>The problem is, I would also like to look at some grid cross sections, but I >cannot get this part of Garp to work. I run ntl, get the little icons, and >then run garp. When I try to do a cross section, the window to select grids >pops open, and then before I can do anything, that window, and the garp >window all close quickly (rudely), there is not output dumped to the screen, >or any messages that help me discern what is going on. The ntl icons are >still displayed, and if I just try to open garp again, it opens without any >errors, but again, any effort to get a spatial cross section, time-height >cross section, or vertical profile causes the same result. Did I fail to >compile or load some piece of the system, and if so, how would I know? Jennie, I believe the problem is a lack of robustness in garp, where the default model widget is set to "eta", but you don't have any eta data. In $GARPHOME/config/Garp_defaults, the "# Widget Defaults" section has "model : eta" You want this to be gfs003 instead! I have attached a replacemnt Garp_defaults file which you can use with this change. I'll have to see if Garp can be made more robust to handle the lack of data directory! Steve Chiswell Unidata User Support Ticket Details =================== Ticket ID: LCY-696429 Department: Support GEMPAK Priority: Normal Status: Closed
Description: Binary data