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[GEMPAK #QBS-614046]: Gempak - UUAA decoder


I decoded your file as is with:

cat shipbulletin | dcuair -v 4 -d - -c 060202/0900 YYYYMMDDHH_shipuair.gem

I specified  "-c 060202/0900" as the time for dcuair since the report is
for 8Z of the second day of the month (month and year are up to you to provide).
The output from SNLIST on the decoded file looks like:
 SNFILE   = 2006020209_shipuair.gem
 AREA     = dset
 DATTIM   = all
 SNPARM   = dset
 STNDEX   =  
 LEVELS   = all
 OUTPUT   = t

 SNPARM = PRES;TEMP;DWPT;DRCT;SPED;HGHT                                         

 STID = VLHJ08        STNM =    -9999   TIME = 060202/0900         
 SLAT = -12.30     SLON =   129.80   SELV = -9999.0
 STIM =   800

      PRES     TEMP     DWPT     DRCT     SPED     HGHT
   1007.00    28.80    22.80   265.00     6.69 -9999.00
   1000.00    27.80    21.80   260.00     6.69    68.00
    975.00    25.79    20.99   280.00     7.72   290.78
    925.00    21.60    19.30   285.00     8.75   754.00
    921.00    21.20    19.20   284.15     8.87   791.74
    857.00    17.25    15.16   270.00    10.81  1413.23
    850.00    16.80    14.70   275.00    11.84  1484.00
    827.00    15.33    13.96   285.00    13.38  1716.94
    792.00    13.00    12.80   274.81    16.88  2084.14
    785.00    15.00    10.40   272.72    17.60  2159.24
    776.00    15.00     6.30   270.00    18.53  2256.97

Some note sabout the decoded file:

1) The observed time is 8Z, however dcuair will bin these observations into
3 hourly time bins as is done for surface stations as well.

2) The created station ID is VLHJ08 which is the ship id plus the hour tacked on
since the ship may take others as well in the next 3 hours.

If this is not the output you are seeing or expecting then let me know. Check 
GEMPAK version one more time if not 5.9.1.

Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: QBS-614046
Department: Support GEMPAK
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed