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Re: Grib or GEMPAK navigation probem?
- Subject: Re: Grib or GEMPAK navigation probem?
- Date: 17 Feb 2006 12:45:36 -0700
The Lo1 longitude is 59.503, while the Lov is 52.550, so the
central longitude is outside the grid domain which is not
a possibility I checked when I put in a work around for
another problem.
Here the problem with dcgrib2 is a check in the lambert grib routine
which is necessary when grids straddle the date line (eg Lo1 might be
175, but Lov -179), where if Lov is less than Lo1, it assumes that 360
has to be added so the computation is possible. This is something I put
in, and not in NCEP's distribution. I can change
$GEMPAK/source/gemlib/gb/gblamb.c to
only do that when the Lo1 > 0 and loncnt < 0.
I made that change and now the gdinfo produces:
ANGLES: 60.0 52.5 30.0
GRID SIZE: 252 252
LL CORNER: 29.07 59.50
UR CORNER: 38.22 75.59
This is pakistan.
Do you want the updated routine, or a recpiled dcgrib2 binary?
On Fri, 2006-02-17 at 10:48, Robert Rozumalski wrote:
> Steve,
> Attached is a grib I pulled from a larger file generated by the AFWA WFR
> model.
> The domain should be over Afghanistan but after converting it to GEMPAK with
> dcgrib2 the domain appears to be over Hawaii. So, can you tell if the problem
> is with the navigation in gempak or the grib file?
> Bob