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- Subject: [GEMPAK #GUX-304848]: GEMPAK and GARP
- Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2006 13:54:33 -0700
Back from DC/VA this week! Additional information at bottom of response.
Your build failed to generate the gui executables if your motif libraries
were not in the /usr/X11R6/lib location that is in the $CONFIGDIR/Makeinc.linux
file, but rather in your /usr/X11R6/lib64 directory.
Your options are to:
a) run the precompiled linux binary distribution I provide
b) configure the $CONFIGDIR/Makeinc.linux file for your system library locations
and the build the distribution
As for the pattern for the GFS,
the 1.0 and 2.5 degree grids will be the "ST.opnl/MT.gfs" while the 0.5
degree are the "ST.opnt/MT.gfs".
Note the difference between "opnl" and "opnt" in the NWS file naming directories
under the ftp://tgftp.nws.noaa.gov file tree.
The 1 degree will be F000 through F180, while the 2.5 degree will be the F192
through F384. Note that the GFS is T382 through F180 and then T254 for the
extended hours of the model run, hence the lower resolution grids at the
extended hours.
If you want to exclude the 2.5 degree grids and the 0.5 degree grib2 grids,
then as you mentioned,
you can modify the MT.gfs to MT.gfs.*onedeg.
The dcgrib2 decoder will decode either GRIB1, or GRIB2, so you don't have to
differentiate that
in your pattern. Also, the dcgrib2 program will decode the data to the location
specified in
$GEMTBL/grid/gribkey.tbl (which is the
data/gempak/model/gfs/YYYYMMDDHH_gfs003.gem entry).
The $MODEL environmental variable defined in Gemenviron will point to your LDM's
data/gempak/model directory.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
Ticket Details
Ticket ID: GUX-304848
Department: Support GEMPAK
Priority: High
Status: Closed