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[GEMPAK #SVC-154744]: grid-point lat lon values
- Subject: [GEMPAK #SVC-154744]: grid-point lat lon values
- Date: Tue, 09 Oct 2007 09:28:42 -0600
GFUNC is a single expression, not a list of parameters. The latr and lonr
variables will give you the lat and lons in radians. To convert to degrees
you would multiply by RTD such as:
GFUNC = mul(latr,RTD)
GFUNC = mul(lonr,RTD)
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
> To whom it concerns,
> I have a gridded gempak dataset and I would like to list the lat/lon
> values for each grid-point. Using gdlist I have tried setting
> gfunc=glat;glon but this does not appear to be a variable. Also, I found
> that there is a diagnostic "latr;lonr" that supposedly gives latitude and
> longitude in radians, but the values I was getting were not making sense.
> Is there an easy way to get these lat/lon values? Any help is much
> appreciated! Thanks,
> Adam Clark
> --
> *************
> Adam J. Clark
> Ph.D. Candidate in Meteorology
> Former President of ISU Graduate Meteorology Club
> Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Iowa State University
> Email: address@hidden
> ISU GMC: http://www.stuorg.iastate.edu/gmc/
> *************
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: SVC-154744
Department: Support GEMPAK
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed