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20050404: GEMPAK BGSU nids.csh
- Subject: 20050404: GEMPAK BGSU nids.csh
- Date: Mon, 04 Apr 2005 17:01:30 -0600
I logged in to unidata2 and set the GEMDATA environmental variable
definition in ~gempak/NAWIPS/Gemenviron and Gemenviron.profile
to be /home/ldm/data/gempak. This is needed since the script
references the realtime $RAD directory which is $GEMDATA/nexrad.
The previous GEMDATA setting was /data/ldm/data/gempak, which was a
non-existant path on your machine.
I also set the email address in nids.csh to be yours, since it
was set to my email name (unqualified domainname).
The gifs are being created in your /tmp/nids directory by the script:
ldm@unidata2:/tmp/nids$ ls -lart
total 148
-rw-r--r-- 1 ldm ldm 54148 Apr 4 18:55 IND_N0R.gif
-rw-r--r-- 1 ldm ldm 4658 Apr 4 18:55 last.nts
-rw-r--r-- 1 ldm ldm 22468 Apr 4 18:55 gemglb.nts
-rw-r--r-- 1 ldm ldm 48095 Apr 4 18:55 IND_N0V.gif
drwxr-xr-x 2 ldm ldm 4096 Apr 4 18:55 .
drwxrwxrwt 11 ldm root 4096 Apr 4 18:56 ..
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User SUpport
>From: Jeff Weber <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200504042044.j34KiWZb008213
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Fri, 01 Apr 2005 13:38:53 -0500
>From: Patrick L. Francis <address@hidden>
>To: Jeff Weber <address@hidden>
>Subject: nids
>Jeff.... I've tried on all 3 sytstems to get the nexrad_gif to work and
>heck if i know what I am doing wrong.
>PLEASE login to unidata2.bgsu.edu user xxxxx pwd xxxxx and see
>what i am doing wrong... it is probably something really obvious
>and I apologize if it is... the script is under util/nids.csh and entries
>are in pqact.gempak for KIND (indianapolis) ... we have a
>really good chance of a late season snowfall tonight through tomorrow
>and I am hoping to archive the images.
>fyi unidata2 is a debian machine instead of redhat like the other two...
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