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[GEMPAK #NKR-852146]: Count NLDN lightning strikes wtihin a given radius of a point?
- Subject: [GEMPAK #NKR-852146]: Count NLDN lightning strikes wtihin a given radius of a point?
- Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2007 10:18:26 -0600
> Hi,
> I'm a graduate student at Plymouth State University. The goal of my
> research is to develop a 10-year thunderstorm climatology across northern
> New England. I'd like to incorporate both radar and nldn cloud to ground
> lightning data.
> Currently, I'm doing a test run for the warm-season (Apr-Sep) 2005.
> Possible thunderstorms are first identified using the radar data. Each
> possible thunderstorm has a datetime, latitude, and longitude. In order to
> know whether a radar indicated cell is actually a thunderstorm, I'd like to
> search for lightning within a radius of ~10km from each cell. All the raw
> nldn files were successfully converted into GEMPAK (.gem) surface files
> using this command in a .csh script:
> dcnldn -v 1 -m 25000 -s minute05 -d /home2/emlowery/research/logs/dcnldn.log
> /home2/emlowery/research/nldn/2005_raw/{yr}{mo}{dy}{hr}.nldn
> Is there a gempak program which can count the number lightning strikes
> within a given radius of a point (lat/lon)?
Yes, I provide a program in the GEMPAK distribution called GDOBSCNT which
counts the number of observations in a user defined radius of points within
a grid file at a given time.
For convenience, I store the lightning data into data bins of 5 minutes, but
GEMPAK date/time format can be as little as 1 minute.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
> Sincerely,
> Evan Lowery
> -----------------------------------------
> Evan Lowery
> Applied Meteorology M.S. Program
> Plymouth State University
> Boyd Hall 238
> (215)534-6908
> <http://vortex.plymouth.edu/~emlowery> http://vortex.plymouth.edu/~emlowery
> Mirror: <http://www.evanlowery.com/> http://www.evanlowery.com
> <mailto:address@hidden> address@hidden
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: NKR-852146
Department: Support GEMPAK
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed