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[GEMPAK #HYD-368537]: GEMPAK 5.11.4 Patch install errors on Centos 5.4 x86_64
- Subject: [GEMPAK #HYD-368537]: GEMPAK 5.11.4 Patch install errors on Centos 5.4 x86_64
- Date: Mon, 02 Aug 2010 16:52:47 -0600
Hi Andrew,
your make.log file shows a number of errors like
dcffg.c: In function ‘main’:
dcffg.c:102: error: too many arguments to function ‘dc_gopt’
make[5]: *** [dcffg.o] Error 1
dcgopt.c (located in $GEMPAK/source/bridge/dc/) was updated in june 2008 with
an added output parameter "crcflag" - it's likely you're seeing these errors
because the version of dcgopt.c you have is old.
I've attached the most recent version which should be placed in the above
mentioned directory and make all or make everything should be attempted again.
However I also see undefined references to 'gd_init', 'gdzdat_' and
'lc_km_to_latlon_' (and others) which may indicate that more than just a single
source file is out of date.
There are also a number of errors during the build in
/usr/nawips/GEMPAK5.11.4/gempak/source/programs/gui/nwx which relate to
proto.h, gemprm.h and proto_cgemlib.h - so we have a lot of errors, but let's
try to diagnose and fix the first and then work our way through the other.
Michael James
> I was in the process of installing the most recent version of
> GEMPAK5.11.4 on my Centos 5.4 x86_64 machine when I came across many
> errors in my make.log
> In case you are wondering, I used "make everything" as opposed to "make
> all".
> Attached is my make.log.
> Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks.
> Andrew Little
> Systems Analyst
> Universal Weather & Aviation
> 8787 Tallyho Road
> Houston, Texas 77061
> address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>
> Office: 713.947.5633
> Cell: 713.504.2719
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: HYD-368537
Department: Support GEMPAK
Priority: Normal
Status: Open
#include "dccmn.h"
void dc_gopt (
char *defprm,
char *defstn,
char *dfstn2,
int idfadd,
int idfmax,
int ndfhr1,
int ndfhr2,
int idfwdh,
char cprmfl[],
char cstntb[],
char cstnt2[],
int *nadstn,
int *ntimes,
char ccrtim[],
int *nhrbak,
int *txflag,
int *crcflag,
int *jwndht,
int *iret )
* dc_gopt *
* *
* This routine gets the command line options and uses them with the *
* default values to set the parameters for the decoder. *
* *
* dc_gopt ( defprm, defstn, dfstn2, idfadd, idfmax, ndfhr1, ndfhr2, *
* idfwdh, cprmfl, cstntb, cstnt2, nadstn, ntimes, ccrtim, *
* nhrbak, txflag, crcflag, jwndht, iret ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* *defprm char Default parameter file name *
* *defstn char Default station table *
* *dfstn2 char Default second station table *
* idfadd int Default number of additional *
* stations *
* idfmax int Default number of times *
* ndfhr1 int Default number of hours to *
* decode for real-time data *
* ndfhr2 int Default number of hours to *
* decode for non real-time data *
* idfwdh int Default cutoff height for *
* "close-to-surface" winds *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* cprmfl[] char Parameter packing file *
* cstntb[] char Station table *
* cstnt2[] char Second station table *
* *nadstn int Number of additional stations *
* *ntimes int Number of times *
* ccrtim[] char Current time *
* *nhrbak int Number of hours to decode *
* *txflag int Flag to save text data *
* *crcflag int Flag for circular files *
* *jwndht int Dropsonde winds cutoff height *
* *iret int Return code *
* 0 = normal return *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* S. Jacobs/NCEP 6/96 *
* m.gamazaychikov/SAIC 07/05 Added surface winds cutoff height to CS *
* H. Zeng/SAIC 08/05 Added second station table *
* L. Hinson/AWC 06/08 Add crcflag for circular files *
*iret = 0;
** Set the parameter packing file.
if ( prmfil[0] == CHNULL )
strcpy ( cprmfl, defprm );
strcpy ( cprmfl, prmfil );
** Set the station table.
if ( stntbl[0] == CHNULL )
strcpy ( cstntb, defstn );
strcpy ( cstntb, stntbl );
** Set the second station table.
if ( stntb2[0] == CHNULL )
strcpy ( cstnt2, dfstn2 );
strcpy ( cstnt2, stntb2 );
** Set the number of additional stations for the output file.
if ( iadstn == IMISSD )
*nadstn = idfadd;
*nadstn = iadstn;
** Set the number of times for the output file.
if ( maxtim == IMISSD )
*ntimes = idfmax;
*ntimes = maxtim;
** Set the current time string.
strcpy ( ccrtim, curtim );
** Set the number of hours to decode prior to the current time.
** If this is real-time processing, use the default value NDFHR1,
** otherwise use NDFHR2.
if ( nhours == IMISSD )
if ( irltim )
*nhrbak = ndfhr1;
*nhrbak = ndfhr2;
*nhrbak = nhours;
** Set the text saving flag.
*txflag = txtflg;
*crcflag = circflg;
** Set the "close-to-surface" cutoff height.
if ( iwndht == IMISSD )
*jwndht = idfwdh;
*jwndht = iwndht;