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[GEMPAK #PAL-462064]: NMAP2 grid entries
- Subject: [GEMPAK #PAL-462064]: NMAP2 grid entries
- Date: Fri, 02 Feb 2007 15:07:48 -0700
I have a directory in the distribution called $GEMTBL/nmap/mod_res/
where I generate the mod_res.tbl file in the distribution from
NCEP's original along with local changes.
In that directory, I have a file called mod_res.csh that processes files
named in mod_res.list (eg, you can maintain a local file of additions),
and in the awk script I use, I substitute NCEP's list of nam models:
as an example.I also rename avn to gfs and make some other tweaks.
So, you could generate the file with a list of replacements/expansions of names
given products (or ad back the names that you had removed).
My plan is to make it easier for me (and users) to maintain changes from the
set of products that NCEP provides.....It is just a work in progress here as I
use it to
maintain some continuity between releases when merging in new files from NCEP.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
> Steve,
> I followed your instructions and edited the mod_res.tbl. It worked very
> well. I quess it is a little difficult to put a model name back when it
> is needed. Do you have the instructions for it? Thanks for your great
> help,
> Wen
> On Tue, 30 Jan 2007, Unidata
> GEMPAK Support wrote:
> > > I would like to modify the data acess controls of GRID tab of the nmap2 so
> > > that we only acees what we have, for example, we don't have fslruc2 data
> > > so I don't want to list the fslruc2 in the tab. As my understanding, I
> > > need to comment on the entry FSLRUC2. However, this doesn't affect the
> > > GRID tab. How can I do? What other file shoul I modify? Thanks for your
> > > help,
> > >
> > > Wen
> > >
> >
> > Wen,
> >
> > The list of grids that provides the tabs/labels is obtained from the
> > $GEMTBL/nmap/mod_res.tbl file.
> >
> > On startup, nmap2 reads that file and determines all grid datatypes
> > provided in the rightmost (4th)
> > column of that file. To remove unused entries, you can edit the file and do
> > a global deletion of the string
> > such as ";fslruc2", or use a stream editor like sed like:
> > cat mod_res.tbl | sed 's/;fslruc2//g' > mod_res.newtbl
> >
> > If you are editing a model list where you would delete all of the grid
> > names, then instead comment out the line.
> >
> > Steve Chiswell
> > Unidata User Support
> >
> >
> > Ticket Details
> > ===================
> > Ticket ID: PAL-462064
> > Department: Support GEMPAK
> > Priority: Low
> > Status: Closed
> >
> >
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: PAL-462064
Department: Support GEMPAK
Priority: Low
Status: Closed