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20050809: gpnids & STI
- Subject: 20050809: gpnids & STI
- Date: Tue, 09 Aug 2005 10:25:13 -0600
If you want to plot STI, then you have to download the STI
data. Did you do that?
If not, see the NWS web page:
The STI product is number 58.
The STI product contains the drawing command necessary for gpnids
to plot the storm path and forecast track of the cells. The NCR
product only provides a text table of certain information, and is not
the product that provides the graphic commands for the fields such
as TVS, mesocyclone, hail, and storm track. These products are not
on the NOAAPORT broadcast at this time.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
>From: "Patrick L. Francis" <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200508090508.j7958t7T020224
>greetings ;)
>a nice storm was brewing this morning
>in minnesota so I thought I would play
>with it for a bit... come to find out
>that using gpnids, STI data does not
>seem to want to plot, nor does associated
>data seem to want to write to file via
>the standard output=f/filename.dat
>the location below contains:
>graphic ouput - doh.gif (shows NCR not STI)
>both *.nts files
>script sti.csh
>both empty outfiles *.fil
>shell output piped to file sti.out
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