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[GEMPAK #QQR-949309]: nagrib2 table override with g2tbls
- Subject: [GEMPAK #QQR-949309]: nagrib2 table override with g2tbls
- Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2011 13:05:38 -0600
Hi Dave,
Any update on this? Have you tried dcgrib2 instead of nagrib2?
I'd like to see what I can make work but I'm not able to find a source for the
HWRF grib2 files. Can you provide me a link or perhaps a single grib2 file to
work with?
Michael James
> I'm trying to convert HWRF grib2 files to gempak files for display in
> nmap2. I am using the nagrib2 program to do this. However, the
> variables that I am interested in looking at are not in the g2varsncep
> tables. I have tried to add the new variables to those tables, but have
> not succeeded in adding them in a way that nagrib2 will recognize.
> What do I need to edit or enter into which table to successfully do the
> grib->gempak conversion? I have included the output from wgrib2 and the
> results of nagrib2 for reference.
> -Dave Zelinsky
> address@hidden
> (305) 229-4457
> *wgrib2:*
> $ wgrib2 invest90l.2011072712.hwrfsat_p.grb2f78
> 1:0:d=2011072712:SBT122:top of atmosphere:78 hour fcst:
> 2:164182:d=2011072712:SBT123:top of atmosphere:78 hour fcst:
> 3:341722:d=2011072712:SBT124:top of atmosphere:78 hour fcst:
> 4:504314:d=2011072712:SBT126:top of atmosphere:78 hour fcst:
> 5:702607:d=2011072712:COVZZ:top of atmosphere:78 hour fcst:
> 6:869946:d=2011072712:COVMM:top of atmosphere:78 hour fcst:
> 7:1037255:d=2011072712:COVQZ:top of atmosphere:78 hour fcst:
> 8:1204298:d=2011072712:COVQM:top of atmosphere:78 hour fcst:
> *within nagrib2:*
> g2tbls = ;g2varsncep1.tbl;;;
> *Note, I have simply added 8 variables at the end of this using the
> following syntax:
> !D# CT# ID# PD# NAME
> 000 000 256 000 Brightness Temperature
> K SBT122 0 -9999.00
> 000 000 257 000 Water Vapor
> K SBT122 0 -9999.00
> *nagrib2 error (8 identical errors):*
> [GB 1] No GEMPAK parameter name defined for this grid.
> [GB -34] Could not convert GRIB2 message to GEMPAK grid.
> 8 GRIB messages were read or scanned from the GRIB file:
> invest90l.2011072712.hwrfsat_p.grb2f78
> 0 grids were written to the GEMPAK file:
> hwrfp_2011072712f078_invest90t
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: QQR-949309
Department: Support GEMPAK
Priority: Normal
Status: Open