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20041203: all at once
- Subject: 20041203: all at once
- Date: Tue, 07 Dec 2004 11:27:29 -0700
I have clipped out below just the part of your question that relates
to GEMPAK. The other parts will be answered by the respnsible persons.
>From: "Patrick L. Francis" <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200412031744.iB3HitlI002009
>Problem #2 ... Old Chiz script.
>In digging around the email archives, I found a wonderful old chiz script
>that runs flawlessly, with one exception, and some problems. The easy
>question is since gpwatch no longer exists.. .what do we use for watches?
I use gpmap, using the WATCH parameter which uses the files decoded by dcwtch.
An example is:
WATCH = last|5;2;3|N|Y
(the 5;2;3 are the colors yellow, red, and green for
thunderstorm, tornado and status lines). Note from phelp there
are defaults (but I just like red for tornado watches).
Note that gpmap also has warning capabilities now, but gpwarn
will still work as you have done.
I like your legend.
The way I would create multiple lines of title/text is to run GPMAP
with clear=no and change the title line (there is also a more complicated
## part of old script ##
gpwarn << EOF1
\$respond = yes
MAP = 0
GAREA = uslcc
PROJ = lcc
TITLE = 2/-2/T-storm & Tornado Warnings (red), Winter Advisory (blue)
TEXT = 1/22/1/hw
DEVICE = gf|watch_boxes.gif
SVRL = last
WWFIL = nonpcpwarn;winterwarn;floodwarn;tstormwarn;tornadowarn
WWS = current
WWATT = 120/1440
gpmap << EOF
\$respond = yes
\$mapfil = hipowo.cia
MAP = 6/1/1
GAREA = uslcc
PROJ = lcc
TITLE = 3/-4/Current Watch Boxes
TEXT = 1/22/1/hw
CLEAR = no
DEVICE = gf|watch_boxes.gif
WATCH = last|5;2;3|N|Y
MAP = 0
TITLE = 5/-1/Plot Valid Time $YMD
MAP = 0
TITLE = 2/-3/Flood Warnings (green), Non-Precip(magenta)
Note that by setting MAP=0 and clearing WATCH on subsequent runs,
you save the drawing time of those lines.
In the case of your product, a nice graphical depiction of a legend is
always nice. If I were to redo the script, I'd probably use gpmap's
WARN parameter instead of using gpwarn.
Now with the WCN and WOU products, you might be able to add a little
more to the graphic as well.
>the other problem is the creation of an appropriate legend.. meaning..
>the results of the script are currently running and located here:
>now i attempted to create a legend by making gifs of the various colors
>and putting at the top of the image because i can't seem to make
>gpwarn create a legend by color by warning type. ..
>here is the adapted chiz:
># script location /home/ldm/util/inuse/warn2.csh
>#!/bin/csh -f
># Sample script to plot current tornado and severe thunderstorm
>## This script plots the data in a GIF image. It can be easily
># changed to create a metafile, XWindow, or postscript file.
># S.Chiswell/Unidata Original
># P.Bruehl/NWS 7/97 SOO release
># Set the DISPLAY variable to the Xserver that will be used to
># create the GIF image.
>setenv DISPLAY :1.0
>source /home/gempak/nawips/Gemenviron
>cd /home/ldm/data/gempak/web
># Define the directory that contains the watch box GEMPAK files
># decoded by DCWATCH.
>set STORM=/home/ldm/data/gempak/storm/watches
># Define the directory that contains the text thunderstorm,
># tornado, and windter weather warning files.
>set TORN_WARN=/home/ldm/data/gempak/nwx/watch_warn/torn_warn/
>set TSTRM_WARN=/home/ldm/data/gempak/nwx/watch_warn/tstrm_warn/
>set WNTR_WARN=/home/ldm/data/gempak/nwx/watch_warn/winter/
>set NO_PRECIP=/home/ldm/data/gempak/nwx/watch_warn/noprcp/
>set SEVERE=/home/ldm/data/gempak/nwx/watch_warn/severe/
>set SPECIAL=/home/ldm/data/gempak/nwx/watch_warn/special/
>set FLASHWATCH=/home/ldm/data/gempak/nwx/fflood/watch/
>set FLASHWARN=/home/ldm/data/gempak/nwx/fflood/warn/
>set HAZARDOUT=/home/ldm/data/gempak/nwx/pubprod/hzrd_otlk/
># Get the current date
>set YMD=`date -u '+%y%m%d/%H%M'`
>set DATE=`date -u '+%y%m%d'`
># Don't run gpwarn if NOWARN, Don't run gpwatch if NOWATCH
>set NOWATCH=0
>set NOWARN=0
># Check if any new watches have been decoded today
># ASSUMES watches are stored in files named watches*.gem, where
># "*" can be any string (such as watches970716.gem).
>set LATEST=`find $STORM/* -mtime -1 -print`
>if($#LATEST == 0) then
> set NOWATCH=1
> echo $LATEST latest file $YMD
># Check if any new tornado, thunderstorm, or winter weather warnings
># have been issued today.
># ASSUMES warnings are stored in files named *.torn, *.tstrm, *.winter
># where"*" can be any string (such as 970716.torn).
>set TORNADO=`find $TORN_WARN/*.torn -mtime -1 -print`
>set TSTRM=`find $TSTRM_WARN/*.tstrm -mtime -1 -print`
>set WINTER=`find $WNTR_WARN/*.winter -mtime -1 -print`
>set NONPRECIP=`find $NO_PRECIP/*.noprcp -mtime -1 -print`
>set SEV=`find $SEVERE/*.severe -mtime -1 -print`
>set SPEC=`find $SPECIAL/*.special -mtime -1 -print`
>set FWATCH=`find $FLASHWATCH/*.wtch -mtime -1 -print`
>set FWARN=`find $FLASHWARN/*.warn -mtime -1 -print`
>set HAZARD=`find $HAZARDOUT/*.hzolk -mtime -1 -print`
># Concatentate all existing warning files into one big temporary file.
>set WARN=/tmp/warn.$$
>if(($#TORNADO != 0)||($#TSTRM != 0)||($#WINTER != 0)||($#NONPRECIP !=
>0)||($#SEV != 0)||($#SPEC != 0)||($#FWATCH != 0)||($#FWARN != 0)||($#HAZARD
>!= 0)) then
># Check for current data. If none, exit
>if((! -e /tmp/warn.$$)||(-z /tmp/warn.$$)) then
> set NOWARN=1
> if(-e /tmp/warn.$$) then
> rm -f /tmp/warn.$$
> endif
>if(($NOWATCH == 1)&&($NOWARN == 1)) then
> exit
># Remove previous graphic
>if(-e watch_boxes.gif) then
> rm watch_boxes.gif
># If watch data exists, plot it
>if($NOWATCH == 0) then
>gpwatch << EOF
> MAP = 0
> GAREA = uslcc
> PROJ = lcc
> LATLON = 0
> PANEL = 0
> CLEAR = yes
> DEVICE = gf|watch_boxes.gif|975;780
> WWS = cur
> WWATT = y
> run
> exit
># If warning data exists, plot it
>gpwarn << EOF1
> GAREA = uslcc
> PROJ = lcc
> LATLON = 0
> PANEL = 0
> TITLE = 19/-3/All Current Advisories... Valid $YMD z weather.bgsu.edu
> TEXT = 1.2/1/1
> CLEAR = no
> DEVICE = gf|watch_boxes.gif|975;780
> WWS = current
> WWATT = 120/1400
> IMCBAR = 32/V/LC//.88;.05/1
> run
> exit
># Label the graphic
>gpmap << EOF2
> \$mapfil = hipowo.cia
> MAP = 8/1/1
> run
> exit
># Clean up
>rm -r -f *.txt
>set webdir = /home/ldm/data/gempak/web/
>#cp $WARN /home/ldm/data/gempak/web/warnings.txt
>rm $WARN
>cd /home/ldm/data/gempak/web
>#perl -pi -e's/\r//g; s/\n\n+/\n\n/g' *.txt
>ncftpput -u XXXXXXX -p XXXXXX weather.bgsu.edu
>/var/www/html/data/warningmap *.gif
>#ncftpput -u XXXXXX -p XXXXXX weather.bgsu.edu
>/var/www/html/data/warningmap *.txt
>rm -r -f *.nts
<snip #3>
The basic question for LDM pqact parsing is you can file
products using the PIL identifier (such as /pTORBOU)
to create directories of products, and issuing offices.
The more complicated aspect is clipping out affected zone/counties
from the UGC or VTEC line. The fips program I included in GEMPAK
will check the UGC line for an input zone or county and output the
bulletin it it includes that, but is doesn't parse the bulletin for the "$$"
Robb Kambic had a perl decoder to chop out zones I believe that
would be a good starting point if needed to modify for
other types of products.
The VTEC identifier in bulletins should also help when fully implemented by the
Steve Chiswell
Unidata User Support
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