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Re: 20041221: Problem with graph-grid buttons off screen
- Subject: Re: 20041221: Problem with graph-grid buttons off screen
- Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2004 13:48:45 -0700 (MST)
I'll send the problem and my work around back to NCEP and see if they
will either implement this change, or do their own fix. I'll comment the
code change here so that I'll catch any new modifications to the routine.
Attached is the updated:
$GEMPAK/source/nmaplib/pgen/nmap_pggfmt.c routine.
You should only need to replace the current file with the new, then run:
cd $GEMPAK/source/nmaplib/pgen
make all
Make sure that this gets added to the $GEMLIB/nmaplib.a archive...
some computers have time stamp problems in archives that keep the
archive members from being updated. If needed (generally on Linux or AIX):
ar rv $GEMLIB/nmaplib.a nmap_pggfmt.o
cd $GEMPAK/source/programs/gui/nmap2
make clean
make all
make install
make clean
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support UCAR Unidata Program
303 497 8643 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata WWW Service http://my.unidata.ucar.edu/content/support
On Tue, 28 Dec 2004, Arthur A. Person wrote:
> Steve,
> On Tue, 28 Dec 2004, Unidata Support wrote:
> > Art,
> >
> > In selecting the "advanced" button, I get a window geometry that
> > is 287x1066, which after adding the window manager frame, I
> > can see that your 1024 height could be a problem (this was done
> > under Fedora Core...other systems may be different).
> >
> > I have a work around to create 2 coulmns for the parameter
> > input into the form. I can send you the source code change or
> > an updated binary(ies) as you need.
> Okay, thanks. Send the source code. Will this be incorporated into the
> next release or will I have to update it each time?
> Art.
> > Steve Chiswell
> > Unidata User Support
> >
> >
> >> From: "Arthur A. Person" <address@hidden>
> >> Organization: UCAR/Unidata
> >> Keywords: 200412212004.iBLK49lI001929
> >
> >> Hi...
> >>
> >> When using gempak V5.7.4 ntl->nmap2->pgpalette->Prod->
> >> Graph Grid->advanced, the window pops up on the screen but the bottom
> >> buttons are not visible/usable on a 1280x1024 screen. Is there a
> >> work-around for this problem to make the advanced feature usable?
> >>
> >> Thanks.
> >>
> >> Art.
> >>
> >> Arthur A. Person
> >> Research Assistant, System Administrator
> >> Penn State Department of Meteorology
> >> email: address@hidden, phone: 814-863-1563
> >>
> > --
> > NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the
> > Unidata inquiry tracking system and then made publicly available
> > through the web. If you do not want to have your interactions made
> > available in this way, you must let us know in each email you send to us.
> >
> Arthur A. Person
> Research Assistant, System Administrator
> Penn State Department of Meteorology
> email: address@hidden, phone: 814-863-1563
#include "geminc.h"
#include "gemprm.h"
#include "Nxm.h"
#include "hints.h"
#include "vgstruct.h"
#include "drwids.h"
#include "pgprm.h"
#define CYCLE 0 /* CYCLE */
#define GDATIM 1 /* GDATIM */
#define HISTGRD 2 /* HISTGRD */
#define MAXNOPT 20 /* max number of option menu items */
#define MAXNPARMS 50 /* max number of input parm options */
static char *_ggParms[MAXNPARMS];
static int _ggNparms;
struct optMenuStrc {
int current, deflt;
Widget form;
Widget label;
Widget menu;
Widget pb[MAXNOPT];
static struct optMenuStrc _prodStrc;
* define the number of cycles and forecast hours for selection menu.
static int _nCycs=4; /* Number of cycles in menu. */
static int _nFhrs=13; /* Number of 6-hr fcst hours in menu. */
static char _ggTmplt[129]; /* VGF template */
static char _inGDOUTF[128]={""}; /* initial restore GDOUTF value */
static char _inCNTRFL[128]={""}; /* initial restore CNTRFL value */
static char _curVGF[FILE_FULLSZ] = {""};
static char _pppp[] = { "PPPP" };
static Widget _pggfmtWin;
static Widget _productForm;
static Widget _basicInfoFrame, _advanInfoFrame;
static Widget _basicInfoTitle, _advanInfoTitle;
static Widget _basicInfoForm, _advanInfoForm, _controlForm;
static WidgetList _controlBtnW;
static WidgetList _cycleMenuBtnW, _fcsthrMenuBtnW;
static Widget *_ggTxtW;
* define the graph-to-grid processing type labels and associated table paths.
#define GRPHGD_TBL "grphgd.tbl"
#define GRPHGD_PDF "$GEMPAK/pdf/grphgd.pdf"
static int _nLbl;
static char *_lbl[MAXNOPT];
static char *_tbl[MAXNOPT];
* private callback functions
void pggfmt_ctlBtnCb ( Widget wid, int which, XtPointer call );
void pggfmt_cycleMenuCb ( Widget wid, int which, XtPointer call );
void pggfmt_fcsthrMenuCb ( Widget wid, int which, XtPointer call );
void pggfmt_prodOptCb ( Widget wid, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer cbs );
* private functions
void pggfmt_buildCycles ( void );
void pggfmt_buildFhrs ( void );
void pggfmt_buildFiles ( void );
void pggfmt_buildGdattim ( void );
void pggfmt_createPulldownMenu ( Widget parent, Widget textwid,
int info_type );
void pggfmt_GetTxtW ( char *parm, char *value, int *iret );
void pggfmt_ipPutv ( int *iret );
void pggfmt_mkName ( char *infile, char *curname, char *suffix,
char *fname, int *iret );
void pggfmt_rdMaster ( int *iret );
void pggfmt_setPDF ( int *iret );
void pggfmt_setTime ( void );
void pggfmt_SetTxtW ( char *parm, char *value, int *iret );
void pggfmt_tblInit ( char *tbl, int *iret );
* nmap_pggfmt.c *
* *
* This module defines a graph-to-grid popup window for product *
* generation. *
* *
* pggfmt_create() create the graph-to-grid window *
* pggfmt_popup() pop up the graph-to-grid window *
* pggfmt_popdown() pop down the graph-to-grid window *
* *
* pggfmt_isUp() query if the window is up *
* *
* pggfmt_prodOptCb() callback for product pulldown *
* pggfmt_cycleMenuCb() callback for "CYCLE" pulldown *
* pggfmt_fcsthrMenuCb() callback for "GDATIM" pulldown *
* pggfmt_ctlBtnCb() callback for control buttons *
* *
* pggfmt_createPulldownMenu() creates a pulldown menu *
* pggfmt_setTime() sets the current time *
Widget pggfmt_create ( Widget parent )
* pggfmt_create *
* *
* This function creates the graph-to-grid formatting popup window. *
* *
* Widget pggfmt_create ( parent ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* parent Widget parent widget *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* pggfmt_create Widget ID of the county list popup window *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* H. Zeng/EAI 10/99 initial coding *
* H. Zeng/EAI 12/99 visual enhancement for irix5&6 *
* H. Zeng/EAI 03/00 added product pulldown menu *
* E. Safford/GSC 12/00 Add XtCallbackProc cast *
* T. Piper/GSC 7/01 Freed flentry *
* T. Piper/SAIC 12/01 Freed label *
* S. Chiswell/Unidata 12/04 Changes Advanced form to 2 columns *
WidgetList label;
Widget pane, rowcol0, rowcol1, product_label;
int nn, ii, ier, toff = 10, loff = 5, toff2 = 10,
txsize = 15, txadvsize = 30;
char *btnstrs[] = { "Advanced...",
"Show Extensions",
XmString xmstr;
XmFontListEntry flentry;
XmFontList fontlist;
char fontname[]=
Display *dsp;
* read in graph-to-grid master table to get product labels, etc.
pggfmt_rdMaster ( &ier );
* Set up parameters from PDF sources.
pggfmt_setPDF ( &ier );
* Allocate graph-to-grid text widgets.
_ggTxtW = (Widget *)malloc( (size_t)_ggNparms * sizeof ( Widget ) );
* create dialog shell
_pggfmtWin = XmCreateFormDialog(parent, "pggfmt_popup",
NULL, 0);
XmNnoResize, True,
XmNdefaultPosition, False,
* create a parent pane widget
pane = XtVaCreateWidget("pggfmt_pane",
xmPanedWindowWidgetClass, _pggfmtWin,
XmNsashWidth, 1,
XmNsashHeight, 1,
* create product choosing area.
_productForm = XtVaCreateWidget ("form",
xmFormWidgetClass, pane,
product_label = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("PRODUCT",
xmLabelWidgetClass, _productForm,
XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
XmNtopOffset, toff,
XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
XmNleftOffset, loff,
* Create product menu
nn = _nLbl;
_prodStrc.deflt = 0;
_prodStrc.current = _prodStrc.deflt;
pgutls_createOptionMenu(_productForm, nn, (XtPointer)&_prodStrc.current,
NULL, pggfmt_prodOptCb, &_prodStrc.form, &_prodStrc.label,
&_prodStrc.menu, _prodStrc.pb, _lbl);
XtVaSetValues (_prodStrc.form,
XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_WIDGET,
XmNleftWidget, product_label,
XmNleftOffset, loff+65,
* create basic information frame and title
_basicInfoFrame = XtVaCreateWidget("frame",
xmFrameWidgetClass, pane,
XmNshadowType, XmSHADOW_IN,
_basicInfoTitle =
XtVaCreateManagedWidget("Basic Info:",
xmLabelGadgetClass, _basicInfoFrame,
* create basic information formatting area
_basicInfoForm = XtVaCreateWidget("form",
xmFormWidgetClass, _basicInfoFrame,
* create label widgets
nn = _ggNparms;
label = (WidgetList)XtMalloc((size_t)nn*sizeof(Widget));
* Base date or cycle
label[0] = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ( _ggParms[0],
xmLabelWidgetClass, _basicInfoForm,
XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
XmNtopOffset, toff,
XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
XmNleftOffset, loff,
rowcol0 = XtVaCreateWidget("",
xmRowColumnWidgetClass, _basicInfoForm,
XmNnumColumns, 1,
XmNorientation, XmHORIZONTAL,
XmNradioBehavior, FALSE,
XmNpacking, XmPACK_TIGHT,
XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_WIDGET,
XmNleftWidget, label[0],
XmNleftOffset, loff+40,
XmNborderWidth, 0,
XmNmarginHeight, 0,
XmNmarginWidth, 0,
_ggTxtW[0] = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("",
xmTextFieldWidgetClass, rowcol0,
XmNcolumns, txsize,
pggfmt_createPulldownMenu(rowcol0, _ggTxtW[0], CYCLE);
rowcol1 = XtVaCreateWidget("",
xmRowColumnWidgetClass, _basicInfoForm,
XmNnumColumns, 1,
XmNorientation, XmHORIZONTAL,
XmNradioBehavior, FALSE,
XmNpacking, XmPACK_TIGHT,
XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_WIDGET,
XmNtopWidget, rowcol0,
XmNleftWidget, rowcol0,
XmNborderWidth, 0,
XmNmarginHeight, 0,
XmNmarginWidth, 0,
_ggTxtW[1] = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("",
xmTextFieldWidgetClass, rowcol1,
XmNcolumns, txsize,
pggfmt_createPulldownMenu(rowcol1, _ggTxtW[1], GDATIM);
label[1] = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ( _ggParms[1],
xmLabelWidgetClass, _basicInfoForm,
XmNtopWidget, rowcol1,
XmNtopOffset, toff2,
XmNleftWidget, label[0],
* create advanced information frame and title
_advanInfoFrame = XtVaCreateWidget("frame",
xmFrameWidgetClass, pane,
XmNshadowType, XmSHADOW_IN,
_advanInfoTitle =
XtVaCreateManagedWidget("Advanced Info:",
xmLabelGadgetClass, _advanInfoFrame,
XmNchildHorizontalAlignment, XmALIGNMENT_CENTER,
XmNchildVerticalAlignment, XmALIGNMENT_CENTER,
* create advanced information formatting area
_advanInfoForm = XtVaCreateWidget("form",
xmFormWidgetClass, _advanInfoFrame,
dsp = XtDisplay (_pggfmtWin);
flentry = XmFontListEntryLoad (dsp, fontname, XmFONT_IS_FONT, "TAG1");
fontlist = XmFontListAppendEntry (NULL, flentry);
label[2] = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ( _ggParms[2],
xmLabelWidgetClass, _advanInfoForm,
XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
XmNtopOffset, toff,
XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
XmNleftOffset, loff,
XmNfontList, fontlist,
_ggTxtW[2] = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("",
xmTextFieldWidgetClass, _advanInfoForm,
XmNcolumns, txadvsize,
XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_WIDGET,
XmNleftWidget, label[2],
XmNleftOffset, loff+34,
XmNfontList, fontlist,
for ( ii = 3; ii < _ggNparms; ii++ ) {
if ( ii % 2 == 0 )
{ /* left column */
_ggTxtW[ii] = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("",
xmTextFieldWidgetClass, _advanInfoForm,
XmNcolumns, txadvsize,
XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_WIDGET,
XmNtopWidget, _ggTxtW[ii-2],
XmNleftWidget, _ggTxtW[ii-2],
XmNfontList, fontlist,
label[ii] = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ( _ggParms[ii],
xmLabelWidgetClass, _advanInfoForm,
XmNtopWidget, _ggTxtW[ii],
XmNtopOffset, toff2,
XmNleftWidget, label[ii-2],
XmNfontList, fontlist,
{ /* right column */
_ggTxtW[ii] = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("",
xmTextFieldWidgetClass, _advanInfoForm,
XmNcolumns, txadvsize,
XmNtopWidget, _ggTxtW[ii-1],
XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
XmNfontList, fontlist,
label[ii] = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ( _ggParms[ii],
xmLabelWidgetClass, _advanInfoForm,
XmNtopWidget, _ggTxtW[ii-1],
XmNtopOffset, toff2,
XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_WIDGET,
XmNleftWidget, _ggTxtW[ii-1],
XmNleftOffset, loff+10,
XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_WIDGET,
XmNrightWidget, _ggTxtW[ii],
XmNfontList, fontlist,
* create control buttons
_controlForm = XtVaCreateWidget("form",
xmFormWidgetClass, pane,
_controlBtnW = (WidgetList) XtMalloc(4 * sizeof(Widget));
xmstr = XmStringCreateSimple(btnstrs[0]);
_controlBtnW[0] = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("pushb",
xmPushButtonWidgetClass, _controlForm,
XmNlabelString, xmstr,
XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
XmNtopOffset, 5,
XmNx, 50,
XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_SELF,
xmstr = XmStringCreateSimple(btnstrs[1]);
_controlBtnW[1] = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("pushb",
xmPushButtonWidgetClass, _controlForm,
XmNlabelString, xmstr,
XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_WIDGET,
XmNtopWidget, _controlBtnW[0],
XmNtopOffset, 10,
XmNx, 50,
XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_SELF,
xmstr = XmStringCreateSimple(btnstrs[2]);
_controlBtnW[2] = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("pushb",
xmPushButtonWidgetClass, _controlForm,
XmNlabelString, xmstr,
XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_WIDGET,
XmNtopWidget, _controlBtnW[1],
XmNtopOffset, 10,
XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
XmNleftOffset, 30,
xmstr = XmStringCreateSimple(btnstrs[3]);
_controlBtnW[3] = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("pushb",
xmPushButtonWidgetClass, _controlForm,
XmNlabelString, xmstr,
XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_WIDGET,
XmNtopWidget, _controlBtnW[1],
XmNtopOffset, 10,
XmNrightAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM,
XmNrightOffset, 40,
for(ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++) {
XtAddCallback(_controlBtnW[ii], XmNactivateCallback,
(XtCallbackProc)pggfmt_ctlBtnCb, (XtPointer)ii);
* build cycle and forecast hour pulldowns
pggfmt_buildCycles ();
pggfmt_buildFhrs ();
* initialize form with default (first) information
pggfmt_tblInit ( _tbl[_prodStrc.deflt], &ier );
void pggfmt_popup ( void )
* pggfmt_popup *
* *
* This function pops up the graph-to-grid formatting popup window. *
* *
* void pggfmt_popup() *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* Output parameters: *
* Return parameters: *
* NONE *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* H. Zeng/EAI 10/99 initial coding *
* S. Law/GSC 05/00 added parameter to pgfilw_getFileName *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 8/00 added ip_ library calls *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 9/01 added call to er_stat *
int respnd, iperr, ier;
int level, bufflg, dttmflg;
char vgfn[FILE_FULLSZ];
* G2G parameters will be passed via IP library.
ip_init( &respnd, &iperr );
* set the error bufferring scheme
* different level may be set by the application
level = 0;
bufflg = 1;
dttmflg = 1;
er_stat( &level, &bufflg, &dttmflg, &ier);
* Set the current time for "CYCLE" text field and pulldown menu.
* Because the function is time sensitive, it is purposely put here
* instead of in pggfmt_create().
pggfmt_tblInit( _tbl[_prodStrc.current], &ier );
* Re-do the time calculations if the VG filename has changed.
pgfilw_getFileName (TRUE, vgfn);
if ( strcmp ( vgfn, _curVGF ) != 0 ) pggfmt_setTime();
strcpy ( _curVGF, vgfn );
XtManageChild (_pggfmtWin);
void pggfmt_popdown ( void )
* pggfmt_popdown *
* *
* This function pops down the graph-to-grid formatting window. *
* *
* void pggfmt_popdown () *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* Output parameters: *
* Return parameters: *
* NONE *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* H. Zeng/EAI 10/99 initial coding *
if (XtIsManaged (_pggfmtWin)) {
XtUnmanageChild (_pggfmtWin);
Boolean pggfmt_isUp ( void )
* pggfmt_isUp *
* *
* This function queries whether the graph-to-grid formatting window *
* is up. *
* *
* Boolean pggfmt_isUp () *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* Output parameters: *
* pggfmt_isUp Boolean True -- up, False -- down *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* H. Zeng/EAI 10/99 initial coding *
return (XtIsManaged (_pggfmtWin));
void pggfmt_prodOptCb ( Widget wid, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer cbs )
* pggfmt_prodOptCb *
* *
* This is the callback function for product option menu. *
* *
* void pggfmt_prodOptCb (wid, client_data, cbs) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* wid Widget the widget calling this function*
* client_data XtPointer new type *
* cbs XtPointer not used *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* Return parameters: *
* NONE *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* H. Zeng/EAI 03/00 initial coding *
int ier;
_prodStrc.current = (int) client_data;
pggfmt_tblInit( _tbl[_prodStrc.current], &ier );
void pggfmt_cycleMenuCb ( Widget wid, int which, XtPointer call )
* pggfmt_cycleMenuCb *
* *
* Callback function for "CYCLE" pulldown menu buttons. *
* *
* void pggfmt_cycleMenuCb (wid, which, call) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* wid Widget widget ID *
* which int which button *
* call XtPointer not used *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* Return parameters: *
* NONE *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* H. Zeng/EAI 10/99 initial coding *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 11/99 added call to pggfmt_buildFhrs *
{ char *ptext;
XmString xmstr;
XtPointer userdata;
Widget textwid;
* Set "CYCLE" text field value according to the chosen pulldown menu
* button.
XtVaGetValues (wid,
XmNlabelString, &xmstr,
XmNuserData, &userdata,
XmStringGetLtoR (xmstr, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET, &ptext);
textwid = (Widget) userdata;
XtVaSetValues (textwid, XmNvalue, ptext, NULL);
pggfmt_buildGdattim ();
pggfmt_buildFiles ();
XtFree (ptext);
void pggfmt_fcsthrMenuCb ( Widget wid, int which, XtPointer call )
* pggfmt_fcsthrMenuCb *
* *
* Callback function for "GDATIM" pulldown menu buttons. *
* *
* void pggfmt_fcsthrMenuCb (wid, which, call) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* wid Widget widget ID *
* which int which button *
* call XtPointer not used *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* Return parameters: *
* NONE *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* H. Zeng/EAI 10/99 initial coding *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 11/99 added call to pggfmt_buildFiles *
char *ptext;
XmString xmstr;
XtPointer userdata;
Widget textwid;
* Set the "GDATIM" text field value according to the chosen pulldown
* menu item.
XtVaGetValues (wid,
XmNlabelString, &xmstr,
XmNuserData, &userdata,
XmStringGetLtoR (xmstr, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET, &ptext);
textwid = (Widget) userdata;
XtVaSetValues (textwid, XmNvalue, ptext, NULL);
pggfmt_buildGdattim ();
pggfmt_buildFiles ();
XtFree (ptext);
void pggfmt_ctlBtnCb ( Widget wid, int which, XtPointer call )
* pggfmt_ctlBtnCb *
* *
* Callback function for control buttons at the bottom of graph-to-grid *
* popup window. *
* *
* void pggfmt_ctlBtnCb (wid, which, call) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* wid Widget widget ID *
* which int which button *
* call XtPointer not used *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* Return parameters: *
* NONE *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* H. Zeng/EAI 10/99 initial coding *
* S. Jacobs/NCEP 11/99 Save and reset the current map proj *
* H. Zeng/EAI 04/00 changed cursor name *
* T. Lee/GSC 06/00 Flushed error messages *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 9/01 Flushed error messages w/o iret check *
* T. Lee/SAIC 10/01 Added fill types to GCFILL calling seq. *
* J. Wu/SAIC 11/01 add param in cvg_load() calling *
* J. Wu/SAIC 12/01 add layer in cvg_load() call *
* J. Wu/SAIC 12/01 replace cvg_load() with cvg_redraw() *
* T. Lee/SAIC 11/03 added user directory to work_file *
* T. Lee/SAIC 11/03 used cvg_getworkfile *
#define LEN 80
int ier, iret;
XmString label;
FILE *ggfpt;
char info[FILE_FULLSZ];
char gdfile_tmp[LEN], path[LEN], gdfile[LEN];
char path_name[LEN], cntrfl[LEN];
char cint[LEN], line[LEN];
char fint[LEN], fline[LEN], clrbar[LEN];
char svproj[4];
float svang1, svang2, svang3, svlat1, svlon1, svlat2, svlon2;
float grid[LLMXGD];
int npts, kx, ky, ioffx, ioffy, iskip, nlvl, icolr[LLCLEV];
int nflvl, ifcolr[LLCLEV];
int lintyp[LLCLEV], linwid[LLCLEV], linlbl[LLCLEV];
int ifltyp[LLCLEV], iflwid[LLCLEV], iflabl[LLCLEV];
float gmin, gmax, rint, rfint, smooth, filter;
float clvl[LLCLEV], flvl[LLCLEV];
char *cptr;
switch(which) {
case 0:
* Toggle between Advanced Info and Basic Info
if( XtIsManaged(_advanInfoFrame) ) {
label = XmStringCreateSimple("Advanced...");
else {
label = XmStringCreateSimple(" Basic... ");
XtVaSetValues (_controlBtnW[0],
XmNlabelString, label,
case 1:
* Display contour line extensions.
pgggc_update( cvg_getworkfile(), NULL, clvl, &nlvl, &iret );
case 2:
* Make the grid.
* First, save the current map projection.
gqmprj ( svproj, &svang1, &svang2, &svang3,
&svlat1, &svlon1, &svlat2, &svlon2,
&ier, sizeof(svproj) );
svproj[3] = '\0';
* Generate ".info" file... put in directory where output grid
* is going unless a path is already explicitly specified.
info[0] = '\0';
pggfmt_GetTxtW( "CNTRFL", cntrfl, &iret );
cptr = strchr ( cntrfl, '/' );
if ( cptr == (char *)NULL ) {
pgfilw_getPathName( path_name );
strcpy ( info, path_name );
strcat ( info, cntrfl );
else {
strcpy ( info, cntrfl );
pggfmt_SetTxtW( "CNTRFL", info, &iret );
ggfpt = (FILE *)cfl_wopn( info, &iret );
pgggc_update( cvg_getworkfile(), ggfpt, clvl, &nlvl, &iret );
cfl_clos ( ggfpt, &iret );
* Add PATH to GDOUTF and save (temporarily)
pggfmt_GetTxtW( "GDOUTF", gdfile, &iret );
pggfmt_GetTxtW( "PATH", path, &iret );
if ( strlen(path) == 0 )
sprintf( gdfile_tmp, "./%s", gdfile );
sprintf( gdfile_tmp, "%s/%s", path, gdfile );
pggfmt_SetTxtW( "GDOUTF", gdfile_tmp, &iret );
* Generate ".grd" GEMPAK file
pggfmt_ipPutv ( &iret );
ggdriv( grid, &kx, &ky, &iret );
* Reset CNTRFL and GDOUTF back to what they were originally.
pggfmt_SetTxtW( "CNTRFL", cntrfl, &ier );
pggfmt_SetTxtW( "GDOUTF", gdfile, &ier );
* Reset the saved map projection.
gsmprj ( svproj, &svang1, &svang2, &svang3,
&svlat1, &svlon1, &svlat2, &svlon2,
&ier, strlen(svproj) );
npts = kx * ky;
gmin = gmax = RMISSD;
ioffx = ioffy = iskip = 0;
* Contour fill grid and color bar
pggfmt_GetTxtW( "FINT", fint, &iret );
if ( strlen(fint) != 0 ) {
in_cint ( fint, grid, &npts, &gmin, &gmax, flvl, &nflvl,
&rfint, &iret, strlen(fint) );
pggfmt_GetTxtW( "FLINE", fline, &iret );
if ( strlen(fline) != 0 ) {
in_line ( fline, flvl, &nflvl, ifcolr, ifltyp, iflwid, iflabl,
&smooth, &filter, &iret, strlen(fline) );
gcfill ( &kx, &ky, grid, &ioffx, &ioffy, &iskip, &nflvl,
flvl, ifcolr, iflabl, ifltyp, &iret );
pggfmt_GetTxtW( "CLRBAR", clrbar, &iret );
gg_cbar ( clrbar, &nflvl, flvl, ifcolr, &iret, strlen(clrbar) );
* Contour grid
pggfmt_GetTxtW( "CINT", cint, &iret );
if ( strlen(cint) != 0 ) {
in_cint ( cint, grid, &npts, &gmin, &gmax, clvl, &nlvl,
&rint, &iret, strlen(cint) );
pggfmt_GetTxtW( "LINE", line, &iret );
if ( strlen(line) != 0 ) {
in_line ( line, clvl, &nlvl, icolr, lintyp, linwid, linlbl,
&smooth, &filter, &iret, strlen(line) );
gclgrn ( &kx, &ky, grid, &ioffx, &ioffy, &iskip, &nlvl,
clvl, icolr, lintyp, linwid, linlbl, &iret );
* Flush buffer
geplot ( &iret );
* Redraw VG file
cvg_redraw ( cvg_getworkfile(), &iret );
case 3:
* Cancel
pggfmt_popdown ();
void pggfmt_createPulldownMenu ( Widget parent, Widget textwid,
int info_type )
* pggfmt_createPulldownMenu *
* *
* Creates a pulldown menu. *
* *
* void pggfmt_createPulldownMenu ( parent, textwid, info_type ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* parent Widget parent widget *
* textwid Widget the associated text field widget *
* info_type int type of information *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* Return parameters: *
* NONE *
** *
* Log: *
* H. Zeng/EAI 10/99 initial coding *
* M. Li/SAIC 12/01 arrow -> menu_arrow *
Widget menub, cascade, menu;
int ii, iret;
XmString xmstr;
Pixel fg, bg;
long ignore;
char filename[FILE_FULLSZ], temp[20];
static Pixmap menu_pxm;
static Boolean first = TRUE;
* create menu
menub = XmCreateMenuBar (parent, "", NULL, 0);
XtVaSetValues (menub,
XmNmarginHeight, 0,
XmNmarginWidth, 0,
XmNborderWidth, 0,
XmNpacking, XmPACK_TIGHT,
XmNwidth, 5,
XmNhighlightThickness, 1,
XmNshadowThickness, 1,
menu = XmCreatePulldownMenu (menub, "", NULL, 0);
cascade = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("",
xmCascadeButtonWidgetClass, menub,
XmNsubMenuId, menu,
if (first) {
first = FALSE;
XtVaGetValues (parent,
XmNforeground, &fg,
XmNbackground, &bg,
cfl_inqr ("menu_arrow.xbm", "$NAWIPS/icons/nmap", &ignore, filename,
if ( iret == 0 ) {
menu_pxm = XmGetPixmap (XtScreen (parent), filename, fg, bg);
else {
if (menu_pxm == XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP) {
xmstr = XmStringCreateSimple ("\\/");
XtVaSetValues (cascade,
XmNlabelString, xmstr,
XmStringFree (xmstr);
else {
XtVaSetValues (cascade,
XmNlabelType, XmPIXMAP,
XmNlabelPixmap, menu_pxm,
XmNmarginHeight, 0,
XmNmarginWidth, 0,
switch(info_type) {
case CYCLE :
_cycleMenuBtnW = (WidgetList) XtMalloc(
(size_t)_nCycs*sizeof(Widget) );
for(ii = 0; ii < _nCycs; ii++) {
xmstr = XmStringCreateSimple ("yymmdd/hh00");
_cycleMenuBtnW[ii] = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("",
xmPushButtonWidgetClass, menu,
XmNlabelString, xmstr,
XmNuserData, textwid,
XtAddCallback (_cycleMenuBtnW[ii], XmNactivateCallback,
(XtCallbackProc) pggfmt_cycleMenuCb,
(XtPointer) ii);
case GDATIM :
_fcsthrMenuBtnW = (WidgetList) XtMalloc(
(size_t)_nFhrs*sizeof(Widget) );
for(ii = 0; ii < _nFhrs; ii++) {
sprintf(temp, "yymmdd/hh00f%03d", 6*ii);
xmstr = XmStringCreateSimple ( temp );
_fcsthrMenuBtnW[ii] = XtVaCreateManagedWidget ("",
xmPushButtonWidgetClass, menu,
XmNlabelString, xmstr,
XmNuserData, textwid,
XtAddCallback (_fcsthrMenuBtnW[ii], XmNactivateCallback,
(XtCallbackProc) pggfmt_fcsthrMenuCb,
(XtPointer) ii);
void pggfmt_buildCycles ( void )
* pggfmt_buildCycles *
* *
* Sets the current time for "CYCLE" pulldown menu items and text field *
* *
* void pggfmt_buildCycles () *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* Output parameters: *
* Return parameters: *
* NONE *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* H. Zeng/EAI 10/99 initial coding *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 11/99 re-worked for parsing of vgf filename *
* A. Hardy/NCEP 6/03 added tmzn to CSS_DATE *
* B. Yin/SAIC 03/04 changed css_date calling sequences *
int ii, iret;
int cyear, cmon, cday, chour, cmin, csec, julian;
int time[5];
int tintv = 720, itype = 1;
char **item, tmzn[4];
dattm_t defdat, dattim;
XmString xmstr;
Boolean found;
* Allocate memory.
item = (char **)malloc( (size_t)_nCycs * sizeof(char*) );
for ( ii = 0; ii < _nCycs; ii++ ) {
item[ii] = (char *)malloc( sizeof(char) * DTTMSZ );
* Set the current time for "CYCLE" text field and pulldown menu items.
* There are _nCycs positions for CYCLE times...
* in this case, starting w/ 12 hrs forward and working backwards.
css_date ( &itype, &cyear, &cmon, &cday, &chour, &cmin, &csec, &julian,
tmzn, &iret);
time[0]=cyear%100; time[1]=cmon; time[2]=cday; time[3]=chour; time[4]=cmin;
ti_addm(time, &tintv, time, &iret);
for ( ii = 0; ii < _nCycs; ii++ ) {
sprintf( item[ii], "%02d%02d%02d/%02d00",
time[0], time[1], time[2], (time[3]/12)*12 );
xmstr = XmStringCreateSimple ( item[ii] );
XtVaSetValues( _cycleMenuBtnW[ii], XmNlabelString, xmstr, NULL );
XmStringFree( xmstr );
ti_subm( time, &tintv, time, &iret );
sprintf ( dattim, "%sf000", item[0] );
strcpy ( defdat, dattim );
defdat[11] = '\0';
pggfmt_SetTxtW( "CYCLE", defdat, &iret );
found = FALSE;
ii = 0;
while ( !found && ii < _nCycs ) {
found = (Boolean)(( strcmp( item[ii], defdat ) == 0 ));
if ( !found ) {
xmstr = XmStringCreateSimple ( defdat );
XtVaSetValues( _cycleMenuBtnW[_nCycs-1], XmNlabelString, xmstr, NULL );
XmStringFree( xmstr );
pggfmt_SetTxtW( "FCST_HR", &(dattim[11]), &iret );
* Free memory.
for ( ii = 0; ii < _nCycs; ii++ ) free ( item[ii] );
free ( item );
void pggfmt_setTime ( void )
* pggfmt_setTime *
* *
* Sets the current time for "CYCLE" pulldown menu items and text field *
* *
* void pggfmt_setTime () *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* Output parameters: *
* Return parameters: *
* NONE *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* H. Zeng/EAI 10/99 initial coding *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 11/99 re-worked for parsing of vgf filename *
* S. Law/GSC 05/00 added parameter to pgfilw_getFileName *
int len, iret;
dattm_t defdat, dattim;
char cycle[20], fhr[8], *delim = { "_" };
char vgfn[FILE_NAMESZ], gfunc[13];
* Set the current time for "CYCLE" text field and pulldown menu items.
* There are _nCycs positions for CYCLE times...
* in this case, starting w/ 12 hrs forward and working backwards.
pggfmt_GetTxtW( "CYCLE", cycle, &iret );
pggfmt_GetTxtW( "FCST_HR", fhr, &iret );
sprintf ( dattim, "%s%s", cycle, fhr );
strcpy ( defdat, dattim );
pggfmt_SetTxtW( "GDATTIM", dattim, &iret );
* If filename fits template, use it's time, etc., as defaults.
pgfilw_getFileName (FALSE, vgfn);
if ( strlen(_ggTmplt) != 0 && strlen(vgfn) != 0 ) {
* Both template and filename exist... try to decode.
strcpy ( gfunc, "0123456789AB" );
st_gtst( _ggTmplt, _pppp, delim, vgfn, gfunc, &len, &iret,
strlen(_ggTmplt), strlen(_pppp), strlen(delim),
strlen(vgfn), strlen(gfunc) );
if ( iret == 0 ) {
cfl_mdat ( vgfn, _ggTmplt, defdat, dattim, &iret );
if ( iret == 0 ) {
pggfmt_SetTxtW( "GFUNC", gfunc, &iret );
pggfmt_SetTxtW( "GDATTIM", dattim, &iret );
pggfmt_SetTxtW( "FCST_HR", &(dattim[11]), &iret );
dattim[11] = '\0';
pggfmt_SetTxtW( "CYCLE", dattim, &iret );
pggfmt_buildFiles ();
void pggfmt_buildFhrs ( void )
* pggfmt_buildFhrs *
* *
* Creates the forecast hour pulldowns. *
* *
* void pggfmt_buildFhrs () *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* Output parameters: *
* Return parameters: *
* NONE *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 11/99 initial coding *
int ii;
XmString xmstr;
char fcsthr[20];
for ( ii = 0; ii < _nFhrs; ii++ ) {
sprintf( fcsthr, "f%03d", 6*ii );
xmstr = XmStringCreateSimple ( fcsthr );
XtVaSetValues(_fcsthrMenuBtnW[ii], XmNlabelString, xmstr, NULL);
void pggfmt_buildGdattim ( void )
* pggfmt_buildGdattim *
* *
* Creates the GDATTIM parameter. *
* *
* void pggfmt_buildGdattim () *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* Output parameters: *
* Return parameters: *
* NONE *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 3/00 *
int ier;
char cycle[20], fhr[8], gdattim[20];
pggfmt_GetTxtW( "CYCLE", cycle, &ier );
pggfmt_GetTxtW( "FCST_HR", fhr, &ier );
sprintf ( gdattim, "%s%s", cycle, fhr );
pggfmt_SetTxtW( "GDATTIM", gdattim, &ier );
void pggfmt_buildFiles ( void )
* pggfmt_buildFiles *
* *
* Creates the GDOUTF and CNTRFL filenames. *
* *
* void pggfmt_buildFiles () *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* Output parameters: *
* Return parameters: *
* NONE *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 11/99 initial coding *
int ier;
char fname[128], curname[128], suffix[8];
strcpy( suffix, ".grd" );
pggfmt_GetTxtW( "GDOUTF", curname, &ier );
pggfmt_mkName ( _inGDOUTF, curname, suffix, fname, &ier );
pggfmt_SetTxtW( "GDOUTF", fname, &ier );
strcpy( suffix, ".info" );
pggfmt_GetTxtW( "CNTRFL", curname, &ier );
pggfmt_mkName ( _inCNTRFL, curname, suffix, fname, &ier );
pggfmt_SetTxtW( "CNTRFL", fname, &ier );
void pggfmt_mkName ( char *infile, char *curname, char *suffix,
char *fname, int *iret )
* pggfmt_mkName *
* *
* Makes a filename based on an input template string (possibly NULL). *
* *
* void pggfmt_mkName ( infile, curname, suffix, fname, iret ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* *infile char Input file template string *
* *curname char Current value of filename *
* *suffix char Desired suffix, if necessary *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* *fname char Output filename string *
* *iret int Return code *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 3/00 *
* S. Law/GSC 05/00 added parameter to pgfilw_getFileName *
int len, ier;
char gdatim[20], cycle[20], fcsthr[20];
char *pptr, vgfn[FILE_NAMESZ], gfunc[13];
*iret = 0;
pggfmt_GetTxtW( "CYCLE", cycle, iret );
pggfmt_GetTxtW( "FCST_HR", fcsthr, iret );
pggfmt_GetTxtW( "GFUNC", gfunc, iret );
cst_lstr ( gfunc, &len, &ier );
gfunc[len] = '\0';
if ( strlen( infile ) != 0 ) {
* Build current GDATIM value from CYCLE and FCSTHR;
* Replace any date/time reference in template w/ gdatim.
sprintf( gdatim, "%s%s", cycle, fcsthr );
cfl_mnam ( gdatim, infile, fname, iret );
* Replace any 'PPPP' reference in template w/ gfunc.
cst_rpst ( fname, _pppp, gfunc, fname, iret );
else if ( strlen( curname ) == 0 ) {
* Use .vgf filename, or if not indicated, use 'none'.
pgfilw_getFileName (FALSE, vgfn);
if ( vgfn[0] != '\0' ) {
pptr = strrchr( vgfn, '.' );
if ( pptr != (char *)NULL ) {
else {
pptr = vgfn + strlen(vgfn);
len = pptr - vgfn + 1;
strncpy( fname, vgfn, (size_t)len ); fname[len]='\0';
else {
strcpy( fname, "none" );
pptr = strrchr( fname, '.' );
if ( pptr == (char *)NULL ) strcat( fname, suffix );
else {
strcpy ( fname, curname );
void pggfmt_setPDF ( int *iret )
* pggfmt_setPDF *
* *
* Reads the GRPHGD PDF file and stores the parameter names. *
* *
* void pggfmt_setPDF ( iret ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* Output parameters: *
* *iret int Return code *
* = -1 - error opening pdf file *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 3/00 *
int ii, npdf, bufsiz, len, ier;
char buffer[80], parm[20];
FILE *fp;
*iret = 0;
fp = cfl_tbop ( GRPHGD_PDF, "", &ier );
if ( ier == 0 ) {
bufsiz = sizeof ( buffer );
cfl_tbnr ( fp, &npdf, &ier );
* Total number should be CYCLE and FCST_HR + the GRPHGD pdfs
* plus 5 contouring parameters.
_ggNparms = 0;
_ggParms[_ggNparms] =
(char *)malloc( (strlen("CYCLE")+1) * sizeof(char) );
strcpy( _ggParms[_ggNparms], "CYCLE" );
_ggParms[_ggNparms] =
(char *)malloc( (strlen("FCST_HR")+1) * sizeof(char) );
strcpy( _ggParms[_ggNparms], "FCST_HR" );
_ggParms[_ggNparms] =
(char *)malloc( (strlen("PATH")+1) * sizeof(char) );
strcpy( _ggParms[_ggNparms], "PATH" );
for ( ii = 0; ii < npdf; ii++ ) {
cfl_trln ( fp, bufsiz, buffer, &ier );
strncpy ( parm, buffer, 8 );
parm[8] = CHNULL;
cst_lstr ( parm, &len, &ier );
parm[len] = CHNULL;
_ggParms[_ggNparms] =
(char *)malloc( (strlen(parm)+1) * sizeof(char) );
strcpy( _ggParms[_ggNparms], parm );
_ggParms[_ggNparms] =
(char *)malloc( (strlen("CINT")+1) * sizeof(char) );
strcpy( _ggParms[_ggNparms], "CINT" );
_ggParms[_ggNparms] =
(char *)malloc( (strlen("LINE")+1) * sizeof(char) );
strcpy( _ggParms[_ggNparms], "LINE" );
_ggParms[_ggNparms] =
(char *)malloc( (strlen("FINT")+1) * sizeof(char) );
strcpy( _ggParms[_ggNparms], "FINT" );
_ggParms[_ggNparms] =
(char *)malloc( (strlen("FLINE")+1) * sizeof(char) );
strcpy( _ggParms[_ggNparms], "FLINE" );
_ggParms[_ggNparms] =
(char *)malloc( (strlen("CLRBAR")+1) * sizeof(char) );
strcpy( _ggParms[_ggNparms], "CLRBAR" );
cfl_clos ( fp, &ier );
else {
*iret = -1;
void pggfmt_rdMaster ( int *iret )
* pggfmt_rdMaster *
* *
* Reads the master NMAP graph-to-grid table and stores info in local *
* global. *
* *
* void pggfmt_rdMaster ( iret ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* Output parameters: *
* *iret int Return code *
* = -1 - error opening master table *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 3/00 *
int ii, bufsiz, nlbl, ier;
char buffer[80], lbl[20], tbl[128];
FILE *fp;
*iret = 0;
fp = cfl_tbop ( GRPHGD_TBL, "grphgd", &ier );
if ( ier == 0 ) {
bufsiz = sizeof ( buffer );
cfl_tbnr ( fp, &nlbl, &ier );
_nLbl = nlbl;
if ( _nLbl >= MAXNOPT ) _nLbl = MAXNOPT - 1;
for ( ii = 0; ii < _nLbl; ii++ ) {
cfl_trln ( fp, bufsiz, buffer, &ier );
sscanf ( buffer, "%s %s", lbl, tbl );
_lbl[ii] = (char *)malloc( (strlen(lbl)+1) * sizeof(char) );
_tbl[ii] = (char *)malloc( (strlen(tbl)+1) * sizeof(char) );
strcpy ( _lbl[ii], lbl );
strcpy ( _tbl[ii], tbl );
strcpy ( lbl, "-none-" );
_lbl[_nLbl] = (char *)malloc( (strlen(lbl)+1) * sizeof(char) );
strcpy ( _lbl[_nLbl], lbl );
strcpy ( tbl, "" );
_tbl[_nLbl] = (char *)malloc( (strlen(tbl)+1) * sizeof(char) );
strcpy ( _tbl[_nLbl], tbl );
cfl_clos ( fp, &ier );
else {
*iret = -1;
void pggfmt_tblInit ( char *tbl, int *iret )
* pggfmt_tblInit *
* *
* Reads in a graph-to-grid restore table and sets the GUI values. *
* *
* void pggfmt_tblInit ( tbl, iret ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* *tbl char graph-to-grid restore table *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* *iret int Return code *
* = -1 - error opening table *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 3/00 *
* T. Piper/SAIC 12/01 Close file *
int ii, bufsiz, len, ier_file, ier;
char buffin[128], buffout[128], parm[20], value[128], *cptr;
FILE *fp;
*iret = 0;
* Initialize...
* Skip first two - do not clear out cycle or forecast hour.
for ( ii = 2; ii < _ggNparms; ii++ )
pggfmt_SetTxtW( _ggParms[ii], "", &ier );
_ggTmplt[0] = '\0';
strcpy ( _inGDOUTF, "" );
strcpy ( _inCNTRFL, "" );
* No file name implies clear out but don't load anything.
if ( strlen(tbl) == 0 ) {
fp = cfl_tbop ( tbl, "grphgd", &ier );
if ( ier == 0 ) {
bufsiz = sizeof ( buffin );
cfl_trln ( fp, bufsiz, buffin, &ier_file );
while ( ier_file == 0 ) {
cst_ldsp ( buffin, buffin, &len, &ier );
cst_rxbl ( buffin, buffout, &len, &ier );
if ( buffout[len] == '\n' ) buffout[len] = '\0';
cst_unpr ( buffout, buffout, &ier );
cptr = (char *) cst_split ( buffout, ' ', sizeof(parm),
parm, &ier );
if ( cptr != (char *)NULL ) {
strcpy ( value, cptr );
else {
value[0] = '\0';
cst_lcuc ( parm, parm, &ier );
if ( strlen( value ) != 0 ) {
if ( strcmp ( parm, "VGF_TEMPLATE" ) == 0 ) {
strcpy ( _ggTmplt, value );
else {
pggfmt_SetTxtW( parm, value, &ier );
cfl_trln ( fp, bufsiz, buffin, &ier_file );
* Save off initial values of GDOUTF and CNTRFL.
pggfmt_GetTxtW( "GDOUTF", _inGDOUTF, &ier );
pggfmt_GetTxtW( "CNTRFL", _inCNTRFL, &ier );
pggfmt_setTime ();
cfl_clos(fp, &ier);
else {
*iret = -1;
void pggfmt_SetTxtW ( char *parm, char *value, int *iret )
* pggfmt_SetTxtW *
* *
* Sets GUI values. *
* *
* void pggfmt_SetTxtW ( parm, value, iret ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* *parm char Parameter name to set with value *
* *value char Value *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* *iret int Return code *
* = -1 - invalid parm *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 3/00 *
int ii;
Boolean found;
*iret = 0;
ii = 0;
found = FALSE;
while ( ii < _ggNparms ) {
if ( strcmp( parm, _ggParms[ii] ) == 0 ) {
found = TRUE;
if ( found ) {
XtVaSetValues( _ggTxtW[ii], XmNvalue, value, NULL );
else {
*iret = -1;
void pggfmt_GetTxtW ( char *parm, char *value, int *iret )
* pggfmt_GetTxtW *
* *
* Gets GUI values. *
* *
* void pggfmt_GetTxtW ( parm, value, iret ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* *parm char Parameter name to get value *
* *
* Output parameters: *
* *value char Value *
* *iret int Return code *
* = -1 - invalid parm *
* = -2 - unable to get string *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 3/00 *
int ii;
char *cptr;
*iret = 0;
ii = 0;
while ( strcmp( parm, _ggParms[ii]) != 0 && ii < _ggNparms ) ii++;
if ( ii < _ggNparms ) {
cptr = XmTextFieldGetString( _ggTxtW[ii] );
if ( cptr != (char *)NULL ) {
strcpy ( value, cptr );
else {
*iret = -2;
XtFree ( cptr );
else {
value[0] = '\0';
*iret = -1;
void pggfmt_ipPutv ( int *iret )
* pggfmt_ipPutv *
* *
* Puts all parameters into the GEMPAK IP common library. *
* *
* void pggfmt_ipPutv ( iret ) *
* *
* Input parameters: *
* Output parameters: *
* *iret int Return code *
* *
** *
* Log: *
* D.W.Plummer/NCEP 3/00 *
int ii, ier;
char value[256];
*iret = 0;
for ( ii = 0; ii < _ggNparms; ii++ ) {
pggfmt_GetTxtW ( _ggParms[ii], value, &ier );
ip_putv ( _ggParms[ii], value, &ier,
strlen(_ggParms[ii]), strlen(value) );