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[GEMPAK #XHX-421268]: GEMPAK - Errors with "NEWGRID" example program
- Subject: [GEMPAK #XHX-421268]: GEMPAK - Errors with "NEWGRID" example program
- Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2007 12:50:33 -0600
First before the GINITP issue is to fix the dbnds() array size
declaration to dbnds(4).
As for the GINITP problem, you did not use the library list as I specified in
the Makefile
provided with the example which directly links the GPLT routines to the
program. My sample
used the GPLT_NC library and GPLT, DEVICE, GN libraries to eliminate the
message queues and the separate GPLT process.
Since you linked your program as an application that utilizes the connection
to a GPLT process in order to handle the coordinate transformations used to
translate the UREL and VREL components to north relative, you will have to
call GINITP explicitly which typically is done through GG_INIT. You can follow
call with a call to GG_INIT(1,ier) (Interactive programs typically call IP_INIT
which will call IN_BDTA)
to read the necessary .nts files as well).
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
> Institution: Rutgers Univ.
> Package Version: 5.9.4
> Operating System: RHEL 4
> Hardware Information: Intel Xeon
> Inquiry: I'm working on updating the way I use the GEMPAK library routines in
> my wrf2gem conversion program, as suggested at
> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/gempak/GEMPAK5.10/GEMPAK_Grid_library_upgrade.html,
> so I started by trying to use the example program "NEWGRID" provided at
> http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/gempak/GEMPAK5.10/whats_new.html#5.9.3
> I slightly modified the program, and have attached my version to this email.
> My changes entailed adding implicit none, initializing ivcord to 0,
> explicitly defining the necessary parameters rather than including
> GEMPRM.PRM, and using free-from source. I compile the program as follows:
> pgf90 -g77libs -o newgrid newgrid.f90 $GEMLIB/gemlib.a $GEMLIB/appl.a
> $GEMLIB/cgemlib.a $GEMLIB/syslib.a $GEMLIB/gemlib.a
> where I'm using "pgf90 6.2-3 64-bit target on x86-64 Linux"
> When I execute the program, I get:
> [GEMPLT -40] NOINIT - GINITP has not been called. [GDCFIL -6] Grid size is
> invalid.
> [GEMPLT -40] NOINIT - GINITP has not been called.
> [GEMPLT -40] NOINIT - GINITP has not been called.
> as output.
> Despite these messages, the GEMPAK file is created, with the two variables
> listed as I would expect in GDINFO. Further investigation shows that these
> variables are everywhere zero, and I've been able to deduce that the DG_NREL
> routine is returning zeroes for unor and vnor. The output file has the
> correct values if I just write out urel and vrel instead.
> So I have two questions:
> 1) How can I get rid of the various error messages? Do they indicate some
> subtle problem somewhere?
> 2) Why isn't the DG_NREL routine working properly in the example code?
> Thanks,
> Steve
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: XHX-421268
Department: Support GEMPAK
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed