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Bug in nmap_spfw.c
- Subject: Bug in nmap_spfw.c
- Date: 26 Apr 2006 15:28:03 -0600
Steve and Scott,
There is a latent bug in restoring an SPF with CAT_GRD/CAT_SFF/CAT_SNF,
and after fixing, reveals another problem.
The segment of code in nmap_spfw.c starting with line 2213 is:
* Find the latest time string "YYMMDD/HHMM".
len = sizeof( moslst );
gd_gcyc ( grdStr, ";", &nn, moslst, &ier, strlen(grdStr), 1, len);
cst_rmbl ( moslst, moslst, &len, &ier);
The moslst string on return from gd_gcyc is not null terminated. The
cst_rmbl routine requires the string to be null terminated- and
possibly returns some added garbage on the moslst string until a '\0'
is found.
I added the null character following the gd_gcyc call above:
moslst[len - 1] = '\0';
After fixing that, you will find that when more than 1 cycle is returned,
the test below (on line 2231) always fails:
if ( isdigit( (int)moslst[noc2+1] ) &&
(int)strlen( moslst ) > (noc2 + 12) ) {
This test should be:
if ( isdigit( (int)moslst[noc2+1] ) &&
(int)strlen( moslst ) >= (noc2 + 12) ) {
In the past, if you were "lucky" enough to get some added garbage tacked
on to the expected time list in cst_rmbl, you could get past this-
and the later usage of just 11 characters worked anyhow.
On several platforms, I didn't get garbage tacked on and could not get
past that condition.
I have attached the routine as described (though strrchr might be easier
to follow).
#include "geminc.h"
#include "gemprm.h"
#include "nmap_data.h"
#include "Nxm.h"
#include "nmsdef.h"
#include "ctbcmn.h"
#define VISIBLE_ITEM 10
#define MAX_FILES 1000
#define SORT_BY_NAME 0
#define SORT_BY_DATE 1
#define SAVE_POPUP 1
#define SPF_FILE_EXT ".spf"
#define FILE_PATTERN "*.spf"
#define LOCAL_DIR "./"
#define CWD_TITLE "Local"
typedef XmFileSelectionBoxCallbackStruct FSBCBS;
static Widget _fileSelW;
static Widget _dirSel_listW;
static Widget _fileSel_listW;
static Widget _fileSel_txtW;
static Widget _browsePopup;
static Widget _sortRadioW;
static Widget _stimeRadioW;
static WidgetList _sortBtn;
static WidgetList _stimeBtn;
static Widget _sortPaneW;
static Widget _selectPaneW;
static Widget _inputPaneW;
static Widget _browseBtnPane;
static Widget _bottomPaneW;
static Widget _restoreConfW;
static Widget _rstContentW;
static Widget _rstConfLblW;
static Widget _stimePaneW;
static char _fileName[FILE_NAMESZ] = "\0";
static char _dirPath[LLPATH] = LOCAL_DIR;
static int _dirPos;
static int _spfilFunc; /* RESTORE_SPF, SAVE_SPF */
static int _sortBy; /* SORT_BY_NAME or SORT_BY_DATE */
static int _stimeBy; /* SAVE_AS_CURRENT or SAVE_AS_LITERAL */
* SPF user info data struct
typedef struct {
char *title; /* title name */
char *usrpath; /* full path to this user's SPF dir */
} spfusr_ent_t;
* SPF user info table struct
typedef struct {
int nitems; /* total # of users*/
spfusr_ent_t *items; /* pointer to the array of user items */
} spfutbl_t;
static spfutbl_t _spfUsrTbl;
* private callback functions
void spfw_browseBtnCb ( Widget wid, XtPointer client, XtPointer cbs);
void spfw_browseDoneCb ( Widget wid, XtPointer client, XtPointer cbs );
void spfw_btmCtlBtnCb ( Widget wid, int which, XtPointer call );
void spfw_confirmCb (Widget wid, XtPointer client, XtPointer cbs);
void spfw_selectCb ( Widget wid, XtPointer client, XtPointer call );
void spfw_selectDirCb ( Widget wid, XtPointer client, XtPointer call );
void spfw_sortByCb ( Widget wid, XtPointer client, XtPointer cbs );
void spfw_stimeCb ( Widget wid, XtPointer client, XtPointer cbs );
void spfw_txtCb ( Widget wid, XtPointer client, XtPointer call );
void spfw_rstConfCb( Widget wid, XtPointer client, XtPointer call );
* private functions
static void spfw_checkPerms ( char *cfile, Boolean *can_read,
Boolean *can_write );
static void spfw_managePanes ( int popup_type);
static void spfw_preCheck ( void );
static void spfw_restoreSPF ( void );
static void spfw_saveSPF ( void );
static void spfw_setFileList ( void );
static void spfw_unmanagePanes ( void );
static void spfw_readUsrTbl ( char *tblname,
spfutbl_t *spfutbl,
int *iret );
void spfw_createConf( Widget parent );
void spfw_popupConf( void );
void spfw_popdownConf( void );
void spfw_formatConf ( long flen, char *spftext, char *filstr, int *iret );
static void spfw_saveSrcAttr ( dsrc_t *datasrc, FILE *fptr, int lp, int srcnum
* nmap_spfw.c *
* *
* This module defines the SPF file selection (RESTORE/SAVE) in Data *
* Selection. *
* *
* spfw_create() creates file selection pallette *
* spfw_popup() popup the palette window *
* spfw_popdown() put down the palette window *
* spfw_getFileName() gets the full name of selected SPF file *
* spfw_getSource() gets a specified source in a given loop *
* *
* spfw_browseBtnCb() callback for the browse button *
* spfw_browseDoneCb() callback for browse OK/Cancel buttons *
* spfw_btmCtlBtnCb() callback for bottom control buttons *
* spfw_confirmCb() callback for RESTORE/SAVE confirmation *
* spfw_selectCb() callback for file list *
* spfw_selectDirCb() callback for directory list *
* spfw_sortByCb() callback for sort by toggles *
* spfw_txtCb() callback for text input *
* *
* spfw_checkPerms() checks file permissions *
* spfw_managePanes() manages the appropiate children of pane *
* spfw_preCheck() checks the file before restoring/saving *
* spfw_restoreSPF() restores the specified SPF file *
* spfw_setFileList() sets the file list for the _dirPath *
* spfw_readUsrTbl() reads SPF file user table "spf.nmap" *
* spfw_saveSPF() saves settings into an SPF file *
* spfw_unmanagePanes() unmanages all the children of pane *
* *
* spfw_createConf() creates restore confirmation pallette *
* spfw_popupConf() pops up restore confirmation window *
* spfw_popdownConf() pops down restore confirmation window *
* spfw_rstConfCb() callback for restore confirmation *
* spfw_formatConf() formats source string for restore conf. *
* spfw_saveSrcAttr() saves a data source's attr. settings *
void spfw_create ( Widget parent )
* spfw_create *
* *
* This function creates a file selection dialog box. *
* *
* void spfw_create ( parent ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* parent Widget Parent widget *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* Return parameters: *
* NONE *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* J. Wu/GSC 06/01 revise from pgfilw_create() *
* E. Safford/SAIC 11/01 fix interaction problems w/ dataw *
* T. Piper/SAIC 10/05 declared ii long *
* C. Bailey/HPC 01/06 Added Save Literal Time Pane *
int nn, toff = 5, ier;
long ii;
char *btm_btnstr[] = {"OK", "Cancel"};
char *sort_str[] = {"Name", "Date"};
char *stime_str[] = {"Constant", "Latest"};
Widget pane, label, label2, frame, sort_label, stime_label;
Arg args[10];
Cardinal argcnt;
XmString xmpattern;
XmStringTable xmfils;
_fileSelW = XmCreateFormDialog( parent, "Save as", NULL, 0 );
* create a parent pane widget
pane = XtVaCreateWidget("spfw_pane",
xmPanedWindowWidgetClass, _fileSelW,
XmNsashWidth, 1,
XmNsashHeight, 1,
* ******** SORT PANE ********
* create a form widget to hold the sort by toggles
_sortPaneW = XtVaCreateWidget("spfw_form",
xmFormWidgetClass, pane,
XmNnoResize, TRUE,
XmNautoUnmanage, FALSE,
sort_label = XmCreateLabel( _sortPaneW,
"Display Files In Order By:", NULL, 0 );
XtVaSetValues( sort_label,
XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_POSITION,
XmNtopPosition, 2,
XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_POSITION,
XmNleftPosition, 1,
XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_POSITION,
XmNrightPosition, 60,
XtManageChild( sort_label );
_sortRadioW = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("sort_radio",
xmRowColumnWidgetClass, _sortPaneW,
XmNorientation, XmVERTICAL,
XmNradioBehavior, True,
XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_WIDGET,
XmNtopWidget, sort_label,
XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
nn = XtNumber (sort_str);
_sortBy = SORT_BY_NAME;
_sortBtn = (WidgetList)XtMalloc((size_t)nn*sizeof(Widget));
for (ii = 0; ii < nn; ii++) {
_sortBtn[ii] = XtVaCreateManagedWidget (sort_str[ii],
xmToggleButtonWidgetClass, _sortRadioW,
XmNtraversalOn, FALSE,
XtAddCallback(_sortBtn[ii], XmNdisarmCallback,
spfw_sortByCb, (XtPointer) ii);
XmToggleButtonSetState (_sortBtn[ii], (_sortBy == ii), FALSE);
* ******** SELECT PANE ********
* create a form widget to hold the directory and file lists
_selectPaneW = XtVaCreateWidget("spfw_selectform",
xmFormWidgetClass, pane,
XtVaSetValues( _selectPaneW,
XmNnoResize, TRUE,
XmNautoUnmanage, FALSE,
* create the directory list
label = XmCreateLabel( _selectPaneW, "Select directory:", NULL, 0 );
XtManageChild( label );
XtVaSetValues( label,
XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_POSITION,
XmNtopPosition, 2,
XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_POSITION,
XmNleftPosition, 1,
XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_POSITION,
XmNrightPosition, 60,
frame = XmCreateFrame( _selectPaneW, "_DirSel_frameW", NULL, 0 );
XtVaSetValues( frame,
XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_WIDGET,
XmNtopWidget, label,
XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
_dirSel_listW = XmCreateScrolledList( frame,
"_DirSel_lstW", NULL, 0 );
XtVaSetValues( _dirSel_listW,
XmNvisibleItemCount, VISIBLE_ITEM,
XtAddCallback( _dirSel_listW, XmNbrowseSelectionCallback,
spfw_selectDirCb, NULL );
spfw_readUsrTbl("spf.nmap", &_spfUsrTbl, &ier);
if ( _spfUsrTbl.nitems > 0) {
xmfils = (XmStringTable) XtMalloc
((size_t)_spfUsrTbl.nitems * sizeof (XmString *));
for (ii = 0; ii < _spfUsrTbl.nitems; ii++) {
xmfils[ii] = XmStringCreateLocalized (_spfUsrTbl.items[ii].title);
XtVaSetValues (_dirSel_listW,
XmNitems, xmfils,
XmNitemCount, _spfUsrTbl.nitems,
for (ii = 0; ii < _spfUsrTbl.nitems; ii++) {
XmStringFree (xmfils[ii]);
XtFree ((XtPointer)xmfils);
* hi-light the local directory
_dirPos = _spfUsrTbl.nitems;
XtManageChild( _dirSel_listW );
XtManageChild( frame );
* create the file list
label = XmCreateLabel( _selectPaneW, "Select SPF File name:", NULL, 0 );
XtManageChild (label );
XtVaSetValues (label,
XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_WIDGET,
XmNtopWidget, frame,
XmNtopOffset, toff,
XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_POSITION,
XmNleftPosition, 1,
XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_POSITION,
XmNrightPosition, 60,
frame = XmCreateFrame( _selectPaneW, "_FileSel_frameW", NULL, 0 );
XtVaSetValues (frame,
XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_WIDGET,
XmNtopWidget, label,
XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
_fileSel_listW = XmCreateScrolledList (frame, "_FileSel_lstW", NULL, 0);
XtVaSetValues (_fileSel_listW,
XmNvisibleItemCount, VISIBLE_ITEM,
XtAddCallback (_fileSel_listW, XmNbrowseSelectionCallback,
spfw_selectCb, NULL);
XtManageChild (_fileSel_listW);
XtManageChild (frame);
* ******** INPUT PANE ********
* create the file input
_inputPaneW = XtVaCreateWidget("spfw_inputForm",
xmFormWidgetClass, pane,
XtVaSetValues( _inputPaneW,
XmNnoResize, TRUE,
XmNautoUnmanage, FALSE,
label2 = XmCreateLabel (_inputPaneW, "Or enter an SPF file name:", NULL, 0);
XtManageChild (label2);
XtVaSetValues (label2,
XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_WIDGET,
XmNtopWidget, frame,
XmNtopOffset, toff,
XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_POSITION,
XmNleftPosition, 3,
XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_POSITION,
XmNrightPosition, 70,
_fileSel_txtW = XmCreateText (_inputPaneW, "spfw_inputText", NULL, 0);
XtManageChild (_fileSel_txtW);
XtVaSetValues (_fileSel_txtW,
XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_WIDGET,
XmNtopWidget, label2,
XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
XtAddCallback (_fileSel_txtW, XmNactivateCallback,
spfw_txtCb, NULL );
XtManageChild (_inputPaneW);
* ******** BROWSE PANE ********
_browseBtnPane =
XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("Browse",
xmPushButtonWidgetClass, pane,
XtAddCallback(_browseBtnPane, XmNarmCallback,
spfw_browseBtnCb, (XtPointer) NULL);
* ******** SAVE LITERAL TIME PANE ********
_stimePaneW = XtVaCreateWidget("spfw_stimeform",
xmFormWidgetClass, pane,
XmNnoResize, TRUE,
XmNautoUnmanage, FALSE,
stime_label = XmCreateLabel( _stimePaneW,
"Save Source Timestamp As:", NULL, 0 );
XtVaSetValues( stime_label,
XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_POSITION,
XmNtopPosition, 2,
XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_POSITION,
XmNleftPosition, 1,
XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_POSITION,
XmNrightPosition, 60,
XtManageChild( stime_label );
_stimeRadioW = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("stime_radio",
xmRowColumnWidgetClass, _stimePaneW,
XmNorientation, XmHORIZONTAL,
XmNradioBehavior, True,
XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_WIDGET,
XmNtopWidget, stime_label,
XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
nn = XtNumber (stime_str);
_stimeBtn = (WidgetList)XtMalloc((size_t)nn*sizeof(Widget));
for (ii = 0; ii < nn; ii++) {
_stimeBtn[ii] = XtVaCreateManagedWidget (stime_str[ii],
xmToggleButtonWidgetClass, _stimeRadioW,
XmNtraversalOn, FALSE,
XtAddCallback(_stimeBtn[ii], XmNdisarmCallback,
spfw_stimeCb, (XtPointer) ii);
XmToggleButtonSetState (_stimeBtn[ii], (_stimeBy == ii), FALSE);
* ******** BOTTOM CONTROL PANE ********
_bottomPaneW =
(Widget) NxmCtlBtn_create (pane, 1, "spfw_btm",
XtNumber(btm_btnstr), btm_btnstr,
(XtCallbackProc)spfw_btmCtlBtnCb, NULL);
* browse popup
argcnt = 0;
xmpattern = XmStringCreateLocalized(FILE_PATTERN);
XtSetArg (args[argcnt], XmNpattern, xmpattern);
XtSetArg (args[argcnt], XmNtitle, "Browse");
_browsePopup = XmCreateFileSelectionDialog(parent, "browseBox",
args, argcnt);
XtAddCallback(_browsePopup, XmNcancelCallback,
spfw_browseDoneCb, (XtPointer) 0);
XtAddCallback(_browsePopup, XmNokCallback,
spfw_browseDoneCb, (XtPointer) 1);
* Restoring confirmation popup
spfw_createConf( pane );
void spfw_popup ( int func )
* spfw_popup *
* *
* This function loads and displays the SPF file names into the file *
* selection dialog box. *
* *
* void spfw_popup ( func ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* func int Action function *
* 1 - SAVE_SPF *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* Return parameters: *
* NONE *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* J. Wu/GSC 06/01 revise from pgfilw_popup() *
int ipos;
XmString xmstr, dirstr;
_spfilFunc = func;
* set the dialog title
if ( func == SAVE_SPF ) {
xmstr = XmStringCreateLocalized("Save To SPF File");
dirstr = XmStringCreateLocalized(LOCAL_DIR);
XtVaSetValues(_browsePopup, XmNdirectory, dirstr, NULL);
XmStringFree (dirstr);
spfw_managePanes (SAVE_POPUP);
else {
xmstr = XmStringCreateLocalized("Restore From SPF File");
spfw_managePanes (RESTORE_POPUP);
XtVaSetValues (_fileSelW, XmNdialogTitle, xmstr, NULL);
XtVaSetValues (_browsePopup, XmNdialogTitle, xmstr, NULL);
XmStringFree (xmstr);
* hi-light the current directory
ipos = _dirPos;
XmListSelectPos (_dirSel_listW, ipos, TRUE);
ipos += (VISIBLE_ITEM / 2);
if (ipos < VISIBLE_ITEM) ipos = VISIBLE_ITEM;
if (ipos > _spfUsrTbl.nitems) ipos = _spfUsrTbl.nitems;
XmListSetBottomPos (_dirSel_listW, ipos);
* set input text widget
XmTextSetString( _fileSel_txtW, _fileName );
spfw_setFileList ();
void spfw_popdown ( void )
* spfw_popdown *
* *
* This function puts the file window down. *
* *
* void spfw_popdown ( ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* Output parameters: *
* Return parameters: *
* NONE *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* J. Wu/GSC 06/01 copy from pgfilw_popdown() *
* J. Wu/GSC 07/01 call spfw_popdownConf() *
spfw_popdownConf ();
if (XtIsManaged (_fileSelW)) {
XtUnmanageChild (_fileSelW);
if (XtIsManaged (_browsePopup)) {
XtUnmanageChild (_browsePopup);
void spfw_selectCb ( Widget wid, XtPointer client, XtPointer call )
* spfw_selectCb *
* *
* Callback function for selecting an SPF File. *
* *
* void spfw_selectCb (wid, client, call) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* wid Widget Widget that activated callback *
* client XtPointer Pointer to client data (NULL) *
* call XtPointer Callback trigger *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* NONE *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* J. Wu/GSC 06/01 copy from pgfilw_selectCb() *
XmListCallbackStruct *cbs = (XmListCallbackStruct *) call;
char * tmp_str;
XmStringGetLtoR (cbs->item, XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG, &tmp_str);
strcpy (_fileName, tmp_str);
XmTextSetString (_fileSel_txtW, _fileName);
XtFree (tmp_str);
void spfw_selectDirCb ( Widget wid, XtPointer client, XtPointer call )
* spfw_selectDirCb *
* *
* Callback function for selecting an SPF File. *
* *
* void spfw_selectDirCb (wid, client, call) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* wid Widget Widget that activated callback *
* client XtPointer Pointer to client data (NULL) *
* call XtPointer Callback trigger *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* NONE *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* J. Wu/GSC 06/01 copy from pgfilw_selectDirCb() *
XmListCallbackStruct *cbs = (XmListCallbackStruct *) call;
_dirPos = cbs->item_position;
if ( _dirPos == _spfUsrTbl.nitems ) {
strcpy ( _dirPath, LOCAL_DIR );
else {
strcpy ( _dirPath, _spfUsrTbl.items[(_dirPos) - 1].usrpath );
if ( _dirPath[ ( strlen(_dirPath) - 1 ) ] != '/' ) {
strcat ( _dirPath, "/" );
spfw_setFileList ( );
void spfw_txtCb ( Widget wid, XtPointer client, XtPointer call )
* spfw_txtCb *
* *
* Callback function for text input widget. *
* *
* void spfw_txtCb ( wid, client, call ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* wid Widget Widget that activated callback *
* client XtPointer Pointer to client data (NULL) *
* call XtPointer Callback trigger *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* NONE *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* J. Wu/GSC 06/01 initial coding *
spfw_btmCtlBtnCb( NULL, 0, NULL );
void spfw_confirmCb ( Widget wid, XtPointer client, XtPointer cbs )
* spfw_confirmCb *
* *
* Callback function for confirming to restore/save an SPF file. *
* *
* void spfw_confirmCb (wid, client, cbs) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* wid Widget Widget that activated callback *
* client XtPointer Pointer to client data (GrInfo) *
* cbs XtPointer callback struct *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* J. Wu/GSC 06/01 initial coding *
* J. Wu/GSC 07/01 load & check SPF file before restoring *
* R. Tian/SAIC 01/02 fixed bug when loading large SPF file *
* J. Wu/GSC 04/02 fixed crash bug for certain short SPF *
* files without valid data sources in it *
* M. Li/SAIC 12/02 popup Restore Confirmation only in need *
int ier;
char spfile[FILE_NAMESZ], *spftext, lblStr[256];
char newfil[LLPATH], tmpStr[256];
char prefs_tag[MAX_PREF_STR] = "RESTORE_POPUP";
long flen = 0;
XmString xmstr;
const int addFmtLen = 128; /* Additional string length required to
hold the format message */
Boolean bal;
if ( strlen(_fileName) > (size_t)0 ) {
if ( _spfilFunc == RESTORE_SPF ) {
* Retrieve the selected SPF file and load into SPF buffer.
spfw_getFileName( spfile );
spf_load ( spfile, &ier );
* Pop up confirmation window with SPF file content in it.
if ( ier < 0 ) {
NxmWarn_show ( _fileSelW, "Failed to load SPF file" );
else {
* Query the actual SPF file size in order to deal with a
* SPF file with any size.
cfl_inqr(spfile, NULL, &flen, newfil, &ier);
flen += (long)addFmtLen;
if ( ier < 0 ) {
NxmWarn_show ( _fileSelW, "Failed to query SPF file size" );
else {
if( ! (spftext = XtMalloc((Cardinal)flen))) {
NxmWarn_show ( _fileSelW,
"Failed to allocate space for SPF file"
else {
spfw_formatConf( flen, spftext, lblStr, &ier );
if ( ier == 0 ) {
XmTextSetString( _rstContentW, spftext );
xmstr = XmStringCreateLtoR(lblStr,
XtVaSetValues( _rstConfLblW,
XmNlabelString, xmstr,
XmStringFree( xmstr );
ctb_pfbool(prefs_tag, &bal, &ier);
if ( bal ) {
spfw_popupConf ();
else {
spfw_popdownConf ();
spfw_popdown ();
spfw_restoreSPF ();
else {
sprintf ( tmpStr, "No valid data sources found in
_fileName );
NxmWarn_show ( _fileSelW, tmpStr );
else {
spfw_popdown ();
spfw_saveSPF ();
void spfw_browseBtnCb ( Widget wid, XtPointer client, XtPointer cbs )
* spfw_browseBtnCb *
* *
* Callback function for the browse button on file selection palette. *
* *
* void spfw_browseBtnCb (wid, client, cbs) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* wid Widget Widget that activated callback *
* client XtPointer Pointer to client data (GrInfo) *
* cbs XtPointer callback struct *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* J. Wu/GSC 06/01 revise from pgfilw_browseBtnCb() *
* Browse always starts from the local directory.
strcpy ( _dirPath, LOCAL_DIR );
XtManageChild ( _browsePopup );
void spfw_browseDoneCb ( Widget wid, XtPointer client, XtPointer cbs )
* spfw_browseDoneCb *
* *
* Callback function for the Ok/Cancel buttons on the browse palette. *
* *
* void spfw_browseDoneCb (wid, client, cbs) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* wid Widget Widget that activated callback *
* client XtPointer Pointer to client data (GrInfo) *
* cbs XtPointer callback struct *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* J. Wu/GSC 06/01 revise from pgfilw_browseDoneCb() *
* E. Safford/SAIC 04/02 use cfl_isdir instead of local version *
int which, ier;
char *text;
char filepart[FILE_NAMESZ] = "\0" , pathpart[LLPATH] = "\0";
Widget popup;
FSBCBS *fcbs;
which = (long) client;
if ( which == 1 ) { /* OK */
fcbs = (FSBCBS *) cbs;
XmStringGetLtoR ( fcbs->value, XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG, &text );
if ( cfl_isdir ( text ) ) {
_fileName[0] = '\0';
strcpy ( _dirPath, text );
else {
cfl_path ( text, pathpart, filepart, &ier ) ;
if ( filepart[0] != '\0' ) {
strcpy ( _fileName, filepart );
if ( pathpart[0] != '\0' ) {
strcpy ( _dirPath, pathpart );
if ( _dirPath[ ( strlen(_dirPath) - 1 ) ] != '/' ) {
strcat ( _dirPath, "/" );
XtFree ( text );
XmTextSetString ( _fileSel_txtW, _fileName );
XmTextSetInsertionPosition ( _fileSel_txtW, (long)strlen(_fileName) );
if ( _fileName[0] == '\0' ) {
popup = ( XtIsManaged (_browsePopup)) ? _browsePopup : _fileSelW;
NxmWarn_show ( popup, "Please select or input a file name." );
else {
spfw_preCheck ( );
else { /* CANCEL */
XtUnmanageChild ( _browsePopup );
void spfw_sortByCb ( Widget wid, XtPointer client, XtPointer cbs )
* spfw_sortByCb *
* *
* Callback function for the sort by toggles *
* *
* void spfw_sortByCb ( wid, client, cbs ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* wid Widget Widget that activated callback *
* client XtPointer Pointer to client data (GrInfo) *
* cbs XtPointer callback struct *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* J. Wu/GSC 06/01 copy from pgfilw_sortByCb() *
int new_sort;
new_sort = (long) client;
if (new_sort != _sortBy) {
_sortBy = new_sort;
spfw_popdown( );
spfw_popup( _spfilFunc );
void spfw_stimeCb ( Widget wid, XtPointer client, XtPointer cbs )
* spfw_stimeCb *
* *
* Callback function for the save literal time toggles *
* *
* void spfw_sortByCb ( wid, client, cbs ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* wid Widget Widget that activated callback *
* client XtPointer Pointer to client data (GrInfo) *
* cbs XtPointer callback struct *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* C. Bailey/HPC 12/05 Creation *
int new_stime;
new_stime = (long) client;
if (new_stime != _stimeBy) {
_stimeBy = new_stime;
static void spfw_restoreSPF ( void )
* spfw_restoreSPF *
* *
* This function restores the data settings from the SPF file. *
* *
* spfw_restoreSPF ( void ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* Output parameters: *
* Return parameters: *
* NONE *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* J. Wu/GSC 06/01 initial coding *
* J. Wu/GSC 07/01 add actual functionality *
* J. Wu/GSC 07/01 call dataw_clearDataSel() to clear data *
* selections tempaerarily *
* J. Wu/GSC 07/01 move file loading to spfw_confirmCb() *
* J. Wu/SAIC 08/01 call nmp_rdeflts() to reset map/overlay *
int lp, ier;
* Clear all current data settings & set default map/overlay.
nmp_rdeflts( &ier );
for ( lp = 0; lp < MAX_LOOP; lp++ ) {
dataw_clearDataSel( lp );
loop_setDataChngd( lp, TRUE );
* Switch to the first loop and load data settings from SPF file.
dataw_setLoop( 0 );
dataw_loadsp( );
static void spfw_preCheck ( void )
* spfw_preCheck *
* *
* This function gets the file name, checks the file permissions, and *
* confirms the name with the user. *
* *
* void spfw_preCheck( void ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* Output parameters: *
* Return parameters: *
* NONE *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* J. Wu/GSC 06/01 initial coding *
* J. Wu/GSC 07/01 change calling sequence for restoring *
int ipos, ier;
char *ss, fname[FILE_FULLSZ], warning[(FILE_FULLSZ + 80)];
char *fptr;
Boolean readable, writable;
Widget popup;
* Retrieve the file name first.
if ( _spfilFunc == SAVE_SPF ) {
ss = XmTextGetString ( _fileSel_txtW );
strcpy ( _fileName, ss );
if ( strlen( _fileName ) <= (size_t)0 ) {
NxmWarn_show ( _fileSelW, "No file has been specified" );
* Retrieve full file name & append .spf extension if necessary.
strcpy ( fname, _dirPath );
strcat ( fname, _fileName );
cst_srch ( 0, (int)strlen(_fileName), ".spf", _fileName, &ipos, &ier );
if ( ier == -4 ) {
strcat ( fname, ".spf" );
* Get an file name without the initial "./" in it if it is under
* the local directory.
if ( strcmp ( _dirPath, LOCAL_DIR ) == 0 ) {
fptr = strchr ( fname, '/' );
fptr ++;
else {
fptr = &( fname[0] );
* Check file permission before reading/writing and form confirmation.
* message.
spfw_checkPerms ( fname, &readable, &writable );
popup = ( XtIsManaged (_browsePopup) ) ? _browsePopup : _fileSelW;
if ( _spfilFunc == RESTORE_SPF ) {
if ( readable ) {
spfw_confirmCb( popup, 0, NULL );
else {
NxmWarn_show ( popup, "SPF File is not readable" );
else { /* SAVE_SPF */
if ( writable ) {
sprintf ( warning,
"Are you sure you want to save the current settings to SPF file
fptr );
NxmConfirm_show ( popup, warning, spfw_confirmCb,
NULL, NULL, &ier );
else {
NxmWarn_show ( _fileSelW, "No permission to write SPF File" );
static void spfw_saveSPF ( void )
* spfw_saveSPF *
* *
* This function saves the data settings into the SPF file. *
* *
* void spfw_saveSPF ( void ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* Output parameters: *
* Return value: *
* NONE *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* J. Wu/GSC 06/01 initial coding *
* J. Wu/GSC 07/01 add checks to source status & category *
* J. Wu/GSC 07/01 check if there are any active sources *
* & correct source string for GRD/SFF/SNF *
* J. Wu/SAIC 08/01 number sources consectively at saving *
* J. Wu/SAIC 08/01 save off the roam factor *
* J. Wu/SAIC 08/01 save off auto-update & map settings *
* J. Wu/SAIC 08/01 save off map overlay selections *
* J. Wu/SAIC 04/02 save off data source's attributes *
* J. Wu/SAIC 04/02 save off map overlay's attributes *
* J. Wu/SAIC 05/02 save off "single time mode" *
* J. Wu/SAIC 07/03 save off sources' range/interval *
* T. Lee/SAIC 04/04 save off delta_rt *
* T. Lee/SAIC 10/04 save off bin hours for certain data type*
* C. Bailey/HPC 01/06 added save current/latest time option *
int ier, ipos, hlen, ii, jj, srcNum, domInd, catnum;
int noc1, noc2, kk, srcInd, roamFac, autoUpdt;
int ovlnum, ovltyp, lastOvlNum, sel_time;
char full_name[FILE_FULLSZ], ovlsep[] = "|", ovlStr[1024];
char tagStr[32] = "\0", dataStr[200] = "\0", tmp[20] = "\0";
char lpStr[20] = "\0", cycStr[] = "[cycle_time]";
FILE *fptr;
dsrc_t *domSrc, *dataSrc;
Boolean lp_hasImg, ovlflg[MAX_OVL];
nmpstr_t map, proj, garea[2];
nmpovlstr_t ovlnms[MAX_OVL], ovlattr[MAX_OVL];
* If there are no active sources, return; otherwise, save them.
if ( dataw_noActSrc() ) return;
if ( strlen(_fileName) > (size_t)0 ) {
strcpy ( full_name, _dirPath );
strcat ( full_name, _fileName );
* Append .spf extension if necessary.
cst_srch ( 0, (int)strlen(_fileName), ".spf", _fileName, &ipos, &ier );
if ( ier == -4 ) {
strcat (full_name, ".spf");
strcat (_fileName, ".spf");
* Create the SPF file new to wipe out any previous inf.
fptr = spf_create ( full_name, &hlen, &ier );
if ( ier < 0 ) {
NxmWarn_show ( _fileSelW, "Failure to write!" );
* Get map overlay number and names.
nmp_govlnum( &ovlnum, &ier );
nmp_govlnms( ovlnms, &ier );
* Write the selected data sources into the SPF file.
for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_LOOP; ii++ ) {
srcNum = dataw_getNumSrcs( ii );
srcInd = 0;
lp_hasImg = False;
if ( srcNum > 0 ) {
domSrc = dataw_getDomSrc( ii );
sprintf( lpStr, "%s%d%s", "!\n! Loop ", ii+1, "\n!\n" );
cfl_writ( fptr, (int)strlen(lpStr), (unsigned char*)lpStr, &ier
for ( jj = 0; jj < srcNum; jj++ ) {
dataSrc = dataw_getDataSrc( ii, jj );
* If the source status is on, write it to SPF file.
if ( dataSrc->src_on ) {
if ( dataSrc == domSrc ) {
domInd = srcInd;
if ( dataSrc->catg == CAT_IMG &&
( strstr( dataSrc->path, "SAT") != NULL ||
strstr( dataSrc->path, "RAD") != NULL ) ) {
lp_hasImg = True;
sprintf( tagStr, "%s%d%s%d", "loop", ii+1,
"_source", srcInd );
catnum = dataSrc->catg;
ctb_dcatitos( &catnum, dataStr, &ier );
strcat( dataStr, "|" );
strcat( dataStr, dataSrc->path );
if ( _stimeBy ) {
* If the data category is GRID or surface
* replace the date string with the string
* "[cycle_time]".
if ( catnum == CAT_GRD || catnum == CAT_SFF ||
catnum == CAT_SNF ) {
cst_nocc ( dataStr, '/', 2, 0, &noc1, &ier );
cst_nocc ( dataStr, '/', 3, 0, &noc2, &ier );
for ( kk = noc1+1; kk < noc2; kk++ )
tmp[ kk-noc1-1 ] = dataStr[ kk ];
tmp[ noc2-noc1-1 ] = '\0';
cst_rpst( dataStr, tmp, cycStr, dataStr, &ier );
spf_write( fptr, tagStr, dataStr, &ier );
* Write out the source's timeline range & interval.
sprintf( tagStr, "%s%d%s%d%s", "loop", ii+1,
"_source", srcInd,
sprintf( dataStr, "%d", dataSrc->interval );
spf_write( fptr, tagStr, dataStr, &ier );
sprintf( tagStr, "%s%d%s%d%s", "loop", ii+1,
"_source", srcInd,
sprintf( dataStr, "%d", dataSrc->range );
spf_write( fptr, tagStr, dataStr, &ier );
* Write out bin hours for certain data categories.
if ( catnum == CAT_SFC || catnum == CAT_SFF ||
catnum == CAT_SND || catnum == CAT_SNF ) {
sprintf ( tagStr, "%s%d%s%d%s", "loop", ii+1,
"_source", srcInd,
"_timbin" );
ctb_dhrsitos ( &dataSrc->ionoff, &dataSrc->bfhr,
&dataSrc->afhr, dataStr, &ier );
spf_write ( fptr, tagStr, dataStr, &ier );
* Write out the source's attributes.
spfw_saveSrcAttr ( dataSrc, fptr, ii, srcInd );
} /* end of srcNum loop */
* Write out dominant source index, frame number & skip factor.
sprintf( tagStr, "%s%d%s", "loop", ii+1, "_dominant" );
sprintf( dataStr, "%d", domInd );
spf_write( fptr, tagStr, dataStr, &ier );
sprintf( tagStr, "%s%d%s", "loop", ii+1, "_frames" );
sprintf( dataStr, "%d", domSrc->num_sel );
spf_write( fptr, tagStr, dataStr, &ier );
sprintf( tagStr, "%s%d%s", "loop", ii+1, "_skip" );
sprintf( dataStr, "%d", domSrc->skip );
spf_write( fptr, tagStr, dataStr, &ier );
sprintf( tagStr, "%s%d%s", "loop", ii+1, "_delta_rt");
sprintf( dataStr, "%d", domSrc->delta_rt );
spf_write( fptr, tagStr, dataStr, &ier );
* Save off the roam factor.
roamFac = dataw_getRoamVal( ii );
if ( roamFac < 0 || ( !lp_hasImg &&
roamFac == SIZE_OF_IMAGE ) ) {
roamFac = 0;
sprintf( tagStr, "%s%d%s", "loop", ii+1, "_roam" );
sprintf( dataStr, "%d", roamFac );
spf_write( fptr, tagStr, dataStr, &ier );
* Save off the auto-update state.
autoUpdt = TRUE;
if ( !loop_getAutoUpdt( ii ) ) autoUpdt = FALSE;
sprintf( tagStr, "%s%d%s", "loop", ii+1, "_auto_update" );
sprintf( dataStr, "%d", autoUpdt );
spf_write( fptr, tagStr, dataStr, &ier );
* Save off the map settings.
nmp_gmapattr( ii, map, proj, garea, &ier );
if ( ier == 0 ) {
sprintf( tagStr, "%s%d%s", "loop", ii+1, "_map" );
sprintf( dataStr, "%s", map );
spf_write( fptr, tagStr, dataStr, &ier );
sprintf( tagStr, "%s%d%s", "loop", ii+1, "_proj" );
sprintf( dataStr, "%s", proj );
spf_write( fptr, tagStr, dataStr, &ier );
sprintf( tagStr, "%s%d%s", "loop", ii+1, "_garea" );
sprintf( dataStr, "%s|%s", garea[0], garea[1] );
spf_write( fptr, tagStr, dataStr, &ier );
* Save off the map overlay settings.
nmp_govlflg( ii, ovlflg, &ier );
if ( ier == 0 ) {
sprintf( tagStr, "%s%d%s", "loop", ii+1, "_map_ovl" );
ovlStr[0] = '\0';
lastOvlNum = 0;
for ( kk = 0; kk < ovlnum; kk++ ) {
if ( ovlflg[kk] ) lastOvlNum = kk;
for ( kk = 0; kk <= lastOvlNum; kk++ ) {
if ( ovlflg[kk] ) {
nmp_govlattr ( kk, ii, &ovltyp, ovlattr[kk], &ier );
strcat( ovlStr, ovlnms[kk] );
strcat( ovlStr, ":" );
strcat( ovlStr, ovlattr[kk] );
strcat( ovlStr, ovlsep );
if ( kk != lastOvlNum ) {
strcat( ovlStr, "\n\t\t\t\t" );
spf_write( fptr, tagStr, ovlStr, &ier );
} /* End of saving overlay attribute */
* Save off the single time mode if the dominant source
* is GRD.
sprintf( tagStr, "%s%d%s", "loop", ii+1, "_single_time" );
strcpy( dataStr, "0" );
if ( domSrc->catg == CAT_GRD && loop_getTmMode(ii) ) {
sel_time = 1;
for ( kk = 0; kk < MAX_FRAME; kk++ ) {
if ( domSrc->frm[kk].selected ) {
sel_time = kk+1;
sprintf( dataStr, "1|%d", sel_time );
spf_write( fptr, tagStr, dataStr, &ier );
} /* end of loop-has-source: srcNum > 0 */
} /* end of MAX_LOOP loop */
spf_close( fptr, &ier );
static void spfw_managePanes ( int popup_type )
* spfw_managePanes *
* *
* This function manages the appropiate children of the main pane *
* widget based on popup_type. *
* *
* void spfw_managePanes ( popup_type ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* popup_type int decides which children to use *
* 1 - SAVE_POPUP *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* NONE *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* J. Wu/GSC 06/01 copy from pgfilw_managePanes() *
* C. Bailey/HPC 12/05 add _stimePaneW to SAVE_POPUP *
spfw_unmanagePanes ();
switch ( popup_type ) {
XtManageChild (_sortPaneW);
XtManageChild (_selectPaneW);
XtManageChild (_browseBtnPane);
XtManageChild (_bottomPaneW);
XtManageChild (_sortPaneW);
XtManageChild (_selectPaneW);
XtManageChild (_inputPaneW);
XtManageChild (_browseBtnPane);
XtManageChild (_stimePaneW);
XtManageChild (_bottomPaneW);
static void spfw_unmanagePanes ( void )
* spfw_unmanagePanes *
* *
* This function unmanages all the children of the main pane widget. *
* *
* void spfw_unmanagePanes ( void ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* Output parameters: *
* NONE *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* J. Wu/GSC 06/01 copy from pgfilw_unmanagePanes() *
* C. Bailey/HPC 12/05 added stimePaneW *
if ( XtIsManaged (_sortPaneW) ) {
XtUnmanageChild (_sortPaneW);
if ( XtIsManaged (_selectPaneW) ) {
XtUnmanageChild (_selectPaneW);
if ( XtIsManaged (_inputPaneW) ) {
XtUnmanageChild (_inputPaneW);
if ( XtIsManaged (_browseBtnPane) ) {
XtUnmanageChild (_browseBtnPane);
if ( XtIsManaged (_bottomPaneW) ) {
XtUnmanageChild (_bottomPaneW);
if ( XtIsManaged (_stimePaneW) ) {
XtUnmanageChild (_stimePaneW);
static void spfw_setFileList ( void )
* spfw_setFileList *
* *
* This function sets up the list of files for the slected path. *
* *
* void spfw_setFileList () *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* Output parameters: *
* NONE *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* J. Wu/GSC 06/01 copy from pgfilw_setFileList() *
int ii, nf;
char fn_list[MAX_FILES][FILE_NAMESZ];
XmString xmstr;
XmStringTable xmfils;
* Wipe the list of .spf filenames
* Get list of file names in the directory & write to the fn_list
nf = cfl_gfil (_sortBy, MAX_FILES, _dirPath, ".spf", fn_list);
if ( nf > 0 ) {
xmfils = (XmStringTable)XtMalloc((size_t)nf*sizeof(XmString *));
for ( ii = 0; ii < nf; ii++ ) {
xmfils[ii] = XmStringCreateLocalized( fn_list[ii]);
XmNitems, xmfils,
XmNitemCount, nf,
for ( ii = 0; ii < nf; ii++ ) {
* hi-light the selected item if applicable
xmstr = XmStringCreateLocalized (_fileName);
XmListSelectItem (_fileSel_listW, xmstr, FALSE);
XmListSetBottomItem (_fileSel_listW, xmstr);
XmStringFree (xmstr);
void spfw_btmCtlBtnCb ( Widget wid, int which, XtPointer call )
* spfw_btmCtlBtnCb *
* *
* Callback function for the bottom control buttons on the file *
* selection popup window. *
* *
* void spfw_btmCtlBtnCb ( wid, which, call ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* wid Widget Widget that activated callback *
* which int which button *
* call XtPointer not used *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* Return parameters: *
* NONE *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* J. Wu/GSC 06/01 initial coding *
switch ( which ) {
case 0: /* OK */
case 1: /* CANCEL */
spfw_popdown( );
static void spfw_checkPerms ( char *cfile, Boolean *can_read, Boolean
*can_write )
* spfw_checkPerms *
* *
* This function checks the permissions on the passed in file to see if *
* the user has read and write permission. If the file is not found, *
* can_read is FALSE, and the write permission of the directory is *
* checked. If the directory is not found, can_write is FALSE. Due to *
* policy, the user is only allowed to write in a directory owned by *
* user. *
* *
* void spfw_checkPerms (cfile, can_read, can_write) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* *cfile char filename to be checked *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* *can_read Boolean read permission result *
* *can_write Boolean write permission result *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* J. Wu/GSC 06/01 copy from pgfilw_checkPerms() *
static Boolean need_ids = TRUE;
Boolean subdir;
static uid_t uid;
static gid_t gid;
struct stat fstat;
char cpath[LLPATH], *cptr;
int cnt, ii;
* Count the number of '/' found in the cfile string.
* 1 = just a file name, >1 = a subdirectory and file name.
cnt = 0;
for (ii=(int)strlen(cfile); ii>=0; ii--) {
if (cfile[ii] == '/') cnt++;
subdir = (Boolean)((cnt > 1) ? TRUE : FALSE);
if (need_ids) {
uid = getuid ();
gid = getgid ();
need_ids = FALSE;
*can_read = *can_write = FALSE;
* If the file can be found, check the read and write permissions.
if (stat (cfile, &fstat) == 0) {
* Check read permissions (other, then group, then user).
if (fstat.st_mode & S_IROTH ||
(gid == fstat.st_gid && (fstat.st_mode & S_IRGRP)) ||
(uid == fstat.st_uid && (fstat.st_mode & S_IRUSR)))
*can_read = TRUE;
* Check write permission (other, then group, then user).
if (fstat.st_mode & S_IWOTH ||
(gid == fstat.st_gid && (fstat.st_mode & S_IWGRP)) ||
(uid == fstat.st_uid && (fstat.st_mode & S_IWUSR)))
*can_write = TRUE;
else {
* If the cfile was determined to contain a subdirectory then
* pull file name off and test for write permission on the target
* directory.
if ( subdir ) {
strcpy (cpath, cfile);
* locate the last '/' marking the end of the directory string
* and terminate the path there (this removes the file name).
cptr = strrchr (cpath, '/');
if (cptr != NULL) {
*cptr = '\0';
else {
* If no subdirectory, use _dirPath for the expanded path.
strcpy (cpath, _dirPath);
* If the directory can be found, check the write permissions.
if (stat (cpath, &fstat) == 0) {
* Check write permission (other, then group, then user).
if (fstat.st_mode & S_IWOTH ||
(gid == fstat.st_gid && (fstat.st_mode & S_IWGRP)) ||
(uid == fstat.st_uid && (fstat.st_mode & S_IWUSR))) {
*can_write = TRUE;
static void spfw_readUsrTbl ( char *tblname, spfutbl_t *spfutbl, int *iret )
* spfw_readUsrTbl *
* *
* This routine will read SPF user table and create the data structure *
* to store the information. *
* *
* void spfw_readUsrTbl( tblname, spfutbl, iret) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* *tblname char table name *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* *spfutbl spfutbl_t pointer to spf user table struct*
* *iret int 0 - success *
* *
* Return code: *
* NONE *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* J. Wu/GSC 06/01 revise from vtbl_readUsrTbl() *
int num, ier;
char buffer[256], title[60], path[256], cwd[256], format[256];
char dum1[256], dum2[256], dum3[256];
size_t ii, nn;
FILE *fp;
*iret = G_NORMAL;
strcpy ( format, "%s %s" );
fp = cfl_tbop (tblname, "nmap", &ier);
nn = 0;
if (fp && ier == 0) {
while (!feof(fp)) {
* read a record
cfl_trln (fp, 256, buffer, &ier);
if ( ier == 0 ) {
if ( nn == (size_t)0 ) {
num = sscanf ( buffer, "%s %s %s", dum1, dum2, dum3 );
if ( num == 3 ) {
strcpy ( format, "%s %*s %s" );
* allocate one additional item in case the current user
* has to be added in
spfutbl->nitems = (int)nn;
spfutbl->items = (spfusr_ent_t *) malloc ((nn+1) *sizeof (spfusr_ent_t));
if (nn > (size_t)0) {
ii = 0;
while ( ii < nn ) {
cfl_trln( fp, 256, buffer, &ier );
if (ier == 0) {
sscanf(buffer, format, title, path);
spfutbl->items[ii].title = (char *) malloc (strlen (title) + 1);
strcpy( spfutbl->items[ii].title, title );
spfutbl->items[ii].usrpath = (char *) malloc (strlen(path) + 1);
strcpy( spfutbl->items[ii].usrpath, path );
if (fp) fclose(fp);
* set default user
getcwd (cwd, sizeof (cwd));
ii = (size_t)spfutbl->nitems;
spfutbl->items[ii].title = (char *) malloc (strlen (CWD_TITLE) + 1);
strcpy (spfutbl->items[ii].title, CWD_TITLE);
spfutbl->items[ii].usrpath = (char *) malloc(strlen(cwd) + 1);
strcpy ( spfutbl->items[ii].usrpath, cwd );
nn = (size_t)cfl_gfil (0, MAX_FILES, cwd, SPF_FILE_EXT, NULL);
void spfw_getFileName ( char *file_name )
* spfw_getFileName *
* *
* This function gets the file name, including the full path of the file*
* *
* void spfw_getFileName ( file_name ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* None *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* *file_name char full name of the selected SPF file *
** *
* Log: *
* J. Wu/GSC 07/01 initial coding *
int ipos, ier;
if ( _fileName == "\0" ) {
file_name[0] = '\0';
else {
strcpy (file_name, _dirPath);
strcat (file_name, _fileName);
* Append .spf extension if necessary.
cst_srch ( 0, (int)strlen(_fileName), ".spf", _fileName, &ipos, &ier );
if ( ier == -4 ) {
strcat ( file_name, ".spf" );
void spfw_createConf ( Widget parent )
* spfw_createConf *
* *
* This function creates the restore confirmation popup window. *
* *
* void spfw_createConf( parent ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* parent Widget parent widget *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* None *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* J. Wu/GSC 07/01 initial coding *
* J. Wu/GSC 07/01 allow horizontal scrolling *
* T. Piper/SAIC 11/01 freed ctl_btns *
* T. Piper/SAIC 10/05 declared ii & nn long *
Arg args[10];
long ii, nn;
Cardinal kk;
Widget pane, form, ctl_form;
WidgetList ctl_btns;
char spftext[] = "\0", lblStr[] = "\0";
char *ctl_btnstr[] = { "OK", "Cancel" };
* create dialog shell
_restoreConfW = XmCreateFormDialog( parent, "rstconf_popup",
NULL, 0);
XtVaSetValues( _restoreConfW,
XmNnoResize, True,
XtVaSetValues( XtParent( _restoreConfW ),
XmNtitle, "Restore Confirmation",
* create a parent pane widget
pane = XtVaCreateWidget("resConf_pane",
xmPanedWindowWidgetClass, _restoreConfW,
XmNsashWidth, 1,
XmNsashHeight, 1,
* create a scrolled text in a form to list SPF file content
form = XtVaCreateWidget("form",
xmFormWidgetClass, pane,
kk = 0;
XtSetArg(args[kk], XmNrows, 10); kk++;
XtSetArg(args[kk], XmNcolumns, 48); kk++;
XtSetArg(args[kk], XmNeditable, False); kk++;
XtSetArg(args[kk], XmNscrollVertical, True); kk++;
XtSetArg(args[kk], XmNscrollHorizontal, True); kk++;
XtSetArg(args[kk], XmNcursorPositionVisible, False); kk++;
XtSetArg(args[kk], XmNeditMode, XmMULTI_LINE_EDIT); kk++;
XtSetArg(args[kk], XmNvalue, spftext); kk++;
_rstContentW = (Widget)XmCreateScrolledText( form,
"rstConf_text", args, kk );
XtManageChild( _rstContentW );
XtManageChild( form );
* Create confirm label & buttons contained in a form
nn = XtNumber( ctl_btnstr );
ctl_form = (Widget)XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("_confCtlForm",
xmFormWidgetClass, pane,
XmNfractionBase, 3*nn+1,
_rstConfLblW = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(lblStr,
xmLabelWidgetClass, ctl_form,
XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
XmNtopOffset, 5,
XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
ctl_btns = (WidgetList) XtMalloc(nn * sizeof(Widget));
for ( ii = 0; ii < nn; ii++) {
ctl_btns[ii] = XtVaCreateManagedWidget(ctl_btnstr[ii],
xmPushButtonWidgetClass, ctl_form,
XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_WIDGET,
XmNtopWidget, _rstConfLblW,
XmNtopOffset, 5,
XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_POSITION,
XmNleftPosition, 3*ii+1,
XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_POSITION,
XmNrightPosition, 3*ii+3,
XtAddCallback(ctl_btns[ii], XmNactivateCallback,
spfw_rstConfCb, (XtPointer)ii);
XtManageChild( pane );
void spfw_popupConf ( void )
* spfw_popupConf *
* *
* This function pops up the SPF restore confirmation window *
* *
* void spfw_popupConf ( void ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* Output parameters: *
* Return parameters: *
* NONE *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* J. Wu/GSC 07/01 initial coding *
XtManageChild( _restoreConfW );
void spfw_popdownConf ( void )
* spfw_popdownConf *
* *
* This function puts the restore confirmation down. *
* *
* void spfw_popdownConf ( ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* Output parameters: *
* Return parameters: *
* NONE *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* J. Wu/GSC 07/01 initial coding *
if (XtIsManaged (_restoreConfW)) {
XtUnmanageChild (_restoreConfW);
void spfw_rstConfCb ( Widget wid, XtPointer client, XtPointer call )
* spfw_rstConfCb *
* *
* Callback function for the restore confirmation window. *
* *
* void spfw_rstConfCb (wid, client, call ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* wid Widget Widget that activated callback *
* client XtPointer Pointer to client data *
* call XtPointer callback struct *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* J. Wu/GSC 07/01 initial coding *
int which;
which = (long)client;
spfw_popdownConf ();
if ( which == 0 ) {
spfw_popdown ();
spfw_restoreSPF ();
void spfw_getSource ( int lp, int src, int *catn, char *srcstr, int *iret )
* spfw_getSource *
* *
* This function gets a specified source for a given loop. *
* *
* void spfw_getSource ( lp, src, catn, srcstr, iret ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* lp int Loop number *
* src int Source number *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* *catn int Data category number *
* *srcstr char source string with full path *
* *iret int Return code *
* 0 - Normal *
* -1 - Source doesn't exist in SPF file*
* -2 - Source is not available *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* J. Wu/GSC 07/01 initial coding *
* J. Wu/GSC 07/01 validate the existence of data src *
* J. Wu/SAIC 08/01 Update error message *
* J. Wu/SAIC 08/01 Move error report to spfw_formatConf *
int ier, catgNum, ii, noc, noc1, noc2, len, nn;
char tagStr[32], dataStr[200];
char grdStr[16], moslst[1024];
char catgStr[8], pathStr[256];
char cycTimStr[12], cycStr[] = "[cycle_time]";
*iret = G_NORMAL;
* Get data string for "loopX_sourceY"
sprintf( tagStr, "%s%d%s%d", "loop", lp+1, "_source", src+1);
spf_gtfld ( tagStr, dataStr, &ier );
* If no data is present, quit.
if ( ier != 0 ) {
*catn = 0;
srcstr[0] = '\0';
*iret = -1;
/* If data was found, parse and set data source. For catogories
* GRD/SFF/SNF, replace the "[cycle_time]" with the latest time.
cst_nocc ( dataStr, '|', 1, 0, &noc, &ier );
cst_ncpy ( catgStr, dataStr, noc, &ier );
ctb_dcatstoi( catgStr, &catgNum, &ier );
if ( catgNum == CAT_GRD || catgNum == CAT_SFF ||
catgNum == CAT_SNF ) {
cst_nocc ( dataStr, '/', 1, 0, &noc1, &ier );
cst_nocc ( dataStr, '/', 2, 0, &noc2, &ier );
for ( ii = noc1+1; ii < noc2; ii++ ) {
grdStr[ ii-noc1-1 ] = dataStr[ ii ];
grdStr[ noc2-noc1-1 ] = '\0';
* Find the latest time string "YYMMDD/HHMM".
len = sizeof( moslst );
gd_gcyc ( grdStr, ";", &nn, moslst, &ier, strlen(grdStr), 1, len );
moslst[len - 1] = '\0';
cst_rmbl ( moslst, moslst, &len, &ier);
nn = 1;
ier = noc1 = noc2 = 0;
while ( ier == 0 ) {
noc2 = noc1;
cst_nocc ( moslst, ';', nn, 0, &noc1, &ier );
if ( noc2 == 0 ) noc2 = -1; /* Only one time frame */
if ( isdigit( (int)moslst[noc2+1] ) &&
(int)strlen( moslst ) >= (noc2 + 12) ) {
for ( ii = noc2 + 1; ii < noc2 + 12; ii++ ) {
cycTimStr[ii - noc2 - 1] = moslst [ii];
cycTimStr[11] = '\0';
cst_rpst ( cycTimStr, "/", "_", cycTimStr, &ier );
cst_rpst( dataStr, cycStr, cycTimStr, dataStr, &ier );
else {
*iret = -2;
for ( ii = noc+1; ii < (int)strlen(dataStr); ii++ ) {
pathStr[ ii-noc-1 ] = dataStr[ ii ];
pathStr[ii-noc-1] = '\0';
* Check if the source is physically valid.
if ( !dslw_validSrc( catgNum, pathStr ) ) {
*iret = -2;
*catn = catgNum;
strcpy( srcstr, pathStr );
Boolean spfw_isUp ( void )
* spfw_isUp *
* *
* This function returns true if the spf window is currently managed. *
* *
* Boolean spfw_isUp( void ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* Output parameters: *
* none *
* *
* Return: *
* spfw_isUp Boolean True if spf window is managed *
** *
* Log: *
* E. Safford/SAIC 11/01 initial coding *
return ( XtIsManaged(_fileSelW) );
void spfw_formatConf ( long flen, char *spftext, char *filstr, int *iret )
* spfw_formatConf *
* *
* This function formats the content of an SPF file into a string to be *
* displayed in the restore confirmation window. *
* *
* void spfw_formatConf( flen, spftext, filstr, iret ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* flen long Length of spftext *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* *spftext char Formated string from SPF file *
* *filstr char Formated string containing file name *
* *iret int Return code *
* 1 - No data sources in the SPF file *
* 0 - Normal *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* J. Wu/GSC 07/01 initial coding *
* J. Wu/GSC 07/01 validate dom. src *
* J. Wu/SAIC 08/01 report invalid sources *
* R. Tian/SAIC 01/02 fixed bug when loading large SPF file *
int lp, src, ier, catgNum, dom, ierr;
char tagStr[32], dataStr[256];
char pathStr[256], spfil[FILE_NAMESZ], errStr[256];
char tmpStr1[10], *tmpStr2 = NULL, *lpStr = NULL;
char tabStr[] = " ", domStr[] = " x ";
Boolean lp_hasSrc, lp_hasDom, src_exist;
*iret = G_NORMAL;
src_exist = FALSE;
* Format the "filstr" and the header for "spftext".
if ( strcmp (_dirPath, LOCAL_DIR ) == 0 ) {
strcpy( spfil, _fileName );
else {
spfw_getFileName( spfil );
strcpy( spftext, _fileName );
strcat( spftext, " contents (x = dominant source):\n" );
strcpy( filstr, "Are you sure you want to restore the settings ");
strcat( filstr, "from SPF file\n");
strcat( filstr, spfil );
strcat( filstr, "?\n" );
* Allocate the temp char array based on the actual SPF file size
if( !(tmpStr2 = XtMalloc((Cardinal)flen)) || !(lpStr =
XtMalloc((Cardinal)flen)) ) {
XtFree(tmpStr2); XtFree(lpStr);
*iret = 1;
lpStr[0] = '\0';
* Find data settings in the SPF file.
for ( lp = 0; lp < MAX_LOOP; lp++ ) {
lp_hasSrc = FALSE;
lp_hasDom = FALSE;
sprintf( tagStr, "%s%d%s", "loop", lp+1, "_dominant" );
spf_gtfld ( tagStr, dataStr, &ier );
dom = atoi(dataStr);
* Validate the dominant source first.
if ( dom > 0 ) {
spfw_getSource( lp, dom-1, &catgNum, pathStr, &ier );
if ( ier == 0 ) lp_hasDom = TRUE;
sprintf( tmpStr1, "\n %s %d\n", "Loop", lp+1 );
strcpy( tmpStr2, "\0" );
for ( src = 0; src < MAX_FRMSRC; src++ ) {
spfw_getSource( lp, src, &catgNum, pathStr, &ier );
if ( ier == 0 ) {
if ( !lp_hasDom ) dom = src + 1;
if ( !src_exist ) src_exist = TRUE;
lp_hasSrc = TRUE;
lp_hasDom = TRUE;
if ( (src + 1) == dom ) {
strcat( tmpStr2, domStr );
else {
strcat( tmpStr2, tabStr );
strcat( tmpStr2, pathStr );
strcat( tmpStr2, "\n" );
else {
if ( ier == -2 ) { /* Report invalid sources */
ierr = -8;
sprintf( errStr, "%s%d%s", " Loop ", lp+1, ": ");
strcat( errStr, pathStr );
er_wmsg ( "SPF", &ierr, errStr, &ier, 3, strlen(errStr) );
NxmErr_update( );
* If any sources were found in a loop, format it.
if ( lp_hasSrc ) {
strcat( lpStr, tmpStr1 );
strcat( lpStr, tmpStr2 );
* If sources exist, add to source string.
if ( src_exist ) {
strcat( spftext, lpStr );
else {
*iret = 1;
* Do not forget to free memory
XtFree(tmpStr2); XtFree(lpStr);
static void spfw_saveSrcAttr ( dsrc_t *datasrc, FILE *fptr, int lp,
int srcnum )
* spfw_saveSrcAttr *
* *
* This function writes a data source's attribute settings to a file. *
* *
* static void spfw_saveSrcAttr ( datasrc, fptr, lp, srcnum ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* *datasrc dsrc_t Pointer to a data source *
* *fptr FILE Pointer to an SPF file *
* lp int Loop number *
* srcnum int Source seq. number in a loop *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* none *
* *
* Return: *
** *
* Log: *
* J. Wu/SAIC 04/02 initial coding *
* J. Wu/SAIC 05/02 break attr. str. to multiple lines *
* H. Zeng/EAI 10/02 added CAT_IMG into switch construct *
* R. Tian/SAIC 03/03 added CAT_SNF in dataw_getStnmName call *
* M. Li/SAIC 04/03 Added the second colors for MISC *
* S. Jacobs/NCEP 6/03 Increased size of flgStr from 64 to 256 *
* F. J. Yen/NCEP 6/04 Added test for change in types[ii].arrw.*
* ityp. Fixed test for arrw.hdsz (-9999).*
* T. Lee/SAIC 9/04 added bin hours to calling sequences *
* m.gamazaychikov/SAIC 12/04 add dionoff flag to ctb_dtget CS *
int isbcat, isub, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, dionoff;
int ntype, nflag, ii, ier;
int attr_save[4] = { -1, -1, -1, -1 };
char parm[123], colors[123], vcoord[73], filnam[81];
char level[73], text[40], filter[10], alias[81], cycle[123];
char typestr[20], d1[256], d2[256];
char imtype[81], iminfo[81], imlutf[81];
char tagStr[32], attrStr[512], tmpStr[32], newtagStr[32];
char typStr[512], linStr[512], sym1Str[512], sym2Str[512];
char arrwStr[512], flgStr[256], fmtStr[] = "\n\t\t\t\t";
char fmt1[] =
fmt2[] = "%s|\n\t\t\t\t%s|\n\t\t\t\t%s|\n\t\t\t\t%s";
NMS_types types[20];
NMS_flags flags[20];
tagStr[0] = '\0';
attrStr[0] = '\0';
typStr[0] = '\0';
linStr[0] = '\0';
sym1Str[0] = '\0';
sym2Str[0] = '\0';
arrwStr[0] = '\0';
flgStr[0] = '\0';
sprintf( tagStr, "%s%d%s%d%s", "loop", lp+1, "_source", srcnum, "_attr" );
switch ( datasrc->catg ) {
case CAT_IMG:
sprintf( tagStr, "%s%d%s%d%s", "loop", lp+1, "_source", srcnum,
"_lut" );
nim_qatt (datasrc->attridx, imtype, iminfo, imlutf, &ier);
spf_write( fptr, tagStr, imlutf, &ier );
case CAT_SFC:
case CAT_SFF:
case CAT_SND:
case CAT_SNF:
dataw_getStnmName ( datasrc->path,
(Boolean)(datasrc->catg == CAT_SFF || datasrc->catg ==
typestr, alias );
ctb_dtget ( typestr, d1, d2, &d3, &isub, &d4, &d5, &d6,
&dionoff, &d7, &d8, &ier );
if ( isub == SCAT_SND || isub == SCAT_SNF ) {
nsn_qatt ( datasrc->attridx, alias, &isbcat, cycle, parm,
colors, level, vcoord, filter, text, &ier);
sprintf( attrStr, fmt1,
parm, colors, level, vcoord, filter, text );
else {
nsf_qatt ( datasrc->attridx, alias, &isbcat, cycle, parm,
colors, filter, text, &ier);
sprintf( attrStr, fmt2, parm, colors, filter, text );
spf_write( fptr, tagStr, attrStr, &ier );
case CAT_VGF:
case CAT_MSC:
nms_qatt ( datasrc->attridx, alias, &isbcat, filnam,
&ntype, types, &nflag, flags, &ier );
sprintf( attrStr, "%s|%d|%d", filnam, ntype, nflag );
spf_write( fptr, tagStr, attrStr, &ier );
* Save the basic NMS_types attribute.
strcpy ( newtagStr, tagStr );
strcat ( newtagStr, "_type" );
for ( ii = 0; ii < ntype; ii++ ) {
sprintf ( tmpStr, "%d|%d|%d|%.2f|",
types[ii].value );
if ( ii < (ntype - 1) ) strcat ( tmpStr, fmtStr );
strcat ( typStr, tmpStr );
spf_write( fptr, newtagStr, typStr, &ier );
* Check if the line/symb/arrw attr. have been changed.
for ( ii = 0; ii < ntype; ii++ ) {
if ( types[ii].line.size >= 0.0F ||
types[ii].line.iwid >= 0 ) {
attr_save[0] = ii;
if ( types[ii].symb[0].code >= 0.0F ||
types[ii].symb[0].size >= 0.0F ||
types[ii].symb[0].iwid >= 0 ) {
attr_save[1] = ii;
if ( types[ii].symb[1].code >= 0.0F ||
types[ii].symb[1].size >= 0.0F ||
types[ii].symb[1].iwid >= 0 ) {
attr_save[2] = ii;
if ( types[ii].arrw.size >= 0.0F ||
types[ii].arrw.hdsz != -1.0F ||
types[ii].arrw.iwid >= 0 ||
types[ii].arrw.ityp >= 0 ) {
attr_save[3] = ii;
* Save the line/symb/arrw attr. if necessary.
if ( attr_save[0] >= 0 ) {
strcpy ( newtagStr, tagStr );
strcat ( newtagStr, "_line" );
for ( ii = 0; ii <= attr_save[0]; ii++ ) {
sprintf ( tmpStr, "%.2f|%d|",
types[ii].line.iwid );
if ( ii < attr_save[0] ) strcat ( tmpStr, fmtStr );
strcat ( linStr, tmpStr );
spf_write( fptr, newtagStr, "!", &ier );
spf_write( fptr, newtagStr, linStr, &ier );
if ( attr_save[1] >= 0 ) {
strcpy ( newtagStr, tagStr );
strcat ( newtagStr, "_sym1" );
for ( ii = 0; ii <= attr_save[1]; ii++ ) {
sprintf ( tmpStr, "%.2f|%.2f|%d|",
types[ii].symb[0].iwid );
if ( ii < attr_save[1] ) strcat ( tmpStr, fmtStr );
strcat ( sym1Str, tmpStr );
spf_write( fptr, newtagStr, "!", &ier );
spf_write( fptr, newtagStr, sym1Str, &ier );
if ( attr_save[2] >= 0 ) {
strcpy ( newtagStr, tagStr );
strcat ( newtagStr, "_sym2" );
for ( ii = 0; ii <= attr_save[2]; ii++ ) {
sprintf ( tmpStr, "%.2f|%.2f|%d|",
types[ii].symb[1].iwid );
if ( ii < attr_save[2] ) strcat ( tmpStr, fmtStr );
strcat ( sym2Str, tmpStr );
spf_write( fptr, newtagStr, "!", &ier );
spf_write( fptr, newtagStr, sym2Str, &ier );
if ( attr_save[3] >= 0 ) {
strcpy ( newtagStr, tagStr );
strcat ( newtagStr, "_arrw" );
for ( ii = 0; ii <= attr_save[3]; ii++ ) {
sprintf ( tmpStr, "%.2f|%.2f|%d|%d|",
types[ii].arrw.ityp );
if ( ii < attr_save[3] ) strcat ( tmpStr, fmtStr );
strcat ( arrwStr, tmpStr );
spf_write( fptr, newtagStr, "!", &ier );
spf_write( fptr, newtagStr, arrwStr, &ier );
* Save the flag attribute.
strcpy ( newtagStr, tagStr );
strcat ( newtagStr, "_flag" );
for ( ii = 0; ii < nflag; ii++ ) {
sprintf ( tmpStr, "%d|", flags[ii].iflg );
if ( ii < ( nflag -1 ) ) strcat ( tmpStr, fmtStr );
strcat ( flgStr, tmpStr );
spf_write( fptr, newtagStr, "!", &ier );
spf_write( fptr, newtagStr, flgStr, &ier );
spf_write( fptr, newtagStr, "!", &ier );
spf_write( fptr, newtagStr, "!", &ier );
} /* end of switch */
void spfw_getRangeIntv ( int lp, int src, int *rng, int *intv, int *drt,
int *iret )
* spfw_getRangeIntv *
* *
* This function gets a specified source's timeline range/interval and *
* delta reference time. *
* *
* void spfw_getRangeIntv ( lp, src, rng, intv, drt, iret ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* lp int Loop number *
* src int Source seq. number in a loop *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* *rng int Source's timeline range *
* *intv int Source's timeline interval *
* *drt int Source's delta reference time *
* *iret int Return code *
* 0 - Normal *
** *
* Log: *
* J. Wu/SAIC 07/03 initial coding *
* T. Lee/SAIC 04/04 added drt to calling seq. *
int range, interval, delrt, ier;
char tagStr[32], dataStr[200];
*iret = G_NORMAL;
*rng = -1;
*intv = -1;
*drt = -1;
* Retrieve range/interval values saved in the SP file.
sprintf( tagStr, "%s%d%s%d%s", "loop", lp+1,
"_source", src, "_interval" );
spf_gtfld ( tagStr, dataStr, &ier );
interval = atoi ( dataStr );
if ( interval > 0 ) *intv = interval;
sprintf( tagStr, "%s%d%s%d%s", "loop", lp+1,
"_source", src, "_range" );
spf_gtfld ( tagStr, dataStr, &ier );
range = atoi ( dataStr );
if ( range > 0 ) *rng = range;
sprintf( tagStr, "%s%d%s", "loop", lp+1,
"_delta_rt" );
spf_gtfld ( tagStr, dataStr, &ier );
delrt = atoi ( dataStr );
if ( delrt > 0 ) *drt = delrt;
void spfw_getTmBin ( int lp, int src, int *ionoff, int *ibfr,
int *iaftr, int *iret )
* spfw_getTmBin *
* *
* This function gets a specified source's bin hours *
* *
* void spfw_getTmBin ( lp, src, ionoff, ibfr, iaftr, iret ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* lp int Loop number *
* src int Source seq. number in a loop *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* *ionoff int Binning on/off flag *
* *ibfr int Source's bin hrs before current time *
* *iaftr int Source's bin hrs after current time *
* *iret int Return code *
* 0 - Normal *
** *
* Log: *
* T. Lee/SAIC 10/04 *
* T. Piper/SAIC 01/05 Added ionoff parameter *
* A. Hardy/NCEP 02/05 changed check for neg. ibfr *
int ier;
char tagStr[32], dataStr[200];
*ionoff = 0;
*iret = G_NORMAL;
*ibfr = -99;
*iaftr = -99;
* Retrieve range/interval values saved in the SP file.
sprintf( tagStr, "%s%d%s%d%s", "loop", lp+1,
"_source", src, "_timbin" );
spf_gtfld ( tagStr, dataStr, &ier );
ctb_dhrsstoi ( dataStr, ionoff, ibfr, iaftr, &ier );
if ( *ibfr < 0 ) *ibfr = 0;
if ( *iaftr < 0 ) *iaftr = 0;