Hi guys (cc to Unidata support),
Can either of you confirm or deny the existence of this new
"feature"? If it does exist, how would it be used? Our latest
installed version is 5.11.1.
Great seeing you both last week!
Brian Silviotti wrote:
Hi Kevin,
I'm working on my thesis and Lance and Dan suggest that I use a feature
tracking program to track the intense surface arctic cyclones I'm
for. I have a few people I can talk to about their own original
but I've heard from several grad students and faculty that there may
be a
quasi-tracking function built into the upcoming version of Gempak.
No one
I've talked to seems to know for sure what this new feature is, and
I was
wondering if you knew anything about this. Is there some kind of a
tracking function in the newest version of Gempak or not? If there is,
what do you know about it - what can it do?
Brian Silviotti
Dept. of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, ES-337
University at Albany/SUNY
1400 Washington Ave.
Albany, NY 12222
E-mail: address@hidden