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[GEMPAK #DIT-578290]: Question: weather generation software
- Subject: [GEMPAK #DIT-578290]: Question: weather generation software
- Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2007 10:37:12 -0600
GEMPAK is an analysis and display package for data. It is not
a model or something that would be used to create output
such as what you are looking for.
Retrospective data since 1979 can be found at NCDC under what is called
the North American Regional Reanalysis (eg NARR). NCEP
also provides a coupled Climate Forecast System as is described here:
The NARR may provide you with a long enough history, but you would likely
want to subset the area down to a small region through the NOMADS server
nomads.ncdc.noaa.gov, otherwise you would be looking at
a tremendous volume or data.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata GEMPAK User Support
> Hello,
> I am exploring a research project here at Univ of Nebraska that may
> require generation of synthetic weather in order to "drive" the simulation
> model.
> I am interested in a fairly "local" weather profile (perhaps county
> scale at about 25 miles by 25 miles), and for a duration of about 25 to 30
> years, with daily increments.
> Some of the main features of interest include precipitation,
> temperature, solar radiation, wind, among others that can be used to
> simulate crop growth.
> Do any of the models allow for "inserting long term trends" into the
> weather generation routine?
> I have become aware of GEMPAK and WRF, but am not sure if these are the
> type of model that will help me. Is one of these appropriate, or is there
> another model/generator? Is it possible to "contract" with NCAR/UCAR to
> provide synthetic weather for a given location in Nebraska?
> Thanks,
> Wayne E. Woldt, Ph.D., P.E.
> Associate Professor of Biological Systems Engineering and Civil
> Engineering
> 232 LW Chase Hall
> Lincoln, NE 68583-0726
> (402) 472-8656 (ph)
> email: address@hidden
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: DIT-578290
Department: Support GEMPAK
Priority: Urgent
Status: Closed