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- Subject: [GEMPAK #HAN-893784]: AMPS MM5/WRF and GEMPAK
- Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 10:46:20 -0600
I'm assuming you are using the current GEMPAK distribution since you always are
on top
of these releases. Larry Oolman at U. Wyoming did find a problem with UWND and
souther polar stereographic winds and his fix has been in the distribution since
If you have some gribs, I'll look at this change and see if it is part of the
problem or
something else.
I'd like to get these bugs checked out before putting 5.9.4 out on the web.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User SUpport
> Matt Lazzara at SSEC got his LDM started again and decoded the AMPS MM5/WRF
> GRIB using McIDAS (I believe gribdec). McIDAS displays the winds properly,
> so it does seem that there is a problem with GEMPAK, likely with the
> decoding. I know you have the Training Sessions coming up, but I leve for
> Antarctica on 16 Nov. If you could help me out before then I would
> appreciste it. I could use McIDAS, but it simply just isn't as fast or as
> flexible as GEMPAK. Would you need to see the raw GRIB messages as well as
> the .gem file?
> Thanks,
> Robert Mullenax
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: HAN-893784
Department: Support GEMPAK
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed