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20050126: nagrib and narr grib files
- Subject: 20050126: nagrib and narr grib files
- Date: 26 Jan 2005 12:26:16 -0700
Table 131 is not in the operational data stream, but I did find
this being used for reanalysis products, and documented by NCDC:
Perhaps Luis Farfan has created the table so he can save you some steps.
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
On Wed, 2005-01-26 at 12:00, Steve Mullen wrote:
> Steve,
> I am attempting to use nagrib to port NARR products into gempak. I run
> in the following problem...
> <snip>
> Changing WMO parameter table to wmogrib131.tbl
> [NA -1] The table wmogrib131.tbl cannot be opened.
> [NA -1] The table wmogrib131.tbl cannot be opened.
> <snnip>
> 423 GRIB messages were read or scanned from the GRIB file:
> /blizzard/mullen/work/gem/storm/data/narr-a_221_19930313_1200_000.grb
> 0 grids were written to the GEMPAK file:
> 93031312_narr.gem
> My nagrib settings are...
> GBFILE GRIB data file name
> /blizzard/mullen/work/gem/storm/data/narr-a_221_19930313_1200_000.grb
> INDXFL GRIB index file name
> GDOUTF Output grid file 93031312_narr.gem
> PROJ Map projection/angles/margins|dr
> GRDAREA Area covered by grid
> KXKY Number of grid points in x;y
> MAXGRD Maximum number of grids 9999
> CPYFIL Grid file whose navigation is to gds
> GAREA Graphics area
> OUTPUT Output device/filename T
> GBTBLS Input GRIB decoding tables
> GBDIAG GRIB diagnostic elements
> PDSEXT PDSEXT Y or N, add PDS extens
> Any clues or hints on what to try next would be appreciated.
> Steve