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[Support #UAL-239105]: Help viewing SSEC archived satellite data in garp
- Subject: [Support #UAL-239105]: Help viewing SSEC archived satellite data in garp
- Date: Thu, 09 Mar 2006 11:27:26 -0700
>Another problem I notice is the projection seems to be stuck in the
>satellite view mode... is there any way to make it remap the imagery?
GEMPAK does not reproject any imagery, it shows it in the native projection of
file. Since the data you have is oversampled in the horizontal, it will appear
stretched out. The reprojection is something that McIDAS' IMGCPY command could
Go ahead and send me your IR and VIS file and I'll see about the VIS display and
multiband issue with IR.
>Is the UNIWISC IDD feed archived anywhere now? I seem to recall that
>Wisconsin used to keep an archive of that stuff, but I don't see a link
>for it on their web site.
The UNIWISC feed is archives and can be accessed by FTP using a login and
password that
I can provide you under separate direct email. There is currently adta back
through Feb 2005 there.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: UAL-239105
Department: Support GEMPAK
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed