ-893979]: upstream data-feeds Unidata IDD Support
January 31, 2012
13:53 [LDM #GOE-694008]: Request for temporary IDD for NWA Demo Unidata IDD Support
January 30, 2012
18:11 [LDM #GOE-694008]: Request for temporary IDD for NWA Demo Unidata IDD Support
13:10 [IDD #SVQ-893979]: upstream data-feeds Unidata IDD Support
January 28, 2012
19:22 [IDD #XEC-244748]: Information about LDM Unidata IDD Support
January 20, 2012
14:07 [LDM #GOE-694008]: Request for temporary IDD for NWA Demo Unidata IDD Support
January 11, 2012
11:47 Re: [IDD #BZI-879002]: AMS IDD Request & Question about NPP Kevin Johnson
January 09, 2012
12:02 [IDD #HIA-924152]: request for NEXRAD LDM access Unidata IDD Support
December 28, 2011
12:19 [IDD #NES-784054]: Cannot no longer connect to with IP change at UQAM Unidata IDD Support
December 23, 2011
08:43 [Datastream #LBS-132460]: NEXRAD3 data rebroadcasts Unidata Datastream Support
December 19, 2011
17:15 [IDD #UTE-334804]: LDM upstream data feeds Unidata IDD Support
15:12 [LDM #OOK-669871]: Data Feed/Upstreams Unidata IDD Support
December 14, 2011
11:39 [IDD #EAH-233585]: 20111213: need to switch NEXRAD2 REQUEST(s) Unidata IDD Support
December 13, 2011
13:12 [IDD #EAH-233585]: 20111213: need to switch NEXRAD2 REQUEST(s) Unidata IDD Support
13:10 [IDD #HEU-512343]: 20111213: need to switch NEXRAD2 REQUEST(s) Unidata IDD Support
November 23, 2011
01:19 [IDD #WDN-934924]: GRIB2 files and LDM / GEMPAK Unidata GEMPAK Support
November 22, 2011
07:43 [LDM #WOW-227720]: Receiving just the 1 hour RUC forecast grids from CONDUIT Unidata IDD Support
November 21, 2011
13:00 [LDM #WOW-227720]: Receiving just the 1 hour RUC forecast grids from CONDUIT Unidata IDD Support
November 15, 2011
10:29 [IDD #VCV-769086]: COLA's LDM server will be moving to a new physical and IP address Unidata IDD Support
November 14, 2011
06:51 [IDD #KEO-635989]: Is there any known way to 'throttle' LDM java daemons, upon system reboot? Unidata IDD Support
November 11, 2011
15:56 [Support #CDS-152702]: request for LDM data feed Unidata IDD Support
13:19 [Support #CDS-152702]: request for LDM data feed Unidata IDD Support
09:14 [Support #CDS-152702]: request for LDM data feed Unidata IDD Support
November 08, 2011
14:00 [IDD #JHR-989766]: Assistance in becoming a Unidata user Unidata IDD Support
13:40 [IDD #JHR-989766]: Assistance in becoming a Unidata user Unidata IDD Support
November 07, 2011
14:06 [IDD #WDG-304238]: Question about accessing LDM data during our upcoming ISP transition Unidata IDD Support
November 04, 2011
09:43 [IDD #WDG-304238]: Question about accessing LDM data during our upcoming ISP transition Unidata IDD Support
November 02, 2011
17:02 [IDD #WDG-304238]: Question about accessing LDM data during our upcoming ISP transition Unidata IDD Support
12:39 [IDD #WDG-304238]: Question about accessing LDM data during our upcoming ISP transition Unidata IDD Support
11:05 [IDD #FTW-599360]: IDD access Unidata IDD Support
November 01, 2011
16:40 [IDD #JHR-989766]: Assistance in becoming a Unidata user Unidata IDD Support
15:07 [IDD #JHR-989766]: Assistance in becoming a Unidata user Unidata IDD Support
12:36 [IDD #JHR-989766]: Assistance in becoming a Unidata user Unidata IDD Support
October 27, 2011
14:09 [IDD #JHR-989766]: Assistance in becoming a Unidata user Unidata IDD Support
October 26, 2011
14:42 [IDD #JHR-989766]: Assistance in becoming a Unidata user Unidata IDD Support
14:28 [IDD #JHR-989766]: Assistance in becoming a Unidata user Unidata IDD Support
October 25, 2011
12:37 [IDD #YKO-702467]: idd.unidata down Unidata IDD Support
11:58 [IDD #JHR-989766]: Assistance in becoming a Unidata user Unidata IDD Support
07:54 [IDD #YKO-702467]: idd.unidata down Unidata IDD Support
07:38 [IDD #YKO-702467]: idd.unidata down Unidata IDD Support
October 20, 2011
16:29 [IDD #SVQ-893979]: upstream data-feeds Unidata IDD Support
October 17, 2011
12:36 [LDM #GOE-694008]: Request for temporary IDD for NWA Demo Unidata IDD Support
11:10 [LDM #GOE-694008]: Request for temporary IDD for NWA Demo Unidata IDD Support
October 16, 2011
14:35 [LDM #GOE-694008]: Request for temporary IDD for NWA Demo Unidata IDD Support
12:43 [LDM #GOE-694008]: Request for temporary IDD for NWA Demo Unidata IDD Support
12:35 [LDM #GOE-694008]: Request for temporary IDD for NWA Demo Unidata IDD Support
October 14, 2011
15:16 [IDD #ZSB-548467]: Can you add an ALLOW for FNMOC feed for Unidata IDD Support
14:19 [IDD #ZOZ-683127]: [UZJ-483180 #IDD] Question Unidata IDD Support
07:02 [IDD #YIL-495041]: LDM feeds Unidata IDD Support
October 13, 2011
13:02 [LDM #MIJ-856283]: LDM Data Tags Unidata IDD Support
10:33 [LDM #GOE-694008]: Request for temporary IDD for NWA Demo Unidata IDD Support
October 11, 2011
16:29 [LDM #GOE-694008]: Request for temporary IDD for NWA Demo Unidata IDD Support
13:10 [IDD #UXL-280977]: ldm issues Unidata IDD Support
07:20 [Staging #UZJ-483180]: Greetings from Costa Rica Unidata IDD Support
October 10, 2011
07:26 [Staging #UZJ-483180]: Greetings from Costa Rica Unidata IDD Support
October 05, 2011
13:31 [IDD #BNN-590198]: RE: FW: LDM Unidata Unidata IDD Support
October 04, 2011
14:14 RE: FW: LDM Unidata Hammock, Scott
October 03, 2011
15:46 [IDD #VFI-750464]: new IP for ldm machine Unidata IDD Support
September 29, 2011
16:12 [IDD #VFI-750464]: new IP for ldm machine Unidata IDD Support
September 28, 2011
15:20 [IDD #OJU-555308]: Connection Request... Unidata IDD Support
September 27, 2011
12:45 [LDM #BJN-776611]: LDM Feed of Satellite Data Unidata IDD Support
September 26, 2011
15:17 [LDM #BJN-776611]: LDM Feed of Satellite Data Unidata IDD Support
September 23, 2011
12:18 [LDM #BJN-776611]: LDM Feed of Satellite Data Unidata IDD Support
11:26 [LDM #BJN-776611]: LDM Feed of Satellite Data Unidata IDD Support
08:59 [LDM #BJN-776611]: LDM Feed of Satellite Data Unidata IDD Support
September 22, 2011
16:22 [LDM #BJN-776611]: LDM Feed of Satellite Data Unidata IDD Support
12:36 [LDM #BJN-776611]: LDM Feed of Satellite Data Unidata IDD Support
11:20 [LDM #BJN-776611]: LDM Feed of Satellite Data Unidata IDD Support
08:01 [LDM #BJN-776611]: LDM Feed of Satellite Data Unidata IDD Support
07:58 [IDD #OJU-555308]: Connection Request... Unidata IDD Support
September 21, 2011
16:58 [IDD #OJU-555308]: Connection Request... Unidata IDD Support
15:47 [IDD #OJU-555308]: Connection Request... Unidata IDD Support
15:33 [LDM #BJN-776611]: LDM Feed of Satellite Data Unidata LDM Support
September 08, 2011
15:30 [IDD #YYT-234815]: Ship and Synoptic obs not received after 06-07Z every day since 9/1 Unidata IDD Support
12:29 [IDD #YYT-234815]: Ship and Synoptic obs not received after 06-07Z every day since 9/1 Unidata IDD Support
September 07, 2011
17:00 [IDD #YYT-234815]: Ship and Synoptic obs not received after 06-07Z every day since 9/1 Unidata IDD Support
12:28 [IDD #YYT-234815]: Ship and Synoptic obs not received after 06-07Z every day since 9/1 Unidata IDD Support
September 06, 2011
18:22 [IDD #YYT-234815]: Ship and Synoptic obs not received after 06-07Z every day since 9/1 Unidata IDD Support
16:27 [IDD #YYT-234815]: Ship and Synoptic obs not received after 06-07Z every day since 9/1 Unidata IDD Support
August 29, 2011
12:34 Re: FW: LDM Unidata Jeff Weber
11:31 [IDD #GOK-818269]: Help -- NEXRAD3 feed no longer working, along with some GOES imagery from UNIWISC Unidata IDD Support
August 26, 2011
14:56 [IDD #GOK-818269]: Help -- NEXRAD3 feed no longer working, along with some GOES imagery from UNIWISC Unidata IDD Support
14:20 [IDD #GOK-818269]: Help -- NEXRAD3 feed no longer working, along with some GOES imagery from UNIWISC Unidata IDD Support
14:01 [IDD #GOK-818269]: Help -- NEXRAD3 feed no longer working, along with some GOES imagery from UNIWISC Unidata IDD Support
12:59 [IDD #GOK-818269]: Help -- NEXRAD3 feed no longer working, along with some GOES imagery from UNIWISC Unidata IDD Support
12:24 [IDD #KOQ-488225]: LDM: CMC GEM Data Missing Unidata IDD Support
08:34 [IDD #KOQ-488225]: LDM: CMC GEM Data Missing Unidata IDD Support
08:31 [IDD #GOK-818269]: Help -- NEXRAD3 feed no longer working, along with some GOES imagery from UNIWISC Unidata IDD Support
August 25, 2011
12:57 [IDD #KOQ-488225]: LDM: CMC GEM Data Missing Unidata IDD Support
12:49 [IDD #GOK-818269]: Help -- NEXRAD3 feed no longer working, along with some GOES imagery from UNIWISC Unidata IDD Support
07:45 [IDD #GOK-818269]: Help -- NEXRAD3 feed no longer working, along with some GOES imagery from UNIWISC Unidata IDD Support
August 23, 2011
13:04 [IDD #PVY-155954]: new ldm server Unidata IDD Support
August 22, 2011
13:54 [IDD #GOK-818269]: Help -- NEXRAD3 feed no longer working, along with some GOES imagery from UNIWISC Unidata IDD Support
August 18, 2011
11:39 [IDD #PVY-155954]: new ldm server Unidata IDD Support
August 17, 2011
08:18 [IDD #AFR-833093]: wwcu Unidata IDD Support
August 16, 2011
12:59 [IDD #NDK-473548]: Missing American radars Unidata IDD Support
12:47 [IDD #WUN-607918]: Cliff Mass: Question Unidata IDD Support
10:56 [IDD #WUN-607918]: Cliff Mass: Question Unidata IDD Support
August 15, 2011
16:56 [IDD #NDK-473548]: Missing American radars Unidata IDD Support
August 10, 2011
16:53 [IDD #HKG-704140]: Downstream LDM Server Change Request :: Ohio State University Unidata IDD Support
15:45 [LDM #QIZ-218951]: Upstream Authorization Request Unidata IDD Support
14:03 [IDD #GOK-818269]: Help -- NEXRAD3 feed no longer working, along with some GOES imagery from UNIWISC Unidata IDD Support
August 02, 2011
15:53 [IDD #PHO-979790]: Different latencies for different ncep-ldm backends? Unidata IDD Support
June 24, 2011
14:38 [IDD #HQL-680487]: Failover for tamu Unidata IDD Support
June 23, 2011
11:28 [IDD #XDE-770279]: Re: Website Feedback Unidata IDD Support
June 21, 2011
19:45 Re: [ldm-users] bigbird and sasquatch offline for a move Gerry Creager
07:34 [CONDUIT #JNG-511712]: Access to CONDUIT Datastream Failing Unidata CONDUIT Support
June 17, 2011
12:07 [CONDUIT #JNG-511712]: Access to CONDUIT Datastream Failing Unidata CONDUIT Support
June 16, 2011
08:30 [CONDUIT #JNG-511712]: Access to CONDUIT Datastream Failing Unidata CONDUIT Support
June 12, 2011
08:00 [IDD #EMD-405853]: Request data Unidata IDD Support
June 08, 2011
11:28 [IDD #AGF-540724]: bigbird? Unidata IDD Support
11:11 [IDD #AGF-540724]: bigbird? Unidata IDD Support
June 06, 2011
10:57 [IDD #PYG-707627]: Upgrading operating system for aeolus (SIO-UCSD) Unidata IDD Support
10:54 [IDD #JHR-989766]: Assistance in becoming a Unidata user Unidata IDD Support
09:37 [Datastream #RAY-693177]: Archived Forecast Model Data Unidata Datastream Support
09:20 [Datastream #RAY-693177]: Archived Forecast Model Data Unidata Datastream Support
June 05, 2011
11:50 [IDD #PYG-707627]: Upgrading operating system for aeolus (SIO-UCSD) Unidata IDD Support
June 03, 2011
12:08 [IDD #PYG-707627]: Upgrading operating system for aeolus (SIO-UCSD) Unidata IDD Support
June 02, 2011
12:16 [IDD #GRY-275960]: NLDN archive at Unidata? Unidata IDD Support
June 01, 2011
11:45 [IDD #PYG-707627]: Upgrading operating system for aeolus (SIO-UCSD) Unidata IDD Support
May 11, 2011
12:55 Re: LDM Feed of COSMIC Data Karl Hudnut
12:37 Re: LDM Feed of COSMIC Data Bob Lipschutz
May 03, 2011
17:20 [IDD #NRM-968555]: LDM Server Unidata IDD Support
16:51 [LDM #DDL-425820]: NLDN feed Unidata LDM Support
May 02, 2011
13:35 [IDD #NRM-968555]: LDM Server Unidata IDD Support
April 28, 2011
09:13 [IDD #EXZ-787119]: ad Unidata IDD Support
April 27, 2011
12:38 [IDD #EXZ-787119]: ad Unidata IDD Support
April 25, 2011
14:26 [IDD #GFW-237924]: gempak data feed Unidata IDD Support
13:31 [IDD #GFW-237924]: gempak data feed Unidata IDD Support
April 17, 2011
14:55 [IDD #WQU-836043]: Usage / Copyrights regarding text data (Metar, Synop) Unidata IDD Support
14:42 [IDD #GFW-237924]: gempak data feed Unidata IDD Support
April 14, 2011
09:25 down time for University of Wisconsin SSEC Jerrold Robaidek
April 09, 2011
10:15 [IDD #AZJ-636742]: Help with (again...!) very high ldm latencies Unidata IDD Support
10:11 [IDD #XEM-791908]: LDM Server and GFS Unidata IDD Support
09:58 [IDD #JHR-989766]: Assistance in becoming a Unidata user Unidata IDD Support
09:43 [IDD #WQU-836043]: Usage / Copyrights regarding text data (Metar, Synop) Unidata IDD Support
April 07, 2011
19:16 [IDD #DYH-297010]: LDM Problems for Purdue Univ Unidata IDD Support
12:29 [IDD #DYH-297010]: LDM Problems for Purdue Univ Unidata IDD Support
April 06, 2011
14:46 [IDD #AND-467608]: RUC20P and RUC20B data unavailable April 5 Unidata IDD Support
14:38 [IDD #JHR-989766]: Assistance in becoming a Unidata user Unidata IDD Support
14:30 [IDD #AND-467608]: RUC20P and RUC20B data unavailable April 5 Unidata IDD Support
April 03, 2011
18:48 [IDD #AZJ-636742]: Help with (again...!) very high ldm latencies Unidata IDD Support
March 28, 2011
08:43 [IDD #XEM-791908]: LDM Server and GFS Unidata IDD Support
March 27, 2011
10:31 [IDD #XEM-791908]: LDM Server and GFS Unidata IDD Support
March 25, 2011
15:22 [IDD #ZUL-750696]: Lightning Data Access Unidata IDD Support
March 24, 2011
08:07 [IDD #XEM-791908]: LDM Server and GFS Unidata IDD Support
March 22, 2011
08:29 [IDD #ARK-765202]: will not feed Unidata IDD Support
March 21, 2011
13:39 [IDD #PDW-808970]: Data Access Unidata IDD Support
07:34 [IDD #PDW-808970]: Data Access Unidata IDD Support
March 18, 2011
14:26 [IDD #PDW-808970]: Data Access Unidata IDD Support
12:19 [IDD #PDW-808970]: Data Access Unidata IDD Support
March 17, 2011
15:38 [IDD #PDW-808970]: Data Access Unidata IDD Support
March 15, 2011
17:18 [IDD #KMU-161703]: Please allow a new EOL machine to feed from for testing Unidata IDD Support
March 11, 2011
13:02 [IDD #PDW-808970]: Data Access Unidata IDD Support
12:04 [CONDUIT #APE-897679]: Missing data on feed Unidata CONDUIT Support
11:35 [IDD #AAY-341525]: questions about cosmic real time profiles Unidata IDD Support
March 10, 2011
07:11 [CONDUIT #APE-897679]: Missing data on feed Unidata CONDUIT Support
March 09, 2011
14:43 [CONDUIT #APE-897679]: Missing data on feed Unidata CONDUIT Support
14:37 [CONDUIT #APE-897679]: Missing data on feed Unidata CONDUIT Support
13:47 [CONDUIT #APE-897679]: Missing data on feed Unidata CONDUIT Support
March 08, 2011
16:42 [CONDUIT #APE-897679]: Missing data on feed Unidata CONDUIT Support
March 04, 2011
13:30 [IDD #PMQ-648007]: GEM LDM feed Unidata IDD Support
09:57 [IDD #PMQ-648007]: GEM LDM feed Unidata IDD Support
March 01, 2011
10:50 [IDD #PGJ-802823]: request for approval of LDM data receiving Unidata IDD Support
February 28, 2011
15:17 [IDD #PGJ-802823]: request for approval of LDM data receiving Unidata IDD Support
08:00 [IDD #PGJ-802823]: request for approval of LDM data receiving Unidata IDD Support
February 25, 2011
16:27 [IDD #PGJ-802823]: request for approval of LDM data receiving Unidata IDD Support
12:57 [IDD #GQL-732859]: Effect of government shutdown on IDD feeds Unidata IDD Support
11:12 [IDD #GQL-732859]: Effect of government shutdown on IDD feeds Unidata IDD Support
10:59 [IDD #GQL-732859]: Effect of government shutdown on IDD feeds Unidata IDD Support
10:30 [IDD #GQL-732859]: Effect of government shutdown on IDD feeds Unidata IDD Support
February 18, 2011
14:14 [IDD #PGJ-802823]: request for approval of LDM data receiving Unidata IDD Support
February 17, 2011
15:45 [IDD #PGJ-802823]: request for approval of LDM data receiving Unidata IDD Support
February 16, 2011
16:50 [IDD #PGJ-802823]: request for approval of LDM data receiving Unidata IDD Support
February 15, 2011
16:03 [IDD #OFX-933061]: GEM Model Data Needed Unidata IDD Support
February 14, 2011
14:28 [IDD #PGJ-802823]: request for approval of LDM data receiving Unidata IDD Support
13:02 [IDD #EKY-917805]: ntp server activated on Unidata IDD Support
11:18 [IDD #DJM-823948]: Feed source for NEXRAD2 Unidata IDD Support
11:12 [IDD #PGJ-802823]: request for approval of LDM data receiving Unidata IDD Support
10:47 [IDD #OFX-933061]: GEM Model Data Needed Unidata IDD Support
February 13, 2011
22:06 [IDD #PGJ-802823]: request for approval of LDM data receiving Unidata IDD Support
February 09, 2011
15:21 [IDD #PJM-621935]: CMC feed down - contact needed Unidata IDD Support
12:59 [IDD #DJM-823948]: Feed source for NEXRAD2 Unidata IDD Support
January 31, 2011
15:26 [IDD #LFD-200194]: conect to ldm Unidata IDD Support
14:51 [IDD #PJM-621935]: CMC feed down - contact needed Unidata IDD Support
13:27 [IDD #PJM-621935]: CMC feed down - contact needed Unidata IDD Support
January 28, 2011
09:03 [IDD #ZVB-359573]: ldm latency statistics Unidata IDD Support
09:01 [IDD #TQG-494849]: NLDN Unidata IDD Support
08:47 [IDD #TQG-494849]: NLDN Unidata IDD Support
January 25, 2011
12:35 [IDD #EGG-537591]: 0.5 degree GFS data Unidata IDD Support
January 21, 2011
14:21 [IDD #XLN-917790]: IDD Feed For AMS Unidata IDD Support
January 20, 2011
15:34 [IDD #QBK-381226]: access to NEXRAD/Level II radar data (LDM) Unidata IDD Support
12:50 [IDD #STS-535482]: Higher resolution Canadian radar data (IRIS)? Unidata IDD Support
January 15, 2011
13:10 [IDD #NYI-296145]: Canadian radar data? Unidata IDD Support
10:20 [IDD #NYI-296145]: Canadian radar data? Unidata IDD Support
January 08, 2011
11:08 [IDD #JHR-989766]: Assistance in becoming a Unidata user Unidata IDD Support
January 07, 2011
09:39 [IDD #FSY-388508]: request to implement redundant NEXRAD Level 2 feed Unidata IDD Support
January 05, 2011
17:36 [IDD #FSY-388508]: request to implement redundant NEXRAD Level 2 feed Unidata IDD Support
16:27 [IDD #IFM-276437]: IDD Feed Unidata IDD Support
December 27, 2010
09:35 [IDD #EJN-974549]: Re: 20101208: change idd feed of UBA Unidata IDD Support
December 21, 2010
14:29 [IDD #QBK-381226]: access to NEXRAD/Level II radar data (LDM) Unidata IDD Support
December 20, 2010
07:42 [IDD #XLN-917790]: IDD Feed For AMS Unidata IDD Support
December 17, 2010
10:32 Re: 20101217: EMWIN data into IDS|DDPLUS feed from Gilbert Sebenste
10:30 [IDD #ARH-685806]: Duplicate Products (fwd) Unidata IDD Support
December 16, 2010
09:54 [Support #OQJ-226813]: UNIDATA rtstats Unidata User Support
December 14, 2010
13:51 [IDD #LUP-302204]: Need upstream data-feed for LDM Unidata IDD Support
12:46 [IDD #LUP-302204]: Need upstream data-feed for LDM Unidata IDD Support
December 09, 2010
16:32 20101209: scheduled maintenance outage on Unidata User Support
10:34 [IDD #EJN-974549]: Re: 20101208: change idd feed of UBA Unidata IDD Support
10:10 20101209: NSF IDD outage announcement Unidata User Support
08:20 NSF IDD outage announcement Mike Schmidt
December 08, 2010
15:15 [IDD #GSD-112338]: New LDM installation for UNC-Charlotte Unidata IDD Support
December 06, 2010
08:02 [IDD #DOF-333437]: LDM feed port using port 388 Unidata IDD Support
December 03, 2010
10:14 [IDD #QBK-381226]: access to NEXRAD/Level II radar data (LDM) Unidata IDD Support
December 02, 2010
09:16 [IDD #BEX-563400]: Sophos for Linux Servers post to ldm-users email list Unidata IDD Support
December 01, 2010
13:31 [IDD #QBK-381226]: access to NEXRAD/Level II radar data (LDM) Unidata IDD Support
09:05 [IDD #RHJ-602305]: persistent problems in rtstats statistics Unidata IDD Support
November 30, 2010
08:25 [IDD #RHJ-602305]: persistent problems in rtstats statistics Unidata IDD Support
November 29, 2010
08:15 [IDD #ZLR-226723]: Data from idd.unidata Unidata IDD Support
November 25, 2010
08:42 [IDD #UJG-569115]: Alternate NOAAport data feed Unidata IDD Support
November 24, 2010
20:53 [IDD #UJG-569115]: Alternate NOAAport data feed Unidata IDD Support
14:39 [IDD #UJG-569115]: Alternate NOAAport data feed Unidata IDD Support
November 23, 2010
13:59 [Datastream #KXX-811699]: WaveWatch grids in IDD? Unidata Datastream Support
November 22, 2010
07:51 [IDD #IFM-276437]: IDD Feed Unidata IDD Support
November 19, 2010
07:43 [IDD #IFM-276437]: IDD Feed Unidata IDD Support
November 11, 2010
10:11 [IDD #WIN-117431]: Canadian Radar Data Unidata IDD Support
November 10, 2010
14:39 [IDD #TCA-733207]: Re: [ldm-users] 20101110: scheduled data outage for IDD traffic from Unidata IDD Support
14:05 20101110: scheduled data outage for IDD traffic from Tom Yoksas
November 08, 2010
08:16 [IDD #WXQ-924153]: stopped getting fnexrad GRIB product Unidata IDD Support
November 05, 2010
11:55 [IDD #LUP-302204]: Need upstream data-feed for LDM Unidata IDD Support
10:34 [IDD #WXQ-924153]: stopped getting fnexrad GRIB product Unidata IDD Support
November 03, 2010
14:14 [IDD #WXQ-924153]: stopped getting fnexrad GRIB product Unidata IDD Support
November 02, 2010
12:54 [IDD #TLG-431741]: Obtain upstream data-feeds Unidata IDD Support
11:07 [IDD #WIN-117431]: Canadian Radar Data Unidata IDD Support
November 01, 2010
16:58 [IDD #ABS-260282]: Cluster Fisica Disconnecting due to LDM fail ure Unidata IDD Support
16:41 [IDD #WIN-117431]: Canadian Radar Data Unidata IDD Support
October 29, 2010
14:15 20101029: is back in service Tom Yoksas
October 28, 2010
06:17 [IDD #VET-498016]: server Unidata IDD Support
October 23, 2010
10:40 [IDV #WDJ-710360]: nexradcomp data from motherlode Unidata IDV Support
10:30 [IDD #MDC-114541]: high load average Unidata IDD Support
10:23 [IDD #EIV-958781]: LDM running on Internet2 Unidata IDD Support
October 22, 2010
14:25 [IDD #EIV-958781]: LDM running on Internet2 Unidata IDD Support
09:01 [IDD #EIV-958781]: LDM running on Internet2 Unidata IDD Support
October 21, 2010
14:42 [IDD #JZM-551600]: Is the SUNY NLDN feed down? Unidata IDD Support
13:40 [IDD #JZM-551600]: Is the SUNY NLDN feed down? Unidata IDD Support
09:33 [IDD #JZM-551600]: Is the SUNY NLDN feed down? Unidata IDD Support
October 19, 2010
15:15 [LDM #KWX-152708]: Rtstats display issues Unidata IDD Support
09:04 [IDD #JWQ-821786]: rtstats graphs poor when using primary/secondary feeds Unidata IDD Support
October 15, 2010
14:25 [IDD #GUE-872299]: System clock on NOAAPort reception system Unidata IDD Support
08:51 [IDD #DEG-354335]: UMass Lowell ldm machine Unidata IDD Support
October 13, 2010
10:53 [IDD #JHR-989766]: Assistance in becoming a Unidata user Unidata IDD Support
October 11, 2010
07:25 [LDM #FIG-575072]: How to get the full level 3 data feed minus ten products? Unidata IDD Support
October 08, 2010
14:52 [IDD #DEG-354335]: UMass Lowell ldm machine Unidata IDD Support
14:24 [IDD #DEG-354335]: UMass Lowell ldm machine Unidata IDD Support
13:11 [IDD #OCT-589878]: LDM data Unidata IDD Support
10:04 [IDD #OCT-589878]: LDM data Unidata IDD Support
October 07, 2010
11:42 [IDD #IYF-732742]: Problem Unidata IDD Support
07:21 [IDD #JHR-989766]: Assistance in becoming a Unidata user Unidata IDD Support
October 04, 2010
19:48 [IDD #QOR-886108]: SOS (linux machine) Unidata IDD Support
09:47 [IDD #SQJ-378326]: Unless NOAAport is going out, your rtstats graphs are crashing Unidata IDD Support
08:29 [IDD #QOR-886108]: SOS (linux machine) Unidata IDD Support
September 30, 2010
23:54 [LDM #FIG-575072]: How to get the full level 3 data feed minus ten products? Unidata IDD Support
23:18 [LDM #FIG-575072]: How to get the full level 3 data feed minus ten products? Unidata IDD Support
September 24, 2010
09:35 [IDD #TLG-431741]: Obtain upstream data-feeds Unidata IDD Support
September 23, 2010
15:58 [IDD #JHR-989766]: Assistance in becoming a Unidata user Unidata IDD Support
15:54 [IDD #JHR-989766]: Assistance in becoming a Unidata user Unidata IDD Support
15:05 [IDD #TLG-431741]: Obtain upstream data-feeds Unidata IDD Support
13:29 [IDD #TLG-431741]: Obtain upstream data-feeds Unidata IDD Support
13:16 [IDD #IOH-799551]: 2 things... Unidata IDD Support
September 22, 2010
14:48 is down Pete Pokrandt
September 21, 2010
01:17 [IDD #TLG-431741]: Obtain upstream data-feeds Unidata IDD Support
September 14, 2010
15:50 [IDD #YBK-364817]: Support for connection to upstream data. Unidata IDD Support
September 10, 2010
15:10 [IDD #OCT-589878]: LDM data Unidata IDD Support
12:40 [IDD #GOK-818269]: Help -- NEXRAD3 feed no longer working, along with some GOES imagery from UNIWISC Unidata IDD Support
10:04 [IDD #GOK-818269]: Help -- NEXRAD3 feed no longer working, along with some GOES imagery from UNIWISC Unidata IDD Support
09:36 [IDD #GOK-818269]: Help -- NEXRAD3 feed no longer working, along with some GOES imagery from UNIWISC Unidata IDD Support
September 09, 2010
16:59 [IDD #GOK-818269]: Help -- NEXRAD3 feed no longer working, along with some GOES imagery from UNIWISC Unidata IDD Support
September 08, 2010
15:06 [IDD #GOK-818269]: Help -- NEXRAD3 feed no longer working, along with some GOES imagery from UNIWISC Unidata IDD Support
September 07, 2010
20:28 [IDD #GOK-818269]: Help -- NEXRAD3 feed no longer working, along with some GOES imagery from UNIWISC Unidata IDD Support
19:15 [IDD #JZM-551600]: Is the SUNY NLDN feed down? Unidata IDD Support
18:54 [IDD #JHR-989766]: Assistance in becoming a Unidata user Unidata IDD Support
17:59 [IDD #JZM-551600]: Is the SUNY NLDN feed down? Unidata IDD Support
September 05, 2010
12:38 [IDD #GOK-818269]: Help -- NEXRAD3 feed no longer working, along with some GOES imagery from UNIWISC Unidata IDD Support
September 03, 2010
19:53 [IDD #JZM-551600]: Is the SUNY NLDN feed down? Unidata IDD Support
14:34 [IDD #GOK-818269]: Help -- NEXRAD3 feed no longer working, along with some GOES imagery from UNIWISC Unidata IDD Support
11:52 [IDD #GOK-818269]: Help -- NEXRAD3 feed no longer working, along with some GOES imagery from UNIWISC Unidata IDD Support
08:34 [IDD #GOK-818269]: Help -- NEXRAD3 feed no longer working, along with some GOES imagery from UNIWISC Unidata IDD Support
September 02, 2010
12:31 [IDD #GOK-818269]: Help -- NEXRAD3 feed no longer working, along with some GOES imagery from UNIWISC Unidata IDD Support
12:11 Re: No NLDN data since 14 UTC September 1? Kevin R. Tyle
10:28 [IDD #WDO-234083]: NOGAPS down? Unidata IDD Support
August 27, 2010
08:48 [IDD #JHR-989766]: Assistance in becoming a Unidata user Unidata IDD Support
August 26, 2010
13:17 [IDD #BIG-478502]: LDM not starting at SIO Unidata IDD Support
09:46 [LDM #EDU-384837]: NEXRAD3 feed Unidata IDD Support
08:05 [LDM #EDU-384837]: NEXRAD3 feed Unidata IDD Support
07:58 [IDD #BIG-478502]: LDM not starting at SIO Unidata IDD Support
August 25, 2010
14:32 [LDM #EDU-384837]: NEXRAD3 feed Unidata IDD Support
13:40 [LDM #EDU-384837]: NEXRAD3 feed Unidata IDD Support
13:06 [LDM #EDU-384837]: NEXRAD3 feed Unidata LDM Support
09:07 [IDD #CXK-345709]: new LDM server to test Unidata IDD Support
August 19, 2010
12:51 Re: NLDN Request Jeff Weber
August 16, 2010
14:30 [Datastream #QJP-354748]: GEM data Unidata Datastream Support
August 11, 2010
13:18 [Datastream #QJP-354748]: GEM data Unidata Datastream Support
August 10, 2010
14:12 [IDD #CXX-483273]: access request Unidata IDD Support
14:09 [IDD !CXX-483273]: access request Jeff Weber
August 08, 2010
17:04 [Datastream #QJP-354748]: GEM data Unidata Datastream Support
August 06, 2010
15:43 [Datastream #QJP-354748]: GEM data Unidata Datastream Support
07:40 [IDD #JHR-989766]: Assistance in becoming a Unidata user Unidata IDD Support
July 29, 2010
08:09 [LDM #RTH-156524]: pqact (and METAR) question Unidata IDD Support
July 27, 2010
11:49 [LDM #CIB-153307]: ldm.pq Unidata IDD Support
July 26, 2010
16:21 [LDM #CIB-153307]: ldm.pq Unidata IDD Support
15:55 [LDM #RTH-156524]: pqact (and METAR) question Unidata IDD Support
15:48 [LDM #CIB-153307]: ldm.pq Unidata IDD Support
15:03 [LDM #PKS-230761]: obtaining roab data Unidata IDD Support
14:58 [LDM #LZJ-141896]: unzip .bz2 files Unidata IDD Support
10:07 [LDM #CIB-153307]: ldm.pq Unidata LDM Support
July 23, 2010
12:25 [LDM #CIB-153307]: ldm.pq Unidata IDD Support
July 22, 2010
13:07 [IDD #QKE-188085]: Restrictions on Canadian Radar data Unidata IDD Support
July 21, 2010
14:05 Re: Fwd: 20100721: no Profiler data since Friday, July 16 Bob Lipschutz
13:49 [IDD #TAO-634503]: Profiler data on idd.unidata Unidata IDD Support
13:46 20100721: no Profiler data since Friday, July 16 Unidata User Support
July 20, 2010
17:16 [Datastream #ZYI-136966]: LDM nexrad2 feed Unidata Datastream Support
16:36 [IDD #TAQ-497422]: Radar level 3 distribution Unidata IDD Support
16:18 [IDD #DJM-823948]: Feed source for NEXRAD2 Unidata IDD Support
July 16, 2010
15:22 [IDD #MPZ-959115]: LDM setup Unidata IDD Support
July 08, 2010
16:26 [IDD #FNM-508492]: Switching to new ingest computer Unidata IDD Support
07:43 [IDD #DPT-600099]: Request change of IDD ingest computer Unidata IDD Support
July 07, 2010
16:02 [TIGGE #BJO-661283]: RE: LDM Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
June 28, 2010
16:34 [IDD #NDJ-769600]: ldm question Unidata IDD Support
14:10 [IDD #DCG-364510]: Request of some facts regarding IDD/LDM Unidata IDD Support
June 25, 2010
16:05 [IDD #DCG-364510]: Request of some facts regarding IDD/LDM Unidata IDD Support
07:14 [Staging #JNQ-301552]: problem with IDD stats map Unidata eSupport Staging
June 23, 2010
14:32 [IDD #ESL-937528]: ip changing at NOHRSC2 Unidata IDD Support
11:00 [IDD #CTQ-929821]: Proposal for a science center Unidata IDD Support
June 22, 2010
18:46 [IDD #NDJ-769600]: ldm question Unidata IDD Support
June 18, 2010
13:10 [IDD #CCN-713418]: and Unidata IDD Support
12:40 [IDD #CCN-713418]: and Unidata IDD Support
June 14, 2010
17:23 [IDD #PFO-232243]: missing Marine Bulletins Unidata IDD Support
June 11, 2010
13:00 [IDD #FYD-939827]: reading data from LDM files saved without --overwrite Unidata IDD Support
10:20 [LDM #GTC-255179]: when do I need -overwrite in my pqact entry Unidata LDM Support
June 10, 2010
17:27 [LDM #GTC-255179]: when do I need -overwrite in my pqact entry Unidata LDM Support
09:21 USGS Alaska - Washington Jeff Weber
June 09, 2010
18:32 [IDD #FYD-939827]: reading data from LDM files saved without --overwrite Unidata IDD Support
June 08, 2010
10:09 [IDD #UUK-983031]: help needed Unidata IDD Support
09:09 [IDD #UUK-983031]: help needed Unidata IDD Support
June 07, 2010
14:39 [IDD #UUK-983031]: help needed Unidata IDD Support
13:41 [IDD #UUK-983031]: help needed Unidata IDD Support
12:27 [IDD #UUK-983031]: help needed Unidata IDD Support
10:31 [IDD #UUK-983031]: help needed Unidata IDD Support
09:27 [IDD #UUK-983031]: help needed Unidata IDD Support
08:49 [IDD #UUK-983031]: help needed Unidata IDD Support
June 04, 2010
15:58 [IDD #UUK-983031]: help needed Unidata IDD Support
15:18 [IDD #UUK-983031]: help needed Unidata IDD Support
June 03, 2010
17:07 [LDM #AIL-780971]: Fwd: TESAC NetCDF file Unidata IDD Support
June 02, 2010
16:37 [LDM #AIL-780971]: Fwd: TESAC NetCDF file Unidata IDD Support
May 31, 2010
10:48 [IDD #SSK-947208]: Obtain upstream data-feed Unidata IDD Support
May 28, 2010
17:21 Re: LDM interruption at Texas A&M University: Network Maintenance Gerald Creager
May 27, 2010
14:27 [IDD #XFG-387571]: Re: [ldm-users] 20100517: impending change in IDD NEXRAD3 datastream Unidata IDD Support
14:22 [IDD #SSK-947208]: Obtain upstream data-feed Unidata IDD Support
May 24, 2010
13:48 [IDD #GCH-274369]: NSSL connection Unidata IDD Support
09:42 [IDD #GCH-274369]: NSSL connection Unidata IDD Support
May 19, 2010
09:12 [IDD #MBX-621394]: IDD Site Contact List Unidata IDD Support
May 18, 2010
15:48 [IDD #WFT-140897]: gemapak data feed Unidata IDD Support
May 17, 2010
17:06 20100517: impending change in IDD NEXRAD3 datastream Unidata User Support
May 13, 2010
17:33 [LDM #LJA-266957]: LDM access for Unidata LDM Support
11:51 [IDD #ZDN-563518]: LDM - GOES-13 - 1km Unidata IDD Support
May 12, 2010
08:13 [THREDDS #NFH-939474]: near-real time RUC model output data Unidata IDD Support
May 11, 2010
17:54 [THREDDS #NFH-939474]: near-real time RUC model output data Unidata IDD Support
10:17 [CONDUIT #QBE-263069]: testing new additions to CONDUIT Unidata CONDUIT Support
May 06, 2010
15:37 [LDM #PDS-784679]: Help with LDM-Model data Unidata IDD Support
May 05, 2010
13:51 [CONDUIT #GAF-915792]: testing new additions to CONDUIT Unidata CONDUIT Support
12:46 [CONDUIT #QBE-263069]: testing new additions to CONDUIT Unidata CONDUIT Support
07:39 [CONDUIT #QBE-263069]: testing new additions to CONDUIT Unidata CONDUIT Support
May 04, 2010
17:26 [CONDUIT #QBE-263069]: testing new additions to CONDUIT Unidata CONDUIT Support
12:14 [CONDUIT #QBE-263069]: testing new additions to CONDUIT Unidata CONDUIT Support
May 03, 2010
17:24 [CONDUIT #QBE-263069]: testing new additions to CONDUIT Unidata CONDUIT Support
15:36 [LDM #QHY-537267]: LDM Unidata LDM Support
April 30, 2010
15:49 [CONDUIT #GAF-915792]: testing new additions to CONDUIT Unidata CONDUIT Support
April 21, 2010
16:58 [CONDUIT #GAF-915792]: testing new additions to CONDUIT Unidata CONDUIT Support
12:26 [IDD #WTA-825680]: Model Data in ArcMap Unidata IDD Support
11:12 [IDD #WTA-825680]: Model Data in ArcMap Unidata IDD Support
10:48 [IDD #WTA-825680]: Model Data in ArcMap Unidata IDD Support
09:05 [IDD #WTA-825680]: Model Data in ArcMap Unidata IDD Support
April 20, 2010
15:51 Re: your mail Wen Lu
15:16 Re: your mail Jeff Weber
14:55 Re: your mail Jeff Weber
April 16, 2010
15:02 [LDM #BIW-247121]: best way to re-insert a product in an LDM queue under a different feedtype Unidata LDM Support
07:19 [LDM #BIW-247121]: best way to re-insert a product in an LDM queue under a different feedtype Unidata LDM Support
April 13, 2010
11:29 [CONDUIT #GAF-915792]: testing new additions to CONDUIT Unidata CONDUIT Support
April 09, 2010
12:27 [IDD #AKK-681542]: NOAA profiler data feed site Unidata IDD Support
April 07, 2010
16:16 [IDD #GTV-595062]: NEXRAD data Unidata IDD Support
16:12 [LDM #KKU-254026]: email test for Tom Unidata LDM Support
April 06, 2010
12:06 [IDD #GTV-595062]: NEXRAD data Unidata IDD Support
March 24, 2010
00:08 [IDD #SEF-720351]: Question About Level II Data for Non-Profit Unidata IDD Support
March 22, 2010
10:31 [IDD #AGB-165919]: Unidata feeds Unidata IDD Support
March 16, 2010
14:04 [IDD #IUY-553621]: gempak data Unidata IDD Support
13:05 [IDD #IUY-553621]: gempak data Unidata IDD Support
08:20 [IDD #IUY-553621]: gempak data Unidata IDD Support
March 13, 2010
18:04 [IDD #UGM-754540]: stopped getting fnexrad data 01Z 13March Unidata IDD Support
17:32 [IDD #UGM-754540]: stopped getting fnexrad data 01Z 13March Unidata IDD Support
16:23 [IDD #UGM-754540]: stopped getting fnexrad data 01Z 13March Unidata IDD Support
14:27 [IDD #UGM-754540]: stopped getting fnexrad data 01Z 13March Unidata IDD Support
March 11, 2010
11:25 [IDD #MUV-798083]: ldm failure Unidata IDD Support
March 03, 2010
14:20 [IDD #MXE-616655]: LDM not available on Unidata IDD Support
13:55 [IDD #TNF-892711]: connectivity marginal Unidata IDD Support
13:37 [IDD #MXE-616655]: LDM not available on Unidata IDD Support
11:43 [IDD #TNF-892711]: connectivity marginal Unidata IDD Support
11:24 [IDD #MXE-616655]: LDM not available on Unidata IDD Support
March 02, 2010
10:13 [IDD #TNF-892711]: connectivity marginal Unidata IDD Support
February 26, 2010
07:26 [IDD #SEF-720351]: Question About Level II Data for Non-Profit Unidata IDD Support
February 24, 2010
07:14 [IDD #SEF-720351]: Question About Level II Data for Non-Profit Unidata IDD Support
February 23, 2010
15:29 [LDM #ZIU-540402]: Ldm Upstream Feed Site Unidata IDD Support
February 22, 2010
10:29 CUP -> CALU Jeff Weber
February 19, 2010
16:50 [LDM #ZIU-540402]: Ldm Upstream Feed Site Unidata IDD Support
February 12, 2010
12:05 [IDD #ZWV-456739]: ASCAT or WindSat data available via LDM? Unidata IDD Support
11:35 [IDD #RSF-183953]: real-time RAOB Unidata IDD Support
11:30 [IDD #ZWV-456739]: ASCAT or WindSat data available via LDM? Unidata IDD Support
February 10, 2010
16:51 [IDD #HIF-103254]: is not responding Unidata IDD Support
February 09, 2010
12:52 [IDD #UHQ-202981]: LDM Configuration Unidata IDD Support
February 08, 2010
16:26 [IDD #UHQ-202981]: LDM Configuration Unidata IDD Support
February 05, 2010
11:36 [IDD #TAK-151063]: Feedsite request -- lightning data Unidata IDD Support
08:29 [IDD #TAK-151063]: Feedsite request -- lightning data Unidata IDD Support
08:10 [IDD #TNF-892711]: connectivity marginal Unidata IDD Support
February 04, 2010
14:21 [IDD #TAK-151063]: Feedsite request -- lightning data Unidata IDD Support
February 03, 2010
11:58 [IDD #TMR-416943]: IASI data via IDD (GTS) Unidata IDD Support
February 01, 2010
14:16 [IDD #TNF-892711]: connectivity marginal Unidata IDD Support
January 26, 2010
08:43 [IDD #AMK-800312]: Products Available on the IDD Unidata IDD Support
08:06 [IDD #AMK-800312]: Products Available on the IDD Unidata IDD Support
07:48 [IDD #AMK-800312]: Products Available on the IDD Unidata IDD Support
07:22 [IDD #AMK-800312]: Products Available on the IDD Unidata IDD Support
January 23, 2010
08:49 [IDD #JQW-816102]: LDM for AMS Unidata IDD Support
January 22, 2010
14:01 [IDD #JQW-816102]: LDM for AMS Unidata IDD Support
January 20, 2010
00:08 [IDD #JQW-816102]: LDM for AMS Unidata IDD Support
January 19, 2010
16:52 [IDD #JQW-816102]: LDM for AMS Unidata IDD Support
16:32 [IDD #CFS-640569]: email Flood Statement Unidata IDD Support
16:14 [IDD #JQW-816102]: LDM for AMS Unidata IDD Support
15:42 [IDD #JQW-816102]: LDM for AMS Unidata IDD Support
12:23 [IDD #JQW-816102]: LDM for AMS Unidata IDD Support
January 18, 2010
13:32 [IDD #JQW-816102]: LDM for AMS Unidata IDD Support
January 17, 2010
16:34 [IDD #JQW-816102]: LDM for AMS Unidata IDD Support
January 15, 2010
16:32 [IDD #JQW-816102]: LDM for AMS Unidata IDD Support
16:00 [IDD #JQW-816102]: LDM for AMS Unidata IDD Support
15:55 [IDD #EBK-740396]: Permissions for datasets Unidata IDD Support
January 14, 2010
09:58 [IDD #JQW-816102]: LDM for AMS Unidata IDD Support
January 13, 2010
18:20 [IDD #JQW-816102]: LDM for AMS Unidata IDD Support
16:53 [LDM #ZXW-147529]: Installation procedures Unidata LDM Support
12:33 [IDD #TNF-892711]: connectivity marginal Unidata IDD Support
January 12, 2010
12:50 [IDD #KUZ-323197]: IDD data feed issues Unidata IDD Support
January 11, 2010
15:59 [IDD #KUZ-323197]: IDD data feed issues Unidata IDD Support
15:49 [IDD #TNF-892711]: connectivity marginal Unidata IDD Support
January 10, 2010
17:05 [Support #IAO-152116]: Higher Resolution WSR-88D Products + GEMPAK Unidata GEMPAK Support
January 07, 2010
07:44 [IDD #KUZ-323197]: IDD data feed issues Unidata IDD Support
January 06, 2010
17:44 [IDD #BOJ-498261]: Clock on is drifting Unidata IDD Support
16:49 [IDD #KUZ-323197]: IDD data feed issues Unidata IDD Support
16:39 [IDD #DSF-516290]: problem with NNEXRAD feed from Unidata IDD Support
14:46 [IDD #DSF-516290]: problem with NNEXRAD feed from Unidata IDD Support
January 05, 2010
11:43 [IDD #DSF-516290]: problem with NNEXRAD feed from Unidata IDD Support
08:31 [IDD #DSF-516290]: problem with NNEXRAD feed from Unidata IDD Support
January 04, 2010
15:02 [IDD #DSF-516290]: problem with NNEXRAD feed from Unidata IDD Support
12:53 [IDD #TNF-892711]: connectivity marginal Unidata IDD Support
December 22, 2009
14:22 [IDD #TBQ-981506]: ldm request Unidata IDD Support
December 16, 2009
17:03 [IDD #JQW-816102]: LDM for AMS Unidata IDD Support
13:15 [IDD #YXF-596402]: VM for McIDAS at DU Unidata IDD Support
December 15, 2009
18:04 [IDD #AUI-793270]: Upstream Data Feeds Unidata IDD Support
17:32 [IDD #YXF-596402]: VM for McIDAS at DU Unidata IDD Support
08:10 [LDM #ZPK-332523]: Access to UNIDATA NEXRAD2 LDM FEED Unidata IDD Support
December 14, 2009
16:29 [IDD #YXF-596402]: VM for McIDAS at DU Unidata IDD Support
16:07 [IDD #AUI-793270]: Upstream Data Feeds Unidata IDD Support
12:06 [IDD #AUI-793270]: Upstream Data Feeds Unidata IDD Support
11:58 [IDD #AUI-793270]: Upstream Data Feeds Unidata IDD Support
December 11, 2009
14:49 [IDD #AUI-793270]: Upstream Data Feeds Unidata IDD Support
December 10, 2009
16:46 [IDD #BIG-478502]: LDM not starting at SIO Unidata IDD Support
16:33 [IDD #BIG-478502]: LDM not starting at SIO Unidata IDD Support
December 07, 2009
14:04 [IDD #YXF-596402]: VM for McIDAS at DU Unidata IDD Support
December 02, 2009
16:34 [IDD #RAX-414787]: request COAMPS/NOGAPS Unidata IDD Support
November 17, 2009
17:23 [TIGGE #CZX-469246]: Fwd: tdssingest, CAVES on DSG's VM Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
November 16, 2009
08:30 [IDD #ELV-696863]: Access to your databases Unidata IDD Support
November 13, 2009
16:15 [IDD #TAK-151063]: Feedsite request -- lightning data Unidata IDD Support
13:54 [IDD #TAK-151063]: Feedsite request -- lightning data Unidata IDD Support
13:33 [IDD #TAK-151063]: Feedsite request -- lightning data Unidata IDD Support
13:18 [IDD #TAK-151063]: Feedsite request -- lightning data Unidata IDD Support
12:49 [IDD #TAK-151063]: Feedsite request -- lightning data Unidata IDD Support
10:40 [IDD #TAK-151063]: Feedsite request -- lightning data Unidata IDD Support
November 09, 2009
13:09 [IDD #UVG-959396]: LDM Inquiry Unidata IDD Support
November 05, 2009
12:46 [LDM #YSM-719829]: satellite data in netCDF format Unidata IDD Support
November 04, 2009
13:28 [IDD #HPR-367463]: Re: [ldm-users] 20091104: scheduled downtime for NSF/ATM services Unidata IDD Support
12:37 20091104: scheduled downtime for NSF/ATM services Unidata Support
October 21, 2009
10:55 [IDD #IOS-589828]: Building power shut down Unidata IDD Support
October 07, 2009
09:41 [IDD #GUN-888074]: Can the motherlode's "pqact.conf" and "ldmd.conf" files? Unidata IDD Support
October 05, 2009
12:51 [IDD #MRO-975497]: I'm ready to go with the LDM! Unidata LDM Support
11:02 [IDD #MRO-975497]: I'm ready to go with the LDM! Unidata IDD Support
10:33 [IDD #MRO-975497]: I'm ready to go with the LDM! Unidata IDD Support
09:40 [IDD #MRO-975497]: I'm ready to go with the LDM! Unidata IDD Support
09:30 [IDD #MRO-975497]: I'm ready to go with the LDM! Unidata IDD Support
October 02, 2009
16:13 [IDD #MRO-975497]: I'm ready to go with the LDM! Unidata IDD Support
15:12 [IDD #WEE-734452]: Need another traceroute Unidata IDD Support
14:29 [IDD #TPV-537982]: conduit Unidata IDD Support
08:43 [IDD #CIV-170475]: LDM Inquery Unidata IDD Support
October 01, 2009
09:40 [IDD #AHB-339927]: Request FNMOC Data Unidata IDD Support
09:36 [IDD #CIV-170475]: LDM Inquery Unidata IDD Support
September 30, 2009
11:40 [IDD #TPV-537982]: conduit Unidata IDD Support
September 29, 2009
12:20 [IDD #CIV-170475]: LDM Inquery Unidata IDD Support
September 28, 2009
17:53 [IDD #CIV-170475]: LDM Inquery Unidata IDD Support
17:34 OGE-170685 Unidata LDM Jeff Weber
17:30 OGE-170685 Unidata LDM Jeff Weber
September 25, 2009
18:35 [IDD #OGE-170685]: LDM Access to Unidata Unidata IDD Support
16:16 [IDD #OGE-170685]: LDM Access to Unidata Unidata IDD Support
September 24, 2009
13:22 [IDD #OGE-170685]: LDM Access to Unidata Unidata IDD Support
13:06 [IDD #JZB-166968]: Change LDM Feed Unidata IDD Support
September 23, 2009
10:38 [IDD #JZB-166968]: Change LDM Feed Unidata IDD Support
September 15, 2009
18:37 [IDD #VDK-486363]: Acessing oceanographic data Unidata IDD Support
September 11, 2009
12:37 [IDD #QTY-167283]: data feed Unidata IDD Support
September 10, 2009
18:18 [IDD #QTY-167283]: data feed Unidata IDD Support
17:31 [IDD #QTY-167283]: data feed Unidata IDD Support
16:58 [IDD #QTY-167283]: data feed Unidata IDD Support
15:51 [IDD #QTY-167283]: data feed Unidata IDD Support
13:16 [IDD #QTY-167283]: data feed Unidata IDD Support
13:13 [IDD #GTN-647623]: Traceroute request Unidata IDD Support
September 04, 2009
12:56 [IDD #TPV-537982]: conduit Unidata IDD Support
September 03, 2009
15:54 [IDD #ITN-792291]: request for upstream feed site Unidata IDD Support
14:57 [IDD #ITN-792291]: request for upstream feed site Unidata IDD Support
13:00 [IDD #EIW-655849]: can't get data Unidata IDD Support
August 29, 2009
11:01 [Staging #EML-186079]: Re: LDM Feed of COSMIC Data Unidata IDD Support
August 28, 2009
16:20 [Staging #EML-186079]: Re: LDM Feed of COSMIC Data Unidata IDD Support
14:57 [IDD #DRS-271122]: NLDN data Unidata IDD Support
14:52 [Staging #EML-186079]: Re: LDM Feed of COSMIC Data Unidata IDD Support
10:58 [TIGGE #LJA-831211]: Fwd: [Fwd: Re: ldm can not write to /home/ldm/logs or /TIGGE/dasg011] Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
10:48 [TIGGE #LJA-831211]: Fwd: [Fwd: Re: ldm can not write to /home/ldm/logs or /TIGGE/dasg011] Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
August 24, 2009
09:09 NMQ Planned Outage of HTTP data sever Carrie Langston
August 20, 2009
10:44 [IDD #HCU-788325]: Re: Sun1 ldmd.conf Unidata IDD Support
August 17, 2009
15:34 [IDD #AEG-690130]: Decoding the LDM Level-II format Unidata IDD Support
August 13, 2009
12:50 [IDDAntarctic #HUX-629476]: FW: CHS-LDM Rebuild Unidata IDD-Antarctica Support
August 12, 2009
17:20 [IDDAntarctic #HUX-629476]: FW: CHS-LDM Rebuild Unidata IDD-Antarctica Support
17:10 [IDDAntarctic #HUX-629476]: FW: CHS-LDM Rebuild Unidata IDD-Antarctica Support
August 11, 2009
15:46 [IDD #ADS-412407]: LDM feed question ( Unidata IDD Support
12:22 [IDD #ADS-412407]: LDM feed question ( Unidata IDD Support
12:13 [IDD #WYD-125989]: Feed for HI-RES VIS Satellite images Unidata IDD Support
11:54 [IDD #WYD-125989]: Feed for HI-RES VIS Satellite images Unidata IDD Support
August 10, 2009
14:25 [Support #QQG-323886]: FW: [GODAE #5877]: LDM Feed Request Unidata IDD Support
August 07, 2009
10:39 [IDD #NRK-638543]: Help with LDM Errors Unidata IDD Support
August 06, 2009
16:17 [IDD #ELT-525755]: pqact issues. Unidata IDD Support
09:53 [Support #NWF-827987]: Re: [ldm-users] LDM 6.8.0 released Unidata LDM Support
08:53 [Support #NWF-827987]: Re: [ldm-users] LDM 6.8.0 released Unidata LDM Support
August 03, 2009
16:36 [Support #NWF-827987]: Re: [ldm-users] LDM 6.8.0 released Unidata LDM Support
13:08 [Support #NWF-827987]: Re: [ldm-users] LDM 6.8.0 released Unidata LDM Support
11:45 [IDD #OMQ-397342]: NEXRAD2 Eastern Region gone... again! Unidata IDD Support
11:42 [IDD #GIC-297009]: LDM Connection Issues Unidata IDD Support
07:17 [IDD #ADS-412407]: LDM feed question ( Unidata IDD Support
07:11 [IDD #OMQ-397342]: NEXRAD2 Eastern Region gone... again! Unidata IDD Support
August 02, 2009
15:53 [IDD #OMQ-397342]: NEXRAD2 Eastern Region gone... again! Unidata IDD Support
July 27, 2009
12:34 [IDD #JJD-157492]: Start Internet Data Distribution Service Unidata IDD Support
July 24, 2009
12:08 [IDD #NAN-265528]: help with ldm pqact.conf actions Unidata IDD Support
11:58 [IDD #NAN-265528]: help with ldm pqact.conf actions Unidata IDD Support
July 23, 2009
21:24 [IDD #NAN-265528]: help with ldm pqact.conf actions Unidata IDD Support
16:47 [IDD #NAN-265528]: help with ldm pqact.conf actions Unidata IDD Support
15:32 [IDD #NAN-265528]: help with ldm pqact.conf actions Unidata IDD Support
14:03 [IDD #HKC-273266]: consulta Unidata IDD Support
14:01 [IDD #NAN-265528]: help with ldm pqact.conf actions Unidata IDD Support
July 21, 2009
15:08 IMPORTANT: Switch to new MADIS distribution system by August 14 Mike Barth
14:07 [TIGGE #UDB-639046] Re: 20090721: dados do tigge Doug Schuster
09:46 20090721: dados do tigge Tom Yoksas
July 14, 2009
09:07 [LDM #RWK-377407]: Link's broken Unidata LDM Support
July 12, 2009
21:32 [IDD #YUX-620105]: FNMOC-NOGAPS LDM/IDD Feed Unidata IDD Support
July 11, 2009
12:46 [LDM #TJO-292351]: Can you do me a favor... Unidata IDD Support
July 10, 2009
16:07 [IDD #ADS-412407]: LDM feed question ( Unidata IDD Support
16:03 [IDD #GEY-291391]: Latency blips when using primary/alternate configuration Unidata IDD Support
July 09, 2009
07:55 [IDD #UAC-492312]: Unidata IDD Support
July 08, 2009
09:15 [IDD #ADS-412407]: LDM feed question ( Unidata IDD Support
July 07, 2009
11:09 [IDD #NDI-257345]: "ALLOW" behaviour Unidata IDD Support
10:16 [IDD #NDI-257345]: "ALLOW" behaviour Unidata IDD Support
July 04, 2009
10:18 [IDD #VOV-832074]: Lost NEXRAD2 feed from Unidata IDD Support
July 03, 2009
15:45 [IDD #VOV-832074]: Lost NEXRAD2 feed from Unidata IDD Support
10:26 [IDD #VOV-832074]: Lost NEXRAD2 feed from Unidata IDD Support
July 02, 2009
02:20 [IDD #BKI-822215]: LDM feed sites Unidata IDD Support
July 01, 2009
16:04 [IDD #CDT-892963]: GPS data through LDM Unidata GEMPAK Support
15:08 [Support #EFH-365448]: ldm access Unidata IDD Support
June 30, 2009
11:55 [IDD #BKI-822215]: LDM feed sites Unidata IDD Support
08:28 [IDD #MNL-567245]: Missing UNIWISC data Unidata IDD Support
June 29, 2009
13:12 [IDD #YUX-620105]: FNMOC-NOGAPS LDM/IDD Feed Unidata IDD Support
10:10 [IDD #YUX-620105]: FNMOC-NOGAPS LDM/IDD Feed Unidata IDD Support
09:55 [IDD #MYG-183840]: new ldm manager Unidata IDD Support
09:23 [IDD #ICA-648762]: COAMPS and NOGAPS data Unidata IDD Support
June 26, 2009
16:15 [IDD #ICA-648762]: COAMPS and NOGAPS data Unidata IDD Support
14:01 [IDD #ICA-648762]: COAMPS and NOGAPS data Unidata IDD Support
09:40 [IDD #ICA-648762]: COAMPS and NOGAPS data Unidata IDD Support
June 25, 2009
14:25 [IDD #YUX-620105]: FNMOC-NOGAPS LDM/IDD Feed Unidata IDD Support
June 24, 2009
11:42 [IDD #BKI-822215]: LDM feed sites Unidata IDD Support
11:40 UW-Madison unplanned power outage today Pete Pokrandt
10:10 [IDD #TIJ-523411]: LDM/IDD in El Salvador... Unidata IDD Support
09:54 [IDD #BKI-822215]: LDM feed sites Unidata IDD Support
June 23, 2009
13:30 Re: [ldm-users] Possible UW Madison idd outage, Thursday June 25-Friday June 26 Jerrold Robaidek
12:48 Possible UW Madison idd outage, Thursday June 25-Friday June 26 Pete Pokrandt
June 22, 2009
16:28 [IDD #BKI-822215]: LDM feed sites Unidata IDD Support
14:30 [IDD #BKI-822215]: LDM feed sites Unidata IDD Support
11:42 [IDD #NLC-477499]: Re: [ldm-users] FNMOC-NOGAPS LDM/IDD Feed Unidata IDD Support
08:42 [IDD #BKI-822215]: LDM feed sites Unidata IDD Support
08:29 [IDD #NLC-477499]: Re: [ldm-users] FNMOC-NOGAPS LDM/IDD Feed Unidata IDD Support
June 18, 2009
12:07 [IDD #BKI-822215]: LDM feed sites Unidata IDD Support
11:12 [IDD #BKI-822215]: LDM feed sites Unidata IDD Support
June 17, 2009
15:45 [IDD #YUX-620105]: FNMOC-NOGAPS LDM/IDD Feed Unidata IDD Support
June 15, 2009
14:13 [IDD #GFR-261092]: COSMIC Data Unidata IDD Support
June 10, 2009
13:35 [IDD #WIC-345280]: TDWR data? Unidata IDD Support
June 09, 2009
17:04 [IDD #SMU-453824]: Application for participating in IDD Unidata IDD Support
16:18 [IDD #NDI-257345]: "ALLOW" behaviour Unidata IDD Support
09:15 [LDM #LOB-749740]: Acquiring specific data via LDM Unidata IDD Support
08:42 [IDD #NDI-257345]: "ALLOW" behaviour Unidata IDD Support
07:18 [IDD #NDI-257345]: "ALLOW" behaviour Unidata IDD Support
07:15 [IDD #FVW-426478]: WSI lightning data Unidata IDD Support
May 29, 2009
13:52 [IDD #XHC-530578]: Need upstream data-feed for LDM Unidata IDD Support
May 27, 2009
17:31 [IDD #AQW-283741]: can't get data Unidata IDD Support
16:57 [IDD #AQW-283741]: can't get data Unidata IDD Support
May 20, 2009
16:12 [IDD #YUX-620105]: FNMOC-NOGAPS LDM/IDD Feed Unidata IDD Support
15:13 RE: FW: NOGAPS Frost, Mr. Michael
May 18, 2009
16:20 [IDD #CMF-264953]: LDM request Unidata IDD Support
13:24 [IDD #CMF-264953]: LDM request Unidata IDD Support
13:12 [IDD #XHC-530578]: Need upstream data-feed for LDM Unidata IDD Support
May 15, 2009
15:53 [IDD #YUX-620105]: FNMOC-NOGAPS LDM/IDD Feed Unidata IDD Support
May 08, 2009
13:46 [LDM #YID-910454]: ldmd.conf, pqact.conf Unidata IDD Support
May 05, 2009
08:17 [IDD #YUX-620105]: FNMOC-NOGAPS LDM/IDD Feed Unidata IDD Support
07:02 [IDD #BHD-107104]: Fwd: NLDN Data feed Unidata IDD Support
May 04, 2009
10:53 [IDD #BHD-107104]: Fwd: NLDN Data feed Unidata IDD Support
10:41 [IDD #BHD-107104]: Fwd: NLDN Data feed Unidata IDD Support
April 30, 2009
16:52 [IDD #ICA-648762]: COAMPS and NOGAPS data Unidata IDD Support
16:25 [IDD #UGL-918317]: NEXRAD2 from purdue Unidata IDD Support
April 28, 2009
17:57 [IDD #UJU-198299]: Problem receiving CONDUIT/NIMAGE data Unidata IDD Support
17:53 [IDD #BHD-107104]: Fwd: NLDN Data feed Unidata IDD Support
16:09 [IDD #ICA-648762]: COAMPS and NOGAPS data Unidata IDD Support
13:00 [IDD #NLC-477499]: Re: [ldm-users] FNMOC-NOGAPS LDM/IDD Feed Unidata IDD Support
12:55 [IDD #BHD-107104]: Fwd: NLDN Data feed Unidata IDD Support
12:34 [IDD #ICA-648762]: COAMPS and NOGAPS data Unidata IDD Support
April 27, 2009
18:22 [IDD #UJU-198299]: Problem receiving CONDUIT/NIMAGE data Unidata IDD Support
17:13 [IDD #ICA-648762]: COAMPS and NOGAPS data Unidata IDD Support
12:42 [IDD #ICA-648762]: COAMPS and NOGAPS data Unidata IDD Support
12:18 [IDD #BUI-508026]: NOGAPS/COAMP feed request Unidata IDD Support
April 23, 2009
09:24 [IDD #NLC-477499]: Re: [ldm-users] FNMOC-NOGAPS LDM/IDD Feed Unidata IDD Support
08:04 [IDD #YDG-648270]: FNMOC-NOGAPS LDM/IDD Feed Unidata IDD Support
April 22, 2009
15:35 [IDD #ZTI-461565]: FNMOC model output Unidata IDD Support
15:22 [IDD #ZTI-461565]: FNMOC model output Unidata IDD Support
11:27 [IDD #YTM-858233]: RUC 13 model data on noaaport Unidata IDD Support
April 20, 2009
21:21 [IDD #DLN-438314]: Need a feed Unidata IDD Support
April 15, 2009
17:45 [IDD #EED-675155]: LDM Nexrad data stream access Unidata IDD Support
15:24 Allow for GEM Feed Jeff Weber
April 08, 2009
11:01 [IDD #ZKP-879129]: TDWR ingest and into gempak Unidata IDD Support
April 07, 2009
16:58 [IDD #WJF-434775]: CMC data Unidata IDD Support
16:52 [IDD #OQC-798798]: idd machine moving to new IP Unidata IDD Support
15:45 [IDD #ZKP-879129]: TDWR ingest and into gempak Unidata IDD Support
15:15 [IDD #NMC-701918]: USPLN pqact question Unidata IDD Support
13:52 [IDD #NMC-701918]: USPLN pqact question Unidata IDD Support
13:46 [IDD #XHC-530578]: Need upstream data-feed for LDM Unidata IDD Support
10:01 [IDD #NMC-701918]: USPLN pqact question Unidata IDD Support
April 02, 2009
09:39 [IDD #OLV-956032]: IDD Participation Unidata IDD Support
April 01, 2009
11:08 [IDD #OLV-956032]: IDD Participation Unidata IDD Support
March 31, 2009
15:12 [IDD #OLV-956032]: IDD Participation Unidata IDD Support
11:53 [IDD #OLV-956032]: IDD Participation Unidata IDD Support
March 23, 2009
09:09 [IDD #WWJ-162880]: CONDUIT down Unidata IDD Support
March 18, 2009
08:08 [IDD #OLV-956032]: IDD Participation Unidata IDD Support
March 15, 2009
21:02 [IDD #SBC-168420]: IDD contact list Unidata IDD Support
14:19 [IDD #SBC-168420]: IDD contact list Unidata IDD Support
March 14, 2009
09:57 [LDM #LOD-955053]: LDM and byte-swapping error? Unidata LDM Support
March 13, 2009
13:13 [LDM #BXH-661016]: NAM conduit data not arriving via LDM Unidata IDD Support
March 11, 2009
14:36 [LDM #BXH-661016]: NAM conduit data not arriving via LDM Unidata IDD Support
09:47 [LDM #BXH-661016]: NAM conduit data not arriving via LDM Unidata IDD Support
March 10, 2009
18:21 [LDM #BXH-661016]: NAM conduit data not arriving via LDM Unidata IDD Support
08:18 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
March 06, 2009
13:57 [LDM #BXH-661016]: NAM conduit data not arriving via chinkapin.cs.indiana.ed u LDM Unidata IDD Support
March 05, 2009
19:59 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
March 04, 2009
16:49 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
13:25 [IDD #XHC-530578]: Need upstream data-feed for LDM Unidata IDD Support
March 02, 2009
16:16 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
14:29 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata IDD Support
13:46 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata IDD Support
February 27, 2009
08:44 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
07:51 [IDD #NAY-560777]: FAA Tech Center Unidata IDD Support
February 26, 2009
09:32 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
February 25, 2009
09:10 [IDD #AKN-816891]: IDD data access Unidata IDD Support
February 24, 2009
14:10 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
09:56 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
09:31 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
09:30 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
08:47 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
February 23, 2009
08:49 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
February 22, 2009
14:37 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
February 21, 2009
10:34 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
07:54 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
February 20, 2009
15:34 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
14:36 [IDD #YAI-193906]: current NEXRAD level II data Unidata IDD Support
13:18 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
11:49 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata IDD Support
09:30 Re: some overdue cleanup Jeff Weber
08:16 [IDD #YAI-193906]: current NEXRAD level II data Unidata IDD Support
07:58 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
February 19, 2009
20:59 [IDD #YAI-193906]: current NEXRAD level II data Unidata IDD Support
20:27 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
08:37 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
08:11 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata IDD Support
February 18, 2009
20:35 [Support #GTD-100323]: Question form a computer novice [Sec=Unclassified] Unidata User Support
16:09 [IDD #KIC-710840]: NDFD 0-84 hours missing? Unidata IDD Support
16:05 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
15:33 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata IDD Support
15:27 [IDD #KIC-710840]: NDFD 0-84 hours missing? Unidata IDD Support
15:06 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
09:34 [IDD #CNE-186519]: CMC GEM Data through IDD Unidata IDD Support
February 17, 2009
14:00 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata IDD Support
13:25 [Support #HKV-830940]: question about LDM IP address Unidata IDD Support
09:53 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
08:50 [IDD #VYA-733962]: LDM latency info and McIDAS access Unidata IDD Support
08:36 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
February 16, 2009
12:57 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
10:18 [IDD #VYA-733962]: LDM latency info and McIDAS access Unidata IDD Support
09:29 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
February 13, 2009
14:25 [IDD #TIJ-523411]: LDM/IDD in El Salvador... Unidata IDD Support
08:05 [IDD #TIJ-523411]: LDM/IDD in El Salvador... Unidata IDD Support
February 12, 2009
16:40 [IDD #PUZ-910197]: Request for upstream feed Unidata IDD Support
16:16 [Support #HKV-830940]: question about LDM IP address Unidata IDD Support
15:10 [IDD #PUZ-910197]: Request for upstream feed Unidata IDD Support
10:55 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
01:39 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
February 11, 2009
09:06 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
February 10, 2009
09:36 [IDD #VYA-733962]: LDM latency info and McIDAS access Unidata IDD Support
09:20 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
08:21 [IDD #CNE-186519]: CMC GEM Data through IDD Unidata IDD Support
08:12 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
February 09, 2009
16:44 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
11:07 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
08:23 [IDD #CNE-186519]: CMC GEM Data through IDD Unidata IDD Support
08:19 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
February 06, 2009
10:26 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata IDD Support
February 01, 2009
13:39 [Support #FLO-999289]: IDD Access and Participation Unidata IDD Support
January 30, 2009
15:33 RE: [Support #HKV-830940]: question about LDM IP address Jeff Weber
15:19 [McIDAS #IWW-642097]: Canadian Radar Imagery Unidata IDD Support
11:51 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
07:57 [McIDAS #IWW-642097]: Canadian Radar Imagery Unidata IDD Support
07:39 [IDD #IWW-642097]: Canadian Radar Imagery Unidata McIDAS Support
January 29, 2009
09:11 [Support #FLO-999289]: IDD Access and Participation Unidata IDD Support
January 28, 2009
17:09 [Support #FLO-999289]: IDD Access and Participation Unidata IDD Support
16:59 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
January 27, 2009
12:41 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata IDD Support
12:33 [IDD #WFA-619667]: Request for CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
January 26, 2009
11:11 [IDD #FBU-394735]: LDM Upstream Site Authorization Info Request Unidata UDUNITS Support
January 23, 2009
15:48 [LDM #LOB-749740]: Acquiring specific data via LDM Unidata IDD Support
January 21, 2009
16:28 [IDD #XHC-530578]: Need upstream data-feed for LDM Unidata IDD Support
January 20, 2009
08:19 [IDD #IJB-717945]: Questions about bufr format GPS data Unidata IDD Support
January 19, 2009
13:36 [CONDUIT #RAI-834865]: Very high Unidata CONDUIT Support
11:22 [IDD #IJB-717945]: Questions about bufr format GPS data Unidata IDD Support
11:06 [IDD #DGC-319842]: Lightning Data Unidata IDD Support
11:04 [CONDUIT #RAI-834865]: Very high Unidata CONDUIT Support
January 16, 2009
15:13 [IDD #GMQ-576252]: NDFD on NGRID Unidata IDD Support
15:06 [IDD #QVQ-842701]: LDM of Seoul National University has problem Unidata IDD Support
10:57 [IDD #IJB-717945]: Questions about bufr format GPS data Unidata IDD Support
10:08 [IDD #IJB-717945]: Questions about bufr format GPS data Unidata IDD Support
09:52 [IDD #DGC-319842]: Lightning Data Unidata IDD Support
09:05 [IDD #IJB-717945]: Questions about bufr format GPS data Unidata IDD Support
08:52 [IDD #DGC-319842]: Lightning Data Unidata IDD Support
January 15, 2009
11:07 [Support #HKV-830940]: question about LDM IP address Unidata IDD Support
January 12, 2009
12:21 [Support #HKV-830940]: question about LDM IP address Unidata IDD Support
December 22, 2008
10:33 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata IDD Support
10:15 [IDD #QFJ-263578]: LDM installation Seoul National University Unidata IDD Support
December 18, 2008
08:51 [IDD #QFJ-263578]: LDM installation Seoul National University Unidata IDD Support
December 17, 2008
09:44 [IDDBrasil #LOR-884164]: [Fwd: Re: Imagens do GOES-10 (IDD)] Unidata IDD-Brasil Support
09:03 [IDDBrasil #LOR-884164]: [Fwd: Re: Imagens do GOES-10 (IDD)] Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
December 16, 2008
13:16 [IDD #XHC-530578]: Need upstream data-feed for LDM Unidata IDD Support
12:35 [IDD #XHC-530578]: Need upstream data-feed for LDM Unidata IDD Support
December 10, 2008
11:03 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata IDD Support
December 09, 2008
13:50 [IDD #FVS-151466]: gempak data Unidata IDD Support
13:43 [Support #HKV-830940]: question about LDM IP address Unidata IDD Support
December 06, 2008
08:11 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata IDD Support
December 04, 2008
13:06 [IDD #FBZ-603114]: LDM request Unidata IDD Support
December 03, 2008
14:03 [IDD #FBZ-603114]: LDM request Unidata IDD Support
November 26, 2008
08:54 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata IDD Support
November 24, 2008
14:32 [IDD #XKT-838805]: awips for the atmos lab Unidata IDD Support
14:29 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata IDD Support
November 20, 2008
10:15 [IDD #HBX-311891]: Data Streams for LDM Unidata IDD Support
November 19, 2008
17:26 [IDD #YCW-639668]: [Fwd: From] Unidata IDD Support
15:47 [IDD #DBO-603210]: model data Unidata IDD Support
15:42 [IDD #HBX-311891]: Data Streams for LDM Unidata IDD Support
15:20 [IDD #HBX-311891]: Data Streams for LDM Unidata IDD Support
08:34 [LDM #KXE-474956]: Feed Sites Unidata IDD Support
November 18, 2008
16:25 [IDD #DKJ-130914]: Changing LDM host Unidata IDD Support
November 17, 2008
12:43 [IDD #DBO-603210]: model data Unidata IDD Support
09:03 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata IDD Support
November 15, 2008
09:34 [IDD #XQD-892779]: can't get data Unidata IDD Support
09:26 [IDD #SFG-480039]: Canadian Radar data Unidata IDD Support
November 14, 2008
08:26 [IDD #GMU-310745]: Error/unexpected behavior with script called from pqact.c onf Unidata IDD Support
07:58 [IDD #XQD-892779]: can't get data Unidata IDD Support
November 13, 2008
14:30 [IDD #ZIL-446337]: aliased domain names Unidata IDD Support
12:49 [IDD #ZIL-446337]: aliased domain names Unidata IDD Support
11:21 [IDD #ZIL-446337]: aliased domain names Unidata IDD Support
10:19 [IDD #FQD-954811]: Request for Upstream Data-feeds Unidata IDD Support
November 12, 2008
14:00 [IDD #ZIL-446337]: aliased domain names Unidata IDD Support
November 11, 2008
08:45 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata IDD Support
08:41 [IDD #SFG-480039]: Canadian Radar data Unidata IDD Support
November 06, 2008
09:09 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata IDD Support
November 05, 2008
17:36 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata IDD Support
13:26 Re: No NEXRAD2 data since last week? Patrick Finnegan
10:08 No NEXRAD2 data since last week? Pete Pokrandt
09:53 Re: NEXRAD2 Pete Pokrandt
08:10 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata IDD Support
November 04, 2008
16:36 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata IDD Support
12:52 [IDD #FHP-502048]: LDM not starting at SIO Unidata IDD Support
12:44 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata IDD Support
11:05 Re: question about LDM IP address Jeff Weber
08:37 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata IDD Support
08:18 20081104: Missing AMPS products from Antarctic-IDD feed Tom Yoksas
October 30, 2008
14:30 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata IDD Support
October 29, 2008
08:28 [LDM #CSR-510794]: archiving raw model grib fields from the ldm feed Unidata IDD Support
October 28, 2008
07:27 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata IDD Support
07:22 [LDM #CSR-510794]: archiving raw model grib fields from the ldm feed Unidata IDD Support
October 22, 2008
08:26 20081021: LDM CUP->TYPHOON, quick comment about LDM-6.7.0 Unidata Support
October 21, 2008
12:33 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata IDD Support
11:01 Re: LDM CUP->TYPHOON Brendon Hoch
07:57 RE: LDM CUP->TYPHOON Zehel, Samuel
October 20, 2008
12:16 [LDM #MTO-224280]: [Fwd: Re: getting GPS data on NOAAPort] Unidata LDM Support
11:37 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata IDD Support
October 17, 2008
16:12 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata IDD Support
09:12 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata IDD Support
08:28 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata IDD Support
October 16, 2008
17:11 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata IDD Support
14:03 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata Datastream Support
12:32 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata Datastream Support
09:52 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata Datastream Support
October 15, 2008
10:36 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata Datastream Support
09:48 [LDM #KXE-474956]: Feed Sites Unidata IDD Support
09:08 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata Datastream Support
October 14, 2008
17:44 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata Datastream Support
17:37 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata Datastream Support
15:11 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata Datastream Support
13:14 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata Datastream Support
11:05 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata Datastream Support
10:03 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata Datastream Support
October 13, 2008
15:17 [Datastream #IZJ-689237]: Additional Datafeeds Unidata Datastream Support
October 08, 2008
18:38 [Support #PIR-692083]: profiler data from GSD Unidata IDD Support
October 03, 2008
14:08 [IDD #PYW-245067]: Data Request Unidata IDD Support
14:00 [LDM #KXE-474956]: Feed Sites Unidata IDD Support
October 02, 2008
17:13 [LDM #KXE-474956]: Feed Sites Unidata IDD Support
14:14 [LDM #KXE-474956]: Feed Sites Unidata IDD Support
September 30, 2008
11:37 [IDD #ULJ-753965]: Retrieval of Upper Air Sounding Data Unidata IDD Support
September 23, 2008
17:23 [LDM #TKF-950529]: MAV MOS Feed Unidata IDD Support
16:56 [IDD #YBL-590844]: Request to connect to NCEP as a top-tier site Unidata IDD Support
16:54 [IDD #NYZ-330219]: Request update for data feed Unidata IDD Support
September 18, 2008
10:25 [IDD #FBD-302167]: Request for FNMOC data feed Unidata IDD Support
September 16, 2008
17:01 [IDD #ZHD-705806]: idd.unidata ids feed Unidata IDD Support
06:17 RE: [ldm-users] CONDUIT down? Zehel, Samuel
September 15, 2008
17:57 [IDD #ZHD-705806]: idd.unidata ids feed Unidata IDD Support
17:48 [IDD #YBL-590844]: Request to connect to NCEP as a top-tier site Unidata IDD Support
September 08, 2008
13:59 [Datastream #MWG-266441]: idd data Unidata Datastream Support
08:49 [IDD #ZIL-446337]: aliased domain names Unidata IDD Support
September 03, 2008
07:46 Re: changes to u/utah ldm feeds John Horel
September 02, 2008
13:55 Re: changes to u/utah ldm feeds Greg McCurdy
09:24 [IDD #JQY-657501]: NLDN feed Unidata IDD Support
August 26, 2008
09:44 [LDM #EUD-284395]: Having trouble getting NEXRAD N0R/N1R feed and broken link report Unidata IDD Support
August 21, 2008
15:05 [IDD #NAN-105574]: regex for the models I want and don't want Unidata IDD Support
August 20, 2008
15:38 [IDD #NAN-105574]: regex for the models I want and don't want Unidata IDD Support
13:32 [IDD #NAN-105574]: regex for the models I want and don't want Unidata IDD Support
12:58 [IDD #THE-988396]: changes to u/utah ldm feeds Unidata IDD Support
12:53 [IDD #NAN-105574]: regex for the models I want and don't want Unidata IDD Support
August 19, 2008
12:15 [IDD #UDQ-160030]: upstream data-feed request Unidata IDD Support
12:09 [IDD #ECZ-720764]: Recovery of missed IDD data? Unidata IDD Support
12:06 [IDD #GIR-962500]: level2 latencies Unidata IDD Support
August 18, 2008
21:08 [IDD #ECZ-720764]: Recovery of missed IDD data? Unidata IDD Support
August 15, 2008
11:30 [IDD #GIR-962500]: level2 latencies Unidata IDD Support
August 12, 2008
11:26 SUNY Brockport IDD Downtime Tom McDermott
August 11, 2008
11:48 [IDD #FHP-502048]: LDM not starting at SIO Unidata IDD Support
August 08, 2008
08:57 [IDD #TXV-580074]: FW: [nws-changes] 20080708: data outage Unidata IDD Support
August 07, 2008
14:10 [IDD #SMU-453824]: Application for participating in IDD Unidata IDD Support
13:40 [IDD #TXV-580074]: FW: [nws-changes] 20080708: data outage Unidata IDD Support
July 24, 2008
14:28 [IDD #SMU-453824]: Application for participating in IDD Unidata IDD Support
July 22, 2008
09:24 [LDM #PIX-531703]: Question about LDM Unidata IDD Support
July 21, 2008
12:35 [LDM #PIX-531703]: Question about LDM Unidata LDM Support
July 19, 2008
00:19 Purdue L2 distribution site secondary server outage Patrick Finnegan
July 18, 2008
11:53 UW-AOS unplanned power power outage today Pete Pokrandt
10:56 [LDM #KMT-181014]: ldmd.conf request entry clarification Unidata IDD Support
July 17, 2008
14:43 [LDM #YQF-500484]: missing awos metars?? Unidata IDD Support
July 16, 2008
14:41 [LDM #LZV-596833]: Level two KHDX radar data Unidata IDD Support
July 09, 2008
15:23 [Staging #MLK-789496]: Re: NLDN Feed -> Texas Tech Unidata IDD Support
July 08, 2008
16:17 [IDD #DGI-628379]: Data access questions Unidata IDD Support
July 01, 2008
11:30 [IDD #BZQ-331906]: [Fwd: [ldm-users] Qualification for IDD] Unidata IDD Support
June 30, 2008
14:54 NEXRAD2 feed down on and Pete Pokrandt
08:49 [IDD #THF-747775]: FW: [ldm-users] Qualification for IDD Unidata IDD Support
June 26, 2008
19:24 Re: [ldm-users] FNMOC LDM data feed Linda Miller
17:48 [IDD #ELH-482687]: LDM data-feed request Unidata IDD Support
15:53 [IDD #ELH-482687]: LDM data-feed request Unidata IDD Support
June 25, 2008
08:14 [Staging #NGZ-668874]: RE: Requesting LDM access for FNMOC feed. Unidata IDD Support
June 24, 2008
10:38 [Staging #NGZ-668874]: RE: Requesting LDM access for FNMOC feed. Unidata IDD Support
June 23, 2008
14:05 [Staging #NGZ-668874]: RE: Requesting LDM access for FNMOC feed. Unidata IDD Support
June 20, 2008
14:47 [Staging #NGZ-668874]: RE: Requesting LDM access for FNMOC feed. Unidata IDD Support
June 19, 2008
14:20 [Datastream #RMX-884431]: archived data Unidata Datastream Support
10:28 [Staging #NGZ-668874]: RE: Requesting LDM access for FNMOC feed. Unidata IDD Support
June 18, 2008
16:33 [Staging #NGZ-668874]: RE: Requesting LDM access for FNMOC feed. Unidata IDD Support
13:19 [Datastream #RMX-884431]: archived data Unidata Datastream Support
11:09 [Support #NLW-959334]: Problem with Cornell IDD feed? Unidata IDD Support
11:05 [Support #NLW-959334]: Problem with Cornell IDD feed? Unidata IDD Support
June 17, 2008
11:58 NOGAPS LDM feed Arthur A. Person
June 13, 2008
13:34 RE: Requesting LDM access for FNMOC feed. Jeff Weber
13:24 RE: Requesting LDM access for FNMOC feed. Zehel, Samuel
12:17 [IDD #WHP-619598]: NLDN access Unidata IDD Support
10:59 RE: Requesting LDM access for FNMOC feed. Arthur A. Person
10:25 RE: IDD Feed Request Zehel, Samuel
09:11 RE: Requesting LDM access for FNMOC feed. Zehel, Samuel
June 11, 2008
15:16 RE: Requesting LDM access for FNMOC feed. Jeff Weber
13:59 Re: Requesting LDM access for FNMOC feed. Jeff Weber
June 09, 2008
17:35 [TIGGE #CED-782031]: does ldm server extract files locally Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
13:32 [IDD #WHP-619598]: NLDN access Unidata IDD Support
13:02 [IDD #WHP-619598]: NLDN access Unidata IDD Support
June 07, 2008
13:34 [IDD #WHP-619598]: NLDN access Unidata IDD Support
June 05, 2008
08:33 [Staging #JEO-614752]: Re: FW: [ldm-users] NOGAPS LDM feed dead? Unidata IDD Support
June 04, 2008
22:00 [Staging #XIZ-821337]: IDD feeds available ? Unidata IDD Support
21:51 [Staging #BDC-768289]: RE: 20080203: LDM package (SOS) Unidata IDD Support
08:43 Re: FW: [ldm-users] NOGAPS LDM feed dead? Linda Miller
07:54 [Fwd: NOGAPS data availability?] Linda Miller
07:05 Re: [ldm-users] NOGAPS LDM feed dead? Arthur A. Person
07:03 Re: [ldm-users] NOGAPS LDM feed dead? Gerry Creager
06:48 Re: [ldm-users] NOGAPS LDM feed dead? Linda Miller
June 03, 2008
15:00 [Staging #BDC-768289]: RE: 20080203: LDM package (SOS) Unidata IDD Support
June 02, 2008
17:25 [IDD #SJH-789523]: LDM - High Resolution visible images Unidata IDD Support
16:33 [Staging #XIZ-821337]: IDD feeds available ? Unidata IDD Support
16:23 [IDD #SJH-789523]: LDM - High Resolution visible images Unidata IDD Support
May 29, 2008
13:44 [LDM #YQF-500484]: missing awos metars?? Unidata IDD Support
May 28, 2008
16:00 [IDD #WHP-619598]: NLDN access Unidata IDD Support
13:58 [IDD #WHP-619598]: NLDN access Unidata IDD Support
May 19, 2008
13:47 [IDD #WNB-363693]: IDD Access Unidata IDD Support
May 16, 2008
15:52 [Staging #BDC-768289]: RE: 20080203: LDM package (SOS) Unidata IDD Support
08:45 [Staging #BDC-768289]: RE: 20080203: LDM package (SOS) Unidata IDD Support
May 13, 2008
15:48 [IDD #RZG-559297]: LDM: host name changed Unidata IDD Support
15:46 [IDD #DXL-148563]: Six Minute Profiler data Unidata IDD Support
May 09, 2008
14:35 [IDD #DXL-148563]: Six Minute Profiler data Unidata IDD Support
12:47 [IDD #RZG-559297]: LDM: host name changed Unidata IDD Support
12:23 [IDD #RZG-559297]: LDM: host name changed Unidata IDD Support
12:16 [LDM #WVU-130716]: 6 min profiler data Unidata IDD Support
11:44 [IDD #RZG-559297]: LDM: host name changed Unidata IDD Support
10:04 [IDD #RZG-559297]: LDM: host name changed Unidata IDD Support
08:08 [IDD #GGE-742484]: Is working? Unidata IDD Support
May 08, 2008
15:54 [IDD #RZG-559297]: LDM: host name changed Unidata IDD Support
May 07, 2008
13:43 [IDD #RZG-559297]: LDM: host name changed Unidata IDD Support
May 05, 2008
07:44 [IDD #ZSJ-835116]: missing gfs grids on NGRID Unidata IDD Support
May 04, 2008
08:58 [IDD #ZSJ-835116]: missing gfs grids on NGRID Unidata IDD Support
May 03, 2008
11:42 [IDD #ZSJ-835116]: missing gfs grids on NGRID Unidata IDD Support
08:58 [IDD #ZSJ-835116]: missing gfs grids on NGRID Unidata IDD Support
April 28, 2008
16:00 [IDD #WZV-733229]: LDM Install at USAF Academy Unidata IDD Support
10:05 [IDD #WZV-733229]: LDM Install at USAF Academy Unidata IDD Support
April 25, 2008
16:50 [IDD #YCW-696724]: Receive IDD Data Request Unidata IDD Support
April 24, 2008
10:53 [IDD #WZV-733229]: LDM Install at USAF Academy Unidata IDD Support
April 10, 2008
06:42 [IDD #RPV-768746]: CONDUIT configuragion in pqact.conf Unidata IDD Support
April 08, 2008
08:54 [Support #MYT-191603]: Re: Purdue Nexrad 2 feed down? DNS issue? Unidata IDD Support
April 07, 2008
13:38 [IDD #BOD-498311]: upstream data feeds Unidata IDD Support
13:06 [IDD #BOD-498311]: upstream data feeds Unidata IDD Support
13:05 [IDD #BOD-498311]: upstream data feeds Unidata IDD Support
12:40 [IDD #BOD-498311]: upstream data feeds Unidata IDD Support
10:37 [IDD #BOD-498311]: upstream data feeds Unidata IDD Support
April 04, 2008
14:33 [IDD #WZV-733229]: LDM Install at USAF Academy Unidata IDD Support
April 03, 2008
13:48 [LDM #GTE-652670]: problems with SCOOP IDD data: ELCIRC on dc-ldm2 Unidata LDM Support
11:13 [LDM #GTE-652670]: problems with SCOOP IDD data: ELCIRC on dc-ldm2 Unidata LDM Support
09:34 [LDM #GTE-652670]: problems with SCOOP IDD data: ELCIRC on dc-ldm2 Unidata LDM Support
April 02, 2008
23:21 [Miscellaneous #OHN-840015]: Request from Colombia! Unidata IDD Support
13:19 [IDD #BOD-498311]: upstream data feeds Unidata IDD Support
10:21 [LDM #GTE-652670]: problems with SCOOP IDD data: ELCIRC on dc-ldm2 Unidata LDM Support
08:48 [LDM #GTE-652670]: problems with SCOOP IDD data: ELCIRC on dc-ldm2 Unidata LDM Support
07:39 [LDM #GTE-652670]: problems with SCOOP IDD data: ELCIRC on dc-ldm2 Unidata LDM Support
March 31, 2008
13:14 [IDD #BOD-498311]: upstream data feeds Unidata IDD Support
March 25, 2008
12:17 [IDD #BOD-498311]: upstream data feeds Unidata IDD Support
March 17, 2008
15:57 Re: CRAFT feed dead? Pete Pokrandt
07:48 [IDD #AOD-266973]: IDD feed Question Unidata IDD Support
March 16, 2008
14:12 [IDD #AOD-266973]: IDD feed Question Unidata IDD Support
March 11, 2008
15:52 [IDD #PZS-219423]: About the other machine displaying data... Unidata IDD Support
14:54 [IDD #PZS-219423]: About the other machine displaying data... Unidata IDD Support
March 07, 2008
20:38 [IDD #RIC-103594]: IDD contacts for Kansas Unidata IDD Support
March 04, 2008
11:56 [IDD #BWX-469327]: RE: 20080220: WSI request from UNCO to (cont.) Unidata IDD Support
February 29, 2008
22:31 [IDD #IER-713765]: MOS text Unidata IDD Support
12:00 [Miscellaneous #OHN-840015]: Request from Colombia! Unidata IDD Support
February 28, 2008
16:26 [TIGGE #CED-782031]: does ldm server extract files locally Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
15:58 [IDD #FBU-394735]: LDM Upstream Site Authorization Info Request Unidata UDUNITS Support
February 26, 2008
14:00 (Fwd) Possible NSF Internet2 Glitch Tonight Mike Schmidt
February 20, 2008
16:39 20080220: WSI request from UNCO to (cont.) Unidata Support
15:39 RE: 20080220: WSI request from UNCO to (cont.) Huffines, Gary
15:35 20080220: WSI request from UNCO to (cont.) Unidata Support
15:30 RE: 20080220: WSI request from UNCO to (cont.) Huffines, Gary
15:25 20080220: WSI request from UNCO to (cont.) Unidata Support
15:07 RE: 20080220: Unidata/IDD contact at UNCO (cont.) Huffines, Gary
15:03 20080220: Unidata/IDD contact at UNCO (cont.) Unidata Support
14:11 20080220: Unidata/IDD contact at UNCO Unidata Support
February 16, 2008
22:15 Re: 20080216: IDD burstiness (cont.) Daryl Herzmann
21:56 20080216: IDD burstiness (cont.) Tom Yoksas
12:52 [LDM #NPJ-710068]: LDM to MSS (Mass Store System)? Unidata LDM Support
February 15, 2008
10:34 [IDD #FBU-394735]: LDM Upstream Site Authorization Info Request Unidata UDUNITS Support
February 13, 2008
09:00 [Staging #BDC-768289]: RE: 20080203: LDM package (SOS) Unidata IDD Support
February 06, 2008
16:53 [TIGGE #EEC-237791]: Memory problem with LDM Server at CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
February 05, 2008
08:59 [TIGGE #EEC-237791]: Memory problem with LDM Server at CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
February 01, 2008
09:03 [IDD #FBU-394735]: LDM Upstream Site Authorization Info Request Unidata UDUNITS Support
January 29, 2008
13:10 [IDD #FBU-394735]: LDM Upstream Site Authorization Info Request Unidata IDD Support
11:19 [IDD #FBU-394735]: LDM Upstream Site Authorization Info Request Unidata IDD Support
January 23, 2008
12:45 [Staging #KYN-678004]: ldm problems on ingest Unidata IDD Support
January 22, 2008
16:56 [Staging #KYN-678004]: ldm problems on ingest Unidata IDD Support
16:51 [Staging #KYN-678004]: ldm problems on ingest Unidata IDD Support
16:35 [Staging #KYN-678004]: ldm problems on ingest Unidata IDD Support
January 17, 2008
10:35 [TIGGE #EEC-237791]: Memory problem with LDM Server at CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
January 16, 2008
15:30 [TIGGE #EEC-237791]: Memory problem with LDM Server at CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
January 15, 2008
15:43 [TIGGE #EEC-237791]: Memory problem with LDM Server at CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
10:28 [TIGGE #EEC-237791]: Memory problem with LDM Server at CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
January 14, 2008
10:58 [TIGGE #EEC-237791]: Memory problem with LDM Server at CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
January 10, 2008
16:00 [IDD #SAX-259155]: GEM feed request Unidata IDD Support
11:01 [IDD #IKZ-439555]: NWS NOAA Prof Data missing since yesterday Unidata IDD Support
10:47 [IDD #VQA-158250]: Feed site for 1km BREF radar data Unidata IDD Support
10:42 [IDD #SAX-259155]: GEM feed request Unidata IDD Support
January 07, 2008
11:01 [IDD #VQA-158250]: Feed site for 1km BREF radar data Unidata IDD Support
January 06, 2008
11:31 Re: Feed Request William N. Underwood
January 04, 2008
16:17 Re: Feed Request David Wojtowicz
13:30 Feed Request Jeff Weber
December 31, 2007
08:50 [IDD #OCU-795540]: will not feed Unidata IDD Support
December 30, 2007
14:39 [IDD #YVW-746408]: RUC A252 outage Unidata IDD Support
08:47 [IDD #YVW-746408]: RUC A252 outage Unidata IDD Support
December 19, 2007
15:58 [IDD #DID-152963]: NOGAPS Unidata IDD Support
December 07, 2007
10:58 [LDM #FGA-490933]: LDM server access Unidata IDD Support
December 03, 2007
11:01 RE: Feed Request Zehel, Samuel
09:33 RE: Feed Request Zehel, Samuel
00:13 [Support #DUV-488998]: Re: LDM CUP->TYPHOON Unidata User Support
December 02, 2007
23:50 [LDM #FGA-490933]: LDM server access Unidata IDD Support
November 30, 2007
13:33 RE: Feed Request Jeff Weber
13:25 RE: Feed Request David Fitzgerald
13:20 Feed Request Jeff Weber
November 29, 2007
15:30 LDM CUP->TYPHOON Jeff Weber
November 28, 2007
13:00 [Support #YML-258703]: Re: IDD Feed Request Unidata IDD Support
November 13, 2007
17:05 [IDD #ZRZ-838496]: Radar data Unidata IDD Support
08:24 [IDD #YFD-198216]: issues with Unidata IDD Support
November 12, 2007
15:11 [IDD #SAX-259155]: GEM feed request Unidata IDD Support
15:01 [IDD #IFM-792517]: moving LDM to a new host server Unidata IDD Support
12:46 [IDD #IFM-792517]: moving LDM to a new host server Unidata IDD Support
November 10, 2007
10:33 [IDD #PLF-256397]: Pqact help Unidata IDD Support
November 09, 2007
15:07 [IDD #IFM-792517]: moving LDM to a new host server Unidata IDD Support
14:32 [IDD #PLF-256397]: Pqact help Unidata IDD Support
November 08, 2007
18:12 [IDD #PLF-256397]: Pqact help Unidata IDD Support
08:28 [IDD #IFM-792517]: moving LDM to a new host server Unidata IDD Support
07:54 [IDD #PLF-256397]: Pqact help Unidata IDD Support
November 02, 2007
13:28 [IDD #IFM-792517]: moving LDM to a new host server Unidata IDD Support
November 01, 2007
18:18 [Staging #KYN-678004]: ldm problems on ingest Unidata IDD Support
16:51 [IDD #IFM-792517]: moving LDM to a new host server Unidata IDD Support
October 31, 2007
17:11 [IDD #VLO-822087]: Real-time nexrad data Unidata IDD Support
08:51 [Datastream #VSU-302286]: Regular expression question Unidata Datastream Support
08:30 [IDD #RST-352526]: quyestion about GRIB1 & GRIB2 downloaders & compilers Unidata IDD Support
October 30, 2007
14:37 [IDD #RST-352526]: quyestion about GRIB1 & GRIB2 downloaders & compilers Unidata IDD Support
13:56 [Datastream #VSU-302286]: Regular expression question Unidata Datastream Support
08:45 Re: LDM possibility for Basque Universities Jeff Weber
October 26, 2007
08:45 [IDD #VLO-822087]: Real-time nexrad data Unidata IDD Support
08:26 [IDD #QOE-965761]: ldm stats question Unidata IDD Support
October 23, 2007
07:25 [IDD #RRU-338352]: What's wrong with ? Unidata IDD Support
October 19, 2007
06:24 RE: [ldm-users] New to LDM and Conduit Zehel, Samuel
October 18, 2007
09:11 RE: IDD Feed Request Arthur A. Person
October 11, 2007
17:05 [Miscellaneous #OHN-840015]: Request from Colombia! Unidata IDD Support
October 08, 2007
14:09 [IDD #DAT-872682]: Alternate CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
October 03, 2007
08:42 [Miscellaneous #OHN-840015]: Request from Colombia! Unidata IDD Support
08:23 [IDD #DAT-872682]: Alternate CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
October 02, 2007
16:27 Re: IDD Feed Request Jeff Weber
13:37 IDD Feed Request Jeff Weber
September 28, 2007
09:18 [McIDAS #HCS-801574]: McIDAS on Keable's Cyclone machine... Unidata McIDAS Support
September 27, 2007
15:49 [McIDAS #HCS-801574]: McIDAS on Keable's Cyclone machine... Unidata McIDAS Support
09:59 [Miscellaneous #OHN-840015]: Request from Colombia! Unidata Miscellaneous Support
September 19, 2007
13:34 [IDD #YCX-842647]: Please Advise Bilateral or Unilateral restriction of TOC LDM RadarII feed to TPC Unidata IDD Support
September 18, 2007
16:25 [IDD #MTI-575374]: UBA-PC Problems Unidata IDD Support
September 17, 2007
14:25 [Support #UAP-284076]: Moving the IP address of our LDM feed. Unidata IDD Support
09:59 Re: New Client Reply - [Support !UAP-284076]: Moving the IP address of our LDM feed. Jeff Weber
September 15, 2007
11:23 20070915: Network outage to UW-Wisconsin... Tom Yoksas
September 13, 2007
18:12 [IDD #MTI-575374]: UBA-PC Problems Unidata IDD Support
17:54 [IDD #LXG-308010]: Request of IDD connection Unidata IDD Support
10:20 [TIGGE #UHK-328521]: Corrupted product at ECMWF via LDM ? Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
September 12, 2007
13:18 [IDD #LXG-308010]: Request of IDD connection Unidata IDD Support
08:32 [IDD #BUD-751400]: LDM will not terminate Unidata IDD Support
September 07, 2007
16:37 [IDD #RBK-393686]: [address@hidden: Re: [ldm-users] no WSI nowrad data since 9/5] Unidata IDD Support
September 04, 2007
11:46 Re: LDM data feed Eirh-Yu Hsie
September 03, 2007
18:39 [IDD #GRJ-828245]: LDM stats down? Unidata IDD Support
August 30, 2007
13:38 [IDD #MTI-575374]: UBA-PC Problems Unidata IDD Support
13:32 [IDD #MID-171084]: Costa Rica bandwidth.... Unidata IDD Support
August 21, 2007
09:50 [TIGGE #UHK-328521]: Corrupted product at ECMWF via LDM ? Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
06:58 [TIGGE #UHK-328521]: Corrupted product at ECMWF via LDM ? Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
August 09, 2007
18:10 [IDD #VJN-743814]: GEMPAK Unidata IDD Support
August 02, 2007
08:07 [Datastream #BAP-247084]: Question... Unidata Datastream Support
July 31, 2007
09:37 [IDD #CTR-114068]: About Colombia... Unidata IDD Support
08:13 [IDD #OGQ-888499]: Adjustments to the LDM at Rutgers Unidata IDD Support
July 30, 2007
07:55 [IDD #WTX-714579]: upstream data Unidata IDD Support
July 27, 2007
10:41 [IDD #BJE-199821]: radar data Unidata IDD Support
07:14 [IDD #BJE-199821]: radar data Unidata IDD Support
July 26, 2007
12:03 [IDD #BJE-199821]: radar data Unidata IDD Support
10:50 [IDD #BJE-199821]: radar data Unidata IDD Support
09:02 [IDD #BJE-199821]: radar data Unidata IDD Support
07:15 [IDD #BJE-199821]: radar data Unidata IDD Support
July 25, 2007
09:28 [IDD #MTI-575374]: UBA-PC Problems Unidata IDD Support
09:19 [IDD #BJE-199821]: radar data Unidata IDD Support
July 24, 2007
08:14 [IDD #MTI-575374]: UBA-PC Problems Unidata IDD Support
07:51 [IDD #VJN-743814]: GEMPAK Unidata IDD Support
July 20, 2007
12:35 [TIGGE #BGR-338705]: A problem when perform LDM tests Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
July 19, 2007
08:23 [IDD #NKJ-666341]: Radar Mosaic Unidata IDD Support
July 18, 2007
13:02 [TIGGE #BGR-338705]: A problem when perform LDM tests Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
July 17, 2007
17:42 [IDD #MTI-575374]: UBA-PC Problems Unidata IDD Support
July 16, 2007
13:25 [IDD #VJN-743814]: GEMPAK Unidata IDD Support
July 15, 2007
22:21 [TIGGE #BGR-338705]: A problem when perform LDM tests Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
July 13, 2007
13:12 new LDM server at Nebraska Clint Rowe
11:39 [IDD #VJN-743814]: GEMPAK Unidata IDD Support
July 12, 2007
14:49 [IDD #KHM-187930]: new idd site in brazil Unidata IDD Support
July 09, 2007
17:33 [TIGGE #BGR-338705]: A problem when perform LDM tests Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
July 07, 2007
18:21 [IDD #VJN-743814]: GEMPAK Unidata IDD Support
10:19 [IDD #VJN-743814]: GEMPAK Unidata IDD Support
July 06, 2007
15:16 [IDD #NWC-373741]: LDM installation/setup Unidata IDD Support
14:52 [IDD #VJN-743814]: GEMPAK Unidata IDD Support
10:16 [IDD #NWC-373741]: LDM installation/setup Unidata IDD Support
09:37 [IDD #VJN-743814]: GEMPAK Unidata IDD Support
July 05, 2007
15:19 [IDD #VJN-743814]: GEMPAK Unidata IDD Support
July 04, 2007
17:05 [IDD #VJN-743814]: GEMPAK Unidata IDD Support
10:32 [IDD #VJN-743814]: GEMPAK Unidata IDD Support
09:41 [IDD #MTI-575374]: UBA-PC Problems Unidata IDD Support
July 03, 2007
17:29 [IDD #VJN-743814]: GEMPAK Unidata IDD Support
17:28 [IDD #VJN-743814]: GEMPAK Unidata IDD Support
16:31 [IDD #VJN-743814]: GEMPAK Unidata IDD Support
16:26 [IDD #DPY-555473]: receiving QuickScat data from NOAAPORT over LDM Unidata IDD Support
15:54 [IDD #QRO-177042]: Seeking Conduit data Unidata IDD Support
15:51 [IDD #DMK-434435]: GEMPAK Mesoscale Model Unidata IDD Support
15:29 [IDD #VJN-743814]: GEMPAK Unidata IDD Support
07:57 [TIGGE #BGR-338705]: A problem when perform LDM tests Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
July 02, 2007
12:56 MAX Internet II Monday July 9 at 9pm Virginia Galvin
June 28, 2007
11:51 [IDD #VJN-743814]: GEMPAK Unidata IDD Support
June 27, 2007
11:05 [Support #EYP-289709]: Re: IDD Contact List Housecleaning Unidata IDD Support
June 26, 2007
17:06 [TIGGE #SOD-321591]: Brazil feed Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
June 25, 2007
16:30 [TIGGE #SOD-321591]: Brazil feed Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
15:41 [TIGGE #SOD-321591]: Brazil feed Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
13:17 [TIGGE #BGR-338705]: A problem when perform LDM tests Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
09:24 [TIGGE #BGR-338705]: A problem when perform LDM tests Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
June 21, 2007
16:51 [TIGGE #BGR-338705]: A problem when perform LDM tests Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
June 20, 2007
11:36 [IDD #VBQ-884605]: Configure Actions, NCEP, Severe Wx Indices, & Software Unidata IDD Support
June 19, 2007
12:43 [IDD #GEQ-546595]: pqact.conf error msgs Unidata IDD Support
08:43 Ou data outage crose
June 18, 2007
14:59 [IDD #TQR-815973]: pqact.conf Unidata IDD Support
12:55 [IDD #QRO-177042]: Seeking Conduit data Unidata IDD Support
June 15, 2007
15:17 [IDD #JNM-107366]: Configuration Files Unidata IDD Support
June 14, 2007
11:04 [IDD #JNM-107366]: Configuration Files Unidata IDD Support
June 12, 2007
13:21 [IDD #DNR-528937]: LDM Software Update Unidata IDD Support
June 07, 2007
11:19 [TIGGE #BGR-338705]: A problem when perform LDM tests Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
08:30 [TIGGE #BGR-338705]: A problem when perform LDM tests Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
June 06, 2007
20:13 [TIGGE #HCK-977400]: One simple idea Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
20:07 [TIGGE #BGR-338705]: A problem when perform LDM tests Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
19:41 [IDD #YHP-183592]: Penn State IDD service Unidata IDD Support
19:33 [IDD #KXU-224227]: Another LDM server Unidata IDD Support
June 05, 2007
11:05 Re: missing files on motherlode Steve Chiswell
10:07 Re: missing files on motherlode Steve Chiswell
May 31, 2007
12:15 [TIGGE #BGR-338705]: A problem when perform LDM tests Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
May 30, 2007
13:58 [TIGGE #BGR-338705]: A problem when perform LDM tests Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
May 29, 2007
13:49 [TIGGE #BGR-338705]: A problem when perform LDM tests Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
May 24, 2007
18:30 [TIGGE #BGR-338705]: A problem when perform LDM tests Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
May 23, 2007
15:48 Re: Additional LDM production and test instances at TTU Jeff Weber
May 13, 2007
10:48 [TIGGE #XLU-757491]: tigge ldm server specs Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
May 11, 2007
15:38 [TIGGE #XLU-757491]: tigge ldm server specs Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
15:21 [IDD #WLO-779174]: Goes 12 imagen Unidata IDD Support
13:53 [TIGGE #BGR-338705]: A problem when perform LDM tests Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
13:49 [TIGGE #XLU-757491]: tigge ldm server specs Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
13:12 [TIGGE #BGR-338705]: A problem when perform LDM tests Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
08:28 [TIGGE #XLU-757491]: tigge ldm server specs Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
May 10, 2007
17:42 [Support #DMB-963596]: Re: UF LDM upgrade Unidata IDD SCOOP Support
16:39 [Support #DMB-963596]: Re: UF LDM upgrade Unidata IDD SCOOP Support
13:36 [Support #DMB-963596]: Re: UF LDM upgrade Unidata IDD SCOOP Support
10:35 [Support #DMB-963596]: Re: UF LDM upgrade Unidata IDD SCOOP Support
10:06 [Support #DMB-963596]: Re: UF LDM upgrade Unidata IDD SCOOP Support
May 07, 2007
11:17 [TIGGE #LGY-600646]: Re: Missing fields from CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
May 06, 2007
09:24 [IDD #VCU-653249]: Data Stream from NCSU Unidata IDD Support
May 02, 2007
17:07 [TIGGE #LGY-600646]: Re: Missing fields from CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
May 01, 2007
13:23 [IDD #EEH-918211]: LDM - Network Issues... Unidata IDD Support
08:05 [IDD #EEH-918211]: LDM - Network Issues... Unidata IDD Support
07:27 [IDD #EEH-918211]: LDM - Network Issues... Unidata IDD Support
April 30, 2007
09:52 [IDD #WLO-779174]: Goes 12 imagen Unidata IDD Support
09:02 [TIGGE #LGY-600646]: Re: Missing fields from CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
April 29, 2007
09:10 [IDD #WLO-779174]: Goes 12 imagen Unidata IDD Support
April 27, 2007
13:14 [TIGGE #LGY-600646]: Re: Missing fields from CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
08:37 [IDD #WLO-779174]: Goes 12 imagen Unidata IDD Support
April 25, 2007
16:44 [IDD #WLO-779174]: Goes 12 imagen Unidata IDD Support
15:15 [LDM #SEB-462291]: Access denied by remote server Unidata LDM Support
15:14 Re: Access denied by remote server Eirh-Yu Hsie
14:48 [TIGGE #LGY-600646]: Re: Missing fields from CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
11:16 [TIGGE #LGY-600646]: Re: Missing fields from CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
10:57 RE: Drexel LDM - upstream feed site request Jeff Weber
April 24, 2007
16:35 RE: Drexel LDM - upstream feed site request Yoori Choi
16:04 RE: Drexel LDM - upstream feed site request Yoori Choi
14:51 [TIGGE #LGY-600646]: Re: Missing fields from CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
14:35 [LDM #ALL-578381]: LDM server question. Unidata LDM Support
13:42 Drexel LDM - upstream feed site request Jeff Weber
10:34 [IDD #WLO-779174]: Goes 12 imagen Unidata IDD Support
09:07 [TIGGE #LGY-600646]: Re: Missing fields from CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
00:12 [TIGGE #LGY-600646]: Re: Missing fields from CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
April 23, 2007
07:43 [IDD #LIO-425621]: NOAAport feed via Internet if SBN goes down? Unidata IDD Support
07:37 [TIGGE #LGY-600646]: Re: Missing fields from CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
April 18, 2007
13:07 FNMOC Feed to UCAR Jeff Weber
April 13, 2007
20:16 [SCOOP #DVS-863493]: SCOOP topology, in question is in-house relay Unidata IDD SCOOP Support
17:04 [SCOOP #DVS-863493]: SCOOP topology, in question is in-house relay Unidata IDD SCOOP Support
April 12, 2007
17:22 [TIGGE #RST-559527]: processed oldest product in queue Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
10:51 [#IGX-743168]: ncep tigge pqact.conf file on motherlode Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
10:27 Re: ncep tigge pqact.conf file on motherlode Steve Chiswell
09:23 [TIGGE #RST-559527]: processed oldest product in queue Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
April 11, 2007
08:38 [TIGGE #RST-559527]: processed oldest product in queue Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
April 10, 2007
12:28 [#RFZ-122547]: Re: Re: More data to send from CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
09:15 [TIGGE #RST-559527]: processed oldest product in queue Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
April 09, 2007
09:42 [#RFZ-122547]: Re: Re: More data to send from CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
09:40 [#RFZ-122547]: Re: Re: More data to send from CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
April 08, 2007
11:31 [#RFZ-122547]: Re: Re: More data to send from CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
11:19 [#RFZ-122547]: Re: Re: More data to send from CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
April 07, 2007
23:11 [#RFZ-122547]: Re: Re: More data to send from CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
16:04 [#RFZ-122547]: Re: Re: More data to send from CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
15:57 [#RFZ-122547]: Re: Re: More data to send from CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
11:19 [#RFZ-122547]: Re: Re: More data to send from CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
April 06, 2007
11:02 [#RFZ-122547]: Re: Re: More data to send from CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
09:09 [#RFZ-122547]: Re: Re: More data to send from CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
April 05, 2007
17:10 [Support #GNI-177943]: Re: tigge config @ cma Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
April 02, 2007
15:20 [TIGGE #QRK-587066]: ldm data product source host. Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
08:59 Re: tigge config Mike Schmidt
April 01, 2007
11:52 [Support #GNI-177943]: Re: tigge config @ cma Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
March 30, 2007
14:43 [Support #GNI-177943]: Re: tigge config @ cma Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
13:19 [Support #JFD-980679]: ncep tigge pqact.conf file for Motherlode. Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
March 29, 2007
15:15 [Support #GNI-177943]: Re: tigge config @ cma Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
13:55 RE: Clock drift on Jeremiah Jackson
10:57 [SCOOP #RFW-734912]: ldmd.conf template Unidata IDD SCOOP Support
09:59 [Support #MFF-300564]: TCP tuning for TIGGE tuning Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
09:36 [SCOOP #RFW-734912]: ldmd.conf template Unidata IDD SCOOP Support
March 28, 2007
14:54 [SCOOP #RFW-734912]: ldmd.conf template Unidata IDD SCOOP Support
10:38 CR 516 for restart of NWS LDM at MAX@UofMD on Mar 29 @ 14:30Z approved Virginia Galvin
March 25, 2007
17:05 [Datastream #XTK-279223]: Weather data Unidata Datastream Support
March 23, 2007
12:17 [TIGGE #YSF-211129]: TCP tuning for TIGGE tuning Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
09:40 Re: 20070322:NLDN Feed Request David Knight
March 22, 2007
16:14 20070322:NLDN Feed Request Jeff Weber
March 19, 2007
16:04 [TIGGE #YCA-363338]: Re: transfer tests between ECMWF and CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
15:19 [TIGGE #YCA-363338]: Re: transfer tests between ECMWF and CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
13:27 [TIGGE #YSF-211129]: TCP tuning for TIGGE tuning Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
10:03 [TIGGE #YSF-211129]: TCP tuning for TIGGE tuning Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
March 16, 2007
15:58 [IDD #XFG-674454]: LDM/IDD contact at ERC Unidata IDD Support
March 15, 2007
09:25 [IDD #XFG-674454]: LDM/IDD contact at ERC Unidata IDD Support
01:10 [IDD #XFG-674454]: LDM ldmd.conf allow line change request for Unidata-maintained Level II relay Tom Yoksas
March 08, 2007
14:46 [TIGGE #YSF-211129]: TCP tuning for TIGGE tuning Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
March 06, 2007
12:34 [LDM #EAS-993522]: FW: DREN Ticket 3475 Unidata LDM Support
March 01, 2007
11:14 [IDD #FZH-751052]: ip change for CONDUIT feed clients [conduita|conduitb] Unidata IDD Support
10:39 [TIGGE #GAX-848665]: ncep TIGGE pqact.conf on motherlode Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
09:30 [TIGGE #YSF-211129]: TCP tuning for TIGGE tuning Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
09:04 [TIGGE #YSF-211129]: TCP tuning for TIGGE tuning Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
February 28, 2007
15:58 SCOOP meeting at TAMU Steve Chiswell
13:25 Re: NCEP TIGGE data to ECMWF through NCAR Steve Chiswell
February 27, 2007
17:47 [LDM #EAS-993522]: FW: DREN Ticket 3475 Unidata LDM Support
16:01 Re: information before March meeting Steve Chiswell
15:41 [LDM #EAS-993522]: FW: DREN Ticket 3475 Unidata LDM Support
14:40 Re: information before March meeting Steve Chiswell
09:44 [LDM #EAS-993522]: FW: DREN Ticket 3475 Unidata LDM Support
February 26, 2007
17:47 [LDM #EAS-993522]: FW: DREN Ticket 3475 Unidata LDM Support
February 23, 2007
14:11 [Support #CMG-104981]: ldmadmin stop Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
February 22, 2007
12:58 [TIGGE #GAX-848665]: ncep TIGGE pqact.conf on motherlode Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
February 21, 2007
14:20 [Support #CMG-104981]: ldmadmin stop Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
08:41 [TIGGE #YSF-211129]: TCP tuning for TIGGE tuning Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
February 20, 2007
17:12 [#JBK-899402]: Re: [NCEP.List.PMB-PCSP] TIGGE resend requests. Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
16:02 [Support #NKX-533675]: Performances issues with large ldm queues Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
13:29 [TIGGE #YSF-211129]: TCP tuning for TIGGE tuning Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
10:37 New allow for GEM/CMC Feed Jeff Weber
February 16, 2007
15:04 Re: [NCEP.List.PMB-PCSP] TIGGE resend requests. Steve Chiswell
13:23 New allow for GEM/CMC Feed Jeff Weber
February 15, 2007
08:32 [TIGGE #FLI-887509]: ldmd.conf Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
February 13, 2007
11:22 [TIGGE #YSF-211129]: TCP tuning for TIGGE tuning Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
11:05 [TIGGE #OHX-952032]: LDM connection timeout Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
09:25 [TIGGE #OHX-952032]: LDM connection timeout Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
February 12, 2007
11:03 [#DYF-938766]: Problem in TIGGE protocol for missing data Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
10:14 [TIGGE #OHX-952032]: LDM connection timeout Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
09:52 [#DYF-938766]: Problem in TIGGE protocol for missing data Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
09:20 [TIGGE #OHX-952032]: LDM connection timeout Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
February 11, 2007
10:52 [IDD #NBS-812379]: LDM and IDD Unidata IDD Support
February 09, 2007
10:38 Re: GEM data Kevin R. Tyle
10:37 Re: GEM data Jeff Weber
10:24 Re: GEM data Jeff Weber
10:18 Re: GEM data Jeff Weber
09:22 RE: LDM CMC GEM Feed Jeff Weber
February 08, 2007
13:51 RE: LDM CMC GEM Feed Jeff Weber
13:14 LDM CMC GEM Feed Jeff Weber
February 07, 2007
21:41 [SCOOP #MVK-365512]: Re: Formal invitation to Texas in March Unidata IDD SCOOP Support
February 02, 2007
10:35 [LDM #OGC-117993]: Failed to get data from Unidata IDD Support
02:10 [LDM #OGC-117993]: Failed to get data from Unidata IDD Support
01:38 [LDM #OGC-117993]: Failed to get data from Unidata IDD Support
00:58 [LDM #OGC-117993]: Failed to get data from Unidata LDM Support
January 24, 2007
15:41 [IDD #NVW-259343]: Official feed name for NEXRAD2? Unidata IDD Support
15:30 Re: New idd relay at UW-Madison AOS ( Jerrold Robaidek
15:07 New idd relay at UW-Madison AOS ( Pete Pokrandt
January 23, 2007
14:16 Re: new idd server at Pete Pokrandt
09:54 [Support #NKX-533675]: Performances issues with large ldm queues Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
09:24 [Support #NKX-533675]: Performances issues with large ldm queues Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
00:08 [NOAAPORT #YED-861676]: LDM and 'private' network use Unidata NOAAPORT Support
January 22, 2007
13:31 [Support #NKX-533675]: Performances issues with large ldm queues Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
10:23 [IDD #NPQ-583764]: conduit feed Unidata CONDUIT Support
January 12, 2007
13:37 [SCOOP #ZJL-127049]: rtstats -v isn't behaving as expected Unidata IDD SCOOP Support
January 10, 2007
13:55 [IDD #WKL-296822]: Allows for new Embry-Riddle/Prescott machine Unidata IDD Support
13:50 [SCOOP #USO-225559]: rtstats -v question Unidata IDD SCOOP Support
January 05, 2007
11:16 [IDD #CJW-128721]: LDM feedtype recommendation, please Unidata IDD Support
December 21, 2006
07:18 [IDD #TSR-288940]: LDM on solon (asap!) Unidata IDD Support
December 20, 2006
09:32 [TIGGE #YSF-211129]: TCP tuning for TIGGE tuning Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
08:07 [IDD #PPU-517750]: CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
07:55 [IDD #NPQ-583764]: conduit feed Unidata IDD Support
December 19, 2006
12:13 [TIGGE #YSF-211129]: TCP tuning for TIGGE tuning Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
December 14, 2006
16:44 [TIGGE #YSF-211129]: TCP tuning for TIGGE tuning Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
10:14 [IDD #PPU-517750]: CONDUIT feed Unidata IDD Support
December 10, 2006
08:49 [SCOOP #OCU-940339]: Topics for discussion... Unidata IDD SCOOP Support
December 08, 2006
10:12 [Support #DYI-790141]: Re: 20061204: GFS grids to be added to NOAAPORT-: ADMIN NOTICE NOUS72 KNCF] Unidata IDD Support
December 07, 2006
08:45 [TIGGE #EVX-684652]: ldm crash Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
December 06, 2006
17:10 [IDD #NBC-258347]: GOES-10 data not coming across Unidata IDD Support
12:53 [TIGGE #EVX-684652]: ldm crash Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
December 04, 2006
15:03 [TIGGE #EVX-684652]: ldm crash Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
12:44 [TIGGE #EVX-684652]: ldm crash Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
09:15 [TIGGE #EVX-684652]: ldm crash Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
November 28, 2006
16:18 [IDD #ZUF-651607]: ldm at sao tome Unidata IDD Support
09:41 [IDD #ZUF-651607]: ldm at sao tome Unidata IDD Support
November 27, 2006
13:50 [IDD #HOA-343163]: NEXRAD2 slowdown? Unidata IDD Support
12:32 [IDD #HOA-343163]: NEXRAD2 slowdown? Unidata IDD Support
November 22, 2006
13:27 [IDD #HOA-343163]: NEXRAD2 slowdown? Unidata IDD Support
13:21 [IDD #GCZ-446166]: IDD for the rest of us? Unidata IDD Support
08:18 [IDD #GCZ-446166]: IDD for the rest of us? Unidata IDD Support
November 18, 2006
12:18 [TIGGE #PID-182040]: gefs and TIGGE CONDUIT feeds Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
09:48 [TIGGE #PID-182040]: gefs and TIGGE CONDUIT feeds Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
November 17, 2006
11:13 [TIGGE #PID-182040]: gefs and TIGGE CONDUIT feeds Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
10:49 [TIGGE #PID-182040]: gefs and TIGGE CONDUIT feeds Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
November 15, 2006
07:20 [IDD #NYU-552405]: LDM and packet shaping -- to Tom Yoksas Unidata IDD Support
November 13, 2006
12:25 [TIGGE #VYH-602225]: ldm port Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
10:54 [TIGGE #VYH-602225]: ldm port Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
10:41 [TIGGE #VYH-602225]: ldm port Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
November 09, 2006
16:12 [IDD #PLZ-432021]: Latency at Oswego Unidata IDD Support
November 07, 2006
16:16 [TIGGE #MFC-218184]: Fwd: [Fwd: [Fwd: Re: TIGGE]] Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
November 06, 2006
15:19 [TIGGE #MFC-218184]: Fwd: [Fwd: [Fwd: Re: TIGGE]] Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
November 04, 2006
10:26 20061104: scheduled outage of services on Unidata Support
09:54 [IDD #OCS-659613]: data in Jerusalem, Israel Unidata IDD Support
November 03, 2006
14:23 [IDD #OAL-164339]: Unidata IDD Questions Unidata IDD Support
November 02, 2006
11:48 [TIGGE #YZT-357848]: queue size and pqmon Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
11:32 [TIGGE #YZT-357848]: queue size and pqmon Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
10:35 [TIGGE #YZT-357848]: queue size and pqmon Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
November 01, 2006
09:20 [TIGGE #YZT-357848]: queue size and pqmon Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
October 31, 2006
11:01 [TIGGE #FDX-319560]: latency values Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
October 30, 2006
14:01 [TIGGE #FDX-319560]: latency values Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
October 29, 2006
20:52 is once again up Pete Pokrandt
October 28, 2006
19:39 Re: down again Gerry Creager N5JXS
19:15 down again Pete Pokrandt
07:29 is down Pete Pokrandt
October 20, 2006
10:05 [TIGGE #EVX-684652]: ldm crash Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
October 19, 2006
14:26 [TIGGE #EVX-684652]: ldm crash Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
October 18, 2006
15:37 [TIGGE #BEO-633595]: rpc.ldmd processes Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
15:34 [TIGGE #EVX-684652]: ldm crash Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
13:38 [TIGGE #EVX-684652]: ldm crash Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
October 17, 2006
12:58 [IDD #QRG-550150]: iperf tests again Unidata IDD Support
October 16, 2006
12:46 [IDD #QRG-550150]: iperf tests again Unidata IDD Support
11:30 [IDD #QRG-550150]: iperf tests again Unidata IDD Support
October 14, 2006
12:59 Re: ldm issues Tom McDermott
00:51 [IDD #NJJ-215542]: NIMAGE Naming Convention Unidata IDD Support
October 10, 2006
16:30 [LDM #VZT-383836]: LDM host status Unidata LDM Support
15:43 [LDM #VZT-383836]: LDM host status Unidata LDM Support
October 06, 2006
16:19 [LDM #VZT-383836]: LDM host status Unidata LDM Support
15:31 [TIGGE #SHQ-122936]: tigge logging not working on ultrazone Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
14:48 [TIGGE #SHQ-122936]: tigge logging not working on ultrazone Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
14:20 [TIGGE #SHQ-122936]: tigge logging not working on ultrazone Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
13:44 [TIGGE #SHQ-122936]: tigge logging not working on ultrazone Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
October 03, 2006
17:00 [IDD #QRG-550150]: iperf tests again Unidata IDD Support
15:06 [IDD #QRG-550150]: iperf tests again Unidata IDD Support
October 02, 2006
16:48 [IDD #QRG-550150]: iperf tests again Unidata IDD Support
September 29, 2006
15:03 [IDD #QRG-550150]: iperf tests again Unidata IDD Support
September 28, 2006
15:35 [Support #ZQO-437545]: request for IDD connection Unidata IDD Support
14:27 [Support #ZQO-437545]: request for IDD connection Unidata IDD Support
September 27, 2006
10:26 [Support #ZQO-437545]: request for IDD connection Unidata IDD Support
09:58 [Support #ZQO-437545]: request for IDD connection Unidata IDD Support
September 26, 2006
09:11 [IDD #QRG-550150]: iperf tests again Unidata IDD Support
September 25, 2006
14:02 [IDD #QRG-550150]: iperf tests again Unidata IDD Support
10:51 [IDD #QRG-550150]: iperf tests again Unidata IDD Support
September 23, 2006
19:22 [IDD #QRG-550150]: iperf tests again Unidata IDD Support
September 22, 2006
13:44 [IDD #OAI-244690]: UNC Charlotte LDM IP address change Unidata IDD Support
13:44 [IDD #OAI-244690]: UNC Charlotte LDM IP address change Unidata IDD Support
13:44 [IDD #OAI-244690]: UNC Charlotte LDM IP address change Unidata IDD Support
September 21, 2006
16:23 [IDDBrasil #MUW-463845]: IDD feeds to Cabo Verde Unidata IDD-Brasil Support
14:50 [IDD #QRG-550150]: iperf tests again Unidata IDD Support
September 20, 2006
10:14 [IDD #QRG-550150]: iperf tests again Unidata IDD Support
September 19, 2006
09:14 [IDD #QRG-550150]: iperf tests again Unidata IDD Support
September 13, 2006
13:42 20060913:Add CONDUIT and NIMAGE to aeolus ldmd.conf Jeff Weber
12:32 [Support #ZQO-437545]: request for IDD connection Unidata IDD Support
11:04 [Support #ZQO-437545]: request for IDD connection Unidata IDD Support
September 11, 2006
11:39 [IDD #EYV-163625]: problem at Unidata IDD Support
10:32 [Support #YQU-684227]: Re: [SCOOP-LDM] LDM problems with UFL feed Unidata IDD SCOOP Support
10:00 [Support #YQU-684227]: Re: [SCOOP-LDM] LDM problems with UFL feed Unidata IDD SCOOP Support
September 06, 2006
16:04 [IDD #XQD-109619]: Missing products on freshair Unidata IDD Support
14:59 [IDD #XQD-109619]: Missing products on freshair Unidata IDD Support
08:34 Re: nexrad behind/stopped Jerrold Robaidek
September 05, 2006
15:09 Re: nexrad behind/stopped Jeff Weber
September 01, 2006
07:34 [IDD #GZP-422690]: Re: 20060831: McIDAS AREA Files in UNIWISC IDD datastream Unidata IDD Support
August 30, 2006
17:44 [IDD #CSR-396593]: [Fwd: Re: NEXRAD Level II data] Unidata IDD Support
August 24, 2006
11:19 [LDM #WRD-983197]: update unidata - from University of Buenos Aires Unidata LDM Support
August 23, 2006
13:45 Re: question about motherload download (fwd) Steve Chiswell
12:35 [IDD #ZXB-867980]: nldn request and backup feed Unidata IDD Support
August 21, 2006
16:23 [IDD #MJH-494207]: Prolems in the generation of the IDD FSL2 feed RASS data Unidata IDD Support
August 18, 2006
17:07 [IDD #MJH-494207]: Prolems in the generation of the IDD FSL2 feed RASS data Unidata IDD Support
August 17, 2006
16:06 SUNY Brockport IDD Downtime 20060818-2200Z -- 20060820-2200Z Tom McDermott
August 16, 2006
11:51 [IDD #TXI-514355]: LDM problem from Unidata IDD Support
11:44 20060816: reminder of impending service interruption Unidata Support
August 15, 2006
12:18 Almost ready to do the data transfer test to CMA Unidata Support
11:56 [IDD #FYC-675676]: [Fwd: Antarctic composites broken on unidata2] Unidata IDD Support
10:34 [TIGGE #WNN-399573]: [Fwd: Re: Re: Almost ready to do the data transfer test] Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
August 14, 2006
16:19 [IDD #NQN-650121]: LDM/IDD feeds from RAL Unidata IDD Support
12:51 New IP Address of LDM server Dr. Charles Graves
August 10, 2006
08:31 [IDD #TXI-514355]: LDM problem from Unidata IDD Support
August 09, 2006
11:31 [IDD #TXI-514355]: LDM problem from Unidata IDD Support
10:09 [IDD #TSO-304824]: Re: 20060808: notice of upcoming service interruptions Unidata IDD Support
10:01 [IDD #TXI-514355]: LDM problem from Unidata IDD Support
August 08, 2006
15:48 20060808: notice of upcoming service interruptions Unidata Support
12:26 [IDD #TXI-514355]: LDM problem from Unidata IDD Support
12:20 [IDD #CSR-396593]: [Fwd: Re: NEXRAD Level II data] Unidata IDD Support
09:46 [IDD #TXI-514355]: LDM problem from Unidata IDD Support
09:21 [IDD #TXI-514355]: LDM problem from Unidata IDD Support
August 07, 2006
17:28 [IDD #TXI-514355]: LDM problem from Unidata IDD Support
17:24 [IDD #TFD-506897]: Can we get WMO from idd or thelma? Unidata IDD Support
13:17 [IDD #ZBF-954847]: Add Caracas, Venezuela to IDD map list Unidata IDD Support
August 04, 2006
14:52 [IDD #ZBF-954847]: Add Caracas, Venezuela to IDD map list Unidata IDD Support
12:20 [IDD #UHT-859681]: using LDM-delivered data at RENCI Unidata IDD Support
09:49 [IDD #UHT-859681]: using LDM-delivered data at RENCI Unidata IDD Support
August 03, 2006
15:57 Re: coamps incantation Jeff Weber
August 02, 2006
10:40 [SCOOP #BIF-872981]: SCOOP IDD config Unidata IDD SCOOP Support
10:29 [LDM #FHX-115204]: number of requests from RAL Unidata IDD Support
August 01, 2006
17:53 [Support #GGR-305398]: IDD data connection Unidata IDD Support
17:34 [LDM #FHX-115204]: number of requests from RAL Unidata LDM Support
July 27, 2006
16:33 20060727:FNMOC NOGAPS Feed Jeff Weber
15:34 [IDD #INB-206452]: Trying to configure LDM software Unidata IDD Support
July 25, 2006
13:46 [IDD #INB-206452]: Trying to configure LDM software Unidata IDD Support
12:59 [IDD #SQI-828463]: new LDM server Unidata IDD Support
10:40 [IDD #SQI-828463]: new LDM server Unidata IDD Support
July 21, 2006
09:30 Aeolus Network Problem Larry Riddle
09:23 [TIGGE #PHH-774997]: Tigge in Yakov Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
July 20, 2006
09:58 [IDD #DBF-760900]: How to join the IDD network? Unidata IDD Support
July 19, 2006
14:06 [IDD #CXN-285845]: could you inspect and help us figure out a feed/sink problem? Unidata IDD Support
13:32 [IDD #EPW-667205]: pqact processing AMPS GRIB files in the Antarctic-IDD Unidata IDD Support
07:46 [IDD #EPW-667205]: pqact processing AMPS GRIB files in the Antarctic-IDD Unidata IDD Support
July 18, 2006
11:57 20060718: expected power outage at the University of Wisconsin Unidata Support
July 17, 2006
19:17 resume NOAAPORT on Unidata Local Data Manager
19:05 check NOAAPORT on Unidata Local Data Manager
15:13, outage THIS Wednesday night Pete Pokrandt
July 14, 2006
09:12 [TIGGE #JRQ-909114]: Re: Modified LDM configurations in CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
July 13, 2006
15:05 [IDD #MLF-990634]: NGRID feed Unidata IDD Support
09:27 [TIGGE #GJL-544923]: Fwd: Modified LDM configurations in CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
July 12, 2006
16:00 [SCOOP #VLL-588588]: sasquatch broken pipe error? Unidata IDD SCOOP Support
15:05 [TIGGE #GJL-544923]: Fwd: Modified LDM configurations in CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
15:02 [IDD #SXG-495512]: New weather server at UCLA Unidata IDD Support
14:55 [TIGGE #GJL-544923]: Fwd: Modified LDM configurations in CMA Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
July 10, 2006
16:15 bigbird hardware changeout Gerry Creager
14:27 [TIGGE #DTM-735032]: request for tigge Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
14:18 [IDDBrasil #URP-434806]: Comparison of CPTEC GOES-12 imagery with SSEC imagery of same time/location/band Unidata IDD-Brasil Support
14:08 [TIGGE #DTM-735032]: request for tigge Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
July 06, 2006
17:35 [TIGGE #BDR-860048]: Fwd: LDM testing NCAR-NCEP, TIGGE and CONDUIT data Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
14:25 [TIGGE #BDR-860048]: Fwd: LDM testing NCAR-NCEP, TIGGE and CONDUIT data Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
June 30, 2006
10:17 [Support #ZQO-437545]: request for IDD connection Unidata IDD Support
June 29, 2006
16:29 [IDD #FVJ-313743]: Request of addition to ldmd.conf Unidata IDD Support
09:31 Re: New Staff Reply - [Datastream !GFZ-680741]: missing nogaps fields (fwd) Jeff Weber
08:30 [TIGGE #TQN-644223]: datagrid stats down? Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
June 28, 2006
14:25 [IDD #TKY-457011]: Failing over to idd for summer Unidata IDD Support
June 26, 2006
23:39 20060626: Correction to: scheduled downtime for Unidata Support
16:56 NSF I2 link Mike Schmidt
15:28 20060626: scheduled downtime for Unidata Support
June 24, 2006
14:53 [IDD #OUQ-313836]: Troubles with idd.unidata ? Unidata IDD Support
June 23, 2006
14:55 [IDD !JXX-412367]: missing NOGAPS data Jeff Weber
14:27 Re: New Staff Reply - [Datastream !GFZ-680741]: missing nogaps fields (fwd) Jeff Weber
June 21, 2006
21:16 20060621: crashing often Unidata Support
19:21 20060621: SSEC down again Unidata Support
June 20, 2006
08:25 [Datastream #GFZ-680741]: missing nogaps fields Unidata IDD Support
June 16, 2006
14:02 [Support #ZQO-437545]: request for IDD connection Unidata IDD Support
June 15, 2006
13:59 [Support #ZQO-437545]: request for IDD connection Unidata IDD Support
June 14, 2006
13:41 [Support #TOL-308327]: statistics Unidata IDD Support
13:30 [IDDBrasil #XPZ-611749]: Re: 20060609: CONDUIT Latency (cont.) Unidata IDD-Brasil Support
13:01 [IDD #ZYT-779967]: LDM upgrade for Unidata IDD Support
10:32 20060614:USB upstream feed site(s) Jeff Weber
09:56 [Support #ZQO-437545]: request for IDD connection Unidata IDD Support
09:44 [Support #ZQO-437545]: request for IDD connection Unidata IDD Support
June 13, 2006
23:31 [IDDBrasil #XPZ-611749]: Re: 20060609: CONDUIT Latency (cont.) Unidata IDD-Brasil Support
23:26 [Support #TOL-308327]: statistics Unidata IDD Support
17:23 [IDD #ZYT-779967]: LDM upgrade for Unidata IDD Support
13:10 [Support #ZQO-437545]: request for IDD connection Unidata IDD Support
13:00 [IDD #ZYT-779967]: LDM upgrade for Unidata IDD Support
07:45 [IDDBrasil #XPZ-611749]: Re: 20060609: CONDUIT Latency (cont.) Unidata IDD-Brasil Support
June 12, 2006
15:30 [IDDBrasil #XPZ-611749]: Re: 20060609: CONDUIT Latency (cont.) Unidata IDD-Brasil Support
15:10 [Support #ZQO-437545]: request for IDD connection Unidata IDD Support
14:41 [IDD #DLF-613828]: Strange IDD anomalies? Unidata IDD Support
14:37 [IDDBrasil #XPZ-611749]: Re: 20060609: CONDUIT Latency (cont.) Unidata IDD-Brasil Support
13:56 [Support #TOL-308327]: statistics Unidata IDD Support
10:52 [IDDBrasil #XPZ-611749]: Re: 20060609: CONDUIT Latency (cont.) Unidata IDD-Brasil Support
June 11, 2006
09:27 [Support #TOL-308327]: statistics Unidata IDD Support
June 10, 2006
20:08 [Support #TOL-308327]: statistics Unidata IDD Support
10:23 20060609: CONDUIT Latency (cont.) Tom Yoksas
June 09, 2006
15:48 20060609:CONDUIT Latency Jeff Weber
10:57 [Support #KOQ-745915]: Additional data Unidata IDD Support
10:19 Re: FNEXRAD Composites Steve Chiswell
June 08, 2006
15:40 [SCOOP #CIL-628524]: Re: 20060607: Do you have a minute Unidata IDD SCOOP Support
15:07 [Support #TOL-308327]: statistics Unidata IDD Support
14:15 [IDD #QCL-983945]: size of products in product queue Unidata IDD Support
12:00 [SCOOP #CIL-628524]: Re: 20060607: Do you have a minute Unidata IDD SCOOP Support
08:55 [SCOOP #CIL-628524]: Re: 20060607: Do you have a minute Unidata IDD SCOOP Support
June 07, 2006
21:03 [TIGGE #DFK-859787]: tigge LDM testing Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
20:29 [IDD #QCL-983945]: size of products in product queue Unidata IDD Support
12:41 RE: University of Miami LDM Jeff Weber
08:40 [LDM #FIK-556169]: LDM - Acquiring a specific station Unidata IDD Support
June 06, 2006
13:40 [Support #TOL-308327]: statistics Unidata IDD Support
June 05, 2006
15:29 [IDD #QMB-252134]: Changing our LDM computer Unidata IDD Support
June 02, 2006
15:00 [IDD #QMB-252134]: Changing our LDM computer Unidata IDD Support
10:33 [IDD #WBK-132239]: future down time Unidata IDD Support
June 01, 2006
11:11 RE: 20060601:IDD Request Jeff Weber
10:23 20060601:IDD Request Jeff Weber
09:59 Re: IDD Connect Request Jeff Weber
May 31, 2006
15:33 [IDD #ULC-572116]: no data received by LDM Unidata IDD Support
May 30, 2006
17:11 [Support #ZQO-437545]: request for IDD connection Unidata IDD Support
15:54 [Support #ZQO-437545]: request for IDD connection Unidata IDD Support
13:55 [IDD #XOG-955487]: 20060530: Uba machine Unidata IDD Support
May 29, 2006
21:25 [IDD #GUZ-255997]: which feed for SDUS65? Unidata IDD Support
May 27, 2006
19:41 [SCOOP #JBC-457912]: Thought on notification of reception of data Unidata IDD SCOOP Support
May 26, 2006
10:30 [Support #TOL-308327]: statistics Unidata IDD Support
May 24, 2006
14:40 20060524: Missing some products on IDD today Steve Chiswell
11:19 [Support #JQR-685082]: LDM and the Antarctic IDD. Unidata IDD Support
10:45 papagayo down? Pete Pokrandt
May 23, 2006
10:03 [IDD #FFC-953121]: Main system memory v. LDM queue size Unidata IDD Support
May 20, 2006
00:31 [IDD #FFC-953121]: Main system memory v. LDM queue size Unidata IDD Support
May 19, 2006
13:24 [IDD #DBF-760900]: How to join the IDD network? Unidata IDD Support
May 18, 2006
19:29 [IDD #FFC-953121]: Main system memory v. LDM queue size Unidata IDD Support
18:51 [IDD #FFC-953121]: Main system memory v. LDM queue size Unidata IDD Support
14:02 [IDD #FFC-953121]: Main system memory v. LDM queue size Unidata IDD Support
13:00 Re: Duplicate Products Steve Chiswell
May 15, 2006
14:09 [IDD #XUP-484000]: LDM GTS Unidata IDD Support
13:01 [TIGGE #UHE-958207]: pqact.conf Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
01:24 [Support #KOQ-745915]: Additional data Unidata User Support
May 12, 2006
10:35 [IDD #TIG-389071]: iperf server on yakov refusing connections Unidata IDD Support
10:17 [IDD #KKR-325093]: iperf on yakov/goeswest not working Unidata IDD Support
May 11, 2006
13:56 [IDD #DBF-760900]: How to join the IDD network? Unidata IDD Support
12:59 [IDD #TIG-389071]: iperf server on yakov refusing connections Unidata IDD Support
12:23 [IDD ~MQY-650936]: Test from to NPAD server Unidata IDD Support
10:17 [IDD #DBF-760900]: How to join the IDD network? Unidata IDD Support
May 10, 2006
14:02 [IDD #DBF-760900]: How to join the IDD network? Unidata IDD Support
13:56 [IDD #DBF-760900]: How to join the IDD network? Unidata IDD Support
13:45 [IDD #DBF-760900]: How to join the IDD network? Unidata IDD Support
12:50 [IDD #DBF-760900]: How to join the IDD network? Unidata IDD Support
12:48 [IDD #DBF-760900]: How to join the IDD network? Unidata IDD Support
May 09, 2006
17:40 [Support #TOL-308327]: statistics Unidata IDD Support
May 08, 2006
16:32 [IDD #DBF-760900]: How to join the IDD network? Unidata IDD Support
09:38 [IDD #DDW-625612]: iperf server at Unidata? Unidata IDD Support
May 05, 2006
14:45 20060505: NSF/ATM toplevel IDD relay node available under new name Unidata Support
14:43 20060505: NSF/ATM toplevel IDD relay node available under new name Unidata Support
10:21 [IDD #DDW-625612]: iperf server at Unidata? Unidata IDD Support
09:47 [IDD #DBF-760900]: How to join the IDD network? Unidata IDD Support
09:46 Re: [TIGGE #BXZ-922182]: Re: .missing files & retransmissions Steve Chiswell
08:42 [TIGGE #BXZ-922182]: Re: .missing files & retransmissions Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
May 04, 2006
12:54 [CONDUIT #NXD-544090]: Request Unidata netCDF Decoders Support
07:56 [IDD #DDW-625612]: iperf server at Unidata? Unidata IDD Support
May 03, 2006
15:16 [Support #RWW-486743]: Unidata IDD Support
11:40 [Support #RWW-486743]: Unidata IDD Support
10:08 [Support #RWW-486743]: Unidata IDD Support
09:51 [TIGGE #BXZ-922182]: Re: .missing files & retransmissions Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
07:01 [Support #RWW-486743]: Unidata User Support
April 27, 2006
16:20 [IDD #DDW-625612]: iperf server at Unidata? Unidata IDD Support
10:58 [IDD #STP-116573]: IDD data volumes Unidata IDD Support
08:49 [IDD #MGD-613537]: status Unidata IDD Support
April 25, 2006
14:07 [IDD #QZH-192791]: I can't receive NIMAGE from either papagayo or idd.unidata Unidata IDD Support
11:51 [IDD #HPT-648138]: Re: 20060225: toplevel IDD relay unavailable Unidata IDD Support
11:14 [IDDBrasil #SCQ-885201]: yakov down Unidata IDD-Brasil Support
10:08 20060425:possible corrupt queue LDM Jeff Weber
09:03 [TIGGE #BXZ-922182]: Re: .missing files & retransmissions Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
April 22, 2006
13:44 [IDD #MZB-409664]: University of Vienna for rtststs plots Unidata IDD Support
April 21, 2006
12:54 20060421: atm connectivity Jeff Weber
April 20, 2006
16:01 [CONDUIT #NXD-544090]: Request Unidata netCDF Decoders Support
14:34 [IDD #RDH-341232]: UBA - data problems again Unidata IDD Support
14:15 [CONDUIT #NXD-544090]: Request Unidata netCDF Decoders Support
14:14 [TIGGE #BXZ-922182]: Re: .missing files & retransmissions Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
14:08 [IDD #FGX-292038]: U.Wash. internal LDM delays in CONDUIT Unidata IDD Support
10:18 [TIGGE #BXZ-922182]: Re: .missing files & retransmissions Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
April 19, 2006
12:46 [IDD #TDB-217863]: Re: 20060414: NSF/ATM toplevel IDD rely node down Unidata IDD Support
April 18, 2006
18:05 [LDM #JZV-839289]: LDM - ldm is not receiving data Unidata IDD Support
16:54 [LDM #JZV-839289]: LDM - ldm is not receiving data Unidata IDD Support
16:39 [LDM #JZV-839289]: LDM - ldm is not receiving data Unidata IDD Support
15:07 [TIGGE #CUA-629523]: Re: dataportal not receiving data from Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
14:24 [IDD #WMK-459202]: CONDUIT allow for Universidade de Averio Unidata IDD Support
14:18 [IDD #WPE-643227]: (No Subject) Unidata IDD Support
April 17, 2006
21:31 [IDD #NOY-159685]: LDM on allegan is dying Unidata IDD Support
13:03 [IDD #NOY-159685]: LDM on allegan is dying Unidata IDD Support
April 16, 2006
18:15 [IDD #NOY-159685]: LDM on allegan is dying Unidata IDD Support
April 14, 2006
15:12 [TIGGE #CUA-629523]: Re: dataportal not receiving data from Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
15:08 [IDD #OTO-612441]: GINI via NIMAGE from stopped Unidata IDD Support
14:21 20060414: NSF/ATM toplevel IDD rely node down Unidata Support
14:19 20060414: NSF/ATM toplevel IDD rely node down Unidata Support
14:06 [TIGGE #CUA-629523]: Re: dataportal not receiving data from Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
13:58 [IDD #OTO-612441]: GINI via NIMAGE from stopped Unidata IDD Support
13:58 [TIGGE #CUA-629523]: Re: dataportal not receiving data from Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
13:21 [TIGGE #CUA-629523]: Re: dataportal not receiving data from Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
12:46 [TIGGE #CUA-629523]: Re: dataportal not receiving data from Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
10:20 [TIGGE #CUA-629523]: Re: dataportal not receiving data from Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
09:36 [TIGGE #CUA-629523]: Re: dataportal not receiving data from Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
April 13, 2006
15:33 [TIGGE #CUA-629523]: Re: dataportal not receiving data from Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
13:19 [TIGGE #CUA-629523]: Re: dataportal not receiving data from Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
12:38 [TIGGE #CUA-629523]: Re: dataportal not receiving data from Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
April 12, 2006
07:28 [IDD #NCM-306138]: ldm can't connect to Unidata IDD Support
April 11, 2006
22:35 [IDD #NCM-306138]: ldm can't connect to Unidata IDD Support
16:34 [IDD #NCM-306138]: ldm can't connect to Unidata IDD Support
16:31 [TIGGE #CUA-629523]: Re: dataportal not receiving data from Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
15:26 [TIGGE #CUA-629523]: Re: dataportal not receiving data from Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
11:24 [TIGGE #CUA-629523]: Re: dataportal not receiving data from Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
April 10, 2006
15:50 [TIGGE #YIO-560538]: Reuse CONDUIT scripts in TIGGE Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
April 07, 2006
16:03 [IDD #ATM-907049]: NIDS Data Access Unidata IDD Support
15:59 [IDD #ATM-907049]: NIDS Data Access Unidata IDD Support
April 06, 2006
13:13 20060406: NGRID Unidata Support
12:53 Re: restricting CONDUIT GFS to certain variables Gerry Creager
April 05, 2006
16:56 [IDD #RUP-865629]: wunderground transition to new IP block Unidata IDD Support
16:09 [TIGGE #YIO-560538]: Reuse CONDUIT scripts in TIGGE Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
16:06 [IDD #YNG-953097]: script to breakout NAM data for CONDUIT Unidata IDD SCOOP Support
14:35 [Datastream #SCB-883101]: Information about Frank's data Unidata Datastream Support
09:50 [TIGGE #DVV-488128]: pqact.conf Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
April 04, 2006
19:35 [Datastream #SCB-883101]: Information about Frank's data Unidata Datastream Support
14:23 [IDDBrasil #XSZ-617864]: problems with solon Unidata IDD-Brasil Support
12:25 YNE-301347 IDD Feed Request Jeff Weber
08:00 [IDD #YFU-837550]: UCAR computer not booting after powerdown Unidata IDD Support
April 03, 2006
15:09 [TIGGE #EGL-584516]: LDM regexp matching Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
14:04 Re: IDD Feed Request Jeff Weber
14:02 [IDD #RVZ-888525]: Radar and Lightning Data Unidata IDD Support
13:43 [TIGGE #EGL-584516]: LDM regexp matching Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
13:01 [IDDBrasil #XSZ-617864]: problems with solon Unidata IDD-Brasil Support
11:22 Papagayo ldm down? Pete Pokrandt
April 01, 2006
08:29 [Support #JMD-711173]: Re: LDM question Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
08:18 [TIGGE #EGL-584516]: LDM regexp matching Unidata IDD TIGGE Support
07:38 [IDD #PPY-853188]: Clint Rowe or UNL email addr? Unidata IDD Support
March 29, 2006
09:22 [IDD #YNG-953097]: script to breakout NAM data for CONDUIT Unidata IDD Support
March 28, 2006
14:19 [Support #YNE-301347]: 20060301: I am ready to receive data. - Jongnam Choi - Western Illinois University Unidata IDD Support
14:09 IDD Feed Request Jeff Weber
March 27, 2006
11:29 Re: Data connection Jeff Weber
March 24, 2006
14:04 [Support #YNE-301347]: 20060301: I am ready to receive data. - Jongnam Choi - Western Illinois University Unidata IDD Support
March 23, 2006
21:44 [IDD #PDA-304144]: Fwd: LDM Unidata IDD Support
March 19, 2006
14:51 [LDM #VNG-594789]: What's with the lag time on my NIMAGE feed? Unidata LDM Support
March 10, 2006
12:48 [Support #XIJ-277162]: ldmd.conf Unidata User Support
12:31 20060310: cluster design diagram? Tom Yoksas
March 08, 2006
17:08 Re: UCP-475565 CONDUIT Feed Jeff Weber
16:57 Re: [Fwd: Eta Model] Jeff Weber
16:52 Re: UCP-475565 CONDUIT Feed Jeff Weber
March 07, 2006
14:25 UCP-475565 CONDUIT Feed Jeff Weber
March 06, 2006
16:55 [IDD #DMU-487524]: IDD node name definition for Unidata IDD Support
10:31 20060306: Fw: Fw: cambios en el firewall de Atmósfera Tom Yoksas
March 03, 2006
15:02 20060303: UBA - data problems again Tom Yoksas
12:45 [IDD #DDH-304651]: latentcy problems between and Unidata IDD Support
February 27, 2006
16:05 Re: New Client Reply - [IDD !CZS-700510]: FNMOC data feed? Jeff Weber
February 26, 2006
22:30 [IDD #OHW-427019]: Level2 data slowness? Unidata IDD Support
09:11 [IDD #KYN-257934]: LDM feed to allegan and webcat Unidata IDD Support
February 25, 2006
13:06 [IDD #KRV-815335]: Ballpark numbers for bandwidth to support Back-up link to South America Unidata IDD Support
12:33 20060225: please change requests to Unidata Support
10:17 [IDD #OHW-427019]: Level2 data slowness? Unidata IDD Support
February 23, 2006
07:42 [IDD #QIJ-760583]: IDD - NEXRAD2 feed appears down from Unidata IDD Support
February 22, 2006
13:16 20060222: Issues affecting West Coast (and beyond) data reception Steve Chiswell
11:52 (Fwd) UNSCHEDULED OUTAGE at FRGP on 2/22/2006 Mike Schmidt
11:49 future NLR issues Mike Schmidt
11:42 (Fwd) SCHEDULED OUTAGE at FRGP on 2/22/2006 Mike Schmidt
10:40 Re: 20060208:FNMOC Feed to BGSU Phil Sharfstein
February 21, 2006
09:34 RE: [IDD #AWQ-541579]: NEXRAD Routing Jeff Weber
February 20, 2006
19:48 [IDD #VID-605297]: more on IDD #DLC-821177 Unidata IDD Support
17:02 [IDD #DLC-821177]: not responding, feed down Unidata IDD Support
15:15 [IDD #DLC-821177]: not responding, feed down Unidata IDD Support
14:42 [IDD #DLC-821177]: not responding, feed down Unidata IDD Support
07:53 [IDD #LNL-619813]: Is there a page on how thr CRAFT/NEXRAD2 feed works? Unidata IDD Support
February 19, 2006
14:19 [IDD #DDH-304651]: latentcy problems between and Unidata IDD Support
14:15 [IDD #LNL-619813]: Is there a page on how thr CRAFT/NEXRAD2 feed works? Unidata IDD Support
02:32 [IDD #LNL-619813]: Is there a page on how thr CRAFT/NEXRAD2 feed works? Unidata IDD Support
02:25 [IDD #DDH-304651]: latentcy problems between and Unidata IDD Support
February 18, 2006
18:50 [IDD #DDH-304651]: latentcy problems between and Unidata IDD Support
18:19 [IDD #LNL-619813]: Is there a page on how thr CRAFT/NEXRAD2 feed works? Unidata IDD Support
February 16, 2006
12:05 RE: 20060216: problems with CONDUIT feed from Robert Mullenax
11:48 20060216: problems with CONDUIT feed from Unidata Support
February 13, 2006
13:16 [no subject] Tom Yoksas
13:14 Re: LDM host change Rorik Peterson
February 12, 2006
00:05 20060211: atm I2 connection out Unidata Support
February 08, 2006
17:38 Re: LDM host change Rob Cermak
16:48 20060208:FNMOC Feed to BGSU Jeff Weber
12:39 Re: Jeff Weber
11:54 LDM host change Rorik Peterson
10:37 [IDD #SKM-230294]: ldm CONDUIT feed missing Unidata IDD Support
February 06, 2006
15:20 [IDD #FHP-105287]: IDD alternate feed Unidata IDD Support
14:54 [IDD #GPM-994734]: CONDUIT Unidata IDD Support
14:14 [IDD #FHP-105287]: IDD alternate feed Unidata IDD Support
13:56 Re: 20060127:FNMOC Feed Request Jeff Weber
February 03, 2006
15:47 [IDD #XCQ-879021]: Iowa State IDD Change (fwd) Unidata IDD Support
February 01, 2006
16:48 Re: Request LDM Access for IP Address Jeff Weber
16:42 Re: Fw: Obtain upstream data-feeds Jeff Weber
January 31, 2006
15:13 Re: Fw: Obtain upstream data-feeds Jeff Weber
14:54 RE : 20060127:GEM Feed Request (fwd) Jeff Weber
14:48 RE : 20060127:GEM Feed Request (fwd) Jeff Weber
11:36 Re: Fw: Obtain upstream data-feeds Jeff Weber
January 30, 2006
09:47 20060130: FNMOC feeds Jeff Weber
January 27, 2006
16:24 [IDD #JAE-706027]: upstream feedsite for Unidata IDD Support
11:11 20060127:GEM Feed Request Jeff Weber
09:28 Re: 20060119:LDM Stats Jeff Weber
January 26, 2006
15:49 Re: 20060119:LDM Stats Jeff Weber
14:11 Re: 20060119:LDM Stats Jeff Weber
13:25 Re: 20060119:LDM Stats Jeff Weber
13:07 [IDD #SKM-230294]: ldm CONDUIT feed missing Unidata IDD Support
12:47 Re: 20060119:LDM Stats Jeff Weber
11:15 Re: 20060119:LDM Stats Jeff Weber
10:38 20060119:LDM Stats Jeff Weber
January 25, 2006
17:07 Re: 20060119:LDM Stats Jeff Weber
17:01 Re: 20060119:LDM Stats Jeff Weber
January 24, 2006
15:26 20060124: planned outage for IDD relay Unidata Support
January 23, 2006
11:06 20060120: GRIB 82 - Spectral Statistical Interpolation, Final Run Unidata Support
January 20, 2006
11:10 [IDD #SKM-230294]: ldm CONDUIT feed missing Unidata IDD Support
January 19, 2006
16:46 20060119:LDM Stats Jeff Weber
16:40 Re: 20060105:Feed Request Jeff Weber
13:05 20060119: [IDD #OMG-528266]: RE: 20051216: UNCC LDM Machine added to IDD Unidata Support
09:20 [IDD #SKM-230294]: ldm CONDUIT feed missing Unidata IDD Support
January 18, 2006
15:39 Internet outage next Tuesday for one hour Gilbert Sebenste
10:15 20060117: Internet2, Level 2 radar/CONDUIT/NIMAGE data request! Unidata Support
08:46 Re: Updated bandwidth info on (fwd) Gilbert Sebenste
January 17, 2006
16:52 [IDD #SKM-230294]: ldm CONDUIT feed missing Unidata IDD Support
15:22 [IDD #SKM-230294]: ldm CONDUIT feed missing Unidata IDD Support
January 16, 2006
15:14 RE: [IDD #SKM-230294]: ldm CONDUIT feed missing David Fitzgerald
14:04 [IDD #SKM-230294]: ldm CONDUIT feed missing Unidata IDD Support
January 09, 2006
16:41 20060109:motherlode download Jeff Weber
15:34 Re: 20060105:Feed Request Jeff Weber
14:06 Re: 20060105:Feed Request Jeff Weber
12:25 Re: 20060105:Feed Request Jeff Weber
January 05, 2006
16:42 20060105:Feed Request Jeff Weber
16:31 Re: 20051123:IDD Server Address San Diego County Jeff Weber
09:24 20060105:LDM Eta 212 Grib Jeff Weber
09:13 Re: 20060105: reboot of yakov leads to high latencies from ECMWF (cont.) address@hidden, address@hidden, address@hidden Mike Schmidt
08:16 20060105: reboot of yakov leads to high latencies from ECMWF (cont.) Tom Yoksas
January 03, 2006
15:01 Re: 20051123:IDD Server Address San Diego County Jeff Weber
11:22 RE: 20051123:IDD Server Address San Diego County Jeff Weber
December 22, 2005
12:27 20051215:National Lambda Rail Jeff Weber
11:03 20051222: NLDN data access in NOAAPORT (cont.) Unidata Support
10:07 20051222: NEXRAD data in text or binary format (cont.) Unidata Support
08:47 20051222: NEXRAD data in text or binary format Unidata Support
01:00 20051221: NLDN data access in NOAAPORT Unidata Support
December 21, 2005
14:41 20051221: UNALMED connection to IDD Unidata Support
December 20, 2005
11:16 RE: IDD Troubles Steve Chiswell
11:09 20051220: Missing data on Unidata Support
December 18, 2005
10:56 20051216: UNCC LDM Machine added to IDD Unidata Support
December 16, 2005
13:15 20051216:SUNY lightning data Jeff Weber
December 15, 2005
14:37 Re: 20051215:National Lambda Rail Jeff Weber
13:29 Re: 20051215:National Lambda Rail Jeff Weber
12:36 20051215:National Lambda Rail Jeff Weber
December 14, 2005
15:22 20051214:National QPE Jeff Weber
December 12, 2005
15:22 20051212: Unidata-Wisconsin top level IDD node downtime Tom Yoksas
December 08, 2005
11:21 Re: 20051208: LDM on (cont.) Manuel Fuentes
10:31 20051208: NNEXRAD Unidata Support
December 05, 2005
17:54 20051205:IDD Feed Request Jeff Weber
09:14 20051205: 20051201: CMC models Unidata Support
09:02 Re: 20051201: CMC models Jeff Weber
08:12 20051204: Feeds for newcoming LDM server at UQAM Tom Yoksas
December 01, 2005
13:51 Re: 20051201: CMC models Jeff Weber
13:10 20051201: CMC models Jeff Weber
12:52 20051201: NDFD Jeff Weber
November 30, 2005
16:51 20051130: CONDUIT feed question Unidata Support
10:33 RE: 20051123:IDD Server Address San Diego County Jeff Weber
November 29, 2005
10:40 20051129: HYDRO feed injection Jeff Weber
November 23, 2005
13:17 20051123:IDD Server Address San Diego County Jeff Weber
November 22, 2005
14:39 20051122: Upstream data-feeds. Jeff Weber
12:04 20051122: ldm feed Unidata Support
November 18, 2005
10:23 20051118: IDD feeds from LSU to Mississippi State U. (cont.) Unidata Support
08:47 20051118: IDD feeds from LSU to Mississippi State U. (cont.) Unidata Support
08:10 20051118: IDD feeds from LSU to Mississippi State U. Unidata Support
November 17, 2005
14:04 Re: 20051115:missing HDS parameters Steve Chiswell
November 15, 2005
15:29 RE: 20051108: obtain upstream data-feeds Jeff Weber
15:26 Re: 20051115:missing HDS parameters Steve Chiswell
14:38 20051115:missing HDS parameters Jeff Weber
14:32 RE: 20051108: obtain upstream data-feeds Jeff Weber
14:00 Re: data streaming Jeff Weber
13:52 Re: 20051108: obtain upstream data-feeds Jeff Weber
November 14, 2005
10:42 Re: data streaming Jeff Weber
November 08, 2005
15:53 20051108: obtain upstream data-feeds Jeff Weber
November 07, 2005
10:23 20051107:Setting up an IDD/LDM server Jeff Weber
November 04, 2005
11:12 20051104: Using the ALLOW feedtype hostIdEre [OK_pattern [NOT_pattern]] Unidata Support
10:54 20051104:CMC GEM data Jeff Weber
10:01 Re: 20051001:pqact.conf question for CMC-GEM ingest Jeff Weber
November 03, 2005
16:43 Re: 20051001:pqact.conf question for CMC-GEM ingest Jeff Weber
15:28 20051103: nexrad2 reception at UND (cont.) Unidata Support
12:35 Nexrad Level II machine problems? Pete Pokrandt
07:23 20051102: nexrad2 Unidata Support
November 02, 2005
11:48 20051102: FYI - I2 connection at NIU (cont.) Unidata Support
11:37 20051102: FYI - I2 connection at NIU Unidata Support
November 01, 2005
16:39 20051001:pqact.conf question for CMC-GEM ingest Jeff Weber
16:28 20051101: gdas via idd Unidata Support
16:13 20051101: ERC latencies... NTP problems? Tom Yoksas
16:07 20051101: BGSU latencies (cont.) Unidata Support
14:00 20051101: NGRAPH Unidata Support
13:25 20051101: test Unidata Support
12:55 20051101: IDD latencies (cont.) Unidata Support
11:56 20051101: IDD latencies (cont.) Unidata Support
October 31, 2005
17:02 20051031: IDD latencies Unidata Support
October 28, 2005
09:55 20051028:General Support - ECMWF Jeff Weber
October 27, 2005
11:24 20051027:Level II radar topolgy Jeff Weber
October 25, 2005
14:57 20051025:netcdf files of hourly observations Jeff Weber
13:48 20051024: Radar (5-cm) data Valparaiso Jeff Weber
October 24, 2005
13:25 20051024: 5-cm Doppler radar data Jeff Weber
11:23 Re: 20051011:QPE "mosaic" Jeff Weber
09:39 Re: 20051011:QPE "mosaic" Jeff Weber
October 19, 2005
13:31 20051019: IDD map Unidata Support
11:01 20051019:CAse Study Data Jeff Weber
10:30 Re: GOES-10/12_fl1/2 images Jeff Weber
October 13, 2005
10:49 20051013:Who's in charge of eldm and eldm2? Jeff Weber
October 10, 2005
10:57 20051010:NAM/awip32 and awip12 Jeff Weber
10:56 Re: ldm allows for Jeff Weber
October 08, 2005
10:00 20051008: NEXRCOMP Tom Yoksas
October 06, 2005
17:10 20051006: CONDUIT latency Unidata Support
16:15 20051006: 20051005: 20051003: pqact template for GFS conduit data Unidata Support
11:03 Re: 20051006: UAH ldm server IP readdress Jeff Weber
09:46 20051006: UAH ldm server IP readdress Jeff Weber
October 05, 2005
13:44 20051005:radar mosaic Jeff Weber
08:04 20051004: IDS DDS problem? (cont.) Unidata Support
07:49 20051004: bigbird as a top-tier node? Tom Yoksas
October 04, 2005
15:05 20051004: IDS DDS problem? Tom Yoksas
14:38 20051004: IP/name change for UAF/SFOS/AOOS Jeff Weber
13:13 20051004: IDS DDS problem? Steve Chiswell
October 03, 2005
10:57 20051003: 20051002: IDD - NDFD Data on NGRID Unidata Support
10:29 20051002: IDD - NDFD Data on NGRID Unidata Support
September 30, 2005
09:27 20050929: pqact.conf question for GFS ingest Unidata Support
08:04 20050930: University of North Carolina at Charlotte Unidata IDD Member Unidata Support
September 26, 2005
13:45 20050926:CMC GEM change for LDM/IDD Jeff Weber
11:26 Re: Re: 20050915:IDD feed for Jeff Weber
September 23, 2005
09:28 20050923: 20050915:IDD feed for Unidata Support
September 22, 2005
15:03 20050922:Unidata - IDD Site Contact List Jeff Weber
12:33 Re: 20050915:IDD feed for Jeff Weber
September 20, 2005
13:04 20050920: A Few More GEM Questions Jeff Weber
09:57 20050920: NNEXRAD pqact entry Unidata Support
September 15, 2005
13:39 Re: 20050912:FNMOC NOGAPS Feed Request -> UNC Chapel Hill Jeff Weber
13:34 Re: 20050912:FNMOC NOGAPS Feed Request -> UNC Chapel Hill Phil Sharfstein
10:33 20050915:IDD feed for Jeff Weber
September 14, 2005
11:19 Re: 20050913: Request for Unidata LDM conduit Jeff Weber
09:17 Re: 20050913: Request for Unidata LDM conduit Jeff Weber
September 13, 2005
16:15 20050913: Request for Unidata LDM conduit Jeff Weber
15:34 Re: 20050907:Conduit Feed Change Jeff Weber
15:33 20050913: Request for Unidata LDM conduit Jeff Weber
September 12, 2005
14:04 20050912:FNMOC NOGAPS Feed Request -> UNC Chapel Hill Jeff Weber
13:56 20050912:idd connection UNC-CH Jeff Weber
September 09, 2005
12:05 20050909: Failover to thelma Unidata Support
September 08, 2005
13:51 Re: 20050907:Conduit Feed change (fwd) Jeff Weber
13:47 20050908: A Few More GEM Questions Jeff Weber
07:49 20050907: a favor... (cont.) Unidata Support
07:46 20050908: locations of Brazilian IDD leaf nodes Unidata Support
September 07, 2005
16:49 20050907:NEXRAD Data Jeff Weber
16:35 20050907:Conduit Feed Change Jeff Weber
16:33 20050907:Conduit Feed change Jeff Weber
16:15 20050907:CONUIT Feed Request Jeff Weber
September 06, 2005
16:14 Re: 20050901:CONUIT Feed Request Jeff Weber
15:36 20050906:CONDUIT Feed Request Jeff Weber
15:34 20050906:CONDUIT Feed change Jeff Weber
September 05, 2005
22:14 20050905: Weird connection problem between idd and freshair Unidata Support
September 03, 2005
08:15 20050903: a third look at sasquatch (cont.) Unidata Support
September 02, 2005
15:43 20050902: NLDN data relay question Unidata Support
14:05 20050902: a second look at sasquatch (cont.) Unidata Support
10:13 20050902: Think we can look at sasquatch sometime? Unidata Support
September 01, 2005
16:30 20050901: IDD connectivity Tom Yoksas
15:19 20050901:CONDUIT Feed Request Jeff Weber
15:17 20050901:CONDUIT Feed Request Jeff Weber
August 31, 2005
19:30 20050901: clock skew on striker2? (cont.) Unidata Support
17:34 20050831: clock skew on striker2? (cont.) Unidata Support
16:21 20050831:Adiabat GEM feed Jeff Weber
15:11 20050627: Bigbird is now a dual Opteron Unidata Support
15:06 20050831: clock skew on striker2? Unidata Support
August 29, 2005
14:39 20050829: 20050829: METAR - SPECI in IDD feed Unidata Support
12:21 20050829: METAR - SPECI in IDD feed Unidata Support
August 26, 2005
15:28 Re: 20050826: stokes ldm Jeff Weber
14:54 Jeff Weber
13:40 20050826:Allow for GEM Feed Jeff Weber
09:55 20050826: stokes ldm Jeff Weber
09:43 Re: 20050817:Allow for GEM Feed Jeff Weber
August 24, 2005
15:11 Re: RE : 20050817:Allow for GEM Feed Jeff Weber
13:08 Re: 20050817:Allow for GEM Feed Jeff Weber
August 17, 2005
16:03 20050817:Allow for GEM Feed Jeff Weber
15:26 Re: 20050817:Canadian GEM Jeff Weber
15:04 Re: 20050817:Canadian GEM Jeff Weber
14:41 20050817:Canadian GEM Jeff Weber
August 15, 2005
11:24 20050815: ldm down? Unidata Support
August 12, 2005
12:38 20050812: radar lag? (cont.) Unidata Support
09:00 20050812: radar lag? Unidata Support
August 11, 2005
15:56 20050811: please allow UNCA access to NLDN feed Unidata Support
13:34 20050811:IP change Jeff Weber
August 10, 2005
11:44 Possible TAMU/Bigbird outage Gerry Creager
August 05, 2005
13:51 20050805: 20050805: LDM and the SCOOP project Tom Yoksas
13:06 20050805: LDM and the SCOOP project Tom Yoksas
August 04, 2005
10:48 20050804:wunderground -> UW Jeff Weber
10:38 20050804: ldm_clnt.c:256: Couldn't connect to LDM 6 on (cont.) Unidata Support
07:26 20050804: ldm_clnt.c:256: Couldn't connect to LDM 6 on Unidata Support
August 03, 2005
15:06 Jeff Weber
August 02, 2005
16:57 20050802:NLDN Feed Request Jeff Weber
16:54 20050802: GEM Feed Request Jeff Weber
July 28, 2005
10:36 RE: 20050323:California University of Penn - Upstream LDM Request Jeff Weber
July 22, 2005
16:03 20050722: LDM Server Farm question Unidata Support
July 21, 2005
15:49 20050721: 20050721: 20050720: LDM feed CMC Unidata Support
09:53 20050721: 20050720: LDM feed CMC Unidata Support
July 20, 2005
12:40 20050720: LDM feed CMC Unidata Support
July 18, 2005
11:08 ldm outage @ UAF Rob Cermak
July 14, 2005
16:16 20050714:NOGAPS Feed Request -> SPAWAR Jeff Weber
16:11 20050714:NOGAPS Feed Request -> Miami Jeff Weber
16:05 20050714:GEM Feed Request Jeff Weber
July 13, 2005
08:23 Re: 20050711:IDD Model Feeds via Unidata Jeff Weber
July 12, 2005
16:26 Re: 20050711:IDD Model Feeds via Unidata Jeff Weber
12:57 Re: 20050711:IDD Model Feeds via Unidata Jeff Weber
July 11, 2005
16:03 Re: 20050711:IDD Model Feeds via Unidata Jeff Weber
15:23 20050711:IDD Model Feeds via Unidata Jeff Weber
July 08, 2005
14:26 20050708:NEXRAD2/CRAFT Latency Jeff Weber
July 07, 2005
17:51 Final planned power outage for SJSU Network Mike Voss
July 06, 2005
15:12 20050627:GEM data feed request U of Washington (fwd) Jeff Weber
July 01, 2005
10:42 20050701:NOGAPS Jeff Weber
June 30, 2005
09:12 20050630: top tier IDD sites Unidata Support
June 28, 2005
14:54 20050628: NEXRAD Level 2 radar (CRAFT) radar status page Jeff Weber
June 27, 2005
16:04 FYI: Bigbird is going down for unscheduled maintenance Gerry Creager
13:21 20050627:GEM data feed request U of Washington Jeff Weber
June 24, 2005
10:41 Re: 20050622:CMC GEM feed request -> Valparaiso University Jeff Weber
June 23, 2005
11:22 Re: 20050622:CMC GEM feed request -> Valparaiso University Jeff Weber
June 22, 2005
13:16 20050622:CMC GEM feed request -> Valparaiso University Jeff Weber
12:26 Re: RE : 20050622:CMC GEM feed request -> Valparaiso University Jeff Weber
10:42 20050622:CMC GEM feed request -> Valparaiso University Jeff Weber
June 21, 2005
13:38 20050621: NGRID data Steve Chiswell
09:48 20050621: LDM performance with FC3 Tom Yoksas
09:27 Re: RE : 20050614:CMC GEM feed request -> Valparaiso University Jeff Weber
08:45 RE : 20050614:CMC GEM feed request -> Valparaiso University (fwd) Jeff Weber
June 17, 2005
14:10 20050617: GFS Data Jeff Weber
10:13 Re: 20050616:I2 feed U of Wash -> UAF/GI Jeff Weber
06:24 Re: 20050616:I2 feed U of Wash -> UAF/GI Harry Edmon
June 16, 2005
14:44 20050616:I2 feed U of Wash -> UAF/GI Jeff Weber
13:20 Re: 20050512: Routing from winderground to idd and rtstats Mike Schmidt
13:12 Re: 20050512: Routing from winderground to idd and rtstats Jeff Masters
June 15, 2005
13:35 Re: 20050609:UAF LDM host change Phil Sharfstein
08:31 20050615: (cont.) Unidata Support
08:13 20050615: GEM data request from waterspout to (cont.) Unidata Support
June 14, 2005
22:23 20050614: Unidata Support
15:59 20050614:CMC GEM feed request -> Valparaiso University Jeff Weber
12:48 20050614: GEM data request from waterspout to Unidata Support
June 13, 2005
10:07 Re: 20050609:I2 vs commodity SJose -> UAF Jeff Weber
09:52 Re: 20050609:I2 vs commodity SJose -> UAF Jeff Weber
June 11, 2005
16:07 LNCC and UBA gambi
10:49 20050610: please change moingobe feed requests (cont.) Unidata Support
June 10, 2005
16:33 20050610: LDM Latency Issues at UND (cont.) Unidata Support
15:01 20050609:I2 vs commodity SJose -> UAF Jeff Weber
09:06 20050610: please change moingobe feed requests Unidata Support
08:42 20050610: LDM Latency Issues Unidata Support
June 09, 2005
14:18 20050609:I2 vs commodity Jeff Weber
14:14 20050609:UAF LDM host change Jeff Weber
June 06, 2005
13:36 20050606: ERCWC LDM setup Jeff Weber
June 03, 2005
13:08 Planned power outages for SJSU Network Mike Voss
June 02, 2005
14:16 20050602: Dynamic vs. static IP addresses for LDM Jeff Weber
12:58 back up Jeff Weber
12:17 Re: 20050531:NOGAPS Feed Request Jeff Weber
09:24 going down Jeff Weber
June 01, 2005
16:28 20050601:GEM Feed Request Jeff Weber
10:35 20050601: UW IDD feed requests to (cont.) Unidata Support
10:23 Re: 20050531: UW IDD feed requests to (cont.) Harry Edmon
May 31, 2005
16:46 20050531: feed requests to (cont.) Unidata Support
16:06 20050531:GEM model Jeff Weber
15:56 Re: 20050510:IDD Feed to U of Naples Parthenope Jeff Weber
15:52 20050531:NOGAPS Feed Request Jeff Weber
15:24 Re: 20050531: TAMU feed requests to (cont.) Neil R. Smith
14:42 Re: 20050531: UIUC feed requests to (cont.) David Wojtowicz
14:29 20050531: feed requests to (cont.) Unidata Support
14:27 20050531: TAMU feed requests to (cont.) Unidata Support
14:25 20050531: UW IDD feed requests to (cont.) Unidata Support
14:22 20050531: UIUC feed requests to (cont.) Unidata Support
May 27, 2005
13:02 20050527: feed requests to Unidata Support
May 24, 2005
08:16 20050524: FNEXRAD issues? Unidata Support
08:14 20050524: thelma delays Unidata Support
May 19, 2005
17:57 Re: 20050512: Routing from winderground to idd and rtstats Jeff Masters
17:46 Re: 20050512: Routing from winderground to idd and rtstats Mike Schmidt
17:38 Re: 20050512: Routing from winderground to idd and rtstats Mike Schmidt
16:43 Re: 20050512: Routing from winderground to idd and rtstats Jeff Masters
15:54 Re: 20050512: Routing from winderground to idd and rtstats Mike Schmidt
15:44 Re: 20050519:UNF allow of CONDUIT Jeff Weber
15:20 20050519: [address@hidden: Re: CONDUIT data] Unidata Support
12:23 20050518: WMO feed being generated on Unidata Support
11:58 20050519: IDD latency ULM->SRCC (cont.) Unidata Support
11:55 Re: 20050512: Routing from winderground to idd and rtstats Mike Schmidt
10:41 Re: reboot of IDD and U. Washington problems Jeff Weber
May 18, 2005
17:29 20050518: WMO feed via stokes (cont.) Tom Yoksas
16:56 20050518:WMO feed via stokes Jeff Weber
16:45 Re: 20050509:UH IDD Connect Jeff Weber
15:59 20050518:IDD latency ULM->SRCC Jeff Weber
15:38 20050518: ULM IDD latency Unidata Support
12:13 Re: 20050516:UNF allow of CONDUIT--some other info.. Mike Schmidt
10:33 Re: 20050516:UNF allow of CONDUIT--some other info.. Jeff Weber
May 16, 2005
17:41 Re: 20050516:UNF allow of CONDUIT--some other info.. Mike Schmidt
17:05 Re: 20050516:UNF allow of CONDUIT Jeff Weber
16:43 20050516:ldm feed request with CONDUIT Jeff Weber
16:09 Re: 20050516:UNF allow of CONDUIT Jeff Weber
16:05 Re: 20050516:UNF allow of CONDUIT Jeff Weber
13:54 20050516:UNF allow of CONDUIT Jeff Weber
13:31 Re: ldm feed request Jeff Weber
May 13, 2005
16:14 20050513: Is NEXRAD level-2 data feed okay? Unidata Support
May 12, 2005
15:07 20050512: Unidata U.S. Radar Reflectivity Composite Data Unidata Support
14:11 UW-Madison AOS Network outages NEXT WEEK Pete Pokrandt
10:31 Re: 20050512: Routing from winderground to idd and rtstats Mike Schmidt
May 11, 2005
15:29 Re: 20050509:UH IDD Connect Jeff Weber
May 10, 2005
23:28 20050510:IDD Feed to U of Naples Parthenope Jeff Weber
14:35 20050510: LDM problems Unidata Support
May 09, 2005
14:45 20050509:UH IDD Connect Jeff Weber
14:40 Re: 20050505:CMC GEM feed request -> Valparaiso University Jeff Weber
14:35 Re: 20050505:CMC GEM feed request -> Valparaiso University Jeff Weber
01:07 20050507: NPORT data feed? Tom Yoksas
May 08, 2005
19:25 20050508: daffy doa Steve Chiswell
May 06, 2005
15:34 Re: 20050505:request ETA forecasting data Jeff Weber
May 05, 2005
15:33 20050505:request ETA forecasting data Jeff Weber
14:56 Re: 20050505:CMC GEM feed request -> Valparaiso University Jeff Weber
14:19 20050505:CMC GEM feed request -> Valparaiso University Jeff Weber
May 03, 2005
13:58 LDM server on Unidata Support
13:12 Re: RE : 20050407:CMC GEM feed request -> Valparaiso University Jeff Weber
May 02, 2005
14:46 Re: RE : 20050407:CMC GEM feed request -> Valparaiso University Jeff Weber
14:22 Re: RE : 20050407:CMC GEM feed request -> Valparaiso University Jeff Weber
13:31 Re: 20050502: 20050502: thelma still down Harry Edmon
13:25 20050407:CMC GEM feed request -> Valparaiso University (fwd) Jeff Weber
13:18 Re: RE : 20050407:CMC GEM feed request -> Valparaiso University Jeff Weber
13:05 20050502: 20050502: thelma still down Unidata Support
12:42 20050502: thelma still down Unidata Support
April 29, 2005
16:05 20050429: Help getting Precip Grids Unidata Support
April 28, 2005
16:53 20050428: Individual IDD Feed Jeff Weber
April 26, 2005
15:17 Re: RE : 20050407:CMC GEM feed request -> Valparaiso University Jeff Weber
April 25, 2005
13:21 Re: RE : 20050407:CMC GEM feed request -> Valparaiso University Jeff Weber
April 21, 2005
22:40 Re: 20050421: appears to be down Gilbert Sebenste
April 19, 2005
17:21 20050419: some modifications on bigbird Unidata Support
16:50 20050419: unidata2 ldm woes? Unidata Support
16:03 20050419: unidata2 ldm woes? Unidata Support
10:46 Re: 20050415: IRaDS STATUS ALERT ... KHGX Update Carl Sinclair
10:06 20050419: Current list of top level CRAFT systems Unidata Support
10:05 20050415: IRaDS STATUS ALERT ... KHGX Update Unidata Support
April 13, 2005
14:44 LSU network outage - FYI Robert Leche
13:01 Re: 20050412: request for NOGAPS IDD feed from SPAWAR Jeff Weber
11:02 Re: 20050408:CONDUIT Feed to UAH via OU Scott Podgorny
April 12, 2005
08:13 20050412: request for NOGAPS IDD feed from SPAWAR Tom Yoksas
April 11, 2005
17:08 20050411: nexrad2 data on rasp (cont.) Unidata Support
11:05 20050411: [address@hidden: nexrad2 data on rasp] Unidata Support
11:05 20050411:FSL2 (profiler data) Jeff Weber
10:34 Re: 20050408:CONDUIT Feed to UAH via OU Jeff Weber
April 10, 2005
21:17 20050410: NEXRAD Composites on Unidata Support
April 08, 2005
14:50 RE: 20050323:California University of Penn - Upstream LDM Request Jeff Weber
14:38 20050408:CONDUIT Feed to UAH via OU Jeff Weber
14:16 Re: 20050330:IDD topo change UAF -> sundog James Murakami
14:16 RE: 20050407: Howard U Ldm is now receiving its data. Jeff Weber
13:34 Re: 20050330:IDD topo change UAF -> sundog Jeff Weber
12:42 RE: 20050407: Howard U Ldm has stop receiving data product. Jeff Weber
April 07, 2005
17:25 20050407:UAH CONDUIT Feed Jeff Weber
14:21 20050407: Howard U Ldm has stop receiving data product. Jeff Weber
12:53 20050407:CMC GEM feed request -> Valparaiso University Jeff Weber
12:49 20050407:FNMOC NOGAPS feed to Valparaiso Jeff Weber
12:23 Re: Ldm has stop receiving data product. Jeff Weber
11:05 Re: 20050331:CMC NOGAPS -> Valparaiso Jeff Weber
April 06, 2005
15:38 Re: 20050406: samoon clock drift (cont.) Robert Leche
11:12 20050406: samoon clock drift (cont.) Tom Yoksas
10:50 20050406:samoon clock drift Jeff Weber
March 31, 2005
16:11 Re: 20050331:IDD change UAF -> CMC Jeff Weber
16:07 20050331: ldm on unidata2 now using dvb1 as primary (cont.) Unidata Support
15:04 20050331: ldm on unidata2 now using dvb1 as primary Unidata Support
13:42 ldm on unidata2 now using dvb1 as primary Jerrold Robaidek
12:41 Re: 20050331:CMC NOGAPS -> Valparaiso Jeff Weber
10:45 20050331:CMC NOGAPS -> Valparaiso Jeff Weber
09:05 20050331:IDD change UAF -> CMC Jeff Weber
March 30, 2005
15:42 20050330:UAH CONDUIT Feed Jeff Weber
15:35 Re: 20050330:IDD topo change UAF -> sundog Jeff Weber
15:32 Re: 20050330:IDD topo change UAF -> sundog James Murakami
14:25 Re: 20050330:UAF IDD topo change Jeff Weber
14:21 20050330:UAF IDD topo change Jeff Weber
13:46 Re: IDD Connection Re-alignment Request Jeff Weber
13:42 20050330:IDD topo change UAF -> sundog Jeff Weber
March 29, 2005
09:57 Re: Unidata university participation. . . Jeff Weber
09:36 RE: Gempak/LDM/Unidata question from UAH ... Steve Chiswell
March 28, 2005
14:33 20050328: 20050328: 218 grids Unidata Support
12:44 20050328: 218 grids Unidata Support
March 26, 2005
11:48 20050324: Getting closer... Unidata Support
March 23, 2005
15:14 Re: 20050323: LDM Conduit feeds Jeff Weber
14:40 20050323: LDM Conduit feeds Jeff Weber
14:24 RE: 20050323:Howard University Upstream data-feed Jeff Weber
14:17 20050323:California University of Penn - Upstream LDM Request Jeff Weber
10:23 20050323: Upstream data-feed Jeff Weber
March 22, 2005
14:32 20050322: 20050321: DPA Availability through NNEXRAD (fwd) Unidata Support
08:58 Re: 20050321: DPA Availability through NNEXRAD (fwd) Jeff Weber
07:15 20050321: combining ldm feeds Unidata Support
March 21, 2005
17:06 Re: 20050321: DPA Availability through NNEXRAD (fwd) Jeff Weber
14:55 20050321: RUC data Steve Chiswell
14:29 20050321: DPA Availability through NNEXRAD Jeff Weber
10:01 Re: 20050316: 20050315: Temporary IDD feed Jim Cowie
March 18, 2005
16:53 20050318: Help with LDM! Unidata Support
14:07 LDM at LSU FYI Robert Leche
12:25 20050318:Brockport LDM feed from PSU Jeff Weber
06:39 20050318: oliver? Unidata Support
March 17, 2005
11:37 Re: 20050316: 20050315: IDD top level relay PSU (cont.) Arthur A. Person
09:06 Re: 20050316: 20050315: Temporary IDD feed Jim Cowie
01:49 20050316: IDD site in Taiwan?? Tom Yoksas
March 16, 2005
18:04 20050316: 20050315: IDD top level relay PSU (cont.) Unidata Support
16:00 20050316: Allow for NWSTC Jeff Weber
12:39 20050316: amendment to my e-mail from yesterday (fwd) Jeff Weber
11:09 Purdue maintenance John R. Jackson
March 15, 2005
18:41 20050315: IDD top level relay PSU (cont.) Unidata Support
16:26 Temporary IDD feed Jim Cowie
09:24 SSEC Data Center - Scheduled Power Outage Tomorrow 3/16 Tom Whittaker
08:21 20050315: Large latency of (cont.) Unidata Support
March 14, 2005
15:47 20050314: IDD top level relay PSU (cont.) Unidata Support
13:19 20050314: IDD top level relay PSU (cont.) Unidata Support
09:21 20050309: Large latency of Unidata Support
March 11, 2005
08:59 20050310: IDD top level relay PSU (cont.) Tom Yoksas
March 10, 2005
16:29 20050310: SATELLITE IMAGES Unidata Support
15:00 20050310:IDD top level relay PSU Jeff Weber
10:41 20050310: NIMAGE feed request Unidata Support
March 08, 2005
13:41 20050308:NLDN data and decoder Jeff Weber
10:32 Re: Fwd: 20050308: IDD top level relay unavailable Tom Grzelak
09:14 20050308: IDD top level relay unavailable Unidata Support
March 07, 2005
17:09 20050307: ldm thelma access changes Unidata Support
13:42 RE : 20050307:GEM data request Besner,Marc [CMC]
13:26 20050307:GEM data request Jeff Weber
12:33 RE: 20050307:data decoders Jeff Weber
10:22 20050307:data decoders Jeff Weber
08:17 20050307: technical support Unidata Support
08:15 20050307: LDM status on papagayo (cont.) Unidata Support
01:17 20050307: LDM status on papagayo Unidata Support
March 03, 2005
16:41 20050303:LDM feed via Jeff Weber
16:39 20050303:LDM connection to Jeff Weber
11:24 Re: 20050302: GIS (cont.) Gerry Creager n5jxs
March 01, 2005
17:50 20050222: FW: 20050217: Need help to resolve long latency issue on IDD/LDM (fwd) Unidata Support
14:11 Re: 20050301:Sat data Jeff Weber
14:03 Re: FW: The development of a weather computer lab Jeff Weber
13:21 Re: 20050301:Sat data Jeff Weber
13:04 Re: 20050301:Sat data Jeff Weber
11:33 Re: 20050301:Sat data Jeff Weber
10:19 20050301:Sat data Jeff Weber
February 28, 2005
12:46 20050228: back to thelma Unidata Support
09:41 20050228: IDD top level relay node status update Unidata Support
09:32 20050228: IDD Latency issues (cont.) Unidata Support
09:08 Re: 20050225:IDD Latency issues Jeff Weber
February 25, 2005
16:15 Re: 20050225:motherlode access Jeff Weber
14:21 20050225:IDD Latency issues Jeff Weber
14:13 Re: 20050225:Change of Level II radar feeds Jeff Weber
14:10 Re: 20050225:Change of Level II radar feeds Jeff Weber
14:07 20050225: IDS data not flowing (cont.) Unidata Support
13:58 20050225:Change of Level II radar feeds Jeff Weber
12:26 20050225:Latency issues UNI Jeff Weber
11:28 20050225: IDS data not flowing Unidata Support
11:25 20050225: IDD top level relay node is unaccessible Unidata Support
11:19 20050225:: thelma is down (cont.) Unidata Support
11:07 20050225: thelma is down Unidata Support
09:24 20050225: IDD top level relay OUTAGE Unidata Support
February 24, 2005
10:56 20050224:Addressing changes FYI Jeff Weber
February 23, 2005
21:09 20050223: nexrad2 feed Tom Yoksas
February 22, 2005
01:37 20050221: reporting of real time NEXRAD Level II statistics to Unidata Unidata Support
February 21, 2005
08:35 Re: 20050219: real time statistics reporting to Unidata (cont.) Bob Lipschutz
February 18, 2005
20:54 20050219: real time statistics reporting to Unidata (cont.) Unidata Support
13:24 Re: The saga of the new UPS Dee Wade
February 17, 2005
22:42 20050217: Need help to resolve long latency issue on IDD/LDM Unidata Support
14:38 20050217: packet shaping and IDD at Steve Emmerson
February 16, 2005
21:16 RE: 20050216:ETA 12km data availability Jeff Weber
18:09 20050216: DVB-S NOAAport Tom Yoksas
12:39 20050216:ETA 10km data availability Jeff Weber
09:57 20050216: unidata2 feed request BGSU Jeff Weber
February 15, 2005
15:12 20050215: Iowa - ISU Switch Jeff Weber
12:53 20050215:HRS - eta Jeff Weber
February 14, 2005
09:40 Re: off Jeff Weber
08:48 20050214: NOAAPort data volumnes by feedtype Unidata Support
08:31 Missing LDM model data? Dana Price
February 13, 2005
09:37 20050213: off (cont.) Unidata Support
08:36 20050213: off (cont.) Tom Yoksas
February 11, 2005
10:23 LSU IDD outage Robert Leche
08:35 20050211: IDD-Antarctic Tom Yoksas
February 10, 2005
15:28 20050210:BGSU IDS|DDPLUS Jeff Weber
15:22 20050210: 20050209: [Fwd: LDM Question] Unidata Support
15:08 20050209: [Fwd: LDM Question] Unidata Support
14:33 ETA -> NAM Jeff Weber
14:08 20050210: data request Jeff Weber
10:16 RE: stop feeding from emo Jeff Weber
09:54 20050210:ULM feed LSU Jeff Weber
February 09, 2005
15:33 Re: off Jeff Weber
15:29 off Jeff Weber
15:17 off Jeff Weber
15:06 off Jeff Weber
14:21 off Jeff Weber
14:17 off Jeff Weber
14:11 stop feeding from emo Jeff Weber
13:54 off emo Jeff Weber
11:11 Re: 20050208:level II feed Jeff Weber
February 08, 2005
17:08 20050204: 20050202: Late 1 degree GFS and late eta's on CONDUIT] (cont.) Unidata Support
16:17 20050208:level II feed Jeff Weber
February 04, 2005
16:08 20050204: toplevel IDD relay inaccessible Unidata Support
14:30 20050204:Bad time on Jeff Weber
13:49 Re: 20050203: IDD grib meta tags Steve Chiswell
10:24 20050203: IDD grib meta tags Unidata Support
09:02 20050203: toplevel IDD relay once again accessible (cont.) Unidata Support
February 03, 2005
17:27 20050203: IDD - ATM appears down (cont.) Unidata Support
14:03 Re: nccatm Jeff Weber
07:01 20050203: toplevel IDD relay once again accessible (cont.) Unidata Support
February 02, 2005
17:12 20050202: Late 1 degree GFS and late eta's on CONDUIT] (cont.) Tom Yoksas
16:12 20050202: toplevel IDD relay once again accessible Unidata Support
16:04 20050131: [Fwd: Re: Late 1 degree GFS and late eta's on CONDUIT] (fwd) Tom Yoksas
13:36 (Fwd) SCHEDULED OUTAGE on 2/9/2005 Mike Schmidt
February 01, 2005
15:32 20050201:secondary CONDUIT data feed Jeff Weber
12:34 Re: IDD stats down? Steve Chiswell
January 31, 2005
17:50 20050131: 20050131: IDD - ATM appears down Unidata Support
17:20 20050131: toplevel IDD relay inaccessible Unidata Support
16:47 20050131: IDD - ATM appears down Unidata Support
15:37 LSU IDD Relay host change, Last reminder Robert Leche
January 27, 2005
10:51 RE: RSAS model outputs Jeff Weber
January 25, 2005
13:03 20050125: Latencies on our redundant HDS feed (cont.) Unidata Support
09:51 Re: ETA gribtonc PIPE Robb Kambic
January 21, 2005
15:46 20050121:data access Jeff Weber
14:52 RE: 20050120: RSAS via the IDD Jeff Weber
11:05 20050121: Latencies on our redundant HDS feed Unidata Support
January 20, 2005
17:50 (Fwd) RE: Internet2 Connectivity of "Weather Machine" Mike Schmidt
12:27 Re: 20050118: Request LDM Data Steams. Jeff Weber
12:19 20050120: RSAS via the IDD Jeff Weber
January 19, 2005
14:40 20050119: eta data Unidata Support
January 18, 2005
23:06 20050113: Data feed slow from thelma Unidata Support
23:00 20050110: Model initialization data Unidata Support
16:48 Re: 20050118: Request LDM Data Steams. Jeff Weber
13:45 Re: 20050118: Request LDM Data Steams. Jeff Weber
13:38 20050118: Request LDM Data Steams. Jeff Weber
January 16, 2005
17:15 Fwd: No data Lodovica Illari
January 07, 2005
09:52 20050106: clock on brisa is 17 years in the future (cont.) Tom Yoksas
January 06, 2005
15:42 20050106: RTSTATS question Unidata Support
01:18 20050105: LDM configuration for GEMPAK decoding (cont.) Unidata Support
January 05, 2005
11:42 Re: RealTime stats wierd for Steve Chiswell
January 04, 2005
01:15 20050103: Question on the Bird's scour routines Tom Yoksas
January 02, 2005
21:11 LDM stats error noted Gerry Creager N5JXS
19:18 Re: planned IDD outage for - rossby - SJSU Gerry Creager N5JXS
17:53 planned IDD outage for - rossby - SJSU Mike Voss
December 31, 2004
10:56 20041231: status (cont.) Unidata Support
December 30, 2004
16:05 20041230: status Unidata Support
15:55 20041230: please switch feed(s) from emo to idd Unidata Support
December 29, 2004
15:52 Re: 211 gfs on HDS Steve Chiswell
11:01 20041229: 20041228: HDS products Unidata Support
10:37 20041229: 20041228: HDS products Unidata Support
December 28, 2004
12:31 20041228: HDS products Steve Chiswell
December 22, 2004
15:07 20041222: IDD latencies to Unidata Support
14:33 Re: 20041222: problems with Jeff Weber
13:31 20041222: problems with Jeff Weber
December 21, 2004
17:42 20041221: LDM @ UWYO Tom Yoksas
17:09 20041221: please fail off of and back to your primary site Unidata Support
10:49 20041221:atm -> bgsu Jeff Weber
09:36 Re: DGEX grids Steve Chiswell
08:17 20041221: CONDUIT IDD requests from Unidata Support
December 20, 2004
16:02 20041220: 20041216: GFS pqact entries Unidata Support
15:14 20041220: IDD data requests from pp42 to (cont.) Unidata Support
14:07 20041220: Switch Change at NSF (cont.) Unidata Support
12:38 Re: 20041220: Switch Change at NSF Mike Schmidt
11:23 20041220: Switch Change at NSF Unidata Support
11:11 20041220: Problem with feed from Unidata Support
10:55 Scheduled outage Gerry Creager n5jxs
09:05 20041220: IDD data requests from pp42 to Unidata Support
08:52 20041220: atm slow Unidata Support
December 18, 2004
10:54 20041217: Question about LDM data format Unidata Support
December 17, 2004
11:42 20041217: LDM feed for Nexrad Data Unidata Support
11:03 20041216: GFS pqact entries Unidata Support
10:49 Re: LDM feed for Nexrad Data Carl Sinclair
December 15, 2004
10:21 20041214: "Final" gfs analyses Unidata Support
December 14, 2004
10:07 20041213: 20041213: RE : 20041201:GEM data request (fwd) Unidata Support
07:03 RE: 20041209: clock on Alexander Clark
December 13, 2004
15:23 20041213: RE : 20041201:GEM data request (fwd) Unidata Support
December 10, 2004
16:03 20041210: CONDUIT setup in LDM Unidata Support
December 09, 2004
14:22 20041209: clock on Unidata Support
08:18 20041209: ldm queue size Unidata Support
December 08, 2004
13:51 Re: RE : 20041201:GEM data request (fwd) Jeff Weber
13:03 RE: 20041201:GEM data request (fwd) Jeff Weber
11:21 20041201:GEM data request (fwd) Jeff Weber
11:01 Re: 20041201:GEM data request Jeff Weber
December 07, 2004
15:02 20041207:NLDN Feed Request Jeff Weber
14:58 Re: 20041207: ndln Jeff Weber
14:09 20041207: ndln Jeff Weber
08:33 Re: 20041206:CONDUIT Feed request Jeff Weber
December 06, 2004
14:44 Re: 20041206:CONDUIT Feed request Jeff Weber
13:49 20041206:CONDUIT Feed request Jeff Weber
10:18 20041206: fnexrad feed ETA? Unidata Support
08:34 Re: 20041206: [Fwd: Re: LDM feed] Don Murray
08:23 20041206: [Fwd: Re: LDM feed] Unidata Support
December 05, 2004
10:08 20041205: LDM for the SURA SCOOP project and bigbird Tom Yoksas
December 03, 2004
14:09 20041203: 20041203: NCEP ETA models on IDD Unidata Support
13:56 20041203: LDM for the SURA SCOOP project Tom Yoksas
13:24 RE: 20041203: NCEP ETA models on IDD Jeff Weber
10:49 20041130: CONDUIT model name changes effect on end user 12Z GFS/ETA processing (fwd) Jeff Weber
09:57 20041203: NCEP ETA models on IDD Jeff Weber
December 02, 2004
17:40 20041202: DVB-S Conversion to GRIB2/JPEG2000 - does this affect CONDUIT? Unidata Support
December 01, 2004
13:47 Re: 20041201:bgsu unidata weather atm Jeff Weber
13:40 20041201:GEM data request Jeff Weber
13:24 Re: 20041201:GEM data request Jeff Weber
13:20 20041201:bgsu unidata weather atm Jeff Weber
13:02 20041201:GEM data request Jeff Weber
08:22 20041130: CONDUIT UQAM (cont.) Unidata Support
November 30, 2004
17:39 20041130: CONDUIT model name changes effect on end user 12Z GFS/ETA processing Unidata Support
November 29, 2004
15:21 20041129: LDM upstream feed site (cont.) Unidata Support
15:17 20041129: monster latencies from (cont.) Unidata Support
14:26 20041123: LDM upstream feed site Tom Yoksas
14:23 20041129: request for an allow for U. Colorado Unidata Support
12:29 20041129: IDD feeds from Unidata Support
November 22, 2004
15:41 RE: 20041122: LDM Tomislav Urban
15:31 20041122: LDM Unidata Support
November 19, 2004
13:24 20041119:DPA availability over the internet.... Jeff Weber
08:47 Re: 20041118: Feed request Jeff Weber
November 18, 2004
16:19 Re: 20041118: Feed request Mike Voss
15:24 Re: 20041118: Feed request Mike Voss
13:48 20041118: Feed request Jeff Weber
November 16, 2004
15:48 Re: IDD Connection Request Jeff Weber
15:23 Re: CRAFT data feed change request Jeff Weber
November 15, 2004
14:25 20041115: List Of Level II Users and stats Jeff Weber
13:43 RE: 20041111: 20041110: Eta data streams Jeff Weber
11:29 20041115:large ldm delays at UK Jeff Weber
10:11 20041115:atm -> bgsu feed Jeff Weber
November 12, 2004
10:23 20041112:RTSTATS Jeff Weber
09:35 20041112:RTSTATS via Portugal Jeff Weber
November 11, 2004
09:57 20041111: 20041110: Eta data streams Unidata Support
November 10, 2004
16:46 Re: 20041109: IDD Connection Request Jeff Weber
16:36 RE: 20041110: Eta data streams Jeff Weber
14:59 20041110: Eta data streams Jeff Weber
14:14 RE: 20041110: Eta data streams Jeff Weber
13:14 20041110: Eta data streams Jeff Weber
11:09 20041110: IDD Site Contact Information Jeff Weber
November 09, 2004
17:49 20041109: IDD Connection Request Unidata Support
16:56 Re: IDD Connection Request Jeff Weber
November 08, 2004
13:19 RE: Eta data streams Jeff Weber
November 04, 2004
17:06 20041104:Northland College Upstream Feed Site Jeff Weber
16:30 20041104:RAP chisel -> clamp Jeff Weber
November 03, 2004
13:34 Re: iddstats help Jeff Weber
09:16 Re: 20041102:SIUC Joining Unidata Jeff Weber
09:03 RE: 200341101: Level II feed Jeff Weber
November 02, 2004
11:18 20041102:SIUC Joining Unidata Jeff Weber
09:31 RE: 200341101: Level II feed Jeff Weber
November 01, 2004
15:12 Re: 20041022:Feeding problems Jeff Weber
14:57 20041101:rtstats latencies in the future Jeff Weber
October 31, 2004
21:12 Loss of Level III data? Gerry Creager N5JXS
October 29, 2004
12:00 20041029: Solon Latencies (cont.) Tom Yoksas
07:16 20041028: Solon Latencies Tom Yoksas
October 28, 2004
13:49 Re: 20041028: IDD Feeds Jeff Weber
13:20 20041028: IDD Feeds Jeff Weber
October 27, 2004
16:49 Re: 20041027:Level II Feed Gerry Creager n5jxs
October 26, 2004
16:15 outage Pete Pokrandt
10:18 RE: ERCWC update Jeff Weber
10:13 Re: 20040401:Request authorization at the upstream LDM Jeff Weber
October 25, 2004
14:25 Re: 20040401:Request authorization at the upstream LDM Jeff Weber
11:05 Re: 20041022:Feeding problems Jeff Weber
October 22, 2004
15:35 20041022: IDD top level relay outages expected this weekend Unidata Support
14:08 20041022: 20041022: IDD top level relay outages expected this weekend Unidata Support
13:35 20041022:Feeding problems Jeff Weber
12:08 20041022: IDD top level relay outages expected this weekend Unidata Support
October 21, 2004
14:27 unplanned outage Pete Pokrandt
October 19, 2004
16:25 20041019:IDD sitelist change UBC Jeff Weber
13:51 20041019: extra allow for BGSU Jeff Weber
10:52 Re: 20041017: UNIWISC IDD feed unavailable Jerrold Robaidek
October 16, 2004
21:13 UNIWISC feed down? Mike Voss
20:16 appears to be down. Pete Pokrandt
October 14, 2004
15:33 bigbird Gerry Creager n5jxs
13:45 20041014: rtstats web page Unidata Support
12:41 20041014: rtstats web page Unidata Support
12:35 CRAFT feed to NRL from SJSU Jeff Weber
October 13, 2004
11:43 20041007: CONDUIT feed down (?) (cont.) Unidata Support
10:51 20041013: LDM - Problems with global MRF-alike grids since Sept. 29th? Unidata Support
October 11, 2004
10:37 20041011:CRAFT Feed SJSU -> NRLMRY Level II radar feed Jeff Weber
09:14 20041011:Feed Jeff Weber
October 10, 2004
15:05 20041010: IDD top level relay node accessible again Unidata Support
October 09, 2004
14:54 20041009: problem with Unidata Support
14:50 20041009: IDD top level relay node inaccessible Unidata Support
October 08, 2004
13:09 20041008:UNC Failover feed? Jeff Weber
October 07, 2004
17:07 Re: 20040927:IDD Feed Request Jeff Weber
16:05 20041007: Upstream datafeed source request Jeff Weber
15:42 20041007:ASU Upgrading LDM Jeff Weber
10:32 20041007: Upstream datafeed source request Jeff Weber
08:32 20041007: Upstream datafeed source request Jeff Weber
October 06, 2004
14:57 20041004: 20041004: 20041001: 20040929: gempak models Unidata Support
October 05, 2004
16:42 Re: 20040927:IDD Feed Request Jeff Weber
October 04, 2004
13:09 IDD: UIUC connectivity intermittent David Wojtowicz
September 29, 2004
08:22 20040928: bigbird's back Unidata Support
September 28, 2004
16:39 20040928: Jeff Weber
14:02 20040928: Level II Radar Data Unidata Support
September 27, 2004
13:53 20040920: GEM Feed Request (fwd) Jeff Weber
12:11 20040927: IDD relay node is down Unidata Support
10:43 Re: 20040826:Site contacts Jeff Weber
10:01 20040927:IDD Feed Request Jeff Weber
09:42 20040927:IDD Feed Request Jeff Weber
September 23, 2004
17:10 20040923: 20040916: downloading FNEXRAD data by ldm Unidata Support
10:47 Re: 20040922:NOGAPS feed to ERAU Phil Sharfstein
September 22, 2004
16:18 20040922:NOGAPS feed to ERAU Jeff Weber
16:08 20040922:GEM entries and NOGAPS Jeff Weber
15:03 20040922: FNEXRAD Unidata Support
September 20, 2004
17:00 20040920:NEXRAD Archive data Jeff Weber
15:31 20040920: Unknown feed requester. Unidata Support
10:35 20040920: GEM Feed Request Jeff Weber
10:26 20040920:LDM failover Jeff Weber
September 19, 2004
08:56 20040919: Failed to connect to Unidata Support
September 18, 2004
08:57 20040918: IDD top level relay node down Unidata Support
September 17, 2004
16:43 20040917: CRAFT data (cont.) Unidata Support
15:39 20040917: CRAFT data (cont.) Unidata Support
14:51 20040917: CRAFT data Unidata Support
September 16, 2004
16:25 20040916: memory bgsu Jeff Weber
September 15, 2004
13:58 feed Jeff Weber
12:19 20040915: are these NCEP data available by LDM ? Steve Chiswell
September 14, 2004
15:29 RE: 20040914:NIDS to ASCII Nexrad data conversion Jeff Weber
11:19 20040914:NIDS to ASCII Nexrad data conversion Jeff Weber
September 13, 2004
12:50 RE: 20040910: LDM Feed Jeff Weber
12:48 Re: 20040723: Ohio State upstream data-feeds Jeff Weber
09:38 RE: 20040910: LDM Feed Jeff Weber
08:52 Re: 20040723: Ohio State upstream data-feeds Jeff Weber
September 10, 2004
17:23 20040910: LDM Feed Unidata Support
September 09, 2004
16:58 Re: LDM Feed Jeff Weber
14:25 RE: NEXRAD data feeds Jeff Weber
11:22 NEXRAD data feeds Jeff Weber
10:37 Re: 20040901: problems with NEXRAD files Jeff Weber
09:50 20040909: upstream data feeds Jeff Weber
09:42 Re: LDM Feed Jeff Weber
September 08, 2004
16:10 motherlode IP address change Mike Schmidt
15:52 20040907: CONDUIT data stream products Unidata Support
14:03 Re: 20040908:BGSU IDD ATM Jeff Weber
11:32 20040908:IDD IDV data access Jeff Weber
10:40 20040908:BGSU IDD ATM Jeff Weber
September 07, 2004
10:25 Re: 20040901: problems with NEXRAD files Jeff Weber
09:44 Re: memory Jeff Weber
09:35 Re: 20040901: problems with NEXRAD files Jeff Weber
September 03, 2004
14:37 20040903:LDM time requirements Jeff Weber
14:24 20040903:BGSU CRAFT & CONDUIT feeds Jeff Weber
September 02, 2004
17:08 20040902: PQACT fubar? Steve Chiswell
16:55 Re: 20040901: problems with NEXRAD files Jeff Weber
13:34 20040902:DIFAX Jeff Weber
September 01, 2004
16:22 Re: 20040901: problems with NEXRAD files Ben Domenico
14:48 Re: 20040901:Howard IDD IP change Jeff Weber
13:01 20040901: problems with NEXRAD files Jeff Weber
12:52 20040901:Howard IDD IP change Jeff Weber
11:24 20040901:Howard IDD IP change Jeff Weber
August 30, 2004
17:25 20040830: GOES-10 floaters Unidata Support
06:57 20040829: bigbird Level II data filing? Unidata Support
August 25, 2004
14:59 Re: Change feed to Virginia Tech Jeff Weber
14:52 20040825: Change feed to Virginia Tech Jeff Weber
August 23, 2004
14:40 20040823: Request for connect -- Museum of Science, Boston MA Jeff Weber
08:47 Re: 20040819:Feed Request Jeff Weber
August 22, 2004
10:03 20040822: rtstats reporting from SLU LDMs (cont.) Unidata Support
August 21, 2004
18:48 20040821: rtstats reporting from SLU LDMs (cont.) Unidata Support
17:38 20040821: rtstats reporting from SLU LDMs (cont.) Unidata Support
10:30 20040821: NNEXRAD Feed (cont.) Unidata Support
10:28 20040821: Level II Radar (was: Re: NNEXRAD Feed) Unidata Support
10:07 20040821: NNEXRAD Feed Tom Yoksas
August 20, 2004
13:53 20040820: nullproc_6 errors from Unidata Support
August 19, 2004
15:36 20040819:Feed Request Jeff Weber
10:55 Re: 20040819:CRAFT to KU from TAMU Jeff Weber
10:43 20040819:CRAFT to KU from TAMU Jeff Weber
09:21 20040818: rtstats reporting from SLU LDMs Unidata Support
August 17, 2004
14:19 20040817: request denials on (cont.) Unidata Support
August 16, 2004
15:33 Re: 20040616:IDD Mississippi State Jeff Weber
August 14, 2004
14:42 20040814: request denials on Unidata Support
August 13, 2004
10:26 Re: ldm hostname change James Murakami
07:57 20040813: LDM NEXRD2 data from the Max (cont.) Unidata Support
August 10, 2004
16:12 Re: 20040806: GEMPAK/LDM problem... Steve Chiswell
August 05, 2004
15:29 20040805: Howard LDM Feeds Jeff Weber
August 04, 2004
10:23 Re: LDM Feeds Jeff Weber
August 03, 2004
14:54 20040802: CRAFT relay Unidata Support
August 02, 2004
19:24 Re: 20040730:CONDUIT allow Chris Herbster
15:53 Re: 20040802: LDM for LEAD config Jeff Weber
15:15 Re: 20040802: LDM for LEAD config Jeff Weber
15:06 Re: 20040802: LDM for LEAD config Jeff Weber
14:30 20040802: LDM for LEAD config Jeff Weber
08:50 20040801: OU not feeding? Unidata Support
08:48 20040801: bigbird "archive" of Level II/III data Unidata Support
July 30, 2004
13:16 Re: 20040730:CONDUIT allow Chris Herbster
11:37 Re: 20040730:CONDUIT allow Thomas L. Mote
11:28 20040730:CONDUIT allow Jeff Weber
July 29, 2004
11:37 Re: Howard LDM Interesting occurance. Jeff Weber
July 28, 2004
14:02 Re: 20040726: Howard LDM Feed Jeff Weber
12:57 Re: 20040726: Howard LDM Feed Jeff Weber
12:47 20040728:IDD delays Jeff Weber
12:20 Re: 20040726: Howard LDM Feed Jeff Weber
11:25 Re: 20040726: Howard LDM Feed Jeff Weber
11:21 20040727: LDM Question Unidata Support
10:41 20040726: Howard LDM Feed Jeff Weber
July 27, 2004
16:22 20040727:NIMAGE Jeff Weber
July 26, 2004
12:59 20040726: ETA model output Unidata Support
11:46 Re: 20040719: Howard LDM Feed Jeff Weber
10:15 Re: 20040719: Howard LDM Feed Jeff Weber
10:10 Re: 20040719: Howard LDM Feed Jeff Weber
09:47 Re: 20040719: Howard LDM Feed Jeff Weber
July 23, 2004
13:19 20040723: rtstats Unidata Support
12:55 Re: 20040723: Ohio State upstream data-feeds Jeff Weber
12:51 bergeron IP change Jeff Weber
12:21 20040723: Ohio State upstream data-feeds Jeff Weber
12:03 20040723: need feed for ANY-NLDN-PCWS-WSI Tom Yoksas
July 20, 2004
14:00 Re: 20040720: Level II radar data from OU Jeff Weber
13:53 Re: 20040720: Level II radar data from OU Jeff Weber
13:15 20040720: Level II radar data from OU Jeff Weber
10:02 Re: 20040719: Howard LDM Feed Jeff Weber
09:56 Re: 20040719: Howard LDM Feed Jeff Weber
July 19, 2004
16:51 20040719: Howard LDM Feed Jeff Weber
July 16, 2004
15:47 20040715:NIMAGE Jeff Weber
July 14, 2004
15:29 Re: 20040310: ETA 12km Data Steve Chiswell
14:53 Re: 20040310: ETA 12km Data Steve Chiswell
July 13, 2004
16:58 20040713:Radar data CSU Jeff Weber
09:43 20040713: Ohio State upstream data-feeds Jeff Weber
July 12, 2004
07:45 20040712: please failover Level II Nexrad Feed to emo (cont.) Unidata Support
July 09, 2004
14:47 20040709: please failover Level II Nexrad Feed to emo(cont.) Unidata Support
July 07, 2004
11:02 Re: Aeolus to Change James Murakami
10:19 Aeolus to Change Larry Riddle
July 06, 2004
12:32 20040705: PIL documentation? Unidata Support
10:56 20040706: trouble with nldn data Unidata Support
08:33 Re:Ongoing problems with accessing your ldm server, trying to retrieve missing data,... Marek Kmiecik
July 02, 2004
14:59 Re: 20040702: NSSL NLDN Feed Jeff Weber
14:54 Re: 20040702: NSSL NLDN Feed David Knight
14:46 20040702: NSSL NLDN Feed Jeff Weber
14:29 Re: 20040630: NSSL access to IDD Jeff Weber
14:25 Re: 20040630: NSSL access to IDD Doug Kennedy
11:25 Re: 20040630: NSSL access to IDD Jeff Weber
July 01, 2004
15:38 20040701: Level II Nexrad Feed (cont.) Unidata Support
12:33 20040701: Level II Nexrad Feed (cont.) Unidata Support
08:35 20040701: Level II Nexrad Feed (cont.) Unidata Support
June 30, 2004
14:47 Re: 20040629: Level II data feed Ohio State Jeff Weber
14:44 20040630: NSSL Feed Jeff Weber
12:57 20040630: Level II Nexrad Feed Unidata Support
10:51 20040630: NSSL Access to IDD Jeff Weber
10:16 Re: Access to IDD Jeff Weber
10:10 20040630: IDD feed status Jeff Weber
10:06 Re: 20040628: Kansas feed -> private Jeff Weber
June 29, 2004
13:57 Re: 20040629: Level II data feed Ohio State Jeff Weber
13:48 20040629: Level II data feed Ohio State Jeff Weber
June 28, 2004
11:45 20040628: Kansas feed -> private Jeff Weber
11:33 Re: IDD feed status Jeff Weber
June 25, 2004
16:20 20040625: redundant IDD requests Unidata Support
June 24, 2004
15:50 20040624: FNEXRAD feed and change in NIU data relay status coming Unidata Support
June 18, 2004
13:09 20040618: Request for CRAFT feed to Arizona Unidata Support
June 17, 2004
17:15 20040617: IDD - Redhat Linux 9.0 - FNEXRAD datastream Unidata Support
June 16, 2004
16:25 DELIVERY FAILURE: User weglarzr (address@hidden) not listed in public Name & Address Book Robert Leche
11:45 20040616: IDD feeds from not available Tom Yoksas
11:40 20040616: LSU IDD top level relay is down Unidata Support
11:40 RE: IDD problems? David Fitzgerald
11:31 Network Outage at LSU Bob and Diane
11:23 20040616:IDD Mississippi State Jeff Weber
11:19 20040616: IDD top level relay node status Tom Yoksas
11:18 Re: IDD problems? Jeff Weber
June 15, 2004
14:34 20040615: soliciting second-tier-IDD NEXRAD Level II relay sites (cont.) Unidata Support
June 14, 2004
13:40 Re: 20040604: Level II radar data Jeff Weber
06:57 20040614: New LDM sites at CPTEC Tom Yoksas
June 11, 2004
15:32 20040611: Failover site(s) Jeff Weber
15:21 Re: Access to IDD Jeff Weber
11:35 20040611: mysterious emo reboot and CRAFT volumes (cont.) Tom Yoksas
11:25 20040611: UFRJ Unidata IDD request (cont.) Unidata Support
11:05 20040611: mysterious emo reboot and CRAFT volumes (please read!) Tom Yoksas
09:20 Re: 20040611: UFRJ Unidata IDD request (cont.) Guilherme O. Chagas
08:16 20040611: UFRJ Unidata IDD request (cont.) Unidata Support
June 10, 2004
15:09 20040610: UFRJ Unidata IDD request Unidata Support
10:49 20040610: LDM changes on Rossby, latencies (cont.) Unidata Support
June 09, 2004
09:57 20040609: 20040609: thelma down, replace by emo??? Unidata Support
09:35 20040609: thelma down, replace by emo??? Unidata Support
04:23 20040609: latest on (new)thelma Tom Yoksas
02:26 20040609: rtstats hosed Tom Yoksas
02:19 20040609: feeds off of (new)thelma (cont.) Tom Yoksas
01:51 20040609: feeds off of (new)thelma Tom Yoksas
01:26 20040609: moving feeds off of (new)thelma Unidata Support
June 08, 2004
17:15 20040608: LDM changes on Rossby, latencies (cont.) Unidata Support
June 07, 2004
13:34 20040607: CRAFT data Unidata Support
June 06, 2004
14:26 NLDM on methost24 has stopped Mike Voss
14:17 Re: 20040605: LDM changes on Rossby, latencies Mike Voss
10:20 20040605: LDM changes on Rossby, latencies Unidata Support
June 01, 2004
16:59 20040531: GFS data Unidata Support
16:29 20040601: LDM NEXRD2 data from the Max Unidata Support
May 26, 2004
15:54 20040526: CSU's feed of CRAFT data Unidata Support
11:27 Re: 200040526:rtsats failing Jeff Weber
11:17 200040526:rtsats failing Jeff Weber
10:20 20040526: NIMAGE down? Unidata Support
May 25, 2004
14:53 20040525: Questions about MPS300-based NOAAPORT ingest system (cont.) Unidata Support
May 21, 2004
13:36 Re: 20040521:aeolus upgrade Jeff Weber
12:38 20040521:aeolus upgrade Jeff Weber
May 20, 2004
11:47 Re: 20040520: HDS from thelma Steve Emmerson
10:57 20040520: HDS from thelma Unidata Support
May 19, 2004
14:18 Re: 20040428:IDD Russia upstream request Jeff Weber
12:15 20040513: level II CRAFT Feed Unidata Support
May 18, 2004
15:58 Re: Request additional feed Harry Edmon
15:19 Request additional feed James Murakami
12:23 20040518: soliciting second-tier-IDD NEXRAD Level II relay sites (cont.) Unidata Support
10:59 Re: 20040428:IDD Russia upstream request Jeff Weber
May 14, 2004
10:27 Re: 20040428:IDD Russia upstream request Jeff Weber
09:29 Re: 20040513:level II CRAFT Feed + Moscow Feed Jeff Weber
May 13, 2004
16:30 20040513:level II CRAFT Feed Jeff Weber
16:17 20040513:LDM install Jeff Weber
May 12, 2004
15:16 Re: 20040512: eldm -> eldm2 Jeff Weber
15:15 Re: 20040512: 20040428:IDD Russia upstream request (fwd) Jeff Weber
15:13 20040512: eldm -> eldm2 Tom Yoksas
15:08 20040512: 20040428:IDD Russia upstream request (fwd) Tom Yoksas
May 06, 2004
12:48 20040506:UAH Joining IDD for LEAD project Jeff Weber
May 03, 2004
14:06 Re: 20040426:GMU IDD LDM Feed Jeff Weber
12:24 Re: 20040426:GMU IDD LDM Feed Jeff Weber
April 28, 2004
11:34 20040428: CSU machine name Unidata Support
09:03 20040428:IDD Russia upstream request Jeff Weber
April 27, 2004
09:55 20040427: Unidata IDD feed request from a NOAA employee Unidata Support
April 26, 2004
16:25 20040426: LDM Server connection for CRAFT data Unidata Support
13:31 20040401:Request authorization at the upstream LDM Jeff Weber
10:04 20040426:GMU IDD LDM Feed Jeff Weber
09:29 Re: 20040422:CONDUIT reg exp Jeff Weber
April 23, 2004
09:29 Re: 20040422:CONDUIT reg exp (fwd) Jeff Weber
09:27 20040424:BGSU -Ohio State Jeff Weber
April 22, 2004
15:34 20040422:Level II second tier responsibilities Jeff Weber
14:00 Re: 20040211:CONDUIT Feed UND (fwd) Jeff Weber
10:53 Re: 20040211:CONDUIT Feed UND (fwd) Jeff Weber
10:47 Re: 20040211:CONDUIT Feed UND Jeff Weber
April 21, 2004
11:55 20040421: level II radar data Unidata Support
11:07 Re: 20040421:Level II radar data Jeff Weber
10:28 20040421:Level II radar data Jeff Weber
10:23 Re: 20040419:Level II Feeds Jeff Weber
April 20, 2004
16:00 20040420: UND data feed Jeff Weber
April 19, 2004
14:24 20040419:Level II Feeds Jeff Weber
April 15, 2004
18:24 20040408: CRAFT data availability Unidata Support
April 14, 2004
10:31 Re: satellite imagery for April 11, 12 Jeff Weber
April 13, 2004
16:08 20040413: Glimpse search if Unidata IDD web pages for SkyWatch Unidata Support
10:42 RE: 20040325:IDD Jeff Weber
10:29 20040413: from wx-talk about distribution of noaaport data Tom Yoksas
April 12, 2004
13:39 20040412: IDD Data Availability (cont.) Unidata Support
12:45 20040412: CONDUIT Hosts Jeff Weber
11:18 20040411: IDD Data Availability (cont.) Unidata Support
April 11, 2004
09:50 20040409: IDD Data Availability Unidata Support
April 09, 2004
11:15 20040409:Unidata IDD ASU Feed Jeff Weber
April 06, 2004
16:19 20040405: Help with Gempak Software Unidata Support
14:54 20040406: Obtain upstream data-feeds Jeff Weber
12:51 Re: 20040406:Request authorization at the upstream LDM Jeff Weber
11:16 20040406: Obtain upstream data-feeds Jeff Weber
10:41 20040406:Request authorization at the upstream LDM Jeff Weber
09:53 Re:Request authorization at the upstream LDM Jeff Weber
April 02, 2004
14:59 Re: 20040401:Request authorization at the upstream LDM Jeff Weber
14:20 Re: 20040402: Possible feed? Jeff Weber
12:52 20040402: IDD feeds down for 1 hour this morning Tom Yoksas
12:34 20040402: access to UNIWSIC imagery (cont.) Unidata Support
11:20 Re: 20040402: need motherlode data Ruth Platner
09:54 2004040102:alternate UNIWISC Feed Jeff Weber
09:24 Re: 20040322: CONDUIT Feed Requests Bob Lipschutz
April 01, 2004
14:20 20040401:Request authorization at the upstream LDM Jeff Weber
12:11 20040401: access to UNIWSIC imagery (cont.) Unidata Support
10:38 20040401: access to UNIWSIC imagery Unidata Support
March 31, 2004
10:32 20040331: Problem with NEXRAD Composites Tom Yoksas
March 30, 2004
11:25 feed Jeff Weber
10:07 Re: LDM Upstream data-feed request Jeff Weber
March 26, 2004
11:13 RE: 20040325:IDD Jeff Weber
March 25, 2004
16:00 20040325: High latency on Unidata circuit (cont.) Unidata Support
14:21 20040325: IDD latencies Unidata Support
14:19 20040325: High latency on Unidata circuit Unidata Support
13:36 20040325:IDD Jeff Weber
10:44 Technical Information Regarding Outage Aaron Andersen
09:30 Re: tgsv50 and AIX patch info Allan.Darling
06:06 Re: tgsv50 and AIX patch info Allan.Darling
March 23, 2004
11:53 20040322: weather data feed to Pearland Jr. High Unidata Support
11:42 20040322: CONDUIT Feed Requests Unidata Support
March 22, 2004
10:51 Data outage Robert Leche
March 21, 2004
19:20 Re: 20040321: Lightning Data? Linda Miller
17:52 Re: 20040321: Lightning Data? David Knight
17:33 20040321: Lightning Data? Steve Chiswell
March 19, 2004
13:24 20040319: Logs indicate Latency problem: LSU to ULM (cont.) Unidata Support
March 17, 2004
15:19 Re:Request authorization at the upstream LDM Jeff Weber
11:06 [Fwd: Re: [Fwd: 20040316: eldm LDM Feed request]] (fwd) Jeff Weber
08:52 RE: 20040311:Data Stream Request Jeff Weber
March 16, 2004
15:25 20040316: NIU down with DOS Tom Yoksas
13:16 20040316: eldm LDM Feed request Jeff Weber
13:09 Re: 20021013: IDD data feed request Jeff Weber
March 12, 2004
09:42 RE: 20040311:Data Stream Request Jeff Weber
07:46 20040311: Datoo (LSU Noaaport) failure Unidata Support
March 11, 2004
17:06 Re: 20040311:Data Stream Request Jeff Weber
17:01 Re: 20040311:info Jeff Weber
16:04 Re: 20040309:NOAAport feed NIMAGE Jeff Weber
March 10, 2004
10:26 20040309:NIMAGE temp feed Jeff Weber
March 09, 2004
16:05 20040309:NOAAport feed NIMAGE Jeff Weber
05:54 20040308: Logs indicate Latency problem: LSU to ULM Unidata Support
March 04, 2004
16:41 Re: Who is our (LEAD) upstream LDM data feed? Jeff Weber
March 03, 2004
16:08 200403030: negetavie latencies Jeff Weber
08:59 20040303:IDD latency clock drift Jeff Weber
March 01, 2004
08:53 Re: 20040301: IDD access to NOAQPORT data in Portugal Jeff Weber
February 26, 2004
14:29 Re: 6.0.14 Jeff Weber
13:17 Re: 20040225:BGSU latencies Jeff Weber
08:56 Re: 20040225:BGSU latencies Jeff Weber
February 25, 2004
16:23 20040225:BGSU latencies Jeff Weber
February 24, 2004
16:12 Re: 6.0.14 Jeff Weber
14:25 20040224:CONDUIT Feed Jeff Weber
February 23, 2004
11:58 FW: twister maintenance David Fitzgerald
February 20, 2004
16:06 20040220: Fw: City Campus Electrical Outage Unidata Support
14:16 20040220: backup NIMAGE feed Unidata Support
13:29 Fw: City Campus Electrical Outage Clint Rowe
11:24 20040220:surf obs Jeff Weber
February 19, 2004
16:27 20040219:CONDUIT Feed Jeff Weber
14:30 20040219: satellite image feed? (fwd) Jeff Weber
13:10 20040219: satellite image feed? Unidata Support
February 17, 2004
09:44 20040217: LDM testing at SJSU -update (cont.) Unidata Support
07:40 20040216: LDM testing at SJSU Unidata Support
February 13, 2004
12:25 20040213: BGSU OSU stats Jeff Weber
February 12, 2004
11:25 20040212: Thelma CONDUIT Feed Jeff Weber
February 11, 2004
14:56 20040211:CONDUIT Feed UND Jeff Weber
13:34 20040211: NCAR/SCD power outage is bringing down thelma and motherlode Unidata Support
07:21 20040210: LDM testing on SJSU and Unidata machines (cont.) Unidata Support
February 10, 2004
18:36 20040210: LDM testing on SJSU and Unidata machines (cont.) Unidata Support
17:21 20040210: LDM testing on SJSU and Unidata machines (cont.) Unidata Support
14:42 20040210:CONDUIT Feed UND Jeff Weber
14:39 20040210:CONDUIT Feed to UND Jeff Weber
14:22 20040210:CONDUIT Feed Jeff Weber
14:22 20040210: LDM testing on emo (cont.) Unidata Support
February 09, 2004
11:29 RUTGERS BACK UP Tom Grzelak
February 07, 2004
20:45 20040208: back online Unidata Support
08:33 20040206: 20040206: IMPORTANT: outage this weekend!!! Unidata Support
February 06, 2004
16:19 20040206: IMPORTANT: outage this weekend!!! (cont.) Unidata Support
15:38 20040206: IMPORTANT: outage this weekend!!! Unidata Support
February 05, 2004
17:20 Re: 20040205:WMO Feed - used to be iita Jeff Weber
17:07 Re: 20040205:WMO Feed - used to be iita Jeff Weber
15:38 Re: 20040205:WMO Feed - used to be iita Jeff Weber
February 04, 2004
07:34 20040203: test feed from requested (cont.) Unidata Support
February 03, 2004
08:35 NLDN feed change request Chris Herbster
06:39 New NLDN feed machine David Knight
February 01, 2004
09:19 20040131: LDM test feed from emo... Unidata Support
January 30, 2004
09:42 RE: 20040122:GEM Feed (fwd) Jeff Weber
09:32 20040130: FSU second feed Jeff Weber
January 29, 2004
23:44 20040129: model CAPE? Unidata Support
14:22 Re: NNex Jeff Weber
13:01 Re: 20040129: IDD change for KU Jeff Weber
12:55 20040128: (fwd) Jeff Weber
09:53 20040129: IDD change for KU Jeff Weber
January 28, 2004
13:41 Re: 20040126:BGSU Data Feed Jeff Weber
12:30 Re: 20040126:BGSU Data Feed Jeff Weber
11:29 Re: 20040126:BGSU Data Feed Jeff Weber
10:40 20040128: Jeff Weber
January 27, 2004
13:05 Re: Fw: Request to obtain upstream data-feeds for IDS|DDPLUS data stream Jeff Weber
12:46 Re: 20040126:BGSU Data Feed Jeff Weber
09:03 20040127: 20040126: Unidata2 ldm stopped Unidata Support
08:58 Re: 20040126: Unidata2 ldm stopped Jerrold Robaidek
08:53 20040126: Unidata2 ldm stopped Unidata Support
January 26, 2004
13:23 20040126:BGSU Data Feed Jeff Weber
10:55 20040126:NEXRAD Commercial Jeff Weber
08:37 Unidata2 ldm stopped Jerrold Robaidek
January 24, 2004
14:15 20040122: 20040119: Setting up and LDM on an AMRC machine at McMurdo (cont.) Unidata Support
January 22, 2004
17:02 20040122:GEM Feed Jeff Weber
16:35 Re: 20040122: LDM Feed Request Jeff Weber
16:32 20040122: LDM Feed Request Jeff Weber
16:16 20040122: LDM Feed Request Jeff Weber
14:51 Re: 20040122: LDM performance + Jeff Weber
January 21, 2004
13:06 20040121:BGSU data request Jeff Weber
January 19, 2004
14:36 20040119: Setting up and LDM on an AMRC machine at McMurdo (cont.) Unidata Support
13:40 20040119: Setting up and LDM on an AMRC machine at McMurdo? Unidata Support
13:01 20040107: 20040107: access to datoo (cont.) Tom Yoksas
January 16, 2004
16:05 20040116: requesting test LDM feed allow from thelma Unidata Support
January 10, 2004
09:35 20040110: DNS and reverse lookup on bigbird? Tom Yoksas
January 08, 2004
08:34 20040108: access to datoo (cont.) Unidata Support
08:31 20040105: Network connection for Nexrad data Unidata Support
January 07, 2004
18:14 20040107: access to datoo (cont.) Unidata Support
January 06, 2004
16:37 20040106: access to datoo Unidata Support
10:24 Re: possible network outages between SSEC and outside network Jan 7 and Jan 8 Pete Pokrandt
January 05, 2004
11:08 20040105: [address@hidden: Infor on NIDS product: Echo Tops] Unidata Support
10:58 20040105: question - HDS or CONDUIT Unidata Support
December 24, 2003
13:54 20031224: NLDN feed request for Western Michigan Unidata Support
December 23, 2003
19:08 20031223: allow data feed requests for Western Michigan Unidata Support
19:05 20031223: LDM contact at University of Michigan Unidata Support
15:00 20031223: SLU NOAAPORT now operational Unidata Support
December 22, 2003
11:03 20031222: About new node in GMU! Jeff Weber
December 15, 2003
14:33 20031215: 20031204: request to upgrade to latest LDM Unidata Support
December 10, 2003
14:21 20031210: Unidata data feed for Vietnam (cont.) Unidata Support
December 09, 2003
09:45 20031209: Unidata data feed for Vietnam (cont.) Unidata Support
December 08, 2003
12:03 20031208: Unidata data feed for Vietnam Unidata Support
December 04, 2003
12:14 20031204: request to upgrade to latest LDM Unidata Support
December 02, 2003
14:51 20031201: NAWIPS/GEMPAK software and data availability to Vietnam Unidata Support
November 30, 2003
15:14 20031130: scheduled downtime 12/1/2003 Unidata Support
November 24, 2003
12:56 20031124:IDD stats Jeff Weber
November 17, 2003
08:14 GEM Feed Request Besner,Marc [CMC]
November 15, 2003
08:54 20031114: New System at UNI (cont.) Unidata Support
November 14, 2003
14:12 20031114: New System at UNI (cont.) Unidata Support
November 13, 2003
06:58 20031112: Feed site Unidata Support
November 11, 2003
15:42 20031111: motherlode inaccessibility Unidata Support
November 10, 2003
10:24 20031110: New System at UNI (cont.) Unidata Support
November 03, 2003
14:29 20031102: Log question Unidata Support
October 30, 2003
12:42 short outage, 22:30 UTC today Pete Pokrandt
October 27, 2003
10:12 NKX Radar and Soundings Larry Riddle
09:34 (Fwd) Fwd: LDM - Current Status, 20031023 Andy Miller
October 24, 2003
10:41 20031024: New System at UNI Unidata Support
October 23, 2003
20:48 is down.. Pete Pokrandt
October 21, 2003
14:34 20031021: pqinsert setup on datoo; please update (cont.) Unidata Support
13:36 Re: 20021013: IDD data feed request Jeff Weber
10:42 20031021: LEAD machine at IU Tom Yoksas
10:02 20031021: pqinsert setup on datoo; please update Unidata Support
October 20, 2003
12:21 Re: 20021013: IDD data feed request Jeff Weber
October 18, 2003
20:33 outage from ~1630 UTC to 0300 UTC Pete Pokrandt
October 17, 2003
10:50 20031016: Upstream Feed Site Jeff Weber
October 15, 2003
11:56 Re: 20031014: NOGAPS Feed Request Phil Sharfstein
October 14, 2003
10:14 20031014: NOGAPS Feed Request Jeff Weber
10:10 20031014:GEM Feed Request Jeff Weber
09:52 20031014:new LDM notify up and downstream hosts/feeds Jeff Weber
October 13, 2003
15:58 20021013: IDD data feed request Jeff Weber
October 10, 2003
15:01 20031010: LDM and waldo at stc (cont.) Tom Yoksas
12:10 20031010: CMC grids and a drifting clock at sunysb Unidata Support
October 09, 2003
16:13 20031009: upgrade to 6.0.14 (cont.) Unidata Support
15:39 20031009: upgrade to 6.0.14 (cont.) Unidata Support
October 08, 2003
15:59 20030618: reply to LDM on seistan Tom Yoksas
October 07, 2003
15:18 20021007: Upstream Feed Site Jeff Weber
08:52 20031007: LDM and waldo at stc Unidata Support
October 06, 2003
11:42 20031006: upgrade your LDM 6.0.14 (cont.) Unidata Support
October 04, 2003
11:36 20031004: LDM-6.0.14 and access to oswego's server (cont.) Unidata Support
October 03, 2003
12:41 20031003: suggested IDD data feeds Unidata Support
08:19 20031003: LDM-6.0.14 and access to oswego's server Unidata Support
06:49 20031002: upgrade to 6.0.14 (cont.) Unidata Support
October 02, 2003
14:39 20031002: 20031001: 20031001: 20030930: 20030930: upgrade to 6.0.14 and GEMPAK dcmetr problems (cont.) Unidata Support
14:31 20031002: status of reporting real time stats (cont.) Unidata Support
10:49 20031002: status of reporting real time stats Unidata Support
October 01, 2003
18:01 20031001: upgrade your LDM 6.0.14 (cont.) Unidata Support
17:30 20031001: 20031001: 20030930: 20030930: upgrade to 6.0.14 and GEMPAK dcmetr problems (cont.) Unidata Support
16:58 20031001: 20030930: 20030930: upgrade to 6.0.14 and GEMPAK dcmetr problems (cont.) Unidata Support
11:27 20030930: upgrade your LDM from to 6.0.14 (cont.) Unidata Support
10:00 problems Pete Pokrandt
08:17 20031001: request to upgrade your LDM 6.0.14 (cont.) Unidata Support
08:15 20031001: upgrade of LDM on graupl (cont.) Unidata Support
September 30, 2003
23:34 20030930: 20030930: upgrade to 6.0.14 and GEMPAK dcmetr problems (cont.) Unidata Support
21:40 20030930: upgrade to 6.0.14 and GEMPAK dcmetr problems (cont.) Unidata Support
21:25 20030930: Request for upgrade to LDM-6.0.14 Unidata Support
21:21 20030930: upgrade of LDM on graupl (cont.) Unidata Support
20:31 20030930: request to upgrade LDM to latest release, LDM-6.0.14 (low priority) Unidata Support
20:26 20030930: request to upgrade your LDM from 6.0.10 to 6.0.14 (cont.) Unidata Support
20:01 20030930: request to upgrade LDM to latest release, LDM-6.0.14 Unidata Support
19:53 20030929: request to upgrade your LDM from 6.0.10 to 6.0.14 (cont.) Unidata Support
19:15 20031001: LDM data feed failover and an LDM upgrade request Unidata Support
13:48 20030930: request to upgrade your LDM from 6.0.10 to 6.0.14 (cont.) Unidata Support
13:40 20030930: request to upgrade your LDM (cont.) Unidata Support
13:25 20030930: LDM upgrade (cont.) Unidata Support
13:10 20030930: switch feed from squall to flood and upgrade to LDM-6.0.14 Unidata Support
09:08 20030930:BADC IDD feeds Jeff Weber
07:53 20030930: request to upgrade your LDM from 6.0.10 to 6.0.14 (cont.) Unidata Support
07:27 20030929: LDM upgrade Unidata Support
September 29, 2003
21:04 Re: 20030929: request to upgrade your LDM from 6.0.10 to 6.0.14 Kevin W. Thomas
18:45 20030929: request to upgrade your LDM from 6.0.10 to 6.0.14 Unidata Support
16:52 20030929: switch feed requests from squall.atmos.uiuc to and upgrade to LDM-6.0.14 (cont.) Unidata Support
12:52 20030929: switch feed requests from squall.atmos.uiuc to Unidata Support
12:45 20030929: switch feed from to Unidata Support
10:34 RE: 20030811:BADC IDD feeds Jeff Weber
September 26, 2003
12:36 RE: 20030811:BADC IDD feeds Jeff Weber
September 25, 2003
12:59 20030924:IDD new node GLOBE Jeff Weber
September 24, 2003
16:20 20030924:Delay in GOES data feed Jeff Weber
September 23, 2003
13:49 20030923: LDM rtstats Unidata Support
12:25 20030923: Missing RUC grid files Steve Chiswell
September 22, 2003
18:44 20030922: WSI feed to RAP LDM host(s) (cont.) Unidata Support
12:37 20030922: WSI feed to RAP LDM host(s) Unidata Support
September 19, 2003
08:00 20030919: is not responding Unidata Support
07:52 20030919: is not responding Unidata Support
September 16, 2003
10:20 20030916:Netcheck Results Jeff Weber
September 15, 2003
14:54 20030915:AFIT off IDD Jeff Weber
September 09, 2003
17:43 20030908: IDD-Brazil Unidata Support
14:20 Re: LDM Feed Larry Riddle
September 05, 2003
16:30 20030905: LDM question Unidata Support
12:03 20030905: LDM latencies at FSU of late Unidata Support
11:32 20030905: LDM-6 installation at UNCA (cont.) Unidata Support
11:25 20030904: 20030827: LDM-6 installation at UNCA (cont.) Unidata Support
September 03, 2003
08:09 20030903: WMO IDD feed problems Unidata Support
September 02, 2003
17:22 20030902: 20030828: 20030815: corrupted GEMPAK sounding/upperair files (fwd) Unidata Support
13:37 20030902: LDM feeds from the University of Michigan (fwd) Tom Yoksas
13:06 20030902: Loss of grids Steve Chiswell
August 30, 2003
19:06 Re: LDM at the University Of Michigan *Please Read* (fwd) (fwd) Linda Miller
10:42 20030829: Fwd: LDM at the University Of Michigan *Please Read* Unidata Support
10:29 20030829: Goodbye! Unidata Support
10:09 20030830: LDM feeds from the University of Michigan Tom Yoksas
August 29, 2003
16:28 20030829: forwarded message from Thomas Don Aratari Unidata Support
10:19 20030828: feed and processing Latencies (cont.) Unidata Support
August 28, 2003
09:57 20030828: 20030828: NNEXRAD Latency? Unidata Support
08:24 20030828: NNEXRAD Latency? Unidata Support
August 26, 2003
08:26 20030826: IDD latencies and UNIWISC feed not available to rossby Unidata Support
August 25, 2003
15:08 20030825: request for help from SJSU Tom Yoksas
09:51 20030825: LDM latency on Rossby Unidata Support
09:09 Re: 20030823: zoneWriter run amok on motherlode on Saturday morning Robb Kambic
August 23, 2003
23:24 Re: 20030823: zoneWriter run amok on motherlode on Saturday morning Steve Chiswell
10:27 20030823: zoneWriter run amok on motherlode on Saturday morning Unidata Support
August 20, 2003
21:02 Re: 20030820: Trouble Gilbert Sebenste
17:25 Re: 20030820: Trouble Kevin W. Thomas
17:04 Re: 20030820: Trouble David B. Bukowski
17:01 Re: 20030820: Trouble David B. Bukowski
August 19, 2003
09:59 20030819: LDM-6 upgrade for Unidata Support
August 15, 2003
13:25 RE: 20030811:BADC IDD feeds Jeff Weber
August 13, 2003
15:53 20030813: access to NIMAGE datasetream Unidata Support
09:47 Re: 20030813:request of new idd feed site for nexrad data Jeff Weber
August 08, 2003
09:54 Re: Radar mosaics Steve Chiswell
August 07, 2003
12:54 RE: 20030804:IDD feed to Virginia Tech Jeff Weber
August 06, 2003
15:10 RE: 20030804:IDD feed to Virginia Tech Jeff Weber
14:37 Re: 20030804:IDD feed to Virginia Tech Jeff Weber
09:23 20030806: NEXRAD data Unidata Support
August 05, 2003
12:25 20030805:NNEXRAD Feed Univ of Quebec Jeff Weber
August 04, 2003
16:59 Re: your mail Jeff Weber
15:03 Re: 20030804:IDD feed to Virginia Tech Jeff Weber
12:57 Re: 20030804:IDD feed to Virginia Tech Jeff Weber
July 30, 2003
15:43 20030730: IDD feeds Jeff Weber
09:51 20030730: Duplicate NEXRAD products Unidata Support
July 29, 2003
14:32 20030729: NCDC on IDD/CONDUIT (cont.) Unidata Support
13:52 20030729: NCDC on IDD/CONDUIT (cont.) Unidata Support
July 28, 2003
11:05 20030728: Texas mesonet radar Steve Chiswell
July 26, 2003
09:16 Re: SST-A and SST-T empty! Robb Kambic
July 24, 2003
14:20 RE: 20030113:new Unidata site Jeff Weber
07:29 20030724: FNEXRAD Feed Down? Unidata Support
July 23, 2003
14:49 20030723: conduit data archive question Jeff Weber
11:49 20030723: LSU LDM Operations and status Unidata Support
July 21, 2003
17:05 Forwarded mail.... Jeff Weber
15:59 Re: 20030721:LDM Feed Approval Requested Jeff Weber
14:08 Feed for UMKC Jeff Weber
July 18, 2003
09:48 Re: 20030717:ACARS Feed Jeff Weber
July 17, 2003
11:58 Re: Network problems at UW Madison Jerrold Robaidek
11:28 Network problems at UW Madison Pete Pokrandt
July 16, 2003
08:51 20030716: Conduit feed ALTERNATE Unidata Support
July 14, 2003
12:45 Re: your mail Jeff Weber
July 07, 2003
09:39 20030707: NCDC on IDD/CONDUIT (cont.) Unidata Support
08:22 20030707: NCDC on IDD/CONDUIT (cont.) Unidata Support
July 06, 2003
10:51 20030705: upgrade to LDM-6 at NMT (cont.) Unidata Support
July 05, 2003
21:02 Re: 20030703: Two quick questions! Gilbert Sebenste
10:08 20030704: upgrade to LDM-6 at NMT (cont.) Unidata Support
09:47 20030704: ldmd.conf request tuning at SFSU Unidata Support
July 04, 2003
14:05 20030704: upgrade to LDM-6 at NMT Unidata Support
11:43 20030704: UGa upgrading to latest LDM-6 (cont.) Unidata Support
11:04 20030704: UGa upgrading to latest LDM-6 (cont.) Unidata Support
09:51 20030703: Twio quick questions! Tom Yoksas
July 03, 2003
16:17 20030703: UGa upgrading to latest LDM-6 (cont.) Unidata Support
15:06 20030703: UGa upgrading to latest LDM-6 (cont.) Unidata Support
14:11 Re: 20030701:NEMA Data Source Jeff Weber
13:50 Jeff Weber
13:38 20030703: UGa upgrading to latest LDM-6 (cont.) Unidata Support
13:34 20030703: NCDC on IDD/CONDUIT (fwd) Jeff Weber
13:25 20030703: UGa upgrading to latest LDM-6 Unidata Support
10:12 20030703:Changing IDD Server at Plymouth State Jeff Weber
09:04 20030703: Datoo Access Unidata Support
July 02, 2003
23:06 20030701: ULM feed problems from LSU (cont.) Unidata Support
19:24 20030702: LSU LDM/network stress Test and test of email list Unidata Support
13:25 20030702:SLU LDM change to zephir Jeff Weber
13:04 20030702: 20030630: ruc20 model output Unidata Support
11:16 20030702: LSU LDM/network stress Test Unidata Support
08:14 20030701: IP Number Changes at pscwx Unidata Support
July 01, 2003
16:05 20030702: LSU IDD machines Robert Leche
15:31 20030701: upgrade of McGill LDM Unidata Support
12:47 20030701:NEMA Data Source Jeff Weber
10:23 20030701: LSU Network Meeting called Unidata Support
June 30, 2003
16:19 Re: FW: Unidata Assistance... Robb Kambic
12:52 20030630: IDD model data request from dontpanic to thelma (cont.) Unidata Support
11:52 20030630: IDD feeds from LSU to any non LSU downstream sites (cont.) Unidata Support
10:31 20030630: IDD model data request from dontpanic to thelma Unidata Support
08:25 Cornell off-line Brendon Hoch
June 29, 2003
20:06 20030628: HDS feed to/from seistan (cont.) Unidata Support
June 28, 2003
07:53 20030627: HDS feed to/from seistan (cont.) Unidata Support
June 27, 2003
13:23 20030625: need real time statistics from your IDD machine Unidata Support
12:11 20030627: HDS feed to/from seistan (cont.) Unidata Support
07:34 20030626: 20030624: HDS feed to/from seistan (cont.) Unidata Support
June 24, 2003
21:22 20030624: HDS feed to/from seistan (cont.) Unidata Support
10:53 20030624: 20030623: HDS feed to/from seistan (cont.) Unidata Support
07:37 20030623: LDM Back Up on USGODAE3 Unidata Support
June 23, 2003
17:43 20030623: HDS feed to/from seistan (cont.) Unidata Support
13:08 20030623: 20030623: HDS feed to/from seistan (cont.) Unidata Support
12:31 20030623: HDS feed to/from seistan (cont.) Unidata Support
08:06 20030623: HDS feed to/from seistan (cont.) Tom Yoksas
June 20, 2003
21:19 Re: 20030610: top level IDD relays needed for NEXRAD Level II data Pete Pokrandt
14:45 20030620: HDS feed to/from seistan (cont.) Unidata Support
12:17 20030620: FYI - LDM host Hurricane - Time Unidata Support
June 19, 2003
10:35 20030619: Odd logs on Seistan from Unidata host Unidata Support
08:58 20030619: LSU throttling HDS feed to ULM? (cont.) Unidata Support
07:45 20030618: LSU throttling HDS feed to ULM? (cont.) Unidata Support
June 18, 2003
21:37 20030618: troubleshooting slow HDS link from seistan to tornado@ulm (cont.) Unidata Support
14:37 20030618: troubleshooting slow HDS link from seistan to tornado@ulm Unidata Support
13:43 20030618: LSU throttling HDS feed to ULM? Steve Emmerson
June 16, 2003
16:11 20030613: LSU throttling HDS feed to ULM? Steve Emmerson
14:12 20030613: LSU throttling HDS feed to ULM? Steve Emmerson
12:59 20030613: LSU throttling HDS feed to ULM? Steve Emmerson
June 14, 2003
08:20 20030613: LDM 6 installation at UCAR/JOSS Tom Yoksas
June 13, 2003
13:50 something wrong with LDM on Steve Emmerson
11:00 20030613:Ga Tech IDD node Jeff Weber
June 12, 2003
06:34 Re: 20030610: top level IDD relays needed for NEXRAD Level II data Daryl Herzmann
June 11, 2003
19:42 20030611: top level IDD relays needed for NEXRAD Level II data (cont.) Tom Yoksas
19:16 Re: 20030610: top level IDD relays needed for NEXRAD Level II data Linda Miller
13:58 20030611: IDD model data (cont.) Unidata Support
11:45 Re: 20030610: top level IDD relays needed for NEXRAD Level II data Mike Voss
11:10 20030611: top level IDD relays needed for NEXRAD Level II data (cont.) Unidata Support
11:07 20030611: reading NIDS files Steve Chiswell
10:47 Re: 20030610: top level IDD relays needed for NEXRAD Level II data Arthur A. Person
09:59 Re: 20030610: top level IDD relays needed for NEXRAD Level II data Jim Koermer
08:31 Re: 20030610: top level IDD relays needed for NEXRAD Level II data Harry Edmon
08:18 20030611: data feed problems Unidata Support
June 10, 2003
18:28 Re: 20030610: top level IDD relays needed for NEXRAD Level II data David Wojtowicz
17:58 20030610: top level IDD relays needed for NEXRAD Level II data Unidata Support
09:20 20030610: IDD model data Unidata Support
June 09, 2003
11:30 Re: 20030606 Allow - Howard University Jeff Weber
10:20 Re: 20030609:NMC3 on Jeff Weber
June 05, 2003
15:25 20030605:CONDUIT Jeff Weber
June 04, 2003
12:39 20030602: 20030603: compressed NIMAGE images in GEMPAK? Unidata Support
12:03 20030603: General Support - NA - National Digital Forecast Database Unidata Support
June 03, 2003
12:03 20030603: Upgraded LDM, lost MCIDAS Unidata Support
10:37 Jeff Weber
June 02, 2003
15:06 20030602: Lyndon State IDD Jeff Weber
May 29, 2003
14:03 20030529:OU Feed from gold Jeff Weber
May 28, 2003
12:19 20030528: McIDAS installation at UFRJ (cont.) Tom Yoksas
08:43 20030528: McIDAS installation at UFRJ (cont.) Tom Yoksas
May 27, 2003
18:16 20030527: McIDAS installation at UFRJ (cont.) Tom Yoksas
May 26, 2003
20:39 20030526: UFRJ Brisa LDM latency behavior and GOES-12 image sectors Tom Yoksas
May 22, 2003
15:20 20030522:Utah State IDD status change Jeff Weber
08:58 20030521: LDM upgrade on Plymouth State machines (cont.) Tom Yoksas
May 21, 2003
12:35 20030521: down Jeff Weber
11:27 20030521:NNEXRAD and Cornell Jeff Weber
11:26 20030521: IDD feed UPDATE from Rutgers Unidata Support
10:24 20030521: CONDUIT meeting Unidata Support
09:17 20030521: NIMAGE feed? Unidata Support
May 20, 2003
20:31 20030520: met-62 and met-05 LDM and ldm-mcidas upgrades Tom Yoksas
16:37 The sun is setting on Pete Pokrandt
15:06 20030520: request to upgrade to latest Unidata LDM release, 6.0.11 (cont.) Unidata Support
10:44 20030520: request to upgrade to latest Unidata LDM release, 6.0.11 (cont.) Unidata Support
May 19, 2003
12:30 20030519: NLDN inject machine problems after upgrading to LDM-6? Unidata Support
10:56 20030519: Brockport LDM server feed request changes (cont.) (fwd) Unidata Support
May 18, 2003
21:54 20030513: LDM-6.0.10 use and real time statistics reporting at ERAU Chris Herbster
May 16, 2003
15:31 20030516: LDM-6.0.11 use and real time statistics reporting (cont.) Unidata Support
14:45 Re: 20030516:Feeds off Cornell Jeff Weber
12:36 20030516:Feeds off Cornell Jeff Weber
10:57 20030516: request to upgrade to latest Unidata LDM release, 6.0.11 (cont.) Unidata Support
10:19 20030516: Brockport LDM server feed request changes (cont.) Unidata Support
10:09 20030516: request to upgrade to latest Unidata LDM release, 6.0.11 (cont.) Unidata Support
07:46 20030515: request to upgrade to latest Unidata LDM release, 6.0.11 (cont.) Unidata Support
May 15, 2003
17:12 20030515: Brockport LDM server feed request changes (cont.) Unidata Support
16:59 20030515: request to upgrade to latest Unidata LDM release, 6.0.11 Unidata Support
16:43 20030515: who is the LDM contact at WCUPA? Unidata Support
15:51 20030515: Brockport LDM server feed request changes Unidata Support
15:33 20030515: request to upgrade to latest Unidata LDM release, 6.0.11 (cont.) Unidata Support
13:48 20030515: request to upgrade to latest Unidata LDM release, 6.0.11 (reply) Chris Novy
12:32 20030515: LDM-6.0.11 use and real time statistics reporting (reply) Tom McDermott
12:25 20030515: request to upgrade to latest Unidata LDM release, 6.0.11 Unidata Support
12:18 20030515: LDM use at CICESE (cont.) Unidata Support
11:54 20030515: request to upgrade to latest Unidata LDM release, 6.0.11 Unidata Support
10:35 20030515: LDM-6.0.11 use and real time statistics reporting Unidata Support
May 14, 2003
18:35 20030514: another small adjustment to requests Unidata Support
15:31 20030514: Howard University - LDM Jeff Weber
14:49 20030514: LDM use at CICESE Unidata Support
14:31 20030514: request to upgrade to latest LDM release (second request) Unidata Support
14:17 20030514: two LDM-related requests (cont.) Unidata Support
14:08 20030514: Changes at LSU; upgrade to LDM-6 (cont.) Unidata Support
12:48 20030514: request for a small modification to ldmadmin on vortex Unidata Support
12:37 20030514: two LDM-related requests Unidata Support
12:28 20030514: small adjustment to requests Unidata Support
11:52 20030514: request to upgrade to latest LDM release (second request) Unidata Support
11:38 20030513: upgrading to LDM-6.0.11 Unidata Support
10:00 20030514: LDM-6.0.10 use and real time statistics reporting (cont.) Unidata Support
09:13 20030514: request to upgrade to latest LDM release, 6.0.10 (cont.) Unidata Support
09:02 20030514: upgrade of LDM on (cont.) Tom Yoksas
08:00 20030513: IDD real time statistics reporting (cont.) Unidata Support
May 13, 2003
15:27 20030513: UFRJ as a top level IDD node for South America (cont.) Tom Yoksas
14:22 20030513: upgrade of LDM on Unidata Support
13:41 20030513: LDM-6.0.10 use and real time statistics reporting (cont.) Unidata Support
13:35 20030513: LDM-6.0.10 use and real time statistics reporting (cont.) Unidata Support
12:49 Re: 20030509:NOGAPS feeds Jeff Weber
12:37 20030513: LDM-6.0.10 use and real time statistics reporting (cont.) Unidata Support
12:16 20030513: LDM-6.0.10 use and real time statistics reporting Unidata Support
12:06 20030513: LDM-6.0.10 use and real time statistics reporting Unidata Support
09:39 20030513:GEM Feeds Jeff Weber
May 12, 2003
14:52 20030512: request to upgrade to latest LDM release, 6.0.10 (cont.) Unidata Support
14:38 20030512: Delayed data at U Washington Unidata Support
12:43 20030512: request to upgrade to latest LDM release, 6.0.10 Unidata Support
10:27 Re: 20030425LDM-RAP ofour and iita Jeff Weber
10:00 20030512:Delayed data Jeff Weber
May 09, 2003
14:15 20030509:CRAFT data LDM install info Jeff Weber
10:15 20030509:NOGAPS feed to PSU Jeff Weber
May 08, 2003
15:46 cirp contact Jeff Weber
10:39 20030508: Need LDM Feed Unidata Support
May 06, 2003
17:24 Re: [address@hidden: Re: 20030425LDM-RAP ofour and iita] Jeff Weber
15:15 Re: 20030506:IDD-NCDC Jeff Weber
15:05 Re: 20030506:IDD-NCDC Jeff Weber
May 01, 2003
09:24 Re: Change of ldm server at UCLA Larry Riddle
April 30, 2003
16:23 20030430: LDM configuration on flood Unidata Support
13:36 LDM configuration on flood Unidata Support
10:49 20030404: 20030402: higher temporal resolution of GOES Unidata Support
April 25, 2003
14:45 20030425: clock updated on papagayo Unidata Support
14:29 20030425: UFRJ as a primary IDD redistribution point for Brazil (cont.) Tom Yoksas
April 24, 2003
14:09 20030424: enso's clock is off Unidata Support
10:48 Re: 20030423: motherlode data request changes Mike Schmidt
08:35 20030423: IP Change Tom Yoksas
April 23, 2003
12:25 20030423: LDM-6 installations at Lyndon (cont.) Unidata Support
11:45 20030423: IDD realtime stats and host request(s) (cont.) Unidata Support
09:03 20030423: IDD realtime stats and host request(s) (cont.) Unidata Support
April 22, 2003
11:44 20030422: Changes at LSU; upgrade to LDM-6 Unidata Support
11:29 20030422: LDM Port Block at Goddard Unidata Support
08:58 20030422: IDD realtime stats and host request(s) Unidata Support
April 21, 2003
21:37 20030421: location of wxmcidas for topology maps (cont.) Unidata Support
18:18 20030421: upgrade of LDM to 6.0.10 Unidata Support
18:10 20030421: upgrade of to 6.0.10 Unidata Support
18:09 20030421: upgrade of to 6.0.10 Unidata Support
18:05 20030421: location of wxmcidas for topology maps Unidata Support
17:43 20030418: UFRJ as a primary IDD redistribution point for Brazil (cont.) Unidata Support
17:16 20030421: High-level thinking Unidata Support
16:07 20030421: building ldm-mcidas on FreeBSD 4.8; new LDM host Unidata Support
April 18, 2003
16:42 20030418: request for FSU to upgrade to LDM-6 Unidata Support
16:22 20030418: move UNIWISC/MCIDAS feed request from gold to unidata2 (cont.) Unidata Support
15:57 20030418: move UNIWISC/MCIDAS feed request from gold to unidata2 Unidata Support
15:40 20030418: UFRJ as a primary IDD redistribution point for Brazil (cont.) Tom Yoksas
15:26 20030418: change UNIWISC feed from gold to unidata2; upgrade to LDM-6 (cont.) Unidata Support
15:09 20030418:NNEXRAD feed for NOAA site Jeff Weber
13:22 20030416: 20030415: Real-time data flow (cont.) Unidata Support
09:05 20030418: change UNIWISC feed from gold to unidata2; upgrade to LDM-6 (cont.) Unidata Support
April 17, 2003
20:05 20030417: change UNIWISC feed from gold to unidata2; upgrade to LDM-6 Unidata Support
10:35 Re: 20020416: Unidata-Wisconsin datastream injection machine change Pete Pokrandt
09:15 Re: 20020416: Unidata-Wisconsin datastream injection machine change Mark J. Laufersweiler
April 16, 2003
17:19 20020416: Unidata-Wisconsin datastream injection machine change Unidata Support
April 15, 2003
12:41 20030415:Universite du Quebec a Montreal info change Jeff Weber
April 14, 2003
08:45 20030414: going off-line (cont.) Unidata Support
April 13, 2003
12:05 20030413: failover site for Purdue Unidata Support
11:55 Re: failover anne
April 12, 2003
17:22 20030412: Sites directly from a dish... Unidata Support
April 11, 2003
16:19 Re: 20030411:higher temporal resolution of GOES Jeff Weber
14:06 20030411: IDD/LDM-UMKC Jeff Weber
April 07, 2003
21:12 20030407: going off-line (cont.) Unidata Support
April 05, 2003
09:35 20030405: going off-line (cont.) Unidata Support
April 04, 2003
12:48 20030404: going off-line (cont.) Unidata Support
12:08 20030404: going off-line Unidata Support
April 03, 2003
14:26 Re: Obtain source of data feed Jeff Weber
09:38 Re: msg files Robb Kambic
April 02, 2003
18:11 20030402: Unidata Support
18:06 20030402: ldm person at Unidata? Unidata Support
13:09 20030402: higher temporal resolution of GOES Unidata Support
April 01, 2003
13:22 20030401: GOES12 Water Vapor product header info Steve Chiswell
09:31 20030401: LDM-6 request setup on Unidata Support
08:49 20030401:chisel replacing front Jeff Weber
March 31, 2003
09:29 20030331: connection problems with atm and papagayo Unidata Support
March 28, 2003
14:28 Re: 20030327:COLA-MD feed Jeff Weber
March 27, 2003
16:51 LSU Power Outage Notice Robert Leche
11:20 20030327:COLA-MD feed Jeff Weber
March 26, 2003
10:16 20030325: 20030324: LDM 6.0.2 installed as SFSU Unidata Support
March 21, 2003
13:14 Re: msg days Robb Kambic
09:33 Re: msg files, Robb Kambic
09:11 Re: msg days Robb Kambic
March 20, 2003
10:40 Re: your mail Jeff Weber
08:12 UQAM on LDM6 Christian Pagé
March 18, 2003
16:09 UW-Madison (* servers are all running ldm-6.0.2 now Pete Pokrandt
12:43 20030318: tuning rtstats to report back what you want (cont.) Unidata Support
12:18 20030318: tuning rtstats to report back what you want (cont.) Unidata Support
12:12 20030318: NLDN feed allow and LDM-6 upgrade (cont.) Unidata Support
March 17, 2003
19:00 20030316: tuning rtstats to report back what you want Unidata Support
March 16, 2003
09:25 20030315: LDM Stokes and SLU Unidata Support
March 15, 2003
14:58 20030315: raid crash and LDM-6 stats Unidata Support
09:44 20030315: NLDN feed allow and LDM-6 upgrade Unidata Support
March 13, 2003
15:37 Re: 20030313: Nexrad images ETL/NOAA Jeff Weber
14:22 Re: 20030313: Nexrad images ETL/NOAA Jeff Weber
11:12 20030313: Did something change on unidata2.ssec? Unidata Support
10:55 20030313: Nexrad images ETL/NOAA Jeff Weber
March 12, 2003
14:16 Re: Nexrad images (fwd) Jeff Weber
March 10, 2003
11:13 20030310: 20030309: thelma Unidata Support
10:19 Re: 20030309: thelma Mike Schmidt
March 09, 2003
21:36 20030309: thelma Unidata Support
10:53 20030308: high latencies with DDPLUS feed Tom Yoksas
March 08, 2003
09:57 20030308: St. Cloud State using time server Unidata Support
March 06, 2003
10:40 LDM/IDD Volumes Jeff Weber
March 05, 2003
09:41 20030305: CONDUIT and ldm 6 Tom Yoksas
March 04, 2003
14:17 20030304: latencies on sunny and a small mod made to LDM 6.0 Unidata Support
12:37 20030304: Machines still down/unreachable Tom Yoksas
February 28, 2003
14:48 Re: msg times. Robb Kambic
February 27, 2003
07:28 Brockport LDM Up Tom McDermott
February 26, 2003
16:05 20030226:Stop feeding from desi/noaaport Jeff Weber
14:04 LDM Failover (fwd) Super-User
09:53 20030226:ASU failover sites - traceroute files Jeff Weber
08:21 20030225: LSU Power Outage Sunday Unidata Support
February 25, 2003
15:44 Re: your mail Jeff Weber
12:19 20030225:AFIT:sat feed Jeff Weber
February 24, 2003
16:27 20030224: NOAAPORT SDI code link failure Unidata Support
11:33 Re: failover sites - traceroute files Jeff Weber
11:03 Re: 20030224:Lightning Feed-IDD David Knight
10:29 20030224:Lightning Feed-IDD Jeff Weber
09:32 20030224: setting up LDM for first time Jeff Weber
February 22, 2003
15:15 20030222: setting up LDM for first time Steve Chiswell
February 21, 2003
16:14 Re: your mail Jeff Weber
13:58 Re: your mail Jeff Weber
February 20, 2003
15:16 Re: failover sites - traceroute files Jeff Weber
February 19, 2003
13:50 Re: 20030219:failover site Jeff Weber
February 17, 2003
08:26 ** Downstream hostname change/check James T Brown
February 16, 2003
14:50 20030216: NOAAPORT status (cont.) Tom Yoksas
14:35 20030216: NOAAPORT status Tom Yoksas
February 13, 2003
11:36 20030213: Swith feed from desi to thelma Jeff Weber
February 12, 2003
21:28 20030212: AVN / MRF / GFS data Unidata Support
14:23 20030212:IDD/ldm setup Jeff Weber
February 10, 2003
13:08 Re: ldm setup Jeff Weber
February 07, 2003
09:30 Re: your mail Jeff Weber
February 06, 2003
12:49 Re: About LDM setup Jeff Weber
09:25 Re: About LDM setup Jeff Weber
February 05, 2003
12:23 20030205: ETA to 60 hours Unidata Support
February 04, 2003
12:39 Re: New LDM Feed Jeff Weber
11:15 Re: 20030129:HDS (HRS) allow Jeff Weber
February 03, 2003
17:24 20030203: NIMAGE IDD datastream Unidata Support
14:30 Re: 20030202: LDM failure on motherlode Mike Schmidt
13:38 Re: 20030203:changing idd relay machine Jeff Weber
13:01 Re: 20030203:changing idd relay machine Jeff Weber
08:54 Re: 20030202: LDM failure on motherlode Steve Emmerson
February 02, 2003
09:22 20030202: LDM failure on motherlode Tom Yoksas
January 29, 2003
16:53 20030129:HDS (HRS) allow Jeff Weber
16:13 Re: 20030129:RUCII Feed Jeff Weber
11:36 20030129: going down for 1-3 hours Unidata Support
January 28, 2003
15:52 20030128: FNEXRAD feed (cont.) Unidata Support
14:42 20030128: 20030128: FNEXRAD feed Unidata Support
13:15 20030128: FNEXRAD feed Tom Yoksas
January 27, 2003
15:25 Week end outage Robert Leche
January 25, 2003
20:44 UW-Madison SSEC is unreachable? Pete Pokrandt
16:22 20030124: message Unidata Support
January 24, 2003
12:10 20030122: McIDAS - Tru64 - ptlist not listing CMAN stations (cont.) Unidata Support
09:39 20030123: ULM tornado and LSU sirocco feed problem Unidata Support
January 22, 2003
14:56 LDM access from CCNY to Xiaodong Yan
January 21, 2003
11:13 Re: allow sleet feed (fwd) Jeff Weber
January 17, 2003
16:48 20030117: IDD - Any - Thelma has no data Unidata Support
16:47 20030117: No data on thelma Tom Yoksas
10:58 20030117: 20030116: Level III data Unidata Support
09:48 desi reboot Mike Schmidt
09:38 Re: 20030117:IDD Site Contacts Jeff Weber
January 14, 2003
11:19 Re: 20030114: Strange new products and corrupted old products Steve Chiswell
11:03 20030114: Strange new products and corrupted old products Steve Chiswell
January 13, 2003
15:42 Re: 20030113:new Unidata site Jeff Weber
January 08, 2003
16:18 Re: 20030108:GOES-East IR/TOPO Composite image Jeff Weber
10:59 Re: 20030108:NIMAGE datastream Jeff Weber
09:48 Re: 20030108:NIMAGE datastream Jeff Weber
January 07, 2003
15:57 20030107: FNEXRAD downtime delayed until January 8 Unidata Support
10:20 Re: 20030106:LDM Server replacement Jeff Weber
January 06, 2003
17:10 20030106: System Downtime Notification: motherlode Unidata Support
16:24 Re: 20030106:High latencies to Arizona Jeff Weber
January 03, 2003
15:32 20030103: NEXRAD data for FTG Unidata Support
12:41 Re: NLDN data request Jeff Weber
January 02, 2003
17:11 Re: 20030102:access to thelma for new machine Jeff Weber
11:58 20030102: DDPLUS|HDS dragging... Unidata Support
09:28 20030102: IDD Site Contact Change Jeff Weber
December 31, 2002
10:01 20021231:GEM data Jeff Weber
December 30, 2002
11:38 20021230: FNEXRAD downtime today Unidata Support
December 27, 2002
16:14 20021227: DDPLUS vs HDS Unidata Support
14:14 20021227: update on IDD feed status Unidata Support
11:06 20021227: Slow data Unidata Support
December 26, 2002
07:40 RE: Nexrad Ray Weber
December 20, 2002
15:49 20021220:Please stop feeding from sunshine Jeff Weber
December 18, 2002
12:50 Re: 20021218:Using data in lesson plans Jeff Weber
December 17, 2002
15:35 Re: Test data stream Jeff Weber
15:10 Re: Feeding from motherlode Jeff Weber
10:50 20021217: RedBook graphics feed Unidata Support
December 16, 2002
16:26 Feeding from motherlode Jeff Weber
11:50 20021216: Please stop feeding from ASAP Unidata Support
11:34 Re: Feeds from motherlode Jerrold Robaidek
11:27 20021216: IDD-request Paducah Jeff Weber
December 13, 2002
13:29 Re: Feeding from motherlode Jeff Weber
13:13 Feeding from motherlode Jeff Weber
12:57 Feeding from motherlode Jeff Weber
12:54 Feeding from motherlode Jeff Weber
12:50 Feeds from motherlode Jeff Weber
December 05, 2002
09:25 20021205: nexrad backup site Unidata Support
December 03, 2002
17:04 Re: Unidata products and services Jeff Weber
14:01 New IDD Feed to North Carolina Supercomputing Center Jeff Weber
December 02, 2002
16:54 Re: LDM data feed Jeff Weber
November 26, 2002
14:13 20021126: ECMWF data Unidata Support
November 25, 2002
09:46 Re: still msg some for 20021119 Robb Kambic
November 22, 2002
13:46 Re: 20021122:Gigapop Node Anne Wilson
13:39 Re: [Fwd: Houston Gigapop LDM host] Jeff Weber
13:31 20021122:Gigapop Node Jeff Weber
November 21, 2002
17:00 20021121:Unidata products and services Jeff Weber
11:19 Re: msg wsi NOWrad Robb Kambic
07:53 20021121: using the LDM to feed a remote site in Hong Kong (cont.) Unidata Support
November 20, 2002
08:00 20021120: using the LDM to feed a remote site in Hong Kong (cont.) Unidata Support
November 19, 2002
14:23 20021119: LDM/IDD setup at UBA (cont.) Unidata Support
12:02 20021119: LDM/IDD setup at UBA (cont.) Unidata Support
11:55 20021119: LDM Upgrade on FreeBSD (cont.) Unidata Support
11:15 20021119: UFRJ as a primary IDD redistribution point for Brazil (cont.) Tom Yoksas
10:36 20021119: UFRJ as a primary IDD redistribution point for Brazil (cont.) Tom Yoksas
08:20 20021119: UFRJ as a primary IDD redistribution point for Brazil (cont.) Tom Yoksas
November 18, 2002
18:11 20021115: LDM/IDD setup at UBA (cont.) Unidata Support
17:46 20021113: UFRJ as a primary IDD redistribution point for Brazil (cont.) Tom Yoksas
10:56 20021116: using the LDM to feed a remote site in Hong Kong (cont.) Unidata Support
November 15, 2002
15:55 20021114: Questions about NCAR application Unidata Support
11:18 Re: bandwidth need for IDD Jeff Weber
10:31 20021115: LDM/IDD setup at UBA (cont.) Unidata Support
07:45 20021115: LDM/IDD setup at UBA (cont.) Unidata Support
November 13, 2002
13:07 Re: Two Things Jeff Weber
November 12, 2002
15:41 20021112: spotty data in the MDR products (cont.) Unidata Support
14:11 20021112: spotty data in the MDR products Tom Yoksas
13:39 20021112: national radar mosaic missing? Tom Yoksas
November 11, 2002
16:25 Re: 20021111:new feed-logging Jeff Weber
14:38 Re: 20021111:motherlode Jeff Weber
November 07, 2002
07:19 20021106: setting up Satellite GINI ingestion Unidata Support
November 05, 2002
10:22 Re: new feed Jeff Weber
November 04, 2002
12:40 RE: New Feed Jeff Weber
November 01, 2002
14:13 NLDN Feed request Jeff Weber
14:03 New Feed Jeff Weber
October 31, 2002
11:04 Re: msg wsi NOWrad Robb Kambic
10:47 new feed Jeff Weber
10:30 Re: 20021031: LDM feed for UTK Jeff Weber
October 29, 2002
14:18 Re: 20021024: Figured it out...but I don't know why... Steve Chiswell
October 28, 2002
14:47 Re: upstream feed request Jeff Weber
October 27, 2002
13:17 20021027: [8710] inaccessible -- no PacNW real-time MM5 Unidata Support
October 24, 2002
16:09 20021024: Figured it out...but I don't know why... Steve Chiswell
12:38 20021024: LDM on once again available Tom Yoksas
09:47 20021024: IDD services interrupted by power outage Tom Yoksas
October 18, 2002
15:49 Re: UNIDATA request Jeff Weber
15:06 Re: Radar data Jeff Weber
13:53 Re: msg wsi NOWrad Robb Kambic
October 16, 2002
09:28 Re: 20021015: 20021015: Data falling behind on thelma... Arthur A. Person
October 15, 2002
14:33 Re: your mail Jeff Weber
14:07 Re: Hello and a question Jeff Weber
14:03 20021015: 20021015: Data falling behind on thelma... Unidata Support
10:50 20021015: Data falling behind on thelma... Unidata Support
09:57 Re: your mail Jeff Weber
09:31 Re: your mail Jeff Weber
October 14, 2002
10:58 20021001: UFRJ as a primary IDD redistribution point for Brazil (cont.) Unidata Support
10:51 Re: your mail Jeff Weber
October 10, 2002
11:31 Re: IDD/LDM Jeff Weber
October 08, 2002
13:15 Re: 20021008: LDM feed for UTK (fwd) Jeff Weber
10:35 Re: help Jeff Weber
October 07, 2002
14:23 Re: GEMPAK to NetCDF converter Jeff Weber
October 04, 2002
15:22 RE: 20021004 Re: 20020916 Yale Feed (fwd) Jeff Weber
15:12 20021004 Re: 20020916 Yale Feed (fwd) Jeff Weber
15:03 20021004:U of Maine WMO Feed Jeff Weber
14:56 20021004:Maine FNMOC NOGAPS Feed Jeff Weber
14:47 Re: Fwd: 20021004 Maine Unidata LDM Jeff Weber
14:24 20021004 Maine Unidata LDM Jeff Weber
14:20 200201004: mesodata is identifying itself as '@' for rtstats Unidata Support
September 30, 2002
09:51 Re: msg wsi NOWrad Robb Kambic
September 27, 2002
14:48 20020927: UFRJ as a primary IDD redistribution point for Brazil (cont.) Tom Yoksas
September 26, 2002
15:17 20020926: UFRJ as a primary IDD redistribution point for Brazil Unidata Support
September 25, 2002
12:27 Request For GEM Feed Jeff Weber
10:53 Re: Fwd: Unidata LDM Jeff Weber
10:25 20020925: LDM, access denied Unidata Support
September 24, 2002
13:29 Re: floaters Jeff Weber
September 23, 2002
16:20 floaters Jeff Weber
16:14 floater Jeff Weber
14:52 20020923: daily climate summaries Unidata Support
10:17 Re: Request for upstream feed site(s) Jeff Weber
September 20, 2002
15:14 Re: Request for upstream feed site(s) Jeff Weber
September 19, 2002
12:28 Re: Request for upstream feed site(s) Jeff Weber
September 17, 2002
16:41 Re: 20020915 SJSU Latency Jeff Weber
11:42 20020916: UPRM as an IDD relay node for the Caribbean and Central America (cont.) Tom Yoksas
11:26 20020917: changes for Jeff Weber
09:55 Re: 20020915 SJSU Latency Jeff Weber
September 16, 2002
16:33 20020916 Yale Feed Jeff Weber
14:27 Re: Request for upstream feed site(s) Jeff Weber
12:34 Re: 20020915 SJSU Latency Jeff Weber
10:12 20020915 SJSU Latency Jeff Weber
September 13, 2002
13:52 Re: Network troubleshooting Jeff Weber
13:49 Re: 20020913 SJSU Latency Jeff Weber
12:47 20020913 SJSU Latency Jeff Weber
10:58 Re: LDM latency Larry Riddle
10:52 Re: LDM - update2 Jeff Weber
10:09 20020913 SJSU Latency Jeff Weber
09:47 Re: update Jeff Weber
09:29 Re: 20020912: pqmon question Jeff Weber
September 12, 2002
18:08 20020912: 20020910: Convert RUC file into gemapk file Unidata Support
16:47 Re: 20020912: pqmon question Jeff Weber
10:56 LDM latency Mike Voss
09:22 Re: FW: 20020722: LDM server/IDD setup Jeff Weber
September 11, 2002
15:10 Re: 20020911 UCLA latencies Jeff Weber
13:00 20020911: Correction: Why CSCN02 is missing, as well as FPCN71, etc. Unidata Support
September 10, 2002
16:18 Re: 20020906 UCLA latencies Jeff Weber
14:22 20020910: Convert RUC file into gemapk file Unidata Support
12:49 Re: NNEXRAD Feed Jeff Weber
10:19 Re: 20020906 UCLA latencies Jeff Weber
10:01 Re: data feed source request Jeff Weber
September 07, 2002
15:27 Re: blueskies? Thomas Don Aratari
September 06, 2002
16:37 20020906 UCLA latencies Jeff Weber
16:07 Re: data feed source request Jeff Weber
15:47 Re: 20020904: Global Environmental Multiscale Model available Jeff Weber
13:53 Re: 20020903: IDD failover site for SJSU needed Jeff Weber
11:24 20020906: using for NTP Unidata Support
10:31 Re: LDM Larry Riddle
08:22 20020905: LDM connect troubles with thelma Unidata Support
September 05, 2002
15:29 Re: 20020905: Ineffective www search for NetCDF Robb Kambic
15:09 20020905: thelma back up but no WMO data Unidata Support
September 04, 2002
16:40 Re: 20020903: IDD failover site for SJSU needed Jeff Weber
September 03, 2002
15:31 20020830: New User Unidata Support
August 30, 2002
16:48 Re: Test data stream Jeff Weber
August 29, 2002
13:47 Re: msg wsi NOWrad Robb Kambic
12:13 NOGAPS Feeds Jeff Weber
August 27, 2002
14:51 Re: 20020827: Changing IP numbers (fwd) Jeff Weber
12:37 20020827: Test data stream (fwd) Tom Yoksas
August 23, 2002
14:06 Re: 20020823: FNEXRAD feed? Jeff Weber
11:31 New Feed Jeff Weber
August 22, 2002
15:31 20020821: re GVAR data (fwd) Jeff Weber
August 21, 2002
12:39 20020821: satellite not available? Unidata Support
11:26 Re: Packetshaper and LDM/IDD data flows Anne Wilson
09:02 Re: msg nowrad Robb Kambic
August 20, 2002
13:20 Re: email address change Jeff Weber
09:59 Re: Packetshaper and LDM/IDD data flows Anne Wilson
August 19, 2002
17:35 Packetshaper and LDM/IDD data flows Anne Wilson
12:38 20020808: Access to IDD data feeds (cont.) Unidata Support
10:51 Re: WSI Radar "Mosaics" Robb Kambic
August 16, 2002
09:44 Re: 8/13/2002 obs Jeff Weber
August 15, 2002
10:48 IDD Feed Request Jeff Weber
August 14, 2002
15:32 Packeteer/Packetshaper and the IDD Anne Wilson
15:09 20020814: canadian gem and nexrad Unidata Support
07:06 20020814: differences in ETA model grids Steve Chiswell
August 13, 2002
08:18 GEM feed to Penn State Jeff Weber
08:14 Re: 20020809: GPS and GEM feeds Jeff Weber
08:03 Re: LDM Jeff Weber
August 12, 2002
16:34 Re: data feed source request Jeff Weber
16:33 RE: 20020812: no data at AFIT Jeff Weber
13:14 Re: 20020812: no data at AFIT Jeff Weber
August 09, 2002
11:07 20020809: NEXRAD/CONDUIT feeds Unidata Support
August 08, 2002
17:32 RE: 20020808: IDD Status on Plaza Joanne Graham
17:06 20020808: IDD Status on Plaza Steve Chiswell
August 07, 2002
09:28 Re: losing products Russ Rew
August 06, 2002
15:48 Re: losing products Russ Rew
August 01, 2002
10:31 Re: data feed source request Jeff Weber
July 31, 2002
15:37 Re: data feed source request Jeff Weber
12:06 Re: data feed source request Jeff Weber
10:20 20020731: LDM/IDD setup at UBA (cont.) Unidata Support
09:48 20020730: LDM latency problem - followup (cont.) Unidata Support
July 30, 2002
17:17 20020730: 20020730: LDM latency problem - followup Unidata Support
14:35 20020730: LDM latency problem - followup Unidata Support
July 26, 2002
14:46 20020726: please contact UIUC to allow Valparaiso (fwd) Jeff Weber
13:29 Re: upstream data feed source Jeff Weber
July 25, 2002
15:51 Re: ldm feed Mike Voss
13:56 Re: ldm feed Larry Riddle
11:11 Re: question about NEXRAD (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:14 Re: thelma ldmping success Mike Schmidt
08:54 Re: LDM failover to sunset Pete Pokrandt
July 24, 2002
15:55 Re: LDM 5.2 release Robb Kambic
12:57 20020724: please allow Valparaiso to feed from you Unidata Support
July 19, 2002
13:06 Re: LDM data request Jeff Weber
July 18, 2002
13:55 Re: UW Madison Dept of AOS Domain name change Robb Kambic
July 15, 2002
16:25 20020715: AFOS PIL List (Product Identifier Labels) Steve Chiswell
09:11 Re: upstream feed? Jeff Weber
July 12, 2002
13:37 Re: LDM 5.1.4 GEMPAK DECODERS Jeff Weber
July 11, 2002
15:57 Re: 20020711: NIDS IDD failover? Jeff Weber
09:47 20020711: 20KM ETA Steve Chiswell
July 10, 2002
16:13 Re: 20020627: CONDUIT feed for UNL Jeff Weber
16:03 Re: 20020709: request for access change at SSEC Jeff Weber
July 08, 2002
14:44 Re: WSI Radar "Mosaics" Robb Kambic
July 03, 2002
13:26 Re: 20020701: CONDUIT feed for UNL (cont.) Jeff Weber
13:23 Re: 20020701: request for GEM data Jeff Weber
09:24 20020703: NEXRAD Level III data in WSI format (cont.) Unidata Support
July 01, 2002
14:47 20020701: CONDUIT feed for UNL (cont.) Unidata Support
14:07 20020627: CONDUIT feed for UNL Unidata Support
June 28, 2002
16:49 Re: 20020627: IDD questions Jeff Weber
14:33 Re: 20020627: fos routing page Robb Kambic
June 27, 2002
11:01 Re: msg wsis Robb Kambic
June 25, 2002
10:21 20020625: requesting FNEXRAD Data Tom Yoksas
June 21, 2002
08:23 20020620: Duke Power's offer to create backup NEXRCOMP imagery Unidata Support
June 20, 2002
14:54 Re: 20020620: Slow CONDUIT feed Mike Schmidt
13:12 Re: 20020620: allows for new Lyndon State IDD machine Jeff Weber
13:03 20020620: Slow CONDUIT feed Unidata Support
June 18, 2002
10:14 20020618: Thelma Unidata Support
June 11, 2002
14:33 Re: msg wsis (fwd) Robb Kambic
June 07, 2002
07:14 20020607: Thelma Sick? Unidata Support
June 04, 2002
17:52 20020604: accessing Unidata NEXRAD 1 km National mosaic products Unidata Support
12:47 20020604: Floater Feed for NEXRAD Composites Unidata Support
June 03, 2002
18:57 Why Climate report CSCN02.CWAO no longer since november 2001? Christian Pagé
May 29, 2002
11:30 Re: 20020529: FNEXRAD FEED Jeff Weber
11:15 Re: 20020529: FNEXRAD FEED Jeff Weber
10:14 Re: 20020529: LDM feeding problems Jeff Weber
10:00 Re: 20020529: LDM feeding problems Jeff Weber
May 28, 2002
15:11 20020528: FW: looking for AVN 00z run 5/25/2002 Unidata Support
15:07 20020528: FW: looking for AVN 00z run 5/25/2002 Unidata Support
13:01 20020528: reading NIDS files Steve Chiswell
09:32 Re: WSI Radar "Mosaics" Robb Kambic
May 24, 2002
11:21 Re: KITC Jeff Weber
May 23, 2002
15:21 20020523: Test LDM Server at Lyndon State College (cont.) Unidata Support
08:05 20020523: New LDM Server at Lyndon State College Unidata Support
May 17, 2002
10:46 Re: Fwd: New Feed (fwd) Jeff Weber
May 16, 2002
16:46 LDM/IDD Feed Jeff Weber
16:17 New Feed (fwd) Jeff Weber
15:54 New Feed Jeff Weber
13:28 Re: 20020510: Unidata access (cont.) Jeff Weber
11:13 20020516: GEM model IDD feed request (fwd) Jeff Weber
11:06 Re: 20020516: GEM model IDD feed request Jeff Weber
May 15, 2002
12:37 Re: 20020515: NEXRAD feed question Jeff Weber
May 14, 2002
14:23 RE: Obtain upstream data feed source (North Carolina State University) Jeff Weber
13:46 Re: Obtain upstream data feed source (North Carolina State University) Jeff Weber
May 13, 2002
16:19 Re: 20020510: Unidata access (cont.) Jeff Weber
May 09, 2002
13:17 Re: Availability of GEM data on the LDM feed Jeff Weber
09:47 20020508: unidata access (cont.) Unidata Support
May 02, 2002
16:12 Re: WSI Radar "Mosaics" Robb Kambic
10:06 20020502: SDI NOAAPORT feed to McIDAS-XCD via LDM? Tom Yoksas
May 01, 2002
08:18 20020430: IDD site logs Unidata Support
April 30, 2002
17:45 20020430: IDD site logs Unidata Support
April 29, 2002
16:46 Re: 20020428: GEM Model data Jeff Weber
April 24, 2002
15:49 Re: 20020424: Global Environmental Multiscale Model data through IDD Jeff Weber
15:21 20020424: noaaport status Unidata Support
14:19 20020424: Eta MOS Unidata Support
13:05 20020424: network connectivity to (cont.) Unidata Support
11:28 20020424: Eta MOS Unidata Support
08:04 20020424: network connectivity to Unidata Support
April 23, 2002
16:48 Re: 20020423: NLDN routing (fwd) Jeff Weber
14:42 20020423: NLDN routing (fwd) Jeff Weber
April 22, 2002
20:15 20020423: SSEC Unidata machine down Unidata Support
16:30 20020422: unidata access Unidata Support
14:13 20020422: SSEC Unidata machine down Unidata Support
13:00 Re: 20020422: Request for GEM feed Jeff Weber
09:54 Re: WSI Radar "Mosaics" Robb Kambic
09:45 Re: Authorization to receive IDD system data Jeff Weber
09:37 Re: WSI Radar "Mosaics" Robb Kambic
April 19, 2002
12:48 Re: LDM - HU Jeff Weber
12:44 Re: LDM feed (fwd) Jeff Weber
12:31 Re: LDM - HU Jeff Weber
10:14 Re: LDM feed Jeff Weber
April 18, 2002
11:29 20020418: Data back timely Unidata Support
10:42 failover Jeff Weber
April 17, 2002
14:55 Re: Feed Request Jeff Weber
10:34 Re: Feed Request Jeff Weber
10:05 Re: 20020416: Participation in the IDD Jeff Weber
April 16, 2002
12:44 Re: NOGAPS Feed Jeff Weber
09:31 NOGAPS Feed Jeff Weber
April 15, 2002
21:58 20020415: RUC 20km grid Unidata Support
14:22 Re: Authorization to receive IDD system data Jeff Weber
12:27 Re: upstream data feed source Jeff Weber
08:58 Re: Feed Request Jeff Weber
08:51 Re: Feed Request Jeff Weber
April 13, 2002
06:07 Re: weather ldm David Knight
April 11, 2002
15:49 Re: Howard Univ - LDM Jeff Weber
15:34 Re: Howard Univ - LDM Jeff Weber
14:48 Re: 20020410: Authorization to receive IDD system data Jeff Weber
14:43 Re: Obtaining upstream data feed source Jeff Weber
14:25 Re: Ldm user! Jeff Weber
14:24 Feed Request Jeff Weber
14:16 Re: Ldm user! Jeff Weber
13:50 Re: Ldm user! Jeff Weber
13:29 Re: 20020411: Missing Canadian data as of 14Z+ today? Jeff Weber
13:18 Re: 20020411: Missing Canadian data as of 14Z+ today? Jeff Weber
12:36 Re: motherlode and shemp feeds Jeff Weber
10:10 Re: Ldm user! Jeff Weber
April 08, 2002
11:30 Re: thelma/shemp/motherlode Jeff Weber
April 07, 2002
11:41 20020407: 20020406: Data problems? Unidata Support
April 06, 2002
10:32 20020406: Data problems? Unidata Support
April 03, 2002
15:47 20020403: slow thelma Unidata Support
13:44 thelma LDM Daryl Herzmann
10:36 Re: cirrus changing to rainbow (fwd) Jeff Weber
09:09 Re: 20020402: NEXRAD failover assignments? Jeff Weber
April 02, 2002
14:06 Re: motherlode-thelma-shemp feeds Jeff Weber
09:42 Re: 20010725: Request for upstream feed site Jeff Weber
April 01, 2002
13:09 Re: Jeff Weber
March 29, 2002
10:07 Howard U Jeff Weber
March 26, 2002
16:40 NMC3 (Floater) feed Jeff Weber
13:53 Re: 20020326: NMC2 feed Mark Bradford
13:47 20020326: NMC2 feed Unidata Support
11:11 LDM data volumes Jeff Weber
09:54 New Feed for Howard U Jeff Weber
March 25, 2002
14:40 Re: Upstream data feed source Jeff Weber
March 22, 2002
10:31 Re: NNEXRAD Feed Jeff Weber
10:29 RE: FW: blizzard Jeff Weber
10:18 NNEXRAD Feed Jeff Weber
10:01 RE: FW: blizzard Jeff Weber
March 20, 2002
16:17 Re: 20020320: 20020316: thelma users notice Jeff Weber
15:02 20020320: 20020316: thelma users notice Unidata Support
March 19, 2002
09:12 Re: NEXRD2 feed Jeff Weber
08:53 NEXRD2 feed Jeff Weber
March 16, 2002
15:22 20020314: IDD data late (cont.) Unidata Support
08:29 20020315: thelma feed disconnecting Unidata Support
06:12 20020315: UCAR IDD sites feeding from thelma Unidata Support
06:09 20020315: UCAR downstream IDD sites Unidata Support
March 13, 2002
09:02 Re: odd web page after subscribing Robb Kambic
08:55 Re: broken link Robb Kambic
08:13 20020312: IDD data late (cont.) Unidata Support
March 12, 2002
08:48 20020312: Surface obs missing Unidata Support
March 11, 2002
16:56 20020311: IDD data late Unidata Support
12:31 Re: 20020304: LDM feed and failover for (fwd) Steve Ochani
10:08 Re: 20020311: NNEXRAD feed please (fwd) Jeff Weber
08:35 RE: SUNY-Albany and AFIT Jeff Weber
March 08, 2002
14:12 Re: 20020304: LDM feed and failover for (fwd) Jeff Weber
13:54 Re: 20020304: LDM feed and failover for (fwd) Jeff Weber
13:19 Re: 20020304: LDM feed and failover for (fwd) Jeff Weber
March 06, 2002
13:06 Re: 20020304: LDM feed and failover for Jeff Weber
11:00 RE: SUNY-Albany and AFIT (fwd) Jeff Weber
10:47 RE: SUNY-Albany and AFIT Jeff Weber
March 05, 2002
12:56 RE: SUNY-Albany and AFIT Sitler Jeffrey L Civ AFIT/ENP
10:24 Re: 20020304: LDM feed and failover for Jeff Weber
March 04, 2002
19:20 20020305: Some missing data today Unidata Support
14:44 20020304: NIMAGE data Unidata Support
11:36 Re: 20020304: thelma failure notification email list Robb Kambic
March 01, 2002
16:55 20020302: LDM feed from papagayo (cont.) Unidata Support
11:16 20020301: LDM feed from papagayo Unidata Support
February 28, 2002
13:38 Re: LDM access from CUNY to Kevin R. Tyle
February 26, 2002
13:03 Re: NNEXRAD Feed Jeff Weber
10:13 Re: ldm upstream data source request Jeff Weber
09:30 RE: NNEXRAD Feed Jeff Weber
February 25, 2002
09:14 RE: NNEXRAD Feed Jeff Weber
09:06 NNEXRAD Feed Jeff Weber
08:48 RE: 20011025: IDD feed of NNEXRAD for Naval Research Lab Jeff Weber
February 22, 2002
14:49 RE: 20011025: IDD feed of NNEXRAD for Naval Research Lab Jeff Weber
February 21, 2002
07:33 20020221: thelma down Unidata Support
07:12 20020221: thelma down Unidata Support
06:34 20020221: thelma failure/reboot Unidata Support
February 19, 2002
14:57 20020219: CMC model data Steve Chiswell
14:34 Role of thelma is changing Russ Rew
10:09 Re: ldm connection (fwd) Robb Kambic
February 14, 2002
13:47 RE: 20020214: 20020214: Canadian GEM model (fwd) Beaubien,Anne-Marie [CMC]
12:57 20020214: 20020214: Canadian GEM model (fwd) Unidata Support
10:59 20020214: Canadian GEM model (fwd) Unidata Support
February 13, 2002
11:43 RE: 20020213: 20020208: Canadian GEM model (fwd) Beaubien,Anne-Marie [CMC]
10:56 20020213: 20020208: Canadian GEM model (fwd) Unidata Support
February 12, 2002
13:03 20020212: ETA 84h and AVN 126h on IDD? Unidata Support
12:35 20020212: ruc datasets Unidata Support
08:51 RE: 20020208: Canadian GEM model (fwd) Hogue,Richard [CMC]
February 11, 2002
12:16 Re: 20020208: Canadian GEM model Linda Miller
February 08, 2002
14:49 Re: 20020208: Canadian GEM model Tim Alberta
13:48 20020208: Canadian GEM model Unidata Support
13:28 Re: 20020207: request for global radiosonde data Jeff Weber
February 07, 2002
11:05 Re: 20011025: IDD feed of NNEXRAD for Naval Research Lab Anne Wilson
10:32 Re: 20011025: IDD feed of NNEXRAD for Naval Research Lab Anne Wilson
09:40 Re: 20011025: IDD feed of NNEXRAD for Naval Research Lab Anne Wilson
February 06, 2002
16:49 Re: 20020206: NLDN latencies data Jeff Weber
15:21 Re: New feed site (fwd) Jeff Weber
15:01 Re: New feed site (fwd) Jeff Weber
13:23 RE: 20011025: IDD feed of NNEXRAD for Naval Research Lab Jeff Weber
09:20 Re: aeolus update Anne Wilson
February 05, 2002
13:50 Re: 20011126: CONDUIT/ECMWF data for European Center for GeodynamicsandSeismology Jeff Weber
12:20 RE: 20020205: NNEXRAD feed from thelma Jeff Weber
11:24 Re: 20020205: NNEXRAD feed from thelma Jeff Weber
February 01, 2002
09:29 Re: New feed site (fwd) Jeff Weber
January 30, 2002
10:53 Re: New feed site (fwd) Jeff Weber
10:39 Re: New feed site (fwd) Jeff Weber
January 29, 2002
15:21 RE: 20011025: IDD feed of NNEXRAD for Naval Research Lab Jeff Weber
15:08 RE: 20011025: IDD feed of NNEXRAD for Naval Research Lab Jeff Weber
14:38 Re: 20011126: CONDUIT/ECMWF data for European Center for Geodynamicsand Seismology Jeff Weber
14:35 RE: 20011025: IDD feed of NNEXRAD for Naval Research Lab Jeff Weber
14:25 Re: 20020125: alternate failover for Ohio State Jeff Weber
14:18 Re: 20020125: alternate failover for Ohio State Jeff Weber
13:53 New feed site Jeff Weber
10:22 Re: idd upstream feed site Jeff Weber
January 25, 2002
15:03 Re: 20020124: primary and secondary feed for coriolis (fwd) Jeff Weber
January 24, 2002
14:58 20020124: realtime FTPs to (cont.) Unidata Support
10:34 Re: RE: NNEXRAD Feed Jeff Weber
10:22 Re: NREL participation in the IDD Jeff Weber
January 23, 2002
17:03 NREL participation in the IDD Jeff Weber
16:00 Re: idd upstream feed site Jeff Weber
15:52 NNEXRAD Feed Jeff Weber
15:50 Re: Re: 20020121: radar feed from IDD for ERAU Jeff Weber
15:17 Re: 20020121: failover site for ERAU Jeff Weber
January 22, 2002
17:30 20020122: 20020118: Source of AIREP data Unidata Support
16:38 20020122: 20020118: Source of AIREP data Unidata Support
16:19 Re: 20020121: radar feed from IDD for ERAU Jeff Weber
16:14 Re: 20020121: failover site for ERAU Jeff Weber
16:02 20020118: Source of AIREP data Unidata Support
January 16, 2002
12:33 20020116: NEXRAD data lantency (cont.) Unidata Support
07:55 20020115: IDD data for Mexico Unidata Support
07:33 20020114: NEXRAD data lantency Unidata Support
January 15, 2002
11:22 20020115: EMERGENCY!!!!!! Unidata Support
January 11, 2002
14:01 20020111: Radar mosaics via FNEXRAD bad? Unidata Support
January 07, 2002
09:45 Re: 20020107: MSU: ** Network Troubles to my Primary Feed Jeff Weber
January 03, 2002
15:42 conf file Jeff Weber
January 02, 2002
11:17 20020102: Lufthansa data added, and new airports (New FSL ACARS Information Forum Post 1242) (fwd) (fwd) Linda Miller
December 31, 2001
11:31 20011222: GEMPAK Unidata Support
11:09 20011231: ETA snow grids Steve Chiswell
December 21, 2001
11:27 Re: ip address change for Jeff Weber
10:13 Re: 20011129: upsteam data feed request for UA Jeff Weber
09:18 Re: 20011220: Aeolus down? Jeff Weber
08:40 Re: 20011220: Aeolus down? Jeff Weber
December 17, 2001
11:47 20011217: AVN Unidata Support
11:29 20011217: AVN Steve Chiswell
December 14, 2001
10:41 20011213: Extended Eta on HRS. Unidata Support
December 12, 2001
13:02 Re: MCIDAS and NEXRAD feed to cornell Jeff Weber
December 11, 2001
14:16 20011211: SDI ingest Steve Chiswell
December 10, 2001
14:42 20011210: 20011210: NEXRAD missing Unidata Support
14:35 20011210: NEXRAD missing Unidata Support
December 07, 2001
14:42 Re: Re[2]: 20011207: backed up feed from motherlode at UW Jeff Weber
14:06 Re: 20011207: backed up feed from motherlode at UW Jeff Weber
December 06, 2001
13:07 RE: NNEXRAD Latencies? Jeff Weber
09:50 RE: NNEXRAD Latencies? Jeff Weber
09:25 RE: NNEXRAD Latencies? Jeff Weber
December 04, 2001
15:26 [no subject] Jeff Weber
December 03, 2001
15:48 Re: Netcheck.log file from Blizzard Jeff Weber
14:55 Re: Netcheck.log file from Blizzard Jeff Weber
10:37 Re:Meteora James Murakami
09:09 Re: Papagayo Feed Jeff Weber
November 30, 2001
12:49 Re: 20011126: CONDUIT/ECMWF data for European Center for Geodynamicsand Seismology Jeff Weber
12:41 Re: IDD connection Jeff Weber
12:38 20011130: Late NIDS Data via Noaa port. (fwd) Unidata Support
11:23 Re: 20011129: upsteam data feed request for UA Jeff Weber
09:48 [no subject] Jeff Weber
09:44 Re: 20011129: upsteam data feed request for UA Jeff Weber
November 29, 2001
15:17 Re: 20011115: NEXRAD reflectivity mosaic availability Steve Chiswell
14:42 Re: Netcheck.log file Jeff Weber
13:49 Re: Netcheck.log file Jeff Weber
12:48 Re: LDM question Robb Kambic
12:40 Re: Netcheck.log file Jeff Weber
11:22 Re: Netcheck.log file Jeff Weber
November 28, 2001
10:58 Re: 20011127: public school participation in Unidata IDD Jeff Weber
09:38 Re: McIDAS Satellite AREA (fwd) Jeff Weber
November 27, 2001
14:47 Re: McIDAS Satellite AREA (fwd) Jeff Weber
14:44 Re: problems? (fwd) Jeff Weber
14:41 Re: McIDAS Satellite AREA Jeff Weber
14:39 Re: problems? Jeff Weber
13:45 Re: problems? Jeff Weber
10:25 Re: 20011126: CONDUIT/ECMWF data for European Center for Geodynamics and Seismology Jeff Weber
09:21 20011126: NRS issues. Unidata Support
November 20, 2001
14:02 20011115: NEXRAD reflectivity mosaic availability (fwd) Robb Kambic
November 18, 2001
11:19 20011117: still no connection to sunset (cont.) Unidata Support
November 17, 2001
16:15 20011117: still no connection to sunset Unidata Support
November 16, 2001
15:51 20011116: ldm feed from sunset Unidata Support
15:09 Re: 20011116: ldm feed from sunset Jeff Weber
14:02 [no subject] Jeff Weber
13:47 RE: Upstream Feed Site request Jeff Weber
13:38 Re: 20011115: COMET upstream IDD site Jeff Weber
10:43 Re: 20011115: COMET upstream IDD site Jeff Weber
09:51 Re: 20011115: COMET upstream IDD site Jeff Weber
November 15, 2001
17:51 20011115: motherlode down and back up Unidata Support
17:09 20011115: motherlode is back up Unidata Support
15:59 20011115: motherlode down Unidata Support
15:10 20011115: Radar mosaic on FNEXRAD (fwd) Jeff Weber
13:56 Re: 20011115: COMET upstream IDD site Jeff Weber
12:42 Re: 20011115: COMET upstream IDD site Jeff Weber
November 13, 2001
13:05 Re: NEXRAD feed (fwd) Jeff Weber
12:59 Re: WSI USRAD Jeff Weber
November 12, 2001
15:35 sunshine and changes Jeff Weber
14:04 20011105: Availability of radar data Unidata Support
November 09, 2001
14:23 failover feed request Jeff Weber
14:15 Re: CONDUIT Jeff Weber
13:56 RE: Upstream Feed Site request Jeff Weber
13:07 Re: 20011109: IDD feed for Melbourne University Jeff Weber
12:51 Re: CONDUIT Jeff Weber
November 08, 2001
15:33 Re: 20011108: New NEXRAD data Jeff Weber
14:29 Re: 20011108: New NEXRAD data (fwd) Jeff Weber
14:28 NEXRAD feed Jeff Weber
10:38 RE: NNEXRAD Feed Jeff Weber
10:22 Re: 20011108: New NEXRAD data Jeff Weber
November 07, 2001
11:05 Re: feed request Jeff Weber
10:53 Re: request for failover feed Jeff Weber
November 06, 2001
14:02 feed request Jeff Weber
November 02, 2001
21:57 Re: Motherlode NNEXRAD feed going away Anne Wilson
17:41 Re: Motherlode NNEXRAD feed going away Bryan G. White
14:40 Re: Motherlode NNEXRAD feed going away Jeff Weber
14:10 Re: Failover Scheme Jeff Weber
14:04 Motherlode NNEXRAD feed going away Jeff Weber
10:17 Re: request for failover feed Jeff Weber
October 31, 2001
15:25 NNEXRAD and failover Jeff Weber
15:19 Re: request for failover feed Jeff Weber
October 26, 2001
15:11 Re: 20011025: IDD feed of NNEXRAD for Naval Research Lab Jeff Weber
October 25, 2001
13:53 Re: request for failover feed Jeff Weber
13:45 NNEXRAD Feed Jeff Weber
13:39 Re: 20011025: IDD feed of NNEXRAD for Naval Research Lab Jeff Weber
October 23, 2001
10:12 Re: Upstream Feed Site request Jeff Weber
October 22, 2001
14:44 Re: Upstream Feed Site request Jeff Weber
October 18, 2001
19:13 Re: 20011008: IDD latencies at PSU (cont.) Jeff Wolfe
October 16, 2001
12:26 Re: frost is moving Anne Wilson
October 11, 2001
09:32 RE: AFIT NLDN feed David Knight
08:27 Re: [Fwd: Problem with NNEXRAD feed] Anne Wilson
October 10, 2001
14:22 [Fwd: Problem with NNEXRAD feed] Anne Wilson
October 09, 2001
10:39 Re: 20010928: IDD topology to NCSU Jeff Weber
October 08, 2001
14:38 Re: 20011008: IDD latencies at PSU (cont.) Anne Wilson
09:56 Re: 20011008: IDD latencies at PSU (cont.) Anne Wilson
09:09 20011008: motherlode feed slow? (cont.) Unidata Support
October 07, 2001
08:54 20011006: motherlode feed slow? Unidata Support
October 04, 2001
16:14 Re: 20011004: (re: 20010921) LDM upstream Jeff Weber
October 02, 2001
16:10 Re: Updated contact info for SUNY Albany Jeff Weber
September 28, 2001
10:47 Re: LDM/CRAFT distribution Warren Blanchard
September 27, 2001
10:57 Re: LDM NEXRD2 feeds Jeff Weber
09:18 Re: LDM statistics Robb Kambic
September 26, 2001
16:29 LDM statistics Robb Kambic
15:30 Re: 20010921: stats file (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:08 Re: 20010921: stats file (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:43 Re: 20010926: Majordomo Robb Kambic
September 25, 2001
11:38 Re: 20010921: stats file (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:45 Re: 20010921: stats file (fwd) Robb Kambic
September 24, 2001
15:25 20010921: stats file (fwd) Robb Kambic
September 21, 2001
10:55 20010921: stats file Unidata Support
September 20, 2001
16:17 Re: 20010920: LDM site contact at University of Michigan Jeff Weber
15:07 Re: ldmarchive failover feed Jeff Weber
11:19 ldmarchive failover feed Jeff Weber
September 19, 2001
18:25 20010919: UPRM and Internet2 Tom Yoksas
12:14 Re: allow for (fwd) Jeff Weber
12:12 LDM services at LSU (fwd) Jeff Weber
08:54 Re: stokes allow Jeff Weber
September 18, 2001
15:27 Re: [Fwd: MCIDAS feedsite?] Jeff Weber
15:09 Re: [Fwd: MCIDAS feedsite?] Jeff Weber
15:03 RE: NOGAPS Jeff Weber
13:40 allow for Jeff Weber
13:09 Re: Sirocco Jeff Weber
12:29 Re: Sirocco Jeff Weber
12:28 sirocco Jeff Weber
11:29 Re: [Fwd: MCIDAS feedsite?] Jeff Weber
10:39 RE: AFIT Jeff Weber
September 17, 2001
14:55 20010914: WMO Header Conversion Table Unidata Support
September 14, 2001
11:03 Re: MRF/AVN data feed Jeff Weber
09:49 Re: MRF/AVN data feed Jeff Weber
09:45 Re: MRF/AVN data feed (fwd) Jeff Weber
09:37 Re: MRF/AVN data feed Jeff Weber
September 13, 2001
16:40 Re: LDM back-up feed request Jeff Weber
15:59 Re: LDM back-up feed request Jeff Weber
13:28 Re: IDD connection requested Jeff Weber
September 12, 2001
15:11 20010912: LDM problems with ARM Suominet geodetic data (cont.) Unidata Support
15:07 Re: IDD connection requested Jeff Weber
11:21 LDM back-up feed request Jeff Weber
10:42 20010912: LDM problems with ARM Suominet geodetic data Unidata Support
08:43 Re: IDD connection requested Jeff Weber
September 11, 2001
16:49 20010910: cant get data from ARM sites Unidata Support
15:54 Re: IDD connection requested Jeff Weber
September 10, 2001
13:25 RE: 20010817: ASU LDM setup Jeff Weber
September 07, 2001
12:58 Re: 20010830: LDM Usage Brazil Jeff Weber
September 06, 2001
16:44 Re: IDD connection requested Jeff Weber
14:27 Re: IDD connection requested Jeff Weber
11:20 Re: 20010830: LDM Usage Brazil Jeff Weber
10:38 motherlode Jeff Weber
10:27 Re: [Fwd: Re: NOWrad 20010831-20010803 (fwd)]C (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:26 Re: 20010904: ldm/NEXRAD backup feed Jeff Weber
09:33 new ldm client (fwd) Jeff Weber
09:30 Re: new ldm client Jeff Weber
September 05, 2001
15:52 RE: 20010829: Unidata IDD connection request Jeff Weber
15:50 Re: 20010830: LDM Usage Brazil Jeff Weber
15:39 Re: NNEXRAD Jeff Weber
15:33 Re: 20010426: New LDM/IDD node Jeff Weber
15:31 Re: NNEXRAD Jeff Weber
September 04, 2001
13:55 Re: NOWrad 20010831-20010803 Robb Kambic
13:22 Re: 20010904: ldm/NEXRAD backup feed Jeff Weber
11:27 Re: Sirocco Jeff Weber
10:58 Re: Sirocco Jeff Weber
10:54 NNEXRAD Jeff Weber
10:01 Re: 20010829: IDD feed source request Jeff Weber
August 31, 2001
15:13 Re: 20010829: IDD feed source request Jeff Weber
14:44 New IDD connect Jeff Weber
13:58 Re: 20010829: IDD feed source request Jeff Weber
August 30, 2001
14:56 Re: 20010830: LDM Usage Brazil Jeff Weber
August 29, 2001
10:35 RE: 20010829: Unidata IDD connection request Jeff Weber
10:10 Re: 20010829: Unidata IDD connection request Jeff Weber
August 28, 2001
13:12 20010828: 20010822: 20010817: Unidata IDD Unidata Support
August 24, 2001
12:38 Is there a problem with Meteora? James Murakami
11:50 Re: typhoon latency Mike Leuthold
11:24 typhoon latency Mike Voss
11:04 Re: 20010822: Unable to maintain connects from wsi Robb Kambic
August 23, 2001
10:12 Re: 20010426: New LDM/IDD node Jeff Weber
10:09 Re: 20010426: New LDM/IDD node Jeff Weber
August 22, 2001
16:43 Re: 20010822: Unable to maintain connects from wsi Robb Kambic
August 21, 2001
15:04 feed (fwd) Jeff Weber
10:58 Data Volume (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:39 Re: LDM data feeds (fwd) Jeff Weber
09:32 Re: LDM data feeds (fwd) Jeff Weber
August 20, 2001
13:26 Re: LDM data feeds (fwd) Jeff Weber
August 17, 2001
14:39 Re: 20010816: ldm outage Anne Wilson
August 16, 2001
16:47 20010816: ldm outage Unidata Support
August 15, 2001
17:17 Re: FSL2 Feed Jeff Weber
August 13, 2001
19:46 20010813: inti feed from motherlode Tom Yoksas
August 10, 2001
16:38 20010810: what to do when two acars files come in with the same file name Unidata Support
August 07, 2001
15:47 Re: Re LDM installation... Jeff Weber
15:33 RE: RE[2]: IDD connection-NRC.CA Jeff Weber
15:33 Re: LDM data feeds Jeff Weber
15:21 new connects Jeff Weber
12:57 20010807: access denied again Unidata Support
11:55 Re: access denied again Cristina Lozej Archer
11:37 Re: access denied again Larry Riddle
August 06, 2001
15:33 20010806: LDM - stats mailing Unidata Support
August 03, 2001
09:57 topo charts Robb Kambic
August 01, 2001
23:52 20010801: NEXRAD feed from UCSD to UND Unidata Support
July 30, 2001
15:53 Re: weather vs owl Jeff Weber
July 27, 2001
14:06 Re: RE[2]: IDD connection-NRC.CA Jeff Weber
13:59 RE: IDD connection-NRC.CA Jeff Weber
13:28 RE: IDD connection-NRC.CA (fwd) Jeff Weber
11:11 Re: 20010725: Request for upstream feed site Jeff Weber
July 26, 2001
17:10 Re: idd connect Jeff Weber
14:29 idd connect Jeff Weber
12:48 20010726: 20010726: Radar mosaics on FNEXRAD feed Unidata Support
11:29 20010726: Radar mosaics on FNEXRAD feed Unidata Support
09:40 RE: IDD connection-NRC.CA Jeff Weber
July 25, 2001
10:03 RE: IDD connection-NRC.CA Jeff Weber
July 24, 2001
15:55 Re: IDD connection-NRC.CA Jeff Weber
July 20, 2001
15:56 Re: HDS/IDS outage? (fwd) Jeff Weber
15:09 weather vs owl Jeff Weber
July 17, 2001
16:43 Re: stats Robb Kambic
16:35 stats Robb Kambic
15:49 Re: looks like stats pages are broken again... Robb Kambic
13:13 20010717: allow for for NNEXRAD needed (cont.) Unidata Support
July 14, 2001
03:56 20010714: allow for for NNEXRAD needed (cont.) Unidata Support
July 13, 2001
14:26 20010713: allow for for NNEXRAD needed (cont.) Unidata Support
14:17 Re: Traceroute Jeff Weber
13:02 20010712: Problems at UPRM (cont.) Unidata Support
12:38 20010713: allow for for NNEXRAD needed (cont.) Unidata Support
08:42 20010713: allow for for NNEXRAD needed (cont.) Unidata Support
July 12, 2001
16:13 20010712: allow for for NNEXRAD needed Unidata Support
13:33 Re: JUA Radar feed Jeff Weber
10:47 Re: NOWrad location (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:22 Re: NOWrad location (fwd) Robb Kambic
July 11, 2001
09:53 SFUK30/SFUK31 WMO bulletin decoders for GEMPAK (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:01 20010711: MAV files Unidata Support
July 02, 2001
15:46 Re: problems with motherlode and sunshine Anne Wilson
June 29, 2001
16:39 20010629: No NNEXRAD Unidata Support
12:53 Re: 20010629: IDD Site Contact List Webpage Jeff Weber
June 28, 2001
10:24 20010628: question bout the MRF Unidata Support
June 26, 2001
11:23 Re: 20010623: NEXRAD feed Jeff Weber
11:00 20010626: 20010623: NEXRAD feed Unidata Support
June 25, 2001
14:14 RE: WMO headers for NOAAPORT REDBOOK radar contours and labels. (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:14 Re: WMO headers for NOAAPORT REDBOOK radar contours and labels. (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:51 20010625: WMO headers for NOAAPORT REDBOOK radar contours and labels. Steve Chiswell
June 23, 2001
16:01 20010623: NEXRAD feed Unidata Support
June 21, 2001
15:42 20010621: missing McIDAS (cont.) Unidata Support
June 20, 2001
21:55 20010620: missing McIDAS Tom Yoksas
June 19, 2001
13:38 20010619: Delayed nexrad data Unidata Support
June 14, 2001
10:42 Re: [Fwd: WSI MASTER15] Robb Kambic
June 13, 2001
15:14 20010613:IDD/LDM Unidata Jeff Weber
June 12, 2001
16:09 20010612: New College of DuPage IP address for Lightning data (fwd) Unidata Support
June 07, 2001
13:30 20010605: Getting a feed? Unidata Support
June 06, 2001
12:57 Re: 20010606: Long latencies from meteora Jeff Weber
June 05, 2001
15:39 20010605: NLDN feed to Ohio State Unidata Support
13:50 RE: Data Jeff Weber
13:36 RE: Data Jeff Weber
13:13 RE: Data Jeff Weber
10:54 RE: 20010328: New LDM/IDD node Jeff Weber
June 04, 2001
13:30 20010604: ETA model forecasts Unidata Support
May 31, 2001
13:24 Re: Problem Fixed Jeff Weber
13:11 RE: Radar data decoding (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:11 RE: Radar data decoding (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:06 RE: Missing WSI radar products (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:06 Re: Missing WSI radar products (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:00 RE: Missing WSI radar products (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:59 Missing WSI radar products (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:15 20010530: 20010529: LDM/IDD: /p and /m portions of headers Unidata Support
08:34 Re: Your Message Sent on Wed, 30 May 2001 09:36:43 -0600 (MDT) Jeff Weber
May 30, 2001
17:14 Re: [Fwd: WSI MASTER15] Robb Kambic
14:52 Re: your mail Jeff Weber
12:49 20010530: NIDS product availablity Unidata Support
09:36 [no subject] Jeff Weber
May 29, 2001
16:13 Re: NNEXRAD Feed Jeff Weber
15:32 20010529: LDM/IDD: /p and /m portions of headers Unidata Support
15:17 RE: NNEXRAD Jeff Weber
11:07 Re: upstream feed request Jeff Weber
11:01 RE: NNEXRAD Jeff Weber
10:49 Re: NNEXRAD Jeff Weber
10:12 Re: 200105222: MTU would like to participate Jeff Weber
May 25, 2001
13:01 Re: 200105222: MTU would like to participate Jeff Weber
10:24 Re: 200105222: MTU would like to participate Jeff Weber
May 24, 2001
14:59 Re: 200105222: MTU would like to participate Jeff Weber
13:54 Re: Data feed request Jeff Weber
May 23, 2001
10:39 Re: Data feed request Jeff Weber
07:51 Re: 20010521: 20010516: NMC2 down? Arthur A. Person
May 22, 2001
14:54 Re: Data feed request (fwd) Jeff Weber
14:49 Re: Data Jeff Weber
11:15 20010522: MCIDAS feed questions Unidata Support
11:04 Re: 20010516: LDM change at PSU (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:00 Re: 20010516: LDM change at PSU (fwd) Robb Kambic
May 21, 2001
15:39 Re: 20010516: LDM change at PSU (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:41 20010521: 20010516: NMC2 down? Unidata Support
May 16, 2001
15:40 20010516: NMC2 down? Unidata Support
10:48 20010516: LDM change at PSU (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:10 Re: 20010516: LDM change at PSU Jeff Weber
May 15, 2001
16:10 Re: Security issues and LDM (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:55 RE: Security issues and LDM (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:52 Re: Security issues and LDM (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:22 RE: NNEXRAD feed Jeff Weber
May 11, 2001
10:53 Re: 20010511: backup for nexrad data Jeff Weber
May 10, 2001
12:59 RE: LDM Upstream feed Jeff Weber
12:30 Re: LDM Upstream feed Jeff Weber
May 09, 2001
16:21 RE: LDM Upstream feed Jeff Weber
15:04 RE: LDM Upstream feed (fwd) Jeff Weber
10:19 Re: LDM Upstream feed Jeff Weber
May 08, 2001
13:00 Re: LDM-GEM output Jeff Weber
April 30, 2001
13:43 Re: 20010430: New contact at U. Michigan Jeff Weber
10:26 Re: The end of IDD?!! (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:58 The end of IDD?!! (fwd) Robb Kambic
April 27, 2001
20:36 The end of IDD?!! David Wojtowicz
09:30 Re: 20010426: New LDM/IDD node Jeff Weber
09:21 Re: 20010426: New LDM/IDD node Jeff Weber
April 26, 2001
13:09 Re: 20010426: New LDM/IDD node Jeff Weber
11:10 Re: ULM connection Jeff Weber
April 25, 2001
14:09 Re: ULM connection Jeff Weber
13:38 Re: ULM connection Jeff Weber
April 24, 2001
14:40 Re: ULM connection Jeff Weber
April 23, 2001
09:51 IP address change (fwd) Robb Kambic
April 19, 2001
09:45 Re: 20010416: IDD heads up from SUNY Oswego Jeff Weber
April 18, 2001
13:56 Re: Cornell problems fixed. anne
13:22 Re: Cornell problems fixed. Jeff Weber
13:10 20010418: pqact.conf to put METAR obs in separate file for each state] Steve Chiswell
11:07 Re: Problems at Cornell anne
April 17, 2001
13:35 Re: 20010410: feed sites for University of Louisiana at Monroe Jeff Weber
12:41 LDM/IDD Jeff Weber
11:11 RE: 20010417: ldm data feed Jeff Weber
10:54 Re: 20010417: ldm data feed (fwd) Jeff Weber
10:54 Re: 20010417: Re: ldm data feed Jeff Weber
April 16, 2001
16:43 Re: 20010416: LDM failure (Connection reset by peer) Jeff Weber
16:07 20010416: LDM failure (Connection reset by peer) Unidata Support
12:48 Re: 20010416: IDD heads up from SUNY Oswego Jeff Weber
April 13, 2001
15:13 20010413: AMDAR data on NOAAPORT Steve Chiswell
11:23 20010413: AMDAR data on NOAAPORT Steve Chiswell
April 12, 2001
10:36 Re: new connect (fwd) Jeff Weber
April 11, 2001
15:02 Re: 20010328: failover alternate? Jeff Weber
14:35 new connect Jeff Weber
April 10, 2001
14:22 Re: 20010410: NEXRAD feed routing Russ Rew
14:14 Re: 20010410: feed sites for University of Louisiana at Monroe Jeff Weber
April 05, 2001
14:12 RE: 20010328: New LDM/IDD node Jeff Weber
April 04, 2001
09:50 RE: 20010328: New LDM/IDD node Jeff Weber
April 03, 2001
13:20 Re: 20010402: UNL feed of NEXRAD from OU Jeff Weber
11:16 20010328: FW: Regional Composite for Northeast Unidata Support
March 29, 2001
14:33 20010329: Participation for Portland State University Unidata Support
14:25 Re: [Fwd: FW: WSI radar feed] Robb Kambic
10:24 Re: LDM/IDD (fwd) Jeff Weber
08:54 Re: 20010328: New LDM/IDD node Jeff Weber
March 28, 2001
09:23 Re: [Fwd: DIFAX] Jeff Weber
09:02 Re: 20010328: failover alternate? Jeff Weber
08:40 Re: [Fwd: DIFAX] Jeff Weber
March 26, 2001
14:27 Re: [Fwd: DIFAX] Jeff Weber
13:04 Re: 20010324: No DIFAX yet at coriolis Jeff Weber
08:13 Re: 20010324: No DIFAX yet at coriolis Jeff Weber
March 22, 2001
10:48 Re: LDM 1st time configuration Jeff Weber
March 21, 2001
15:08 RE: LDM feed problem Tom Grzelak
14:49 RE: LDM feed problem David Fitzgerald
14:32 Re: LDM feed problem Tom Grzelak
14:13 Re: IDD Sitelist URL Jeff Weber
March 20, 2001
16:34 DIFAX Feed Jeff Weber
14:50 New LDM/IDD node Jeff Weber
14:03 Re: 20010320: Updated contact information Jeff Weber
13:33 RE: Relay node Jeff Weber
09:21 Ldm feed David Fitzgerald
March 19, 2001
15:20 Re: Relay node Jeff Weber
12:05 Re: 20010309: Subscribe to IDD Program Jeff Weber
March 16, 2001
14:55 Re: 20010316: U. Tennessee interested in IDD Jeff Weber
13:14 Re: 20010314: LDM installation support (cont.) (fwd) Jeff Weber
March 15, 2001
08:10 20010315: decoder termination Unidata Support
March 14, 2001
16:36 WSI Robb Kambic
16:05 Re: 20010314: LDM installation support (cont.) (fwd) Jeff Weber
14:00 Re: 20010314: LDM installation support (cont.) (fwd) Jeff Weber
11:25 Re: 20010314: LDM installation support (cont.) (fwd) Jeff Weber
11:06 Re: 20010314: 20010312: LDM installation support (cont.) Jeff Weber
10:34 Re: NOAA port Datoo failure (fwd) Robb Kambic
March 13, 2001
15:51 Re: 20010312: LDM installation support (cont.) Jeff Weber
March 12, 2001
15:08 Re: 20010312: LDM installation support (cont.) (fwd) Jeff Weber
08:54 receiving no UNIDATA or MCIDAS data David Fitzgerald
March 09, 2001
16:25 20010309:DIFAX FEED Jeff Weber
15:23 Re: 20010309: DIFAX feed and topology Jeff Weber
14:31 Re: 20010309: Subscribe to IDD Program Jeff Weber
13:38 20010309: Subscribe to IDD Program Unidata Support
12:48 Re: nexrad feed Anne Wilson
12:43 20010309: feed type availability Unidata Support
March 06, 2001
16:14 Re: nexrad feed Russ Rew
13:52 Re: nexrad feed Anne Wilson
February 28, 2001
15:41 20010228: RUC and decoders Unidata Support
February 27, 2001
15:45 20010227: 20010227: LDM installation support (cont.) Unidata Support
15:04 20010227: LDM installation support (cont.) Unidata Support
14:46 20010227: LDM installation support Unidata Support
10:09 Re: Connection to IDD Jeff Weber
February 26, 2001
16:32 Re: 20010226: Site contact information Jeff Weber
12:41 Re: 20010225: IDD feed for an additional system at CSU/CIRA (fwd) Robb Kambic
February 23, 2001
16:26 [Fwd: RE: UCAR] (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:09 Re: wsi data product Robb Kambic
February 22, 2001
18:08 20010222: Information on GRIB process/model identifiers Unidata Support
11:05 IDD Sitelist URL Jeff Weber
11:00 20010222: eta_84 and NOGAPS (and other model data) Unidata Support
February 21, 2001
15:22 Re: is GONE (fwd) Jeff Weber
14:53 Re: 20010221: Failover site Jeff Weber
February 20, 2001
12:30 RE: UCAR's IDD Upstream Data Feed Source Jeff Weber
09:17 RE: UCAR's IDD Upstream Data Feed Source Jeff Weber
February 16, 2001
12:48 Re: UCAR's IDD Upstream Data Feed Source Jeff Weber
10:38 20010216: ngm vs ngm211 Unidata Support
February 15, 2001
21:37 20010215: Starting the LDM Unidata Support
14:31 20010215: AVN grids Unidata Support
14:17 Re: Upstream Data Feed Source Jeff Weber
February 14, 2001
17:26 Re: 20010214: NEXRAD floater feed (fwd) Anne Wilson
17:07 Re: Re[2]: 20010214: NEXRAD floater feed (fwd) Russ Rew
16:33 Re: 20010214: NEXRAD floater feed (fwd) Russ Rew
13:51 Re: failover site for LDM/IDD Jeff Weber
13:26 20010214: FNEXRAD access for, also mosaics? Unidata Support
12:35 failover site for LDM/IDD Jeff Weber
11:03 LDM-GEM output Jeff Weber
10:47 Re: Upstream Data Feed Source Jeff Weber
February 09, 2001
15:25 Re: 20010208: IP for Jeff Weber
13:27 Re: 20010208: IP for Jeff Weber
February 07, 2001
16:13 LDM Feed Request Jeff Weber
February 06, 2001
15:39 Re: 20010206: problems? Jeff Weber
13:15 Re: ldm Jeff Weber
12:22 Re: 20010206: problems? Jeff Weber
11:20 ldm Jeff Weber
February 05, 2001
15:50 Re: LDM data feed (fwd) Jeff Weber
11:58 Re: Add IP number for twister LDM Pete Pokrandt
February 02, 2001
11:10 Re: 20010131: twisters ip address and ldm stats Robb Kambic
February 01, 2001
13:11 20010131: ETA model data Steve Chiswell
January 31, 2001
20:29 20010131: NLDN, MCIDAS feed : need permission on new machine running ldm Unidata Support
14:11 20010131: ETA model data Steve Chiswell
10:27 20010131: twisters ip address and ldm stats Unidata Support
07:37 20010131: MCIDAS Steve Chiswell
January 30, 2001
12:33 [Fwd: NEXRAD images - 1995 to 2000] Tom Whittaker
January 25, 2001
14:33 IDD Connect Jeff Weber
14:15 [no subject] Jeff Weber
January 24, 2001
16:06 NEXRAD Floater site (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:55 Re: WSI Feed Robb Kambic
January 22, 2001
14:14 20010118: NGM pattern Unidata Support
January 19, 2001
00:18 20010118: any ideas on feed? Unidata Support
January 12, 2001
15:20 20010112: RedBook graphics format documentation Unidata Support
14:28 20010112: Re: GEM data on the IDD system Linda Miller
12:04 GEM data on the IDD system Ekaterina Radeva
January 11, 2001
10:17 Re: 20010108: DIFAX-like products available through IDD (fwd) Jeff Weber
January 10, 2001
14:30 Re: 20010110: DIFAX-like products available through IDD Jeff Weber
10:53 20010110: LDM failover for UNL (fwd) Jeff Weber
10:46 20010110: LDM failover for UNL (fwd) Jeff Weber
09:55 20010110: IDD: GEM and ETA model questions Unidata Support
January 09, 2001
16:12 20010109: NEXRAD ID (ILX) Unidata Support
15:31 Re: test data Jeff Weber
14:53 test data Jeff Weber
08:32 motherlode success Internet Data Distribution
08:10 20010109: motherlode down? Unidata Support
January 08, 2001
15:15 20010108: pqact entries for NEXRAD for gempak/mcidas Unidata Support
January 05, 2001
09:19 Re: Upstream feed source info (fwd) Jeff Weber
January 02, 2001
09:47 Re: Top Level NEXRAD Routing Plan Available Jeff Weber
December 30, 2000
14:43 Re: ldm/idd sparse datae Arthur A. Person
December 27, 2000
14:38 Web page for state by state identification by i2 Steve Chiswell
14:14 Re: 20001227: ldm/idd incredibly crappy (fwd) Jeff Weber
December 19, 2000
10:43 20001219: which NEXRAD product is LREF1? Unidata Support
08:53 Re: Recommendations for Receiving Radar Data Anne Wilson
December 18, 2000
14:55 Re: unsubscribe Robb Kambic
08:13 McIDAS feed (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:04 McIDAS feed Robb Kambic
December 14, 2000
15:40 Re: NIDS data feed Robb Kambic
December 13, 2000
12:50 Re: IDD Statistics Robb Kambic
11:15 20001212: NIDS floater, Millersville, and DuPage (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:02 [no subject] Robb Kambic
08:19 Re: 200012213: receiving my IDD statistics? Robb Kambic
December 11, 2000
17:12 Re: IDD Statistics (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:58 Re: IDD Statistics Steve Chiswell
15:19 IDD Statistics Jeff Weber
13:45 20001211: motherlode behind Unidata Support
December 08, 2000
10:43 20001208: pqact line for RUC data Unidata Support
December 07, 2000
10:10 Re: 20001206: csh for ldm account, idd request Jeff Weber
December 06, 2000
11:25 20001206: NOAAPORT Unidata Support
09:28 Re: 20001109-Failover feed Jeff Weber
December 05, 2000
13:20 Re: 20001109-Failover feed Jeff Weber
08:47 Re: 20001202: Topology Page Problem Robb Kambic
December 01, 2000
11:50 ECMWF grib change (fwd) Robb Kambic
November 29, 2000
05:14 20001128: site contacts for Uni. Colleget of the Fraser Valley Unidata Support
November 28, 2000
12:51 Re: 20001124: LDM feed from thelma to Costa Rica Jeff Weber
10:59 Re: thelma connects Robb Kambic
10:40 Re: Increased max hourly rate of NEXRAD data Robb Kambic
09:15 Re: 20001128: Problem searching the archives of e-mail discussions Robb Kambic
08:50 thelma connects Jeff Weber
November 27, 2000
16:02 20001127: Test NIDS products for ARX (fwd) Unidata Support
15:52 Re: being deactivated Robb Kambic
14:58 iita (fwd) Jeff Weber
13:36 Re: 20001121: host node to receive AVN data from Jeff Weber
11:34 We're IP addresses!!!!!!! (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:28 Re: 20001127: West Virginia State College, LDM Jeff Weber
09:37 Re:LDM srevice (fwd) Robb Kambic
November 22, 2000
15:54 20001031: Australia radiosonde data Unidata Support
November 21, 2000
10:28 Re: 20001121: host node to receive AVN data from Jeff Weber
November 20, 2000
15:17 Re: connect Jeff Weber
13:58 20001120: NMC2 feed down? Unidata Support
November 19, 2000
16:31 20001119: Unidata-Wisconsin PNG-compressed AREA Files? Tom Yoksas
November 17, 2000
08:43 update (fwd) Robb Kambic
07:51 change of local contact person Sebastien O. Korner
November 16, 2000
14:54 Re: 20001115: IDD delivery of Unidata-Wisconsin imagery for 11/10 - 11/13 Arthur A. Person
10:47 Re: [Fwd: NOAAport ingester] (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:34 IDD Delays: Latency vs. Bandwidth (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:03 Re: 20001110: net trouble Jeff Weber
08:41 Upper Air Data server (fwd) Robb Kambic
November 15, 2000
09:34 Re: Topology Questions (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:34 Re: Topology Questions (fwd) Robb Kambic
November 13, 2000
15:30 Re: stats reporting problem re: Lamont Doherty Robb Kambic
13:16 Re: Plan for testing NEXRAD distribution (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:22 Re: Re[6]: Unidata Jeff Weber
November 12, 2000
18:54 20001112: no satellite data Unidata Support
November 10, 2000
15:22 20001110: pqact line to get AVN model data for N. America Unidata Support
14:32 IDD NIDS decompression script ready to go (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:26 Re: 20001110: RUC grids from NOAAPORT Steve Chiswell
11:21 connect Jeff Weber
10:20 20001110: RUC grids from NOAAPORT Unidata Support
10:12 20001101: RUC problem Unidata Support
November 09, 2000
15:47 Re: Re[2]: Unidata Jeff Weber
07:02 Re: DIFAX Linda Miller
November 08, 2000
20:15 Working IDD-NIDS decompression script (take II) Pete Pokrandt
13:03 Re: DIFAX Pete Pokrandt
12:28 IDD NIDS decompression script ready to go Pete Pokrandt
November 07, 2000
22:17 Re: I solved the Nexrad mystery! (was: Can rad handle new stuff...) Gilbert Sebenste
22:08 Re: I solved the Nexrad mystery! (was: Can rad handle new stuff...) Pete Pokrandt
21:36 Re: I solved the Nexrad mystery! (was: Can rad handle new stuff...) DeVietor
20:37 I solved the Nexrad mystery! (was: Can rad handle new stuff...) Pete Pokrandt
08:07 Re: Hmmmm. Can rad handle the new 88d stuff yet? (decoder?) (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:06 Re: Hmmmm. Can rad handle the new 88d stuff yet? (decoder?) (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:01 Re: Hmmmm. Can rad handle the new 88d stuff yet? (decoder?) David Wojtowicz
07:18 NIDS according to Gilbert-WX-TALK Digest - 5 Nov 2000 to 6 Nov 2000 (#2000-286) (fwd) Linda Miller
November 06, 2000
16:24 Re: Hmmmm. Can rad handle the new 88d stuff yet? (decoder?) NIMBUS Librarian
16:16 Re: Hmmmm. Can rad handle the new 88d stuff yet? (decoder?) Pete Pokrandt
16:05 Re: Hmmmm. Can rad handle the new 88d stuff yet? (decoder?) Kevin W. Thomas
15:23 Re: Hmmmm. Can rad handle the new 88d stuff yet? (decoder?) Pete Pokrandt
November 02, 2000
12:42 Re: model grids missing? (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:41 Re: incomplete ETA files today? (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:41 incomplete ETA files today? (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:41 model grids missing? (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:12 DIFAX Jeff Weber
November 01, 2000
09:08 Re: Meeting Agenda Linda Miller
08:50 Re: Please take care of iita machines (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:48 Re: 20001101: Re: Does end of NIDS mean 88D via IDD and LDM? Linda Miller
08:41 Re: Meeting Agenda Robb Kambic
08:04 Re: 20001101: Re: Does end of NIDS mean 88D via IDD and LDM? Tom McDermott
October 31, 2000
12:11 Re: Please take care of iita machines Robb Kambic
11:05 Re: 20001031: WMO header now includes model type?? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:34 IDD failover request (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:10 20001027: DIFAX (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:08 Re: difax scripts and ps files (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:55 Re: difax scripts and ps files (fwd) Robb Kambic
October 24, 2000
13:33 Re: 20001023: Failover site request from PSU Jeff Weber
11:15 Re: 20001023: Failover site request from PSU Jeff Weber
10:18 20001020: ldm/idd data feeds (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:41 (Fwd) Qwest problem update (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:41 (Fwd) QWest problems (fwd) Robb Kambic
October 23, 2000
16:27 STATEMENT: The Internet has blown a fuse! (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:29 Re: 20001023: New upstream host Jeff Weber
12:09 Re: no data Pete Pokrandt
October 20, 2000
08:48 Re: NOAAPort data server x86 configuration (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:47 we've been down (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:47 Datoo at Lsu (fwd) Robb Kambic
October 19, 2000
16:20 20001019: DIFAX dialogue (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:11 FSL failover announcement (fwd) Robb Kambic
October 18, 2000
13:07 DIFAX gone? (fwd) Robb Kambic
October 16, 2000
09:20 RE: DIFAX (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:16 Re: 20001013: Motherlode failover needed (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:15 Re: 20001013: Motherlode failover needed (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:08 Re: 20001013: Motherlode failover needed (fwd) Robb Kambic
October 13, 2000
18:27 Re: 20001013: Motherlode failover scheme Jeff Weber
18:26 Re: 20001013 : Failover for motherlode Jeff Weber
18:26 Re: 20001013: Motherlode failover needed Jeff Weber
16:14 20001013: Motherlode failover scheme Jeff Weber
16:13 20001013 : Failover for motherlode Jeff Weber
15:59 20001013: Motherlode failover needed Jeff Weber
15:48 Re: idd ingestion on Datoo during the UCAR outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:42 ACARS NetCDF changes Joseph Carlson
14:07 DIFAX (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:20 Re: difax scripts and ps files (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:12 IDD Feed Site Request (fwd) Jeff Weber
October 12, 2000
15:14 Re: IDD Feed Site Request Jeff Weber
13:09 RE: DIFAX Scripts (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:09 RE: DIFAX Scripts (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:43 Re: IDD downstream change (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:43 IDD downstream change (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:35 Re: idd ingestion on Datoo during the UCAR outage Robb Kambic
09:39 Service Interuptions Sat. Oct. 14th All UCAR (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:04 20001011: Dan Dansereau leaving USU (cont.) (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:01 Re: DIFAX (fwd) Robb Kambic
October 11, 2000
14:13 20001011: Dan Danserau has left USU (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:08 Re: DIFAX (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:43 20001011: LDM at CCNY (cont.) Unidata Support
10:48 RE: DIFAX Scripts (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:52 Re: DIFAX Scripts (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:51 DIFAX (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:21 Re: 20001010: Alden finality? future? (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:20 DIFAX Scripts (fwd) Robb Kambic
October 10, 2000
14:42 DIFAX issue (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:52 Re: Alden finality? future? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:51 20001010: Alden finality? future? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:06 20001008-Failover feed Jeff Weber
09:50 Re: 20001010: University of Kentucky needs a backup Jeff Weber
09:48 Re: 20001010: University of Kentucky needs a backup Jeff Weber
08:54 Re: Alden finality? (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:54 Re: Alden finality? (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:53 Re: Alden finality? (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:51 Re: Alden finality? (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:45 gigabit ethernet tests (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:43 [Fwd: Latest on Alden] (fwd) Robb Kambic
October 09, 2000
16:35 Re: 20001009: need a good backup feed for Univ. of Kentucky Jeff Weber
10:10 Re: Alden finality? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:10 Alden finality? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:02 20001004: LDM MCIDAS feed type pqact.conf entry comments/recommendations (fwd) Robb Kambic
October 08, 2000
13:21 20001007: CCNY data reception Unidata Support
October 07, 2000
18:03 Dr. Steve Chiswell Edward Hindman
October 06, 2000
15:59 20001006: Internet Congestion Status Unidata Support
14:31 20001006: NWSTG outage Steve Chiswell
14:28 Re: NOAAPORT data outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:27 Data outage? (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:27 Re: FOS Down? (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:26 LDM up? LSU is down! (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:26 LDM up? LSU is down! (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:26 FOS Down? (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:24 20001006: Lost Feeds Steve Chiswell
10:41 RE: MCIDAS pqact.conf entry problem (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:41 MCIDAS pqact.conf entry problem (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:29 Pluto Upgrade Notice #3 (fwd) Robb Kambic
October 05, 2000
13:06 20001005: LDM help Unidata Support
09:52 Re: mailing list Robb Kambic
October 04, 2000
14:14 Status of Alden (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:32 Re: Subscription information Jeff Weber
10:50 Pluto Upgrade Notice (fwd) Robb Kambic
October 03, 2000
14:32 Re: 20001002: Glimpse Index not found Robb Kambic
October 02, 2000
11:18 20001002: CONDUIT ETA 212 Data Steve Chiswell
September 29, 2000
09:18 Another LDM/GEMPAK User Jim St. John
September 28, 2000
10:37 Re: NOAAPORT Receiver Request (fwd) Robb Kambic
September 27, 2000
15:02 Re: [2509] Re: Re[2]: no Internet2 connection to ftp.ncep.noaa.govagain (fwd) (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:28 Re: 20000926: interesting IDD numbers from motherlode (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:24 20000927: NOGAPS model data available (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:30 Re: 20000926: interesting IDD numbers from motherlode (fwd) Robb Kambic
September 26, 2000
15:47 Re: idd-relay member Robb Kambic
15:29 Kelvin Droegemeier - CRAFT Update- Oct 12-10am (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:07 20000926: interesting IDD numbers from motherlode (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:01 Re: idd-relay member Robb Kambic
13:41 Re: Alden update... (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:38 20000926: CONDUIT feed Steve Chiswell
11:57 Re: Alden update... (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:15 Re: Alden update... (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:33 Re: LDM status update (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:33 LDM status update (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:28 Re: Unisys DIFAX Update (Larry Riddle) (fwd) Robb Kambic
07:37 Re: Alden update... (fwd) Robb Kambic
07:26 Alden update... (fwd) Robb Kambic
September 25, 2000
16:25 Unisys DIFAX Update (Larry Riddle) (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:21 sunset is back, feel free to switch back from profhorn (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:32 20000925: 20000925: Use of GEMPAK with case studies, RUC2 etc. Unidata Support
13:28 Re: Alden's woes getting worse (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:27 Re: Alden's woes getting worse (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:27 Re: Alden's woes getting worse (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:27 Alden's woes getting worse (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:45 Re: 20000924: statistics for data being handled by motherlode IDD? (fwd) Robb Kambic
September 22, 2000
16:52 nmc2 ETA 104 data feed problems David Ovens
September 21, 2000
13:29 Re: Noaa Weather Wire Service (fwd) Robb Kambic
September 20, 2000
11:08 20000920: AVN changes-ADMIN NOTICE NOUS40 KWBC (fwd) Unidata Support
10:47 Re: HDS feed on shemp and motherlode (fwd) Robb Kambic
September 18, 2000
11:04 20000918: MCIDAS images via LDM Unidata Support
09:25 Re: 20000913: Multiple feed types, dupilicate data, and downstreamclients (fwd) Robb Kambic
September 15, 2000
11:13 20000915: IDD grib data Unidata Support
08:29 Re: missed 00z model data (fwd) Robb Kambic
07:54 missed 00z model data (fwd) Robb Kambic
September 14, 2000
16:12 Re: UPC Robb Kambic
10:50 20000913: SSEC Server maintenance on (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:56 2000914: problems on experimental NCEP server Steve Chiswell
09:36 Re: problems on experimental NCEP server (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:18 Sorry this is so late... (fwd) Robb Kambic
September 13, 2000
13:15 Re: 20000913: 20000913: interesting...12 Z airport data missing today Paul Ruscher
13:02 20000913: PNG Patterns for GEMPAK Sat directory structure Unidata Support
12:55 20000913: 20000913: interesting...12 Z airport data missing today Unidata Support
09:55 20000913: interesting...12 Z airport data missing today Unidata Support
September 12, 2000
11:30 Re: LSU NOAAport status (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:57 Re: NOAAport status Robb Kambic
September 11, 2000
09:52 A Brief Conversation with Alden CEO about DIFAX (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:45 Re: Alden ku-band DDPLUS Dead-Again! (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:44 Re: Alden ku-band DDPLUS Dead-Again! (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:42 Re: Alden ku-band DDPLUS Dead-Again! (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:41 Re: Alden ku-band DDPLUS Dead-Again! (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:41 Alden ku-band DDPLUS Dead-Again! (fwd) Robb Kambic
September 08, 2000
09:28 20000907: NOAA Archived Data Access (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:18 RE: Hey...DIFAX is back (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:09 Re: Hey...DIFAX is back (fwd) Robb Kambic
September 06, 2000
19:02 Re: time for LDM to transfer a 200Mb file (fwd) Robb Kambic
19:01 Hey...DIFAX is back (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:53 DNS status (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:19 Re: 20000831: Diagnosing data slowness at Penn State (new thread) (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:19 Conversation with Dan Desereau at Uthal (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:17 Re: Change of hostname for IDD feed. (fwd) Robb Kambic
September 05, 2000
10:17 Re: Sunset problems (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:17 Re: Sunset problems (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:16 Sunset problems (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:14 Re: FSU Met LDM upcoming outage this afternoon (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:57 Re: Sunset problems (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:57 Re: Sunset problems (fwd) Robb Kambic
September 02, 2000
10:57 Re: Sunset problems Jim Koermer
September 01, 2000
14:05 Re: 20000831: Columbia Lamont-Doherty request for IDD feed and top level offer Jeff Weber
13:14 Re: Unidata Jeff Weber
09:20 [no subject] Jeff Weber
09:15 [no subject] Jeff Weber
August 31, 2000
15:15 Re: 20000831: Diagnosing data slowness at Penn State (new thread) (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:59 20000831: ecmwf Unidata Support
14:30 Re: 20000831: Help! from NIU (fwd) Jeff Weber
11:25 Re: [Fwd: Re: 20000809: LDM feed?] (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:05 Re: 20000831: ldm feed (cont.) Jeff Weber
09:41 Re: 20000831: ldm feed (cont.) Jeff Weber
08:53 Re: 20000830: Network Problems with LDM at St. Louis University Jeff Weber
August 29, 2000
13:01 Re: [Fwd: Re: 20000823: LDM, ldmfail questions from West Chester university] Jeff Weber
09:23 Re: 20000814: IDD at LSU (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:47 Re: The status of Alden (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:20 Re: 20000826: Comments on Alden solvency (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:18 Re: The status of Alden (fwd) Robb Kambic
August 28, 2000
11:24 Re: 20000822: Backup LDM server Jeff Weber
09:57 Re: 20000822: Backup LDM server Jeff Weber
August 25, 2000
16:11 20000825: ldm feed Unidata Support
13:06 Re: ldm feed Arthur A. Person
12:24 Re: ldm feed corcoran
12:14 Re: ldm feed Arthur A. Person
12:00 ldm feed corcoran
August 24, 2000
14:36 20000824: motherload problem Unidata Support
14:16 Re: motherload problem Robb Kambic
14:06 Re: 20000814: IDD at LSU Robb Kambic
11:24 20000824: UCAR Router Steve Chiswell
11:10 20000824: request and pqact patterns Unidata Support
09:54 20000824: reception problems continue Unidata Support
August 23, 2000
13:15 20000823: backed up feed Unidata Support
11:26 Re: motherload problem Robb Kambic
August 22, 2000
10:20 20000821: surface pressure observations Unidata Support
August 21, 2000
13:23 20000821: Time off Unidata Support
09:06 Problems-Alden or NWS? (fwd) Robb Kambic
August 18, 2000
11:29 Re: Power Down Saturday 8/19/00 (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:11 Re: Power Down Saturday 8/19/00 (fwd) Robb Kambic
August 17, 2000
11:01 Re: motherlode problems? Robb Kambic
09:01 Re: request for upstream feed (fwd) Jeff Weber
09:01 Re: request for upstream feed Jeff Weber
August 16, 2000
22:14 20000817: motherlode problems? Steve Chiswell
15:01 RE: request for upstream feed Jeff Weber
14:41 RE: request for upstream feed Jeff Weber
August 15, 2000
16:36 Re: SGI security problem with telnetd. TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION!! (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:12 Re: SGI security problem with telnetd. TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION!! (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:11 Re: SGI security problem with telnetd. TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION!! (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:32 Re: 20000809: Main Feed Change request Jeff Weber
13:57 Re: SGI security problem with telnetd. TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION!! (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:26 SGI security problem with telnetd. TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION!! (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:06 :FOUS21 and FOUS23 Steve Chiswell
09:05 RE: request for upstream feed Jeff Weber
08:51 Re: Data feeds and config files Jeff Weber
August 14, 2000
14:38 Ku-Band outage follow-up (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:37 Re: Ingestor time (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:14 Ingestor time Robb Kambic
13:11 request for upstream feed (fwd) Jeff Weber
August 11, 2000
11:16 Re: 20000811: update ldm Anne Wilson
11:11 Re: 20000811: update ldm Anne Wilson
10:52 Re: 20000811: update ldm Jeff Weber
10:47 20000811: update ldm Unidata Support
10:31 20000811: update ldm Unidata Support
August 10, 2000
16:49 update ldm Jeff Weber
12:26 staff meeting comment (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:38 fl-phx DNS status (fwd) Robb Kambic
August 09, 2000
09:13 Re: Rpc.ldmd processes don't die right away in 5.1.2beta1... (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:12 RE: NWSTG still down (fwd) Robb Kambic
August 08, 2000
12:52 Re: 20000808: FSL2 feed for missouri Jeff Weber
08:29 20000808: NOAA Places Satellite Imagery of Historical Environmental Events Online (fwd) Robb Kambic
August 07, 2000
14:34 International Data Exchange and Restrictions (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:55 RE: SAUS4* headers not being processed Robb Kambic
August 04, 2000
17:00 IDD failover scheme Robb Kambic
16:37 sunset's ldm crashed again 1550 UTC AM (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:52 Re: 20000804: LDM modifications for Unidata-Wisconsin imagery Harry Edmon
15:23 20000804: LDM modifications for Unidata-Wisconsin imagery Unidata Support
14:46 Re: Re[6]: 20000724: New machine Robb Kambic
14:38 20000804: NIU Internet upgrade (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:25 FL mail troubles (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:16 DNS operational (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:48 DNS status (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:42 Re: Re[4]: 20000724: New machine Robb Kambic
07:23 Re: Re[2]: 20000724: New machine (fwd) Robb Kambic
August 03, 2000
15:08 Re: Robb Kambic
14:45 Re: Re[2]: 20000724: New machine Robb Kambic
14:40 Re: Access Denied from Motherlode (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:07 Re: top level sites failover Robb Kambic
14:05 Re: Robb Kambic
August 02, 2000
16:24 LDM Start Up (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:53 International Data Exchange and Restrictions (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:49 Re: sunset down again? Pete Pokrandt
10:33 20000802: 11 and 12 micron data Unidata Support
August 01, 2000
16:38 Re: Access Denied from Motherlode (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:29 Re: failover needed at SSEC (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:13 Re: [Fwd: Request to Participate in LDM Failover Testing] (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:13 motherlode IP change done (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:58 failover needed at SSEC Robb Kambic
10:59 20000801: WUCN10 WUCN70 WWCN70 ? Unidata Support
07:18 20000731: setup for decoding PNG compressed imagery at UVa Tom Yoksas
July 31, 2000
16:52 Re: motherlode & queue size Robb Kambic
15:54 20000731: Unidata-Wisconsin datastream image compression change (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:20 Re: (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:14 Re: motherlode & queue size Robb Kambic
09:18 Continuing Data Problems (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:14 Pluto back up after power restored at FSU (fwd) Robb Kambic
July 28, 2000
13:45 Re: 20000726: IDD Topology Pages Robb Kambic
13:26 [no subject] Robb Kambic
10:43 Re: 20000728: DPA reports Steve Chiswell
09:57 20000728: Raw Radar reports Steve Chiswell
July 27, 2000
16:54 top level sites failover Robb Kambic
16:44 Re: thelma's replacement now available Larry Riddle
16:17 thelma's replacement now available Robb Kambic
11:19 Re: 20000727: Raw Radar reports (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:19 20000727: Raw Radar reports (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:08 Re: 20000727: Raw Radar reports Steve Chiswell
11:00 Re: 20000727: Raw Radar reports C. Vandersip
10:51 20000727: Raw Radar reports Steve Chiswell
10:44 20000726: 20000726: McIDAS feed from thelma Unidata Support
10:02 Raw Radar reports (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:55 Re: [Fwd: Request to Participate in LDM Failover Testing] (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:05 Re: 20000725: internet2 feed Jeff Weber
July 26, 2000
17:04 Re: IDD Feed Jeff Weber
15:12 Re: IDD Feed Jeff Weber
15:09 Re: IDD Feed Michael Voss
13:11 IDD Feed Jeff Weber
11:05 20000726: IDD: No FSL2 data Unidata Support
10:08 20000726: McIDAS feed from thelma Unidata Support
July 24, 2000
16:34 thelma failover Robb Kambic
15:53 Re:LDM srevice (fwd) (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:01 FW: The prolonged ku band DIFAX outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:56 Re: 20000724: New machine Robb Kambic
July 20, 2000
16:58 20000720: please update your ALLOWs for Western Michigan (cont.) Unidata Support
15:06 20000720: please update your ALLOWs for Western Michigan Unidata Support
13:44 Re: 20000719: idd data stream sizes Robb Kambic
11:50 IDD connect Jeff Weber
July 19, 2000
17:18 20000719: motherlode - ldm is not running Unidata Support
July 13, 2000
13:09 20000713: missing ETX on NOAAPORT feeds Steve Chiswell
09:01 SUMMARY: Recent Pluto hiccups (fwd) Robb Kambic
July 10, 2000
15:44 Re: ldm feed request Jeff Weber
15:14 ldm feed request Jeff Weber
11:08 Re: 20000710: Addtional Failover requested for Michigan State Jeff Weber
10:47 Unidata LDM and IDD (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:46 Re: Enterprise 250 (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:45 [Fwd: info on the radar data on noaaport] (fwd) Robb Kambic
July 07, 2000
15:51 Re: 20000707: IDD access for Stanford Cristina Lozej
15:35 Re: 20000707: IDD access for Stanford Jeff Weber
15:31 Re: 20000707: IDD access for Stanford Michael Voss
14:48 Re: 20000707: duplicate question Jeff Weber
14:44 Re: 20000707: IDD access for Stanford Jeff Weber
July 02, 2000
08:00 Re: no FSL2 data Robb Kambic
June 30, 2000
12:24 LDM service Robb Kambic
June 28, 2000
15:55 Re: 20000626: steps in the binary installation of the LDM (fwd) Jeff Weber
15:06 Re: IDD connection Jeff Weber
13:39 Re: Starting the LDM (fwd) Jeff Weber
13:16 Re: IDD connection Jeff Weber
13:06 Re: 20000616: FYI Jeff Weber
13:00 Re: 20000626: steps in the binary installation of the LDM Jeff Weber
09:31 Re: IDD: UIUC emergency outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:35 Cornell back on line (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:35 Re: IDD: UIUC emergency outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:35 IDD: UIUC emergency outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:33 Re: IDD: UIUC emergency outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:33 Re: I am out of ldm feeds (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:33 I am out of ldm feeds (fwd) Robb Kambic
June 27, 2000
15:42 A blast from the past-radar dot products gone! (fwd) Robb Kambic
June 26, 2000
14:45 NOAAPORT data is delayed/lagging (fwd) Robb Kambic
June 23, 2000
11:14 Re:'s LDM seems to be down... (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:14 Re:'s LDM seems to be down... (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:13's LDM seems to be down... (fwd) Robb Kambic
June 22, 2000
15:30 Re: Emergency maintenance announcement for weather.admin, weather3.admin (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:30 Emergency maintenance announcement for weather.admin, weather3.admin (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:23 (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:27 Re: LDM feed Jeff Weber
11:08 20000621: NMC2 line down again? Unidata Support
June 21, 2000
11:29 20000620: 20000620: motherlode will not let me in Unidata Support
June 20, 2000
17:26 20000620: motherlode will not let me in Unidata Support
10:35 Re: LDM feed Devin Kramer
10:13 Re: LDM feed Matthew Maschmann
09:11 Re: LDM feed Devin Kramer
June 19, 2000
14:10 LDM feed Jeff Weber
June 16, 2000
16:24 New short-term HRS and DDPLUS raw feed archive (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:50 need allow Robb Kambic
June 15, 2000
19:20 Re: failed over to niu (fwd) Robb Kambic
19:20 Re: failed over to niu (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:57 20000615: FSL2/PCWS data Unidata Support
12:33 New short-term HRS and DDPLUS raw feed archive (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:32 Re: New short-term HRS and DDPLUS raw feed archive (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:51 Re: failed over to niu (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:47 NOAAPORT going down for maintenance (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:46 A little more on the Internet changes (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:28 Re: 20000614: comments on NOAAPORT reliability from University of Washington Robb Kambic
00:28 20000614: comments on NOAAPORT reliability from University of Washington Unidata Support
June 13, 2000
16:39 20000613: 2 questions Unidata Support
11:17 failed over to niu (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:03 NOAAPORT going down for maintenance (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:01 Re: 20000609: Re: A little more on the Internet changes Robb Kambic
10:37 Re: thelma slow Robb Kambic
June 09, 2000
11:03 20000609: Re: A little more on the Internet changes Linda Miller
June 08, 2000
14:08 Re: IDD connection (fwd) Jeff Weber
13:53 Re: IDD connection (fwd) Jeff Weber
13:11 Re: IDD connection (fwd) Jeff Weber
11:09 Re: IDD connection (fwd) Jeff Weber
10:36 Re: IDD connection (fwd) Jeff Weber
09:01 Re: IDD connection (fwd) Jeff Weber
June 07, 2000
13:13 20000607: Deleting oldest in queue message Unidata Support
June 06, 2000
13:25 20000606: add to idd-relay Unidata Support
June 05, 2000
10:43 20000602: Using PILs Steve Chiswell
June 02, 2000
17:06 20000602: AVN/MRF MOS files? (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:51 20000602: AVN/MRF MOS files? Steve Chiswell
15:39 Re: noaaport backup Jeff Weber
15:22 [no subject] Jeff Weber
14:53 Re: [Fwd: ldm config change] Jerrold Robaidek
14:52 a thought Robb Kambic
14:37 Re: [Fwd: ldm config change] (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:30 Re: [Fwd: ldm config change] Robb Kambic
11:12 Re: Feed oddity from thelma Robb Kambic
09:25 Re: request for a feed St Cloud/Wisconsin Jeff Weber
08:32 Re: 20000531: ldm feedsite for st cloud state wisconsin Jeff Weber
June 01, 2000
19:05 NOAAPORt outage cause... (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:38 20000601: NOAAPORT restored Steve Chiswell
15:53 ldm config change Robb Kambic
15:16 Re: MRF Model ID change from 78 -> 94 and pqing (LDM) Robb Kambic
13:49 Re: 20000601: LDM Feed from Jeff Weber
13:15 Re: LDM feeds notifyme Jeff Weber
10:23 20000531: Participating in Unidata Unidata Support
09:08 Re: upstream feed? (fwd) Jeff Weber
May 31, 2000
16:53 Re: upstream feed? (fwd) Jeff Weber
16:42 Re: upstream feed? (fwd) Jeff Weber
16:24 Re: upstream feed? (fwd) Jeff Weber
15:09 Re: 20000531: ldm feedsite for st cloud state (cont.) Jeff Weber
08:59 Re: upstream feed? (fwd) Jeff Weber
May 30, 2000
11:28 Re: 20000530: Umich LDM (fwd) Jeff Weber
May 26, 2000
15:27 Re: MRF Model ID change from 78 -> 94 and pqing (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:19 Re: No MCIDAS Robb Kambic
08:28 [pr0035] - News Releases (fwd) Robb Kambic
May 25, 2000
16:09 Re: your mail (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:55 Re: Thelma is 30 min behind? (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:54 Re: missing model data (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:54 Re: missing model data (fwd) Robb Kambic
May 24, 2000
15:46 Re: 20000524: One site, Two feeds? (fwd) Jeff Weber
15:32 (Fwd) Re: SCD/UNIDATA server (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:57 Re: Thelma is 30 min behind? (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:43 Thelma 30 minutes behind?Maybe that's my problem (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:33 Re: Thelma is 30 min behind? Robb Kambic
May 23, 2000
10:41 Re: 20000519: No UNIDATA or HRS (fwd) Anthony Rockwood - MSCD Meteorology
May 22, 2000
19:19 Re: 20000519: No UNIDATA or HRS (fwd) Anthony Rockwood - MSCD Meteorology
15:38 Re: noaaport source sites (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:38 Re: noaaport source sites (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:35 Re: Upgrading CONDUIT with NGI (fwd) (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:19 Re: NO DATA (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:38 Small, current data archive (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:43 Re: NO DATA (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:43 Re: NO DATA (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:42 Re: NO DATA (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:42 Re: NO DATA (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:42 Re: NO DATA (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:42 Re: NO DATA (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:41 NO DATA (fwd) Robb Kambic
May 19, 2000
15:25 Re: mrf ? Robb Kambic
13:40 Re: FEEDME? (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:40 Re: FEEDME? (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:40 FEEDME? (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:15 Re: 20000516: IDD alternative (backup) feed site Robb Kambic
May 18, 2000
15:14 Re: Access-Distribution to GEM data (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:13 Re: Access-Distribution to GEM data (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:55 Re: 20000516: IDD alternative (backup) feed site Robb Kambic
09:03 Re: change to shemp's ldmd.conf Robb Kambic
May 17, 2000
11:21 Re: MRF Model ID change from 78 -> 94 and pqing (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:04 Re: MRF Model ID change from 78 -> 94 and pqing (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:54 MRF Model ID change from 78 -> 94 and pqing (fwd) Robb Kambic
May 16, 2000
19:49 Re: 20000516: IDD alternative feed site Robb Kambic
May 15, 2000
15:01 incident with LDM on shemp, Friday, May 12, 21:49:00 (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:24 Brockport IDD Up (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:21 Unplanned network outage at FL (fwd) Robb Kambic
07:28 20000515: NOGAPS Access & Distribution Linda Miller
May 11, 2000
11:36 Re: thelma LDM is up Robb Kambic
11:17 thelma status Robb Kambic
May 09, 2000
16:07 20000509: ldm at stc (cont.) Unidata Support
May 08, 2000
13:58 Re: 20000508: no ldmstats for NSBF on FOS page (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:19 Re: 20000508: no ldmstats for NSBF on FOS page Robb Kambic
12:47 Re: 20000508: no ldmstats for NSBF on FOS page Robb Kambic
May 05, 2000
11:45 Re: 20000505: two feeds to 1 department Robb Kambic
May 03, 2000
15:24 Re: What's up with the FOS topo, etc. stats? Steve Chiswell
15:23 Re: What's up with the FOS topo, etc. stats? Pete Pokrandt
15:19 Re: What's up with the FOS topo, etc. stats? Tom McDermott
15:19 Re: 20000503: IDD stats Pete Pokrandt
15:11 20000503: IDD stats Steve Chiswell
14:08 Re: thelma is back (fwd) Robb Kambic
May 01, 2000
16:06 20000501: NMC2 feed Unidata Support
15:01 20000501: NMC2 relay? Unidata Support
April 28, 2000
08:02 Re: 20000427: ldm/poor data reception at SMSU (fwd) Jeff Weber
April 27, 2000
12:35 20000427: Global model resolutions available via ldm Steve Chiswell
10:41 Re: 20000427: ldm/poor data reception at SMSU Jeff Weber
09:18 20000427: ETA questions Unidata Support
April 26, 2000
15:04 Re: 20000425: Need backup LDM site at Texas Tech (fwd) Jeff Weber
14:34 Re: 20000425: Need backup LDM site at Texas Tech (fwd) Jeff Weber
April 24, 2000
11:26 LDM-New Connection Jeff Weber
April 21, 2000
12:35 20000421: Thelma behind Unidata Support
April 18, 2000
18:14 20000415: unreliable IDD feed of raob data (Oakland Raobs (stn # 72493) ) Unidata Support
13:19 Re: 20000417: data latency at stc Jeff Weber
09:42 Re: 20000417: data latency at stc Jeff Weber
April 17, 2000
12:36 20000417: we're back.. (fwd) Robb Kambic
April 14, 2000
15:52 thelma success Internet Data Distribution
15:34 thelma failure Internet Data Distribution
08:44 Re: LDM Downstream failover site Jeff Weber
April 13, 2000
11:12 20000413: ETA files Unidata Support
11:06 LDM Downstream failover site Jeff Weber
10:12 Re: [Fwd: Update to Contact Information] Robb Kambic
April 12, 2000
17:43 20000412: password for IDD FTP account Unidata Support
16:48 Re: LDM- Change of machine name downstream Jeff Weber
15:22 LDM- Change of machine name downstream Jeff Weber
10:59 Re: 20000412: failover to thelma (fwd) Jeff Weber
April 11, 2000
15:24 Re: blueskiess is down (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:05 lightning data Jeff Masters
13:37 Re: blueskiess is down David J. Knight
09:11 Re: 20000406: Data stream Robb Kambic
April 07, 2000
15:42 Re: NOAAPORT feed vs DDS/PPS Steve Chiswell
09:46 20000406: Analysis in GRIB format : which prods? Unidata Support
April 06, 2000
10:51 noaaport source sites (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:24 20000406: New LDM admin at umich Unidata Support
April 05, 2000
16:34 Larry Riddle's bounce (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:12 Re: 20000405: IDD data delivery rates Robb Kambic
April 04, 2000
10:44 Re: GemPak passwd Robb Kambic
06:12 thelma success Internet Data Distribution
06:07 thelma failure Internet Data Distribution
April 02, 2000
07:12 thelma success Internet Data Distribution
06:57 thelma failure Internet Data Distribution
April 01, 2000
18:02 thelma success Internet Data Distribution
17:14 thelma failure Internet Data Distribution
March 31, 2000
15:57 2000331: thelma problem? Unidata Support
14:56 20000331: 60 Hour ETA grid implementation schedule Steve Chiswell
09:57 20000331: new Eta output Unidata Support
March 30, 2000
10:51 Re[2]: 20000330: ETA 60 hour grids Ken Waters
10:13 20000330: ETA 60 hour grids Unidata Support
08:24 20000330: ETA 60 hour grids Steve Chiswell
March 28, 2000
08:43 Re: WEATHER, LDM and GDBM Robb Kambic
March 23, 2000
11:26 Re: 20000322: LDM at CCNY Robb Kambic
10:11 Re: 20000117: LDM Data Problems/Aqua Outage? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:10 Re: 20000117: LDM Data Problems/Aqua Outage? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:01 Re: 20000322: IDD feed contents (fwd) Jim Cowie
09:28 Re: 20000322: IDD feed contents (fwd) Chad Johnson
08:48 Re: 20000322: IDD feed contents (fwd) Jim Cowie
March 22, 2000
15:38 20000322: IDD feed contents (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:26 Re: wsihcsn dumps (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:26 Re: 20000321: LDM gethostbyaddr log message (fwd) Jeff Weber
March 21, 2000
14:52 20000321: FYI, NCDC Unidata Support
12:47 Re: 20000321: can't feed from shemp to Mike Schmidt
11:20 20000321: can't feed from shemp to Steve Chiswell
09:55 Re: 20000321: How to avoid duplicate metar reports? Peter Neilley
March 20, 2000
11:00 20000317: NGM operational changes Steve Chiswell
March 18, 2000
11:25 20000318: AVN MOS Steve Chiswell
March 17, 2000
12:44 20000317: NGM operational changes Steve Chiswell
March 16, 2000
16:04 Re: 20000316: LDM 5.0.10 Robb Kambic
15:18 20000316: Missing hour 42 NGM grib files? Steve Chiswell
March 15, 2000
13:09 Re: 20000315: ldmd.conf (fwd) Jeff Weber
10:45 Re: 20000315: ldmd.conf Robb Kambic
10:15 Re: 20000315: ldmd.conf Robb Kambic
March 13, 2000
16:23 20000317: ETA 216 grids Steve Chiswell
March 10, 2000
08:18 Re: UCAR NOAAport ingestor Robb Kambic
March 09, 2000
12:38 Changes in "sirocco" feed at LSU (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:15 Re: UCAR NOAAport ingestor Robb Kambic
09:20 Re: 20000308: stats logs cleanout? Jeff Weber
March 08, 2000
16:07 20000308: data losses? at STC Unidata Support
10:49 Re: 20000307: PDS for QPF grids Fred Branski
08:35 Re: 20000307: LDM Robb Kambic
March 07, 2000
16:18 20000307: PDS for QPF grids Steve Chiswell
12:33 Re: 20000307: Climate Summaries Steve Chiswell
11:37 Re: 20000307: LDM Robb Kambic
11:32 Re: 20000307: LDM Robb Kambic
11:28 Re: (Fwd) Re: Halo Robb Kambic
11:00 20000307: Climate Summaries Steve Chiswell
March 06, 2000
15:28 SDI mailing list. Robb Kambic
15:23 Re: noaaport header information (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:23 Re: noaaport header information (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:23 Re: noaaport header information (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:12 20000306: Eta model 216 grid available???? Steve Chiswell
12:39 Re: 20000306: thelma feed to denied? (fwd) Jeff Weber
11:16 Re: 20000306: thelma feed to denied? (fwd) Jeff Weber
09:27 RE: never mind--no data (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:26 no data (fwd) Robb Kambic
March 02, 2000
17:53 20000302: please ALLOW CCNY machine for NLDN Unidata Support
14:37 Re: LDM request (fwd) Jeff Weber
March 01, 2000
16:37 20000301: UKM grids Unidata Support
09:00 20000301: RUC Feb 30 (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:59 RUC grids on OSO server (fwd) Robb Kambic
February 29, 2000
21:54 20000229: RUC grids on OSO server Steve Chiswell
21:48 20000301: RUC Feb 30 Steve Chiswell
16:46 Recovering Today's Models (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:45 Re: LDM (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:09 RE: FOS vs NOAAPort (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:15 Re: no data decoded by Gempak 02/29? (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:15 RE: H+1 obs appearing in H+0 file (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:36 H+1 obs appearing in H+0 file (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:35 FOS vs NOAAPort (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:33 Re: no data decoded by Gempak 02/29? (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:33 RE: noaaport header information (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:21 RE: noaaport header information (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:12 Re: noaaport header information (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:12 Re: 20000229: year mod 400 leap year (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:11 20000229: year mod 400 leap year (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:10 Re: no data decoded by Gempak 02/29? (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:10 Re: noaaport header information (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:09 Re: no data decoded by Gempak 02/29? (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:09 Re: noaaport header information (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:27 Re: noaaport header information (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:26 Re: no data decoded by Gempak 02/29? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:26 Re: no data decoded by Gempak 02/29? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:25 Re: no data decoded by Gempak 02/29? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:25 Re: no data decoded by Gempak 02/29? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:24 Re: no data decoded by Gempak 02/29? (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:11 20000229: NAWIPS-ADMIN NOTICE NOUS42 KWNO (fwd) (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:08 Re: no data decoded by Gempak 02/29? (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:08 Re: no data decoded by Gempak 02/29? (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:08 Re: no data decoded by Gempak 02/29? (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:28 no data decoded by Gempak 02/29? (fwd) Robb Kambic
February 28, 2000
15:45 noaaport header information (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:45 RE: Manually digitized Radar (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:45 Re: Manually digitized Radar (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:45 Re: Manually digitized Radar (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:44 Re: Manually digitized Radar (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:44 Re: Manually digitized Radar (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:38 Re: Manually digitized Radar (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:38 Re: Manually digitized Radar (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:47 LDM request Robb Kambic
February 25, 2000
06:51 Re: Missing Obs (fwd) Robb Kambic
06:51 Missing Obs (fwd) Robb Kambic
February 24, 2000
16:25 RE: NOAAPORT is back! (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:25 Re: NOAAPORT is back! (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:25 NOAAPORT appears to be back (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:25 RE: NOAAPORT down... (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:24 Re: NOAAPORT down... (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:24 Re: NOAAPORT down... (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:24 20000224: NOAAPORT NWSTG outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:24 Re: NOAAPORT down... (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:23 Re: NOAAPORT down... (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:22 Re: NOAAPORT down... (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:22 NWS NOAAport message (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:22 20000224: NOAAPORT NWSTG outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:21 Re: NOAAPORT Channel 1 Down (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:21 NOAAPORT Channel 1 Down (fwd) Robb Kambic
07:16 Re: 20000223: Re: high-frequency product (fwd) Linda Miller
February 23, 2000
16:23 RUTGERS IDD RELAY IS DOWN (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:56 Re: LDM downstream node addition Jeff Weber
15:08 LDM downstream node addition Jeff Weber
14:59 Re: 20000223: IDD to Kansas (fwd) Jeff Weber
14:40 Re: 20000223: IDD to Kansas (fwd) Jeff Weber
February 22, 2000
13:44 Re: 20000218: I don't know the topology Jeff Weber
11:02 RUTGERS IDD RELAY IS BACK UP (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:57 We're back (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:54 Reminder: LSU going down Sunday morning (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:56 20000216: gempak access (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:55 LSU Power outage scheduled (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:54 Re: Data stream at a trickle (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:54 Data stream at a trickle (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:42 Second Planned Power Outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:41 Re: LDM (fwd) Robb Kambic
February 17, 2000
14:17 Re: request for data Jeff Weber
11:28 Old DIFAX prods.? (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:07 Re: ldm feed (fwd) Jeff Weber
February 16, 2000
16:40 Re: 20000201: LDM problems Robb Kambic
15:16 Re: 20000209: data feeds (fwd) Jeff Weber
February 15, 2000
15:56 UW-AOS/SSEC Internet outage 02/15/2000 11:30 UTC (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:55 SAUS80 vs SAUS54 (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:44 FAA604 products (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:35 Re: down? (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:16 Re: Status (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:10 routing changes scheduled (fwd) Robb Kambic
February 11, 2000
10:42 Re: 20000209: switching machine names Jeff Weber
09:44 Re: request for data (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:53 Re: 20000210: Need pqact entry for RCM's (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:48 Need pqact entry for RCM's (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:47 Follow-on Power Outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:46 Data archive ( still there? [was Re: Data outages] (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:45 Re: Data outages (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:45 Re: UIUC Down? (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:44 Re: Data outages (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:44 Data outages (fwd) Robb Kambic
February 10, 2000
10:01 20000210: Need pqact entry for RCM's Steve Chiswell
09:29 Re: LDM Robb Kambic
February 09, 2000
15:46 IDD Jeff Weber
15:40 Re: request for data Jeff Weber
15:18 20000209: switching machine names Jeff Weber
15:13 machine name change Jeff Weber
14:49 Re: 20000209: switching machine names (fwd) Jeff Weber
February 08, 2000
16:54 high-frequency product (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:51 Abilene routing established (fwd) Robb Kambic
February 07, 2000
15:36 20000207: Abilene IDD (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:36 Congratulations on coming up on Abilene! (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:34 Re: Status (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:39 Re: request for data Robb Kambic
13:07 20000207: Abilene IDD Unidata Support
10:57 Re: request for data Robb Kambic
09:06 Re: Status Ekaterina Radeva
February 04, 2000
15:48 Re: Typhoon Fixed (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:32 Re: Typhoon Fixed Robb Kambic
11:36 Re: request for data Robb Kambic
February 03, 2000
13:49 Re: Network outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
February 02, 2000
10:36 Re: 20000201: LDM problems Robb Kambic
February 01, 2000
16:54 Re: 20000201: RPC: Unable to receive Robb Kambic
16:12 machine change Robb Kambic
15:02 Re: typhoon failure (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:55 typhoon failure (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:20 request for data Robb Kambic
10:31 Re: 20000201: LDM problems Robb Kambic
09:57 Re: LDM data feed source Robb Kambic
January 28, 2000
15:16 Miscellaneous thoughts (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:02 Re: LDM data feed source (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:57 Marine Ship obs (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:53 Re: Using /p in pqact.conf (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:53 Using /p in pqact.conf (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:41 20000120: problem with ldm on (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:29 Re: not receiving mannually digitized radar (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:28 Re: 20000117: LDM Data Problems/Aqua Outage? (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:28 Re: not receiving mannually digitized radar (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:27 Re: not receiving mannually digitized radar (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:20 Re: not receiving mannually digitized radar (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:20 not receiving mannually digitized radar (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:08 Re: LDM data feed source Robb Kambic
January 26, 2000
15:46 20000126: Using /p in pqact.conf Steve Chiswell
January 25, 2000
16:30 20000114: Question on CONDUIT program Unidata Support
15:52 20000121: RUC-2 Unidata Support
15:09 Re: McIDAS data question... Steve Chiswell
09:46 Re: Using NNTP for Internet Data Distribution (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:50 UKMET : many fields missing (fwd) Robb Kambic
January 24, 2000
15:40 Re: Feed problems (fwd) Robb Kambic
January 21, 2000
10:48 20000121: Internet outage - 01/23/2000 (fwd) Robb Kambic
January 20, 2000
16:08 Re: 20000117: LDM Data Problems/Aqua Outage? (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:59 Re: pqsurf and pqsurf.conf Robb Kambic
15:18 Re: 20000117: LDM Data Problems/Aqua Outage? (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:14 Re: pqsurf and pqsurf.conf Robb Kambic
10:11 Re: 20000117: LDM Data Problems/Aqua Outage? Robb Kambic
09:49 200001120: cirrus connection up (fwd) Robb Kambic
January 19, 2000
15:20 Re: 20000119: datafeed from cirrus (fwd) Robb Kambic
January 18, 2000
16:24 Re: 20000118: connection to cirrus Robb Kambic
15:13 Re: 20000118: connection to cirrus Robb Kambic
14:42 20000118: mesoeta? (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:26 Re: data feed source? Robb Kambic
11:18 Re: your mail Robb Kambic
09:07 Re: only ruc on nmc2? (fwd) Robb Kambic
January 14, 2000
10:31 only ruc on nmc2? (fwd) Robb Kambic
January 13, 2000
11:50 Re: Change of hostname for IDD feed. (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:42 Re: UAlbany down this weekend (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:42 Change of hostname for IDD feed. (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:38 UAlbany down this weekend (fwd) Robb Kambic
January 12, 2000
19:39 LDM Host Upgrade (fwd) Robb Kambic
19:38 Re: Upstream data feed from IDD. Robb Kambic
19:34 Re: 20000112: New version Robb Kambic
11:38 Re: Upstream data feed from IDD. Robb Kambic
January 08, 2000
15:49 Re: 20000107: LDM host change at U. RI Robb Kambic
January 07, 2000
14:43 NIU going down Monday morning (fwd) Robb Kambic
January 06, 2000
13:54 Sorry for the 10 minute outage... (fwd) Robb Kambic
January 04, 2000
15:23 Re: 20000104: change Robb Kambic
15:18 Re: 20000104: change Robb Kambic
14:52 Re: How does this affect us if at all? (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:51 Re: How does this affect us if at all? (fwd) Robb Kambic
07:58 RE: UKMET grids revisited (fwd) Robb Kambic
07:57 UKMET grids revisited (fwd) Robb Kambic
January 03, 2000
15:15 Re: NLDN: pqact.conf for LDM (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:13 Re: Data feed at NIU is up, and... (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:13 Data feed at NIU is up, and... (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:08 Re: NLDN: pqact.conf for LDM (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:08 NLDN: pqact.conf for LDM (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:31 Re: 20000103: feed site needed for McGill Robb Kambic
10:09 20000103: Y2K bug in LDM (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:07 Re: LDM out? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:03 Re: McIDAS Area Files? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:03 Re: McIDAS Area Files? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:03 Re: McIDAS Area Files? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:03 Re: McIDAS Area Files? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:03 Re: McIDAS Area Files? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:03 Re: McIDAS Area Files? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:03 Re: McIDAS Area Files? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:03 McIDAS Area Files? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:02 RE: ugh! (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:02 Re: ugh! (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:02 Re: ugh! (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:02 19991231: ugh! (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:02 19991231: ugh! (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:02 ugh! (fwd) Robb Kambic
December 30, 1999
11:06 19991230: Wind Profiler Outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:54 Re: Are UKMET data going over NOAAPORT? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:52 Thanks! (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:52 Re: Are UKMET data going over NOAAPORT? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:51 Re: Are UKMET data going over NOAAPORT? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:50 Are UKMET data going over NOAAPORT? (fwd) Robb Kambic
December 29, 1999
12:54 Re: 19991229: network access problems Robb Kambic
09:12 METAR Remarks sections (fwd) Robb Kambic
December 28, 1999
16:31 Re: your mail (fwd) Robb Kambic
December 27, 1999
12:22 iita and front (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:19 Re: Fallback LDM site (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:17 19991223: thelma connectivity failure (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:55 Re: AVN 70hPa level Data (fwd) Robb Kambic
December 24, 1999
16:41 AVN 70hPa level Data (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:38 Re: no OBS (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:38 no OBS (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:37 Re: Widespread Outage? (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:36 Widespread Outage? (fwd) Robb Kambic
December 23, 1999
15:33 Re: Fallback LDM site David Wojtowicz
December 22, 1999
15:24 RE: LDM (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:51 Re: Fallback LDM site Robb Kambic
13:32 19991221: Y2K LDM pqact.conf change for NLDN lightning data products (fwd) Robb Kambic
December 21, 1999
14:42 Re: Status Ekaterina Radeva
12:56 Re: LDM Robb Kambic
December 17, 1999
14:49 Re: Y2K computer shutdown Robb Kambic
08:04 awipsldm digest: December 16, 1999 (fwd) Robb Kambic
December 16, 1999
14:44 Re: 19991216: changing ldm home Robb Kambic
December 14, 1999
14:51 Re: 19991214: What is the port 113 used for? (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:28 Re: aldehyde and blueskies being retired (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:28 Re: aldehyde and blueskies being retired (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:44 Re: 19991214: What is the port 113 used for? (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:35 Data latencies: could much of this be avoided? (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:29 Re: Data latencies: could much of this be avoided? (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:04 Re: Data latencies: could much of this be avoided? (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:03 Re: Data latencies: could much of this be avoided? (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:03 was down... (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:02 Re: Data latencies: could much of this be avoided? (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:02 Re: Data latencies: could much of this be avoided? (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:02 Re: Data latencies: could much of this be avoided? (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:01 Re: Data latencies: could much of this be avoided? Robb Kambic
December 10, 1999
15:20 Data latencies: could much of this be avoided? (fwd) Robb Kambic
December 09, 1999
13:35 19991209: NOAAPORT back up (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:33 Re: noaaport down? (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:31 Re: NOAAPORT Feed (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:31 NOAAPORT UPDATE---READ!!! (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:31 Re: NOAAPORT Feed (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:30 Re: NOAAPORT Feed (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:29 [Fwd: 19991209: NOAAPORT down] UW SSEC Data Center
11:20 NOAAPORT Feed (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:19 Re: 19991209: NOAAPORT down (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:18 D'oh! (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:18 Re: noaaport down? (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:12 Re: 19991209: NOAAPORT down Chad W. Johnson
11:01 Re: noaaport down? (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:00 Re: noaaport down? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:49 19991209: NOAAPORT down (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:28 Re: noaaport down? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:25 Re: noaaport down? Gilbert Sebenste
10:23 Re: noaaport down? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:23 Re: noaaport down? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:22 noaaport down? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:22 Re: noaaport down? Robb Kambic
10:15 Re: noaaport down? Chad W. Johnson
10:08 noaaport down? Pete Pokrandt
09:53 No NOAAPORT data Harry Edmon
09:33 Bandwidth upgrades at NIU (fwd) Gilbert Sebenste
December 08, 1999
22:25 NOAAPORT alphanumeric feed backup! Gilbert Sebenste
09:04 News you can use! (fwd) Robb Kambic
December 07, 1999
14:00 Re: 19991207: Request Robb Kambic
December 03, 1999
09:39 Re: WSI data? Robb Kambic
08:17 Re: New umich IDD machine Robb Kambic
December 02, 1999
09:34 19991202: avn (thin) grid Steve Chiswell
09:01 Re: 19991201: ldm losing large files Robb Kambic
08:37 Re: High Request: #04134-Replace FDDI cable to thelma (fwd) Robb Kambic
December 01, 1999
09:07 19991201: Planned Profiler Outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:00 LDM Server Pluto back online (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:00 Re: 19991125: LDM feed (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:59 LDM Server Pluto Going Down in 5 minutes (fwd) Robb Kambic
November 30, 1999
15:07 19991130: no data Unidata Support
08:51 LDM server maintenance schedule (fwd) Robb Kambic
November 29, 1999
13:31 Re: 19991125: LDM feed Robb Kambic
12:37 Re: Re[2]: 19991128: thelma's clock (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:34 Re[2]: 19991128: thelma's clock (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:33 Re: 19991128: thelma's clock (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:27 nport time Robb Kambic
12:19 Re: Re[2]: 19991128: thelma's clock (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:03 19991128: thelma's clock (fwd) Robb Kambic
November 24, 1999
11:33 Re: 19991124: thelma problems Robb Kambic
November 18, 1999
15:51 Expect loss of data feed (fwd) Robb Kambic
November 17, 1999
09:55 19991117: NMC2 feed Steve Chiswell
November 16, 1999
16:39 19991116: Profiler Outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:35 Scheduled power outage at Penn State (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:38 Re: 19991115: IDD Slowdowns Robb Kambic
11:12 Unplanned network outage at Madison AOS (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:59 Re: 19991115: IDD Slowdowns Robb Kambic
10:20 Re: 19991116: Datastream Robb Kambic
09:21 Re[2]: 19991115: ldm problems (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:21 Re: 19991115: ldm problems (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:21 Re: 19991115: IDD Slowdowns Robb Kambic
09:02 19991115: Alden no go (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:01 19991115: ldm problems (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:01 vBNS problems (fwd) Robb Kambic
November 15, 1999
17:20 Re[2]: 19991115: ldm problems Harry Edmon
16:32 Re: 19991115: ldm problems Robb Kambic
11:20 19991027: current data feed volumes (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:20 current data feed volumes (fwd) Robb Kambic
November 12, 1999
16:47 19991108: Re: problems with ldm Debian Linux (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:27 19991112: umich status (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:35 umich status (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:34 AMP monitor submission form (fwd) Robb Kambic
November 11, 1999
13:52 Re: 19991110: LDM Failover Site Needed (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:46 Re: 19991110: LDM Failover Site Needed Robb Kambic
09:05 IDD exceptions growing (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:25 Re: 19991110: iita denying access (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:18 Re: network bandwidth (fwd) Ben Domenico
November 10, 1999
16:27 Re: 19991110: iita denying access Robb Kambic
16:26 Re: 19991110: iita denying access (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:22 19991108: LDM to millersville (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:17 19991110: McIDAS XCD Broken Pipe Unidata Support
16:12 19991110: iita denying access (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:51 RE: Isn't that just wonderful? (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:51 RE: Isn't that just wonderful? Robb Kambic
15:05 Re: 19991110: ldm at STC Robb Kambic
14:52 RE: Isn't that just wonderful? (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:50 Isn't that just wonderful? (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:36 RE: OK, what's up with NOAAPORT? (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:36 RE: OK, what's up with NOAAPORT? (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:36 OK, what's up with NOAAPORT? (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:36 long latencies (fwd) Robb Kambic
November 09, 1999
17:24 19991109: NIDS data Unidata Support
10:29 19991108: Radar Coded Message plotting Steve Chiswell
November 08, 1999
16:25 Re: NOAAPORT feed Robb Kambic
13:01 Re: problems with ldm Jeff Masters
12:45 Re: idd data request (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:41 19991108: eta and ngm Steve Chiswell
10:04 19991108: eta and ngm models Steve Chiswell
09:39 eta and ngm models (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:29 Re: Reminder of upgrade Monday morning. (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:13 Reminder of upgrade Monday morning. (fwd) Robb Kambic
November 05, 1999
17:51 Re: Technical difficulties! (fwd) Robb Kambic
17:50 Technical difficulties! (fwd) Robb Kambic
17:47 Re: idd data request (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:04 Re: idd data request Robb Kambic
November 04, 1999
13:47 Re: Policy on use of the IDD (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:26 19991104: RE: GEM Model Data (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:20 Re: idd data request Robb Kambic
November 03, 1999
10:37 Re: 19991103: lost mcidas data at NM State Robb Kambic
10:32 19991103: ACARS Data (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:55 19991103: NOAAport IDD data Steve Chiswell
November 02, 1999
11:36 umich back on-line (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:44 network problems at umich (fwd) Robb Kambic
November 01, 1999
15:30 19991030: Update on Jackson State LDM feed Tom Yoksas
October 29, 1999
09:11 RE: thanks (fwd) Robb Kambic
October 28, 1999
15:01 Re: 19991028: idd Robb Kambic
13:21 grayskies is back (fwd) Robb Kambic
October 27, 1999
16:03 19991027: PPBB,PPDD groups for Europe/Scandinavia Steve Chiswell
15:43 Re: PPBB,PPDD groups for Europe/Scandinavia (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:41 PPBB,PPDD groups for Europe/Scandinavia (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:17 grayskies problems (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:44 current data feed volumes (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:23 Re: Feedtypes of products shemp is getting (fwd) Robb Kambic
October 25, 1999
14:45 Re: 19991025: pqsurf.conf (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:11 Re: 19991025: pqsurf.conf Robb Kambic
14:02 Re: 19991025: thelma screwed up Robb Kambic
13:29 Re: 19991025: pqsurf.conf Robb Kambic
09:43 Re: Getting the MRF grids on "HRS" feed (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:40 Getting the MRF grids on "HRS" feed (fwd) Robb Kambic
October 22, 1999
16:23 Re: NOAAPORT receive system feeding LDM (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:18 Re: NOAAPORT receive system feeding LDM Dave Fulker
15:12 19991011: Transition of (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:28 Re: network problems at UCAR? Robb Kambic
11:01 Re: mlong time no see - and multicast Russ Rew
10:06 Re: Re[2]: network problems at UCAR? Robb Kambic
09:50 RE: NOAAPORT receive system feeding LDM (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:48 Re: NOAAPORT receive system feeding LDM (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:56 Re: network problems at UCAR? (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:56 Re: network problems at UCAR? (fwd) Robb Kambic
October 21, 1999
17:02 Re: network problems at UCAR? David J. Knight
16:06 Re: network problems at UCAR? William Noon
15:42 network problems at UCAR? David J. Knight
October 19, 1999
12:54 Re: NOAAPORT receive system feeding LDM Ben Domenico
12:35 Re: NOAAPORT receive system feeding LDM Robb Kambic
10:04 19991019: epager vs. ldm running Steve Chiswell
October 18, 1999
10:01 19991018: Feed from PSU Unidata Support
October 14, 1999
16:15 thelma is ok again Robb Kambic
16:10 Re: thelma status (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:28 19991014: Whats up with the West Coast? (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:28 UPDATE on thelma (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:28 More on thelma (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:27 thelma out for me too (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:27 Re: Question for Umich... (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:26 Re: thelma down? (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:26 Re: Question for Umich... (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:26 Re: thelma down? (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:25 Whats up with the West Coast? (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:25 FOS data missing (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:09 Re: thelma status Robb Kambic
14:42 Re: thelma status (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:39 Re: thelma status Peter Neilley
14:32 thelma status Robb Kambic
12:18 Re: thelma out for me too (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:48 Question for Umich #2... (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:47 Re: thelma down? (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:47 Question for Umich... (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:29 thelma down? (fwd) Robb Kambic
October 13, 1999
12:24 Re: your mail Robb Kambic
12:22 traceroutes (fwd) Robb Kambic
October 12, 1999
13:25 Re: your mail Mike Trexler
October 11, 1999
16:17 Re: your mail Robb Kambic
11:06 Re: your mail Robb Kambic
October 08, 1999
11:08 UCLA Back up (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:07 routing to COOP glitched today (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:07 grayskies is back (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:07 Fiber cut! NIU out! (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:07 UCLA Network upgrade (fwd) Robb Kambic
October 07, 1999
15:36 19991007: followup on MRF grids (2 vs 3) Steve Chiswell
15:00 Re: Request for LDM feed Robb Kambic
14:46 19991007: followup on MRF grids (2 vs 3) Steve Chiswell
October 06, 1999
16:17 Re: 19991004: Latency issues at Creighton Robb Kambic
12:42 19991006: is the McIDAS feed up today? Unidata Support
09:15 grayskies down (fwd) Robb Kambic
October 05, 1999
16:22 19991005: RUC grids on NOAAPort, again Steve Chiswell
14:56 19991005: (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:34 NOAAPORT out? (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:02 19991005: albany --> afit, part II (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:01 19991005: albany --> afit, part I (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:00 19991005: thelma ldm Unidata Support
08:26 Re: network connections erratic... (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:08 erratic network problems (fwd) Robb Kambic
October 04, 1999
16:07 Re: failover site for (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:23 Re: failover site for Robb Kambic
15:18 Forwarded mail.... Robb Kambic
15:17 network outtage and IP change (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:02 Re: What is MRF product to WMO header mapping? Steve Chiswell
11:09 Re: 19991004: loss of data stream Robb Kambic
09:07 Re: noaaport/awips at psc? (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:02 umich back up (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:02 umich network is down (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:02 Request for LDM feed (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:58 19990928: U Wyo down tomorrow notice (fwd) Robb Kambic
October 01, 1999
11:42 19990919: shef data (fwd) Steve Chiswell
11:29 19991001: Impact on Conduit Steve Chiswell
09:48 19991001: CONDUIT data Unidata Support
September 30, 1999
15:58 Re: 19990930: LDM and multiple ethernets Robb Kambic
15:30 Re: 19990930: failover Robb Kambic
13:14 Re: ETA on NMC2 Steve Chiswell
13:11 19990930: Some NMC2 missing Unidata Support
10:28 Re: 19990930: Installing LDM on OSF/1 Robb Kambic
08:28 Re: Request for LDM feed Robb Kambic
September 28, 1999
14:30 MU is up (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:34 Re: 19990928: Robb Kambic
09:49 Re: Upstream data feed source Robb Kambic
September 24, 1999
16:09 Re: NIDS on NOAAPort to begin encryption (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:52 NIDS on NOAAPort to begin encryption (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:50 NIDS on NOAAPort to begin encryption Robb Kambic
14:01 Re: 19990923: LDM feed at Valparaiso U. Robb Kambic
12:26 19990924: Tiled Grids Unidata Support
September 23, 1999
15:52 Re: 19990923: AVN model output Robb Kambic
15:28 Re: command (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:17 Re: 19990923: AVN model output Robb Kambic
15:06 Re: 19990923: LDM feed at Valparaiso U. Robb Kambic
15:01 19990923: AVN model output Steve Chiswell
14:27 Re: Upstream data feed source (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:27 Upstream for UWO (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:27 Re: installing the LDM, need an upstream node... (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:26 (Fwd) Re: 19990917: machine name change for desi? (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:26 Re: Upstream data feed source (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:32 Upstream for UWO (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:41 19990923: LDM queue size with NOAAPORT data Unidata Support
10:42 Re: 19990923: requesting a subset of IDD datafeeds Robb Kambic
September 22, 1999
12:09 19990921: NOAAPORT SBN question on the NWSTG format Unidata Support
September 21, 1999
16:33 19990921: NOAAPORT SBN question on the NWSTG format Unidata Support
16:03 Re: 19990921: IDD Site List Robb Kambic
14:30 Re: installing the LDM, need an upstream node... (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:22 Re: installing the LDM, need an upstream node... Robb Kambic
12:38 Re: Upstream data feed source Robb Kambic
September 20, 1999
10:17 19990918: GOES-8 McIDAS Images (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:15 McIDAS Images (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:35 19990919: shef data Steve Chiswell
September 17, 1999
16:09 Statistics to UNIDATA are bouncing... (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:09 Re: Statistics to UNIDATA are bouncing... (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:09 Re: Statistics to UNIDATA are bouncing... (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:08 Re: Statistics to UNIDATA are bouncing... (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:51 Possible Outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:51 network paacket losses at umich (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:34 19990917: NMC2 status Unidata Support
09:20 Re: Missing Nowrad data (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:20 Intel Solaris vs Solaris 2.X (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:19 Missing Nowrad data (fwd) Robb Kambic
September 15, 1999
08:36 Re: Upstream data feed source Robb Kambic
September 14, 1999
09:57 Re: 19990913: LDM Not Starting Robb Kambic
09:54 Re: 19990913: LDM Not Starting Robb Kambic
09:23 Re: IDD DIFAX problems (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:21 Re: IDD DIFAX problems (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:21 IDD DIFAX problems (fwd) Robb Kambic
September 10, 1999
13:28 Re: Equipment for Synoptic Met Labs (fwd) Robb Kambic
September 09, 1999
15:38 Re: 19990908: Oswego IDD problems (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:07 Re: 19990908: Oswego IDD problems (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:51 19990909: Missing GOES-10 imagery Unidata Support
08:27 Re: 19990908: Oswego IDD problems Robb Kambic
07:52 GOES-10 Imagery (fwd) Robb Kambic
07:50 images return (fwd) Robb Kambic
07:48 Re: Missing all images (fwd) Robb Kambic
07:48 Re: Missing all images (fwd) Robb Kambic
07:48 Re: Missing all images (fwd) Robb Kambic
07:47 Missing all images (fwd) Robb Kambic
07:47 Re: No WSI feed from wsihcsn (fwd) Robb Kambic
September 08, 1999
08:20 Re: 19990907: No datastream at SUNY Oswego Robb Kambic
September 02, 1999
16:03 Re: No WSI feed from to iita at 99082610 (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:03 Re: No WSI feed from to iita at 99082610 (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:03 Re: No WSI feed from to iita at 99082610 (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:03 Re: No WSI feed from to iita at 99082610 (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:58 Re: (Fwd) Re: more information (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:57 (Fwd) Re: more information (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:57 WSI pattern (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:34 LDM feed (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:33 Re: WSI NIDS feed headers, Robb Kambic
14:17 19990901: NIDS ADMIN NOTICE NOUS40 KWBC (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:17 Satellite Data Archive at SSEC/UW (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:08 Re: connect second server Robb Kambic
13:46 Re: McIDAS Data (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:46 Re: McIDAS Data (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:39 Re: IDD|DDPLUS and HRS latencies (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:45 Re: IDD|DDPLUS and HRS latencies (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:27 Re: Upstream Data Feed (fwd) Robb Kambic
September 01, 1999
17:10 IDD|DDPLUS and HRS latencies (fwd) Robb Kambic
August 31, 1999
18:13 raw upperair data from 1998 (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:47 19990831: NMC2/MRF data Unidata Support
10:37 Re: McIDAS Data (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:35 Re: McIDAS Data (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:30 Re: McIDAS Data (fwd) Robb Kambic
August 30, 1999
16:33 Re: McIDAS Data (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:09 McIDAS Data (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:09 Re: Missing data on FOS (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:50 Re: Missing data on FOS (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:49 Re: No WSI feed from wsihcsn (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:48 Missing data on FOS (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:48 Re: Upstream Data Feed Robb Kambic
15:45 19990830: Missing data on FOS Steve Chiswell
13:05 Re: Linux LDM (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:42 Re: Upstream Data Feed Robb Kambic
10:21 Re: No WSI feed from wsihcsn (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:47 Re: McIDAS Imagery Gone (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:18 19990828: NMC2 down? Unidata Support
08:48 outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
August 29, 1999
10:43 outage Pete Pokrandt
August 27, 1999
14:16 Re: 19990827: PQING problem (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:25 19990827: FSL ACARS availability mailing list Unidata Support
August 26, 1999
16:34 Re: No WSI feed from to iita at 99082610 Robb Kambic
14:35 Re: No WSI feed from to iita at 99082610 (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:32 Re: No FOS feed from desi (iita) to ozone at 99082613 (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:31 Re: No WSI feed from to iita at 99082610 (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:45 Re: No FOS feed from desi (iita) to ozone at 99082613 (fwd) Robb Kambic
August 25, 1999
15:01 Re: idd request (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:47 System Maint. (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:45 STATEMENT: NIU Weather outage update (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:44 19990820: We are having problems again... (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:43 19990820: We are having problems again... (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:34 19990825: ACARS question Unidata Support
14:28 19990825: nldn feed to breeze (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:28 19990824: nldn feed to breeze (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:40 19990825: Missing CONDUIT data Unidata Support
09:54 Re: 19990824: ldm-5.0.8 Linux version WSI data latencies Robb Kambic
09:50 Re: 19990824: IDD sitelist.html update Robb Kambic
09:40 Re: NIDS on IDD again? (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:40 NIDS on IDD again? (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:24 We're baaaack!!! (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:11 status (fwd) Robb Kambic
August 24, 1999
13:12 19990824: NIDS on IDD again? Steve Chiswell
August 23, 1999
14:22 Re[2]: DIFAX feed from thunder (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:22 Re: DIFAX feed from thunder (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:22 RE: DIFAX feed from thunder (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:22 DIFAX feed from thunder (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:18 19990823: 19990823: IDD topology (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:59 Re: 19990823: LDM Down? Robb Kambic
11:26 System Maint. (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:26 Re: 19990823: IDD topology Robb Kambic
11:23 19990823: IP address change for (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:22 19990823: FOS feed (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:17 19990822: FOS feed (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:17 FOS feed (fwd) Robb Kambic
August 22, 1999
09:45 19990822: FOS feed Tom Yoksas
August 20, 1999
15:12 19990820: We are having problems again... Unidata Support
13:20 19990820: nldn feed to Unidata Support
13:19 Re: 19990820: We are having problems again... McIDAS
12:45 Re: 19990820: We are having problems again... Peter Schmid
12:18 Re: nldn feed to breeze McIDAS
12:18 Re: 19990820: We are having problems again... McIDAS
12:00 Re: 19990820: We are having problems again... McIDAS
10:06 nldn feed to breeze Peter Schmid
09:18 19990820: We are having problems again... Unidata Support
August 19, 1999
16:31 Re: IITA / WSI? Robb Kambic
14:01 Re: IITA / WSI? Robb Kambic
09:37 Re: 19990819: new CIRA ldm ingest Robb Kambic
09:10 Re: 19990817: LDM failover for Utah State Robb Kambic
August 17, 1999
16:01 Re: 19990817: LDM failover for Utah State Robb Kambic
13:59 Re: LDM 5.0.8 on thelma Robb Kambic
August 12, 1999
15:57 Re: LDM List Robb Kambic
08:28 Re: FYI -- [CALREN2] Emergency Maintenance (advance notice) (fwd) Robb Kambic
August 11, 1999
13:05 lost contact with SSEC (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:39 Re: lost contact with SSEC (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:54 19990811: Reminder of GOES-8 outage today (8/11) due to lunar shadow (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:36 Data outages continue... (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:36 Data outages from NWS... (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:54 another power outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
August 10, 1999
12:52 19990810: FSL2 profiler pattern Unidata Support
August 09, 1999
14:14 Re: 19990804: Our demons are back to haunt us... (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:56 19990809: maintenance on the UW-Madison network backbone (fwd) Robb Kambic
August 07, 1999
07:07 19990807: IP address change for LDM machine Unidata Support
August 05, 1999
15:31 Re: 19990804: Our demons are back to haunt us... Robb Kambic
10:55 ldmd.conf on thelma (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:51 Re: FSL PROFILER DATA (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:50 FSL PROFILER DATA (fwd) Robb Kambic
August 04, 1999
11:52 Re: 19990802: IDD feed site request from Plymouth State Robb Kambic
11:29 19990802: my backup ldm feed (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:14 Re: 19990801: No McIDAS AREA files (cont.) (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:33 Re: this mornings UA data (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:32 Hold on, folks... (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:31 Re: this mornings UA data (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:31 Ever have one of those days...? (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:30 this mornings UA data (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:10 LDM: UIUC network flakiness continues (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:07 Re: LDM: UIUC network outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:06 Re: LDM: UIUC network outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:03 Re: LDM: UIUC network outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:00 LDM: UIUC network outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:50 Re: 19990801: No McIDAS AREA files (cont.) (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:46 19990802: LSU swithcover complete on Thelma (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:44 LSU swithcover complete (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:40 Re: 19990801: No McIDAS AREA files (cont.) (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:40 Re: 19990801: No McIDAS AREA files (cont.) (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:38 LSU LDM site changing address! (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:37 Re: 19990801: No McIDAS AREA files (cont.) (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:36 Re: 19990801: No McIDAS AREA files (cont.) (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:27 Re: 19990801: No McIDAS AREA files (cont.) (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:26 Disconnected...and can we swat this bug? (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:15 19990801: No McIDAS AREA files (cont.) (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:14 University of Michigan down (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:10 19990731: No McIDAS AREA files (fwd) Robb Kambic
August 03, 1999
13:33 19990803: no imagery (cont.) Unidata Support
August 02, 1999
15:03 Re: 19990801: No McIDAS AREA files (cont.) Chad Johnson
12:45 19990802: LSU swithcover complete on Thelma Steve Chiswell
11:42 19990802: my backup ldm feed Unidata Support
11:24 19990802: No McIDAS AREA files (cont.) Unidata Support
11:14 Re: 19990801: No McIDAS AREA files (cont.) Alaric S. Haag
10:36 Re: 19990801: No McIDAS AREA files (cont.) Alaric S. Haag
10:25 Re: 19990801: No McIDAS AREA files (cont.) Alaric S. Haag
August 01, 1999
15:32 thelma success Internet Data Distribution
14:07 thelma failure Internet Data Distribution
July 30, 1999
13:18 19990730: no imagery Unidata Support
10:23 Never mind... (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:23 HRS down? (fwd) Robb Kambic
July 29, 1999
10:25 19990729: Unidata-Wisconsin (MCIDAS) products not being received (cont.) (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:21 19990729: Unidata-Wisconsin (MCIDAS) products not being received (cont.) Unidata Support
July 28, 1999
17:40 19990728: Unidata-Wisconsin (MCIDAS) products not being received (cont.) Unidata Support
13:03 19990728: Unidata-Wisconsin (MCIDAS) products not being received (cont.) McIDAS
12:16 19990728: Unidata-Wisconsin (MCIDAS) products not being received (cont.) Unidata Support
11:56 Re: upstream site Robb Kambic
08:56 Re: problem w/ SSEC? (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:56 Re: problem w/ SSEC? (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:55 Re: problem w/ SSEC? (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:55 Re: problem w/ SSEC? (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:53 problem w/ SSEC? (fwd) Robb Kambic
July 26, 1999
12:42 19990726: Loss of data at SSEC (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:14 Re: 19990719: IARC Access to Unidata Linda Miller
July 25, 1999
07:59 Re: blueskies is down (fwd) Robb Kambic
July 23, 1999
16:41 blueskies is down (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:40 19990723: No WSI feed from to iita at 99072319 (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:40 Re: WSI down Robb Kambic
15:48 19990723: No WSI feed from to iita at 99072319 (fwd) Unidata Support
15:30 19990723: McIDAS data Unidata Support
08:41 Data outage Friday morning! (fwd) Robb Kambic
July 22, 1999
21:40 19990722: Unidata-Wisconsin (MCIDAS) products not being received (cont.) Unidata Support
16:29 19990722: Unidata-Wisconsin (MCIDAS) products not being received Unidata Support
July 21, 1999
13:51 Re: 19990719: feed sites - correction Robb Kambic
13:29 Re: 19990721: Changing our IP address Robb Kambic
10:22 19990719: feed request to thelma (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:21 Re: 19990719: feed sites Robb Kambic
10:01 NetOutages (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:55 19990616: machine change at gatech (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:36 19990428: failover site needed for UCSB (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:31 idd feed info (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:31 Attn: Robb Kambic (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:29 19990107: LDM (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:55 Re: Obtain upstream data feed source Robb Kambic
July 20, 1999
10:11 Re: 19990719: feed sites Robb Kambic
07:55 Re: 19990716: CONDUIT latencies (fwd) Robb Kambic
07:54 UIUC LDM lost to "natural causes" (fwd) Robb Kambic
07:52 Re: 19990716: CONDUIT latencies (fwd) Robb Kambic
July 19, 1999
15:40 19990719: feed request to thelma Unidata Support
15:35 19997019: starting the LDM (cont.) Unidata Support
10:22 Re: Obtain upstream data feed source Robb Kambic
09:51 NetOutages (fwd) Robb Kambic
July 16, 1999
18:38 Re: 19990716: CONDUIT latencies David J. Knight
16:24 Re: 19990716: CONDUIT latencies David Wojtowicz
14:15 19990716: ldm NOAAPort pattern Unidata Support
12:40 Re: 19990716: CONDUIT latencies David J. Knight
10:11 Re: CONDUIT latencies (fwd) Steve Chiswell
10:05 Re: CONDUIT latencies--My two cents Robb Kambic
10:05 19990716: CONDUIT latencies Steve Chiswell
09:08 Re: CONDUIT latencies--My two cents Robert R. Mullenax
08:54 Re: Obtain upstream data feed source (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:39 Re: CONDUIT latencies (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:38 Re: CONDUIT latencies (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:37 CONDUIT latencies (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:34 Re: CONDUIT latencies David Wojtowicz
07:34 Re: CONDUIT latencies David J. Knight
07:27 Re: CONDUIT latencies David Wojtowicz
06:49 CONDUIT latencies David J. Knight
July 15, 1999
10:09 19990715: Eta 32 Availability via CONDUIT Steve Chiswell
09:41 Re: Obtain upstream data feed source Robb Kambic
July 14, 1999
08:42 SUNYA Power outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
July 13, 1999
10:57 Re: 19990709: duplicate products in the noaaport idd Robb Kambic
10:29 RE: Mesoeta fcst winds (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:30 Re: 19990709: duplicate products in the noaaport idd Robb Kambic
July 12, 1999
15:47 Mesoeta fcst winds (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:53 NIU upcoming outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:12 Data outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
July 09, 1999
16:16 19990709: setting up ldm stats Steve Chiswell
15:34 19990709: NOAAPORT outage Steve Chiswell
15:01 NOAAPORT outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:33 Re: Changes at College of DuPage Nexlab (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:27 Re: 19990709: duplicate products in the noaaport idd Robb Kambic
12:21 Re: Changes at College of DuPage Nexlab Robb Kambic
09:55 19990707: Possible identity to station 74626 Unidata Support
09:52 Re: 19990709: duplicate products in the noaaport idd Robb Kambic
July 08, 1999
17:36 19990708: your LDM is not receiving anything but MCIDAS stream? (cont.) Unidata Support
16:52 19990707: your LDM is not receiving anything but MCIDAS stream? Unidata Support
14:05 19990708: NMC2 data feed Unidata Support
13:47 19990708: NOAAport Channel 4 NESDIS header discrepancy Steve Chiswell
11:34 Re: Obtain upstream data feed source Robb Kambic
10:59 Re: Obtain upstream data feed source Robb Kambic
10:01 19990708: NMC2 down? Unidata Support
July 07, 1999
16:58 Re: Obtain upstream data feed source Robb Kambic
14:39 Re: Obtain upstream data feed source Robb Kambic
July 06, 1999
08:50 Re: McIDAS GOES-8/10 Files (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:50 Re: McIDAS GOES-8/10 Files (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:36 McIDAS GOES-8/10 Files (fwd) Robb Kambic
July 01, 1999
17:19 19990701: The CONDUIT data feed Unidata Support
16:37 19990701: The CONDUIT data feed Unidata Support
June 30, 1999
16:16 HDS Out? (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:16 19990630: HDS not out (fwd) Robb Kambic
June 29, 1999
13:21 Re: Value-Added LDM Products at OU (fwd) Robb Kambic
June 28, 1999
10:02 Re: WSI IDD Feed Problem? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:02 Re: WSI IDD Feed Problem? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:02 WSI IDD Feed Problem? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:02 WSI IDD Feed Problem? (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:00 Re: No upper air reports this morning! (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:59 Re: No upper air reports this morning! (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:59 Re: No upper air reports this morning! (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:58 Re: No upper air reports this morning! (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:57 Re: No upper air reports this morning! (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:57 No upper air reports this morning! (fwd) Robb Kambic
June 23, 1999
15:47 Re: UIUC Feed Problems (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:28 Re: UIUC Feed Problems Robb Kambic
13:06 Re: 19990623: ldm problems Robb Kambic
11:42 19990623: mrf on CONDUIT Steve Chiswell
June 22, 1999
13:07 SSEC PIL status Robb Kambic
13:05 aurora down (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:49 19990622: Matching PIL id's in pqact Unidata Support
10:34 19990622: Matching PIL id's in pqact Steve Chiswell
10:32 Re: compare desi to tg2 (fwd) Chad Johnson
June 17, 1999
14:26 RE: Info and a Question... (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:26 Info and a Question... (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:28 19990617: ACARS products Unidata Support
June 16, 1999
14:07 SUNY Brockport IDD Feed Resumes (fwd) Robb Kambic
June 15, 1999
12:37 19990611: conduit data feed Unidata Support
12:32 Re: a failover site (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:22 Re: a failover site Robb Kambic
09:55 19990614: WTNT31 KNHC getting through NOAAPORT Steve Chiswell
09:38 19990614: profiler data Unidata Support
June 14, 1999
13:46 Re: 19990614: WTNT31 KNHC bulletin not getting through NOAAPORT (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:45 19990614: WTNT31 KNHC bulletin not getting through NOAAPORT (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:13 Re: No WMO from Blueskies, Switched to Cornell (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:35 Re: 1999614: WSI data feed Robb Kambic
07:44 WTNT31 KNHC bulletin not getting through NOAAPORT (fwd) Robb Kambic
June 12, 1999
19:25 No WMO from Blueskies, Switched to Cornell (fwd) Robb Kambic
19:21 UIUC brief LDM outages (fwd) Robb Kambic
June 11, 1999
16:21 19990611: conduit data feed Unidata Support
June 10, 1999
16:24 Re: Completing the ring (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:24 Completing the ring (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:42 19990610: FSL feedtype changes Unidata Support
10:18 Re: Unidata IDD project status Robb Kambic
09:55 NOFS (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:55 NOFS (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:24 thelma Robb Kambic
09:17 Leaving OU (fwd) Robb Kambic
June 09, 1999
13:42 Re: Problems with NOAAport feed Chad Johnson
11:38 zero ldm Robb Kambic
10:07 Re: No FOS feed from to iita at 99060903 (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:51 Re: NetOutages Listserver Broadcast (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:01 NetOutages Listserver Broadcast (fwd) Robb Kambic
07:23 Re: eta model (fwd) Robb Kambic
07:23 Re: eta model (fwd) Robb Kambic
07:22 No FOS feed from to iita at 99060903 (fwd) Robb Kambic
07:19 Re: eta model (fwd) Robb Kambic
07:19 Re: eta model (fwd) Robb Kambic
07:17 Re: eta model (fwd) Robb Kambic
June 08, 1999
16:10 19990608: Missing FPHW3 PHNL Unidata Support
15:15 eta model Robb Kambic
10:45 19990608: new unidata ldm server for ACARS Unidata Support
June 07, 1999
15:47 increase in amount of data in feed (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:46 RE: Very High Latencies (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:46 Very High Latencies (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:23 19990607: LDM on Santa Steve Chiswell
10:25 SUNY Brockport IDD Downtime Next Week (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:49 Data outage at NIU (fwd) Robb Kambic
June 03, 1999
13:18 Re: mcidas data from chinook Clint Rowe
08:24 Re: IDD aggregate data volume (fwd) Robb Kambic
June 02, 1999
16:01 Re: 19990602: new backup feed site needed for McGill Robb Kambic
12:54 Re: 19990602: new backup feed site needed for McGill Robb Kambic
12:24 19990602: missing data Unidata Support
11:36 19990602: mcidas area files at stc Unidata Support
11:29 19990602: missing data Unidata Support
11:00 vbns router rebooted this morning (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:31 We're back up! (fwd) Robb Kambic
June 01, 1999
16:36 19990601: Grib documentation Steve Chiswell
16:34 Re: Changing ldm configuration (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:34 Re: Changing ldm configuration Robb Kambic
16:26 Re: HDS Problems - Update (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:25 HDS Problems (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:06 Oops! (fwd) Robb Kambic
May 28, 1999
12:33 19990528: squall data reception from thelma Steve Chiswell
10:02 19990528: HDS Problems - Update Steve Chiswell
09:57 Re: Changing ldm configuration Tim Doggett
09:13 Re: Changing ldm configuration Jerry Guynes
May 27, 1999
11:12 thelma down, failing over (fwd) Robb Kambic
May 26, 1999
16:03 STATEMENT: We are back up!!!! (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:54 Re: Changing ldm configuration Robb Kambic
May 25, 1999
19:11 NOFS (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:50 19990525: data stream Unidata Support
10:39 Re: Topology Pages (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:38 Workstation version of Eta (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:15 Re: Topology Pages Robb Kambic
09:56 Re: Problem with "data2": Good connection, No Data (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:55 Problem with "data2": Good connection, No Data (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:52 RUTGERS RELAY DOWN (fwd) Robb Kambic
07:01 19990524: Upcoming Unidata-Wisconsin datastream changes (fwd) Robb Kambic
May 24, 1999
11:11 Are we having fun yet? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:10 Re: no AREA images (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:10 Re: no AREA images (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:10 Re: no AREA images (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:10 no AREA images (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:08 19990534: Late model runs (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:08 Model runs (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:08 SSEC Data Center Archive (fwd) Robb Kambic
May 21, 1999
16:32 RE: RCM Data (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:27 Re: Two questions... (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:25 19990521: FSLldm focalpoint info (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:12 19990521: FSLldm focalpoint info Unidata Support
11:14 19990520: New airport Unidata Support
10:37 I will be on vacation... (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:36 Re: UIUC data outage? (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:40 Re: SSEC Problems? or IDD/UIUC? (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:39 Re: Two questions... Robb Kambic
08:22 Re: SSEC Problems? Robb Kambic
May 20, 1999
15:12 The new iita LDM server (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:09 19990519: NMC2 feed change request Unidata Support
08:35 The new IITA LDM server (fwd) Robb Kambic
May 19, 1999
14:09 19990519: Puzzled by pqact.conf Steve Chiswell
May 18, 1999
12:41 19990518: Garp and NIDS contract Unidata Support
10:18 Re: NOAAPort receivers and the idd Robb Kambic
08:40 Re: NOAAPort receivers and the idd Robb Kambic
May 17, 1999
16:14 Re: 19990511: Conduit AVN data feed Robb Kambic
15:07 19990517: Conduit AVN data feed Steve Chiswell
13:03 Re: 19990513: UW Madison VBNS planned outage Sunday 16 May, 1999 (fwd) Robb Kambic
May 13, 1999
13:34 Re: survey results....LDM data recovery (part 1) (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:11 Re: new stations used in Convective Outlooks? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:11 new stations used in Convective Outlooks? (fwd) Robb Kambic
May 12, 1999
14:40 19990512: connection to cirrus Unidata Support
12:12 19990511: Conduit AVN data feed (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:16 19990511: Conduit AVN data feed Unidata Support
10:14 Re: survey results....LDM data recovery (part 1) Robb Kambic
10:02 Re: Conduit AVN data feed Robb Kambic
09:24 Feed from (fwd) Robb Kambic
May 07, 1999
14:51 RE: NIDS Problem - Update (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:54 RE: NIDS Problem - Update (fwd) Robb Kambic
May 05, 1999
08:47 survey: LDM data recovery (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:43 Re: Fire reports (fwd) Robb Kambic
May 04, 1999
16:26 19990504: chinook request from (cont.) Unidata Support
14:19 990504: Fire reports Steve Chiswell
12:56 19990404: chinook request from Unidata Support
11:03 Re: Obtain upstream data feed source Robb Kambic
10:54 No data from UIUC...switching to Cornell (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:41 Re: Obtain upstream data feed source Robb Kambic
May 03, 1999
15:07 Re: 19990503: WFUS/WUUS headings (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:27 19990503: WFUS/WUUS headings Steve Chiswell
10:30 FL outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:29 FL net problem fixed (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:28 fl-phx DNS server (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:06 Brockport IDD feed (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:06 19990503: more on DFUS1 (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:06 Re: Fallout data (DFUS1 not being received) (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:05 Brockport IDD feed (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:05 more on DFUS1 (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:05 Re: Fallout data (DFUS1 not being received) (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:05 Re: Fallout data (DFUS1 not being received) (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:04 Re: Fallout data (DFUS1 not being received) (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:04 19990501: Goes 8 and 10 Area Files? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:03 Goes 8 and 10 Area Files? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:03 Fallout data (DFUS1 not being received) (fwd) Robb Kambic
April 30, 1999
15:13 19990430: CONDUIT data feed Steve Chiswell
14:26 vBNS outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:02 19990430: IDD: flip rejecting NMC2 Unidata Support
April 28, 1999
16:39 Re: 19990428: ldm-5.0.8 (linux) compilation errors Robb Kambic
16:17 Re: RCM Data - Again? (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:17 RCM Data - Again? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:50 19990428: failover site needed for UCSB Unidata Support
April 27, 1999
13:29 19990427: Query about AVN grid file contents on NOAAport Unidata Support
10:06 Re: NIDS data.... revisited (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:03 Re: NIDS data.... revisited Robb Kambic
April 26, 1999
16:58 19990426: eta ? Unidata Support
10:46 Re: RCM Data Robb Kambic
09:54 Re: RCM Data (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:36 Re: RCM Data Robb Kambic
08:02 RE: NIDS on NOAAPORT (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:01 NIDS data.... revisited (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:00 More radar data (fwd) Robb Kambic
07:59 Np filter Robb Kambic
07:53 RE: MISSING MODELS (fwd) Robb Kambic
07:53 RE: MISSING MODELS (fwd) Robb Kambic
07:36 RE: RCM Data Robb Kambic
April 24, 1999
10:19 Re: NIDS data.... revisited Robb Kambic
10:04 cirrus feed--great!! (fwd) Robb Kambic
April 23, 1999
17:00 Re: TODAY'S TOPIC: MODEL TEXT PRODUCTS (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:59 Re: MRF problem Robb Kambic
16:35 RE: NIDS on NOAAPORT (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:50 Re: NIDS data.... revisited Robb Kambic
15:46 Re: NIDS data.... revisited Robb Kambic
11:28 Forwarded mail.... Robb Kambic
11:11 Re: Dish icy again? (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:07 NIDS data.... revisited Dan Vietor
10:22 19990423: MISSING MODELS (fwd) Steve Chiswell
09:27 Dish icy again? (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:06 Re: UIUC connections currently degraded (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:05 UIUC connections currently degraded (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:04 19990422: any alternatives to feed nsbf? (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:04 Re: 19990422: any alternatives to feed nsbf? (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:03 Re: 19990422: NOAAPORT SDE modification Robb Kambic
08:38 19990422: FSL2 data (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:36 Thanks (fwd) Robb Kambic
April 22, 1999
17:18 19990422: NOAAPORT SDE modification Tom Yoksas
16:30 Re: MRF problem Robb Kambic
15:31 Re: 19990422: any alternatives to feed nsbf? Robb Kambic
13:41 Re: 19990422: any alternatives to feed nsbf? Robb Kambic
13:29 NOAAport Robb Kambic
13:19 RE: MISSING MODELS (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:30 Missing Grids (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:07 1999422: 19990419: NLDN Decoder Problem Unidata Support
April 21, 1999
16:49 19990421: Unidata Membership Steve Chiswell
16:32 19990421: 19990412: is ASOS data part of the unidata IDD flow? Unidata Support
14:07 Re: 19990421: *.stats files and meaning of ddplus latencies Robb Kambic
10:51 Re: 19990421: FSL2 request (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:40 19990421: addition to idd-relay list Unidata Support
April 20, 1999
09:36 Re: request for NOAAPORT grids via LDM (fwd) Robb Kambic
April 19, 1999
09:02 Re: request for NOAAPORT grids via LDM Robb Kambic
April 16, 1999
15:28 Re: 19990416: idd latencies at Millersville University (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:50 19990416: access to gridded data other than 211 Unidata Support
14:32 Re: 19990415: any alternatives to feed nsbf? Robb Kambic
07:36 stokes back up (fwd) Robb Kambic
April 15, 1999
16:35 stokes downtime (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:42 Re: backup sites Robb Kambic
13:48 Re: backup sites Robb Kambic
09:44 NIDS on NOAAPORT (fwd) Robb Kambic
April 14, 1999
13:30 19990414: product codes for model data Unidata Support
April 13, 1999
13:13 19990412: Costa Rica needs primary and secondary feed sites (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:10 Re: 1999413: 19990412: Costa Rica needs primary and secondary feed sites Robb Kambic
11:31 1999413: 19990412: Costa Rica needs primary and secondary feed sites Unidata Support
10:53 Re: 19990412: Costa Rica needs primary and secondary feed sites Jimmy Mejia
10:19 19990413: Missing 12 UTC Antarctic composite (fwd) Robb Kambic
07:16 WSI data on iita offline (fwd) Robb Kambic
April 12, 1999
16:34 19990412: is ASOS data part of the unidata IDD flow? Unidata Support
15:55 Re: 19990412: Costa Rica needs primary and secondary feed sites Robb Kambic
11:05 [Fwd: NMC2 relay--a change] Robert Mullenax
11:04 NMC2 feed weather
08:02 SIO Back On-Line (fwd) Robb Kambic
April 09, 1999
10:54 Re: WSI up again (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:53 Re: WSI up again (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:51 Re: WSI down (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:51 Re: WSI down (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:49 Re: WSI down (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:18 NOAAport status for Apr 13 Robb Kambic
08:56 Re: many RECLASS messages (fwd) Robb Kambic
April 08, 1999
16:22 Re: many RECLASS messages (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:58 Re: many RECLASS messages Robb Kambic
14:09 Re: 19990407: ldm failover Robb Kambic
11:14 WSI down Robb Kambic
08:52 Re: 19990408: IDD access change request Robb Kambic
April 07, 1999
18:23 Re: 19990407: FSL2 data (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:15 Re: FSL2 feed down? (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:14 19990407: FSL2 data (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:39 Re: wsihcsn WSI data feed ??? (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:12 Re: LDM Connection Request (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:08 Re: 19990407: ldm failover (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:05 Re: wsihcsn WSI data feed ??? Robb Kambic
12:24 Re: 19990407: ldm failover Robb Kambic
10:39 19990407: ldm failover Unidata Support
07:27 ldm down Robb Kambic
April 06, 1999
16:33 Re: LDM Connection Request (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:55 19990406: Donwload information for GEMPAK and LDM software (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:53 Re: LDM Connection Request (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:13 Re: 19990330: Request for new member of IDD topology (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:06 Re: go ahead ... (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:05 Re: LDM Connection Request (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:00 Re: LDM Connection Request (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:13 YEA! Double good news!!! (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:06 Re: NOAAPORT: Which channel? (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:19 19990406: NMC2 feed Steve Chiswell
09:06 Re: NOAAPORT Channel 1 shot/LDM Gilbert Sebenste
08:55 Re: NOAAPORT Channel 1 shot... Robb Kambic
08:46 Surrrrrrreeeee.... (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:46 NOAAPORT Channel 1 shot... (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:20 Re: LDM Connection Request (fwd) Robb Kambic
April 05, 1999
16:22 Re: LDM Connection Request Robb Kambic
15:26 Re: LDM Connection Request Robb Kambic
11:21 19990405: Data feed to HKUST (fwd) Robb Kambic
April 02, 1999
12:53 19990402: COMET Realtime data contact... (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:17 Re: 19990330: Request for new member of IDD topology Robb Kambic
March 30, 1999
11:00 Re: 19990330: Request for new member of IDD topology Robb Kambic
09:22 Update on trouble with Internet from (fwd) Robb Kambic
March 29, 1999
15:23 Re: 19990329: LDM CONNECTIVITY CONCERNS (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:43 Re: 19990329: LDM CONNECTIVITY CONCERNS Robb Kambic
March 26, 1999
11:09 Re: 19990322: ldm problem Robb Kambic
March 25, 1999
14:33 Re: 19990322: ldm problem (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:26 Re: 19990322: ldm problem Robb Kambic
08:18 Re: das2ldm_nowrad.config (fwd) Robb Kambic
March 24, 1999
16:09 RE: NOAAPORT down again? (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:08 19990324: Lack of NOAAPORT data 3/24/99 2250 (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:05 RE: NOAAPORT down again? (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:04 Re: NOAAPORT down again? (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:04 Re: NOAAPORT down again? (fwd) Robb Kambic
15:37 NOAAPORT down again? (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:04 Re: 19990322: ldm problem Robb Kambic
11:06 Re: das2ldm_nowrad.config (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:18 RE: NOAAPORT out? (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:18 NOAAPORT out? (fwd) Robb Kambic
March 23, 1999
16:16 FYI (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:14 Problem getting data from (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:18 Re: das2ldm_nowrad.config (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:17 Re: das2ldm_nowrad.config (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:04 das2ldm_nowrad.config (fwd) Robb Kambic
March 22, 1999
15:48 Re: idd feed info Robb Kambic
11:02 Connection to hosed (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:25 Re: cessna WSI data feed Robb Kambic
March 18, 1999
16:07 19990318: data feed Unidata Support
March 17, 1999
10:39 19990317: Data still slow out of Nora Steve Chiswell
March 11, 1999
08:49 Re: Attn: Robb Kambic Robb Kambic
08:43 AFOS discussion (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:40 Whoo hoo! We're fast as heck and back up... (fwd) Robb Kambic
March 10, 1999
14:56 Upcoming outage of (and it's backup) (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:24 Re: AFOS (fwd) Robb Kambic
March 09, 1999
16:20 Thanks for the help! (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:20 Re: another backup for NSBF (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:20 Re: another backup for NSBF (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:20 Re: another backup for NSBF (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:20 Re: another backup for NSBF (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:19 another backup for NSBF (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:09 Re: Attn: Robb Kambic (fwd) Mark J. Laufersweiler
10:09 Re: AFOS Robb Kambic
10:06 Re: 19990309: ldmstats Robb Kambic
09:42 Attn: Robb Kambic (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:35 Re: Attn: Robb Kambic Robb Kambic
09:18 Re: 19990309: LDM Feed Robb Kambic
09:00 outage... (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:54 Re: LDM Feed Jeff Wolfe
08:52 Re: LDM Feed Jeff Wolfe
08:49 Re: LDM Feed Jennie L. Moody
March 08, 1999
14:56 Re: Attn: Robb Kambic Robb Kambic
09:07 sirocco back (fwd) Robb Kambic
March 05, 1999
16:31 blueskies is down (fwd) Robb Kambic
16:30 short fuse shutdown of sirocco (fwd) Robb Kambic
14:15 Re: LDM bandwidth issues Robb Kambic
13:33 19990305: Setting up LDM at SC. Unidata Support
March 04, 1999
11:28 Re: LDM statistics Robb Kambic
11:04 thelma up again Robb Kambic
March 03, 1999
14:24 thelma Robb Kambic
09:16 Slow connection from BBNPlanet (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:50 fyi - atm problem (fwd) Robb Kambic
March 02, 1999
12:24 Re: 19990302: no LDM data Robb Kambic
09:18 19990302: stupid ldm questions Unidata Support
March 01, 1999
14:10 Re: 19990301: no LDM data Robb Kambic
February 25, 1999
10:29 HP Computers (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:27 Per your e-mail message tday 2/23 (fwd) Robb Kambic
February 24, 1999
16:27 Re: 19990224: ldm training/feed site change? Robb Kambic
15:14 19990224: NMC2 feed change Steve Chiswell
14:19 Re: LDM at Riverside Fire Weather Office Robb Kambic
10:27 Re: {Status of NOAAPORT IDD Feed] Robb Kambic
10:22 Re: 19990223: Unidata's X (C?)-band Alden satellite receiver Robb Kambic
09:48 19990223: scouring, both ldm and mcidas Unidata Support
09:17 Re: 19990223: Unidata's X (C?)-band Alden satellite receiver Robb Kambic
08:14 Status of NOAAPORT/IDD at Alden Robb Kambic
08:10 {Status of NOAAPORT IDD Feed] Robb Kambic
February 23, 1999
14:15 Re: 19990223: Unidata's X (C?)-band Alden satellite receiver Robb Kambic
08:09 NOFS (fwd) Robb Kambic
February 22, 1999
11:52 NMC2 feed Steve Chiswell
February 19, 1999
10:26 Returned mail: Host unknown (Name server: unidata.ucar.ecu: host not found) (fwd) David J. Knight
09:29 19990219: NMC2 feed Unidata Support
09:15 Re: your mail Robb Kambic
February 18, 1999
16:29 Re: your mail Robb Kambic
February 16, 1999
13:13 Re: IDD fail over scheme Robb Kambic
12:58 Re: 19990216: server change Robb Kambic
12:28 Re: IDD Feed to Plymouth State (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:28 Re: IDD Feed to Plymouth State (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:28 Re: IDD Feed to Plymouth State (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:27 IDD Feed to Plymouth State (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:10 19990216: NMC2 data Unidata Support
February 12, 1999
09:07 Re: NSF grants for IDD Robb Kambic
February 10, 1999
13:40 Re: 19990210: IDD relay stuff (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:19 Re: 19990210: IDD relay stuff Robb Kambic
13:09 NOFS (fwd) Robb Kambic
February 09, 1999
15:39 Re: 19990208: LDM reclass messages and non-zero status messages Robb Kambic
February 08, 1999
13:28 Re: 19990208: LDM reclass messages and non-zero status messages Robb Kambic
February 06, 1999
10:07 Re: Please keep an eye on the LDM... Robb Kambic
09:57 Re: Please keep an eye on the LDM... Robb Kambic
09:32 Re: WSI data latency problem Robb Kambic
February 04, 1999
15:36 Re: 19990204: NMC2 relay Mike Leuthold
13:17 19990204: NMC2 relay Steve Chiswell
09:33 WSI Robb Kambic
09:22 Re: New LDM data feed for HRS data service (fwd) Robb Kambic
08:03 Re: New LDM data feed for HRS data service (fwd) Robb Kambic
February 03, 1999
16:30 New LDM data feed for HRS data service (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:59 Re: IDD fail over scheme (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:41 Re: IDD fail over scheme (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:35 Re: IDD fail over scheme Robb Kambic
10:56 IDD fail over scheme Robb Kambic
10:32 thelma outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:12 19990203: NMC2 feed Unidata Support
00:37 thelma failure Internet Data Distribution
February 02, 1999
10:17 19990202: NMC2 feed Unidata Support
February 01, 1999
15:05 Re: 19990201: idd statistics... Robb Kambic
12:47 19990201: data retrieval... Unidata Support
10:23 1999130: 1999129: 19990129: mesoeta grids on noaaport Unidata Support
10:04 19990201: LDM server down. Unidata Support
January 30, 1999
17:11 Re: 19990130: no data at University of Kentucky Robb Kambic
January 29, 1999
16:25 Re: missing model data... Robb Kambic
15:58 Re: missing model data... Robb Kambic
15:33 Re: WSI data latency problem Robb Kambic
14:34 1999129: 19990129: mesoeta grids on noaaport Unidata Support
14:18 Re: 19990129: mesoeta grids on noaaport - traceroutes David J. Knight
13:57 19990129: mesoeta grids on noaaport Unidata Support
13:13 19990129: mesoeta grids on noaaport Unidata Support
10:39 19990128: decoding GRIB files from NCEP FTP server Unidata Support
09:56 RE: Changing LDM machine at Colgate Robb Kambic
08:58 RE: Changing LDM machine at Colgate Robb Kambic
January 28, 1999
15:32 19990128: decoding GRIB files from NCEP FTP server Unidata Support
14:16 Re: Changing LDM machine at Colgate Robb Kambic
January 27, 1999
11:25 Re: [Fwd: Status of NOAAPORT IDD Feed] Robb Kambic
January 26, 1999
15:04 Re: missing model data... Robb Kambic
13:48 Re: missing model data... Robb Kambic
January 22, 1999
11:05 thelma outage Robb Kambic
10:34 RE: working at home (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:44 RE: working at home (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:04 Re: working at home (fwd) Robb Kambic
January 20, 1999
16:14 Re: access to noaaport stream via Robb Kambic
January 19, 1999
17:11 Re: 19990119: no ldm data Robb Kambic
14:12 Re: 19990118: ldmprods script Robb Kambic
10:11 Re: 19990118: WSI radar Robb Kambic
January 18, 1999
12:45 Re: 19990118: no FOS data seems to be flowing... Otis Brown
12:24 Re: 19990118: no FOS data seems to be flowing... David Wojtowicz
12:06 Re: 19990118: no FOS data seems to be flowing... Otis Brown
12:03 19990118: no FOS data seems to be flowing... Steve Chiswell
January 14, 1999
13:41 Re: 19990113: idd: delayed metars & NOAAPORT Robb Kambic
07:55 behavior of ".status." files on the NMC2 feed Harry Edmon
January 13, 1999
14:10 Re: 19990113: idd: delayed metars & NOAAPORT Robb Kambic
13:59 19990113: missing data... Unidata Support
12:34 Re: 19990113: I am planning to upgrade my ldm machine soon... Robb Kambic
January 12, 1999
10:26 19990111: UW-Whitewater's McIdas Setup Don Murray
09:26 WSI missing products Robb Kambic
09:14 19990111: NMC2 feed problems at U Washington (fwd) Robb Kambic
09:11 Re: gribtonc question (fwd) Robb Kambic
January 11, 1999
10:57 19990111: NMC2 feed problems at U Washington (fwd) Robb Kambic
January 08, 1999
15:22 Re: security breach (fwd) Robb Kambic
January 07, 1999
09:43 Re: 19990107: LDM Robb Kambic
09:25 Re: 980106: Re: PR Info Request Robb Kambic
January 06, 1999
14:23 navier back up (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:51 navier ldm server down (fwd) Robb Kambic
January 05, 1999
13:40 security breach (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:35 19990104: conduit questions Unidata Support
10:34 Re: [Fwd: Status of NOAAPORT IDD Feed] Robb Kambic
08:22 Re: request for ADDE server access (fwd) Robb Kambic
January 04, 1999
13:44 Re: request for ADDE server access (fwd) Robb Kambic
13:43 addendum to Re: request for ADDE server access (fwd) Robb Kambic
12:57 Re: request for ADDE server access Robb Kambic
12:37 Re: 19990104: Re: blueskies users fail over to aldehyde (fwd) Robb Kambic
11:29 Re: 19990104: Re: blueskies users fail over to aldehyde Robb Kambic
10:45 Re: 19981231: New Server for LDM at AFIT Robb Kambic
10:39 update and question on NOAAport GRIDS (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:38 RE: question about NCEP model data from NOAAport (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:38 RE: question about NCEP model data from NOAAport (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:38 RE: question about NCEP model data from NOAAport (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:37 Domain name and IP address change for DRI LDM. (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:34 Re: question about NCEP model data from NOAAport (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:34 RE: question about NCEP model data from NOAAport (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:33 Re: question about NCEP model data from NOAAport (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:33 Re: question about NCEP model data from NOAAport (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:32 19981229: New Failover Info (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:31 Sectoring GINI images (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:30 Re: Satellite images: why 4/hr? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:29 Re: Satellite images: why 4/hr? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:28 Satellite images: why 4/hr? (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:27 UW Madison back up (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:25 Re: 19981228: idd-relay mailing list Robb Kambic
10:22 RE: Network outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:20 19981228: Information regarding LDM at Wisconsin (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:20 Re: Network outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:20 Re: Network outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:20 Network outage (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:19 aldehyde is down (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:11 Re: Sat vs Np (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:08 blueskies users fail over to aldehyde (fwd) Robb Kambic
10:05 19900104: RUTGERS FAILED OVER TO CORNELL (fwd) Robb Kambic