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20050607: Gempak - GDDIAG not copying/creating grids
- Subject: 20050607: Gempak - GDDIAG not copying/creating grids
- Date: Tue, 07 Jun 2005 12:22:18 -0600
Your message didn't show your script, but you should check your
use of GPACK where you will have to specify the range by the number of
bits used to pack the data, or no packing. If you are using GRIB packing then
the default number of bits will be 16, but if that isn't enough for your data
you can increase that up to 32 bits. See phelp GPACK. If in doubt, try
NONE for the packing.
Also, the current release of GEMPAK 5.8.2 has the capability to create the grid
if it doesn't exist, as well as reproject to a new grid. The old version that
you are
running does not have those features.
teve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
>From: "Tom Green" <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200506071432.j57EWxjF015731
>Institution: North Carolina State University
>Package Version: 5.7.2p2
>Operating System: Linux
>Hardware Information: unsure-N/A
>Inquiry: Hello,
>I\'m currently trying to create grids for temperature advection, vorticity, et
> c. as shown in the script to be used by a Fortran program. I believe that so
> me, but not all, of the data files that I am using have bad data at some poin
> ts in the grid, because when using GDDIAG on the second time listed in the sc
> ript, I get the \"Warning: Range Too High\" message when GDDIAG is creating t
> he grids. The temperature advection, vorticity, etc. fields do NOT exist in
> the original file - I am asking GDDIAG to create them and put them in the out
> put file.
>If I use GDCNTR to plot these grids in the original files and use a small gare
> a (ex. RDU), there is no problem with the plots. Likewise, GARP is also able
> to display the quantites when using the original files. In my script, I att
> empted to have GDDIAG only compute these quantites for a smaller geographical
> area, but that didn\'t seem to work either.
>If I have bad data along the sides of the grid, is there any way for me to cre
> ate these new grids that I want? I want GEMPAK to create these grids rather
> than attempt to do it in Fortran because of map factor issues, but I also don
> \'t need the values of the entire grid - the garea \"RDU-\" is sufficient for
> what I need. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated!
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