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20050210: BOUNCE address@hidden: Non-member submission from [Christian Pagé <address@hidden>]
- Subject: 20050210: BOUNCE address@hidden: Non-member submission from [Christian Pagé <address@hidden>]
- Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2005 15:17:07 -0700
Your email to gembud bounced because your address on the list is gmail.com,
and not the uqam.ca from where you sent this message.
Answers to your questions:
1) No, the filter is dynamic, using available stations, so which stations
are plotted depends on whether there was missing data for a previous station
(in general, the plotting is the order of the stations in the surface file,
which is the order of the stations in the station table), but when stations are
not reporting, the lower priority station may appear.
However, you can add a station priority in the station table, and
use the SFPARM=SPRI field (with a qualifier such as ">val" for instance).
2) To use an imagemap, if you use a CED projection, the
lat/lon of the station is easy to relate to x/y pixel space in a GIF/PNG,
if you know the lat/lon bounding box. Otherwise, the projection location
will be more complicated.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support.
>From: address@hidden
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>Subject: SFMAP: List of stations plotted with filter on?
>Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2005 13:46:49 -0500
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> IoUv2022403
>Hi everyone,
>I want to generate a surface map with SFMAP (GEMPAK), and being able to
>construct an html imagemap so that a click would show the raw metar or
>the decoded obs. Is there any way in SFMAP to know which stations were
>plotted with filter != 0? Also, is it possible to know at which
>location those stations are on the output device?
>Christian Pagé
>http://meteocentre.com/ http://meteoalerte.com/
>Etudiant au Doctorat en Sciences de l'environnement UQAM
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