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20040929: Gempak-Garp fails
- Subject: 20040929: Gempak-Garp fails
- Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2004 10:32:36 -0600
This is likely a problem with your data file, or your
path to locate the data as defined in $GARPHOME/config/Garp_defaults
in matching the data template name, which you should typically
have your surface data named $GEMDATA/surface/YYYYMMDD_sao.gem
to use the default configuration as provided.
Steve Chiswell
>From: mynul khan <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200409292314.i8TNETUE029326
>When I try to see Surface Observation data using Garp
>program it throws the following error messages.
>meteor% garp
>G A R P - v2.1 starting...
> Warning: keylist is null
> Cannnot set option menu default button
> Warning: keylist is null
> Cannnot set option menu default button
> Warning: keylist is null
> Cannnot set option menu default button
> Warning: keylist is null
> Cannnot set option menu default button
>ilio: [1010] Unknown error
>lately: reading sequential formatted internal IO
>part of last string: 1.0|
>Abort (core dumped)
>What do you think the problem is? And how do I fix it?
>Do you Yahoo!?
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