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[GEMPAK #PWP-640462]: gempak question
- Subject: [GEMPAK #PWP-640462]: gempak question
- Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2009 09:37:34 -0600
Hi Bill-
Michael is out for a couple of weeks, so I'll start the conversation.
> I am a long-time gempak user and have encountered a strange error in the
> frontogenesis function, and was curious to whom I should send the email
> reporting the problem?
This is the place. We can elevate it to NCEP if need be.
> Basically, we have a gempak file created from RUC grib data, and when we
> use gdlist on frontogenesis at the surface....FRNT(THTA@2,WND@10), there
> are a few points scattered randomly in this small domain covering Iowa
> that have -9999 values. These points are NOT near any boundaries, and I
> can plot THTA, and the wind values fine. None of these values are
> missing, and thus I am not sure why FRNT yields missing values.
Is this a new problem in 5.11.4 or is this a longer standing problem?
> In doing the same research, we also noticed that SAVS does not appear to
> be correctly computing the average over our subdomain -- at least it does
> not match the values we see in GDLIST for our specified GAREA. Is that a
> known problem, or is it not taking a simple average? (In other words, when
> I had 25 points printed out, and then took SAVS of the field, the common
> value it prints [average] is not the same as my parameter/25).
Best to send separate questions in separate e-mails since we have no way of
separating them here. We'll look into both of these.
See you in a couple of weeks.
Don Murray
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: PWP-640462
Department: Support GEMPAK
Priority: Normal
Status: Open