The pqact.gempak file that is generated will expect you to copy the
GEMPAK decoders into a "decoders" directory under LDMHOME.
That is, in your ~ldm directory create a "decoders" directory,
and then copy the current GEMPAK decoders you have into that
directory with:
cd ~ldm/decoders
cp $GEMEXE/dc* .
By keeping copies of the GEMPAK decoders there, the running versions won't
be damaged when you install new versions of GEMPAK.
Your ~ldm/directory should have a "data" directory, which is where your ldm.pq
will reside. The GEMPAK decoders will create subdirectories under ~ldm/data/gempak
as they run, though you should create the ~ldm/data/gempak/logs directory
so that you would get error messages even if the decoder fails to be able to
create its edata directory.
After that, if you have problems getting your data, please send in the
appropriate log files from ~ldm/data/gempak/logs so that I can
see what the decoder is doing. The ~ldm/logs/ldmd.log will have log information
from pqact if the decoder is failing to execute. The $GEMDATA/logs directory
will have decoder specific logging such as table information, bad data etc.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support