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Re: 20040818: Gempak decoder crashing problem
- Subject: Re: 20040818: Gempak decoder crashing problem
- Date: Wed, 18 Aug 2004 13:09:17 -0400 (EDT)
On Wed, 18 Aug 2004, Unidata Support wrote:
> Are you using the Solaris binary distribution, or build locally?
> My question relates to whether the -O optimization is affecting
> the local build.
It's funny you should ask this question. Let me back up a bit and go into
confession mode. Last year about this time I built 5.6.k and I decided to
get clever and inserted the '-O' option into the 'Makeinc.solaris' so as
to get everything to run faster and because based on what little I know of
RISC, you should really need to optimize to take advantage of what RISC
architecture offers. Well of course this was a mistake, as you would have
undoubtedly put it in already if it wasn't going to cause things to break.
I ran into lots of problem with stuff crashing, GARP as well as decoders.
So I rebuilt it taking out the option I had introduced and most things
worked from then on but there were these decoder crashes. I was not
convinced everything including the gempak libraries were rebuilt and I
assumed that the crashes were because of this. So one of my objectives in
upgrading to 5.7.2p2 was to build it from scratch as distributed so as to
eliminate over-agressive optimization as a factor. But evidently I did
not succeed. Taking a closer look at the distributed 'Makeinc.solaris'
file for 5.7.2p2, I see that there is some optimization stuff there (maybe
was not there at 5.6.k?):
FOPT = $(GEMINC) $(GEMINC)/$(OPSYS) -O2 # -g # (bad experience with -O
aka -O3 and WS6.2)
NCOPT = "FC= " "CXX= "
Here is the line from the output of the make which seems to involve
'dcgrib2' (I have the entire make output if you need it.)
f77 -I/weather/GEMPAK5.7.2p2/gempak/include
-I/weather/GEMPAK5.7.2p2/gempak/include/SunOS -O2 -I
-I/weather/GEMPAK5.7.2p2/gempak/source/gemlib/er -xildoff dcchecksub.o
dcfillgrid.o dcflnam.o
dcflnam2.o dcgfcyl.o dcgrib.o dcggrib.o dcgnav.o dcitoc.o
dcogfil.o dcsgrid.o dcsubgri
d.o dcwpgd.o decode_grib.o decode_grib1.o decode_grib2.o
decode_g2pdt.o decode_g2gds.o de
code_g2lamb.o decode_g2ltln.o dcquasi.o dcwppg.o tblist.o tbsgrid.o
tbsubc.o qlin.o /weat
her/GEMPAK5.7.2p2/lib/sol/gemlib.a /weather/GEMPAK5.7.2p2/lib/sol/bridge.a
2/lib/sol/cgemlib.a /weather/GEMPAK5.7.2p2/lib/sol/gemlib.a
2c.a /weather/GEMPAK5.7.2p2/jasper/sol/lib/libjasper.a
/weather/GEMPAK5.7.2p2/lib/sol/libz.a -lm -lsocket -lnsl -lgen -lm -o
> I'll see if I can create a duplicate of your problem for the 5.7.3
> release I'm working on.
Tom McDermott Email: address@hidden
Systems Administrator Phone: (585) 395-5718
Earth Sciences Dept. Fax: (585) 395-2416
SUNY College at Brockport